I'm a biologist. Dr Cole definitely made an error in not using an electron microscope if he was trying to find nanoparticles. What I would like to see is scientists gathering TOGETHER at a sterile facility to work on identifying the contents of these vials. Carrie Madej's work may be as real as any one's as the patents give plenty of room for different 'embodiments' in the vials. (Karen Kingston has shown that, too.) The work of Team Enigma has shown a huge variation in "adverse events" (https://howbad.info/). Instead of arguing with each other, how about working together....The infighting is exactly what the herr schwab-harari-gates cartel wants you to do. I know you are all trying to find the truth but surely it may be time to realize that the vials themselves are as loopy as the psychopaths who started this.
For these unknown docs who are reporting unidentified contents in new or partly used vials, they have great difficulty in getting hold of them. I'm sure a phone call from Del Bigtree or Robert Malone should enable a few boxes to be found easily and all their contacts have the right equipment. But they won't because they are playing roles of heroes that are only allowed to say so much. Just like Fuellmich. Giving us false hope. Anyone not think it strange that they made it actually illegal to examine contents and no one actually knows full contents and that some disclosed contents are for research and not for human use? Kingston Report.
It's only "strange" if you assume they have laudable motives which we know is not the case, (secrecy and refusal to allow independent analysis proves bad intent till proven otherwise). This has never happened before with any alleged health/medical product which tells us something very malevolent is transpiring. It is naive to think the perps haven't planned limited hangouts and positioned controlled opposition leaders among those trying to get to the truth. The more popular the speaker, the more likely they are to have been coopted. People who are "too smooth" are immediately suspect for having gotten advanced training in psyop management. Many of the most visible are extremely smooth operators, very verbally adept, personable, and extremely good actors. That is a huge red flag.
We do not know anything about the “chain of evidence” with respect to any of the vials that have been examined by any of the doctors and engineers and so forth looking at the various vials. Understandably, none of the examiners will give out that information. I am frankly surprised the 26 Dr. Mihalcea discusses agree on their findings since it seems different batches have entirely or partially different contents. That said, all these investigators must, indeed, use the same methodologies and procedures and compare their findings. It would seem to be a rookie error to make pronouncements of negative nano scale findings when using a micro scale instrument. Then again, maybe the vial contents are genuinely different. We cannot tell, though, unless the methodologies used to evaluate them are appropriate.
Well, it would make perfect sense not to disclose contents if it were a bioweapon.
And I agree about Fuellmich and possibly Malone, too. Malone at least, will not touch Karen Kingston - that I know of. When asked, crickets. Fuellmich seems to be a flypaper trap much like Stew Peters. People get stuck to them and spend hours going nowhere.
What's odd? The powers that be only allow who they want to get famous, be on social media etc. Anyone intefering disappears or expires like Andreas Noack. When he declared his analysis over a year ago, half of populations, 30 and under had still to be jabbed and the Christmas push was promoted on TV daily. What I'm saying is if they really wanted to get vials, get with others and do analysis properly, they could but they won't.
It's called controlled opposition.....one way you can know you are dealing with controlled opposition, is that the colors they use on their sets and design are red and blue......the whole free mason signature
And that, dear friend, is odd. May be strange as well. But it is odd, which is why we see it and want others to see it. Why would we even be discussing some of these things if they weren't odd to begin with? Other descriptors can be utilized, too, and why not?
I think you should get back on internet all the same from time to time to keep us up to date with your work - i.e. do some more interviews. I listened to several interviews you did - must be close to a year a ago. Also bought your book. Then all of a sudden, no more news from you. Good to see you're still around!
So many questions with respect to the most visible members of the medical freedom "movement." I just found 2 separate articles that appear to fabricate a statement attributed to Governor DeSantis as follows:
DeSantis says covid jabs being used by “globalist elites to depopulate the planet”, Ethan Huff, Natural News
Gov. DeSantis: ‘Globalist Elites Using COVID Jabs To Depopulate the Planet’, News Punch
Note it's the same wording in both articles and yet no direct quote was provided. Did he say it off the record or not at all? If he said it on the record, it's the first time any US politician has said it that I'm aware of.
I 100% agree. We've GOT to work together. There is so much diverse talent devoted to this project, that's a great asset if it's used together instead of against each other.
Glad you said embodiments. Thats exactly how they're referred to in the patents. There are multiple embodiments of each m jabs. Possibly another reason for different findings. I agree, Cole jumped to conclusions without adequate foundation.
Thank you for that expose (imagine l'accent aigu in place). From where I sit, the word "embodiment" seems out of place in a patent for a medication, especially when the different embodiments are not 'this one's a syrup, that one's a tab' or 'this one's 1 mg, that one's 2 mg'. It's language that is just understandable, but not typical medical language. Now I see why the use of embodiment gives that 'this ain't about medicine' feel.
All props to Craig P., but my toxic lot look-up interactive dashboard worth a look and consideration. v-look up versus interactive dashboard... :https://www.vaersaware.com/toxiclot-search
Hopefully with this new congress, investigations will allow DOD exposure that can trigger further investigation into these bio weapons. Time is of the essence here!
For sure, since I video documenting my VAERS audits and lot#'s and everything else VAERS, I was one of the first to say that it does look like "hot lots" or "bad batch" but rather "hot vials" within a batches. Creating a whole bad batch is child's play for this evil cabal. Considering what Sasha Latypova has revealed and even how Aaron Siri's/ICAN Pfizer lot FOIA reveals hospitals or institutions received multiple shipments of the same lot#, reasonably meaning one of those shipments could have come from a different factory, but the same lot#. Dr. Dave Martin way back said at one point pfizer or moderna's formulation had changed about seven times? Yeah Cole blows some smoke out of his ass half the time, but he's a good dresser at all the feel good conventions. Why was Cole sitting at the right hand of Ron Johnson at the roundtable about vaxx fraud? Brook Jackson at the very least should have been sitting there. I still like and respect Cole, in at least I don't think he receives a paycheck from the evil cabal. Just a dude who believes in virology....
Another variable is 5 doses per vial. People surmise degradation with each injection. but if the AEs are associated strongly with batch that may debunk the theory of vial progress use degradation.
Following the patents, as Dr. David Martin has done, gives us an inkling of what the Pharma companies could have put in the vials, but not necessarily what they did put in them. They yell “That would be giving away proprietary information!” Right. It is much worse than that.
As long as the EUA is in place, they can keep this info secret. Then, there's the "proprietary ingredients" mantra. The EUA also relieves them of having to provide any "informed consent".
Technically the EUA prior to Jan 2020 their own rules declare informed consent. It is the PREP ACT and the MCM within that act that takes away informed consent.
Lol, at this point, would anyone actually trust any of their claims? In any event, it seems probable - going by what I've read - that DARPA/Pentagon would likely have more to do with whatever was intended to go into various experimental jabs under the mRNA label... and without Good Manufacturing Practice required, even more contamination than usual, on top of all that.
Seems like a pretty sloppy experiment - if that's what it is, and simply not an psychopath's thought-amusing way to exterminate natural Life - to me...
The issue isn't about professionals as Doctors, Scientists, Attorneys, Philosophers and such getting together to 'Hash-Out' the facts of this tyranny begun from the Bank of International Settlements and all THEIR Central Banker Families SEEKING the age-old Satanic Evil of Absolute Control of the World...Like some stereotypically ghastly Supervillains.
The major factor presented from another perspective is found in the objectives originating in ESPIONAGE...Transparent; thus CHEAP, TRASHY, IMMATURE. The Psycho-Predator Bankers/Corporatists behind this horror really could have learned an immeasurable amount by reading Lustbader, Clancy, Ludlum, Le Carre' or any number of other authors of the 'Espionage Genre' and we may thank God they were NOT open to learning to better control their tempers to continue to HIDE until all was fully prepared for the ULTIMATE COUPE.
This matter is about the presence of 'Controlled Opposition' or 'Wolves in Sheep's Clothing' placed purposefully to gather data, spy and SABOTAGE THE HEROS OF GOD FOR HUMANITY. Threats, bribery, thievery...WHATEVER; these beings were converted to perpetrate evil onto all humanity of the world for a price. These are those, as Dr. Cole...Requiring INDICTMENT, TRIAL AND PUNISHMENT WITH MOCKERY, LOSS OF ALL ASSETS, AND LIFE IMPRISONMENT OR EXECUTION. The next time around, Nuremberg is to be (What does the Globalist CULT RE-IMAGINE?) a matter of INCLUSIVITY, AND EQUITY...Equal OUTCOMES of Punishment for all the Evil instead of conspiracies to perpetrate 'Operation Paperclip' CRIMES ALLOWING EVIL TO SURVIVE, HIDE AND PERPETUATE ITSELF TO GROW IN THE FUTURE.
Indeed; so it appears and seems.
Pray for God's forgiveness and mercy, fast, do penance, sacrifice and OBEY WITH WORSHIP AND PRAISE in all times both good and bad. God's forces MUST have the strength to fight beyond the veil separating this realm from theirs where most of the battle rages. They must be empowered by us to fight HERE USING US...As they can.
Also know...Things are NOT as they appear. The Central Banker Families and Banks ARE NOT THE TOP OF THIS EVIL FOOD CHAIN. Behind them and COVERING FOR THEM ARE the surviving European Monarchy with The Town of London. THAT IS THE TOP OF THE EVIL FOOD CHAIN.
There was once a time when they were the overwhelming power and they used food, shelter, clothing, rape, torture, murder TO CONTROL THEIR PEOPLE even as they used exorbitant TAXATION to force the men into war when tax couldn't be paid. They owned NOTHING and had to WORK THE LAND OWNED BY THE MONARCHY/ARISTOCRACY and the TAX took more than they could produce. The WARS were to COLONIZE THE WORLD when the Monarchs of Europe coming from ONE FAMILY couldn't win over one another. This included the U.S., as we know.
The European Monarchy has been humiliated by and HATED THE UNITED STATES AND BEEN TERRIFIED BY IT...Since the victory of the American Revolution and subsequent signing of 'The Constitution of the United States'. It INSPIRED 'the dirty, unwashed, starving masses' around the world to RISE-UP TO TAKE THEIR POWER AND END THE SLAVERY BY THE MONARCHS.
Appearances can be deceiving...And, things are not always as they seem. Keep praying, fasting and Adoring God...We're all concerned. KNOW...The ENEMY OF HUMANITY IS ONLY HUMAN though also evil and of Satan. THEY CAN DIE.
Amen. Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord. Deut 32:35 To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste. Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
"They" (the psychopaths) do not want scientists working together. They have no interest in shining light on the truth, whatever that may be. Divide and conquer is their only narrative.
Don't recall ever writing the psycho-predators to ever have an interest in shining the light of truth onto anything as THAT was never any thought or feeling necessary to write it. The nature of evil is to use ANYTHING...Including Truth to overwhelm, confuse, disable and murder as they currently use the OBiden CORRUPTION/TREASON/CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY as distraction/diversion from the real threats...DEMANDING PEOPLE TO STRETCH ABILITY TO MULTITASK EXCESSIVELY.
Wow...I actually wasn't replying to you, but I am reading your posts now. I am no Substack guru...I subscribe to very few. I'm on your side (I believe), and I have read many things about the Monarchy. Also the Pope. The Rockefellers, etc. So much to consume and so hard to discern at times.
Have only been here a while myself. Yes, all the kiddies from all aspects of life are into evil and oppression as once ruled the whole Earth for most of all time. THIS TIME IS WORSE AS technology has advanced to allow evil absolute control IF THE PEOPLE DO NOT STAND, PUT THEIR BLOOD ON THE LINE AND FIGHT BACK. "The greatest enemy of evil is the lack of fear in dying and this requires the choice of God."
Couldn't agree more! There is no fear in death for me. I just wish I could do more than read and wear "I WILL NOT COMPLY" shirts and refuse to wear masks. I've been booted off of social media so many times, but I go back and I continue to try to warn. These days, I'm not sure who to warn against. Some of the things I've seen are so dark and disturbing, I think people honestly don't want to know. So far, every conspiracy I've been accused of buying into has been true.
There was a reason our education in the U.S. focused on the Founding Principles and Philosophies behind the Constitution with a bit of Civil War, slavery and Lincoln thrown-in for good measure. Rockefellers are reported to give an interview and said, "Country doesn't need to teach 'critical thinking' and history. All we need are people to work my company." THE BEST SLAVES ARE STUPID, WEAK, SICK, COMPLIANT, ACCUSTOMED TO POVERTY.
Since the U.S. didn't teach actual history; WE WERE AND MANY REMAIN indoctrinated/ brainwashed and are too psychologically and spiritually weak to accept the level of evil now threatening such horror and oppression; existential in nature. They CAN NOT ACCEPT THE TRUTH OF EVIL as it's terrifying and they're not adept with problem solving and survival. Cognitive Dissonance literally CAN drive human beings into insanity...Depression, anxiety, psychosis of all kinds...Suicide, Homicide.
I agree 100%. Not sure why his opinion is proof of anything. Not sure why he isn’t working with everyone who has other opinions… If we stop investigating because of one opinion then we are not looking for real answers.
What is conspicuous is the categorical denial of the presence of graphene. There is no, "Well, if you say so, but I could not see anything of the sort. Let us compare notes." By the way, the same applies to Dr. Fleming, who dismissed the suggestion out of hand while talking about lots of "junk" visible in the death potion under microscope. There was no investigation of what that junk might consist of.
I had the exact same thoughts when I saw the video, I also thought well dr cole you maybe right there is no Graphene in the vaccine. But Graphene is a thing that is discussed all over the Internet about being put in vaccines. What is it for.
Also you say it’s not a depopulation bioweapon? Ok well why are some of the main players in the Covid scam and the vaccine also on record saying there are too many people on this earth. And why are these same people so involved in pharmaceuticals and vaccines?
And now with Dr. Cole outing himself as controlled opposition, does that also not cast a shadow on those (including Dr. Cole) who participated in that production initially put out by Dr. Ardis? You know, the whole snake venom thing. To me, that whole thing looked seriously produced. Even Maria Zeee is made to look like a witch with black and red being prominently displayed (colors of the church of Satan). Wake up people, you are being swallowed up by evil. The only protection is under the protective wings of Jesus Christ. He has already won by his overcoming death at the cross, he is coming back to finish the job, and he is not taking prisoners. Get on the ark before it's too late.
Why not judge the tree by the fruit it bears? Ed Dowd gives preliminary Q4 2022 excess deaths numbers for group life insurance death claims:
"For the age group up to age 44, excess deaths rose above the baseline (normal) 13 percent in October, 21 percent in November, and 43 percent in December. For the age group 45 to 64, the death rate above baseline rose 4 percent in October, 16 percent in November, and 35 percent in December."
Allegedly, the rates moving into this first quarter of 2023 are higher still.
I wonder if there is any death pool betting going on, just as there was for 9/11.
I think Dr. Ana should go on the Del Bigtree show and set everyone straight. But the bigger problem is that the medical freedom movement is filled with controlled oppo or people who don't understand that by 2030 we'll all own nothing except our vaxxx passports and be happy. Time is a wasting!
Bigtree will not give equal time to guests who support Terrain Theory. He invited Andrew Kaufman on one time but never again. Dr. David Martin has also not been re-invited. Bigtree is catching a lot of heat for it too. Look at the live-stream comments sometime -- I suspect Bigtree has been irreversably compromised in some way. Follow the money. Attorney Aaron Siri is the best reason to $upport ICAN.
Also been watching this debate. I suggested to Sasha (via her substack) that it would be great for her and Karen to get in the same room and hash it out - that I suspect that agree mainly and it comes down to interpretation not real disagreement. Sasha said, she has reached out to Karen, who is not responding and further she was a paid subscriber to Karen's substack, and Karen cancelled her subscription. Sasha is now done attempting to reach out to Karen and I get it. What is going on there?
Great questions. Naomi Wolf says her team has produced the best legal evidence in her eBOOK,"Pfizer Docs Analysis Report". The following link will take you to 2 short Naomi Wolf videos and a way to purchase the eBook. Scrolling to the bottom you will find a link to the book uploaded to archive,org today. Cheers and spread the word -https://tinyurl.com/4dtaczvt
Eloquent insights. Personally, I've put Malone and Cole into the controlled op "limited hang-out" camp - and Cowan, Lanka and Sasha have enlightened me greatly. As you wrote <I don't fear anything going on today because I understand what is going on.> I'd love to read your summary of that "going on" so to assist those like myself still working to decipher truth and prepare reasonable resistance and paths out of harm's way. Thank you.
Thanks for your comments. I somewhat agree with you on Kingston and mostly agree with you on Kaufman. Kingston's substack has obligated her to express her views in published form rather than the haze of video interviews. ... I would add Sam and Mark Bailey to the list of extraordinary truth messengers.
Naomi Wolf says her team has produced the best legal evidence in her eBOOK,"Pfizer Docs Analysis Report". The following link will take you to 2 short Naomi Wolf videos and a way to purchase the eBook. Scrolling to the bottom you will find a link to the book uploaded to archive,org today. -https://tinyurl.com/4dtaczvt
Like College football, the lawsuit game requires a playing field. I understand the ambivalence of RFK Jr, Del Bigtree, Aaron Siri, Tom Renz et al, always having to play an "away-game" on the other team's field in order to have a chance to win a battle, when a better game could be played on a home field of truth that hacks at the root cause of Vaxx crimes against humanity. The NO VIRUS Movement of Dr. Sam Bailey reveals an growing international coalition of righteous "virus deniers" who are playing on their own field of truth, that can completely shut-down the evil vaxxinators when enough of the masses convert to the reality that embraces the NO VIRUS paradigm. NO VIRUS = NO VACCINE = FRAUD EXPOSED = BANKRUPTCY of the VAXX Cartel. The "No Virus" Awakening Goes International/Global - Dr. Sam Bailey -https://tinyurl.com/5bkmvf2y
Virologist, Stefan Lanka took his no-virus case to the highest court in Germany and was awarded a verdict that confirmed measles are not caused by a virus (Page 11) -https://tinyurl.com/y8dpwrtn
Thank you, Dr.Ana!!!
I am so mad at Dr.Ryan Cole And Del, who I have always admired! Why couldn’t Dr. Cole simply say that he has not found, or can confirm from his investigations (of 6 vials, I think?), that he himself can identify graphene or nanostructures? Both of their summaries at the end of that Highwire segment seemed politically scripted, meaning they were not allowed to go there (as we have just learned about Sen. Rob Johnson’s last Hearing with the same exoerts, and Karen Kingston was intentionally excluded). Cole was actually Smiling denying their existence.
By the way, Dr. Cole also does not “believe in” Chem Trails, which says a lot about his unwillingness to investigate harsh truths that so many others have proven.
Del, also has said in interview that he doesnt think his audience can handle the lies of Germ Theory.
I am so distraught about the divisions in the “Truth” and Medical/Health Freedom Movement that are Not helpful!
I think you should send Dr. Cole and Del this post and invite him (again) to review your findings.
I hope to God that Dr. Cole and Del revise their public statements, and Del interviews you, your team, incl. Karen Kingston. Your work is critical! Thank you for this article!!
Hi Freedom Warrior Woman - I agree with you but I do see that Del is kind of square - he used to be MSM - and some of his audience may not be able to wrap their minds around the 'viruses don't exist' theory - which I have no problem in accepting. Makes sense to me. But I'm okay with Del going along with the old guys - but its wrong to attack the same side for having a different theory - especially if it can be proven - like David Nixon's Live Blood Analysis - which is where Ana gets the images of the microchips and ribbons, and highways connecting everything. Del does good work with his ICAN _ although there won't be any huge breakthroughs going that way possibly. Also I bet RFK Jr is not going along with the Terrain Theory either. Like Del
Why don't you, Dr. Cole, the folks from LaQuinta Columna, and every other Doc who is claiming they know "what's in the shots" all just get together somewhere - maybe in Mike Adam's lab and run the contents of Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Sinovac and any other kind of covid jab vials you can get your hands on through the exact same set of highly controlled tests - (preferably every damn test known to man) and hash out all the remaining questions and get a unified front going. All this bickering & infighting over who claimed what is just NOT helping - it makes it look like there may be several different factions of controlled opposition out there, muddying the waters on purpose. I'm not saying I think YOU are the controlled opposition, but literally any of you could be. By the time we figure out what's true, all the people who have taken the jab will probably be dead. But I guess that's what "they" want...
Mike Adams has been open about the limits of his equipment, but he has also expressed a willingness to have donors or collaborators supply or lend other equipment to do further testing.
Right. Nobody who is actually willing to do the type of in-depth, painstaking investigation this situation calls for would likely have all the equipment on hand, but yeah, equipment loans are definitely needed.
You are right - Probably won't ever happen with "full participation", but that doesn't mean some sub-group of people can't keep trying to get something together. I'm nobody, so it's up to people like Dr. Ana & Dr. Cole to be willing to "reach across the aisle" and make the effort. If they aren't willing to do that - then that also says something, loud & clear ....
Don´t you find it strange that, considering the substantial exposure various findings by independent parties have received at least on the alternative media, no public health authority has stepped in crying, "We shall get to the bottom of it!" in order to reassure everyone? Is that not what should be done as a matter of course? The lack of action is telling, I should think.
Public health "authorities" are in on it, clearly. Most likely not at the level that conceived of and is directing this whole operation (which would be the US DOD, per Katherine Watt & Sahsha Latypova, but then who gives the orders to the US DOD behind the scenes??), but certainly at the level of "order followers" who aren't going to do anything to rock the boat and endanger their funding stream.....
They are making themselves conspicuous by omission, taking on an enormous risk in case the tab is presented to each of them in a forceful manner. There will be hell to pay.
Public Health agencies, as well as hospitals and medical professionals in general, will most likely become "designated scapegoats". I suspect the whole medical insurance industry will take a major hit as well. People need to start growing their own medicinal herb gardens and get off all pharmaceuticals as soon as possible, for those who can. For those who can't, well, their lifespans are going to hit the wall pretty hard when the drugs they depend on are no longer available or affordable. I, unfortunately, fall in that category myself, needing T3 replacement hormone since my thyroid is gone. With TPTB intent on doing away with cattle and pigs as livestock, my supply of natural dessicated thyroid will also eventually disappear. I guess I will have to start harvesting it from humans, when the time comes - or die...
Thank you for this, Dr. Ana.
Another issue is Sasha Latypova found jab vial contents appear highly variable (as well as untraceable by serial number), so even if Dr. Cole didn’t find something in a few vials, assuming he were properly looking, it doesn’t mean that thing isn’t in other vials.
There are billions of vials of these shots out there.
Made by multiple corporations, in multiple facilities, in multiple countries, with questionable quality control, poorly trained employees, shoddy manufacturing processes, and dirty production facilities.
Unless a person has examined all the vials with the above listed variables, you cannot make an absolute statement that no graphene oxide was found.
TPTB absolutely do not want the exotic tech exposed. That is the reason why it won't be until it has largely accomplished its purpose which involves mass depopulation and bringing GR/CBDC/SCS globally on-line These are stalling maneuvers to allow more people to be sacrificed and trans-humanized.
I have a recurrent thought the last couple of decades of zombie-themed films and television shows may have been prompted by some sort of government impetus. The government has ling had a relationship with the entertainment industry, and it ramped up
Give me a break. You are so in your head, you would not even know it if Jesus spoke to you. In the final analysis, I think you will come to regret your cynicism about Jesus. By the way, religion is a man made construct (Catholicism, et al). Jesus wants a personal relationship with each one of us. Biblical prophecy was given to us so that we could find our way through dangerous times, such as what we are experiencing now. Rev 18:23 points out the truth we have been going through ......for by thy sorceries (the great men of the earth) were all nations deceived. Sorceries is interpreted from the Greek in this passage, and also can mean "pharmakeia." Sound familiar? A shepherd takes care of his sheep. He has warned us what to look for, and he has not failed. Who are you to mock him?
Just a thought: Sabbatean Frankists postulate redemption through sin - the more we sin, the closer the salvation. But then they have to have a blueprint of what exactly they would be working towards. On the face of it, it could easily be the Apocalypse, so the Book of Revelation would provide a self-fulfilling scenario. Hollywood, all the way down to Damnation?
Sabbatean Frankists were in opposition to Jesus Christ and what He stands for. He died for our sins so that we don't have to. God does not redeem through deliberate sin, only through repentance. You have Satan whispering in your ear if you think that is a valid way to God. The only predictive programming going on is through the anti-christ contigent, ie, free masons, illuminati, church of satan, etc. They have read the bible and they know what is going to happen, and therefore use it against us. The only recourse we have at this minute lies in the salvation afforded to us by grace, which will end exactly the same second that He raptures us to Him, the and tribulation (Jacob's Trouble) begins. It will signify the end of the church age, and the removing of the body of Christ along with the Holy Spirit to Him will signify hell on earth. People can still get saved, but Bibles will be non existent, and they will need to pay with their lives (head) and their blood to be accepted into the kingdom. So, pontificate while you may.....the harvest is being gathered now and time is short. Shalom
I've been waiting for this inevitable crash between those who see graphene, hydrogels and the rest in the vials and those who reject it out of hand. To me this parallels the argument between those who see spike proteins in the blood and those who don't, not to mention those who think viruses are real and those who don't. And looking at the larger cultural picture, THIS ALSO PARALLELS THOSE WHO BELIEVE THE "VACCINES" ARE DANGEROUS (to varying degrees, everything from individual deaths and injuries to global de-population, that's yet another argument) VS. THOSE WHO THINK THEY ARE GREAT. In other words, my dear doctor, we humans ALWAYS create "reality" out of our perceptions. I don't believe in "science" (sorry) because unlike animist perceptions of reality, so-called science takes place in a totally artificial environment -- the laboratory, among those who are narrow specialists in various fields with therefore a reductive view of reality. Ultimately "evidence" is in the eye of the beholder. And ultimately life remains mysterious. The only thing we know for sure, though, is there's a dark force out there aiming to change us into human-flavored robots, no matter what we see in the "science."
Michael Brownstein, I simultaneoulsy like and dislike your comment. Maybe it IS all just one big Quantum exercise. If you look for hydrogels, you will collapse the hydrogel wave function into physical existence, and perceive it.
So is it "you can't find what you aren't looking for?" or rather "you only find what you ARE looking for?" What if we looked completely objectively? What would we perceive, and is it possible?
I suppose then, we should all get our minds "right", our emotions under control, and engage the reality we have chosen. Piece of Cake
I was also surprised he did not use a electron microscope. I cannot see how his applied techniques could either prove nor disprove existence in the vials.
Synthesis and Toxicity of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles: A Literature Review of In Vitro and In Vivo Studies -https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2021/5518999/
Toward Nanotechnology-Enabled Approaches against the COVID-19 Pandemic -https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.0c03697
Nanomedicine: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach to COVID-19 -https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2021.648005/full
OK; but without the vaxxx passport you won't be able to move around, buy food, live in real housing or use any internet services. Unless people opposed to the hive mind AI enslavement protocols get their act together really fast, they will be living in a roach motel in tierra del fuego with AI roaches all around. The disjunction between normie holiday celebrations and the horrific genocide they have planned for us over the next 7 years is very disillusioning. Don't forget; they've been planning this for 40 years.
They've been planning it for much longer but only in the past 2 decades or so has the technology arrived for them to actually carry it out. Sash Latypova and Katherine Watt have shown us how it was meticulously planned and executed.
Bigtree's reporter JEFFEREY JAXEN presented a special report on "magnetic arms" that attracted magnets to the injection site of the vaccine and other areas of the body. The report CONFIRMED the magnetic arm effect was true but the topic was never re-visited as suggested by JAXEN and Dr. Cole never got a question about it from Bigtree. - See that and the Brittany Galvin video -https://justpaste.it/5u9tn
Thank you Dr Ana for responding to this. I was stunned, confused, & disappointed by the conclusions of Dr Ryan Cole, who I have had high regard. His opinions threw me off & have made me doubt him. I think we all should keep in mind Biden’s Executive Order on “advancing biotechnology,” & how the EO said we need to “...write circuitry for cells & predictably program biology the same way in which we write a software & program computers.” I think it’s all in that EO for us to see...what’s in the injections & their plans for us. Dr Ana, thank you for being the light in this darkness!! I fully support you & the many others who have seen graphene, nanotech, & parasites in these poisons. & jee, I guess the right microscope (regarding Dr Cole) might help too.
.....to say NOTHING of VIDEO from Fauci's RELATED declaration about 'self-assembling nanotechnology' in his report to a Congressional committee December 5, 2019.....
From what I have read and watched for a long time now it appears that no big name presenters are wanting to explore this in detail and Del has Cole on as pathologist to debunk the theory. This nano technology has been found in many brands in different countries too. Quite a lot said their samples contained no mRNA and only graphene and various other metals all properly analysed, not just an opinion. When people research properly, they will find no pandemic, no virus, never any virus isolated ever. They will realise the illusion of pandemic and lockdowns were to cover for the bust financial system. The capitalist system is finished and these injectables are not for health but for digital ID, CBDC, Carbon allowance and social credit system. G20 in Bali last month all voted in favour of vaccine passport for foreign travel knowing full well that they are for digital ID, CBCD and UBI etc. not for health security. Go read Technocracy News andglobalresearch.cato discover why covid is the trojan horse to fool us. These lesser known docs and scientists are not allowed to get the word out but some docs who go along with the fairytale virus story and especially mRNA spike protein damage are allowed to talk because they defend the lies of viruses being harmful and contagious. Read Dissolving Illusions for starters or The Invisible Rainbow. The biggest growing business market is medical. Imagine getting annual vax business followed by meds to try to help people damaged and more meds to help with adverse reactions from that one! Check outOrwell.citywho translated early work from laquintacolumna or see Dr Andreas Noack on Bitchute RIP
Respectfully, I am looking for truth from all Dr’s. Not Dr’s back stabbing one another. All Dr’s have lost so much trust from the public. We share information that you each post. Please can you all not meet and get on the same page.
Thank you.
I have a similar complaint. I’ve read a variety of articles and reports both “proving” existence of and disproving or arguing against. If we could get everyone with the capabilities and resources to get some final answers together and just do the definitive tests; show us the results before analysis as well as after; that would help. The fracturing of the observations is really disconcerting and the whole pack on both “sides” winds up sounding “off.” At least to this to observer.
Sandy K - Dec 13, 2022 - Edited
Sandy K
I'm a biologist. Dr Cole definitely made an error in not using an electron microscope if he was trying to find nanoparticles. What I would like to see is scientists gathering TOGETHER at a sterile facility to work on identifying the contents of these vials. Carrie Madej's work may be as real as any one's as the patents give plenty of room for different 'embodiments' in the vials. (Karen Kingston has shown that, too.) The work of Team Enigma has shown a huge variation in "adverse events" (https://howbad.info/). Instead of arguing with each other, how about working together....The infighting is exactly what the herr schwab-harari-gates cartel wants you to do. I know you are all trying to find the truth but surely it may be time to realize that the vials themselves are as loopy as the psychopaths who started this.
Markker - Dec 13, 2022 - Edited
For these unknown docs who are reporting unidentified contents in new or partly used vials, they have great difficulty in getting hold of them. I'm sure a phone call from Del Bigtree or Robert Malone should enable a few boxes to be found easily and all their contacts have the right equipment. But they won't because they are playing roles of heroes that are only allowed to say so much. Just like Fuellmich. Giving us false hope. Anyone not think it strange that they made it actually illegal to examine contents and no one actually knows full contents and that some disclosed contents are for research and not for human use? Kingston Report.
John H. - Dec 13, 2022
John H.
It's only "strange" if you assume they have laudable motives which we know is not the case, (secrecy and refusal to allow independent analysis proves bad intent till proven otherwise). This has never happened before with any alleged health/medical product which tells us something very malevolent is transpiring. It is naive to think the perps haven't planned limited hangouts and positioned controlled opposition leaders among those trying to get to the truth. The more popular the speaker, the more likely they are to have been coopted. People who are "too smooth" are immediately suspect for having gotten advanced training in psyop management. Many of the most visible are extremely smooth operators, very verbally adept, personable, and extremely good actors. That is a huge red flag.
Lone Star - Dec 13, 2022
Lone Star
We do not know anything about the “chain of evidence” with respect to any of the vials that have been examined by any of the doctors and engineers and so forth looking at the various vials. Understandably, none of the examiners will give out that information. I am frankly surprised the 26 Dr. Mihalcea discusses agree on their findings since it seems different batches have entirely or partially different contents. That said, all these investigators must, indeed, use the same methodologies and procedures and compare their findings. It would seem to be a rookie error to make pronouncements of negative nano scale findings when using a micro scale instrument. Then again, maybe the vial contents are genuinely different. We cannot tell, though, unless the methodologies used to evaluate them are appropriate.
Kim - Dec 14, 2022
Well, it would make perfect sense not to disclose contents if it were a bioweapon.
And I agree about Fuellmich and possibly Malone, too. Malone at least, will not touch Karen Kingston - that I know of. When asked, crickets. Fuellmich seems to be a flypaper trap much like Stew Peters. People get stuck to them and spend hours going nowhere.
Jamie Leigh - Dec 13, 2022 - Edited
Odd? Oh to say the least!
Markker - Dec 13, 2022 - Edited
What's odd? The powers that be only allow who they want to get famous, be on social media etc. Anyone intefering disappears or expires like Andreas Noack. When he declared his analysis over a year ago, half of populations, 30 and under had still to be jabbed and the Christmas push was promoted on TV daily. What I'm saying is if they really wanted to get vials, get with others and do analysis properly, they could but they won't.
Susannah - Mar 20, 2023
It's called controlled opposition.....one way you can know you are dealing with controlled opposition, is that the colors they use on their sets and design are red and blue......the whole free mason signature
Jamie Leigh - Dec 14, 2022
And that, dear friend, is odd. May be strange as well. But it is odd, which is why we see it and want others to see it. Why would we even be discussing some of these things if they weren't odd to begin with? Other descriptors can be utilized, too, and why not?
Reply (1) - Dec 13, 2022 - Edited
Comment removed.
kerrylyn - Dec 13, 2022
I think you should get back on internet all the same from time to time to keep us up to date with your work - i.e. do some more interviews. I listened to several interviews you did - must be close to a year a ago. Also bought your book. Then all of a sudden, no more news from you. Good to see you're still around!
Michelle - Dec 17, 2022
John H.
Completely agree!
John H. - Dec 17, 2022
John H.
So many questions with respect to the most visible members of the medical freedom "movement." I just found 2 separate articles that appear to fabricate a statement attributed to Governor DeSantis as follows:
DeSantis says covid jabs being used by “globalist elites to depopulate the planet”, Ethan Huff, Natural News
Gov. DeSantis: ‘Globalist Elites Using COVID Jabs To Depopulate the Planet’, News Punch
Note it's the same wording in both articles and yet no direct quote was provided. Did he say it off the record or not at all? If he said it on the record, it's the first time any US politician has said it that I'm aware of.
ConcernedGrammy - Dec 13, 2022
I 100% agree. We've GOT to work together. There is so much diverse talent devoted to this project, that's a great asset if it's used together instead of against each other.
Jamie Leigh - Dec 13, 2022
Glad you said embodiments. Thats exactly how they're referred to in the patents. There are multiple embodiments of each m jabs. Possibly another reason for different findings. I agree, Cole jumped to conclusions without adequate foundation.
Reply (1) - Dec 14, 2022
Comment removed.
Jamie Leigh - Dec 14, 2022
Thank you for that expose (imagine l'accent aigu in place). From where I sit, the word "embodiment" seems out of place in a patent for a medication, especially when the different embodiments are not 'this one's a syrup, that one's a tab' or 'this one's 1 mg, that one's 2 mg'. It's language that is just understandable, but not typical medical language. Now I see why the use of embodiment gives that 'this ain't about medicine' feel.
Jaya Jeff Sims - Dec 13, 2022
The Vigilante Black Sheep Report
None of Bigtree’s cronies will debate or participate in an objective study. They know virology is total hoax. God bless Dr. Ana.
Closed VAERS - Dec 13, 2022
WelcomeTheEagle’s Substack
All props to Craig P., but my toxic lot look-up interactive dashboard worth a look and consideration. v-look up versus interactive dashboard... :https://www.vaersaware.com/toxiclot-search
Bernie_miltenberger - Dec 13, 2022
The Pure Water Committee of Wes…
Hopefully with this new congress, investigations will allow DOD exposure that can trigger further investigation into these bio weapons. Time is of the essence here!
Lisa@eatrealfood - Dec 13, 2022
Based on what we know about manufacturing, vial inconsistencies are expected and adds to confusion.
Closed VAERS - Dec 13, 2022
WelcomeTheEagle’s Substack
For sure, since I video documenting my VAERS audits and lot#'s and everything else VAERS, I was one of the first to say that it does look like "hot lots" or "bad batch" but rather "hot vials" within a batches. Creating a whole bad batch is child's play for this evil cabal. Considering what Sasha Latypova has revealed and even how Aaron Siri's/ICAN Pfizer lot FOIA reveals hospitals or institutions received multiple shipments of the same lot#, reasonably meaning one of those shipments could have come from a different factory, but the same lot#. Dr. Dave Martin way back said at one point pfizer or moderna's formulation had changed about seven times? Yeah Cole blows some smoke out of his ass half the time, but he's a good dresser at all the feel good conventions. Why was Cole sitting at the right hand of Ron Johnson at the roundtable about vaxx fraud? Brook Jackson at the very least should have been sitting there. I still like and respect Cole, in at least I don't think he receives a paycheck from the evil cabal. Just a dude who believes in virology....
Lisa@eatrealfood - Dec 14, 2022
Another variable is 5 doses per vial. People surmise degradation with each injection. but if the AEs are associated strongly with batch that may debunk the theory of vial progress use degradation.
ACroneintheWoods - Dec 13, 2022
How about the drug companies just telling us what is in the vax?
Lone Star - Dec 13, 2022
Lone Star
Following the patents, as Dr. David Martin has done, gives us an inkling of what the Pharma companies could have put in the vials, but not necessarily what they did put in them. They yell “That would be giving away proprietary information!” Right. It is much worse than that.
Lisa@eatrealfood - Dec 13, 2022
Just like the scientific literature has intentional misinterpretations. Could the patent literature being used to mislead in this mind game?
ConcernedGrammy - Dec 13, 2022
Christina Kinne
As long as the EUA is in place, they can keep this info secret. Then, there's the "proprietary ingredients" mantra. The EUA also relieves them of having to provide any "informed consent".
Christina Kinne - Nov 22, 2023
Christina Kinne
Technically the EUA prior to Jan 2020 their own rules declare informed consent. It is the PREP ACT and the MCM within that act that takes away informed consent.
Reply (2) - Dec 14, 2022
Dorothy N.
Comment removed.
Dorothy N. - Jan 25, 2023
Dorothy N.
I think I love you.
Reply (1) - Jan 25, 2023
Dorothy N.
Comment removed.
Dorothy N. - Jan 25, 2023
Dorothy N.
Oh, good, then I can safely and effectively love you for your mind without any outraging any spouses likely bigger than myself!
Castigator - Jan 29, 2023
Informed consent Catch-22? Something is brewing in Australia.
Susannah - Mar 20, 2023
Why? Because Lucifer (Satan) is running this operation. Newsflash: he was a liar from the beginning......and remains so
Dorothy N. - Jan 25, 2023
Dorothy N.
Lol, at this point, would anyone actually trust any of their claims? In any event, it seems probable - going by what I've read - that DARPA/Pentagon would likely have more to do with whatever was intended to go into various experimental jabs under the mRNA label... and without Good Manufacturing Practice required, even more contamination than usual, on top of all that.
Seems like a pretty sloppy experiment - if that's what it is, and simply not an psychopath's thought-amusing way to exterminate natural Life - to me...
BlazeCloude3 - Feb 16, 2023 - Edited
The issue isn't about professionals as Doctors, Scientists, Attorneys, Philosophers and such getting together to 'Hash-Out' the facts of this tyranny begun from the Bank of International Settlements and all THEIR Central Banker Families SEEKING the age-old Satanic Evil of Absolute Control of the World...Like some stereotypically ghastly Supervillains.
The major factor presented from another perspective is found in the objectives originating in ESPIONAGE...Transparent; thus CHEAP, TRASHY, IMMATURE. The Psycho-Predator Bankers/Corporatists behind this horror really could have learned an immeasurable amount by reading Lustbader, Clancy, Ludlum, Le Carre' or any number of other authors of the 'Espionage Genre' and we may thank God they were NOT open to learning to better control their tempers to continue to HIDE until all was fully prepared for the ULTIMATE COUPE.
This matter is about the presence of 'Controlled Opposition' or 'Wolves in Sheep's Clothing' placed purposefully to gather data, spy and SABOTAGE THE HEROS OF GOD FOR HUMANITY. Threats, bribery, thievery...WHATEVER; these beings were converted to perpetrate evil onto all humanity of the world for a price. These are those, as Dr. Cole...Requiring INDICTMENT, TRIAL AND PUNISHMENT WITH MOCKERY, LOSS OF ALL ASSETS, AND LIFE IMPRISONMENT OR EXECUTION. The next time around, Nuremberg is to be (What does the Globalist CULT RE-IMAGINE?) a matter of INCLUSIVITY, AND EQUITY...Equal OUTCOMES of Punishment for all the Evil instead of conspiracies to perpetrate 'Operation Paperclip' CRIMES ALLOWING EVIL TO SURVIVE, HIDE AND PERPETUATE ITSELF TO GROW IN THE FUTURE.
ConcernedGrammy - Feb 16, 2023
They've infiltrated and control all sectors of society including the all levels of the judiciary. Who exactly will organize and run a Numerberg 2?
BlazeCloude3 - Feb 17, 2023
Indeed; so it appears and seems.
Pray for God's forgiveness and mercy, fast, do penance, sacrifice and OBEY WITH WORSHIP AND PRAISE in all times both good and bad. God's forces MUST have the strength to fight beyond the veil separating this realm from theirs where most of the battle rages. They must be empowered by us to fight HERE USING US...As they can.
Also know...Things are NOT as they appear. The Central Banker Families and Banks ARE NOT THE TOP OF THIS EVIL FOOD CHAIN. Behind them and COVERING FOR THEM ARE the surviving European Monarchy with The Town of London. THAT IS THE TOP OF THE EVIL FOOD CHAIN.
There was once a time when they were the overwhelming power and they used food, shelter, clothing, rape, torture, murder TO CONTROL THEIR PEOPLE even as they used exorbitant TAXATION to force the men into war when tax couldn't be paid. They owned NOTHING and had to WORK THE LAND OWNED BY THE MONARCHY/ARISTOCRACY and the TAX took more than they could produce. The WARS were to COLONIZE THE WORLD when the Monarchs of Europe coming from ONE FAMILY couldn't win over one another. This included the U.S., as we know.
The European Monarchy has been humiliated by and HATED THE UNITED STATES AND BEEN TERRIFIED BY IT...Since the victory of the American Revolution and subsequent signing of 'The Constitution of the United States'. It INSPIRED 'the dirty, unwashed, starving masses' around the world to RISE-UP TO TAKE THEIR POWER AND END THE SLAVERY BY THE MONARCHS.
Appearances can be deceiving...And, things are not always as they seem. Keep praying, fasting and Adoring God...We're all concerned. KNOW...The ENEMY OF HUMANITY IS ONLY HUMAN though also evil and of Satan. THEY CAN DIE.
Susannah - Mar 20, 2023
Amen. Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord. Deut 32:35 To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste. Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
TONI - Apr 1, 2023
I would Love to see them work together in a Sterile Lab !!🥼 🧪 🧫
kcobxlover - Mar 20, 2023
"They" (the psychopaths) do not want scientists working together. They have no interest in shining light on the truth, whatever that may be. Divide and conquer is their only narrative.
BlazeCloude3 - Mar 20, 2023
Don't recall ever writing the psycho-predators to ever have an interest in shining the light of truth onto anything as THAT was never any thought or feeling necessary to write it. The nature of evil is to use ANYTHING...Including Truth to overwhelm, confuse, disable and murder as they currently use the OBiden CORRUPTION/TREASON/CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY as distraction/diversion from the real threats...DEMANDING PEOPLE TO STRETCH ABILITY TO MULTITASK EXCESSIVELY.
kcobxlover - Mar 20, 2023
Wow...I actually wasn't replying to you, but I am reading your posts now. I am no Substack guru...I subscribe to very few. I'm on your side (I believe), and I have read many things about the Monarchy. Also the Pope. The Rockefellers, etc. So much to consume and so hard to discern at times.
BlazeCloude3 - Mar 20, 2023
Have only been here a while myself. Yes, all the kiddies from all aspects of life are into evil and oppression as once ruled the whole Earth for most of all time. THIS TIME IS WORSE AS technology has advanced to allow evil absolute control IF THE PEOPLE DO NOT STAND, PUT THEIR BLOOD ON THE LINE AND FIGHT BACK. "The greatest enemy of evil is the lack of fear in dying and this requires the choice of God."
kcobxlover - Mar 20, 2023
Couldn't agree more! There is no fear in death for me. I just wish I could do more than read and wear "I WILL NOT COMPLY" shirts and refuse to wear masks. I've been booted off of social media so many times, but I go back and I continue to try to warn. These days, I'm not sure who to warn against. Some of the things I've seen are so dark and disturbing, I think people honestly don't want to know. So far, every conspiracy I've been accused of buying into has been true.
BlazeCloude3 - Mar 20, 2023
There was a reason our education in the U.S. focused on the Founding Principles and Philosophies behind the Constitution with a bit of Civil War, slavery and Lincoln thrown-in for good measure. Rockefellers are reported to give an interview and said, "Country doesn't need to teach 'critical thinking' and history. All we need are people to work my company." THE BEST SLAVES ARE STUPID, WEAK, SICK, COMPLIANT, ACCUSTOMED TO POVERTY.
Since the U.S. didn't teach actual history; WE WERE AND MANY REMAIN indoctrinated/ brainwashed and are too psychologically and spiritually weak to accept the level of evil now threatening such horror and oppression; existential in nature. They CAN NOT ACCEPT THE TRUTH OF EVIL as it's terrifying and they're not adept with problem solving and survival. Cognitive Dissonance literally CAN drive human beings into insanity...Depression, anxiety, psychosis of all kinds...Suicide, Homicide.
Jennifer Walters - Dec 13, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
I agree 100%. Not sure why his opinion is proof of anything. Not sure why he isn’t working with everyone who has other opinions… If we stop investigating because of one opinion then we are not looking for real answers.
Kathleen Janoski - Dec 13, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
Susannah - Mar 20, 2023
"she blinded me with science" song from the 80's - so much predictive programming in the music of the 80's - check it out
Castigator - Jan 29, 2023
What is conspicuous is the categorical denial of the presence of graphene. There is no, "Well, if you say so, but I could not see anything of the sort. Let us compare notes." By the way, the same applies to Dr. Fleming, who dismissed the suggestion out of hand while talking about lots of "junk" visible in the death potion under microscope. There was no investigation of what that junk might consist of.
Butterballs - Mar 20, 2023
Butterballs’s Substack
Lipidnano-doodle - Mar 9, 2023
I had the exact same thoughts when I saw the video, I also thought well dr cole you maybe right there is no Graphene in the vaccine. But Graphene is a thing that is discussed all over the Internet about being put in vaccines. What is it for.
Also you say it’s not a depopulation bioweapon? Ok well why are some of the main players in the Covid scam and the vaccine also on record saying there are too many people on this earth. And why are these same people so involved in pharmaceuticals and vaccines?
Susannah - Mar 20, 2023
And now with Dr. Cole outing himself as controlled opposition, does that also not cast a shadow on those (including Dr. Cole) who participated in that production initially put out by Dr. Ardis? You know, the whole snake venom thing. To me, that whole thing looked seriously produced. Even Maria Zeee is made to look like a witch with black and red being prominently displayed (colors of the church of Satan). Wake up people, you are being swallowed up by evil. The only protection is under the protective wings of Jesus Christ. He has already won by his overcoming death at the cross, he is coming back to finish the job, and he is not taking prisoners. Get on the ark before it's too late.
Castigator - Mar 9, 2023
Why not judge the tree by the fruit it bears? Ed Dowd gives preliminary Q4 2022 excess deaths numbers for group life insurance death claims:
"For the age group up to age 44, excess deaths rose above the baseline (normal) 13 percent in October, 21 percent in November, and 43 percent in December. For the age group 45 to 64, the death rate above baseline rose 4 percent in October, 16 percent in November, and 35 percent in December."
Allegedly, the rates moving into this first quarter of 2023 are higher still.
I wonder if there is any death pool betting going on, just as there was for 9/11.
Butterballs - Mar 20, 2023
Butterballs’s Substack
Joel W. Hay, PhD - Dec 13, 2022 - Edited
Joel’s Newsletter
I think Dr. Ana should go on the Del Bigtree show and set everyone straight. But the bigger problem is that the medical freedom movement is filled with controlled oppo or people who don't understand that by 2030 we'll all own nothing except our vaxxx passports and be happy. Time is a wasting!
Harold Saive - Dec 13, 2022
News Paradigm
Bigtree will not give equal time to guests who support Terrain Theory. He invited Andrew Kaufman on one time but never again. Dr. David Martin has also not been re-invited. Bigtree is catching a lot of heat for it too. Look at the live-stream comments sometime -- I suspect Bigtree has been irreversably compromised in some way. Follow the money. Attorney Aaron Siri is the best reason to $upport ICAN.
Grasshopper Kaplan - Dec 13, 2022
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
No one will be smiling
Christine the Strawberry Girl - Dec 13, 2022
Christine the Strawberry Girl
Well, some won’t get a vax passport.
Reply (3) - Dec 13, 2022 - Edited
News Paradigm
Comment removed.
Harold Saive - Dec 13, 2022 - Edited
News Paradigm
Meanwhile, Deni Rancourt explains how the all-cause mortality did not involve a "virus" Amazing interview that supports "The Terrain". -https://rumble.com/v1ycyjo-what-really-killed-millions-denis-rancourt.html
Reply (1) - Dec 14, 2022 - Edited
News Paradigm
Comment removed.
Harold Saive - Dec 14, 2022 - Edited
News Paradigm
Would you add Karen Kingston and Andrew Kaufman to your list?
Reply (3) - Jan 24, 2023
Kathleen Devanney's Newsletter
Comment removed.
Kathleen Devanney. A human. - Jan 25, 2023
Kathleen Devanney's Newsletter
Also been watching this debate. I suggested to Sasha (via her substack) that it would be great for her and Karen to get in the same room and hash it out - that I suspect that agree mainly and it comes down to interpretation not real disagreement. Sasha said, she has reached out to Karen, who is not responding and further she was a paid subscriber to Karen's substack, and Karen cancelled her subscription. Sasha is now done attempting to reach out to Karen and I get it. What is going on there?
Harold Saive - Jan 25, 2023
News Paradigm
Great questions. Naomi Wolf says her team has produced the best legal evidence in her eBOOK,"Pfizer Docs Analysis Report". The following link will take you to 2 short Naomi Wolf videos and a way to purchase the eBook. Scrolling to the bottom you will find a link to the book uploaded to archive,org today. Cheers and spread the word -https://tinyurl.com/4dtaczvt
ConcernedGrammy - Jan 25, 2023
Pfizer's trial end is March 2023. Coming up fast.
Reply (4) - Dec 14, 2022
News Paradigm
Comment removed.
Bitfarmer111 - Jan 25, 2023
Eloquent insights. Personally, I've put Malone and Cole into the controlled op "limited hang-out" camp - and Cowan, Lanka and Sasha have enlightened me greatly. As you wrote <I don't fear anything going on today because I understand what is going on.> I'd love to read your summary of that "going on" so to assist those like myself still working to decipher truth and prepare reasonable resistance and paths out of harm's way. Thank you.
Harold Saive - Dec 14, 2022
News Paradigm
Thanks for your comments. I somewhat agree with you on Kingston and mostly agree with you on Kaufman. Kingston's substack has obligated her to express her views in published form rather than the haze of video interviews. ... I would add Sam and Mark Bailey to the list of extraordinary truth messengers.
Harold Saive - Jan 25, 2023
News Paradigm
Naomi Wolf says her team has produced the best legal evidence in her eBOOK,"Pfizer Docs Analysis Report". The following link will take you to 2 short Naomi Wolf videos and a way to purchase the eBook. Scrolling to the bottom you will find a link to the book uploaded to archive,org today. -https://tinyurl.com/4dtaczvt
Lone Star - Dec 15, 2022
Lone Star
kcobxlover - Mar 20, 2023 - Edited
News Paradigm
Damnit...RFK Jr., too?
Harold Saive - Mar 20, 2023 - Edited
News Paradigm
Like College football, the lawsuit game requires a playing field. I understand the ambivalence of RFK Jr, Del Bigtree, Aaron Siri, Tom Renz et al, always having to play an "away-game" on the other team's field in order to have a chance to win a battle, when a better game could be played on a home field of truth that hacks at the root cause of Vaxx crimes against humanity. The NO VIRUS Movement of Dr. Sam Bailey reveals an growing international coalition of righteous "virus deniers" who are playing on their own field of truth, that can completely shut-down the evil vaxxinators when enough of the masses convert to the reality that embraces the NO VIRUS paradigm. NO VIRUS = NO VACCINE = FRAUD EXPOSED = BANKRUPTCY of the VAXX Cartel. The "No Virus" Awakening Goes International/Global - Dr. Sam Bailey -https://tinyurl.com/5bkmvf2y
Reply (1) - Mar 20, 2023
News Paradigm
Comment removed.
Harold Saive - Mar 21, 2023
News Paradigm
Virologist, Stefan Lanka took his no-virus case to the highest court in Germany and was awarded a verdict that confirmed measles are not caused by a virus (Page 11) -https://tinyurl.com/y8dpwrtn
Lone Star - Dec 15, 2022
Lone Star
I cannot access that link.
FreedomWarriorWoman - Dec 13, 2022 - Edited
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
Thank you, Dr.Ana!!!
I am so mad at Dr.Ryan Cole And Del, who I have always admired! Why couldn’t Dr. Cole simply say that he has not found, or can confirm from his investigations (of 6 vials, I think?), that he himself can identify graphene or nanostructures? Both of their summaries at the end of that Highwire segment seemed politically scripted, meaning they were not allowed to go there (as we have just learned about Sen. Rob Johnson’s last Hearing with the same exoerts, and Karen Kingston was intentionally excluded). Cole was actually Smiling denying their existence.
By the way, Dr. Cole also does not “believe in” Chem Trails, which says a lot about his unwillingness to investigate harsh truths that so many others have proven.
Del, also has said in interview that he doesnt think his audience can handle the lies of Germ Theory.
I am so distraught about the divisions in the “Truth” and Medical/Health Freedom Movement that are Not helpful!
I think you should send Dr. Cole and Del this post and invite him (again) to review your findings.
I hope to God that Dr. Cole and Del revise their public statements, and Del interviews you, your team, incl. Karen Kingston. Your work is critical! Thank you for this article!!
ann watson - Dec 13, 2022 - Edited
Hi Freedom Warrior Woman - I agree with you but I do see that Del is kind of square - he used to be MSM - and some of his audience may not be able to wrap their minds around the 'viruses don't exist' theory - which I have no problem in accepting. Makes sense to me. But I'm okay with Del going along with the old guys - but its wrong to attack the same side for having a different theory - especially if it can be proven - like David Nixon's Live Blood Analysis - which is where Ana gets the images of the microchips and ribbons, and highways connecting everything. Del does good work with his ICAN _ although there won't be any huge breakthroughs going that way possibly. Also I bet RFK Jr is not going along with the Terrain Theory either. Like Del
Free Human - Dec 13, 2022
Free Human
Why don't you, Dr. Cole, the folks from LaQuinta Columna, and every other Doc who is claiming they know "what's in the shots" all just get together somewhere - maybe in Mike Adam's lab and run the contents of Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Sinovac and any other kind of covid jab vials you can get your hands on through the exact same set of highly controlled tests - (preferably every damn test known to man) and hash out all the remaining questions and get a unified front going. All this bickering & infighting over who claimed what is just NOT helping - it makes it look like there may be several different factions of controlled opposition out there, muddying the waters on purpose. I'm not saying I think YOU are the controlled opposition, but literally any of you could be. By the time we figure out what's true, all the people who have taken the jab will probably be dead. But I guess that's what "they" want...
Lone Star - Dec 13, 2022
Lone Star
Mike Adams has been open about the limits of his equipment, but he has also expressed a willingness to have donors or collaborators supply or lend other equipment to do further testing.
Free Human - Dec 14, 2022
Free Human
Right. Nobody who is actually willing to do the type of in-depth, painstaking investigation this situation calls for would likely have all the equipment on hand, but yeah, equipment loans are definitely needed.
Dr Maria D Olivier🇿🇦 - Dec 13, 2022
Dr Maria D Olivier🇿🇦
I 100% agree with this suggestion.
John H. - Dec 13, 2022
John H.
Yes, that's the point and it's also why what you suggest will never happen.
Free Human - Dec 14, 2022
Free Human
You are right - Probably won't ever happen with "full participation", but that doesn't mean some sub-group of people can't keep trying to get something together. I'm nobody, so it's up to people like Dr. Ana & Dr. Cole to be willing to "reach across the aisle" and make the effort. If they aren't willing to do that - then that also says something, loud & clear ....
Castigator - Jan 29, 2023
Don´t you find it strange that, considering the substantial exposure various findings by independent parties have received at least on the alternative media, no public health authority has stepped in crying, "We shall get to the bottom of it!" in order to reassure everyone? Is that not what should be done as a matter of course? The lack of action is telling, I should think.
Free Human - Jan 29, 2023
Free Human
Public health "authorities" are in on it, clearly. Most likely not at the level that conceived of and is directing this whole operation (which would be the US DOD, per Katherine Watt & Sahsha Latypova, but then who gives the orders to the US DOD behind the scenes??), but certainly at the level of "order followers" who aren't going to do anything to rock the boat and endanger their funding stream.....
Castigator - Jan 29, 2023
They are making themselves conspicuous by omission, taking on an enormous risk in case the tab is presented to each of them in a forceful manner. There will be hell to pay.
Free Human - Jan 29, 2023
Free Human
Public Health agencies, as well as hospitals and medical professionals in general, will most likely become "designated scapegoats". I suspect the whole medical insurance industry will take a major hit as well. People need to start growing their own medicinal herb gardens and get off all pharmaceuticals as soon as possible, for those who can. For those who can't, well, their lifespans are going to hit the wall pretty hard when the drugs they depend on are no longer available or affordable. I, unfortunately, fall in that category myself, needing T3 replacement hormone since my thyroid is gone. With TPTB intent on doing away with cattle and pigs as livestock, my supply of natural dessicated thyroid will also eventually disappear. I guess I will have to start harvesting it from humans, when the time comes - or die...
James Hill, MD - Dec 13, 2022
James Hill MD’s Newsletter
Thank you for this, Dr. Ana.
Another issue is Sasha Latypova found jab vial contents appear highly variable (as well as untraceable by serial number), so even if Dr. Cole didn’t find something in a few vials, assuming he were properly looking, it doesn’t mean that thing isn’t in other vials.
Grasshopper Kaplan - Dec 13, 2022
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
He found it but wouldn't see it as such, sloppypoo
LONG In The TRUTH - Dec 13, 2022
Hamish625’s Substack
.....his TYPICAL lack of MAGNANIMITY, is what irritates me MOST, James.....
Kathleen Janoski - Dec 13, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
If the package inserts are still blank, that tells you everything you need to know.
Pharma does not want you know what is in the covid death shots.
Kathleen Janoski - Dec 13, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
There are billions of vials of these shots out there.
Made by multiple corporations, in multiple facilities, in multiple countries, with questionable quality control, poorly trained employees, shoddy manufacturing processes, and dirty production facilities.
Unless a person has examined all the vials with the above listed variables, you cannot make an absolute statement that no graphene oxide was found.
John H. - Dec 13, 2022
John H.
TPTB absolutely do not want the exotic tech exposed. That is the reason why it won't be until it has largely accomplished its purpose which involves mass depopulation and bringing GR/CBDC/SCS globally on-line These are stalling maneuvers to allow more people to be sacrificed and trans-humanized.
Reply (1) - Dec 14, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
Comment removed.
Kathleen Janoski - Dec 14, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
How did she get 2300 vials? I thought there was strict oversight.
Lone Star - Jan 25, 2023
Lone Star
I have a recurrent thought the last couple of decades of zombie-themed films and television shows may have been prompted by some sort of government impetus. The government has ling had a relationship with the entertainment industry, and it ramped up
Lone Star - Jan 25, 2023
Lone Star
. . . after the repeal of the anti-propaganda law under the Obama administration. Get used to a population of zombies, folks.
Reply (2) - Jan 25, 2023
Comment removed.
Susannah - Mar 20, 2023
Give me a break. You are so in your head, you would not even know it if Jesus spoke to you. In the final analysis, I think you will come to regret your cynicism about Jesus. By the way, religion is a man made construct (Catholicism, et al). Jesus wants a personal relationship with each one of us. Biblical prophecy was given to us so that we could find our way through dangerous times, such as what we are experiencing now. Rev 18:23 points out the truth we have been going through ......for by thy sorceries (the great men of the earth) were all nations deceived. Sorceries is interpreted from the Greek in this passage, and also can mean "pharmakeia." Sound familiar? A shepherd takes care of his sheep. He has warned us what to look for, and he has not failed. Who are you to mock him?
Reply (1) - Mar 20, 2023
Comment removed.
Castigator - Jan 29, 2023
Just a thought: Sabbatean Frankists postulate redemption through sin - the more we sin, the closer the salvation. But then they have to have a blueprint of what exactly they would be working towards. On the face of it, it could easily be the Apocalypse, so the Book of Revelation would provide a self-fulfilling scenario. Hollywood, all the way down to Damnation?
Susannah - Mar 20, 2023
Sabbatean Frankists were in opposition to Jesus Christ and what He stands for. He died for our sins so that we don't have to. God does not redeem through deliberate sin, only through repentance. You have Satan whispering in your ear if you think that is a valid way to God. The only predictive programming going on is through the anti-christ contigent, ie, free masons, illuminati, church of satan, etc. They have read the bible and they know what is going to happen, and therefore use it against us. The only recourse we have at this minute lies in the salvation afforded to us by grace, which will end exactly the same second that He raptures us to Him, the and tribulation (Jacob's Trouble) begins. It will signify the end of the church age, and the removing of the body of Christ along with the Holy Spirit to Him will signify hell on earth. People can still get saved, but Bibles will be non existent, and they will need to pay with their lives (head) and their blood to be accepted into the kingdom. So, pontificate while you may.....the harvest is being gathered now and time is short. Shalom
Michael Brownstein - Dec 13, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
I've been waiting for this inevitable crash between those who see graphene, hydrogels and the rest in the vials and those who reject it out of hand. To me this parallels the argument between those who see spike proteins in the blood and those who don't, not to mention those who think viruses are real and those who don't. And looking at the larger cultural picture, THIS ALSO PARALLELS THOSE WHO BELIEVE THE "VACCINES" ARE DANGEROUS (to varying degrees, everything from individual deaths and injuries to global de-population, that's yet another argument) VS. THOSE WHO THINK THEY ARE GREAT. In other words, my dear doctor, we humans ALWAYS create "reality" out of our perceptions. I don't believe in "science" (sorry) because unlike animist perceptions of reality, so-called science takes place in a totally artificial environment -- the laboratory, among those who are narrow specialists in various fields with therefore a reductive view of reality. Ultimately "evidence" is in the eye of the beholder. And ultimately life remains mysterious. The only thing we know for sure, though, is there's a dark force out there aiming to change us into human-flavored robots, no matter what we see in the "science."
Citizen Seer - Dec 14, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
Michael Brownstein, I simultaneoulsy like and dislike your comment. Maybe it IS all just one big Quantum exercise. If you look for hydrogels, you will collapse the hydrogel wave function into physical existence, and perceive it.
So is it "you can't find what you aren't looking for?" or rather "you only find what you ARE looking for?" What if we looked completely objectively? What would we perceive, and is it possible?
I suppose then, we should all get our minds "right", our emotions under control, and engage the reality we have chosen. Piece of Cake
Lee Muller - Dec 13, 2022 - Edited
Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…
I was also surprised he did not use a electron microscope. I cannot see how his applied techniques could either prove nor disprove existence in the vials.
Synthesis and Toxicity of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles: A Literature Review of In Vitro and In Vivo Studies -https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2021/5518999/
Toward Nanotechnology-Enabled Approaches against the COVID-19 Pandemic -https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsnano.0c03697
Nanomedicine: A Diagnostic and Therapeutic Approach to COVID-19 -https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2021.648005/full
Joel W. Hay, PhD - Dec 13, 2022
Joel’s Newsletter
OK; but without the vaxxx passport you won't be able to move around, buy food, live in real housing or use any internet services. Unless people opposed to the hive mind AI enslavement protocols get their act together really fast, they will be living in a roach motel in tierra del fuego with AI roaches all around. The disjunction between normie holiday celebrations and the horrific genocide they have planned for us over the next 7 years is very disillusioning. Don't forget; they've been planning this for 40 years.
John H. - Dec 13, 2022
John H.
They've been planning it for much longer but only in the past 2 decades or so has the technology arrived for them to actually carry it out. Sash Latypova and Katherine Watt have shown us how it was meticulously planned and executed.
Harold Saive - Dec 13, 2022
News Paradigm
Bigtree's reporter JEFFEREY JAXEN presented a special report on "magnetic arms" that attracted magnets to the injection site of the vaccine and other areas of the body. The report CONFIRMED the magnetic arm effect was true but the topic was never re-visited as suggested by JAXEN and Dr. Cole never got a question about it from Bigtree. - See that and the Brittany Galvin video -https://justpaste.it/5u9tn
Monica M - Dec 13, 2022 - Edited
Hamish625’s Substack
Thank you Dr Ana for responding to this. I was stunned, confused, & disappointed by the conclusions of Dr Ryan Cole, who I have had high regard. His opinions threw me off & have made me doubt him. I think we all should keep in mind Biden’s Executive Order on “advancing biotechnology,” & how the EO said we need to “...write circuitry for cells & predictably program biology the same way in which we write a software & program computers.” I think it’s all in that EO for us to see...what’s in the injections & their plans for us. Dr Ana, thank you for being the light in this darkness!! I fully support you & the many others who have seen graphene, nanotech, & parasites in these poisons. & jee, I guess the right microscope (regarding Dr Cole) might help too.
LONG In The TRUTH - Dec 13, 2022
Hamish625’s Substack
.....to say NOTHING of VIDEO from Fauci's RELATED declaration about 'self-assembling nanotechnology' in his report to a Congressional committee December 5, 2019.....
Markker - Dec 13, 2022
From what I have read and watched for a long time now it appears that no big name presenters are wanting to explore this in detail and Del has Cole on as pathologist to debunk the theory. This nano technology has been found in many brands in different countries too. Quite a lot said their samples contained no mRNA and only graphene and various other metals all properly analysed, not just an opinion. When people research properly, they will find no pandemic, no virus, never any virus isolated ever. They will realise the illusion of pandemic and lockdowns were to cover for the bust financial system. The capitalist system is finished and these injectables are not for health but for digital ID, CBDC, Carbon allowance and social credit system. G20 in Bali last month all voted in favour of vaccine passport for foreign travel knowing full well that they are for digital ID, CBCD and UBI etc. not for health security. Go read Technocracy News andglobalresearch.cato discover why covid is the trojan horse to fool us. These lesser known docs and scientists are not allowed to get the word out but some docs who go along with the fairytale virus story and especially mRNA spike protein damage are allowed to talk because they defend the lies of viruses being harmful and contagious. Read Dissolving Illusions for starters or The Invisible Rainbow. The biggest growing business market is medical. Imagine getting annual vax business followed by meds to try to help people damaged and more meds to help with adverse reactions from that one! Check outOrwell.citywho translated early work from laquintacolumna or see Dr Andreas Noack on Bitchute RIP
koppykat - Dec 13, 2022
Totally agree...nice to find a fellow-minded soul. It's exhausting weathering all these distractors. Keep up the pace Dr Ana.. we're right behind you.
Lisa - Dec 13, 2022
Amen. So thankful for Dr Ana!
Monica M - Dec 13, 2022
Andrew Chapman - Dec 13, 2022
Undertakers and embalmers repor…
See alsodrdavidnixon.com
SpringTimeFun8 - Dec 13, 2022
DDS’s Substack
Respectfully, I am looking for truth from all Dr’s. Not Dr’s back stabbing one another. All Dr’s have lost so much trust from the public. We share information that you each post. Please can you all not meet and get on the same page.
Thank you.
ForestDi56 - Dec 13, 2022
I have a similar complaint. I’ve read a variety of articles and reports both “proving” existence of and disproving or arguing against. If we could get everyone with the capabilities and resources to get some final answers together and just do the definitive tests; show us the results before analysis as well as after; that would help. The fracturing of the observations is really disconcerting and the whole pack on both “sides” winds up sounding “off.” At least to this to observer.
SpringTimeFun8 - Dec 13, 2022
DDS’s Substack
Yes, I agree with you.
Merry Christmas
DonnyJSands - Dec 13, 2022
The only way to stop this insanity is to expose these ingredients. It looks like Dr Cole has cognitive dissonance or he is on team evil.
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