Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Addresses Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 24, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano

Last week we had the great honor of being addressed by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano at our meeting of Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International. He explains a brilliant overview of current world events. I am most grateful for his Excellency to discuss the issue of the C19 injectables. He stated that the Graphene in them acts as a sender and receiver and he speaks of the Graphene findings in live blood. He speaks of the importance to look at these injectable from the perspective of nanotechnology. His acknowledgement of what really is in these shots and how they fit in the evil transhumanist agenda is most important - and is a great validation of the international research efforts of scientists around the world who have been exposing the self-assembly Nano and micro technology in these shots.

The Archbishop KNOWS the evil we are really fighting on this earth and beyond.

It is my great hope that his address will open more people’s eyes to the real threat of artificial diabolical intelligence weapons that have been unleashed upon humanity. People must understand that this is a fight not just for human health, but the soul and the spirit of human beings. We are in a spiritual war.

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Grasshopper Kaplan - Nov 24, 2022

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

This archbishop is one of the first truthful speakers on my radar, like Dr Michael Yeadon

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It’snotaboutme - Nov 24, 2022

Joe's’s Substack

I truly love Archbishop Vigano's insights and his almost clairvoyant understanding of what has gone on for these past roughly three years. He was prescient in his analysis and in his no nonsense attack on this pack of evil doers. He sees this struggle for what it is - the fight of good versus evil, the divine against the satanic. I believe he has a portal to heaven from which he is able to cut through the mendacity of the narrative and strike at the heart of it. I find great comfort in his words because he speaks the truth. He is truly a man of God and like so many of you out there fighting the battle, are also beacons of light and truth in the darkness of these times. You have risked all, not for fame and glory but for the truth and the salvation of the world. You suffer the slings and arrows of the counter narrative that wants to discredit you and paint you as a quack and no nothing opportunist. Just so you know, all of you who take the time to do the research, write the articles on substack and try to inform the masses, your efforts are not wasted. We truly appreciate and enjoy learning and sharing our experiences with one another and, in so doing, keep our sanity in this insane world. Thank you very much and a Happy Thanksgiving to all.

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