It is extremely disturbing that almost the entire medical establishment clearly sees what happens to the injected victims, and yet so few are coming out with this essential information. Thus Thank you for being different and risking your profession! Although there will be questions in regard to methods in this presentation, but based even on just a subsection of the presented material, one can say, it is not normal alone because of everyone seeing the consequences.
Just wanted to make one point, knowing how aggressive and brutal real scientists can be, to state by David he is not a 'scientist' is not clever, it can maybe even risk that publication.. Just wonder what his PhD is in.. Anyway, I just follow the path of thinking in the ways mainstream scientists use to...
At this stage, it is very important that we actually understand what/whom we are dealing with here. The evidence that these vaccines are bad for humanity has been available from day one. If we have to wait for the results of randomised, double blind placebo tests or scientific evidence before taking action, I'm afraid there will not be much left of the human race. They are surely not using science to annihilate us and we cannot tackle this with scientific evidence.
When you allow a government to break the law in an emergency, the said government will create the emergencies to break the law.
What they told us from day one
We recommend/advise/suggest/mandate that you take the vaccine.
Does Not Prevent Infection
Does Not Prevent Transmission
Does Not Provide Immunity
It does not cure the virus
It has no symptoms
Its Safe and Effective
Take a bogus test with 90+% false positives
The personnel administering the jab has total indemnity
The producers of the vaccine have total indemnity
The producers of the vaccine do not have to reveal the contents of the vials for 50+ years
The government has total indemnity
You must take the jab to protect other people
You are irresponsible for not taking the jab but the medical staff, pharma, government are not responsible for anything
If you are injured or worse, you are on your own.
Follow the science when there is nothing scientific
A student of Law-101 could win the case using the above, no "Global Evidence" required.
“Truth does not mind being questioned.
A lie does not like being challenged.”
The whole project has been riddled with fraud and deception from the start. We all watched as ordinary shop owners, independent gym owners, small businesses etc were bullied and shutdown for not complying, first with mask mandates swiftly followed by vaccine mandates. The people who were in a position to actually do something effective - the police, all branches of the military, the medical professionals, airline professionals, legal professionals, elected politicians - all kept quiet. They did nothing because of fear. Fear of losing their nice fat salary, their perks, their pension etc. Ironically, these are the people that have the most to lose as they will surely be relieved of all those material things they are depending on. What part of "you will have nothing and be happy" do they not understand. Some people are so poor all they have is money - Bob Marley.
The inability to correctly evaluate the enemy has led to an incorrect response to the situation. The what/whom we are dealing with does not care about EVIDENCE of anything. People, understand that EVIDENCE IS IRRELEVANT, they will do whatever they need to do, to achieve what they want to achieve, which is ultimately, the total enslavement of mankind. Please lookup the definition of a tyrant. Does a tyrant care about evidence? Does a bully care about evidence?
Initially, all tyrannies rule through fraud and force but once fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force, time is of the essence.
AT least they don't have the technology yet to do this:
Though looking at the mass response to this, if they did have the tech it might succeed.
Thank you so much for this I cNt figure out how to save it can you emailed it toe please or how can I save it? My email
Most welcome. I do not quite understand, what it is you want to save. All images/videos on the site may be downloaded - right click on the video and select 'Save video as' from the context menu.
If you wish to send feedback, else have questions, the site's e-mail is:
mwats111@yahoo.comJan 23, 2023 Five years ago I purchased a low cost compound microscope and did personal live blood analysis on me and my wife.. I learned quite a bit about the blood at that time but was not greatly concerned with what I saw. Nov. 6, 2022 I decided to look again and was shocked at what I found. We are unjabbed and yet our blood is loaded with unnatural elements that were never there before. I counted on one slide sample of my blood about 40 ribbon structures and in a very skimpy sample of my wife's blood I counted over 20. With 6 liters of blood, this could add up to millions. With a little crude measuring I believe many of these are up to or over 500 times larger than a single red blood cell. How all that could be circulating in our bodies, especially through capillaries, is beyond me? I have 0ver 300 pictures showing foreign structures in blood, saliva, urine, rain water, snow, snot and covid test swabs. May have to wait till summer to test sweat! I am attempting to mitigate the ribbon structures by drinking three cups of Cinchona Bark tea per day. Cinchona Bark is the original natural source of Hydrochloroquin. After several weeks I found only four or five ribbon structures in my blood which is encouraging but one is too many!!! I'll keep you all posted as I go. Morrie
Thank you for a very interesting and informative comment.
Is there any link to the over 300 pictures you have taken showing the foeign substances?
It´s amazing how much your blood (and wife´s) deteriorated so severely over the course of 5 years!
Downright terrifying.
Thanks for suggesting the Cinchoa Bark tea. Wiil try it.
I have been exercising almost daily on a stationary exercise bike for about 2 years.
I sweat a lot when I work out ... become completely drenched. It´s drip, drip, drip ...
I let the sweat accumulate on the ceramic floor over weeks and months.
Then I collected what was lying on the ground (accumulated sweat) and analyzed the substances under a cheap electronic microscope.
Pictures can be found here (you´ll get the picture, with the pictures, no pun intended):
Curious to see what you have found.
All the best to you and your wife.
Thank you for making this paper available to more people. Everyone, save a copy of the paper!!! More and more things seem to be disappearing from the internet.
Another potential interview on this topic would be the two researchers Kyrie, Broudy that looked into the Media and published scientific literature (PubMed, IEEE) for nano and micro electronics technology for biosensors and Internet of nano things (in bodies). You also may recall Charles Lieber was working on injectable electronics prior to being arrested for accepting money from Wuhan University of Technology.
My good friend, a master herbalist and author, writes privately that he has heard from both veterinarians, a "horse whisperer" and clients who have horses- that their horses no longer recognize then after the shot. If not other vaccinations/boosters follow, the effect seems to fade in about 3-4 months and the horse recognize them again.
Sometimes... humanity just needs a good dose of "horse sense"!
Thank you, Dr Ana, for your steadfast allegiance to truths- both evidential and spiritual!
Hello DR . i would like to know it it has been proven or disproven that the PGE or carbon nano tubes carry 'm RNA ' (according to the labs propaganda)
Dr Nagasse found no m rna in his analyse of two or 3 vials with high level analysis.
is it possible to modify our DNA using only frequencies ? ( emitted by the nano tech and the EMF from outside making them grow and 'informing' them ) instead of using genetics?
because DNA itself is a fractal and scalar antenna working by frequency, by 'information' .
is it possible that the PGE dont carry m Rna... at all .. (and its another lie to divise researchers ) .
do you know info vacunas on Telegram? his studies and theory are about human DNA beeing mingled with graphene by the PGE..
PGE beeing the ' glue' to for tissues and DNA scaffolding, tissu ingineering. ( he shows patents )
so, he says the DNA of the host is becoming an antenna with artificial frequency, once mingled with graphene , but is needs the ' glue' , the PGE , to be done ( which are in cov v xxines )
the second point is that he does not ' believe in micro circuits injected from outside.. he says its possible , but it's obsolete now .
he says DNA itself is mingled with graphene by the PGE, and turning the whole person into a giant bio chip, with no need to ' inject bots or nano chips
what do you think of his theory? here
THE VIDEO HAS TO BE SEEN ENTIRELY : ( sorry for small english subtitles its a video censored and very hard to find ) :
thats for me the most important question now, and i cant find any sure answer till now.
only people like you can I trust on this complex subject.
Thank you
Your work is amazing .
( im french )
my email
Best to go directly to the source...imho. His work is highly respected in my little circle of energy healers..
I understand why the mainstream media and medical establishment is ignoring this.
My question is why do the so-called red-pill experts, McCullough, Malone, Kirsch, Wolf, Alexander, Rose, the FLCCC, etc. etc. are so silent on this.
It's too inconvenient for their narrative. No mRNA or just fragments, that means there is no spike protein. That means they sold us a false story. Coming out with Truth is expensive to your personal interests.
OK; but won't they even talk to you? Why won't the red-pill "scientists" discuss the evidence from your 28 different investigators openly and transparently? None of the ones I talk to will even reply.
But isn't that what they are all complaining about with the Great Barrington Dec? And how they've been censored and blocked by the MSM? We are going to need allies from somewhere if we want to try to stop this. And David is right; nanotech hesitancy is going to be tough to overcome. But as you said; scientists should be willing to go wherever the evidence leads, regardless of how uncomfortable it makes them feel!
They're paid for opposition, they've the job of maintaining the Nano technological platform, it's why McCullough and Malone beat along the bush that the next iteration of this "mRNA" technology will be better... McCullough gave it away in one of his substack posts.
The Nano tech along with the crypto currency and medical engineering frequency and optogenetic tech work together... so the global allied DOD the international bankers and the Rockefeller allopathic medicine are the team we are up against.
McCullough has become a total hypocrite; check out who are involved and supporters of The Wellness Company and you will be shocked; it is a scam operated for profit!
Well but Ivermectin is doing something, if it isn't interfering with a spike, what IS it doing to 'improve' sick people? Because it definitely does something! That's my first thought. Second thought, if contamination is in the air (smart dust) and from chem trailing and thence into the water supply, it is not avoidable. Not to mention if that junk was being put into pharmaceuticals that people take daily like oh, I dunno the much bally hoo'd and nearly mandatory statins that get pushed? Third thought, Big Berkey water filter systems reporting that they removed an impressive 99.99% of radioactive cesium-137.4 However, EPA Region 8 is actively working to make these systems unavailable to the American people. Hum. Why?
Isn’t the presence of mRNA batch dependent and how do you explain the very high levels of SARS-CoV-2 semi Quantitative IgG spike antibodies in those patients who received an injection of a problematic batch based on the “how bad is my batch data”? I’m talking 18,000-25,000+ In those patients with severe dysfunction? Stage 4 cancer etc. The unvaccinated rarely have elevated antibodies.
Exactly, and McCullough and others are promoting treatments and selling expensive drug "kits" to cover just about every ailment imaginable with fear mongering about the need to get ready for the next pandemic, specifically birdflu.
100% agree with you. As awake as I am to this demonic push to exterminate God's creation, I can't help but feel so overwhelmed by the mass of information and fear push to literally drain all our $ in the sake of safety and health. Supplements to these med kits are inundating my email feeds daily. I try with all my might to focus on my faith in all the barrage of information, but honestly, there are days I feel anxious and disillusioned as to what to believe. Very few in my circle of life have awoken, nor do they want to, to what is really happening. Anyone else out there feel like your the last man/woman standing?
Congrats on revealing this high details informations.
This is the second most shocking data i see in the last 10 years. The first one is the documentary presented by Sofia Smallstorm titled: From chemtrails to pseudo-life.
Exactly the same topics as you presented, but 11 years ago.
It was discussed about the Morgellons and the aluminium nano-fibers. The substances that composed those fibers couldn't be identifed, nor distroyed (chemically,mecanically or thermic)
Can you share more insights about this ?
This is the documentary :
Look at past substack s. And Clifford Carnicom. Cross domain bacteria. I love Sophia’s interviews. She has a few out more recently. Sorry I don’t have links.
Hello Dr. Ana, Long story short- I had 2 moderna vaccines over a year ago and developed eczema on my face within days which I never had before. A few months later I did the protocol for post vaccine long haul (never had covid) due to severe exhaustion and brain fog. I am a massage therapist and last month 3 of my clients in 1 week told me they had their booster shot the day before. That week I had a red patch appear on my back diagnosed as pityriasis rosea. Through my research I discovered dozens of reports on pub-med of covid vaccines triggering this condition. I know correlation does not equal causation but could I be picking up spike proteins from my 3 newly vaccinated clients through massage which is triggering this condition? I need to get to the bottom of this because if this is the case I need a different job!
IJVTPR is about the only journal I trust. They published my paper on the nationwide Control Group study last year.
Good work on this post!
As an engineer, I know that no matter how nano in size, these particles will be analysed down to their molecular structure. Years of revelation lie ahead. Today's scientific processes and equipment created and inserted them into the "Covid vaccines". As such, Science has the means to find out exactly what they are. Whether the body can neutralize or expel them remains to be studied.
Fantastic interview. One thing was missing from it - the MAC address emitting phenomenon that completes the confirmation that human bodies and brains are being turned into the nodes in the nano-bio-network. MAC address emitting is a testable and repeatable manifestation that a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) has been assembled.
Rosalind McGill - Nov 8, 2022
Rosalind McGill
Looking forward to seeing it. God bless and protect all truth tellers.
Sandy K - Nov 20, 2023
Sandy K
That is in my prayers every. single. night. I don't know who they all are, but I am sure G-d does.
mejbcart - Nov 9, 2022
mejbcart’s Newsletter
It is extremely disturbing that almost the entire medical establishment clearly sees what happens to the injected victims, and yet so few are coming out with this essential information. Thus Thank you for being different and risking your profession! Although there will be questions in regard to methods in this presentation, but based even on just a subsection of the presented material, one can say, it is not normal alone because of everyone seeing the consequences.
Just wanted to make one point, knowing how aggressive and brutal real scientists can be, to state by David he is not a 'scientist' is not clever, it can maybe even risk that publication.. Just wonder what his PhD is in.. Anyway, I just follow the path of thinking in the ways mainstream scientists use to...
Tiwo - Dec 27, 2022 - Edited
KarlM Alias
At this stage, it is very important that we actually understand what/whom we are dealing with here. The evidence that these vaccines are bad for humanity has been available from day one. If we have to wait for the results of randomised, double blind placebo tests or scientific evidence before taking action, I'm afraid there will not be much left of the human race. They are surely not using science to annihilate us and we cannot tackle this with scientific evidence.
When you allow a government to break the law in an emergency, the said government will create the emergencies to break the law.
What they told us from day one
We recommend/advise/suggest/mandate that you take the vaccine.
Does Not Prevent Infection
Does Not Prevent Transmission
Does Not Provide Immunity
It does not cure the virus
It has no symptoms
Its Safe and Effective
Take a bogus test with 90+% false positives
The personnel administering the jab has total indemnity
The producers of the vaccine have total indemnity
The producers of the vaccine do not have to reveal the contents of the vials for 50+ years
The government has total indemnity
You must take the jab to protect other people
You are irresponsible for not taking the jab but the medical staff, pharma, government are not responsible for anything
If you are injured or worse, you are on your own.
Follow the science when there is nothing scientific
A student of Law-101 could win the case using the above, no "Global Evidence" required.
“Truth does not mind being questioned.
A lie does not like being challenged.”
The whole project has been riddled with fraud and deception from the start. We all watched as ordinary shop owners, independent gym owners, small businesses etc were bullied and shutdown for not complying, first with mask mandates swiftly followed by vaccine mandates. The people who were in a position to actually do something effective - the police, all branches of the military, the medical professionals, airline professionals, legal professionals, elected politicians - all kept quiet. They did nothing because of fear. Fear of losing their nice fat salary, their perks, their pension etc. Ironically, these are the people that have the most to lose as they will surely be relieved of all those material things they are depending on. What part of "you will have nothing and be happy" do they not understand. Some people are so poor all they have is money - Bob Marley.
The inability to correctly evaluate the enemy has led to an incorrect response to the situation. The what/whom we are dealing with does not care about EVIDENCE of anything. People, understand that EVIDENCE IS IRRELEVANT, they will do whatever they need to do, to achieve what they want to achieve, which is ultimately, the total enslavement of mankind. Please lookup the definition of a tyrant. Does a tyrant care about evidence? Does a bully care about evidence?
Initially, all tyrannies rule through fraud and force but once fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force, time is of the essence.
KarlM Alias - Nov 19, 2023 - Edited
KarlM Alias
AT least they don't have the technology yet to do this:
Though looking at the mass response to this, if they did have the tech it might succeed.
Kelly Holland - Nov 20, 2023
Sandy K
Thank you so much for this I cNt figure out how to save it can you emailed it toe please or how can I save it? My email
Sandy K - Nov 20, 2023
Sandy K
Copy and paste onto a word document, Kelly. It may not save the videos, but the text will copy for you.
KarlM Alias - Nov 20, 2023
KarlM Alias
Most welcome. I do not quite understand, what it is you want to save. All images/videos on the site may be downloaded - right click on the video and select 'Save video as' from the context menu.
If you wish to send feedback, else have questions, the site's e-mail is:
stardot - Nov 20, 2023
stardot’s Substack
You should delete this now
Kelly Holland - Nov 20, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Rosalind McGill - Nov 21, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Delete your email to maintain privacy.
Morris M Watson - Jan 24, 2023
Morris’s Substack
mwats111@yahoo.comJan 23, 2023 Five years ago I purchased a low cost compound microscope and did personal live blood analysis on me and my wife.. I learned quite a bit about the blood at that time but was not greatly concerned with what I saw. Nov. 6, 2022 I decided to look again and was shocked at what I found. We are unjabbed and yet our blood is loaded with unnatural elements that were never there before. I counted on one slide sample of my blood about 40 ribbon structures and in a very skimpy sample of my wife's blood I counted over 20. With 6 liters of blood, this could add up to millions. With a little crude measuring I believe many of these are up to or over 500 times larger than a single red blood cell. How all that could be circulating in our bodies, especially through capillaries, is beyond me? I have 0ver 300 pictures showing foreign structures in blood, saliva, urine, rain water, snow, snot and covid test swabs. May have to wait till summer to test sweat! I am attempting to mitigate the ribbon structures by drinking three cups of Cinchona Bark tea per day. Cinchona Bark is the original natural source of Hydrochloroquin. After several weeks I found only four or five ribbon structures in my blood which is encouraging but one is too many!!! I'll keep you all posted as I go. Morrie
Kelly Holland - Nov 20, 2023
Wow would be interested in seeing your images
Marcelo Araujo - Nov 20, 2023
Marcelo Araujo
Thank you for a very interesting and informative comment.
Is there any link to the over 300 pictures you have taken showing the foeign substances?
It´s amazing how much your blood (and wife´s) deteriorated so severely over the course of 5 years!
Downright terrifying.
Thanks for suggesting the Cinchoa Bark tea. Wiil try it.
I have been exercising almost daily on a stationary exercise bike for about 2 years.
I sweat a lot when I work out ... become completely drenched. It´s drip, drip, drip ...
I let the sweat accumulate on the ceramic floor over weeks and months.
Then I collected what was lying on the ground (accumulated sweat) and analyzed the substances under a cheap electronic microscope.
Pictures can be found here (you´ll get the picture, with the pictures, no pun intended):
Curious to see what you have found.
All the best to you and your wife.
Susan - Nov 20, 2023
Susan’s Substack
Sandy K - Nov 9, 2022
Sandy K
Thank you for making this paper available to more people. Everyone, save a copy of the paper!!! More and more things seem to be disappearing from the internet.
Marcelo Araujo - Nov 20, 2023
Marcelo Araujo
Yes, I did just that.
Downloaded and stored in a safer place!
Art - Nov 8, 2022 - Edited
Another potential interview on this topic would be the two researchers Kyrie, Broudy that looked into the Media and published scientific literature (PubMed, IEEE) for nano and micro electronics technology for biosensors and Internet of nano things (in bodies). You also may recall Charles Lieber was working on injectable electronics prior to being arrested for accepting money from Wuhan University of Technology.
Ralph Bauer MTh - Jan 21, 2023
Ralph’s Substack
My good friend, a master herbalist and author, writes privately that he has heard from both veterinarians, a "horse whisperer" and clients who have horses- that their horses no longer recognize then after the shot. If not other vaccinations/boosters follow, the effect seems to fade in about 3-4 months and the horse recognize them again.
Sometimes... humanity just needs a good dose of "horse sense"!
Thank you, Dr Ana, for your steadfast allegiance to truths- both evidential and spiritual!
Rosalind McGill - Nov 21, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Wow. Thanks for sharing.
Theara - Nov 12, 2022 - Edited
Theara’s Newsletter
Hello DR . i would like to know it it has been proven or disproven that the PGE or carbon nano tubes carry 'm RNA ' (according to the labs propaganda)
Dr Nagasse found no m rna in his analyse of two or 3 vials with high level analysis.
is it possible to modify our DNA using only frequencies ? ( emitted by the nano tech and the EMF from outside making them grow and 'informing' them ) instead of using genetics?
because DNA itself is a fractal and scalar antenna working by frequency, by 'information' .
is it possible that the PGE dont carry m Rna... at all .. (and its another lie to divise researchers ) .
do you know info vacunas on Telegram? his studies and theory are about human DNA beeing mingled with graphene by the PGE..
PGE beeing the ' glue' to for tissues and DNA scaffolding, tissu ingineering. ( he shows patents )
so, he says the DNA of the host is becoming an antenna with artificial frequency, once mingled with graphene , but is needs the ' glue' , the PGE , to be done ( which are in cov v xxines )
the second point is that he does not ' believe in micro circuits injected from outside.. he says its possible , but it's obsolete now .
he says DNA itself is mingled with graphene by the PGE, and turning the whole person into a giant bio chip, with no need to ' inject bots or nano chips
what do you think of his theory? here
THE VIDEO HAS TO BE SEEN ENTIRELY : ( sorry for small english subtitles its a video censored and very hard to find ) :
thats for me the most important question now, and i cant find any sure answer till now.
only people like you can I trust on this complex subject.
Thank you
Your work is amazing .
( im french )
my email
JaneR - Oct 10, 2023
Sandy K
I think this is correct, have you seen this?
Sandy K - Nov 20, 2023
Sandy K
Best to go directly to the source...imho. His work is highly respected in my little circle of energy healers..
Joel W. Hay, PhD - Nov 10, 2022 - Edited
Joel’s Newsletter
Finally got to the end; Bravo Ana and David!
One juicy tidbit that you overlooked about Charles Lieber (probably as evil as Fauci);
He's a recently-convicted Chinese spy!
Joel W. Hay, PhD - Nov 10, 2022 - Edited
Joel’s Newsletter
I understand why the mainstream media and medical establishment is ignoring this.
My question is why do the so-called red-pill experts, McCullough, Malone, Kirsch, Wolf, Alexander, Rose, the FLCCC, etc. etc. are so silent on this.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 10, 2022 - Edited
Joel’s Newsletter
It's too inconvenient for their narrative. No mRNA or just fragments, that means there is no spike protein. That means they sold us a false story. Coming out with Truth is expensive to your personal interests.
Joel W. Hay, PhD - Nov 10, 2022 - Edited
Joel’s Newsletter
OK; but won't they even talk to you? Why won't the red-pill "scientists" discuss the evidence from your 28 different investigators openly and transparently? None of the ones I talk to will even reply.
But isn't that what they are all complaining about with the Great Barrington Dec? And how they've been censored and blocked by the MSM? We are going to need allies from somewhere if we want to try to stop this. And David is right; nanotech hesitancy is going to be tough to overcome. But as you said; scientists should be willing to go wherever the evidence leads, regardless of how uncomfortable it makes them feel!
420MedicineMan - Nov 20, 2023
420MedicineMan’s Substack
They're paid for opposition, they've the job of maintaining the Nano technological platform, it's why McCullough and Malone beat along the bush that the next iteration of this "mRNA" technology will be better... McCullough gave it away in one of his substack posts.
The Nano tech along with the crypto currency and medical engineering frequency and optogenetic tech work together... so the global allied DOD the international bankers and the Rockefeller allopathic medicine are the team we are up against.
Tony Porcaro - May 4
Tony’s Newsletter
McCullough has become a total hypocrite; check out who are involved and supporters of The Wellness Company and you will be shocked; it is a scam operated for profit!
Unagnu - Nov 22, 2023
Well but Ivermectin is doing something, if it isn't interfering with a spike, what IS it doing to 'improve' sick people? Because it definitely does something! That's my first thought. Second thought, if contamination is in the air (smart dust) and from chem trailing and thence into the water supply, it is not avoidable. Not to mention if that junk was being put into pharmaceuticals that people take daily like oh, I dunno the much bally hoo'd and nearly mandatory statins that get pushed? Third thought, Big Berkey water filter systems reporting that they removed an impressive 99.99% of radioactive cesium-137.4 However, EPA Region 8 is actively working to make these systems unavailable to the American people. Hum. Why?
Dr. Petra - Nov 11, 2022
Margie Chism
Isn’t the presence of mRNA batch dependent and how do you explain the very high levels of SARS-CoV-2 semi Quantitative IgG spike antibodies in those patients who received an injection of a problematic batch based on the “how bad is my batch data”? I’m talking 18,000-25,000+ In those patients with severe dysfunction? Stage 4 cancer etc. The unvaccinated rarely have elevated antibodies.
Margie Chism - Nov 20, 2023
Margie Chism
My testimony is â– I stay at home in retreat and all I witness is MAC addresses, no seen illnesses from my neighbors; just running numbers. M
Tony Porcaro - May 4
Tony’s Newsletter
Exactly, and McCullough and others are promoting treatments and selling expensive drug "kits" to cover just about every ailment imaginable with fear mongering about the need to get ready for the next pandemic, specifically birdflu.
Kim - May 4
100% agree with you. As awake as I am to this demonic push to exterminate God's creation, I can't help but feel so overwhelmed by the mass of information and fear push to literally drain all our $ in the sake of safety and health. Supplements to these med kits are inundating my email feeds daily. I try with all my might to focus on my faith in all the barrage of information, but honestly, there are days I feel anxious and disillusioned as to what to believe. Very few in my circle of life have awoken, nor do they want to, to what is really happening. Anyone else out there feel like your the last man/woman standing?
Ovidiu CLADOVEANU - Dec 27, 2022
În Natura Ta
Congrats on revealing this high details informations.
This is the second most shocking data i see in the last 10 years. The first one is the documentary presented by Sofia Smallstorm titled: From chemtrails to pseudo-life.
Exactly the same topics as you presented, but 11 years ago.
It was discussed about the Morgellons and the aluminium nano-fibers. The substances that composed those fibers couldn't be identifed, nor distroyed (chemically,mecanically or thermic)
Can you share more insights about this ?
This is the documentary :
Rosalind McGill - Nov 21, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Look at past substack s. And Clifford Carnicom. Cross domain bacteria. I love Sophia’s interviews. She has a few out more recently. Sorry I don’t have links.
Amanda Atsalis - Nov 10, 2022
Hello Dr. Ana, Long story short- I had 2 moderna vaccines over a year ago and developed eczema on my face within days which I never had before. A few months later I did the protocol for post vaccine long haul (never had covid) due to severe exhaustion and brain fog. I am a massage therapist and last month 3 of my clients in 1 week told me they had their booster shot the day before. That week I had a red patch appear on my back diagnosed as pityriasis rosea. Through my research I discovered dozens of reports on pub-med of covid vaccines triggering this condition. I know correlation does not equal causation but could I be picking up spike proteins from my 3 newly vaccinated clients through massage which is triggering this condition? I need to get to the bottom of this because if this is the case I need a different job!
Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 20, 2023 - Edited
Joy’s Newsletter
IJVTPR is about the only journal I trust. They published my paper on the nationwide Control Group study last year.
Good work on this post!
JaneR - Oct 10, 2023
Has Dr Hughes produced a part 2?
JaneR - Nov 21, 2023
I've been in touch with him and he's actually written a book:
panyusg - Jan 21, 2023
As an engineer, I know that no matter how nano in size, these particles will be analysed down to their molecular structure. Years of revelation lie ahead. Today's scientific processes and equipment created and inserted them into the "Covid vaccines". As such, Science has the means to find out exactly what they are. Whether the body can neutralize or expel them remains to be studied.
Inactive Account - Nov 21, 2023
Inactive Account
Fantastic interview. One thing was missing from it - the MAC address emitting phenomenon that completes the confirmation that human bodies and brains are being turned into the nodes in the nano-bio-network. MAC address emitting is a testable and repeatable manifestation that a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) has been assembled.
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anaunited anacom