C19 shots, Self-Assembly Nanomachines and the Transhumanist Agenda - Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD interviews Harald Kautz-Vella

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 03, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Please see the link to the full interview here:

C19 shots, Self-Assembly Nanomachines and the Transhumanist Agenda

Harald Kautz- Vella researched topics of AI, chemtrails, Morgellons, Smart Dust, and nanotechnologies.  Harald Kautz-Vella is the CEO and Founder of Aquarius Technologies

“These technologies used by the intelligence community involve synthetic biology as a part of self-­‐assembling Nano-machines that are able to form a technological interface to the human DNA light communication. These technologies have been developed as part of the transhumanistic agenda. The entire concept is referred to as smart dust. These technologies are widely marketed in the framework of “integrated geospatial intelligence solutions”.

From the excellent paper: The Chemistry in Contrails Assessing the Impact of Aerosols  from Jet Fuel Impurities, Additives and Classified Military Operations on Nature by Harald Kautz-­‐Vella.

In this interview I ask Harald questions regarding the microchip findings of Dr. David Nixon. Harald proposes the possible technology to be plasmonic photonic crystals.

Plasmonic photonic crystals realized through DNA-programmable assembly We discuss the commonalities of tubular hydrogel and graphene based self assembly structures housing Quantum Dot technology in Morgellons and in C19 vial contents. We are noting high exposure of toxic heavy metals via geoengineering spraying as well as similar metals in C19 vials. These metals can represent military wetware allowing radar tracking of individuals. These same metals also cause prion disease as Harald has published.

We note that the current live blood analysis in C19 injected and un-injected blood now looks just like Morgellons.

I showed comparisons of the recent La Quinta Columna heated Pfizer C19 drop fiber development and Clifford Carnicom’s microscopy images of CDB/Morgellons. Same extreme growth with heat and low level electrical current - microscopically identical features.

We look at comparisons of both synthetic artificial intelligence biology for human control.

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Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Jan 3, 2023 - Edited

Thymus Cures Newsletter

Thank you for this comprehensive article.
These studies started as bioweapons with USA gov funding, correct?
Then once they advance the tech to a certain point they switched their agenda to using it on us. They're bioweapons meant to control the enemy and USA has already declared half the US populace domesctic terrorists

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Dev - Jan 3, 2023

Dr. Ana,
For an interview, please consider reaching out to Tony Pantalleresco who developed the anti nano devices. They are powerful, pulsed magnetic variable direction devices he claims kills the operating system of the nano. He says nothing will get the nano out for good unless you stop the operating system. He's been at this for about fourteen years and was a Morgellon's sufferer.
I have his contact info but I don't have his permission to post that, so you would have to use his contact form here.https://solutions4mankind.com/consultation-with-tony-pantalleresco. Or, if there's a way to private message my profile, I can give you his email that way.

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