Dr. Stuckelberger has been one of the most important voices amidst the madness. Likewise Dr. Ana. I’m always on full alert and very intellectually stimulated tuning into their interviews. I've been trying to do my part as well. I wrote this week on planetary-scale computation and the Internet of Bio Nano Things, taking Benjamin Bratton's "The Stack" (MIT, 2016) as a point of departure for outlining cybernetic totalitarianism in an era of biodigital convergence:
Those following Dr. Ana’s work may also be interested in mine. Together we rise.
I truly don't understand Del Bigtree He has just had Ryan Cole again on his show - yesterday - and never once Karen Kingston - and when Astrid was on his show - he wouldn't let her talk...something not right about Del Bigtree sadly.
I noticed that in recent months also - a HUGE disappointment in Del!
I watched the segment where Del went to Dr Ryan Cole’s jab - I found it incredibly shallow & did not appreciate the lighthearted way Ryan Cole keep smirking & was so glib about the metal or nano particles & so off-handed my rejected them.
Based on a some shallow reason from
HiS microscope. Del was verrry quick to dismiss the graphene theory, etc & accept whatever Ryan Cole said at face value! NOW, I find Cole is on Malone’s side & defending him. It is a bit too manufactured for me. I have not watched Del’s Highwire in over a month - I used to listen avidly every week.
Also, I was verrrry disgusted at the 25 MILLION $$$ lawsuit Malone brought ag the Breggins! It was like it was what the Fed’s do - intimidation.
There’s something clearly amiss here with the nanotechnology & the DOD coverup.
I now look at anything coming out of Del’s production, Malone’s mouth, Cole’s lab... with questions.... and sone skepticism.
Also Sasha Latypova's diversion from Karen Kingston's reporting - about who is responsible - the DOD ( Sasha's arguement ) or Pfizer ( Karen's argument ) I'm watching Lee Merritt right now - who I really like - she agrees that its useless to go after the DOD and sadly now Dr McCullough - has taken the bone and is running with it - that the DOD is responsible not Pfizer. So warped.
I believe the DoD/BARDA is responsible. I mean, why not? If one has ever looked into what DARPA has done on it's own and in conjunction with our military across the world. Pfizer was just the producer because they already have the facilities at the ready. No one wants to believe our own military is captured. But they have been for a very long time. If they weren't, the person in the WH would've already been removed.
There are multiple players involved with this large scale project, with specific roles. Thus potentially multiple guilty parties, charged with different crimes under different laws etc, NOT just one organisation.
So at this stage we probably need both KK and Sasha because we don't yet know which strategy will make the key breakthrough.
Pfizer is a recognised vaccine producer and thus is used as the Brand name and a corporation that can make profits.
After all not many people would take a vax made by DoD.
DoD are probably the project leader under OWS and that automatically adds a layer of secrecy. In the narrative Pfizer did the development and ran the trials etc, and many of their people may believe they were doing it for real.
But it's possible this was actually just theatre to make it seem normal and authentic. The DoD need a cover story, deception is a key part of any military strategy. All part of 5th Generation warfare
I know it's frustratingly slow, but we have to wait to see how this thing unravels. People like Dr Ryan Cole are not seeing beyond the simple medical components
When healthy people are 'locked down' rather than sick people quarantined this is a clue as Lockdown is a Military term.
When bioweapon injections are referred to as 'countermeasures' this is a military term.
Indeed there are so layers and aspects to this long planned military/corporate crime
it is major operation to untangle it and stand down those rolling it out.
Those who rolled their sleeves to 'freely'/'voluntarily participate in the experiment have every right to be upset. Their immune systems are compromised and young and old are
dropping all around us.
Those who watched Event 201, researched Pfizer's and other Vax manufacturers
history or the track records mRNA in animals and WEF etc calls for global depopulation
had grounds for suspicion. Add to that global governmental lockstep approach to
cajole and threaten those they supposedly represent further warrented scheptism.
Those who lied and pushed the lies are arguably complicit in mass murder. Those who
pushed madazalan and morphine into the elderly, isolated and vulnerable may be held to account?
Some have suggested this was an 'intelligent test' for an over crowded world, although fairly/wisely managed we could host 10 > 20 billion easily.
Others posit that this is part of an 'off world', alien/ET operation to take over the planet.
As we have been consistently lied to about this topic for over 70 years by Governments around the world, it is hard to discount such a possibility.
We live in 'interesting times'. x
If they were exposing the truth and big pharma corruptxxx they'd be censored...because they're pushing a misleading and false narrative theyre approved
I watched the Highwire. He certainly did let her talk and she was so interesting I went to find other interviews. She is amazing!
The link below is why RC lost his lab (no different than the reasons behind doctors losing their livelihoods). He also does show results on the Highwire (also link below). This is not to say what he did was right. However, where were the organizers? Why did they not put a stop to it? Why did they not promote a proper discussion between these two people who BOTH offer high value information and insight? (I truly enjoy all the info. Dr. Astrid S gives so was truly sad to see her interrupted.)
So do you think he is stressed far beyond what regular people experience? Do people under that kind of stress and still trying to be strong sometimes act out of character? Come on! He's a human being fighting far above and beyond what most do.
We must all come together on this... even when we disagree.
Astrid Stuckelberger thinks Ryan Cole is a drug addict - He was working with the organizers - they wanted her shut up - it was put on at least in part by World Health Council - WEF - and the tone of your comment is actually antagonistic to me...reaplying to you is stressing me out - so your talk of coming together is bs - I'm not replying again - watch her recent interviews - if you can find somewhere where they're all together. She talks at length about Ryan Cole and others.
Dr Ana you have been so courageous in holding true to findings in spite of what undermining professionals in the freedom movement have been saying and doing to question nanotech hypothesis. Watching you and Karen Kingston and others unpack this I even observed the hesitancy in Dr Michael Yeadon and his hyper questioning. It’s going out on a limb. And you Karen Kingston Todd Calendar Astrid and other amazing professionals have stayed true to that limb. I don’t know if I could have been so determinedly brave. Now we know now we know. No way to unknow. Blessings moving forward. Your work is grace to the world of understanding 🙏
I never understood how I got so sick with "COVID" or whatever it was because starting in July 2020 I did not leave my house. I visited no one, no one came into my house and I went into ZERO stores but in November I came down with "whatever. The only exposure I had was to take my dog for a 1 hour walk each day in the sun ALONE (just me and the dog) and I would sit out in the sun on my deck. So I could not figure out how I got so sick. Personally I always felt the yearly flue and colds were not caused by a virus but were a natural function of the body to clear itself from the toxins he have exposed it too. The more "dirty" you were the sicker you got. Not sure that my theory is not correct but lets assume there was a virus.....HOW did I get it?? We do have 5G in my area. And NO I have not take the bio weapon and I have no intentions of ever doing so. I have felt the ALL vaccines are dangerous and cause more problems than they stop. So I have been a PROUD anti-vaxxer for many years. I came to this conclusion not by listening to the boob tube but by looking at data and reading. It does not take a rocket scientist to see the harm and death vaccines have caused.
I'm still on the fence about the virus/no virus stuff but admittedly, I haven't delved into that far. It would certainly explain a lot of things if there were no viruses. The entire FEAR campaign that's been used for profit or control for decades would disintegrate. I never understood why we were told that antibiotics wouldn't work on viral illnesses, they just had to "run their course" (until the vaccine nazis stepped in, at least.)
And the theory that sickness is just your body cleaning itself out. If that's true, why is it then, that when one person in the household gets a "cold", I'd ALWAYS get sick too, and usually the whole family? Does their body's "self-clean mode" kick off my body's "self-clean mode"? In Nov 2019, my DH started getting a cough, runny nose, etc, and insisted it was just "allergies". Well, it wasn't. He got extremely ill, and I was 3 days behind him. It's the sickest either of us have ever been. We know it was whatever they say "covid" is- horrible deep cough, congestion, headache, nausea, diarrhea, no appetite, loss of taste/smell, fatigue, and we both literally slept for 7-10 days. It was all we could do to fix broth and encourage each other to keep hydrated. But this several months before the mention of "Covid19". We are, by far, not the only ones who claim to have gotten "something very different" just prior to the "pandemic" declaration. Was it a "virus", or some kind of poisoning? We live in a red state, in a very rural, tiny town. 🤷♀️ We sailed through "the pandemic", going out and about, attending church, no social distancing, no masks, and of course, no jabs. I used to get sick 3-4 times a year, every year. I have discovered in the last 3 yrs that, if at the first sign of illness (scratchy throat, stuffy nose, building cough, etc) I take ivermectin, zinc and load up on vit D and vit A and my symptoms reverse. The sooner I start that regimen, the sooner my symptoms go away, usually just a day or two. This has worked EVERY TIME I've done it and I haven't had ANY 7-10 days colds/flu since I started this. 🤷♀️ Since this method has worked for us, time and time again, keeps me more on the "viruses exist" side.
The purpose of my story was that whatever I had (it was unlike any flu or cold in the past) was not transmitted to me by another person. It just made me believe even more in the theory that there are no viruses (I believe viruses were creating to put pills and vaccines in our body) and that what we experience mostly in the winter is a normal detoxing of the body. I could be way off but until I find real proof to the contrary that is my evaluation. COVID and many other viruses have never truly been purified and isolated. Some guy in a lab comes up with a "virus" through some bastardized process (surely not by using Koch's postulates) and voile we get a new pill or vaccine and big pharma reaps the benefits.
"We have to get every engineer and every military veteran who knows about nanoparticles, nanotechnology to help us understand this" -> Yes I am here. Also know about radio technology, military technologies, biological systems. I tied to contact Astrid Stuckelberger, but no reaction. No reaction from any of the "scientists" that found this stuff.
A) I have to be clear. This does not look like nanotech to me at all.
The main reasons: 1. There is no circuitry. A normal chip has millions of transistors and electrical connections. 2. No stability. A circuit that is not stable is broken, like a phone smashed by a mixer. 3. No isolation from environment. Your computer under water will be broken. 4. No power module. Is huge. 5. No common structure. Even all pictures are different. 6. No antenna. They are huge. 7. No electrical components. 8. No layers of very different chemicals (like a circuit board or transistor or battery).
B) These serums have all kinds of toxic components. The Lipids are toxic. The mRNA is very toxic. There is also a fluorescent component and other likely toxic components. They should have been forbidden for use at the start.
We don't know what else is in there. According to Pfizer whistleblower they come straight from China (or nearby). No-one verifies the content. It could be mixed with a chemical weapon that we can not even detect.
Based on what we officially know, this stuff should be completely forbidden. So this nano-tech stuff appears to me like a red herring, and we should be careful with it. It is a distraction that confuses the movement. It hinders immediate legal prosecution. It is also used as a strawman by the corrupt media.
C) What is likely visible:
(1) crystals, very similar to cholesterol crystals. Cholesterol is a lipid and other lipids may form very similar crystals. They form in thin layers like oil-films on water. And these were specifically chosen to form surfaces of lipid nano particles to hold mRNA. Google cholesterol crystals! Just once.
(2) pollution from environment. They are different and rare in each investigation, so it is not a standard component. Did they investigate this in a clean room? If not, there is micro-particle pollution everywhere. Modern chips can not even be made in standard lab conditions. The same could have happened in the factory. Picture 4 seems to be that.
(3) I saw videos of stuff moving around when viewed. This is often due to heat and due to Brownian motion.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownian_motionYou can not see without a bright microscope light. Darkfield is often very bright. The drying of the fluid can also cause crystallization, that you can see.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lo0cp2uhxb0
(4) Lipid Nano Particle garbage. The manufacturing has very low quality. So there likely are many different structures besides the spheres/ellipses. They may also break apart over time and form new structures. Like cholesterol related crystals
The main problem is that they have no technological background in nano-tech or in radio-technology. And it is already hard to find an expert in radio-technology who agrees with me that radio-waves can be harmful to biological processes. Only a few have written or published about. I think no one else worked on chip technology. It Here is my part.https://thescienceanalyst.substack.com/p/how-non-ionizing-radiation-affects
Because there are just a few people who understand what is going on, people fill in "unknowns" with all kinds of weird theories. It is ok to try those theories, but you should also look at falsification of those theories. So if you think that there is some kind of smart dust in these things, you have to check where it breaks.
And above I listed the main points where the weird theories break. This means that it is not nano-tech or smart dust or similar. I also listed some similarities with known objects. Did you google cholesterol pictures already? I found very similar features.
And this leads me to the conclusion that the experimental clot-shot does not contain extremely advanced nano-tech. It is still deadly because of all the known ingredients. Does that make you still take a shot of the bioweapon?
No. But now we can also tell a doctor that this stuff is bad to begin with.
I think Dr Yeadon was suggesting the where does it break idea too. He seemed reticent to jump on board until it’s completely verifiable. They did have nano tech engineers as I recall
My old man has come around to flushing it out now... Yay.
Autophagy will be key in getting the cells infected with Q-dots out. The more jabs people have had the worse it'll be. It seems some peoples immune systems handle it better then others.
Dr.Mihalcea , just to be clear, Dr.Cole did not shut her up, he leaped on stage when Dr.Stuckelberger's presentation was cut short by 11 slides by one of the moderators. Dr.Cole then remained in ther spotlight for another ten minutes , pontificating about the 'fact, there was -is no GO in the vials, sorry Astrid, I've lloked'' . until she protested and told him rightly that he was not an expert in nanotech or GO but he interrupted her again and again. You saw the video. You also saw her interview on Dr.Jane Ruby a week later. She said it was Orsolya Györffy , of Children's Defense fund Europe who gave the order to cut her mic, order carried by by an Austrian GP, who communicated with the Lakarüppropet conference team. This happened at the exact moment her slide on GO appeared in the room. Why someone from CDF felt the need to do this I don't know, I can only speculate, why another doctor would obey her I can only speculate again. Dr.Stuckelberger had the rug pulled out from under her, by colleagues who then attempted to make her look stupid in front of a big audience. But the only people who look stupid here, are them. They look exactly like people who have sold out. Maybe they feel it's just too 'tinfoil hat '' to talk about GO, that transhumanism must be a conspiracy theory ( like the vaxes are harmful, vax passports, mandatory jabs etc ?) Whether is no GO in there or not, or anything else, is not the issue, the issue is suppression of science, exploration. no one should prevent another person from questioning . one thing was made abundantly clear during that conference: this side is infiltrated and corrupted too.
Dr. Mihalcea please take a look at these images and narrative from Dr. Mark Bailey.
I think it comports with what you've been saying regarding the vaxxed.
Have posted this before but don't see that people are noticing. Both Pfizer & Moderna vials are being sequenced by Kevin McKernon, who is very qualified to do so -- albeit I'm not a fan of anyone who has worked on the Human Genome Project. According to Kevin, there's most assuredly nucleic acids in the vials. In fact, he's found plasmid DNA w/"turbo'd" SV40 & has various serious concerns he's been writing about in his substack as well as in interviews. This info can't be ignored.https://anandamide.substack.com/p/dna-contamination-in-pfizer-monovalent
Yes, that confirms the European Medicine Agency as well. Dr Mc Cairn is doing great work. Vials contents highly differ. I have spoken a lot about the 26 teams in the world and the vial contents found. He did previously publish on some vials not containing mRNA
Another P.S. from TRUTH MATTERS…
Who would join a series of live conference calls if Lex Greene agreed to them?
Sooner or later information/evidence must be coordinated action information!
War is a TEAM sport, right?
ANA…WE NEED YOU, Paul Alexander, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Mike Yeadon, Ana Maria Mihalcea, Sasha Latypova and any other persons for starters in on these live conference calls to discuss ideas and solutions!
A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting
yes - it seems that they did give the recipe to Pfizer - but Pfizer signed the contract with Operation Warpspeed to deliver a 'safe and effective' vaccine - which this jab clearly is not - I make sure and watch ALL of Karen Kingston's presentations - and I listen carefully - not multi-tasking - Lee Merritt also states it - but not like Karen does - I think its this video - which is a really good video to watch -https://www.brighteon.com/b8d5e267-23e1-4bb2-b87c-f29eeda6f000
Nathan M. Wiley - Mar 31, 2023
MindWar Intel
Dr. Stuckelberger has been one of the most important voices amidst the madness. Likewise Dr. Ana. I’m always on full alert and very intellectually stimulated tuning into their interviews. I've been trying to do my part as well. I wrote this week on planetary-scale computation and the Internet of Bio Nano Things, taking Benjamin Bratton's "The Stack" (MIT, 2016) as a point of departure for outlining cybernetic totalitarianism in an era of biodigital convergence:
Those following Dr. Ana’s work may also be interested in mine. Together we rise.
San - Mar 31, 2023
Thank you for this link
Gary McCollom - Apr 1, 2023
So how is it that Astrid is still alive?
ann watson - Mar 31, 2023
I truly don't understand Del Bigtree He has just had Ryan Cole again on his show - yesterday - and never once Karen Kingston - and when Astrid was on his show - he wouldn't let her talk...something not right about Del Bigtree sadly.
San - Mar 31, 2023
I noticed that in recent months also - a HUGE disappointment in Del!
I watched the segment where Del went to Dr Ryan Cole’s jab - I found it incredibly shallow & did not appreciate the lighthearted way Ryan Cole keep smirking & was so glib about the metal or nano particles & so off-handed my rejected them.
Based on a some shallow reason from
HiS microscope. Del was verrry quick to dismiss the graphene theory, etc & accept whatever Ryan Cole said at face value! NOW, I find Cole is on Malone’s side & defending him. It is a bit too manufactured for me. I have not watched Del’s Highwire in over a month - I used to listen avidly every week.
Also, I was verrrry disgusted at the 25 MILLION $$$ lawsuit Malone brought ag the Breggins! It was like it was what the Fed’s do - intimidation.
There’s something clearly amiss here with the nanotechnology & the DOD coverup.
I now look at anything coming out of Del’s production, Malone’s mouth, Cole’s lab... with questions.... and sone skepticism.
ann watson - Mar 31, 2023
Also Sasha Latypova's diversion from Karen Kingston's reporting - about who is responsible - the DOD ( Sasha's arguement ) or Pfizer ( Karen's argument ) I'm watching Lee Merritt right now - who I really like - she agrees that its useless to go after the DOD and sadly now Dr McCullough - has taken the bone and is running with it - that the DOD is responsible not Pfizer. So warped.
San - Mar 31, 2023
What if the DOD IS the one behind the curtain orchestrating what Pfizer did?
ConcernedGrammy - Apr 1, 2023
I believe the DoD/BARDA is responsible. I mean, why not? If one has ever looked into what DARPA has done on it's own and in conjunction with our military across the world. Pfizer was just the producer because they already have the facilities at the ready. No one wants to believe our own military is captured. But they have been for a very long time. If they weren't, the person in the WH would've already been removed.
ann watson - Mar 31, 2023
my reply is above
Chris UK - Apr 4, 2023
Observer’s Substack
There are multiple players involved with this large scale project, with specific roles. Thus potentially multiple guilty parties, charged with different crimes under different laws etc, NOT just one organisation.
So at this stage we probably need both KK and Sasha because we don't yet know which strategy will make the key breakthrough.
Pfizer is a recognised vaccine producer and thus is used as the Brand name and a corporation that can make profits.
After all not many people would take a vax made by DoD.
DoD are probably the project leader under OWS and that automatically adds a layer of secrecy. In the narrative Pfizer did the development and ran the trials etc, and many of their people may believe they were doing it for real.
But it's possible this was actually just theatre to make it seem normal and authentic. The DoD need a cover story, deception is a key part of any military strategy. All part of 5th Generation warfare
I know it's frustratingly slow, but we have to wait to see how this thing unravels. People like Dr Ryan Cole are not seeing beyond the simple medical components
Observer - Apr 23, 2023
Observer’s Substack
When healthy people are 'locked down' rather than sick people quarantined this is a clue as Lockdown is a Military term.
When bioweapon injections are referred to as 'countermeasures' this is a military term.
Indeed there are so layers and aspects to this long planned military/corporate crime
it is major operation to untangle it and stand down those rolling it out.
Those who rolled their sleeves to 'freely'/'voluntarily participate in the experiment have every right to be upset. Their immune systems are compromised and young and old are
dropping all around us.
Those who watched Event 201, researched Pfizer's and other Vax manufacturers
history or the track records mRNA in animals and WEF etc calls for global depopulation
had grounds for suspicion. Add to that global governmental lockstep approach to
cajole and threaten those they supposedly represent further warrented scheptism.
Those who lied and pushed the lies are arguably complicit in mass murder. Those who
pushed madazalan and morphine into the elderly, isolated and vulnerable may be held to account?
Some have suggested this was an 'intelligent test' for an over crowded world, although fairly/wisely managed we could host 10 > 20 billion easily.
Others posit that this is part of an 'off world', alien/ET operation to take over the planet.
As we have been consistently lied to about this topic for over 70 years by Governments around the world, it is hard to discount such a possibility.
We live in 'interesting times'. x
(Comrade) Inugo - Mar 31, 2023
The New Normal
All put in place to obfuscate the truth.
John Biggins - Apr 3, 2023
Both sell outs weaving a narrative...deny deny deny.....Astrid stuckleberger knows the truth..Dr ana mihalcea also.....
John Biggins - Apr 1, 2023
If they were exposing the truth and big pharma corruptxxx they'd be censored...because they're pushing a misleading and false narrative theyre approved
Diana - Jul 29, 2023
I watched the Highwire. He certainly did let her talk and she was so interesting I went to find other interviews. She is amazing!
The link below is why RC lost his lab (no different than the reasons behind doctors losing their livelihoods). He also does show results on the Highwire (also link below). This is not to say what he did was right. However, where were the organizers? Why did they not put a stop to it? Why did they not promote a proper discussion between these two people who BOTH offer high value information and insight? (I truly enjoy all the info. Dr. Astrid S gives so was truly sad to see her interrupted.)
So do you think he is stressed far beyond what regular people experience? Do people under that kind of stress and still trying to be strong sometimes act out of character? Come on! He's a human being fighting far above and beyond what most do.
We must all come together on this... even when we disagree.
ann watson - Jul 29, 2023
Astrid Stuckelberger thinks Ryan Cole is a drug addict - He was working with the organizers - they wanted her shut up - it was put on at least in part by World Health Council - WEF - and the tone of your comment is actually antagonistic to me...reaplying to you is stressing me out - so your talk of coming together is bs - I'm not replying again - watch her recent interviews - if you can find somewhere where they're all together. She talks at length about Ryan Cole and others.
Lynley Hocking - Mar 31, 2023
Lynley’s Substack
Dr Ana you have been so courageous in holding true to findings in spite of what undermining professionals in the freedom movement have been saying and doing to question nanotech hypothesis. Watching you and Karen Kingston and others unpack this I even observed the hesitancy in Dr Michael Yeadon and his hyper questioning. It’s going out on a limb. And you Karen Kingston Todd Calendar Astrid and other amazing professionals have stayed true to that limb. I don’t know if I could have been so determinedly brave. Now we know now we know. No way to unknow. Blessings moving forward. Your work is grace to the world of understanding 🙏
Karen Bracken - Mar 31, 2023 - Edited
Karen Bracken
I never understood how I got so sick with "COVID" or whatever it was because starting in July 2020 I did not leave my house. I visited no one, no one came into my house and I went into ZERO stores but in November I came down with "whatever. The only exposure I had was to take my dog for a 1 hour walk each day in the sun ALONE (just me and the dog) and I would sit out in the sun on my deck. So I could not figure out how I got so sick. Personally I always felt the yearly flue and colds were not caused by a virus but were a natural function of the body to clear itself from the toxins he have exposed it too. The more "dirty" you were the sicker you got. Not sure that my theory is not correct but lets assume there was a virus.....HOW did I get it?? We do have 5G in my area. And NO I have not take the bio weapon and I have no intentions of ever doing so. I have felt the ALL vaccines are dangerous and cause more problems than they stop. So I have been a PROUD anti-vaxxer for many years. I came to this conclusion not by listening to the boob tube but by looking at data and reading. It does not take a rocket scientist to see the harm and death vaccines have caused.
ConcernedGrammy - Apr 1, 2023
I'm still on the fence about the virus/no virus stuff but admittedly, I haven't delved into that far. It would certainly explain a lot of things if there were no viruses. The entire FEAR campaign that's been used for profit or control for decades would disintegrate. I never understood why we were told that antibiotics wouldn't work on viral illnesses, they just had to "run their course" (until the vaccine nazis stepped in, at least.)
And the theory that sickness is just your body cleaning itself out. If that's true, why is it then, that when one person in the household gets a "cold", I'd ALWAYS get sick too, and usually the whole family? Does their body's "self-clean mode" kick off my body's "self-clean mode"? In Nov 2019, my DH started getting a cough, runny nose, etc, and insisted it was just "allergies". Well, it wasn't. He got extremely ill, and I was 3 days behind him. It's the sickest either of us have ever been. We know it was whatever they say "covid" is- horrible deep cough, congestion, headache, nausea, diarrhea, no appetite, loss of taste/smell, fatigue, and we both literally slept for 7-10 days. It was all we could do to fix broth and encourage each other to keep hydrated. But this several months before the mention of "Covid19". We are, by far, not the only ones who claim to have gotten "something very different" just prior to the "pandemic" declaration. Was it a "virus", or some kind of poisoning? We live in a red state, in a very rural, tiny town. 🤷♀️ We sailed through "the pandemic", going out and about, attending church, no social distancing, no masks, and of course, no jabs. I used to get sick 3-4 times a year, every year. I have discovered in the last 3 yrs that, if at the first sign of illness (scratchy throat, stuffy nose, building cough, etc) I take ivermectin, zinc and load up on vit D and vit A and my symptoms reverse. The sooner I start that regimen, the sooner my symptoms go away, usually just a day or two. This has worked EVERY TIME I've done it and I haven't had ANY 7-10 days colds/flu since I started this. 🤷♀️ Since this method has worked for us, time and time again, keeps me more on the "viruses exist" side.
John Biggins - Apr 1, 2023
.I believe virxx a hoax.....So many reasons for illness....food air pollen allergies toxics in air food water....I too was sick and IVM helped ???
John Biggins - Apr 1, 2023 - Edited
Karen Bracken
Maybe you contracted the annual flu.....normal body detox....I refused the pcr tests which are harmful also...
Karen Bracken - Apr 1, 2023 - Edited
Karen Bracken
The purpose of my story was that whatever I had (it was unlike any flu or cold in the past) was not transmitted to me by another person. It just made me believe even more in the theory that there are no viruses (I believe viruses were creating to put pills and vaccines in our body) and that what we experience mostly in the winter is a normal detoxing of the body. I could be way off but until I find real proof to the contrary that is my evaluation. COVID and many other viruses have never truly been purified and isolated. Some guy in a lab comes up with a "virus" through some bastardized process (surely not by using Koch's postulates) and voile we get a new pill or vaccine and big pharma reaps the benefits.
San - Mar 31, 2023
Karen - Wow - interesting
Glad you are awake to the quackcines
The Science Analyst - Mar 31, 2023
The Science Analyst
"We have to get every engineer and every military veteran who knows about nanoparticles, nanotechnology to help us understand this" -> Yes I am here. Also know about radio technology, military technologies, biological systems. I tied to contact Astrid Stuckelberger, but no reaction. No reaction from any of the "scientists" that found this stuff.
A) I have to be clear. This does not look like nanotech to me at all.
The main reasons: 1. There is no circuitry. A normal chip has millions of transistors and electrical connections. 2. No stability. A circuit that is not stable is broken, like a phone smashed by a mixer. 3. No isolation from environment. Your computer under water will be broken. 4. No power module. Is huge. 5. No common structure. Even all pictures are different. 6. No antenna. They are huge. 7. No electrical components. 8. No layers of very different chemicals (like a circuit board or transistor or battery).
B) These serums have all kinds of toxic components. The Lipids are toxic. The mRNA is very toxic. There is also a fluorescent component and other likely toxic components. They should have been forbidden for use at the start.
We don't know what else is in there. According to Pfizer whistleblower they come straight from China (or nearby). No-one verifies the content. It could be mixed with a chemical weapon that we can not even detect.
Based on what we officially know, this stuff should be completely forbidden. So this nano-tech stuff appears to me like a red herring, and we should be careful with it. It is a distraction that confuses the movement. It hinders immediate legal prosecution. It is also used as a strawman by the corrupt media.
C) What is likely visible:
(1) crystals, very similar to cholesterol crystals. Cholesterol is a lipid and other lipids may form very similar crystals. They form in thin layers like oil-films on water. And these were specifically chosen to form surfaces of lipid nano particles to hold mRNA. Google cholesterol crystals! Just once.
(2) pollution from environment. They are different and rare in each investigation, so it is not a standard component. Did they investigate this in a clean room? If not, there is micro-particle pollution everywhere. Modern chips can not even be made in standard lab conditions. The same could have happened in the factory. Picture 4 seems to be that.
(3) I saw videos of stuff moving around when viewed. This is often due to heat and due to Brownian motion.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brownian_motionYou can not see without a bright microscope light. Darkfield is often very bright. The drying of the fluid can also cause crystallization, that you can see.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lo0cp2uhxb0
(4) Lipid Nano Particle garbage. The manufacturing has very low quality. So there likely are many different structures besides the spheres/ellipses. They may also break apart over time and form new structures. Like cholesterol related crystals
John Biggins - Apr 1, 2023
The Science Analyst
La quinta columna disagree... and many others....
The Science Analyst - Apr 1, 2023
The Science Analyst
The main problem is that they have no technological background in nano-tech or in radio-technology. And it is already hard to find an expert in radio-technology who agrees with me that radio-waves can be harmful to biological processes. Only a few have written or published about. I think no one else worked on chip technology. It Here is my part.https://thescienceanalyst.substack.com/p/how-non-ionizing-radiation-affects
Because there are just a few people who understand what is going on, people fill in "unknowns" with all kinds of weird theories. It is ok to try those theories, but you should also look at falsification of those theories. So if you think that there is some kind of smart dust in these things, you have to check where it breaks.
And above I listed the main points where the weird theories break. This means that it is not nano-tech or smart dust or similar. I also listed some similarities with known objects. Did you google cholesterol pictures already? I found very similar features.
And this leads me to the conclusion that the experimental clot-shot does not contain extremely advanced nano-tech. It is still deadly because of all the known ingredients. Does that make you still take a shot of the bioweapon?
No. But now we can also tell a doctor that this stuff is bad to begin with.
Lynley Hocking - Apr 1, 2023
Lynley’s Substack
I think Dr Yeadon was suggesting the where does it break idea too. He seemed reticent to jump on board until it’s completely verifiable. They did have nano tech engineers as I recall
SoCalGal - Mar 31, 2023
I’ve heard that the shots can contain different things within each batch. No quality control or done on purpose?No one should be taking any shots.
420MedicineMan - Mar 31, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
My old man has come around to flushing it out now... Yay.
Autophagy will be key in getting the cells infected with Q-dots out. The more jabs people have had the worse it'll be. It seems some peoples immune systems handle it better then others.
Pwnda - Mar 31, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
Colloidal gold.
420MedicineMan - Mar 31, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
Got some today, for family.
paskalka - Apr 1, 2023
paskalka’s Substack
Dr.Mihalcea , just to be clear, Dr.Cole did not shut her up, he leaped on stage when Dr.Stuckelberger's presentation was cut short by 11 slides by one of the moderators. Dr.Cole then remained in ther spotlight for another ten minutes , pontificating about the 'fact, there was -is no GO in the vials, sorry Astrid, I've lloked'' . until she protested and told him rightly that he was not an expert in nanotech or GO but he interrupted her again and again. You saw the video. You also saw her interview on Dr.Jane Ruby a week later. She said it was Orsolya Györffy , of Children's Defense fund Europe who gave the order to cut her mic, order carried by by an Austrian GP, who communicated with the Lakarüppropet conference team. This happened at the exact moment her slide on GO appeared in the room. Why someone from CDF felt the need to do this I don't know, I can only speculate, why another doctor would obey her I can only speculate again. Dr.Stuckelberger had the rug pulled out from under her, by colleagues who then attempted to make her look stupid in front of a big audience. But the only people who look stupid here, are them. They look exactly like people who have sold out. Maybe they feel it's just too 'tinfoil hat '' to talk about GO, that transhumanism must be a conspiracy theory ( like the vaxes are harmful, vax passports, mandatory jabs etc ?) Whether is no GO in there or not, or anything else, is not the issue, the issue is suppression of science, exploration. no one should prevent another person from questioning . one thing was made abundantly clear during that conference: this side is infiltrated and corrupted too.
Art Costa - Mar 31, 2023 - Edited
Dr. Mihalcea please take a look at these images and narrative from Dr. Mark Bailey.
I think it comports with what you've been saying regarding the vaxxed.
San - Mar 31, 2023
Excellent resource - thank you
(Comrade) Inugo - Mar 31, 2023
The New Normal
Many weapons, including neuroweapons, being utilized against humanity.
Richard C. Skidmore - Mar 31, 2023
Yes, to investigating antidotes! Thank you.
jsand - Apr 1, 2023
Truth’s Substack
Have posted this before but don't see that people are noticing. Both Pfizer & Moderna vials are being sequenced by Kevin McKernon, who is very qualified to do so -- albeit I'm not a fan of anyone who has worked on the Human Genome Project. According to Kevin, there's most assuredly nucleic acids in the vials. In fact, he's found plasmid DNA w/"turbo'd" SV40 & has various serious concerns he's been writing about in his substack as well as in interviews. This info can't be ignored.https://anandamide.substack.com/p/dna-contamination-in-pfizer-monovalent
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 1, 2023
Truth’s Substack
Yes, that confirms the European Medicine Agency as well. Dr Mc Cairn is doing great work. Vials contents highly differ. I have spoken a lot about the 26 teams in the world and the vial contents found. He did previously publish on some vials not containing mRNA
Truth Matters - Apr 2, 2023
Truth’s Substack
Another P.S. from TRUTH MATTERS…
Who would join a series of live conference calls if Lex Greene agreed to them?
Sooner or later information/evidence must be coordinated action information!
War is a TEAM sport, right?
ANA…WE NEED YOU, Paul Alexander, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Mike Yeadon, Ana Maria Mihalcea, Sasha Latypova and any other persons for starters in on these live conference calls to discuss ideas and solutions!
A Mother/Grandmother Lion of 6 and counting
ann watson - Mar 31, 2023
yes - it seems that they did give the recipe to Pfizer - but Pfizer signed the contract with Operation Warpspeed to deliver a 'safe and effective' vaccine - which this jab clearly is not - I make sure and watch ALL of Karen Kingston's presentations - and I listen carefully - not multi-tasking - Lee Merritt also states it - but not like Karen does - I think its this video - which is a really good video to watch -https://www.brighteon.com/b8d5e267-23e1-4bb2-b87c-f29eeda6f000
John Biggins - Apr 1, 2023
They delivered the fraud the government ordered
Dee's meow - Mar 31, 2023
Dee’s Meow
Its important to continue to pray for answers and deliverence from this attack.
Riki Tiki Tavi - Mar 31, 2023 - Edited
eScapeGoats & Digital Realities
Vital intel here. Imagine a realm where we have a functional mainstream-media-journalism platform uncorrupted by Pharma-bucks! I cross-posted this.
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