A weird idea popped in my mind today, if scientist rile back then and many other cured cancer by sound frequency, as mr hutchinston cleared pb spilled oil by frequency. Could it be possible to destroy the virus /nanotech/etc in our body by sound frequency if so wich one. Is there people in quinta coloumna or elsewhere looking into this?
It sounds like you are going down the frequency path. Sound is one thing but radio frequency is entirely another; these constructs use radio frequency energy for their own use. Others have already put this to the test; see the following:
Thanks David, I was going to post that one but then you already did. People have already tested various frequencies of sound and EMF and I have not see where anyone can do anything Positive in actual humans.
However, they Can make it grow like crazy on the slide by applying EMF or direct voltage... so I'll pass. Not no but Fuck No.
ALSO in that link Karl C talks about how they have been able to positively identify certain types of hydrogels via staining... one of those hydrogels is Calcium Alginate, but there are other alginate hydrogels as well.
And Sodium Citrate dissolves alginate hydrogels.
Which is why I take it, and it is part of my regular and fasting protocols. Boba tea uses alginate to make those slimy little goo balls, and sodium citrate dissolves them too, try it yourself if you go to those places.
I don't but I Did once, because I like to know I know what I think I know. Don't buy it though, make it yourself. Its just pure citric acid, sodium bicarbonate and water. I use zerowater because its the best but I guess any water would do. Boo hoo, all citric acid is synthetic, make your own from lemons then but its not gonna be pure citric acid without a Lot of work. Trust me.
I am not giving medical advice and Always do your own research about any interactions with any drugs you take, sodium citrate also alkalizes the blood slightly (even better than sodium bicarbonate) which could be a problem for certain medical conditions but overall I think it is pretty safe for most people.
And it dissolves alginate hydrogels, Which Matters IMHO.
Thanks again to Karl C, it was his discovery and alginate research, I just borrowed it... if you try it and it works for you (as it does for many), buy him a kofi.
Geez, lots of info! Just wondering… first i never had a bubble tea, then if its a place there is none near my town. And lastly i looked in the net and it says bubbles are tapioca, is tapioca naturally full alginate? I no less in food than science…
After watching karl video tommorow i may have a clearer view of all this, thanks to both of you for the share πππβοΈπππ
Yes, there are tuning forks with a specific Hz frequency that is for treating mRNA LNP. You can probably find out which one on YouTube or something online.
Ill keep diggin then, i alrdy have a hard time conceiving how it is done at the first. Harder it is to look for what i cant name and would be created and tested by people mastering what i dont know. All i know is quantum basic and i find the spheridal form it do looks a lot
Like many of thes emf reppeller.
Looks like the Hz frequency for electromagnetic detox is 149.74. I have two. One is a 963 Hz, & the other is 256 Hz. Both are for shedding of spike proteins from the vaccinated. You have to really research what you need & for what specific purpose. I’m sure there are more frequencies besides these that can help. All tuning forks help to balance the body constitution. The human body, made of mostly water, really responds positively to Hz frequencies. When used for healing purposes. Of course, the are harmful frequencies too. The ones the DOD weaponizes against people. The ones for health and healing are very effective. Hope this helps a little. Have a great day!ππ½
Yes, there are different frequencies for different things. Many practitioners use them in line with the chakras, or for various purposes. They’re specific for all sorts of things. I’m not an expert in this, but I’ve been to sessions with a practitioner. So I’ve learned a little about them. You can find information online & research what frequency is for what, & how to use them. ππ»
Sound frequencies = Music Correct?
Hmmn classical music maybe...
- Mozart, Beethoven perhaps?
Not mocking
.... wondering....
SIMPLE Solutions for 'complex issues' Kinda thing...
Desculpe, mas as suposições dos seus comentários, mostram o seu desconhecimento.
Nicola Tesla e frequências, conhece?
Tem o link disponibilizado acima, caso queira aprender.
There are Rife- like packs of frequencies out there to choose from, if you do some digging you’ll find them. They work, I guess, I use them every day in the last two years, dedicated specifically for shedding, vaxx and all kind of aspects of this darpa assault on us. I won’t do ‘free’ options, nothing is free nowadays and in this sensible situation of hacking your biofield, better to work with a real company or person. This is an ongoing process and upgrades may be available, time to time, adjusting at the crazy game.
Terminate AI nano bots βοΈ
Lots of good feedback
Also I just ordered a spooky2 rife machine and am super excited at all the ways they have to apply the frequencies to the body - even remotely by using DNA from your fingernailπ
Check it out at
I once heard someone say that if you put strong magnets on each side of the leg or body, and switch them (the polarity) back and forth, that it deactivates them. This was a few years ago on Bitchute. I don't know if it's true, but it seems like it might make sense.
I know a lot about the magnetism like phenomenon in humans and I do not believe that is true but feel free to test it, even neodymium magnets are cheap.
On this topic, I remember seeing a video of (I'll try my best to explain it), these two men had a big (huge) machine. They would go out to people's homes that had been vaxed. They would use this huge machine, and it was pointed towards the customer. The customer had someone with them supporting them. They would pull this huge machine back and forth (I know that sounds weird!), and the customer was feeling some discomfort, but was enduring it with help of their support person. At the end, they felt much better. These men charged a fee for going out to peoples homes (to demagnetize?). It was on Bitchute. Anyway, I thought I would mention that.
Michael Chapula died about 3 yrs ago,he was treating morgellons patients just across the texas border in mexico.interesting it is right before he died he was boasting about curing his C-19.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-id74hGbYA
I was wondering if anyone has checked cremated remains for MAC addresses. If these things self assemble in cremated remains then it means even high heat can’t destroy them.
I have checked this myself multiple times in multiple cemeteries since 2021 and No...
or at least not that I have found, but of course I always think more research is needed.
We need to find someone that actually works in a crematorium to check it, even if they just took a screenshot of the detectable BT MACs after a few cremations. They do 10 just cremations and Some of those people are going to be vaxxed, if not all.
But no, based upon my testing and in my opinion the cremated are not emitting MAC addresses.
What would it take to get people en-masse to get rid of the "smart" phones? Without those, it will be much harder for the perpetrators to enact their universal digital ID/CBDC/social credit score slavery system.
I think many, especially the Gen Z's, will Never give up their phone/devices and always being on the internet... they have never known life without it.
This consuses me a little. During embalming the blood is replaced with embalming fluid, the blood is not embalmed. Was that blood sample mixed with embalming fluid prior to transport?
I assume but do not know that the blood was harvested as the body was being embalmed. It's quite easy to collect the blood as it's being drained from the body (which is necessary to make room for the embalming fluid).
Interesting whistleblower video about the WBAN, Sabrina Wallace. We are the T in IoT.
"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." Daniel 2:43
This needs concentrated research. Dr.Ana cleared my daughter and me of the nano junk with 1 1/2 IV chelations last month. BTW, we were not vaxxed. After chelation our blood looked normal, our bodies' immune systems apparently having taken the little bots to our body waste removal sites. The chelation apparently denied them the metals they need to function. However, once liberated from our bodies, finding bacteria and metal traces in our toilet system, will a blob emerge from the septic tank in ten years to eat the Earth? We need to catch and closely examine a nanobot...as well as a scientist who developed it. How does it actually work? What destroys it for good? Somebody knows the thing intimately and will be able to lead us quickly to a solution.
Did either of you have symptoms prior to being treated? I am very interested in having this more formally investigated through use of one or more clinical studies. See my Substack article on Contamination of the Human Blood with Micro/Nanotechnology for further details.
There's no question that these blood samples contain things (nanotech, quantum dots, etc.) which don't belong in the blood of the living... or the dead. However, I reject the notion that they're "swimming" by their own effort(s). Their non-random directional movement is much more likely due to eddy currents created by the evaporative loss of water at the edges of the cover slip. Sealing these edges before viewing should resolve this issue. You might try viewing the sample at the precise center of the cover slip, where these movements will be far more random and considerably slower. These movements will, of course, become faster as they get closer and closer to the edges of the cover slip. In addition, at the magnification levels employed in these videos, Brownian motion itself will cause tiny objects to oscillate as they interact mechanically with the much smaller molecules and mineral ions within the fluid.
Not their own effort, but a result of incident emf, no? Is it not that graphene-compound wheels , as it were, spin along with this incident? Thus can they be directed to body parts desired for theoretical use, presumably part of their promotion. I have suggested that terahz range is somehow involved, and this suggestion has been mentioned in the recent important paper from the Korean researcher our host shared recently.Not that Thz need be incident from outside, but what's outside in ambient or directed e-smog to maybe activate what is within ("q dots" or -like bits?) which in turn drive the wheels...? Also this is not to say that Thz or from whatever range do not find their way from within "carriers" (injectees or 2nd-hand exposed enough) to others (which I believe from experience & much self-experimentation enter via low resistance acupuncture points over the air, unless actually touched).
I agree that GHz, and perhaps THz frequencies, may be a significant source of energy for the construction activities of this exotic nano-tech. Dr. Nixon's videos are sufficient proof of that. He noticed that when his samples were removed from any EMF influence, they would disassemble/dissolve. But my 23 years of medical research involving microscopy, tissue culture, etc. allows me to ascribe the directional movements of the particles seen in Dr. Mihalcea's videos as most likely due to purely physical fluid dynamics. Fortunately, there's an easy method to determine whether this is the case - seal all cover slips to prevent evaporative loss and then have another look.
She has already addressed this so if you watch more of her videos, you will see at least some of the 'microbots' are following some intelligent path at a high rate of speed, it is not merely fluid dynamics or brownian motion.
I've watched dozens of Ana's videos because I respect her courage, her intelligence, and her work ethic immensely. However, I haven't seen anything which deals with this "movement" issue. I remain unconvinced that these nano-particles have an ability to navigate by themselves. My trained eyes see the overriding influence of eddy currents, which can easily be seen at the high levels of magnification which her equipment provides. Even the much larger and heavier red blood cells will "move" under this influence. This is evident in many of the videos of live blood cell microscopy which I've seen from a multiplicity of otherwise very careful and well-meaning researchers. Nobody seems to want to spend the small amount of time needed to seal the edges of their cover slips before viewing. Inexplicable...
People Have tried that, you just havent Seen them try that.
It seems to require air to construct, and the sealed slides take much much longer for the nanotech to develop... it still happens, but much slower.
Im off work so Im not going to try to find it now but she has videos where the 'nanobots' or whatever they are are following some kind of intelligent control or design, slipping around the blood cells so fast she can barely keep them in the objective focus.
I am very glad that an expert with so much experience thinks so about the movements of QDs. I thought the same as a hobby microscopist. When they get into a tighter area, they move faster and the swirling also can be observed. Thanks for posting your thoughts on this.
Email ALL mpp, MP, and senators in Canada
Subject: Official Notice of Service: Peace Treaty Declaration per Law of War Manual Section 12.4 & 15
Body: This is an official notice of service under a white flag of truce, per the Law of War Manual section 12.4, of our formal peace treaty. See attached for full treaty as well ashttps://tgpeacetreaty.com/
If you are a member of the Judge Advocate Generals we the civilian casualties/victims require your assistance. The treaty contains evidence exposing war crimes at the local, provincial and national levels.
If you are not part of the hostile belligerents/crime syndicate mentioned in the treaty read below:
Per the Law of War Manual section 12.4 “White flag of truce” we (the neutral, civilian non-combatants) now designate the men and women acting as parliament/Members of Parliament/Members of Provincial Parliament of Canada as our “parliamentaire”/custodians of the treaty to act as negotiators vis-a-vis the hostile belligerents (ie current de facto governments/crime syndicates as defined in this treaty below). These negotiations will be done per the Law of War Manual sections 11 & 10 for the reparations/restitution/restoration/redress that is due to the civilian casualties resulting from the ongoing attack/violations of the Law of War Manual/treason committed by the hostile belligerents. While engaging in a decades old cognitive/5th generation warfare attack and masquerading as a legitimate government the hostile belligerents have broken their oaths and abandoned their lawful duty of care to all men and women and their sons and daughters living on terra firma Canada and the United States. The parliamentaire has the obligation to negotiate on behalf of the damaged civilian casualties and to make right what is/was wrong and begin to restore what was lost due to the past and ongoing war crimes of the hostile belligerents.
Although this action is commendable, please let me know one single reliable name of MP or other politicians who will get out of the row to really defend the people on this topic! I would go to meet him or her in person to give the above petition!
We are well past petitions and everything.., Kids are dying of old heart conditions, we all have relatives and neighbors killed in droves by now, we can’t gardening without ambulance noises around, every single day of this summer.., Why do you think that all these oblivious people, politicians by occupation, knowing s…t of real life , are going to help? Even those few in Canadian Parliament, who used to previously have HUMAN careers … they became the same with political body!
It's actually not a petition: it's a necessary step in the Law of War Manual. This is an actual WAR on the population/aka civilian non combatants and as such we need to follow the laws of war to receive remedy/reparations/restitution as well as the protections that neutrality entails. It's partially about getting them to step up/give them a chance but more about showing that WE are aware of what is going on and THEY are on notice. If they don't step up, it further implicates them in a WAR CRIME... And that's where the positive military can step in.
Courts/the judiciary are complicit in the crimes and we can't leave the remedy in their hands. Anything else is covered in the actual treaty/treaty evidence. I would recommend reading the document for any other questions π―π
Why can't they be destroyed with an electrical overload to the blood as happens in the case when someone is hit with a stun weapon?
Somewhere here, 5G comes into play and if the bots are destroyed or disabled through this charge then the self-replicating may stop.
I doubt seriously they thought to put surge protection in for those nano bots.
Electrical current and EMF make them grow faster, it has been proven many times so feel free to test it but I would not recommend it.
They are dispersed throughout the body and the voltage is not going to get everywhere.
I don't think we know that yet. The La Quinta Columna experiment appears to show disintegration of micro/nanotechnology when a few drops of nicotine in distilled water is applied to a slide containing CV19 vax contents and in a separate experiment, to a slide containing a local anesthetic Whether these structures are really permanently destroyed is unknown based on the experiment. It might be possible that they could reassemble under certain conditions, e.g. EMF's, heat etc., which must be determined.
We do know that, and its not true.
Its bullshit and Brian Ardis is a piece of shit, because he knows it too.
David Nixon and others have Proven this, not to mention that the amount of nicotine on the LQC slide scales up to a Beyond Lethal dose in an actual human.
No, they dont, or at least not that I know of.... the .net is their actual site. A lot of people translate and repost their stuff though, fwiw.
Its funny, they still have all those Other channels too, on Bitchute and Rumble and Odysee and Telegram and Youtube and facebook... yet they Only talked about Graphene the entire time and Never got taken down from most of those places.
Yet I started All the exact same pages (and More) at about the same time, but we were Only talking about the magnetism like phenomenon that has shed to the 'unvaxxed', and All of ours got deleted or taken down or broken somehow. Eventually they shut down my protonmail and my tutanota I was trying to reach out to people with too.
Almost like they Didnt Care about people talking about Graphene but they Do care about people talking about the magnetism... still to this day. Okay it was probably a week or two ago but still....
I recently saw a magnet video someone had uploaded the other day on bitchute-All, open in a new tab and it 404's with their stupid ninja. Try again, same result.... refresh the page, that tile is gone. Thats not Shadowbanning though, although that guarantee thing happened a few days after that video was removed.
I like LQC but I personally dont think its graphene.
And RAMAN spectroscopy isnt a black and white science, its an Art open to interpretation.
Thats why all the honest people like the Colorado lab say it gives a spectrum result Similar To the known peaks for graphene.
If you are trying to find them for more nicotine news, dont bother, its already been disproven many times and they themselves only said it needs more research, not that it was a cure.
Also Dr Ana has seen tons of patients on nicotine patches and they dont seem to matter whatsoever, even at unhealthy levels.
There are already genetic differences in the way some peoples respond to the binary bioweapons of sars-cov2 and the fake jabs.
Why assume its 'the rich' and not the someone/s in the races who are barely affected?
We do know, FWIW, that there were many lots/batches distributed around. I was always nagged by the thought of them collecting data as to how these various 'recipes' were affecting people and how they interact with something like, say 5G. Perhaps a DNA-fueled study? We also know those towers popped up around the same time as the bioweapon-jab did...
That is true, they had many many batches and are likely running many many experiments.
I myself dont think 5G is very related though... people in areas many hundreds of miles from any 5G signal still get the shedding and all the same effects as people in 5G areas, although the bioteq presentation did reference mmWave 5G.
However mmWave 5G has a Very short range and so they can only use it in dense areas like cities and arenas where they can put a pico- or femtocell every 200 feet.
So I think that is totally unrelated to most people in America who do not live in dense urban areas.
I agree with you...and I admit I don't much at all about this particular subject. However, I do everyone has a smartphone. Perhaps that's the mechanism of action? I probably should research this, but right now my plate is full and I dropped the fork.
Also, I'll note. A few months ago I stopped sleeping with my cell phone in the same room I'm in. I noticed a difference in my ankylosing spondylitis and RA symptoms...I thought that was interesting.
Yes, all EMF frequencies including 4G cellular data or wifi help it to grow faster, so we put our phones in the living room on airplane mode at night too.
I have also stopped using wifi and only use ethernet at home, it can be inconvenient at first but I just put my wifi router on a power strip with a physical power switch so I could easily turn it back on if I really needed to.
But I can get online while I work during the day, like now. One aspect I was going to research further but never did was that some new iPhones snap an invisible infrared picture like every 5 seconds someone is using the phone, Flash Flash Flash.... 12 times a minute, Every minute they are using the phone.
You can see it with even cheap night vision or another phone with Night Mode turned on, which makes me wonder what they could be doing with that, but optigenetics is definitely real. I dont have an iphone though, so I never looked into it anymore, too much to research and too little time.
Good luck to you in any case, Bill.
Yeah they installed 5G 24/7 during the initial lockdown,they also played every ET movie ever made on TV.They use movies as a diabolical way of gaining consent.They consider silence consent,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Technocratic_Totalitarianism
Maybe that's the case. Or another possibility. The elite are so obsessed with their goal of connecting humanity to the cloud and creating an immortal consciousness. And that they themselves become immortal in the Cloud. That they completely ignore the dangers. So that they have no intention of escaping this technology. Wouldn't make sense if they wanted to be connected to the cloud themselves. Sounds crazy. Yes, but think about what kind of psychopaths they are.
Actually they want our souls so that they can achieve immortality.I am tired of the so called Elite being held responsible for this crap when what they really are if not alien/human hybrids is puppets for the negative alien agenda.That's why they create satanic rituals so they can communicate with the damn Orion and draco Reptilians who control time,they create timeline loops,that's the real reason why history keeps repeating itself.Vast majority of people see this impossible technology and they still think it's human,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Universal_Shadow
I've found that subject matter to be a very interesting and compelling line of research... Microwave frequencies and chromosome/DNA variations play into it somehow.
The problem with this lady is she seems to ignore the fact that EDTA chelation, IV and later oral, is 70 plus years old and with spectacular results. Yes, chelation was brushed under the rug, along with some prominent figures, handily just before Covid plandemics, but…
From a doctor, practicing or not chelation therapy, this kind of oblivion or ignorance is quite gross, sorry to put it like it is!
Other aspect which makes me rant is this: she and other doctors preferred to attack Dr Ana instead of debating her in a civil manner about their differences! Dissenting is a gift, not something scandalous. It’s actually vital for knowledge’s advancement! I won’t say the word ‘science’, this became the combatant enemies mantra since too long!
Doctors who flaunt cures for everything, if they don’t back it up with vast biochemistry bloodwork, they shouldn’t be taken seriously.
And adjusting at today’s problem, if you don’t know polymers and can’t figure out all variables, or at least try, maybe it’s time to shut up and retire for good! You have the wrong attitude!
The other day someone replayed an old SPS episode that had Love on it...I forgot about her over the years, so I subscribed to her Substack to see where she was at. I originally thought her to be a bit 'odd' in her beliefs and delivery. Putting Drs. Anna, Merrit, and Butar(RIP) on blast is not too cool in my opinion. She (or they) chose to leave out facts(selective censorship - lying by omission) and paint a certain narrative - a mainstream narrative or tactic. Isn't science supposed to be a discourse of sorts, presenting discovery and talking about it, to simply put it? Dr. Ariyana Love's paper is more akin to a hit piece than new information for public consumption. These demons know more people are becoming informed, and as is typical for them, they mock, confused, and attempt to destroy. That's my perspective anyway...
PS: I also first 'found' Dr. Anna on the Stew Peters Show. Say what you will about Stew, but no one can deny that without him we may not have known about a lot of things or people. He surely introduced many of our 'rock star' conspiracy theorists to the world and was probably the most influential in building bridges all over the world. Dr. Zelenko, Jane Ruby, and Matt Taylor, to name only a few, 'started' on his show...and things grew from there, and I for one am grateful for that. Without his curiosity and courage, we may not be where we're at right now...and we certainly are gaining traction.
I miss Amazing Polly. I quit yootoob when they cancelled her but was able to find her again on bc. She connected the dots early about the WellnssCo n believe that Stew cut short his "contract," or whatever with them n started speaking out w common sense about the exceptionalists that genocide people for their land that they beLIEve was promised to them. Then again, who knows?
It takes so long for a crisis team of doctors doing chelation all over the world to be put together… I dream about dissenting doctors, whatever their specialty, to start doing EDTA IV chelations and coaching oral chelation in their community. Ignore what we live now in, chelation was long necessary for everyone, including pets because environmental pollution, so this is supposed to be a continual process. I may sound ridiculous repeating myself, but go and dig Doctor Gordon’s work and books. For the books, hard to find, by the way, hope the editors are waking up to see the need of them.
I'll add this... I'm a 45-year blue-collar worker, but now I have my 'PhD' in virology, epidemiology, microscopy, pharmacology, etc.. Curiosity either kills the cat or wakes the cat up. It hasn't killed me...yet.
This is why I am confident the Humanity will prevail. We became observant, curious and taking our health in our hands!
Patients, whatever their profession, are more and more exigent, informed and in the driver seat, when meeting their Doctor. As it should be!
As for the evils work to dividing us, maybe it’s time for us to rally with all local dissenting doctors, microbiologists, nurses, etc , encouraging even those on the fence ( the terror of medical boards and other professional gangs associations, nurturing mediocrity and political obedience is a fact). I mean rally like collectively suing the guys from the boards into personal bankruptcy. That way the financial burden of a terrorized and fired doctor might be eased. Maybe more doctors will go after their board…The Covid lie was started in the medical backyards, those stopping the doctors to speak the truth about it need to be punished individually by the abused doctors and the public they were supposed to serve with sincerity and efficacy!
Indeed, it's happening. Take, for example, Drs. Trozzi and Jordan Peterson in Canada. Did they think they'd 'covertly' silence Dr. Peterson? What that showed me is that they couldn't care less about what people know and find out. They're so sure they have control of the medical boards, and they do, but I'm not sure they've considered the public's reaction and response to their tyranny. They started a war, and we are the casualties right now. One thing life has taught me is that no one should ever underestimate a cornered animal...not ever. I'll say another thing...I doubt they ever contemplated what Bobbie Jr. was going to do. Nothing could be more powerful for our cause than him now having a global microphone and discussing, publically, what a lot of us had figured out some years ago...Their narrative has been rent asunder, and the masses now have a voice - a leader. I'll leave this at that for now.
You're right. - absolutely. I wrote what I wrote for context. I have met many people who pretend and posit that science and/or academic papers are above their level of comprehension, and, by proxy, keep their heads buried in the sand.
Jean-Sebastien Savard - Sep 4 - Edited
An.AlmAnAkA of cAnAdAnAdA
A weird idea popped in my mind today, if scientist rile back then and many other cured cancer by sound frequency, as mr hutchinston cleared pb spilled oil by frequency. Could it be possible to destroy the virus /nanotech/etc in our body by sound frequency if so wich one. Is there people in quinta coloumna or elsewhere looking into this?
David - Sep 4 - Edited
It sounds like you are going down the frequency path. Sound is one thing but radio frequency is entirely another; these constructs use radio frequency energy for their own use. Others have already put this to the test; see the following:
Bee Gee - Sep 4 - Edited
Bee Gee
Thanks David, I was going to post that one but then you already did. People have already tested various frequencies of sound and EMF and I have not see where anyone can do anything Positive in actual humans.
However, they Can make it grow like crazy on the slide by applying EMF or direct voltage... so I'll pass. Not no but Fuck No.
ALSO in that link Karl C talks about how they have been able to positively identify certain types of hydrogels via staining... one of those hydrogels is Calcium Alginate, but there are other alginate hydrogels as well.
And Sodium Citrate dissolves alginate hydrogels.
Which is why I take it, and it is part of my regular and fasting protocols. Boba tea uses alginate to make those slimy little goo balls, and sodium citrate dissolves them too, try it yourself if you go to those places.
I don't but I Did once, because I like to know I know what I think I know. Don't buy it though, make it yourself. Its just pure citric acid, sodium bicarbonate and water. I use zerowater because its the best but I guess any water would do. Boo hoo, all citric acid is synthetic, make your own from lemons then but its not gonna be pure citric acid without a Lot of work. Trust me.
I am not giving medical advice and Always do your own research about any interactions with any drugs you take, sodium citrate also alkalizes the blood slightly (even better than sodium bicarbonate) which could be a problem for certain medical conditions but overall I think it is pretty safe for most people.
And it dissolves alginate hydrogels, Which Matters IMHO.
Thanks again to Karl C, it was his discovery and alginate research, I just borrowed it... if you try it and it works for you (as it does for many), buy him a kofi.
Jean-Sebastien Savard - Sep 5
An.AlmAnAkA of cAnAdAnAdA
Geez, lots of info! Just wondering… first i never had a bubble tea, then if its a place there is none near my town. And lastly i looked in the net and it says bubbles are tapioca, is tapioca naturally full alginate? I no less in food than science…
After watching karl video tommorow i may have a clearer view of all this, thanks to both of you for the share πππβοΈπππ
Seeking Truth - Sep 8
Seeking Truth
do you feel any different after taking sodium citrate ?
Aminata Diouf - Sep 5
Aminata Diouf
You know Sodium Alginate?For what is it good?
stardot - Sep 4
stardot’s Substack
5G seems to activate the bioweapon. Wuhan was the world center of 5G during the original outbreak, prevax days.
Jean-Sebastien Savard - Sep 5
An.AlmAnAkA of cAnAdAnAdA
Wow thanks!π
Denise - Sep 4
Yes, there are tuning forks with a specific Hz frequency that is for treating mRNA LNP. You can probably find out which one on YouTube or something online.
Jean-Sebastien Savard - Sep 4
An.AlmAnAkA of cAnAdAnAdA
Ill keep diggin then, i alrdy have a hard time conceiving how it is done at the first. Harder it is to look for what i cant name and would be created and tested by people mastering what i dont know. All i know is quantum basic and i find the spheridal form it do looks a lot
Like many of thes emf reppeller.
Denise - Sep 4
Looks like the Hz frequency for electromagnetic detox is 149.74. I have two. One is a 963 Hz, & the other is 256 Hz. Both are for shedding of spike proteins from the vaccinated. You have to really research what you need & for what specific purpose. I’m sure there are more frequencies besides these that can help. All tuning forks help to balance the body constitution. The human body, made of mostly water, really responds positively to Hz frequencies. When used for healing purposes. Of course, the are harmful frequencies too. The ones the DOD weaponizes against people. The ones for health and healing are very effective. Hope this helps a little. Have a great day!ππ½
JulesUSA - Sep 5
All tuning forks help balance the body? So any one of them would be good? Thanks
Denise - Sep 5
Yes, there are different frequencies for different things. Many practitioners use them in line with the chakras, or for various purposes. They’re specific for all sorts of things. I’m not an expert in this, but I’ve been to sessions with a practitioner. So I’ve learned a little about them. You can find information online & research what frequency is for what, & how to use them. ππ»
John Vargo - Sep 8
John Vargo
Biofield Tuning | A Sound Approach to Health & Wellbeing
Biofield Tuning
Ad - Sep 4
Dr Alfonzo Monzo
Malgorzata N - Sep 4
Do you have any links?
maria - Sep 4
Vinnie - Sep 8
Sound frequencies = Music Correct?
Hmmn classical music maybe...
- Mozart, Beethoven perhaps?
Not mocking
.... wondering....
SIMPLE Solutions for 'complex issues' Kinda thing...
maria - Sep 9
Desculpe, mas as suposições dos seus comentários, mostram o seu desconhecimento.
Nicola Tesla e frequências, conhece?
Tem o link disponibilizado acima, caso queira aprender.
maria - Sep 4
Monica Onit - Sep 4
Monica Onit
There are Rife- like packs of frequencies out there to choose from, if you do some digging you’ll find them. They work, I guess, I use them every day in the last two years, dedicated specifically for shedding, vaxx and all kind of aspects of this darpa assault on us. I won’t do ‘free’ options, nothing is free nowadays and in this sensible situation of hacking your biofield, better to work with a real company or person. This is an ongoing process and upgrades may be available, time to time, adjusting at the crazy game.
maria - Sep 4
T Mo - Sep 4
T Mo - Sep 4
Terminate AI nano bots βοΈ
Lots of good feedback
Also I just ordered a spooky2 rife machine and am super excited at all the ways they have to apply the frequencies to the body - even remotely by using DNA from your fingernailπ
Check it out at
JulesUSA - Sep 4 - Edited
Bee Gee
I once heard someone say that if you put strong magnets on each side of the leg or body, and switch them (the polarity) back and forth, that it deactivates them. This was a few years ago on Bitchute. I don't know if it's true, but it seems like it might make sense.
Bee Gee - Sep 4 - Edited
Bee Gee
I know a lot about the magnetism like phenomenon in humans and I do not believe that is true but feel free to test it, even neodymium magnets are cheap.
JulesUSA - Sep 5 - Edited
John Vargo
On this topic, I remember seeing a video of (I'll try my best to explain it), these two men had a big (huge) machine. They would go out to people's homes that had been vaxed. They would use this huge machine, and it was pointed towards the customer. The customer had someone with them supporting them. They would pull this huge machine back and forth (I know that sounds weird!), and the customer was feeling some discomfort, but was enduring it with help of their support person. At the end, they felt much better. These men charged a fee for going out to peoples homes (to demagnetize?). It was on Bitchute. Anyway, I thought I would mention that.
John Vargo - Sep 5
John Vargo
Michael Chapula died about 3 yrs ago,he was treating morgellons patients just across the texas border in mexico.interesting it is right before he died he was boasting about curing his C-19.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-id74hGbYA
Christine Mealer - Sep 4
Christine Mealer
I was wondering if anyone has checked cremated remains for MAC addresses. If these things self assemble in cremated remains then it means even high heat can’t destroy them.
Effra - Sep 4
That’s what I want to know.
Elke - Sep 4
Elke’s Substack
I was thinking that as well !
J Shannon - Sep 4
aka’s Substack
Great question.
Bee Gee - Sep 4
Bee Gee
I have checked this myself multiple times in multiple cemeteries since 2021 and No...
or at least not that I have found, but of course I always think more research is needed.
We need to find someone that actually works in a crematorium to check it, even if they just took a screenshot of the detectable BT MACs after a few cremations. They do 10 just cremations and Some of those people are going to be vaxxed, if not all.
But no, based upon my testing and in my opinion the cremated are not emitting MAC addresses.
Catherineβ¦οΈ - Dec 9
God will destroy the evil with fire next time (not a flood)
Now I understand why it must be fire.
Doubting Noah - Sep 4
Doubting’s Substack
IMHO on an unreal topic, the nanonbots need a liquid medium to move through.
Roman S Shapoval - Sep 4 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
If you don't want to look like a cyborg zombie, then don't wear zombie screws on your temples (aka airpods) to match the cyborg zombie outfit:
CatGirl7 - Sep 4
aka’s Substack
So what happens next…. Reanimated zombie armies kill off the living, like in Game of Thrones? Asking for a friend.
J Shannon - Sep 4
aka’s Substack
What would it take to get people en-masse to get rid of the "smart" phones? Without those, it will be much harder for the perpetrators to enact their universal digital ID/CBDC/social credit score slavery system.
Bee Gee - Sep 4
Bee Gee
I think many, especially the Gen Z's, will Never give up their phone/devices and always being on the internet... they have never known life without it.
Jean-Sebastien Savard - Sep 4
An.AlmAnAkA of cAnAdAnAdA
Game of throne or walking deadπ as long as we create it by spreading it in all mind. I always fear U.Nholywood egregor
Mule - Sep 4
aka’s Substack
This consuses me a little. During embalming the blood is replaced with embalming fluid, the blood is not embalmed. Was that blood sample mixed with embalming fluid prior to transport?
Mule - Sep 4
* This confuses me* sorry for the misspelling.
J Shannon - Sep 4
aka’s Substack
I assume but do not know that the blood was harvested as the body was being embalmed. It's quite easy to collect the blood as it's being drained from the body (which is necessary to make room for the embalming fluid).
Yeshua Risen - Sep 4
Yeshua Risen
Interesting whistleblower video about the WBAN, Sabrina Wallace. We are the T in IoT.
"And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." Daniel 2:43
Gery - Sep 4
This needs concentrated research. Dr.Ana cleared my daughter and me of the nano junk with 1 1/2 IV chelations last month. BTW, we were not vaxxed. After chelation our blood looked normal, our bodies' immune systems apparently having taken the little bots to our body waste removal sites. The chelation apparently denied them the metals they need to function. However, once liberated from our bodies, finding bacteria and metal traces in our toilet system, will a blob emerge from the septic tank in ten years to eat the Earth? We need to catch and closely examine a nanobot...as well as a scientist who developed it. How does it actually work? What destroys it for good? Somebody knows the thing intimately and will be able to lead us quickly to a solution.
J Shannon - Sep 4
aka’s Substack
Did either of you have symptoms prior to being treated? I am very interested in having this more formally investigated through use of one or more clinical studies. See my Substack article on Contamination of the Human Blood with Micro/Nanotechnology for further details.
Phil Welsh - Sep 4
Bee Gee
There's no question that these blood samples contain things (nanotech, quantum dots, etc.) which don't belong in the blood of the living... or the dead. However, I reject the notion that they're "swimming" by their own effort(s). Their non-random directional movement is much more likely due to eddy currents created by the evaporative loss of water at the edges of the cover slip. Sealing these edges before viewing should resolve this issue. You might try viewing the sample at the precise center of the cover slip, where these movements will be far more random and considerably slower. These movements will, of course, become faster as they get closer and closer to the edges of the cover slip. In addition, at the magnification levels employed in these videos, Brownian motion itself will cause tiny objects to oscillate as they interact mechanically with the much smaller molecules and mineral ions within the fluid.
dyr - Sep 4
Bee Gee
Not their own effort, but a result of incident emf, no? Is it not that graphene-compound wheels , as it were, spin along with this incident? Thus can they be directed to body parts desired for theoretical use, presumably part of their promotion. I have suggested that terahz range is somehow involved, and this suggestion has been mentioned in the recent important paper from the Korean researcher our host shared recently.Not that Thz need be incident from outside, but what's outside in ambient or directed e-smog to maybe activate what is within ("q dots" or -like bits?) which in turn drive the wheels...? Also this is not to say that Thz or from whatever range do not find their way from within "carriers" (injectees or 2nd-hand exposed enough) to others (which I believe from experience & much self-experimentation enter via low resistance acupuncture points over the air, unless actually touched).
Phil Welsh - Sep 4
Bee Gee
I agree that GHz, and perhaps THz frequencies, may be a significant source of energy for the construction activities of this exotic nano-tech. Dr. Nixon's videos are sufficient proof of that. He noticed that when his samples were removed from any EMF influence, they would disassemble/dissolve. But my 23 years of medical research involving microscopy, tissue culture, etc. allows me to ascribe the directional movements of the particles seen in Dr. Mihalcea's videos as most likely due to purely physical fluid dynamics. Fortunately, there's an easy method to determine whether this is the case - seal all cover slips to prevent evaporative loss and then have another look.
Bee Gee - Sep 4
Bee Gee
She has already addressed this so if you watch more of her videos, you will see at least some of the 'microbots' are following some intelligent path at a high rate of speed, it is not merely fluid dynamics or brownian motion.
Phil Welsh - Sep 4
Bee Gee
I've watched dozens of Ana's videos because I respect her courage, her intelligence, and her work ethic immensely. However, I haven't seen anything which deals with this "movement" issue. I remain unconvinced that these nano-particles have an ability to navigate by themselves. My trained eyes see the overriding influence of eddy currents, which can easily be seen at the high levels of magnification which her equipment provides. Even the much larger and heavier red blood cells will "move" under this influence. This is evident in many of the videos of live blood cell microscopy which I've seen from a multiplicity of otherwise very careful and well-meaning researchers. Nobody seems to want to spend the small amount of time needed to seal the edges of their cover slips before viewing. Inexplicable...
Bee Gee - Sep 5
Bee Gee
People Have tried that, you just havent Seen them try that.
It seems to require air to construct, and the sealed slides take much much longer for the nanotech to develop... it still happens, but much slower.
Im off work so Im not going to try to find it now but she has videos where the 'nanobots' or whatever they are are following some kind of intelligent control or design, slipping around the blood cells so fast she can barely keep them in the objective focus.
Keysi - Sep 5
Keysi’s Substack
I am very glad that an expert with so much experience thinks so about the movements of QDs. I thought the same as a hobby microscopist. When they get into a tighter area, they move faster and the swirling also can be observed. Thanks for posting your thoughts on this.
TNG Alliance - Sep 4
Monica Onit
Email ALL mpp, MP, and senators in Canada
Subject: Official Notice of Service: Peace Treaty Declaration per Law of War Manual Section 12.4 & 15
Body: This is an official notice of service under a white flag of truce, per the Law of War Manual section 12.4, of our formal peace treaty. See attached for full treaty as well ashttps://tgpeacetreaty.com/
If you are a member of the Judge Advocate Generals we the civilian casualties/victims require your assistance. The treaty contains evidence exposing war crimes at the local, provincial and national levels.
If you are not part of the hostile belligerents/crime syndicate mentioned in the treaty read below:
Per the Law of War Manual section 12.4 “White flag of truce” we (the neutral, civilian non-combatants) now designate the men and women acting as parliament/Members of Parliament/Members of Provincial Parliament of Canada as our “parliamentaire”/custodians of the treaty to act as negotiators vis-a-vis the hostile belligerents (ie current de facto governments/crime syndicates as defined in this treaty below). These negotiations will be done per the Law of War Manual sections 11 & 10 for the reparations/restitution/restoration/redress that is due to the civilian casualties resulting from the ongoing attack/violations of the Law of War Manual/treason committed by the hostile belligerents. While engaging in a decades old cognitive/5th generation warfare attack and masquerading as a legitimate government the hostile belligerents have broken their oaths and abandoned their lawful duty of care to all men and women and their sons and daughters living on terra firma Canada and the United States. The parliamentaire has the obligation to negotiate on behalf of the damaged civilian casualties and to make right what is/was wrong and begin to restore what was lost due to the past and ongoing war crimes of the hostile belligerents.
TNG Alliance - Sep 4
Works for US as well
Monica Onit - Sep 4
Monica Onit
Although this action is commendable, please let me know one single reliable name of MP or other politicians who will get out of the row to really defend the people on this topic! I would go to meet him or her in person to give the above petition!
We are well past petitions and everything.., Kids are dying of old heart conditions, we all have relatives and neighbors killed in droves by now, we can’t gardening without ambulance noises around, every single day of this summer.., Why do you think that all these oblivious people, politicians by occupation, knowing s…t of real life , are going to help? Even those few in Canadian Parliament, who used to previously have HUMAN careers … they became the same with political body!
TNG Alliance - Sep 4
It's actually not a petition: it's a necessary step in the Law of War Manual. This is an actual WAR on the population/aka civilian non combatants and as such we need to follow the laws of war to receive remedy/reparations/restitution as well as the protections that neutrality entails. It's partially about getting them to step up/give them a chance but more about showing that WE are aware of what is going on and THEY are on notice. If they don't step up, it further implicates them in a WAR CRIME... And that's where the positive military can step in.
Courts/the judiciary are complicit in the crimes and we can't leave the remedy in their hands. Anything else is covered in the actual treaty/treaty evidence. I would recommend reading the document for any other questions π―π
Grasshopper Kaplan - Sep 4
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
I did not consent to becoming a dead alien unburdened by my own existence
CatGirl7 - Sep 4
Or by what has been…or will be π€ͺππ€ͺπ
Claudia - Sep 4
It was so hard to click the love heart tonight.
Xmen442002 - Sep 4 - Edited
John Vargo
Why can't they be destroyed with an electrical overload to the blood as happens in the case when someone is hit with a stun weapon?
Somewhere here, 5G comes into play and if the bots are destroyed or disabled through this charge then the self-replicating may stop.
I doubt seriously they thought to put surge protection in for those nano bots.
John Vargo - Sep 7
John Vargo
That's what Michael Chapula was doing,he died around 3 yrs ago.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-id74hGbYA
Bee Gee - Sep 4
Bee Gee
Electrical current and EMF make them grow faster, it has been proven many times so feel free to test it but I would not recommend it.
They are dispersed throughout the body and the voltage is not going to get everywhere.
David - Sep 4 - Edited
aka’s Substack
Nicotine, preferably nicotine patches destroy the nano tech. Additionally nicotine is in eggplant, tomatoes, and several other natural things.
J Shannon - Sep 4 - Edited
aka’s Substack
I don't think we know that yet. The La Quinta Columna experiment appears to show disintegration of micro/nanotechnology when a few drops of nicotine in distilled water is applied to a slide containing CV19 vax contents and in a separate experiment, to a slide containing a local anesthetic Whether these structures are really permanently destroyed is unknown based on the experiment. It might be possible that they could reassemble under certain conditions, e.g. EMF's, heat etc., which must be determined.
Bee Gee - Sep 4
Bee Gee
We do know that, and its not true.
Its bullshit and Brian Ardis is a piece of shit, because he knows it too.
David Nixon and others have Proven this, not to mention that the amount of nicotine on the LQC slide scales up to a Beyond Lethal dose in an actual human.
TMc - Sep 4 - Edited
? the big push to cut cigarette smoking out of the public mind .... tobacco is the anti-dote
Not the Chemicals they infused the tobacco with
Bill Gerard - Sep 5 - Edited
Nicotine, yes... at least it's been worthy of study.
Deidre - Sep 4
Deidre Madsen's Lightworkers Co…
Do you know if La Quinta Columna has a substack? I'd like to subscribe
Bee Gee - Sep 4
Bee Gee
No, they dont, or at least not that I know of.... the .net is their actual site. A lot of people translate and repost their stuff though, fwiw.
Its funny, they still have all those Other channels too, on Bitchute and Rumble and Odysee and Telegram and Youtube and facebook... yet they Only talked about Graphene the entire time and Never got taken down from most of those places.
Yet I started All the exact same pages (and More) at about the same time, but we were Only talking about the magnetism like phenomenon that has shed to the 'unvaxxed', and All of ours got deleted or taken down or broken somehow. Eventually they shut down my protonmail and my tutanota I was trying to reach out to people with too.
Almost like they Didnt Care about people talking about Graphene but they Do care about people talking about the magnetism... still to this day. Okay it was probably a week or two ago but still....
I recently saw a magnet video someone had uploaded the other day on bitchute-All, open in a new tab and it 404's with their stupid ninja. Try again, same result.... refresh the page, that tile is gone. Thats not Shadowbanning though, although that guarantee thing happened a few days after that video was removed.
I like LQC but I personally dont think its graphene.
And RAMAN spectroscopy isnt a black and white science, its an Art open to interpretation.
Thats why all the honest people like the Colorado lab say it gives a spectrum result Similar To the known peaks for graphene.
If you are trying to find them for more nicotine news, dont bother, its already been disproven many times and they themselves only said it needs more research, not that it was a cure.
Also Dr Ana has seen tons of patients on nicotine patches and they dont seem to matter whatsoever, even at unhealthy levels.
J Shannon - Sep 4
aka’s Substack
I searched the substack database and found two that sounded like they might be LQC but when I went to each, they were not. So, no, I don't think so.
Joe - Sep 4
Joe’s Substack
Bee Gee - Sep 4
Bee Gee
There are already genetic differences in the way some peoples respond to the binary bioweapons of sars-cov2 and the fake jabs.
Why assume its 'the rich' and not the someone/s in the races who are barely affected?
Bill Gerard - Sep 5
Bee Gee
We do know, FWIW, that there were many lots/batches distributed around. I was always nagged by the thought of them collecting data as to how these various 'recipes' were affecting people and how they interact with something like, say 5G. Perhaps a DNA-fueled study? We also know those towers popped up around the same time as the bioweapon-jab did...
Bee Gee - Sep 5
Bee Gee
That is true, they had many many batches and are likely running many many experiments.
I myself dont think 5G is very related though... people in areas many hundreds of miles from any 5G signal still get the shedding and all the same effects as people in 5G areas, although the bioteq presentation did reference mmWave 5G.
However mmWave 5G has a Very short range and so they can only use it in dense areas like cities and arenas where they can put a pico- or femtocell every 200 feet.
So I think that is totally unrelated to most people in America who do not live in dense urban areas.
Bill Gerard - Sep 5
Bee Gee
I agree with you...and I admit I don't much at all about this particular subject. However, I do everyone has a smartphone. Perhaps that's the mechanism of action? I probably should research this, but right now my plate is full and I dropped the fork.
Bill Gerard - Sep 5
Bee Gee
Also, I'll note. A few months ago I stopped sleeping with my cell phone in the same room I'm in. I noticed a difference in my ankylosing spondylitis and RA symptoms...I thought that was interesting.
Bee Gee - Sep 5
Bee Gee
Yes, all EMF frequencies including 4G cellular data or wifi help it to grow faster, so we put our phones in the living room on airplane mode at night too.
I have also stopped using wifi and only use ethernet at home, it can be inconvenient at first but I just put my wifi router on a power strip with a physical power switch so I could easily turn it back on if I really needed to.
But I can get online while I work during the day, like now. One aspect I was going to research further but never did was that some new iPhones snap an invisible infrared picture like every 5 seconds someone is using the phone, Flash Flash Flash.... 12 times a minute, Every minute they are using the phone.
You can see it with even cheap night vision or another phone with Night Mode turned on, which makes me wonder what they could be doing with that, but optigenetics is definitely real. I dont have an iphone though, so I never looked into it anymore, too much to research and too little time.
Good luck to you in any case, Bill.
John Vargo - Sep 7
John Vargo
They don't care what we think either,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/AI_Network_of_Brain_Net
John Vargo - Sep 7
John Vargo
Yeah they installed 5G 24/7 during the initial lockdown,they also played every ET movie ever made on TV.They use movies as a diabolical way of gaining consent.They consider silence consent,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Technocratic_Totalitarianism
John Vargo - Sep 7
John Vargo
Everything in the universe is energy with a rate of frequency,https://stop5g.cz/us/recent-posts/
michael68 - Sep 4
michael68’s Substack
Maybe that's the case. Or another possibility. The elite are so obsessed with their goal of connecting humanity to the cloud and creating an immortal consciousness. And that they themselves become immortal in the Cloud. That they completely ignore the dangers. So that they have no intention of escaping this technology. Wouldn't make sense if they wanted to be connected to the cloud themselves. Sounds crazy. Yes, but think about what kind of psychopaths they are.
John Vargo - Sep 5
John Vargo
Actually they want our souls so that they can achieve immortality.I am tired of the so called Elite being held responsible for this crap when what they really are if not alien/human hybrids is puppets for the negative alien agenda.That's why they create satanic rituals so they can communicate with the damn Orion and draco Reptilians who control time,they create timeline loops,that's the real reason why history keeps repeating itself.Vast majority of people see this impossible technology and they still think it's human,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Universal_Shadow
Bill Gerard - Sep 5
I've found that subject matter to be a very interesting and compelling line of research... Microwave frequencies and chromosome/DNA variations play into it somehow.
Ramón MartÍnez - Sep 4
Bee Gee
But, aren't their bodies rotting as normal?
Bee Gee - Sep 4
Bee Gee
We dont know yet Ramon...
so we're gonna need you to go down there and open that box.
kaal - Sep 4
is the hydrogel artificial blood/ tissue growing?
Bill Gerard - Sep 4
Monica Onit
Doctor Anna I've posted this in a few places.
Did you see this paper by doctor Ariyana Love? I saw a few years ago on the Stew Peters show and not since. She must of had a sip of their Cool Aid...https://open.substack.com/pub/drloveariyana/p/all-nicotine-patches-contain-graphene?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=1n75h1
Monica Onit - Sep 4
Monica Onit
The problem with this lady is she seems to ignore the fact that EDTA chelation, IV and later oral, is 70 plus years old and with spectacular results. Yes, chelation was brushed under the rug, along with some prominent figures, handily just before Covid plandemics, but…
From a doctor, practicing or not chelation therapy, this kind of oblivion or ignorance is quite gross, sorry to put it like it is!
Other aspect which makes me rant is this: she and other doctors preferred to attack Dr Ana instead of debating her in a civil manner about their differences! Dissenting is a gift, not something scandalous. It’s actually vital for knowledge’s advancement! I won’t say the word ‘science’, this became the combatant enemies mantra since too long!
Doctors who flaunt cures for everything, if they don’t back it up with vast biochemistry bloodwork, they shouldn’t be taken seriously.
And adjusting at today’s problem, if you don’t know polymers and can’t figure out all variables, or at least try, maybe it’s time to shut up and retire for good! You have the wrong attitude!
Bill Gerard - Sep 4
Monica Onit
The other day someone replayed an old SPS episode that had Love on it...I forgot about her over the years, so I subscribed to her Substack to see where she was at. I originally thought her to be a bit 'odd' in her beliefs and delivery. Putting Drs. Anna, Merrit, and Butar(RIP) on blast is not too cool in my opinion. She (or they) chose to leave out facts(selective censorship - lying by omission) and paint a certain narrative - a mainstream narrative or tactic. Isn't science supposed to be a discourse of sorts, presenting discovery and talking about it, to simply put it? Dr. Ariyana Love's paper is more akin to a hit piece than new information for public consumption. These demons know more people are becoming informed, and as is typical for them, they mock, confused, and attempt to destroy. That's my perspective anyway...
Bill Gerard - Sep 4
Monica Onit
PS: I also first 'found' Dr. Anna on the Stew Peters Show. Say what you will about Stew, but no one can deny that without him we may not have known about a lot of things or people. He surely introduced many of our 'rock star' conspiracy theorists to the world and was probably the most influential in building bridges all over the world. Dr. Zelenko, Jane Ruby, and Matt Taylor, to name only a few, 'started' on his show...and things grew from there, and I for one am grateful for that. Without his curiosity and courage, we may not be where we're at right now...and we certainly are gaining traction.
Monica Onit - Sep 4
Monica Onit
I fully agree!
Joshua M... - Sep 6
Joshua M...
I miss Amazing Polly. I quit yootoob when they cancelled her but was able to find her again on bc. She connected the dots early about the WellnssCo n believe that Stew cut short his "contract," or whatever with them n started speaking out w common sense about the exceptionalists that genocide people for their land that they beLIEve was promised to them. Then again, who knows?
Monica Onit - Sep 4
Monica Onit
It takes so long for a crisis team of doctors doing chelation all over the world to be put together… I dream about dissenting doctors, whatever their specialty, to start doing EDTA IV chelations and coaching oral chelation in their community. Ignore what we live now in, chelation was long necessary for everyone, including pets because environmental pollution, so this is supposed to be a continual process. I may sound ridiculous repeating myself, but go and dig Doctor Gordon’s work and books. For the books, hard to find, by the way, hope the editors are waking up to see the need of them.
Bill Gerard - Sep 4
Monica Onit
I'll add this... I'm a 45-year blue-collar worker, but now I have my 'PhD' in virology, epidemiology, microscopy, pharmacology, etc.. Curiosity either kills the cat or wakes the cat up. It hasn't killed me...yet.
Monica Onit - Sep 4
Monica Onit
This is why I am confident the Humanity will prevail. We became observant, curious and taking our health in our hands!
Patients, whatever their profession, are more and more exigent, informed and in the driver seat, when meeting their Doctor. As it should be!
As for the evils work to dividing us, maybe it’s time for us to rally with all local dissenting doctors, microbiologists, nurses, etc , encouraging even those on the fence ( the terror of medical boards and other professional gangs associations, nurturing mediocrity and political obedience is a fact). I mean rally like collectively suing the guys from the boards into personal bankruptcy. That way the financial burden of a terrorized and fired doctor might be eased. Maybe more doctors will go after their board…The Covid lie was started in the medical backyards, those stopping the doctors to speak the truth about it need to be punished individually by the abused doctors and the public they were supposed to serve with sincerity and efficacy!
Bill Gerard - Sep 4
Indeed, it's happening. Take, for example, Drs. Trozzi and Jordan Peterson in Canada. Did they think they'd 'covertly' silence Dr. Peterson? What that showed me is that they couldn't care less about what people know and find out. They're so sure they have control of the medical boards, and they do, but I'm not sure they've considered the public's reaction and response to their tyranny. They started a war, and we are the casualties right now. One thing life has taught me is that no one should ever underestimate a cornered animal...not ever. I'll say another thing...I doubt they ever contemplated what Bobbie Jr. was going to do. Nothing could be more powerful for our cause than him now having a global microphone and discussing, publically, what a lot of us had figured out some years ago...Their narrative has been rent asunder, and the masses now have a voice - a leader. I'll leave this at that for now.
TMc - Sep 4
any collar is a collar, any education is worthy of your labors...
Bill Gerard - Sep 5
You're right. - absolutely. I wrote what I wrote for context. I have met many people who pretend and posit that science and/or academic papers are above their level of comprehension, and, by proxy, keep their heads buried in the sand.
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