Thank you for this comprehensive article.
These studies started as bioweapons with USA gov funding, correct?
Then once they advance the tech to a certain point they switched their agenda to using it on us. They're bioweapons meant to control the enemy and USA has already declared half the US populace domesctic terrorists
As their objective is to bring the world's population down to about 500 million, they have made the vast majority of the world's population enemies to be liquidated.
As they want to bring the world population down to about 500 million, they have made the vast majority of the world's population enemies, to be liquidated.
Dr. Ana,
For an interview, please consider reaching out to Tony Pantalleresco who developed the anti nano devices. They are powerful, pulsed magnetic variable direction devices he claims kills the operating system of the nano. He says nothing will get the nano out for good unless you stop the operating system. He's been at this for about fourteen years and was a Morgellon's sufferer.
I have his contact info but I don't have his permission to post that, so you would have to use his contact form here. Or, if there's a way to private message my profile, I can give you his email that way.
One of his associates put together a video linked below of nano that different people have gotten out with the devices. Note there is one "chip" late in the video that has a red blinking light. I will give this caveat though. Tony makes no claim to being able to help the jabbed, as he says the DNA changes cannot be fixed. However, he claims, all the rest of us the devices can help, as we all have nano in us from decades of exposure per Carnicom Institute and others, and thus Morgellon's manifesting in some people. Here's the video.
Here's a recent interview with Tony if anyone wants to know more on his nano removal perspectives.
I'm glad you like the info! The contact link mentioned earlier has the link to his main site. And, he's got a lot of videos on Bitchute here.
For Youtube,
In certain YT videos, he shows you how to make the devices yourself if you feel capable. He's not the make money off you type, at all. He can make them for you if you don't. And, his associate makes them also.
There's an experienced electrician that makes the nano bucket on Etsy. He's a nice guy. I've emailed him many times.
Tony's personal consultations are affordable. I spoke with him on my issues and nano. He is blunt with people though.
As an added point of interest. He also teaches how to get nano out of food. For instance, in the video interview above, he discusses using one of his devices on all of his meat before eating. One time he used the device for five hours on a piece of veal and he was disgusted by all the metals, nano fibers and unknowns, that came out of it. Just fyi.
To be clear, the devices are using magnetic, not direct electrical current stimulation to the body, which very well could grow the nano/burst LNP, etc.
Regardless, I agree with you for the jabbed even with magnetics, and I "think" Tony might also. He may discuss this issue in one of his many videos or podcasts. I've not reviewed them all. The interview above is a good introduction to his perspectives on all of this.
He's incredibly blunt and tells people exactly the position they are in post jab per his understanding of nano, which seems to run fairly deep. Again, he's been after these issues for fourteen years or so as nano/Morgellons about killed him years back. He seems to have a good leg up on this stuff and how it interacts with the body due to time in, and forty years in alt health.
I remember seeing an interview and the person was able to pull filament-like things out of their skin.
Considering what we have learned about covid and the shots being bioweapons, maybe Morgellons was an earlier version of a bioweapon.
Horrible. I think I watched a documentary on it, or part of one.
Sounds reasonable. I'm ready to blaim everything on them at this point. They're my climate change.
As a long time sufferer of what is erroneously being called "morgellons" I have amassed over four terrabytes of both still and video images of what is growing beneath my skin. When COVID (Certificate Of Vaccination IDentifcation) began, I refused the jab but went and bought the home tests. What I saw on the sealed swabs were identical to what I have extracted from my skin. So the tests infest the tester.. NOTHING surprises me.... It would seem that we victims were the test cases for this nanotech filled crap.. It is all about control...
That's scary... what was on the swabs that seemed the same?
Praying you can get the TBs of data to docs like Dr. Ana and ones that actually listen without immediately dismissal.
Several years ago (pre Dr Ana) I - for some unknown reason, lit one of the fibers I have just extracted with a cigarette lighter. To my amazement, the word NASA was spelled out on the fiber in quantum dots! I excitedly sent images to all the big players in the field of morgellons at that time - Carnicom in particular... Zero responses... So I sent it to a lady who goes by Skizitgesture - one of most brilliant researchers and patent readers I have ever met. She did a video on the NASA fiber and she and I spent a summer together looking at samples and trying to understand what this could be... Last year I captured three of the typical bronze and blue banded fibers growing out of a bit of dark stuff... I may be the only one who has managed to capture this -
There is a video on rumble where someone analyses an unopened nasal swab under the microscope.
You can see black "worms" moving in the swab.
The channel is called JeffPoriginal the title of the video simply "test".
Yes the PCR swabs install the same type of horrors that you'll find in the clot shots (Darpa hydrogel, lithium), they don't test for anything of course .. The cabal covered all possibilities, after all they're masters of evil ...
"Darpa Hydrogel and lithium block and destroy the pineal gland and cause the thinking person to become a controllable bio robot"
An article on the subject:
Thank you for this excellent article. There is much to learn. There is much to do.
For those who want to participate in the much needed discussions of full range models of what happened and full range discussion of solutions, please take a look at the link below. I could use some help here. I am not a writer. I am an engineer with success analyzing all possible models for complex challenges, considering all possible solutions, and analyzing the merits of the different possible solutions. It is curious that our enemy appears to do this kind of planning and analysis but our side does nothing like it.
When do we start considering real, innovative solutions to the entire scope of problems? Who else has done this or is doing it? Isn't it up to us? you.
Harald I think has been compromised. I have watched him over the years change.... he may be a clone for dis-info. To claim that the clotting tubules are the body's defense mechanism is ridiculous. Also to claim that what we are experiencing now is only an echo of darkness is also ridiculous. Working in an alternative clinic as an Oriental Medical doctor I have witnessed many things and still very much feel the darkness and desperation of our attackers - AI races who are STILL trying to assimilate us. I also believe in the beauty and wisdom of our innate system to excrete enzymes to eat these synthetic fibers.... not to enclose them as he claims.
Thank you. I have the same eerie feeling about Harald and I am glad that there are others who are also able to see through the deception.
It's actually frightening how good they have become at deception, because Harald is one of the nicest, most likeable personalities out there.
Maybe a bit too nice, because what he preaches with his "love" and "higher vibration" is just another form of hopium: "Think positive and you will be spared."
He did some videos about Black Goo (which in my opinion is the most important ingredient in the vials) and then developed a homeopathic remedy that was supposed to protect against Black Goo and was sold by a company called Time Loop Solutions.
In reality it was a trap to lure people into ingesting that stuff.
I have read dozens of accounts from desperate clients who say something horrible has happened to their soul, who feel dead inside, who wish they could turn back the clock and make it undone.
Who would have expected that from soft-spoken Harald?
Maybe he was killed and replaced by a clone. There was one video with him - quickly deleted - where he was crying and stated that "the evil side has won".
I have a suspicion the same might have happened to David Icke. For 20 years, he was the real deal. But recently he has begun to talk of a "holographic universe" and that nothing is real and our thoughts create reality - again "think positive and it will go away".
All of that makes people passive, where they should be fighting tooth and nail.
To conclude: think for yourself, don't trust anyone and question everything.
I am so glad you noticed that too. This whole cloning thing has peeked my interest because one of my most devoted clients, I am pretty sure, was replaced with a clone .... she changed drastically, both physically and spiritually. I refused to continue to treat her because it just creeped me out too much. Then I started thinking..... Do clones have souls? Do I have a moral obligation to treat them? Are they being introduced into society as Agitators or Infectors through shedding? How are we supposed to treat these beings? Also, I think the bigger picture with Jeffrey Epstein was his possible involvement with Cloning Facilities.
About the NFL almost death yesterday, I played football thru university. Dr. McCullough writes " I saw blunt neck and chest trauma." I guess from a doctor's perspective. But from where I stood on the field, about every other play has about a dozen "blunt traumas!"
But it is true: I have NEVER seen this on the field, ever, anywhere, though I assume it has happened. Otherwise, the game would not being played. My guess is that the fasco-Marxist Deep State doesn't want to alarm the hoi polloi in flyover country, so they give these types saline, like Let's Go Brandon. BUT, it is very important that we don't rush to judgment on this, as this will play right into the hands of the vile, disgusting leftist Deep State types. Y'know, the ones who have sold their souls for mammon.... the same ones who couldn't directly look their loved ones in the eyes at a Christmas they don't believe in, because there is actually no real human there... only, as CS Lewis wrote about in The Great Divorce, **shells** of people. Meanwhile, check out Alex Berenson (former NYT Science writer, until his intellectual honesty forced him to leave), writing " striking 2021 paper in the European Heart Journal reporting on two cases in which rugby players suffered severe heart rhythm disturbances following blunt chest trauma. In both cases the men had histories of myocarditis which appeared to have caused or worsened the arrhythmias. In the second case, the myocarditis was undiagnosed; the player died.: See also more athlete deaths - 1616 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1114 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
Remember the cluster of Canadian villagers “ mysteriously” dropping dead from an unknown spongiform encephalitis neurological disease resembling Kreutzfeld-Jakov, but more aggressive?
That disappeared from any coverage of any sort?
39 well researched and in depth articles explaining the nanotech- Dr. Ana - please take a look, this is pure gold/ soul nourishing ;-) - I think this is the best source on the internet as of now :
Fabulous, thank you. This gets transcendent toward the end where Harald states that spiritual awareness leads to transcending dualism. Also his statement we have a choice, ignoring and perishing or waking up. He says, "We're sitting with a bunch of psychos repeating the same bullshit without waking up and realizing the show is over." That we just have a stupid echo left of the satanic. Empowering!
Hi Ana,
I recently did a live blood analysis with a searcher that says my blood is clean from graphene and nanobots etc with EDTA but that I have tons of spike proteins and that these are only removed from the body with MMS and distilled water or simple
water (water with an angle of 115).
I saw my own blood compare to the others in the room and it seems real. He was using a microscope with color. He says you see less with darkfield ... Can you please enlight me with this. He is claiming if we don't detox from these we will all die within 1-5 years depending on our system. I am destabilised and don't know what to think and how to verify this info. Praying for an answer from you.
It is all linked together. The Lyme and M0rg and were test subjects for the 19. The bullseye "rash" is probably an inside joke of the target was hit. I have been suffering for a very long time. It has been exactly 1 year since i was who i used to be before these things took over my entire body. Western doctors are of no help even if they wanted to be. The torture of each day with this is something i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It started in the eye! I could feel something moving, then months later noticed i was magnetic and wasnt jabbed. Then the brain fog and extreme fatigue took over. I have samples of the progression. Mayhe it can help someone else if it gets to the right person who knows what to do with what i have.
I watched the video and you handled him well.
He is a fantastic autist no doubt, and his Jungian approach of incorporating the shadow I'm sure can be better approached for most yet the lowest common denominator of not being at War with the externalities, or in Jesusonian terms - loving your enemy is fitting during a gen(e)ocide in our reality simulation.
May we ever oscillate and vibrate to optimal harmonics and frequencies selecting for love.
Thanks Ana!
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Jan 3, 2023 - Edited
Thymus Cures Newsletter
Thank you for this comprehensive article.
These studies started as bioweapons with USA gov funding, correct?
Then once they advance the tech to a certain point they switched their agenda to using it on us. They're bioweapons meant to control the enemy and USA has already declared half the US populace domesctic terrorists
Paul Barbara - Jan 4, 2023
Paul Barbara
As their objective is to bring the world's population down to about 500 million, they have made the vast majority of the world's population enemies to be liquidated.
Paul Barbara - Jan 4, 2023
Paul Barbara
As they want to bring the world population down to about 500 million, they have made the vast majority of the world's population enemies, to be liquidated.
Dev - Jan 3, 2023 - Edited
Dr. Ana,
For an interview, please consider reaching out to Tony Pantalleresco who developed the anti nano devices. They are powerful, pulsed magnetic variable direction devices he claims kills the operating system of the nano. He says nothing will get the nano out for good unless you stop the operating system. He's been at this for about fourteen years and was a Morgellon's sufferer.
I have his contact info but I don't have his permission to post that, so you would have to use his contact form here. Or, if there's a way to private message my profile, I can give you his email that way.
Michelle - Jan 4, 2023 - Edited
WOW!!! Thank you for putting this very important research/work up here! I'd never heard of Tony P. beforehand!
Dev - Jan 4, 2023 - Edited
One of his associates put together a video linked below of nano that different people have gotten out with the devices. Note there is one "chip" late in the video that has a red blinking light. I will give this caveat though. Tony makes no claim to being able to help the jabbed, as he says the DNA changes cannot be fixed. However, he claims, all the rest of us the devices can help, as we all have nano in us from decades of exposure per Carnicom Institute and others, and thus Morgellon's manifesting in some people. Here's the video.
Dev - Jan 4, 2023 - Edited
Here's a recent interview with Tony if anyone wants to know more on his nano removal perspectives.
Michelle - Jan 4, 2023 - Edited
Thank you. Dr Ana and Harald Kautz and Christopher Carnicom really should see his work. Di you have any other links you could share? Thanks!
Dev - Jan 4, 2023 - Edited
I'm glad you like the info! The contact link mentioned earlier has the link to his main site. And, he's got a lot of videos on Bitchute here.
For Youtube,
In certain YT videos, he shows you how to make the devices yourself if you feel capable. He's not the make money off you type, at all. He can make them for you if you don't. And, his associate makes them also.
There's an experienced electrician that makes the nano bucket on Etsy. He's a nice guy. I've emailed him many times.
Tony's personal consultations are affordable. I spoke with him on my issues and nano. He is blunt with people though.
Dev - Jan 4, 2023
As an added point of interest. He also teaches how to get nano out of food. For instance, in the video interview above, he discusses using one of his devices on all of his meat before eating. One time he used the device for five hours on a piece of veal and he was disgusted by all the metals, nano fibers and unknowns, that came out of it. Just fyi.
Michelle - Jan 6, 2023
I watched a lot oh his videos from your links. Wow! Tony should do an interview with Dr Ana Mihalcea!
John Biggins - Jan 4, 2023
I'd be really cautious using any electrical device on anyone dosed ..They may burst the encapsulated toxins I believe are present.....
Dev - Jan 4, 2023
To be clear, the devices are using magnetic, not direct electrical current stimulation to the body, which very well could grow the nano/burst LNP, etc.
Regardless, I agree with you for the jabbed even with magnetics, and I "think" Tony might also. He may discuss this issue in one of his many videos or podcasts. I've not reviewed them all. The interview above is a good introduction to his perspectives on all of this.
He's incredibly blunt and tells people exactly the position they are in post jab per his understanding of nano, which seems to run fairly deep. Again, he's been after these issues for fourteen years or so as nano/Morgellons about killed him years back. He seems to have a good leg up on this stuff and how it interacts with the body due to time in, and forty years in alt health.
Michelle - Jan 6, 2023
Yes he seems more of an expert than anyone I've seem. Most are in the discovery phase. He is way ahead!
Sasha Latypova - Jan 3, 2023
Due Diligence and Art
Great post, Ana!
Paula Starshifter - Jan 4, 2023
Paula Starshifter
We owe both of you our gratitude.
Kathleen Janoski - Jan 3, 2023 - Edited
Kathleen Janoski
I remember reading about people suffering from Morgellons and they were treated like total nut cases by doctors.
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Jan 3, 2023 - Edited
Thymus Cures Newsletter
I remember that too.
I'm not sure what I have is Magellons after more thought. My skin doesnt crawl it's just sensitive.
Kathleen Janoski - Jan 3, 2023 - Edited
Kathleen Janoski
Are you able to pull filaments or fibers out?
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Jan 3, 2023 - Edited
Thymus Cures Newsletter
No. Those poor people. Maybe mine is nerve damage?
Kathleen Janoski - Jan 3, 2023
Kathleen Janoski
I remember seeing an interview and the person was able to pull filament-like things out of their skin.
Considering what we have learned about covid and the shots being bioweapons, maybe Morgellons was an earlier version of a bioweapon.
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Jan 3, 2023
Thymus Cures Newsletter
Horrible. I think I watched a documentary on it, or part of one.
Sounds reasonable. I'm ready to blaim everything on them at this point. They're my climate change.
Terry Adams - Jan 3, 2023 - Edited
Terry’s Newsletter
As a long time sufferer of what is erroneously being called "morgellons" I have amassed over four terrabytes of both still and video images of what is growing beneath my skin. When COVID (Certificate Of Vaccination IDentifcation) began, I refused the jab but went and bought the home tests. What I saw on the sealed swabs were identical to what I have extracted from my skin. So the tests infest the tester.. NOTHING surprises me.... It would seem that we victims were the test cases for this nanotech filled crap.. It is all about control...
Tucson Tanya - Jan 4, 2023
Terry’s Newsletter
That's scary... what was on the swabs that seemed the same?
Praying you can get the TBs of data to docs like Dr. Ana and ones that actually listen without immediately dismissal.
Terry Adams - Jan 4, 2023
Terry’s Newsletter
Several years ago (pre Dr Ana) I - for some unknown reason, lit one of the fibers I have just extracted with a cigarette lighter. To my amazement, the word NASA was spelled out on the fiber in quantum dots! I excitedly sent images to all the big players in the field of morgellons at that time - Carnicom in particular... Zero responses... So I sent it to a lady who goes by Skizitgesture - one of most brilliant researchers and patent readers I have ever met. She did a video on the NASA fiber and she and I spent a summer together looking at samples and trying to understand what this could be... Last year I captured three of the typical bronze and blue banded fibers growing out of a bit of dark stuff... I may be the only one who has managed to capture this -
Michelle - Jan 6, 2023
Do you have a link you could post of the video she did regarding the NASA fiber? I hope you are doing well. Prayers to you Terry!
AnaD - Jan 9, 2023
There is a video on rumble where someone analyses an unopened nasal swab under the microscope.
You can see black "worms" moving in the swab.
The channel is called JeffPoriginal the title of the video simply "test".
Terry Adams - Mar 7, 2023
Terry’s Newsletter
yeah i did the same thing..
Terry Adams - Mar 7, 2023
Terry’s Newsletter
Marty - Jan 9, 2023 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Yes the PCR swabs install the same type of horrors that you'll find in the clot shots (Darpa hydrogel, lithium), they don't test for anything of course .. The cabal covered all possibilities, after all they're masters of evil ...
"Darpa Hydrogel and lithium block and destroy the pineal gland and cause the thinking person to become a controllable bio robot"
An article on the subject:
Staring back into the abyss - Jan 7, 2023
Staring back at the abyss
I had not thought of that angle. I never was tested so I’m happy with that decision.
Larry Druhall - Jan 3, 2023
Solution Seeking
Thank you for this excellent article. There is much to learn. There is much to do.
For those who want to participate in the much needed discussions of full range models of what happened and full range discussion of solutions, please take a look at the link below. I could use some help here. I am not a writer. I am an engineer with success analyzing all possible models for complex challenges, considering all possible solutions, and analyzing the merits of the different possible solutions. It is curious that our enemy appears to do this kind of planning and analysis but our side does nothing like it.
When do we start considering real, innovative solutions to the entire scope of problems? Who else has done this or is doing it? Isn't it up to us? you.
dr.iqlia - Jan 5, 2023
Harald I think has been compromised. I have watched him over the years change.... he may be a clone for dis-info. To claim that the clotting tubules are the body's defense mechanism is ridiculous. Also to claim that what we are experiencing now is only an echo of darkness is also ridiculous. Working in an alternative clinic as an Oriental Medical doctor I have witnessed many things and still very much feel the darkness and desperation of our attackers - AI races who are STILL trying to assimilate us. I also believe in the beauty and wisdom of our innate system to excrete enzymes to eat these synthetic fibers.... not to enclose them as he claims.
AnaD - Jan 9, 2023
Thank you. I have the same eerie feeling about Harald and I am glad that there are others who are also able to see through the deception.
It's actually frightening how good they have become at deception, because Harald is one of the nicest, most likeable personalities out there.
Maybe a bit too nice, because what he preaches with his "love" and "higher vibration" is just another form of hopium: "Think positive and you will be spared."
He did some videos about Black Goo (which in my opinion is the most important ingredient in the vials) and then developed a homeopathic remedy that was supposed to protect against Black Goo and was sold by a company called Time Loop Solutions.
In reality it was a trap to lure people into ingesting that stuff.
I have read dozens of accounts from desperate clients who say something horrible has happened to their soul, who feel dead inside, who wish they could turn back the clock and make it undone.
Who would have expected that from soft-spoken Harald?
Maybe he was killed and replaced by a clone. There was one video with him - quickly deleted - where he was crying and stated that "the evil side has won".
I have a suspicion the same might have happened to David Icke. For 20 years, he was the real deal. But recently he has begun to talk of a "holographic universe" and that nothing is real and our thoughts create reality - again "think positive and it will go away".
All of that makes people passive, where they should be fighting tooth and nail.
To conclude: think for yourself, don't trust anyone and question everything.
dr.iqlia - Jan 9, 2023
I am so glad you noticed that too. This whole cloning thing has peeked my interest because one of my most devoted clients, I am pretty sure, was replaced with a clone .... she changed drastically, both physically and spiritually. I refused to continue to treat her because it just creeped me out too much. Then I started thinking..... Do clones have souls? Do I have a moral obligation to treat them? Are they being introduced into society as Agitators or Infectors through shedding? How are we supposed to treat these beings? Also, I think the bigger picture with Jeffrey Epstein was his possible involvement with Cloning Facilities.
Blaise - Jan 3, 2023
Att Viska
About the NFL almost death yesterday, I played football thru university. Dr. McCullough writes " I saw blunt neck and chest trauma." I guess from a doctor's perspective. But from where I stood on the field, about every other play has about a dozen "blunt traumas!"
But it is true: I have NEVER seen this on the field, ever, anywhere, though I assume it has happened. Otherwise, the game would not being played. My guess is that the fasco-Marxist Deep State doesn't want to alarm the hoi polloi in flyover country, so they give these types saline, like Let's Go Brandon. BUT, it is very important that we don't rush to judgment on this, as this will play right into the hands of the vile, disgusting leftist Deep State types. Y'know, the ones who have sold their souls for mammon.... the same ones who couldn't directly look their loved ones in the eyes at a Christmas they don't believe in, because there is actually no real human there... only, as CS Lewis wrote about in The Great Divorce, **shells** of people. Meanwhile, check out Alex Berenson (former NYT Science writer, until his intellectual honesty forced him to leave), writing " striking 2021 paper in the European Heart Journal reporting on two cases in which rugby players suffered severe heart rhythm disturbances following blunt chest trauma. In both cases the men had histories of myocarditis which appeared to have caused or worsened the arrhythmias. In the second case, the myocarditis was undiagnosed; the player died.: See also more athlete deaths - 1616 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 1114 of Them Dead, Since COVID Injection
Dominique Guillet - Jan 5, 2023
Xochi’s Substack
Hello Ana. I created a Substack:
and I presented herein my essays in English.
Gail - Jan 3, 2023
Gail’s Newsletter
Remember the cluster of Canadian villagers “ mysteriously” dropping dead from an unknown spongiform encephalitis neurological disease resembling Kreutzfeld-Jakov, but more aggressive?
That disappeared from any coverage of any sort?
Bufus Alvarius - Jan 9, 2023
39 well researched and in depth articles explaining the nanotech- Dr. Ana - please take a look, this is pure gold/ soul nourishing ;-) - I think this is the best source on the internet as of now :
mike - Jan 8, 2023
Chat GPT.
Michael Brownstein - Jan 7, 2023
Fabulous, thank you. This gets transcendent toward the end where Harald states that spiritual awareness leads to transcending dualism. Also his statement we have a choice, ignoring and perishing or waking up. He says, "We're sitting with a bunch of psychos repeating the same bullshit without waking up and realizing the show is over." That we just have a stupid echo left of the satanic. Empowering!
Sandra Sky - Jan 5, 2023
Hi Ana,
I recently did a live blood analysis with a searcher that says my blood is clean from graphene and nanobots etc with EDTA but that I have tons of spike proteins and that these are only removed from the body with MMS and distilled water or simple
water (water with an angle of 115).
I saw my own blood compare to the others in the room and it seems real. He was using a microscope with color. He says you see less with darkfield ... Can you please enlight me with this. He is claiming if we don't detox from these we will all die within 1-5 years depending on our system. I am destabilised and don't know what to think and how to verify this info. Praying for an answer from you.
Amber - Jan 4, 2023
AmberLee’s Newsletter
It is all linked together. The Lyme and M0rg and were test subjects for the 19. The bullseye "rash" is probably an inside joke of the target was hit. I have been suffering for a very long time. It has been exactly 1 year since i was who i used to be before these things took over my entire body. Western doctors are of no help even if they wanted to be. The torture of each day with this is something i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It started in the eye! I could feel something moving, then months later noticed i was magnetic and wasnt jabbed. Then the brain fog and extreme fatigue took over. I have samples of the progression. Mayhe it can help someone else if it gets to the right person who knows what to do with what i have.
REPLY - Jan 4, 2023 - Edited
I watched the video and you handled him well.
He is a fantastic autist no doubt, and his Jungian approach of incorporating the shadow I'm sure can be better approached for most yet the lowest common denominator of not being at War with the externalities, or in Jesusonian terms - loving your enemy is fitting during a gen(e)ocide in our reality simulation.
May we ever oscillate and vibrate to optimal harmonics and frequencies selecting for love.
Thanks Ana!
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