Then a virus infects the systems and the elites starve to death cause they don’t know how to grow their own food (or do much of anything for themselves).
We remove the AI.
Have you noticed how 'they' make people fit into their 'system' and narratives? Dumb down people to make AI look intelligent.
Lookout Rant alert - I sometimes like to take a step back for a closer look. There are many examples, such as an IQ test. The test is based on questions about their system of beliefs. Personally when SHTF I would much rather be stuck on a farm with a farmer with an IQ of 120, than with a PHD with an IQ of 200. PHD's should be intelligent enough to not be offended by this, right?
Wasn't all that long ago when a underground mine collapsed with engineers and laborers trapped inside, and you can guess who panicked the most. The engineers wanted a spreadsheet to calculate beams and columns for support, all based on how the system had educated them, the laborers already shored up supports and had their hands dirty using practical methods to save everyone, and were the ones who did exactly that.
What am I saying? Well people are great, wonderful, creative and always will be but sometimes hand over their lives to tricksters.
Well said, Cos! Couldn't agree more, especially in terms of who will provide real value with the SHTF.
Also, in case you might be interested, here are more of the resources I've gathered on the myriad problems with AI:
I agree 100 percent.
My grandparents and my wife's grandparents were ranchers and farmers. They learned how to take care of themselves.
Wish I would have learned more from them than I did.
At least I learned how to ride a horse and take care of it, grow a garden, hunt, fish, and even prepare what I gathered.
I was even an average C student.
Who knew ?
Points well made.
Bring it on! People are being hornswoggled into believing that time off to do the things you always wanted to do but never had the time or the money is a bad thing. How much could you have gotten done if you had the time or the money and especially if you had both at the same time.
Having FREE TIME is a GOOD THING it is not a problem.
The Renaissance occurred simply because people only had to work 20 hours a week to feed their families and provide for themselves. They could afford to support painters, sculptors, thinkers and the arts.
How many Sam Sneeds could we see if everyone had the time to golf 8 hours a day? Could you become a par golfer, a Nascar racer, a painter, artist, dancer, musician? What do you like to do, fish trail guide, hike, write? The world becomes your oyster when you have the time and money to do whatever the HELL you want.
It is like retirement. I am 73 now and I am fit, take ZERO medications, work full time and I enjoy life as much today as I ever have. The mindset is to have a list of things not yet done. What's on your 'Bucket List'?
The key is health. follow Alec Zeck at theendofCOVID. Don't buy into the allopath who is out to build his business with more and more diseased 'patients'. Why are they called 'patients' anyway?
The End of COVID is a series of 90 hours of truth about health and healing. Here is the link:
God be with you each and every one, Whatever you conceive Him to be.
This half-century's plan of the darkly quickened beings on Earth may be to:
Cull most of us older, more organic codgers through poison and neglect;
Propagandize the young with how sexy and futuristic are robots, cyborg augmentation, genetic re-engineering, and artificial wombs;
Show the financial management benefits to Global Corp, Inc. of accepting and employing machine uncomplaining employees;
Use remainder humans as batteries plugged into virtual reality to help power the matrix and generate scenarios for their research and amusement.
So maybe we just need to take an 18650 tube-shaped stun gun, replace the electrodes with tungsten needles, then mount it on an arrow... then we can disable humanoid robots at distance.
That will definitely stop SkyNet.
There are a gazillion ways to remove, take down, wear out, degrade, electrify, corrode, burn, overload, seize up, squash, run over, short circuit any bot that is created to replace a wonderful lady, man or child. People are very resilient and creative, just a bit bummed at the moment.
Man creates, he also destroys the same, he codes he hacks. There is always balance.
They need power to operate we need nutritious foods. O please pray we can find a way to disable them by draining their power not ours. God’s mercy and grace will prevail ๐๏ธ
Watch the movie “Atlas” The computer actually interfaces through neuro link. The main character, Atlas, reluctantly allows it to save her life. It gets so close to her phychi that she seems to love it, Him, yikesโผ๏ธ
Why and who is going to need robots if there is no customers (people who can afford them)?
These so intelligent people are missing the big question, if the creation of robots are for money issues, and the ones to buy the robots are humans but there are not substantial humans left after depopulation practices that are being and still are carry out who needs the robots? Something does not compute here.
I consider myself a humble simple brain and I can arrive to this conclusion, I don't get it ๐ค can someone help?
I concur with those who have said something similar to massive attack on the electrical grids. I do not relish this idea at all but it would be the great and true equalizer of all things. MSM gone, cell towers inoperable, surveillance cameras dead, WiFi dead, etc. All the methods of tracking, manipulation, and control gone. It’s the best and bloodless way to go to ending this dystopian nightmare.
The rate ignorance is increasing in the world, because people don't feed their has created radical insanity. There are many more practical problems that need to be solved. Those who are into this kind of thinking need to get their feet on the ground....they really should be locked up in mental institutions.
I grant the trendline is obvious since Brave New World Revisited. After Covid injection though I have profound doubt in regards to markets. Please help me apprehend delivery to whom exactly? First the vaccinations have disintegrated the managed Chaos of Globalism with the X factor triggering calamity following calamity. Very speculative Life Boat Technocracy can float with mass deaths and a Totalitarian localism.
As a mother, who is praying that somehow God helps us survive this holocaust, what career field should I encourage my children to choose so that they will have job security?
Mama Bear ~ IMHO, these are the wrong questions to be asking.
We can't possibly predict what will be the best career field in the days ahead, given how rapidly the world is changing. Moreover, the "best" career field may actually end up being the one with the greatest earning potential, *not* the one with the greatest job security. (After all, when "security" is the top priority, that's when people end up agreeing to experimental medical procedures in order to keep their jobs ~ and then they lose both their health and their jobs.)
Instead, the very *best* thing you can do is teach your children critical thinking skills. Encourage them to ask hard questions and to question authority. Help them to feel comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty, and to learn to trust themselves. Encourage them to develop a "growth mindset", to be willing to experiment, and to embrace "trial and learning". Perhaps most importantly, challenge them to do hard things, so they can develop tenacity, grit, perseverance and learned optimism.
These are the skills we will ALL need to survive and thrive in the days ahead ~ and, if you can lead by example, this will be one of your most valuable legacies. ๐
Related resources have been provided here:
I’m not seeking guidance in the importance of teaching my kids to think independently with common sense and basic (and beyond) human decency, at all. I’ve got that and it feels presumptive on your part to assume I’m not already making that a priority. Unfortunately those skills alone will not produce income. Chasing the highest paying jobs as of today, seems lofty as it seems likely that investment banking and medical practices could even be taken over by AI. I suppose I errored in that I should have said financial security instead of job security however there’s an infinite overlap of one needs job security to be financially secure. We are all non-consenting lab rats living in a silent holocaust your point there feels moot.
I'm glad to know you've already given your kids a good head start in this regard ~ and, if my feedback did not provide any value, I hope the other feedback you get will be more helpful. โ
Dear Mama Bear! This is one of the most critical, important and least asked questions in my opinion! God bless you for being such a wonderful and loving Mother! Have no doubt that when you pray with a sincere heart for your beautiful children, consecrate them to Him, teach them the true Traditional Catholic Faith, your children will be protected-God will show them all what He wants for them! If you have the means to get some good land to grow your own food, live outside the “system”, that would be good! Learning a trade to help them to be independent and make an honest living is another option! Please seewww.vaticancatholic.comand study carefully please ๐
Send an email to Brother Michael Dimond atmhfm1@aol.comfor any questions and comments! Prayers blessings and โค๏ธ from ๐ฎ๐ช xx
Steve - May 22
gunnersteve13’s Substack
Then a virus infects the systems and the elites starve to death cause they don’t know how to grow their own food (or do much of anything for themselves).
Vonu - May 22
Why hasn't anyone painted a picture of a room full of of humanoids playing poker?
Grasshopper Kaplan - May 22
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
Animal farm
Vonu - May 22
Pigs can't play poker.
Grasshopper Kaplan - May 22
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
Why do robots have heads ?
Since they don't need to use a bathroom, we are doomed
Metta Zetty - May 22
Lots of them don't have heads:
Grasshopper Kaplan - May 22
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
Nor do most of our so called leaders have any. Or at least not much inside..
Metta Zetty - May 22
Angie - May 23
The technology is decades ahead of what they allow us to see. It seems likely that humanoid robots already exist in our societies.
Grasshopper Kaplan - May 23
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
Yes, some of them are news reporters.
Metta Zetty - May 22 - Edited
"This then also begs the question of what happens when AI renders humans too primitive ~ or too expensive ~ to keep around."
Cos - May 23 - Edited
We remove the AI.
Have you noticed how 'they' make people fit into their 'system' and narratives? Dumb down people to make AI look intelligent.
Lookout Rant alert - I sometimes like to take a step back for a closer look. There are many examples, such as an IQ test. The test is based on questions about their system of beliefs. Personally when SHTF I would much rather be stuck on a farm with a farmer with an IQ of 120, than with a PHD with an IQ of 200. PHD's should be intelligent enough to not be offended by this, right?
Wasn't all that long ago when a underground mine collapsed with engineers and laborers trapped inside, and you can guess who panicked the most. The engineers wanted a spreadsheet to calculate beams and columns for support, all based on how the system had educated them, the laborers already shored up supports and had their hands dirty using practical methods to save everyone, and were the ones who did exactly that.
What am I saying? Well people are great, wonderful, creative and always will be but sometimes hand over their lives to tricksters.
Metta Zetty - May 23 - Edited
Well said, Cos! Couldn't agree more, especially in terms of who will provide real value with the SHTF.
Also, in case you might be interested, here are more of the resources I've gathered on the myriad problems with AI:
John Roberts - May 24
John Roberts
I agree 100 percent.
My grandparents and my wife's grandparents were ranchers and farmers. They learned how to take care of themselves.
Wish I would have learned more from them than I did.
At least I learned how to ride a horse and take care of it, grow a garden, hunt, fish, and even prepare what I gathered.
I was even an average C student.
Who knew ?
Points well made.
DAVY Udal - May 23
DAVY’s Substack
Bring it on! People are being hornswoggled into believing that time off to do the things you always wanted to do but never had the time or the money is a bad thing. How much could you have gotten done if you had the time or the money and especially if you had both at the same time.
Having FREE TIME is a GOOD THING it is not a problem.
The Renaissance occurred simply because people only had to work 20 hours a week to feed their families and provide for themselves. They could afford to support painters, sculptors, thinkers and the arts.
How many Sam Sneeds could we see if everyone had the time to golf 8 hours a day? Could you become a par golfer, a Nascar racer, a painter, artist, dancer, musician? What do you like to do, fish trail guide, hike, write? The world becomes your oyster when you have the time and money to do whatever the HELL you want.
It is like retirement. I am 73 now and I am fit, take ZERO medications, work full time and I enjoy life as much today as I ever have. The mindset is to have a list of things not yet done. What's on your 'Bucket List'?
The key is health. follow Alec Zeck at theendofCOVID. Don't buy into the allopath who is out to build his business with more and more diseased 'patients'. Why are they called 'patients' anyway?
The End of COVID is a series of 90 hours of truth about health and healing. Here is the link:
God be with you each and every one, Whatever you conceive Him to be.
Miss Parker - May 22
Miss’s Substack
This half-century's plan of the darkly quickened beings on Earth may be to:
Cull most of us older, more organic codgers through poison and neglect;
Propagandize the young with how sexy and futuristic are robots, cyborg augmentation, genetic re-engineering, and artificial wombs;
Show the financial management benefits to Global Corp, Inc. of accepting and employing machine uncomplaining employees;
Use remainder humans as batteries plugged into virtual reality to help power the matrix and generate scenarios for their research and amusement.
PolitiJim Rants - May 22
Just in from Carnicom - Differences Between VAXXED and UNVAXXED blood Identified
Cos - May 23
Very interesting!
Bee Gee - May 22
Bee Gee
So maybe we just need to take an 18650 tube-shaped stun gun, replace the electrodes with tungsten needles, then mount it on an arrow... then we can disable humanoid robots at distance.
That will definitely stop SkyNet.
Thomas Guitarman - May 22
Thomas’s Substack
I LIKE IT are you sure it works?
Bee Gee - May 22
Bee Gee
No, I am not at all sure it works, just an idea at this stage. Also there are no robots yet for me to test it on.
Cos - May 23
There are a gazillion ways to remove, take down, wear out, degrade, electrify, corrode, burn, overload, seize up, squash, run over, short circuit any bot that is created to replace a wonderful lady, man or child. People are very resilient and creative, just a bit bummed at the moment.
Man creates, he also destroys the same, he codes he hacks. There is always balance.
Mary Cox - May 25
They need power to operate we need nutritious foods. O please pray we can find a way to disable them by draining their power not ours. God’s mercy and grace will prevail ๐๏ธ
Mary Cox - May 25
Watch the movie “Atlas” The computer actually interfaces through neuro link. The main character, Atlas, reluctantly allows it to save her life. It gets so close to her phychi that she seems to love it, Him, yikesโผ๏ธ
Orli and the team - May 23
Orli’s Substack
Why and who is going to need robots if there is no customers (people who can afford them)?
These so intelligent people are missing the big question, if the creation of robots are for money issues, and the ones to buy the robots are humans but there are not substantial humans left after depopulation practices that are being and still are carry out who needs the robots? Something does not compute here.
I consider myself a humble simple brain and I can arrive to this conclusion, I don't get it ๐ค can someone help?
Christine - May 22
Christine’s Newsletter
Schwarzeneger Terminator movies like, but next?
EK MtnTime - May 22
EK MtnTime
I concur with those who have said something similar to massive attack on the electrical grids. I do not relish this idea at all but it would be the great and true equalizer of all things. MSM gone, cell towers inoperable, surveillance cameras dead, WiFi dead, etc. All the methods of tracking, manipulation, and control gone. It’s the best and bloodless way to go to ending this dystopian nightmare.
Barbara Charis - May 22
Barbara’s Newsletter - Journey …
The rate ignorance is increasing in the world, because people don't feed their has created radical insanity. There are many more practical problems that need to be solved. Those who are into this kind of thinking need to get their feet on the ground....they really should be locked up in mental institutions.
Stegiel - May 22
The Journal of Lingering Sanity
I grant the trendline is obvious since Brave New World Revisited. After Covid injection though I have profound doubt in regards to markets. Please help me apprehend delivery to whom exactly? First the vaccinations have disintegrated the managed Chaos of Globalism with the X factor triggering calamity following calamity. Very speculative Life Boat Technocracy can float with mass deaths and a Totalitarian localism.
Mama Bear - May 22 - Edited
As a mother, who is praying that somehow God helps us survive this holocaust, what career field should I encourage my children to choose so that they will have job security?
Metta Zetty - May 22 - Edited
Mama Bear ~ IMHO, these are the wrong questions to be asking.
We can't possibly predict what will be the best career field in the days ahead, given how rapidly the world is changing. Moreover, the "best" career field may actually end up being the one with the greatest earning potential, *not* the one with the greatest job security. (After all, when "security" is the top priority, that's when people end up agreeing to experimental medical procedures in order to keep their jobs ~ and then they lose both their health and their jobs.)
Instead, the very *best* thing you can do is teach your children critical thinking skills. Encourage them to ask hard questions and to question authority. Help them to feel comfortable with ambiguity and uncertainty, and to learn to trust themselves. Encourage them to develop a "growth mindset", to be willing to experiment, and to embrace "trial and learning". Perhaps most importantly, challenge them to do hard things, so they can develop tenacity, grit, perseverance and learned optimism.
These are the skills we will ALL need to survive and thrive in the days ahead ~ and, if you can lead by example, this will be one of your most valuable legacies. ๐
Related resources have been provided here:
Mama Bear - May 22 - Edited
I’m not seeking guidance in the importance of teaching my kids to think independently with common sense and basic (and beyond) human decency, at all. I’ve got that and it feels presumptive on your part to assume I’m not already making that a priority. Unfortunately those skills alone will not produce income. Chasing the highest paying jobs as of today, seems lofty as it seems likely that investment banking and medical practices could even be taken over by AI. I suppose I errored in that I should have said financial security instead of job security however there’s an infinite overlap of one needs job security to be financially secure. We are all non-consenting lab rats living in a silent holocaust your point there feels moot.
Metta Zetty - May 22 - Edited
I'm glad to know you've already given your kids a good head start in this regard ~ and, if my feedback did not provide any value, I hope the other feedback you get will be more helpful. โ
Vonu - May 22
Have them learn every blue collar skill they can, so they will be essential workers.
Mama Bear - May 22
Weird, bc it seems like my fridge could even be repaired by a robot in the too near future.
Vonu - May 23
One more refrigerant change and you might not be able to afford a fridge.
Mary Wrenne - May 22
Mary’s Substack
Dear Mama Bear! This is one of the most critical, important and least asked questions in my opinion! God bless you for being such a wonderful and loving Mother! Have no doubt that when you pray with a sincere heart for your beautiful children, consecrate them to Him, teach them the true Traditional Catholic Faith, your children will be protected-God will show them all what He wants for them! If you have the means to get some good land to grow your own food, live outside the “system”, that would be good! Learning a trade to help them to be independent and make an honest living is another option! Please seewww.vaticancatholic.comand study carefully please ๐
Send an email to Brother Michael Dimond atmhfm1@aol.comfor any questions and comments! Prayers blessings and โค๏ธ from ๐ฎ๐ช xx
Mama Bear - May 22
Also, whose the gent in my profile pic? I didn’t choose one so this feels creepy.
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