Dr. Ana, we love your work. But the AI generated narration on this video is a major turn off. It’s the very thing we’re fighting against. We’re not going to save humanity by listening to an inhuman voice. Please let the creator of this documentary know.
Though people are complaining about the mechanized voice I don't think you understand the time and money it takes to do a human voiceover for a documentary. The computerized voice is a simple one-off and just takes a program.
Why not be appreciative anything at all has been produced? The people who made this did it utilizing their own time and resources and have given it to us free of charge.
It's not a piece of entertainment. It's for learning and to increase knowledge.
Excellent reply the information is what's most needed right now. I really appreciate knowing more about what I'm looking at with my scope. Clear delivery works Best for those with hearing issues.
I beg to differ...this is not an AI generated thing, it is simply the computer reading words that have been programmed in. It doesn't bother me a bit, as a matter of fact, I think it makes it very intelligible and clear.
I also think about the book "Turtles All the Way Down" which was published/authored by Anonymous. There was a reason for that, that I am sure you can understand.
I agree. A human voice is needed. The documentary is excellent, but changing the narrator to a human would be very helpful. It would make it seem more authentic and somehow comforting, especially for those of us who would like to share with others who may not be aware of what is happening. Dr. Ana, thank you, so very much, for your bravery, determination and very hard work. Your spiritual presence is also appreciated.
this is the problem at foundation level. people commenting on a voice, dont worry about what it actually about. yeah its what we're fighting against. face recognition, voice, tracking, mind control. all this time i've wondered why anyone would allow themselves to be identified at all. how many people are dead so far?? doctors, scientists, researchers, heros? if u dont like anonymity, the voice, maybe make your own movies if you're going to be a critic of others or just shut ya mouth. pretty simple
Get the transcript and just read it on a good headset or a great microphone, and republish! I bet the French would love that. :-)
I have not only read stuff, but also translated stuff.
Always involve people with competence or open up for them in the comment fields!
This is not AI.. It's called TEXT TO SPEECH... It's simply a synthesis of a voice not different to say a piano playing "C" when you press the "C" key. It simply reads out the word. It's not a robot...
The ironic thing is that if they had of used AI you probably wouldn't have complained as you wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between the AI generated voice and a real human voice!
In fact AI's can now take a single sentence of someone talking and generate a model that allows them to sound exactly like them saying ANYTHING they choose to make it say with mannerisms and voice practically indistinguishable from the person...
To put it simply... You wouldn't know if you were talking to a real person or not.. and these days this is fact. If you are not looking at the person in the flesh, you can't be sure of anything!
Only speak for your self. There is no 'we'. I appreciate the work Dr Ana has dedicated to humanity. It's a lot of time and effort to show exactly what is happening to vaxxed individuals.
I wish I could say that this surprised me, but I can't. I am a somewhat normal guy of sixty three years, a business owner (motorsports) former club racer, and someone who was abruptly awakened back in two thousand nine when I found strange sentient fibers growing out of my skin. My physician refused to look at the fibers, my dermatologist tried to write me a script for a sedative after a cursory glance at my skin, and what few friends i had now avoid me like the plague (no pun intended). A door opened for me in two thousand fourteen when the FM talk radio station I advertised with allowed me to do a Saturday night radio show. For eight and a half years I told the people in this area the truth.. I was naive enough to think that if they would just listen and follow me through a few simple tests (the red grape juice spit test - for one) then they would see that I am right and together we could become the force that reaches critical mass. It - obviously - did not happen. I told everyone what was coming.. I played the clip from two thousand twelve where the physician of the world's leaders told us that they were going to use vaccines to depopulate. I warned them not to take the jab.. I told them the last presidential election would be stolen.. etc..etc..etc.... The point is - not enough people care, It is easy to sit back and close one's mind to all that is happening in our former constitutional republic.. Ignorance IS bliss... Not a day goes by that I do not think about how much easier my wayward and oblivious life used to be. <sigh> American's apathy is literally killing them and yet they do not seem to care... GOD help us...
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
-- President Ronald Reagan
Thanks for sharing your fascinating observations on 'morgellons' (and related experiences on this thread). I've heard about 'morgellons' many times over the years. In the past it seemed to be an obscure topic that was really stifled and cruelly treated as nonsense, sadly. Now, thanks to the CONvid-1984 Global Tyranny, many more of us have woken up to the wider Plot Against Humanity. Of course, 'morgellons' or CDB (cross-domain bacteria) and hydrogels have gained greater mass exposure thanks to Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Clifford Carnicom and others. The darkfield microscopy work by many has zoomed in on so much of this and put a new spotlight on it all. Hopefully, inventive collective human focus will bring meaningful lasting solutions.
You're right, ignorance IS bliss! I deeply sympathise with your pained struggles to alert others over the years. My experience of Covid era dystopia has shown me how most people don't want to know the truth. They'd rather look the other way. They're 'owned' by the Orwellian propaganda. They LIKE the Narcoleptic New Normal. On the other hand, what can any of us actually do with the truth? (Other than share it with anyone who'll listen). Especially when all known authorities have been strategically subverted by fascist-communist-totalitarian globalism. Until enough people wake up to finally topple the corrupt status quo it seems we're stuck with a warped reality 'Twilight Zone' world.
Very good description of our current reality... Sometimes when I try to just sit and absorb all that I have seen and experienced I try and put myself in other's shoes - I mean, would i believe some of the stuff I myself have claimed to have gone through? Not likely. This is exactly why I started filming and cataloging it all.. Sadly, my efforts to share all of this with the world have been met with platforms that shadow ban refuse to allow my content, or outright delete all my work. The powers-that-should-not-be are large and in charge, trust me..
Oh it's "morgellons" - no question. I have been working with it, fighting it, trying to kill it, and existing despite it since two thousand nine. Interestingly enough, when I leave it to it's mission of the conquest of my body it is slow and methodical - however - when I attack it with various purported "remedies" it too fights back by speeding up.
Hi, Terry, I have Morg/CDB (cross domain bacteria as coined by Clifford Carnicom and is a more closely descriptive name than "Morgellons" which is a red herring.). The stuff in me began showing up in me around fifteen years ago. About the same as you. I think we were part of a wave of targeted people for study
I know exactly what you mean about "be cautious the cure doesn't kill you". I've seen the same thing in regards to the crap fighting back when I try to kill i as well as it's slow steady progress to co-opt my body.
Unfortunately I've seen the same process beginning again now with everyone rushing to find a cure and trying all manner of "remedies". Also the drive to look at it under a microscope. Morgellons victims have already seen all this and it resulted in nothing.
I'm not saying it's impossible for someone to come up with something that works this time, but I want everyone to realize the people who invented this crap have anticipated virtually every move anyone will make.
I have come to what I think is the only logical conclusion. This is a spiritual war being fought on a physical plane. Just as God described.
I agree that this is a very sophisticated bio-weapon that has been released on humanity and has little to nothing to do with the actual "Morgellons Disease" of seventeenth century France. Many years ago a noted researcher told me that she was approached by a group of scientists that claimed they could find the key to curing it if they were paid some half a million dollars.. Truth be told they were probably on the same team that created it.
I am finding this bronze and blue banded sentient fiber in EVERYTHING now... The insects are dying off because of it (IMHO) - the small animals that eat the insects are therefore becoming infested with them, and at the top of the food chain we find humans... I found my Operation Domestic Quell stuff last week and had forgotten that Edward Snowden also warned us about that very program. I believe that apathy is being propagated by the very fibers that are being called "morgellons" as they burrow into the subject's skin and begin the process of replacing synapses in their brain... (or so I have been told). My home is infested.. The house I live in was purchased from a USAF officer some twenty years ago. I have found holes bored through the exterior brick on into the interior walls. About the diameter of a pencil I filled them with expansion foam. I have images of fibers growing out of the walls and the carpet. It is surreal and when I try and tell people about all of this I get the feeling they think I am nuts..
Man. What experiences you've had. Mine are about the same. And after all these years, the people around me still lash out at me when I try and tell them the smallest of truth.
My brother said I was delusional last night. I thought he knew better. Of course all I could say is, no, it's you who are delusional. Living in a fantasy world. It's too much for people to face. I have no sympathy for this any longer because their lack of ability to face reality is killing us all.
But I'm ready to go. I can't wait to go home and be with Jesus. Like you said, God is keeping me here and I endure. That's it.
I haven't seen the bronze and blue fibers, but I'll pay attention. I go through periods of time where I don't care about the particulars of what they're doing.
In my area, the animals and plants, but especially the animals and insects, are vanishing. I point it out and people just shrug.
It's good to find a kindred spirit - thank you! I have been cataloging these things from my experiences since two thousand nine and have amassed four terrabytes of images, both still and video. I believe there is a connection between the craft releasing the aerosols, the so called "morgellons" fibers, and the destruction of the animals and insects. A few years ago I kept hearing a loud "THACK" noise coming from outside my back door. After a few weeks I decided to hang out outside under my patio awning to try and determine the source. I found that large bees were running into the big aluminum uprights that hold up my awning! After looking at a few dozen under the microscope I found that every one of them had fibers growing out of their eyes... Unreal.... I also used digital night vision and inverted colors to see strange happenings in the sky and in the trees. I have seen what I thought were clouds with hundreds of orbs streaming out of them.. i have captured a bright white shape shimmy through the air and fly into the yard next door. I have also captured dozens of orbs sltying in and out of the tree tops. Bizarre... I do not believe these are aliens per say, more like demons.. "one man's alien is another man's demon"....
Private Studebaker
I too have warned of many things to my family and friends. Very few listen and none seem to care.
I get the snide comments and rolling eyes. The amazing thing is my family and some of my friend's are Christians and two are preachers who went to seminary’s. They should understand spiritual warfare and other parallels written in the Bible, but it seems as if they don’t see them even when they are pointed out.
I have come to the conclusion that all we can do is warn them of the danger’s in this life and the one’s to come by sharing the Gospel. God’s people sometimes didn’t listen to His warnings either and sometimes experienced His wrath. His way’s are higher than ours and I have to remember He is in control.
May the Lord Bless you and keep you until it’s time to go home.
thank you - I am, quite honestly, at my wits end and I am constantly asking for an early checkout from this demon infested planet. However the Creator (whom I call GOD) seems to want me here for reasons still unknown. I will find the site you suggested - thanks again -
Are you telling me those last two photos are objects found in someone's blood? What are those objects? Can they be removed? What is the mental and physical state of the person in whom these objects were found?
No we don't need proof.
We need remedies.
Switch gears please.
They wouldn't have poisoned the whole planet without having a known remedy. They're old and not succumbing to this....probably drinking the blood of virgins for all we know, but they're not dying in the worldwide gas chamber.
There is mass censorship going on. There is a reason for that. Help find it please.
They are immune by design. It's a holocaust of Jewish-Chinese making, no act of God here. Will they also be immune to SEERS? Gates new polio-like enterovirus set to be released within the next year.
Don’t forget they probably perfected this on the poor people they experiment on underground under the bases. Thank you Dr. Ana. I have sent this info to my groups. This is a crazy thought- do you think a small percentage of the vaxxed welcome this tech finding thinking it enhances their existence as a super- human in some way?
Yes I've noted it as well. From my microscope I see it ALL of the time. I have learned that the severity of it can predict a high DDIMER every time so far. So it shows a poison is present in that blood. I believe it may be a precursor to the fiber strands forming up in the blood. Using brightfield I see the sequestering on rbcs being wrapped into the stranding fibers. I've stated in other posts that these fibers may be the early formation elements of the fibrous whitish clots that embalmers and cath labs are pulling out of the living (this is new) and the dead.
Dr. Lee Merritt agrees that it some type of ALIEN parasite / technology ..
Eggs being nourished by Graphene Oxide which is ITSELF a sentient intelligent lifeform according to Harold Klaus Vella .....
Died Suddenly Link Goes Viral. I think I figured out how women start bleeding just being around the vaccinated for a few minutes. When Graphene Oxide comes within 5 meters of other graphene oxide. It tries to MERGE with the other black goo. Since the graphene is like atomic razor blades in your blood stream, it starts shaking violently to try to get out of your body and unite with the graphene oxide 5 meters away. Check thread here.https://t.me/DrrpbertYoungchat/15048
Third discovery. I believe that the graphene has been put in our body since Operation Nano Domestic Quell not only for remote assassinations but remote MIND CONTROL using our SMART PHONES....
See Threadhttps://t.me/DrrpbertYoungchat/15087
Also, if you go toYandex.comand type [We are saving Israel for Last] I left you some TOP SECRET INTEL about the planned genocide of #SALTINEAMERICANS by a certain master race. Including the possibility of the MMR Measles vaccine SECRETLY being the antidote to the Covid Bioweapon Vaccine.
Well until next time friends!!! Zippy De Doo Daa!!!!!
Intel Courtesy of your boy!!!!!......> Agent Midnight Rider
Ana, you are a gift from God. Now how do we get this out. We the people need to protest and get this out asap, what is the next step. The devil never ever wins. The light ofJesus Christ has been shining on the darkness. The world needs ro know.
The scientists and elites already knew what they were doing. The pro-vaccine people don't care. and to make matters worse, the majority of people who disagree with the vaccine won't do anything about it. It is a lose-lose situation.
It looks lose-lose by design. Majority of ppl in the know do nothing. How can we change this? Those on MSM leash are an obstacle. How much debilitation, apathy and other signals from telecom networks have to do with it?
The preceived authority of medical professionals could be harnessed with their cooperation although collusion in the plandemic has stained it and many of them succumbed to a satanic force that will keep them corrupt.
Our freedom groups born of the c19 plandemic protests have been largely infiltrated and corripted in Canada to work for the system. With a very few exceptions (Okanagan group in British Columbia) practically no regular demos are held anymore. Some activists keep on working via zoom, but the public needs to see and join the crowds in massive demos as we did earlier.
In the olden days a global assault would trigger global rebellion, heads would roll, bodies would hang from lamp posts.
Yes. Your groups have been easily disrupted. You all are weak. And I am not saying this to bash you all. I am saying this because we have to see where we are and improve on what our downfalls.
You are right. One of the issues is communication. The satanic pedos control the communication. There are two ways to combat tyranny. One, a small specialize group who knows how to create chaos and change. Two the people stand up together and fight back through peaceful and non peaceful means.
I prefer the second because you are not being sheep. I am not suggesting you all use violence. You guys are way too mentally and physically weak. Plus, you guys are outnumbered.
I am weak because no one wants to listen. You all can change this if you stand up together.
Haha. Who am I? Just a dude who is talking to sheep... But that is not the point. The point is innocent people are dying. You all can stop this if you want.
Arguing with people who are not listening is futile. But I still do it because I see hope.
You all can change this if you want. You all are getting mad at me because I am saying you all need to take action. Let's walk together.
because you are a great defender of prions and snake venoms in vaccines, denying the existence of reduced graphene oxide. The same discourse of controlled dissent in all countries. jjjjj
I have to call you out on this statement. There are plenty of health care providers that are researching and publishing findings like Dr Ana around the world who do not publish on SS. Many people who are not in healthcare have difficulty doing the research because of not asking the right questions for a search engine to find the info. Sometimes it's important to use the vocabulary of medicine to filter down a question to get the source research. No one is at fault here. I would not for instance know the names of certain car parts or plants! Just saying not blaming.
What has the research done? Kids are still dying. Most doctors won't even look at the research. Yes, the people are at fault. We can easily stop and reverse this madness. But we accept it by either staying silent or abiding.
No one wants to take physical action to stop this...
People across the world are taking physical action to stop all this. First you need to break down the components of the materials the gels and nano synthetics are actually made of the try to reverse engineer it. And pick out what these things are evolving into. The mechanisms are complicated and seem to be always changing.
You say all over the world? How about where in your hometown? I live in the US, and I have not seen it. Not one protest. The majority of hospitals are pro vaccine. Heck, pharmacies in my town do not even carry ivermectin. I have to go out of state to even get it. I asked this community to get together and do something, and not one person was willing to do anything but argue and talk. The unvaccinated are silent. Silence is a form of compliance.
Yes. I agree that is one way of reversing the drug; however, most doctors don't know what is in the vaccine. Or if they won't run the proper lab test to analyze the blood. I say a proper heavy metal detox. Then it will be easier to fix the spike.
In the US, dems went on a rampage and destroyed billions of dollars worth of damage, because of George Floyd. They killed and hurt a lot of people.
How many people did the vaccine kill? Millions? Where is the outcry? Go out. Protest. Go change legislator. Go have debates with doctors. Hold the people accountable. You all have not.
Might as well go bang your head against a wall. Our protests will matter not a whit. Now, working on an antidote and clarifying the devastating science, so that proof can be offered eventually, that is a start.
That little circuit floating around at the 25.40 min mark, same circuit found by German Phd Dr. Arne Burkhardt and his team. I showed electrical engineer he said 'chaos circuit' right away..
So just what is a chaos circuit? Chua's circuit is a simple electronic circuit that exhibits classic chaotic behavior. This means roughly that it is a "nonperiodic oscillator"; it produces an oscillating waveform that, unlike an ordinary electronic oscillator, never "repeats". It was invented in 1983 by Leon O. Chua, who was a visitor at Waseda University in Japan at that time. The ease of construction of the circuit has made it a ubiquitous real-world example of a chaotic system, leading some to declare it "a paradigm for chaos". Wikipedia
Isn't that neat? Why would anyone want to create chaos inside a human and kill them? So silly!
00:52:45 - Autoimmune Reactions
01:14:00 - Introduction to other doctors
01:19:00 - Blood samples of vaccinated (Important)
01:27:00 - Microscopic images of vaccine samples (Very Important)
With only one judge starting a process for mass genocide and poisoning with reduced graphene oxide with OSLO UNO, this would end but courage, integrity and defending justice and life above all would be needed, a process of random analysis with fake vaccines would begin. in a public process with laptop experts, the complainant demonstrated THE EXISTENCE OF TOXIC E4SE BY OPTICAL MICROSCOPE that could not be hidden as they do now, happy new year and god bless you allhttps://www.laquintacolumna.info/translations/the-fall-of-the-gods/
Yes I think it does agree. Sasha says all these technologies can do is main, infect, kill.
What is happening to people who took the jabs now?
She is not saying that they are not trying to do this. She is saying it will kill/maim/infect/poison us.....and that is exactly what is happening to people who took
the jabs, and maybe those of us that live with them.
But they cannot link us via their technology....because they cannot create life...only destory it. Our lives.
Actually a course I'm taking by DVD from Harvard demonstrated that they can and have created live life forms with synthetic biology. Friends this is way beyond what's been done in the past. And as a military officer once told me is fifty years more advanced than what was previously known. My guess is those things will never be revealed because of the power OF CONTROL they have over us.
Everyone and even our sweet animals. Our food supply ,the air we breath , soil très, everything is infected. We need to fight with everything we have to detox this and help humanity
If everything is "contaminated," then so are the "supplements" you use to "de-contaminate." There is a bit of magical thinking and faith-based belief going on here. There is also the fact that this narrative about what is in the jabs, and what they are doing, keeps changing, often month to month, as far as I can tell from reading different Substacks. I would challenge everyone to be skeptical of everything, including whatever newly held cherished beliefs we hold about the jabs and "contamination."
And why is there an AI bot reading (and often mispronouncing) the narration for everything in this video?
Jesus Christ showed us and this is the protocol. Make no mistake the darkness is leaving. The supplements are working so that's a step in the right direction . Stay positive e, high frequency .
If the original was in French, that I guess is understandable. I hadn’t heard anything about Nixon not being associated with his stack. He seemed unwell the last time I saw him speaking.
Yes. Anna has been trying to tell us. So did another smart woman...cannot remember her name, oh yes Dr. Dolores Cahill...she said everyone who took the jabs will be dead..possibly in 5 years. It is chilling.
She said that by end 22 all rhe waxxed xould have Vaids... But she did not jnow at the time that all the dental anesthesiscs would also be rotten... I know of 60 dead from the caxx, and now many vaxx start to get cancers !
Yes. Anna has been trying to tell us. So did another smart woman...cannot remember her name, oh yes Dr. Dolores Cahill...she said everyone who took the jabs will be dead..possibly in 5 years. It is chilling.
Christina - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Dr. Ana, we love your work. But the AI generated narration on this video is a major turn off. It’s the very thing we’re fighting against. We’re not going to save humanity by listening to an inhuman voice. Please let the creator of this documentary know.
Pirate Studebaker - Jan 5, 2024
Pirate Eyes
Though people are complaining about the mechanized voice I don't think you understand the time and money it takes to do a human voiceover for a documentary. The computerized voice is a simple one-off and just takes a program.
Why not be appreciative anything at all has been produced? The people who made this did it utilizing their own time and resources and have given it to us free of charge.
It's not a piece of entertainment. It's for learning and to increase knowledge.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Mar 5
Patti’s Substack
Excellent reply the information is what's most needed right now. I really appreciate knowing more about what I'm looking at with my scope. Clear delivery works Best for those with hearing issues.
John Roberts - Jan 13, 2024
John Roberts
Could not agree more.
Excellent point made.
Duchess - Jan 2, 2024
I beg to differ...this is not an AI generated thing, it is simply the computer reading words that have been programmed in. It doesn't bother me a bit, as a matter of fact, I think it makes it very intelligible and clear.
I also think about the book "Turtles All the Way Down" which was published/authored by Anonymous. There was a reason for that, that I am sure you can understand.
jon h - Jan 3, 2024
John Roberts - Jan 13, 2024
John Roberts
Great eye opening book to read as well.
Glad you mentioned it.
Ann Marie - Jan 3, 2024 - Edited
I agree. A human voice is needed. The documentary is excellent, but changing the narrator to a human would be very helpful. It would make it seem more authentic and somehow comforting, especially for those of us who would like to share with others who may not be aware of what is happening. Dr. Ana, thank you, so very much, for your bravery, determination and very hard work. Your spiritual presence is also appreciated.
keem - Jan 4, 2024
this is the problem at foundation level. people commenting on a voice, dont worry about what it actually about. yeah its what we're fighting against. face recognition, voice, tracking, mind control. all this time i've wondered why anyone would allow themselves to be identified at all. how many people are dead so far?? doctors, scientists, researchers, heros? if u dont like anonymity, the voice, maybe make your own movies if you're going to be a critic of others or just shut ya mouth. pretty simple
Trishia - Jan 3, 2024
Trishia’s Substack
FreedomWarriorWoman - Jan 2, 2024
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
I believe these researchers are from Spain. They might not speak English.
Christian - Jan 3, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Non ! Français ! Vous ne savez pas faire la différence entre français et espagnol ?
Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Jan 4, 2024
The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter
Get the transcript and just read it on a good headset or a great microphone, and republish! I bet the French would love that. :-)
I have not only read stuff, but also translated stuff.
Always involve people with competence or open up for them in the comment fields!
Gecko Pico - Oct 26
Gecko Pico's Special Brew
This is not AI.. It's called TEXT TO SPEECH... It's simply a synthesis of a voice not different to say a piano playing "C" when you press the "C" key. It simply reads out the word. It's not a robot...
The ironic thing is that if they had of used AI you probably wouldn't have complained as you wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between the AI generated voice and a real human voice!
In fact AI's can now take a single sentence of someone talking and generate a model that allows them to sound exactly like them saying ANYTHING they choose to make it say with mannerisms and voice practically indistinguishable from the person...
To put it simply... You wouldn't know if you were talking to a real person or not.. and these days this is fact. If you are not looking at the person in the flesh, you can't be sure of anything!
Karen E. Hetherington - Mar 11
Karen E. Hetherington
Only speak for your self. There is no 'we'. I appreciate the work Dr Ana has dedicated to humanity. It's a lot of time and effort to show exactly what is happening to vaxxed individuals.
David Sharp - May 13
In this case also the the unvaxxed...and near.
Christian - Jan 3, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Ecoutez le en français !
Terry Adams - Jan 2, 2024
Terry’s Newsletter
I wish I could say that this surprised me, but I can't. I am a somewhat normal guy of sixty three years, a business owner (motorsports) former club racer, and someone who was abruptly awakened back in two thousand nine when I found strange sentient fibers growing out of my skin. My physician refused to look at the fibers, my dermatologist tried to write me a script for a sedative after a cursory glance at my skin, and what few friends i had now avoid me like the plague (no pun intended). A door opened for me in two thousand fourteen when the FM talk radio station I advertised with allowed me to do a Saturday night radio show. For eight and a half years I told the people in this area the truth.. I was naive enough to think that if they would just listen and follow me through a few simple tests (the red grape juice spit test - for one) then they would see that I am right and together we could become the force that reaches critical mass. It - obviously - did not happen. I told everyone what was coming.. I played the clip from two thousand twelve where the physician of the world's leaders told us that they were going to use vaccines to depopulate. I warned them not to take the jab.. I told them the last presidential election would be stolen.. etc..etc..etc.... The point is - not enough people care, It is easy to sit back and close one's mind to all that is happening in our former constitutional republic.. Ignorance IS bliss... Not a day goes by that I do not think about how much easier my wayward and oblivious life used to be. <sigh> American's apathy is literally killing them and yet they do not seem to care... GOD help us...
Nostradamus X - Jan 3, 2024
Nostradamus X
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
-- President Ronald Reagan
Pirate Studebaker - Jan 5, 2024
Pirate Eyes
Thank you for your efforts. You may not see the fruits of your labors, but God does.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Mar 5
Patti’s Substack
We can thank Fluoride in the water for the apathy!
Nigel Cockain - Jan 7, 2024
Black Sheep in Exile
Thanks for sharing your fascinating observations on 'morgellons' (and related experiences on this thread). I've heard about 'morgellons' many times over the years. In the past it seemed to be an obscure topic that was really stifled and cruelly treated as nonsense, sadly. Now, thanks to the CONvid-1984 Global Tyranny, many more of us have woken up to the wider Plot Against Humanity. Of course, 'morgellons' or CDB (cross-domain bacteria) and hydrogels have gained greater mass exposure thanks to Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Clifford Carnicom and others. The darkfield microscopy work by many has zoomed in on so much of this and put a new spotlight on it all. Hopefully, inventive collective human focus will bring meaningful lasting solutions.
You're right, ignorance IS bliss! I deeply sympathise with your pained struggles to alert others over the years. My experience of Covid era dystopia has shown me how most people don't want to know the truth. They'd rather look the other way. They're 'owned' by the Orwellian propaganda. They LIKE the Narcoleptic New Normal. On the other hand, what can any of us actually do with the truth? (Other than share it with anyone who'll listen). Especially when all known authorities have been strategically subverted by fascist-communist-totalitarian globalism. Until enough people wake up to finally topple the corrupt status quo it seems we're stuck with a warped reality 'Twilight Zone' world.
Terry Adams - Jan 7, 2024
Terry’s Newsletter
Very good description of our current reality... Sometimes when I try to just sit and absorb all that I have seen and experienced I try and put myself in other's shoes - I mean, would i believe some of the stuff I myself have claimed to have gone through? Not likely. This is exactly why I started filming and cataloging it all.. Sadly, my efforts to share all of this with the world have been met with platforms that shadow ban refuse to allow my content, or outright delete all my work. The powers-that-should-not-be are large and in charge, trust me..
Terry Adams - Jan 3, 2024
Terry’s Newsletter
Comment removed.
Terry Adams - Jan 3, 2024
Terry’s Newsletter
Oh it's "morgellons" - no question. I have been working with it, fighting it, trying to kill it, and existing despite it since two thousand nine. Interestingly enough, when I leave it to it's mission of the conquest of my body it is slow and methodical - however - when I attack it with various purported "remedies" it too fights back by speeding up.
Pirate Studebaker - Jan 5, 2024
Pirate Eyes
Hi, Terry, I have Morg/CDB (cross domain bacteria as coined by Clifford Carnicom and is a more closely descriptive name than "Morgellons" which is a red herring.). The stuff in me began showing up in me around fifteen years ago. About the same as you. I think we were part of a wave of targeted people for study
I know exactly what you mean about "be cautious the cure doesn't kill you". I've seen the same thing in regards to the crap fighting back when I try to kill i as well as it's slow steady progress to co-opt my body.
Unfortunately I've seen the same process beginning again now with everyone rushing to find a cure and trying all manner of "remedies". Also the drive to look at it under a microscope. Morgellons victims have already seen all this and it resulted in nothing.
I'm not saying it's impossible for someone to come up with something that works this time, but I want everyone to realize the people who invented this crap have anticipated virtually every move anyone will make.
I have come to what I think is the only logical conclusion. This is a spiritual war being fought on a physical plane. Just as God described.
Terry Adams - Jan 5, 2024
Terry’s Newsletter
I agree that this is a very sophisticated bio-weapon that has been released on humanity and has little to nothing to do with the actual "Morgellons Disease" of seventeenth century France. Many years ago a noted researcher told me that she was approached by a group of scientists that claimed they could find the key to curing it if they were paid some half a million dollars.. Truth be told they were probably on the same team that created it.
I am finding this bronze and blue banded sentient fiber in EVERYTHING now... The insects are dying off because of it (IMHO) - the small animals that eat the insects are therefore becoming infested with them, and at the top of the food chain we find humans... I found my Operation Domestic Quell stuff last week and had forgotten that Edward Snowden also warned us about that very program. I believe that apathy is being propagated by the very fibers that are being called "morgellons" as they burrow into the subject's skin and begin the process of replacing synapses in their brain... (or so I have been told). My home is infested.. The house I live in was purchased from a USAF officer some twenty years ago. I have found holes bored through the exterior brick on into the interior walls. About the diameter of a pencil I filled them with expansion foam. I have images of fibers growing out of the walls and the carpet. It is surreal and when I try and tell people about all of this I get the feeling they think I am nuts..
Pirate Studebaker - Jan 5, 2024
Pirate Eyes
Man. What experiences you've had. Mine are about the same. And after all these years, the people around me still lash out at me when I try and tell them the smallest of truth.
My brother said I was delusional last night. I thought he knew better. Of course all I could say is, no, it's you who are delusional. Living in a fantasy world. It's too much for people to face. I have no sympathy for this any longer because their lack of ability to face reality is killing us all.
But I'm ready to go. I can't wait to go home and be with Jesus. Like you said, God is keeping me here and I endure. That's it.
I haven't seen the bronze and blue fibers, but I'll pay attention. I go through periods of time where I don't care about the particulars of what they're doing.
In my area, the animals and plants, but especially the animals and insects, are vanishing. I point it out and people just shrug.
Terry Adams - Jan 5, 2024
Terry’s Newsletter
It's good to find a kindred spirit - thank you! I have been cataloging these things from my experiences since two thousand nine and have amassed four terrabytes of images, both still and video. I believe there is a connection between the craft releasing the aerosols, the so called "morgellons" fibers, and the destruction of the animals and insects. A few years ago I kept hearing a loud "THACK" noise coming from outside my back door. After a few weeks I decided to hang out outside under my patio awning to try and determine the source. I found that large bees were running into the big aluminum uprights that hold up my awning! After looking at a few dozen under the microscope I found that every one of them had fibers growing out of their eyes... Unreal.... I also used digital night vision and inverted colors to see strange happenings in the sky and in the trees. I have seen what I thought were clouds with hundreds of orbs streaming out of them.. i have captured a bright white shape shimmy through the air and fly into the yard next door. I have also captured dozens of orbs sltying in and out of the tree tops. Bizarre... I do not believe these are aliens per say, more like demons.. "one man's alien is another man's demon"....
John Roberts - Jan 13, 2024
John Roberts
Private Studebaker
I too have warned of many things to my family and friends. Very few listen and none seem to care.
I get the snide comments and rolling eyes. The amazing thing is my family and some of my friend's are Christians and two are preachers who went to seminary’s. They should understand spiritual warfare and other parallels written in the Bible, but it seems as if they don’t see them even when they are pointed out.
I have come to the conclusion that all we can do is warn them of the danger’s in this life and the one’s to come by sharing the Gospel. God’s people sometimes didn’t listen to His warnings either and sometimes experienced His wrath. His way’s are higher than ours and I have to remember He is in control.
May the Lord Bless you and keep you until it’s time to go home.
Terry Adams - Jan 3, 2024
Terry’s Newsletter
Comment removed.
Terry Adams - Jan 3, 2024
Terry’s Newsletter
thank you - I am, quite honestly, at my wits end and I am constantly asking for an early checkout from this demon infested planet. However the Creator (whom I call GOD) seems to want me here for reasons still unknown. I will find the site you suggested - thanks again -
Chris - Jan 2, 2024
Are you telling me those last two photos are objects found in someone's blood? What are those objects? Can they be removed? What is the mental and physical state of the person in whom these objects were found?
Agent Midnight Rider - Jan 2, 2024
Agent’s Substack
Oh, if you liked that you're going to LOVE This. The objects are seen with an electron Microscope, it is most likely Alien Technology. seehttps://rumble.com/v3z6cwm-does-the-covid-vaccine-consist-of-reverse-engineered-alien-technology.html
Sylvie - Jan 3, 2024
opened for me fine also. if it doesn't open, go torumble.com, search for Tucker Carlson, Episode 42, Nov 28.
Anne Leveque - Jan 2, 2024
Ar’s Substack
wont open link
Linda Ray - Jan 2, 2024
Ar’s Substack
The link opened fine for me, try again.
Anne Leveque - Jan 2, 2024
Ar’s Substack
linda can you sendlink to me
Christian - Jan 3, 2024
Ar’s Substack
En français, vous êtes du canada, non ?
Sue - Jan 8, 2024
See my responses in comments in video
dana ciancimino - Jan 2, 2024
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
No we don't need proof.
We need remedies.
Switch gears please.
They wouldn't have poisoned the whole planet without having a known remedy. They're old and not succumbing to this....probably drinking the blood of virgins for all we know, but they're not dying in the worldwide gas chamber.
There is mass censorship going on. There is a reason for that. Help find it please.
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Jan 2, 2024
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
dana ciancimino - Jan 2, 2024
They are immune by design. It's a holocaust of Jewish-Chinese making, no act of God here. Will they also be immune to SEERS? Gates new polio-like enterovirus set to be released within the next year.
Christian - Jan 3, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Plan Darpa-Chinese army... Even China is dominated by the Jews...
Seeking Truth - Jan 2, 2024
Seeking Truth
not true
Christian - Jan 3, 2024
Ar’s Substack
TRUE ! Pla,n Juif
Jane Hoffman - Jan 2, 2024
Jane’s Substack
Don’t forget they probably perfected this on the poor people they experiment on underground under the bases. Thank you Dr. Ana. I have sent this info to my groups. This is a crazy thought- do you think a small percentage of the vaxxed welcome this tech finding thinking it enhances their existence as a super- human in some way?
Lioness3* - Jan 2, 2024
I'm noting that they are not mentioning the rouleaux formation of the RBCs in the blood sample.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Mar 5
Patti’s Substack
Yes I've noted it as well. From my microscope I see it ALL of the time. I have learned that the severity of it can predict a high DDIMER every time so far. So it shows a poison is present in that blood. I believe it may be a precursor to the fiber strands forming up in the blood. Using brightfield I see the sequestering on rbcs being wrapped into the stranding fibers. I've stated in other posts that these fibers may be the early formation elements of the fibrous whitish clots that embalmers and cath labs are pulling out of the living (this is new) and the dead.
Agent Midnight Rider - Jan 2, 2024
Agent’s Substack
Dr. Lee Merritt agrees that it some type of ALIEN parasite / technology ..
Eggs being nourished by Graphene Oxide which is ITSELF a sentient intelligent lifeform according to Harold Klaus Vella .....
Died Suddenly Link Goes Viral. I think I figured out how women start bleeding just being around the vaccinated for a few minutes. When Graphene Oxide comes within 5 meters of other graphene oxide. It tries to MERGE with the other black goo. Since the graphene is like atomic razor blades in your blood stream, it starts shaking violently to try to get out of your body and unite with the graphene oxide 5 meters away. Check thread here.https://t.me/DrrpbertYoungchat/15048
Third discovery. I believe that the graphene has been put in our body since Operation Nano Domestic Quell not only for remote assassinations but remote MIND CONTROL using our SMART PHONES....
See Threadhttps://t.me/DrrpbertYoungchat/15087
Also, if you go toYandex.comand type [We are saving Israel for Last] I left you some TOP SECRET INTEL about the planned genocide of #SALTINEAMERICANS by a certain master race. Including the possibility of the MMR Measles vaccine SECRETLY being the antidote to the Covid Bioweapon Vaccine.
Well until next time friends!!! Zippy De Doo Daa!!!!!
Intel Courtesy of your boy!!!!!......> Agent Midnight Rider
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Mar 5
Patti’s Substack
Maybe that's why I never got sick from the weapon. I had every form of measles on the planet as a kid.
Agent Midnight Rider - Mar 6
Agent’s Substack
I suggest you do the Hot shower fluorescent light test. or draw your blood at home and see if the yellow nano tech starts forming. Good Luck
Georgia Lynn Justice - Jan 2, 2024
Solutions for the Targeted Comm…
Ana, you are a gift from God. Now how do we get this out. We the people need to protest and get this out asap, what is the next step. The devil never ever wins. The light ofJesus Christ has been shining on the darkness. The world needs ro know.
Keith - Jan 2, 2024
Just like the WEFers have been talking about.
Charlie - Jan 2, 2024
Correction Muther Wef ers
Chew - Jan 2, 2024
The scientists and elites already knew what they were doing. The pro-vaccine people don't care. and to make matters worse, the majority of people who disagree with the vaccine won't do anything about it. It is a lose-lose situation.
Piotr Bein - Jan 2, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
It looks lose-lose by design. Majority of ppl in the know do nothing. How can we change this? Those on MSM leash are an obstacle. How much debilitation, apathy and other signals from telecom networks have to do with it?
The preceived authority of medical professionals could be harnessed with their cooperation although collusion in the plandemic has stained it and many of them succumbed to a satanic force that will keep them corrupt.
Our freedom groups born of the c19 plandemic protests have been largely infiltrated and corripted in Canada to work for the system. With a very few exceptions (Okanagan group in British Columbia) practically no regular demos are held anymore. Some activists keep on working via zoom, but the public needs to see and join the crowds in massive demos as we did earlier.
In the olden days a global assault would trigger global rebellion, heads would roll, bodies would hang from lamp posts.
Chew - Jan 2, 2024
Yes. Your groups have been easily disrupted. You all are weak. And I am not saying this to bash you all. I am saying this because we have to see where we are and improve on what our downfalls.
Piotr Bein - Jan 3, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
So you do admit you are part of "us"?
Chew - Jan 2, 2024
You are right. One of the issues is communication. The satanic pedos control the communication. There are two ways to combat tyranny. One, a small specialize group who knows how to create chaos and change. Two the people stand up together and fight back through peaceful and non peaceful means.
I prefer the second because you are not being sheep. I am not suggesting you all use violence. You guys are way too mentally and physically weak. Plus, you guys are outnumbered.
Linda Ray - Jan 2, 2024
So then, what is the difference between "we" and "you"?
Are you yourself neither 'physically weak' nor 'outnumbered'?
Whom do you work for?
Chew - Jan 3, 2024
I am weak because no one wants to listen. You all can change this if you stand up together.
Haha. Who am I? Just a dude who is talking to sheep... But that is not the point. The point is innocent people are dying. You all can stop this if you want.
Piotr Bein - Jan 3, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
We sheep hope that you guys outnumber us :)
Chew - Jan 4, 2024
All talk and no action. The elite are killing you all as you speak. And you are not doing anything about it.
Pirate Studebaker - Jan 5, 2024
Pirate Eyes
Spoiler : They are killing you, too.
"Just a dude talking to sheep" sounds like a weird past time.
Chew - Jan 5, 2024
Arguing with people who are not listening is futile. But I still do it because I see hope.
You all can change this if you want. You all are getting mad at me because I am saying you all need to take action. Let's walk together.
Chew - Jan 4, 2024
Comment removed.
Chew - Jan 4, 2024
R. Q. - Jan 3, 2024
R. Q.
Let's see if you see your famous prions in these images
Piotr Bein - Jan 4, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Why should they be there do you believe? What're you pointing at. I'm in email mode, can't find you on that forum.
R. Q. - Jan 4, 2024
R. Q.
because you are a great defender of prions and snake venoms in vaccines, denying the existence of reduced graphene oxide. The same discourse of controlled dissent in all countries. jjjjj
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Mar 5
Patti’s Substack
I have to call you out on this statement. There are plenty of health care providers that are researching and publishing findings like Dr Ana around the world who do not publish on SS. Many people who are not in healthcare have difficulty doing the research because of not asking the right questions for a search engine to find the info. Sometimes it's important to use the vocabulary of medicine to filter down a question to get the source research. No one is at fault here. I would not for instance know the names of certain car parts or plants! Just saying not blaming.
Chew - Mar 5
What has the research done? Kids are still dying. Most doctors won't even look at the research. Yes, the people are at fault. We can easily stop and reverse this madness. But we accept it by either staying silent or abiding.
No one wants to take physical action to stop this...
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Mar 5
Patti’s Substack
People across the world are taking physical action to stop all this. First you need to break down the components of the materials the gels and nano synthetics are actually made of the try to reverse engineer it. And pick out what these things are evolving into. The mechanisms are complicated and seem to be always changing.
Chew - Mar 6
You say all over the world? How about where in your hometown? I live in the US, and I have not seen it. Not one protest. The majority of hospitals are pro vaccine. Heck, pharmacies in my town do not even carry ivermectin. I have to go out of state to even get it. I asked this community to get together and do something, and not one person was willing to do anything but argue and talk. The unvaccinated are silent. Silence is a form of compliance.
Yes. I agree that is one way of reversing the drug; however, most doctors don't know what is in the vaccine. Or if they won't run the proper lab test to analyze the blood. I say a proper heavy metal detox. Then it will be easier to fix the spike.
Carolyn - Jan 2, 2024
What can people who disagree with the vaccine do?
Chew - Jan 2, 2024
In the US, dems went on a rampage and destroyed billions of dollars worth of damage, because of George Floyd. They killed and hurt a lot of people.
How many people did the vaccine kill? Millions? Where is the outcry? Go out. Protest. Go change legislator. Go have debates with doctors. Hold the people accountable. You all have not.
Lioness3* - Jan 2, 2024
Might as well go bang your head against a wall. Our protests will matter not a whit. Now, working on an antidote and clarifying the devastating science, so that proof can be offered eventually, that is a start.
Chew - Jan 2, 2024
Tyranny can only rule compliant people.
Un-silent - Jan 3, 2024
Where are you from?
Chew - Jan 3, 2024
The US.
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Jan 2, 2024
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
have at it
Chew - Jan 2, 2024
Do you like innocent people dying?
RALOS - Jan 2, 2024
That little circuit floating around at the 25.40 min mark, same circuit found by German Phd Dr. Arne Burkhardt and his team. I showed electrical engineer he said 'chaos circuit' right away..
So just what is a chaos circuit? Chua's circuit is a simple electronic circuit that exhibits classic chaotic behavior. This means roughly that it is a "nonperiodic oscillator"; it produces an oscillating waveform that, unlike an ordinary electronic oscillator, never "repeats". It was invented in 1983 by Leon O. Chua, who was a visitor at Waseda University in Japan at that time. The ease of construction of the circuit has made it a ubiquitous real-world example of a chaotic system, leading some to declare it "a paradigm for chaos". Wikipedia
Isn't that neat? Why would anyone want to create chaos inside a human and kill them? So silly!
00:52:45 - Autoimmune Reactions
01:14:00 - Introduction to other doctors
01:19:00 - Blood samples of vaccinated (Important)
01:27:00 - Microscopic images of vaccine samples (Very Important)
JesuSalva - Jan 2, 2024
JesuSalva’s Substack
With only one judge starting a process for mass genocide and poisoning with reduced graphene oxide with OSLO UNO, this would end but courage, integrity and defending justice and life above all would be needed, a process of random analysis with fake vaccines would begin. in a public process with laptop experts, the complainant demonstrated THE EXISTENCE OF TOXIC E4SE BY OPTICAL MICROSCOPE that could not be hidden as they do now, happy new year and god bless you allhttps://www.laquintacolumna.info/translations/the-fall-of-the-gods/
Linda Ray - Jan 3, 2024
It is in Spanish, and will not allow translation into English.
Seeking Truth - Jan 2, 2024
Seeking Truth
Is it in Spanish?
Christian - Jan 3, 2024
Ar’s Substack
I ma french and I speak itlian which allows me to understand spanish... You americans are are so lazy !
R. Q. - Jan 3, 2024
R. Q.
Así es amigo. Bienvenido. Todo somos LQC
That's right friend. Welcome. We are all LQC
carina Strom - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
Do we know if every jab💉contain these nano particles ??
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Jan 2, 2024
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
no...LOOK UP SASHA LATYPOVA...this is not possible it's all FEAR PORN.
Duchess - Jan 2, 2024
Yes I think it does agree. Sasha says all these technologies can do is main, infect, kill.
What is happening to people who took the jabs now?
She is not saying that they are not trying to do this. She is saying it will kill/maim/infect/poison us.....and that is exactly what is happening to people who took
the jabs, and maybe those of us that live with them.
But they cannot link us via their technology....because they cannot create life...only destory it. Our lives.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Mar 5
Patti’s Substack
Actually a course I'm taking by DVD from Harvard demonstrated that they can and have created live life forms with synthetic biology. Friends this is way beyond what's been done in the past. And as a military officer once told me is fifty years more advanced than what was previously known. My guess is those things will never be revealed because of the power OF CONTROL they have over us.
Yal NA - Jan 2, 2024
Why is this not possible?
Lee - Jan 2, 2024
Lee - Jan 2, 2024
I don’t agree with her.
Lee - Jan 2, 2024
She wrote an article claiming humans and machine can’t come together that it’s impossible. But what about the mark of the beast?
Christian - Jan 3, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Ridicule ! Il n'y pas de placebo, seul pour les happy few !
Georgia Lynn Justice - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
Solutions for the Targeted Comm…
Absolutely, even non vaccinated
carina Strom - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
Shit🤷♂️so we should all go on a detox protocol?
Chew - Jan 2, 2024
Yes! Once a month or once every other month.
Linda Ray - Jan 2, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Using what? And how?
Christian - Jan 3, 2024
Ar’s Substack
The minimum is
NAC 1200 mg
Vit C (3000mg
Vit D
Zeolite or methylène Blue (detox)
Every day...
Or a chelation clinic...
Linda Ray - Jan 4, 2024
Thank You very much!
Christian - Jan 3, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Every day :::
Georgia Lynn Justice - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
Solutions for the Targeted Comm…
Everyone and even our sweet animals. Our food supply ,the air we breath , soil très, everything is infected. We need to fight with everything we have to detox this and help humanity
Chris - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
If everything is "contaminated," then so are the "supplements" you use to "de-contaminate." There is a bit of magical thinking and faith-based belief going on here. There is also the fact that this narrative about what is in the jabs, and what they are doing, keeps changing, often month to month, as far as I can tell from reading different Substacks. I would challenge everyone to be skeptical of everything, including whatever newly held cherished beliefs we hold about the jabs and "contamination."
And why is there an AI bot reading (and often mispronouncing) the narration for everything in this video?
Georgia Lynn Justice - Jan 2, 2024
Solutions for the Targeted Comm…
Jesus Christ showed us and this is the protocol. Make no mistake the darkness is leaving. The supplements are working so that's a step in the right direction . Stay positive e, high frequency .
Jan 2, 2024
Comment removed.
Georgia Lynn Justice - Jan 2, 2024
Solutions for the Targeted Comm…
Put all your worry in Jesus hands.Dont let the enemy set in confusion. Happy new year and God bless
Christian - Jan 3, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Blablablabla !
Alina - Jan 2, 2024
Because the original in French.
Chris - Jan 2, 2024
Fair enough.
Chris - Jan 2, 2024
Comment removed.
Chris - Jan 3, 2024
If the original was in French, that I guess is understandable. I hadn’t heard anything about Nixon not being associated with his stack. He seemed unwell the last time I saw him speaking.
Alina - Jan 2, 2024
You have nothing on your stack. Deception 101! Sheesh
Duchess - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
Yes. Anna has been trying to tell us. So did another smart woman...cannot remember her name, oh yes Dr. Dolores Cahill...she said everyone who took the jabs will be dead..possibly in 5 years. It is chilling.
Marie - Jan 3, 2024
Ar’s Substack
So if this is true, wouldn't the shedding to the unvaxxed put them in the same boat? They say shedding is real and the pharma documents prove it.
Christian - Jan 3, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Ir is real and poisons in Dental Anes... are real too !
Christian - Jan 3, 2024 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
She said that by end 22 all rhe waxxed xould have Vaids... But she did not jnow at the time that all the dental anesthesiscs would also be rotten... I know of 60 dead from the caxx, and now many vaxx start to get cancers !
Duchess - Jan 2, 2024
Yes. Anna has been trying to tell us. So did another smart woman...cannot remember her name, oh yes Dr. Dolores Cahill...she said everyone who took the jabs will be dead..possibly in 5 years. It is chilling.
Anne Leveque - Jan 2, 2024
yes where
Universal Healing Solutions - Jan 3, 2024
A I, ET too ?
Nostradamus X - Jan 2, 2024
Nostradamus X
Thanks for validating my 2021 post that was censored on some platforms.
Lies have short legs as the Chinese say.
See the post below.
Nostradamus X - Jan 2, 2024
Nostradamus X
Gene Therapies Disclaimer of Liability ™
Whilst we endeavor to make our products toxic (1,291 side effects), we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied about their efficacy and safety.
We cannot guarantee that your gene 144 won’t be deleted, your X / Y Chromosome won’t be inverted, your gene 69-70 won’t be deleted or mutated, that you may experience loss-of-function due to protein folding, that your gene E1, E3, E4 won’t be deleted, that you won’t receive shots full of magnetic graphene oxides, nano-biosensors and self-integrated bio-circuits (motherboards, transistors, routers, antennas, etc…).
We do not guarantee that you won’t be MAC Addressed as per Clown Schwab’s instructions (Covid -19 is a rare but narrow window of opportunity to rethink, reinvent, reset our world), that your Cancer Fighting CD8 T Cells won’t be suppressed.
“Let's be clear, the future is not just happening; the future is built by us, a powerful community here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world (Clown Schwab, Davos 2022)”.
By using our products you agree that you automatically become legally a trans-human and therefore our property since you are GM-modified using our patented MmRNAs (CERTIORARI 12–398).
Trans-humans do not enjoy any human or other rights of a state and this applies worldwide. Our patents are under US jurisdiction and law, where they were registered.
Any reliance you place on our products is therefore strictly at your own risk.
We care,
CEOs Murderna & Schizer
© 2021 Dr. Red Pill
Widetracker - Jan 2, 2024
Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of My Knowledge:https://christs.net
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