Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Addresses…

Nov 24, 2022

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Grasshopper Kaplan - Nov 24, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

This archbishop is one of the first truthful speakers on my radar, like Dr Michael Yeadon


Catherine☦️ - Nov 25, 2022

Dr. Michael Yeadon was the first voice of reason I heard in 2020:
" Your governments are lying to you in a way that is going to kill you. "


EmilyTVProducer - Nov 24, 2022


I hope he is safe, in the truest sense of the word (not how it's been adulterated by the evil ones)!


ts1213 - Nov 26, 2022


And it is for that reason that he is vilified, even among st the hierarchy in Rome because they are on board with the evil.


It’snotaboutme - Nov 24, 2022

Joe's’s Substack

I truly love Archbishop Vigano's insights and his almost clairvoyant understanding of what has gone on for these past roughly three years. He was prescient in his analysis and in his no nonsense attack on this pack of evil doers. He sees this struggle for what it is - the fight of good versus evil, the divine against the satanic. I believe he has a portal to heaven from which he is able to cut through the mendacity of the narrative and strike at the heart of it. I find great comfort in his words because he speaks the truth. He is truly a man of God and like so many of you out there fighting the battle, are also beacons of light and truth in the darkness of these times. You have risked all, not for fame and glory but for the truth and the salvation of the world. You suffer the slings and arrows of the counter narrative that wants to discredit you and paint you as a quack and no nothing opportunist. Just so you know, all of you who take the time to do the research, write the articles on substack and try to inform the masses, your efforts are not wasted. We truly appreciate and enjoy learning and sharing our experiences with one another and, in so doing, keep our sanity in this insane world. Thank you very much and a Happy Thanksgiving to all.


ts1213 - Nov 26, 2022


So articulately stated.


Wilhelm Tell - Nov 25, 2022



Jake Wilson - Nov 25, 2022 - Edited

Jake’s Newsletter

I cannot believe that people commend the very power who is responsible for the current depopulation project.
Fauci is a Jesuit! What kind of people do you think are at the top of that ladder? Or who do you think arranged the Thirty Years War, WW1, WW2, including the Holocaust? Will the people never learn from history?
In terms of subterfuge, Rome Papal cannot be beaten. Because one of its lovely representatives states that the transhumanist agenda is evil, people think the Papacy has nothing to do with it. It's always the same technique, and the bulk falls for it again and again and again.
All roads lead to Rome. Virtually nothing happens in this world that is not controlled by the Vatican, and yet people give honor to the Whore of Babylon who already exterminated 60 million in the Dark Ages (as per conservative estimates).
Unbelievable. It's the same dummies who wait for the Great Tribulation, the future Antichrist, and the future "Mark of the Beast" = fully indoctrinated by standard Jesuit/Satanic doctrine.
Rev 18:23 tells us that it is Babylon the Great, i.e., Rome Papal is behind it all:
"Your businessmen were the great and prominent men of the earth, and by your drug administration (gr. pharmakeia | φᾰρμᾰκείᾱ) all nations were deceived."


ts1213 - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited


I am an unapologetic practicing Roman Catholic and acknowledge the evil of the Jesuits. I also always say that in no way is an indictment of the average Sunday pew sitter who practices their faith. No institution is corrupted without human involvement.


Jake Wilson - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited

Jake’s Newsletter

The Jesuit Order (‘The False Prophet’), Rome Papal (‘The Beast’), and Satan (‘The Dragon’) collaborate (cf. Rev 16:13; 19:20; 20:10).
Yet, it's not only about Sunday Christians or Jesuits, the latter which didn't exist during the Dark Ages. The Roman Catholic Church, headed by the Papacy, exterminated between 50 and 150 million people, and if she regained temporal power today, she would re-open the dungeons tomorrow.
Particularly in rural areas, any innuendo that you were not in submission to the 'Holy Father' was enough to drag you to the nearest stake and – without any trial – to burn you alive (to death).
The unlucky ones who were not shot, stabbed, stoned, beheaded, hanged, tumbled over precipices or cast from the tops of towers, – those unlucky ones were usually burned, drowned, sunk in mire and pits, buried alive, or simply starved with hunger and cold (as the Nazis did with the Jews). Others were drawn, quartered, impaled, roasted on spits, and baked in ovens.
Quoting from Henry Grattan Guinness, “The Approaching End of the Age”, 1882:
“They have been… hung on tenter hooks, suspended by the hair of the head, by the hands or feet, stuffed and blown up with gunpowder, ripped with swords and sickles, tied to the tails of horses, dragged over streets and sharp flints, broken on the wheel, beaten on anvils with hammers… bored with hot irons, torn piece-meal by red-hot pincers, slashed with knives, hacked with axes, hewed with chisels, planed with planes, pricked with forks, stuck from head to foot with pins, choked with water, lime, rags, urine, excrements, or mangled pieces of their own bodies crammed down their throats, shut up in caves and dungeons, tied to stakes, nailed to trees, tormented with lighted matches, scalding oil, burning pitch, melted lead, etc. They have been flayed alive, had their flesh scalped and torn from their bones; they have been trampled and danced upon, till their bowels have been forced out, their guts have been tied to trees und pulled forth by degrees; their heads twisted with cords till the blood, or even their eyes started out; strings have been drawn through their noses, and they led about like swine, and butchered like sheep. To dig out eyes, tear off nails, cut off ears, lips, tongues, arms, breasts, etc., has been but ordinary sport with Rome’s converters and holy butchers. Persons have been compelled to lay violent hands on their dearest friends, to kill or to cast into the fire their parents, husbands, wives, children, etc., or to look on whilst they have been most cruelly and shamefully abused… Tender babes have been whipped, starved, drowned, stabbed, and burnt to death, dashed against trees and stones, torn limb from limb, carried about on the point of spikes and spears, and thrown to the dogs and swine” (pp. 202-203).
But because the "False Prophet," i.e., the Jesuit Order, has been disseminating exegetic crap for the last 500 years, today's idiots ramble about the coming Antichrist, the coming Great Tribulation, and the coming Mark of the Beast, a mark which mainstream Christians have received for the last 1,900 years! Unbelievable...


ts1213 - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited


Without question. I am perfectly fine if one has issues with Catholicism as that is their right (at least in this country until they take away all of our rights which appears to be at play, now) I, for myself, have no issues with the practice of my faith as it is THE only thing which sustains me in these dark, evil times of which there seems will be no end.


Jake Wilson - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited

Jake’s Newsletter

Since the architects of these dark, evil times are the satanists at the top of the "Roman Clergy," it is beyond me how someone can embrace Catholicism (but it is their right, of course).
The times are anyway not the issue. What happens when time is up, that's what counts. If people "don't come out of Babylon" now, then they should not complain in hell later.
I don't know what your faith entails, but most Catholics are lawless, unregenerate Trinitarians, i.e., unsaved (note: merely believing in Jesus won't save anyone).
Anyway, your choice.


John Stieglitz - Nov 24, 2022

John’s Substack

A voice of reason to the flock

REPLY - Nov 24, 2022 - Edited


Trying to say he is an Archbishop of the dominant Roman Empire and Vatican See, without proximity, oath or allegiance to Jesuits and the Black Nobility?
I mean, maybe..


ts1213 - Nov 26, 2022


"I mean, maybe.."
Yes. It IS possible. Providence is not going to allow His Church to be completely ransacked. This is all punishment for the sins of humanity. Kind of a case of letting us sleep in the bed we (humanity) have made with our depravity.


nickij - Nov 27, 2022


I was deeply moved by the Archbishop's discourse on our living in today's world, challenged by evil. I note that he is the first person I have heard use the term "Global Coup D'état".
In my reading of history and in my own life I see many points in time where society becomes deeply enmeshed in a struggle with forces that expressed pure Evil. One time in history that is clearly recorded is ancient Rome where slavery and corruption by the ruling class was so rampant it destabilized the entire society leading to the totalitarian nature of The Roman Empire which moved in to wipe out the Roman Republic. I often think that many of what we call Christ teachings (love thy neighbor, care enough to heal the sick, leave to the rulers what is the rulers and leave to God what is God's, etc.) would never have gained popularity if not for the tyranny of the Roman Empire. This clear presence of evil in the profiteering and cruelty of tyrants are evident again in the slavery perpetrated against Africans. Early in my life I sensed a horrible destructive evil behind our modern chemistry-driven life when it was clear that corporations were gaming the system, avoiding paying more to operate cleanly, tragically polluting the beautiful Earth with toxins and GMOs just to increase their profits. And, in the last decades the exposure of a gargantuan subterranean economy of human trafficking (the new term for slavery) and lethal drug trafficking all made possible within money laundering in the banking system. These modern versions of evil have only gained momentum because so little headway has been made in reining in and controlling the perpetrators. When the Archbishop acknowledges the existence of the "Deep State" and the "Deep Church", it hints at an explanation for our problem now: The hidden perpetrators unimpeded are surging ahead in an arrogance greater than ever, even to the point of openly celebrating their plans of evil -- all the way to destroying humankind through biotechnological experimentation.
My point is, the evil has been with us all along, and many times society has attempted to bring the world in balance. But this time does seem different. So many cumulative problems. So much collusion against the common man.
And I think what is new in my experience is the startling realization that the Archbishop is characterizing this particular point in time as the Christ-antichrist clash.
I still want to believe the wisest in our society can bring us back from the brink on this Global Coup D'Etat.


ts1213 - Nov 27, 2022


I am most certainly not lawless and I believe in the Trinity; as do a lot of Christians. As for who is in Hell, I do not know but I will say that there are some very solid, faith filled God fearing Catholics throughout history who have lived exemplary lives; just as there are those of Protestant denominations who have, likewise.
Pio, Aquinas, Bernadette Soubirous, Therese Martin, Teresa of Avila, Francis of Assisi. I have always been aware that there will be those who choose to differ and that is their prerogative. Thank you for your thoughts.


ts1213 - Nov 26, 2022


Thank you, so very kindly Dr. Ana for your acknowledgment of the Archbishop. It is nice to see someone in science give due to someone in the religious sphere as we all know that more often than not, anything Of God is mocked and derided by the science community.


mike - Mar 20, 2023

Thank you for the truth! "You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free"


mike - Mar 20, 2023

Thank you for the truth! "You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free"


AcsWorldNews - Nov 27, 2022

AcsWorldNews’s Newsletter

Excuse me, do you not know that the Roman Catholic Church is behind everything that is going on today? Covid-19, Agenda 21/30, The Great Reset and the whole ordeal?! Research, White Pope (Roman Catholic Church), Grey Pope (Roman Papal Bloodlines) and Black Pope, (Jesuits Order) thank you, and God bless you and yours more!



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