VIDEO: Breaking News: Glowing C19 Shots and Fluorescent Nanotechnology - Conversation With Pfizer Whistleblower Melissa McAtee - Truth, Science and Spirit, Ep 26

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In this episode, Melissa McAtee and I correlate her findings of fluorescence in the C19 shots during the manufacturing process and my research of the glowing filaments, mesogens that create a glow the faces of the C19 injected and now are seen via shedding in the C19 uninjected. Melissa shares never released Pfizer internal documents.

Melissa McAtee – also known as Melissa Strickler – was a former manufacturing quality auditor for Pfizer. On October 6, 2021, Project Veritas highlighted Melissa McAtee, a former Pfizer employee who leaked company emails that alleged the use of cell lines derived from human fetal tissues in mRNA vaccine lab testing.

Other articles in which I have discussed the fluorescent phenomenon:

Discussion of Argentinian C19 Bioweapon Analysis Finding Building Blocks Of Self Assembly Nanotechnology

Analysis Of Covid 19 Injections – 50 Undeclared Chemical Elements, Graphene Oxide, Fluorescent Particles – Conversation With Biotechnologist Lorena Diblasi – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep23

Fluorescent Filaments Coming Out Of C19 Vaccinated Individuals Skin Glowing Under UV Light: Darkfield Microscopy

Fluorescent Skin In C19 Vaccinated - Truth, Science and Spirit Ep 7: Conversation with Former DOD Contractor Justin Coy, PhD

Further Darkfield Microscopy On Fluorescent Filaments Coming Out Of C19 Unvaccinated Individuals And The Orange Glowing Facial Spots - Its All Self Assembly Nanotechnology

C19 Uninjected Individuals Expelling Fluorescent Filaments Through Skin - Similar To C19 Injected - Darkfield Microscopy Of Filaments And Correlation To Live Blood

My Interview with Alison Steinberg On OANN News On The Fluorescent Faces In C19 Injected And Hydrogel Brain Computer Interface

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Breaking News: Glowing C19 Shots and Fluorescent Nanotechnology - Conversation With Pfizer Whistleblower Melissa McAtee - Truth, Science and Spirit, Ep 26 -

Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhDBreaking News: Glowing C19 Shots and Fluorescent Nanotechnology - Conversation With Pfizer Whistleblower Melissa McAtee - Truth, Science and Spirit, Ep 26
Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhDBreaking News: Glowing C19 Shots and Fluorescent Nanotechnology - Conversation With Pfizer Whistleblower Melissa McAtee - Truth, Science and Spirit, Ep 26


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