AI Humanoid Robots Replacing Humans Are The Next Level Of Transhumanist Technocracy Implementation: "Top 6 Humanoid Robot Companies To Consider As A New Trend Potentially Takes Off"

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - May 22, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I wanted to repost this important article on the future of humanoid robots that is here. In essence, the transhumanist technocratic vision is to replace 90% of the labor force by robots. Essentially it is not just fusing humans with technology, creating Cyborgs and then phasing the human part out, but also to create AI controlled humanoid robots in every aspect of our lives. This then also begs the question of what happens when AI renders humans to primitive to keep around. If the projected amounts of humanoid robots are 100 Million in the US alone, I hope you realize they are produced to replace human jobs and usefulness in society. Human labor will be obsolete.

Please find the full article here:

Top 6 Humanoid Robot Companies To Consider As A New Trend Potentially Takes Off


EV maker Nio testing use of humanoid robots on factory production line ( source )

Nio testing use of humanoid robots on factory production line


Robot ETFs

Note: You can also consider exposure to AI ETFs such as Global X Artificial Intelligence & Technology ETF ( AIQ ) and ROBO Global Artificial Intelligence ETF ( THNQ ).


Adoption of more expensive humanoid robots than standard factory robots appears to be a key risk ( source )

Adoption of more expensive humanoid robots (than standard factory robots) appears to be a key risk

Cost for a standard global humanoid robot in 2023 ( source )

Cost for a standard global humanoid robot in 2023

Credit - thanks to Shoshanna for sending these news articles

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Steve - May 22

gunnersteve13’s Substack

Then a virus infects the systems and the elites starve to death cause they don’t know how to grow their own food (or do much of anything for themselves).

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Vonu - May 22


Why hasn't anyone painted a picture of a room full of of humanoids playing poker?

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