Article Review: What is in the so-called…

Oct 17, 2022

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David A. Hughes, PhD Senior Lecturer in International Relations, University of Lincoln


D.K. Fynn - Oct 17, 2022

D.K. Fynn: Sharing Thoughts

Although I haven't fully read this article, I did want to thank you for publishing it. I'm going to add it to my Evernote so that I can come back to it later.
I'm doing my best to delve into these topics--specifically, what's really in the vials, and the effect they're having on human blood.
There are so many directions we can use to tackle these so-called vaccines, but I think I'll stick with the ingredients and blood effects, because it's very easy for someone to see the differences between before-and-after images of blood smears under dark microscopy.


Lynn Ferguson - Oct 17, 2022

Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson

True! Once people see what they are contending with, it gives them the impetus to act immediately.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 17, 2022

Ray’s Newsletter

The "vaccines" are now a side show:
People are driven to the slaughterhouse and cannot do a thing about it:
There is no "we":


Sandy K - Oct 17, 2022

Sandy K

No sorry, my phrase is misunderstood!! I meant to write that these truthers pointed out the medical malfeasance and are now being proven!! Oh my, I may have to delete and re-write my comment!!!


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 17, 2022

Ray’s Newsletter

The proof was there at least a year ago:


mejbcart - Oct 17, 2022

mejbcart’s Newsletter

Thank you Dr. Ana. Linked this article to my at:
with more possible explanations of the optical effects of graphene...


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 17, 2022

mejbcart’s Newsletter

Thank you, excellent article, read it yesterday


mejbcart - Oct 17, 2022

mejbcart’s Newsletter

Thank YOU for the appreciation:)


Lynn Ferguson - Oct 17, 2022

Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson

Yes, it is now up to us to inform practitioners and patients; because we have come to the conclusion that those with the usual authority and legal obligation to stop the inoculation are part and parcel to the Depopulation plan. We are on our own. We can persevere. First, in order to reverse then fear of losing one's licences or careers, people need to know that they can claim their state national status and continue to practice medicine under the alternative jurisdiction lasfully. Then we turn off the Grid, especially 5G and follow existing protocols to both prevent exposure to inoculated individuals and treat those to address blood disorders while detoxing occurs. We must use frequency technology to eliminate t!he Graphene, nano-tech, and other foreign materials.


Deborah Richardson Evans - Oct 17, 2022

Deborah’s Newsletter

No words!


Dr. Jeffrey Horelick - Oct 17, 2022

Dr. Jeffrey Horelick

The book is AWESOME at pg 175. 🌞🌻


Serialist - Oct 18, 2022


Will Humic Acid help remove the graphene oxide from the vaccinated?


Walter M Chesnut - Oct 18, 2022

WMC Research


Owl/GatorGuy - Oct 17, 2022 - Edited

Owl/GatorGuy’s Substack

Isn't it time we consider the possibility of ALIEN involvement? I'm talking conspiracy, I know, and at maybe either the "highest level (orbiting and controlling alien space craft)," downloading information and instructions to a well-laundered mob of translators/implementors (lackey scientists/engineers/ministerial toadies, you know their names, who hide well the ID(s) of the real bosses/culprits), if you will, down here on terra firma, or, just the same, but in a submerged/subterranean HQ, deep below the sea's surface.
I know how this sounds: X-filish, etc. But, given the microscopy images being shared and published, is the present hypothesis an out-of-this-world, wacky idea? I say, maybe yes, and most probably not.


AnaD - Oct 18, 2022 - Edited


You are right.
I have researched the elites since 9/11, when I realized that there is a conspiracy and that the official story is a lie.
What I found out is that there is a massive, global infiltration of all levels of society with Mind Controlled Slaves. Tortured and hypnotized as little kids, they have multiple personalities, are controlled by handlers, and have no memory of what has happened to them and who controls them.
The ones you see and know - Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Fauci, Biden, Trudeau, Merkel - are not the ones responsible. They are owned, brainwashed and on remote control.
And some might even not be human, but silicone dolls or bio-robots. Think of Mark Zuckerberg.
But who are the ones who control them ?
You and I probably don't know them, as they remain in the shadows.
What seems clear is that is all goes back to satanism. Our dear leaders are all in the occult, the richest families on Earth all worship Satan, and the higher levels of Freemasonry are just another form of satanism.
So I concluded that Satan must be real, because they take it so serious and put so much energy and resources into their worshipping. Which is done in secrecy, so apparently it is not just another scheme to deceive the masses. And judging from witnesses' accounts, it seems to work, they indeed have dark magic powers.
And then I had an encounter of the third kind, I SAW them damn aliens.
They looked like humans, two ordinary, middle aged men, but their EYES were not human, they were like LED lights, lit from within.
It was in a supermarket. They stared angrily at me, and one of them followed me whilst I was trying to do my shoppings.
I was deeply shocked and frightened, but made it home safely.
Of course I do not have any proof of this, and you can only believe me or not believe me.
I tended to discard all stories about aliens, and I am still sceptical when it comes to the more sensational stories. But I now know they ARE here.
It has left me with a lot of questions. Who are they, how many of them are here, and which role do they play in the conspiracy ?
I think, they are at the top of the pyramid, just below Satan.
It explains a lot of what is happening. These vaccinations and all the other evil plans were designed by a species that absolutely HATES humans. Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are far too dumb to come up with something so sinister themselves. They are just the marionettes.
These entities want to kill a large part of humanity and completey enslave the rest. They want to destroy our souls (Satan will get them) and everything that makes us human.
It's important to direct our aggression against the real culprits.
People tend to hate on Fauci and Biden and so on, but that is a waste of feelings and energy.
Even if there was an uprising and all politicians worldwide ended up in jail or on death row, it still wouldn't get to the root of the problem. The evil entities would just look for other puppets and continue.
One of the solutions I could think of is that something must change in the structure of our universe, the Earth's magnetic field, or similar. In such a way that their cloaking ability is destroyed, and all of a sudden all humans can see them for what they are.
I happened to me once, but I think that was intentional, they revealed themselves to me to threaten me. I would like to find out how I can acquire the ability to see through their disguise, or have sunglasses like in the movie "They live". That film probably was more fact than fiction, they always hide the truth in films and songs and books.


Owl/GatorGuy - Oct 18, 2022 - Edited

Owl/GatorGuy’s Substack

All you say is cogent and entirely coherent to my way of thinking.
And fascinating, as well. Your intimation of the "interpersonal" event at The Supermarket is not only extraordinary; it is, to be sure, wholly compatible with my current, newer, light-leaning approach to the present Vaccine Chronicles on our planet.
Is it ours at all? Is our fight legitimate, reasonable?
Are light-seeking humans natives or transplants; indigenous or the imposition on others -- Satanists -- who are, maybe, the original, naturally rightful inhabitants? These are my new questions deserving an honest and ernest attempt to answer.
In sum, immense thanks for sharing such timely and useful information. It readily redirects me on what I feel is a far more sensible, luxally rich course.


AnaD - Oct 19, 2022


Those evil entities are just that - evil. There is a dark dimension out there, aka hell, where they come from.
The rolls of Nag Hamadi and David Icke and others say they came here 6 to 8000 years ago. Their master is the Demiurg, aka Satan.
I don't think they have any business here on Earth, because they seek to destroy the natural balance, and I'll fight them where I can.
The Creator and rightful owner of this planet is Mother Nature, she created life and the laws ruling it, and she is the one that those entities want to dethrone and replace.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 19, 2022

Dear Ana, right on.
I agree. Get these extradimensional satanic bastards out of here. We are divine beings, this is our planet. They have infected and destroyed species with their AI parasitic technology in other places. Too bad our governments have made contracts with those entities and their legions.
Justice is coming - on the earth, in the earth, above the earth.


Owl/GatorGuy - Oct 19, 2022

Owl/GatorGuy’s Substack

Got it, thanks. The reported chronologies are intriguing; fit neatly with other, ancient cosmo-anthropologies (eg, Hebrew/Jewish).


jacquelyn sauriol - Oct 17, 2022

The hell. The glowing bit with the tail looks EXACTLY like what someone saw in the sky, a sort of light tornado in the sky, will see if I can find the video.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 17, 2022

Ray’s Newsletter

Great collection!
The next logical step is to ask,
Nothing can be done about graphene hydroxide in the body, except for making peace with one's Maker.
Also, it's time to question the current "medical" paradigm:


TrumpFan - Oct 17, 2022




Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 17, 2022

Ray’s Newsletter

What difference would it make?
The damage has been done. New chapters are coming, but food shortages and power outages are likely the next chapter.


AnaD - Oct 18, 2022


And war.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 18, 2022

Ray’s Newsletter

On TV and in false flags. :)


Reply (3) - Oct 17, 2022 - Edited

Ministry’s Newsletter

Comment removed.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 17, 2022 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

Why are you saying these? What do you hope to accomplish?
The "virus" that existed only in computer simulations was patented in 2015 in order to make sure the "cure" can be patented, too, and the contents of the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections can be kept a secret under the guise of protecting "intellectual property."
Even virologists are turning around now, recognizing the fact that "viral transmission" has never been proven (actually, "viruses causing illness" has never been proven, either), but what the heck.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter; the damage has been done and all people can do is watch the horror show. The "science" is being used for murdering people and turning the survivors into cyborg slaves. Frankly, at this point, you can cure cancer for all I care; the upcoming world in not for human beings.


Reply (1) - Oct 17, 2022 - Edited

Ministry’s Newsletter

Comment removed.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 17, 2022

Ray’s Newsletter

Thank you for your explanation.
As for the bioweapons, there are too many of them, quite a few unidentified:
For the time being, I don't think spike protein has been released; it seems to be a red herring:
I checked out your subscriptions, and I would like to recommend
She is GOOD!
Is there a "we" or only people in power are making the moves?
I also think that the "virus" debate is moot compared with what's coming:


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 18, 2022

Ray’s Newsletter

Ray, thanks for all the links and info.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 19, 2022

Ray’s Newsletter

Ana, it's my honor. You are one of the few, who still deserve respect...


Owl/GatorGuy - Oct 17, 2022 - Edited

Owl/GatorGuy’s Substack

Right on, Minister. Thanks for sharing.
If it can be established that the mRNA injections (being touted and mandated as "vaccines") being administered in America contain such configurations of GO, wouldn't it have been preferable, nice, or better -- let alone, required by FD&CA labeling requirements, specific statutory (USC) and regulatory (CFR) sections -- for FDA to require its inclusion in the (nonexistent!) labeling? I think so. But this isn't your daddy's FDA, and we're not talking about anything remotely close to standard, "safe-and-effective" level agency approval.
Welcome to EUA, not biological license, territory, where, as we can see well, pretty much anything the (I think truly secret) bosses want, or don't want, they get, or don't get. We the people, the constitutional sovereign in all this mess, called the current state of our republic, well, we just don't matter -- any more than a guinea pig, a rat, or a mouse might.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 17, 2022

Ray’s Newsletter

Sorry, I must insist thet mRNA is a red herring:
Nobody is a guinea pig; the injections have been developed and tested over decades on secret sites all over the world, and all the results are absolutely intentional...
Please, notice that I don't want to be right, but this is the way I see it for the time being, and whatever I say is not against you or, for that matter, anyone else...
You and I surely agree that we do not matter.


Liked by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 18, 2022

Ministry’s Newsletter

Comment removed.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 18, 2022

Ray’s Newsletter

As I previously stated, the mRNA technology is unlikely to be used in public, because it can start up an uncontrollable chain reaction that would kill its initiators, too.
They have certainly developed toxins, pathogens, parasites, and (even self-assembling) graphene structures, and even invented diseases for the symptoms. For the Rockefellerian "medical" system, it's just business as usual. As they are using weaponized R&D, the resulting compartmentalization can only be handled by a graphene-based quantum nano-computer, whose processing capabilities were already 12k than those of "supercomputers," and the one running the worldwide simulation based on live data is now working fine; it is capable to predict future events and it can advise its operators regarding the next steps towards depopulation, while nobody knows what it is exactly doing, because it is based on a multidimensional self-improving algorithm. (For that matter, all the currently cooperating powerful groups must be running their own simulations on different "computers," because after they achieve their goals (eliminating 95% of all people and turning the rest into cyborg slaves), they will have to fight it out among themselves, because they know they are not to be trusted, and only ONE can rule).


Joel W. Hay, PhD - Oct 17, 2022

Joel’s Newsletter

When was this graphene oxide ingredient tested in humans? animals? test tubes?


Sandy K - Oct 17, 2022

Sandy K

Comment removed.


Sandy K - Oct 17, 2022

Sandy K

Comment removed.


Sandy K - Oct 17, 2022

Sandy K

Sorry for confusing verbiage in my last comment: THIS is what I meant to write...This report is 132 pages and is an in-depth report on these injectables from anywhere and everywhere, and everyone who has been brave enough and able to examine them. La Quinta Columna led the way, and scientists, doctors such as Carrie Madej, Lee Merritt, and others have certainly shown that the medical and pharmaceutical industries are guilty of malfeasance. Thank you Dr Ana for doing the heavy lifting for us (I am a scientist, too, but haven't as much time as I need to do this kind of digging). But this kind of reading is what I want to see!


AnaD - Oct 18, 2022


The research La Quinta Columna relied on at first was done by Holger Reissner, engineer, high school professor and a proponent of CDL therapies. He and his team examined hundreds of vaccine probes and found a lot of foreign objects in them.
He shared his experience with many researchers worldwide, including LaQuintaColumna. They were the first to get back to him, after they had done their own research and confirmed it was graphene oxide.
I find it unfortunate that all the credit goes to LaQuintaColumna.
Without Holger Reissner, they might not have gotten on this track.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 18, 2022

Hi Ana, do you have a contact for Holger Reissner or any link to publication of his research?


Sandy K - Oct 18, 2022

Sandy K

THANK YOU for the clarification, Ana! As a scientist myself, I am grateful to know where the research first started. And yes, a link to Holger Reissner's publications would be good for all of us. I am thankful for ethical scientists who recognized this whole dangerous psyop. I would like to know his story....what made him look into this to begin with.


Sandy K - Oct 17, 2022

Sandy K

Here's what I meant to write, Kathleen!! This report is 132 pages and is an in-depth report on these injectables from anywhere and everywhere, and everyone who has been brave enough and able to examine them. La Quinta Columna led the way, and scientists, doctors such as Carrie Madej, Lee Merritt, and others have certainly shown that the pharmaceutical and medical industries have been lying and fraudulent. Thank you Dr Ana for doing the heavy lifting for us (I am a scientist, too, but haven't as much time as I need to do this kind of digging). But this kind of reading is what I want to see!


Kathleen Janoski - Oct 17, 2022

Kathleen Janoski

Thanks...I thought that you might have written it wrong.
I really like Dr. Lee Merritt. She is a tough talking, no nonsense woman who has been warning folks from the start. Dr. Carrie Madej has been great too...haven't seen or heard anything from her since the plane crash her and her boyfriend were in. La Quinta Columna knocked it out of the park early on to warn everyone.
I hope they all are safe.


AnaD - Oct 18, 2022


LaQuintaColumna got their information from Holger Reissner. He was the first one to examine the vials.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 18, 2022


Get me in touch with him if you can.


AnaD - Oct 18, 2022


Dear Ana,
I got this information from an interview between Holger Reißner and the alternative website / tv channel Nuoflix.
He seemed competent and credible to me, he didn't brag about his discoveries, he was very factual about it.
He started his research as soon as the vaccinations rolled out, in March 2021.
The reason why it became so big on La Quinta Columna is that after they got his emails, they did their own research and published it on their website and their tv channel.
Holger Reißner is quite difficult to trace, because his CDL-Therapies have been attacked by authorities and he has disabled his websites. I also believe he travels a lot in Spain and South America.
I have contacted Nuoflix and asked for a contact.
Here is a slightly shorter version of the video with English subtitles.


Kathleen Janoski - Oct 18, 2022

Kathleen Janoski

Were the vials from the US or you know?


AnaD - Oct 18, 2022


They were from Germany.



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