Nov 29, 2023
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Image Courtesy: Exposure to Aerial Emissions of Nano Composite Materials Resulted in Cholinesterase Inhibition - Dr Hildegarde Staninger presentation
Terry Adams - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
Terry’s Newsletter
The NASA War Document, circa 2000 (STOPTHECRIME.NET) was an official USAF presentation on future warfare. I have personally spoken with two now retired USAF colonels who recall being at that presentation (if you goggle it, chances are you will read that it is - dare i say it? - A CONSPIRACY THEORY) Several times the author uses the phrase "no pixie dust" meaning that the things discussed - PROPOSED - were in existence when this paper was written some twenty three years ago! In this paper it talks about aerosol operations of swarms of smart dust PRE-PROGRAMMED FOR BIOLOGICAL MISSIONS.. it also speaks of co--opted insects (something I have cataloged since two thousand nine). Remember folks, they HAVE to tell us what they are up to.. and they have..but so few care enough to learn about it... As far as being at war, I would suggest that "they" are indeed at war with WE THE PEOPLE.. and have been for a very long time...
Pauline C - Nov 29, 2023
Pauline C
I find this all so unsettling, overwhelming, I can barely contemplate it, let alone learn about it. Life is already challenging enough with the changes I can clearly see.
Very interesting comment Terry.
Piotr Bein - Nov 30, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Buckle up, more surprises to those who slept for the last 20 years. On the positive side, you don't need to discount this info as "conspiracy theories" -- the evidence is overwhelming to your cellular level, literally. And the psycho globalists don't mince their words anymore, the lag between "predictive programming" and reality is shrinking rapidly as if the psychos were rushing before some Good Force comes to Humanity's rescue. What do they know that we do not?
Pauline C - Nov 30, 2023
Pauline C
God, I'd love to see rather more of that 'Good Force' in action! :-)
Piotr Bein - Nov 30, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
I posted the 2000 USAF conference slides on my blog ca. 2018. The smart dust article (undated) Dr. Ana re-posted must be newer, as diagrams and photos absent from the slides are featured.
But is there evidence from battlegrounds etc.? Army PsyOp units may do this to deceive about actual military capability.
No doubt, however, that the nano-tech assault on humanity is real. Smart dust or not, the ideas behind both concepts and the implementations show with how deeply f_d control freak psychos we deal with. In re-posting to a Polish blog I translated the original headline "IoT's smart dust like nanobots in IoB".
BlazeCloude3 - Nov 30, 2023 - Edited
If anybody is actually looking for the names of the 'Black Nobility' behind the scheming throughout millennia; here's a place to begin. Secular Heretic is always RIGHT ON TARGET.
Within this Post of Secular Heretic is another Link Interview lasting 2 hours and it's worth every second. Though the names at the top are not generaly known commonly; they are the owners of the names we do know.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
psychoNWO - Nov 30, 2023 - Edited
Come and Hear...
The Marxist Murderers...
Demoralisation of the West: What Yuri Bezmenov Didn't Tell You...
The United Nations - Resurrecting the Sanhedrin...
You Are Amalek...
Piotr Bein - Nov 30, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
E.g. Marxist murderers would be an innocent scouts club were it not for deliberate sipport and help of all kinds from the banksters who planned to use this diabolical force in realisation of their 18th century plan of NWO that is about to begin before our eyes.
psychoNWO - Dec 1, 2023 - Edited
The bankers ARE the Marxists. Jewish bankers Jacob Schiff, Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb funded Lenin, Trotsky and the other conspirators - they bankrolled the Communist takeover of the Russian people. It was a 100% Jewish endeavor - 60 million murdered. Jew Karl Marx provided the philosophy, Jewish bankers in New York supplied the gold, and murderous Jewish revolutionaries from the lower east side New York city supplied to brute force and red terror campaigns...
The enemy within...
After they murdered the Russian Christians they moved their terror operations to Ukraine...
Piotr Bein - Dec 1, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Their followers bankroll Putin's Russia and Hamas -- did you know? From capital- to cimmune- they feed isms to the masses to manipulate with the "dialectics" that follow. Name a major ideology/revolution/war/upheaval that is not their doing. From liberte fraternite egalite to present Ukraine and "Hamas" -- the banksters are it. They use Jews to their evil ends just like they do others, but to conflate this bane of Humnaity into Jewish people of all kinds -- races, faiths and worldviews -- is an abomination.
Recently I met an Orthodox Christian "Russian" Jew on a run from Israel to avoid killing his Arab (i.e. Semite) brethren in Gaza.
Daily Israeli press contains more critique of extremist "Jewism" than anywhere else in the world. Before the onset of banskters' Zionists, diverse peoples (incl. Jews) lived in reasonable harmony in pre-WW2 Eastern Poland, like earlier in the land occupied by the criminal Zionist state in the Middle East.
Piotr Bein - Dec 1, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
correction: "cimmune-" should be "commun-"
Piotr Bein - Nov 30, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Is this "antisrmitism" intended to f_k up Dr. Ana's stack? Go the hell!
psychoNWO - Dec 1, 2023 - Edited
The information is only intended to f*ck up the multi generational kosher cabal that has been using the world as a satanic playground for 5,000 years - and blaming everyone for it but themselves.
The Paris Commune and French revolution was a Jewish endeavor... all world revolutions were started by Jews - The Nameless War...
Every aspect of COVID is Jewish. Transhumanist scientists Ray Kurzweil, Geordie Rose, Goertzel, David Hanson etc... all are Jewish. All vaccine manufacturing companies have Jewish CEO's and are run by Jews, the politicians that shut down the entire world because of a fake virus are controlled via Jewish Freemasonry, as are the Police and judiciary ...and the media that is covering it all up is owned lock, stock and barrel by Jews...
Cultural Marxism is the Jewish ideology that is currently destroying our societies. The enemy inside the gates - destroying our way of lives from within...
5,000+ Years of unrelenting warfare between parasitic Jews and their unfortunate victims...
The Project for a New 'American' Century - All of the Neo-Cons who are trying to push the world into a 3rd global war are Jews...
The Church - completely controlled by Jews...
Short version...
Long version...
Jews started all the wars for the last several hundred years...
Jews bankrolled the Christian Crusades and the Muslim invasions of Europe...
Usury, Blood Libel, porn, woke culture, the current invasion of Europe by illiterate males of fighting age, the genocide of the Palestinians etc...
People have a right to know who the real enemy is.
Piotr Bein - Dec 1, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Only sparingly you use "parasitic jews" or similar qualification, but generously generalise. It's not factual, hence propagandist and unjust to the vast majority of Jews -- victims of the cabal, like most of the goyim are.
By doing so you play for the cabal who habitually sacrifice their "kin" to remain in power..
What is more expedient and effective: go after millions of deceived, corrupted goys or neutralise the cabal?
Sorry I could not make the point clear right away.
psychoNWO - Dec 1, 2023 - Edited
The vast majority of Jews know all about Jewish supremacy and that non Jews are considered to have less value that every Jew, yet they say nothing. They never warn us.
Where were the ordinary Jews when Odigo messaging service warned all Jews in the World Trade Centre not to go to work on 911? They never warned us, not a word.
Where are the ordinary Jews warning us that the anti semitic slur is used as a political weapon to silence the Goyim? Silence.
Where are the ordinary Jews warning us about Jewish Blood Libel sacrifices to their psycho God Yahweh? Nothing.
Where are the ordinary Jews warning us about usury and the Jewish banking system that has been causing immeasurable violence to our societies? Again, silence.
Where are the ordinary Jews warning us that the media and Hollywood are completely controlled by Jews? No warning, nothing.
Where are the ordinary Jews warning us about the destructive teaching of the Talmud? Again, silence.
Where are the ordinary Jews, millions of whom have been to Israel, warning us about the racist policies of the Israeli government? Nada.
Where are the ordinary Jews warning us that Marxism is a Jewish ideology designed to overthrow all Western nations? Zilch.
Where are the ordinary Jews that could be warning us about how Jews completely control Freemasonry - and that masons control our governments and the Police? Nowhere, they are invisible, until someone makes a comment on social media about these collective crimes and then suddenly a dozen of them appear out of nowhere crying persecution and reminding the world about the holocaust.
I could fill the whole page up with examples showing how ordinary Jews know full well that they are in a covert war against their Goy enemies - but collectively say nothing about it. Ordinary Jews are Sayanim - you can look up the meaning yourself.
Europa - The Last Battle...
psychoNWO - Dec 1, 2023
Former Israeli minister Shulamit Aloni admits anti semitic trick...
BlazeCloude3 - Nov 30, 2023 - Edited
Do you have anything not based in HATRED of the Jewish people?
Simply fact...The enemy is not based in Judeism and was present long
before Jewish people ever existed. It covers all religions around the world
in appearance while being Satanic/Luciferian in reality.
psychoNWO - Nov 30, 2023 - Edited
I don't hate anyone. My only concern is revealing the truth. If that truth happens to be anti-semitic then its not because of anything I've done.
Satan (Σατανᾶς) is from the Greek word satanas. It is also an Aramaic and Hebrew word meaning adversary, opponent.
Satan in Sanskrit means Truth or indwelling God. Meanwhile, in Hebrew it means enemy. Before Judaism, Christianity and Islam became a thing, Satan represented everything good and truthful in the world. This is the polar opposite of the psycho Jewish God of the Old Testament so its hardly surprising that the Jews have demonised Satan in their insane holy books...
Piotr Bein - Nov 30, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
You are a useful ignorant. Jewish masses have over centuries been as messed with by the "masters of the universe" as the goys have been. The present menace is one and only at the top (the pseudo-Jew banksters), feeding down soul poison and corruption to all levels inhabited by any group (almost) you want to name. Most recent example: at the corrupted bottom, hundredss of millioins of docs and medical staff willingly and for Mammon helped the biggest assault on Humanity ever.
Christian - Dec 1, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Jews are the evil masters from the Talmud !
Christian - Dec 1, 2023
Ar’s Substack
désolé; et quelle agressivité; psychoNWO a raison !!!
Pauline C - Nov 30, 2023
Pauline C
Interesting re the new world order club/hidden hands.
BlazeCloude3 - Nov 30, 2023
That's the issue...It's NOT anti-semitic. There's much terrible propaganda now infesting the world exactly as it did in Germany in the 1930's to justify behaviors based in isolation and murder of Jewish people and this is a time exactly as that; only on a Global Scale. Must be cautious about what is spread...Looks as though Odysey is an outlet for such discrimination. Find Outlets presenting equitably as it is a lie that all is based in Judeism. Evil existed long before the Jews...And, the Jews were placed among evil just as people are today.
Pauline C - Nov 30, 2023
Pauline C
You sound like you're familiar with Larry Romanoff's work.
Laura's subtack also v good.
psychoNWO - Nov 30, 2023
Do you mean the murder of these Jewish people here?
EAMBDGC - Nov 30, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
i think so too and i didn’t even know. i was living the American dream until the bio weapons shot came along then i woke up.
we are so behind because THEY are so ahead of us in years and years.
Piotr Bein - Nov 30, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
By expert estimates, 20 to 40 yrs ahead and faster, as Humanity loses brains to scared mob and psycho- and socio-paths willingly researching what the globalist cabal needs to subdue, enslave, cull and robotise Humanity.
Stephane Roy - Nov 30, 2023
Stephane Roy
Terry, if this wild horse bolted from the stable 23 years ago what are your suggestions for any possible comeback..?
Kathleen Pimentel - Nov 29, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Learned from someone on YT a few years ago who worked as insider that this all relates to CERN and piercing the veil to open up other levels of dimensions. This is dark. I saved on YT playlist somewhere.
Piotr Bein - Nov 30, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
I'm too scared even to be afraud LOL
An insider with sensitive internal info is not allowed on any public media. Period. Wake up!
Kathleen Pimentel - Dec 1, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
So cool you are amused; so wouldn't matter if I told you he's an outsider now and doesn't care what they allow or disallow. Waking up already but shouting about it just is lame.
Piotr Bein - Dec 1, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Aren't you gullible.
1. Former insider is bound by secrecy agreements till he/she is dead, either by natural or chosen death (when divulging the secret).
2. Insider or not, the vid on whatever platform would be taken off air if it divulged really secret info.
Kathleen Pimentel - Dec 1, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
A lot of vids on the playlists end up being deleted for obvious reasons. Censorship is real. You're free to believe what you want but pejorative remarks are again, lame.
Piotr Bein - Dec 1, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Lame is your transition to "outsider". Was the vid you mention deleted? If what the "insider" claims in it is true and the video still exists, then it can't be true, being one of top secrets.
Newest deception with "dimensions" is metaverse while it's just a simulation with data most likely not representing 7B people since the cabal may not have a quantum computer available yet.
Kathleen Pimentel - Dec 2, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Metaverse is lame.
CERN wants to open the gates of Hell.
Quantum computer is the Matrix wannabe.
Roman S Shapoval - Nov 29, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Decades of video games have made the new military think this is "cool."
How do we combat this?
By using the nanotech God gave us:
Paul Vonharnish - Dec 2, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Mr Shapoval: Right on the mark. Video games have been designed to de-correlate perceptions of time and event sequence. The repetitiveness of game functions act as an addictive adjunct. Yet the stupid fucks still buy video games for their kids.
LONG In The TRUTH - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
Hamish625’s Substack
.....somewhat surprised you DIDN'T make reference to ELANA's in 'Under An Ionized Sky', and the Israeli military's (though almost certainly NOT solely possessing such HORRORS) weaponization of 'smart dust / powder' called 'D.I.M.E.' - which as I understand it, allows for their collective DETONATION, vaporizing of tissue once SUFFICIENTLY internalized.....just VICIOUS, utterly-SAVAGE devices : (
TheRussianMystic - Nov 29, 2023
Hilary Butler
Dr. Ana, it would be interesting to hear if you know anything about BACTERIOPHAGES'? I have just learnt about them while looking at the website of Russian pharmaceutical company "Microgen", where among other products, I noticed a very unusual product that looks exactly like a NANOBOT but apparently is a virus (???) "Microgen" describes it as an "antimicrobial preparation containing a complex of natural antibacterial agents". After quick research, I feel even more confused. Apparently, "bacteriophages are among the most common and diverse entities in the biosphere", including in a human body – scientists refer to them as “the viral dark matter” of the human GI tract. The official story of their discovery is short and repeated word by word in Russian and English sources - some bizarre account of how in 1896, someone reported that "something in the waters of the Ganges river in India had a marked antibacterial action against cholera". I've also learnt that bacteriophages have been widely used in the former Soviet Union and Central Europe since late 20th century as an alternative to antibiotics (???) I do not understand how I have never heard of them until today and I find it mindboggling - how a virus can look so man-made??? And if you read how it 'works' in a body, this is where it gets really spooky - it "uses a hypodermic syringe-like motion to inject their genetic material into the cell".
Hilary Butler - Nov 29, 2023
Hilary Butler
Bacteriophages have always existed. A few viral and bacterial infections do nothing without a bacteriophage to invade and switch on genes. Diphtheria is one of the best known. diphtheroids are ubiquitous and everyone has them on their skin etc. They only cause trouble when certain types of bacteriophages invade and depending on which one, will depend on the genes switched on, and the severity of the infection, and four types are recognised (gravis, mitis, intermedius and belfanti), but only some will produce the exotoxin that causes problems.
Bacteriophages aren't something spooky invented by man. There are lots of things large and small on this planet that look like something weird from star wars.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Nov 29, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Hillary you dsound like you might be a microbiologist or other specialty. If you are please respond to this question as I have something that you might be able to answer for me. Thanks!
TheRussianMystic - Nov 29, 2023
Thank you Hilary for explaining! They do look like they belong in a Sci-Fi movie...
Pauline C - Nov 29, 2023
Pauline C
So interesting Hilary.
Breath - Nov 29, 2023
michael janket
This is absolutely true , they have been spraying over the Town of Milton Massachusetts for years . People are being targeted as hosts to this technology .
Treason should be the charges for the evil ones .
michael janket - Nov 29, 2023
michael janket
There has to be an open door to the purveyors of state governments. When things are being implemented, we've seen how the evil ones have infected normal life. We've seen chemtrails in my home state for years and years, yet our tough-guy attorney general has said nary a word! Looking after the people? Ya gotta be kidding. These slugs in government are nothing more than hired guns and if you follow the money trail, it all leads to the would-be destroyers of today's world and people. Remember, Biden is proud to be a Zionist........
John A George - Nov 29, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Spooky 2 Rife generators have a program for silicone smart dust, described in the program as follows:
Silicone Smart Dust 50 for Contact on Generator X
By Newport of curezone
Smart Dust + Silicone Detox - Silicone 'Smart Dust' material in the Chemtrails is a powdered Silicone material that you breath into your lungs.
Title: Smart Dust + Silicone Detox
NOTE: Silicone 'Smart Dust' material in the Chemtrails is a powdered Silicone material that you breath into your lungs.
Inside the gel are small fibers they self replicate in your body to form long threads.
The fibers attach to the center of the cells and causes Anemia and deprives the body of Oxygen.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Nov 29, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Hey John it would be really more helpful if you cited the actual frequencies themselves. Other equipment can then reproduce them and help more people.
John A George - Nov 29, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Two frequencies are:
Spooky2 uses various waveforms on the outputs; a picture paints a thousand words:
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Nov 29, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Thanks I went to the site and took a picture of it. I am quite familiar with Rife.
psychoNWO - Nov 30, 2023 - Edited
50 million people died in 1918 because the globalists had recognised the potential to disseminate mass government propaganda via global radio networks. These deaths had to be covered up so the globalists told everyone it was because of a virus.
It was a global pandemic with deaths on every continent. What they didn't mention was these people had started to die before the ships supposedly carrying the virus had even reached their shores.
Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. hypothesizes that Coronavirus may be history repeating itself and caused by 5G. Discusses the link between viral epidemics and the development of electro-magnetic technologies going back to 1917...
The 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic - the global introduction of radiation wave technology (radio waves). Why are the same families and institutions who controlled the Radio Wave narrative after the Spanish Flu pandemic also controlling the 5G narrative in 2020?...
Smart dust is the latest weapon being used in the project to electrify the Earth.
Erin J. Morgart - Nov 30, 2023
Julian Assange warned of this years ago in an interview.
Margie Chism - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
FDA Knows DNA Fragments in Vaccines Poses Health Risks — So Why Isn’t It Concerned About mRNA COVID Shots? ■ The U.S. Food and Drug Administration acknowledges the possibility that fragments of DNA left over by the vaccine manufacturing process can be incorporated into a patient’s own DNA, to potentially cause cancer, yet the agency maintains it “stands behind its findings of quality, safety, and efficacy for the mRNA vaccines.”
Margie Chism - Nov 29, 2023
Margie Chism
Thank you ■ Evidence that the budget is too high that such a project is necessary; really. It appears to be more job and sales related than security. M
Juli Mination - Nov 29, 2023
Juli’s Substack
If I have imagined this correct the sdg are a all toxic biochemical shiny radiation green future
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
Nagoya Protocol
Effect of Coronavirus Worldwide through Misusing of Wireless Sensor Networks
Hypothesis testing and statistical analysis of microbiome
Juli Mination - Nov 29, 2023
Juli’s Substack
Something is fishy with this stuff:
Enhanced radiation sensitivity and radiation recall dermatitis (RRD) after hypericin therapy -- case report and review of literature
Kurt Putnik et al. Radiat Oncol. 2006.
COVID-19 Vaccine-Induced Radiation Recall Phenomenon
Proton and alpha radiation‐induced
mutational profiles in human cells
A number of bodies with interests in radiation protection have highlighted the need to explore the effects of combined exposures to radiation and other agents. These include MELODI1 and UNSCEAR2.
Juli Mination - Nov 29, 2023
Juli’s Substack
Great 👍🏻
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Received 07.06.2023
kaal - Nov 29, 2023
The polymers that develop are likely XNA known as synthetic genetic polymers engineered . Xenobiology is a subset of synthetic biology which combines synthetic life/ technology- to form alien{not of this world} life. And a synthetic genome . Looks like they intend for it to be a SYNTHETIC self replicating organism. They say last step it complete elimination of dna and complete takeover by the xna genome.
michael68 - Jan 18, 2024
michael68’s Substack
CoVid Vaccines Based on Graphene, Nanonetwork and Internet of NanoThings (IoNT)
Details of circuit to convert TS-OOK
Me Stuff - Jan 9, 2024
Bodhisattvas Betty
Thank you for this information!
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