WEF 2020: The Internet Of Bodies Is Here …

Jan 26

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Shaping the Future of the Internet of Bodies: New challenges of technology governance


Michael LeVesque - Jan 27

Michael’s Substack

Almost finished with your book on Light Medicine. Starting Chapter 22 and found the book a fantastic exploration of medicine. I was equally impressed by your mentions of fisetin and rapamycin. Your writing is also very personal about your own life which is remarkable. Your chapter on peptides was excellent and the chapter on exosomes activity was new to me and got me wondering how the body can increase its production levels in a positive way. If you have any comments about this it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your continued tireless writing and videos on SubStack. It's a wonderful platform especially when one also gets to read the thought provoking comments. The sharing you do is of inestimable value.


Anna Bertalli - 5d



Travis Ogle - Jan 27

Travis’s Substack

Thank God that you value truth over bank accounts.


Todd Proctor - Jan 27

Todd Proctor

Does Operation STARGATE AI mRNA tie in to this at all?? Anybody…? Anybody??


the LastManStanding - Jan 27

Rusyn’s Substack

Yes. The misunderstanding as to the primary purpose of the hydrogel 'delivery vehicle' and the 'payload' it delivered via the Kov-id vaxx is being leveraged by the parties now activating Phase two - aka Stargate. Since everyone affected has been directed to look only at the physical side effects of the jab, it has left the most important element of the 'plandemic' un-noticed.
The LNP delivery system was used due to it's ability to cross the blood/brain barrier. It's 'payload' was not part of the listed ingredients in the vials but nevertheless it contained 'materials' conducive to altering perception and consciousness both. That's why almost everyone in the western world is now getting slowly but systemically 'used to' receiving impulses from outside themselves which they are encouraged to believe are 'their own' thoughts and/or feelings.
As the AI 'improves' it's ability to mimic our mental states there will be more and more 'direction' coming from the programmers of the STARGATE initiative, which POTUS 47 has signaled to be an 'emergency' program of highest priority. It's going ahead very seamlessly, with full cooperation of the complicit medias(alt&msm work together)and the arrival of "soul-less sentience" can be anticipated to arrive within the year.
Unfortunately, hardly anyone in the fallen lands of the west will even notice. I suspect most will even cheer their new masters on.


Todd Proctor - Jan 28

Todd Proctor

Wow that was so gnarly…and I agree with every bit of it. So what do we do?


the LastManStanding - Jan 28

Rusyn’s Substack

Todd. You live I'm assuming, in the "West." A term which, rather than a geographical descriptor ... has taken on the meaning of a group of 'advanced economy' states including both Europe, & it's farflung 'colonies' - most relevantly, USA - which was never more than an experiment for European elites to practice 'mercantilist' theories with/via. Theory is now superseded by 'practice.'
There is nothing 'to do' at this point. The entire complex of communications channels, administrative, judicial & security apparati is now welded together into one seamless entity which 47 has been deputized to bring to final fruition.
Gaza was precursor to that mission. North Carolina DEMONSTRATED it's applicability to American's situation. LA fire has now cemented the graphical layout of what comes next. Militarized bulldozers are revving up to go to work on 'transforming' your country into a 'post-Murrah' apocalyptic twilight zone, whilst JPATS charters fly looters and their belonging out of country on the taxpayer dime...
and phony alchemists demand demand(and receive)more and more coal/oil/gas/nuke to fuel their experiments in frankensteinian 'advancements.'
It's a 'declared emergency' underway. You are only allowed to watch.
Pit and Pendulum was a political treatise... not a work of fiction as supposed.


Bronwyn Patterson - Jan 27

Of course.


Key of David - Jan 27 - Edited

Key’s Substack

I take fulvic acid with charcoal. The full vic I take is called black Brew it's got humic and ulnic acid a quarter tablespoon in 8 oz of water with six to eight organic coconut shell charcoal tablets 2 to 4 times a week.
The combination is kind of bizarre but a man from the Philippines won their equivalent of a Pulitzer Prize curing cancer of all types with this combination.
I also take a tablespoon of Diatomaceous Earth first thing in the morning which is silica which absorbs all metal in the body plus kills parasites plus enhances your hair skin teeth and nails.
We're in The time of the One World Order which is being set up behind the scenes Very quickly that's the one world government one world religion and one world currency which is In the Bible In Revelation 13 1 here's a teaching For 30 minutes to give you peace and know the future before it happens
My utoube channel which post Bible prophecy for the end times and teachings to keep you informed.
Thank you Anna for all the work you've done and God bless everyone


Annette McCoy - Jan 27

Annette McCoy

The end time is being manufactured by the globalists. It already happened between 66AD-70AD. The destruction of Israel (the prophet) and Rome (beast system/Babylon), Cesar Titus (Beast) and Christ's 1000 yr reign is what Revelation is mostly about. Christ reigns in Heaven in the New Jerusalem. We're just here to save each other until the End. We are now in Satan's deceptive little season. The devil is running out of time. He wants to take as many of us with him as possible. He thinks he can actually stop what is coming, but he can't. I look forward to Jesus taking us home to Heaven. I'm sick of this demented mini Hell on earth.


Key of David - Jan 27

Key’s Substack

Hello Annette sorry for whoever taught you that because Christ's reign in the Thousand Year Millennium which is called the day of the Lord doesn't happen until after Satan's tribulation of 5 months which is written in Revelation 9:5 and 9:10.
After the Thousand Year Millennium wins God's elector Priests of God With Jesus teaching all those who were miss taught then Satan will be loosened for a season it's all documented Revelation 20 versus 1 through 6 KJV
I'm not here to convince you of anything.
But most people who think it's already happened will be deceived and follow the fake Jesus because he performs miracles and he's Supernatural as the most beautiful cherubim Angel God ever created document in Ezekiel 28:13 and 14 KJV you might want to read those verses.
I'll say a prayer for you Annette God bless
My channel below if you want to look at some one minute videos on my shorts list from YouTube


NB - Jan 27

Key’s Substack

don't forget the Synagogue of Satan. The ones who say they are Jews but are not. All middle east wars are for the Greater Israel as these people (fake Jews maybe some real Jews also in the mix) think they can reclaim the entire Israel God promised them. That's from the Nile to the Euphrates and everything in between. Gaze, Jordan, Lebanon half of Syria and half of Iraq.


NB - Jan 27

Key’s Substack

they also follow God's word to just slaughter everyone. Kids, adults, doesn't matter. literally 100% genocide is the plan. They think it's 3000 years ago!!!!!!!!!!! But are these actually REAL JEWS?!??!!? PROBABLY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Key of David - Jan 27

Key’s Substack

Good words of wisdom as Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9 talk about the fake Jews who say they are because they're really kenites or the sons of Cain.
There's the serpent seed line and Eve seed line which is documented in Genesis 3:15 and 16 which is so clear in Genesis chapter 5 where Seth is the first son of Adam because Cain is the son of Satan.
Jesus taught this in Matthew 13 verses 38 and 39 that Satan has children on this Earth and then he says in John 8:44 that Cain was the first murder.
This is part of the mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven which is to know that there was a first Earth age and Satan rebelled and stole one third of God's children and tried to destroy the seed line of Jesus Christ which is called the Key of David.
Aquick synopsis of
The 4 secret mysteries the kingdom of Heaven. Satan's children are on this Earth.
Cain(kenites)the 1st one, Matthew 13: 11. To know what happened in the first Earth age to know what happened in the garden and to know That the false christ comes first
1. There was a first Earth age Where Satan rebelled and stole 1/3 of God's children and God Destroyed that earth age(Jer4:18,28,2Pet3:5/9)called the Katabole means Foundation in Matt.13:35. We were all in spiritual bodies Job 38:7 we're called sons of God
2. Satan has children on this Earth(Matt13:38/39) trying to destroy the seed line through which Jesus Christ would be born through Eve(John 8:44.)The key of David.
3. To know that the false christ comes First Antichrist Satan(2Thess2:1/4) Satan comes pretending to be Jesus Christ. The whole world follows him Revelation 13:3 ..accept those written in the Book of Life Revelation 13:8 and know that Satan comes first.
4. That Christians will be brought up to the synagogue of Satan for a testimony against him Mark 13 Matthew 24 and Luke 21.Col 1:26 Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: The mystery is being made known more now !
God bless you 🙏
Above is my channel if you want more Bible prophecy from the Shepherd's Chapel who teach chapter by chapter and verse by verse out of the KJV Bible


Phyllis B - Jan 27

Phyllis B



Alina - Jan 27 - Edited

Key’s Substack

I am careful w fulvic acid. They advertise to take it to have “vivid” dreams… and lucid dreams. Sounds strange to say the least.


Key of David - Jan 27

Key’s Substack

Fulvic acid is from the Earth ! 84 minerals and the power of carbon to surround any foreign antigen in the body. I mean with glyphosate in every single Lake water and stream the Chemtrails that are being sprayed with Nano bots, graphene oxide,lead barium, aluminum and many other chemicals we just don't know .....it doesn't hurt.
The only thing that would hurt from taking too much fulvic acid is you would feel a detoxing effect which you would get the same thing if you took too much diatomaceous earth.


Nostradamus X - Jan 26

Nostradamus X

"By 2030, Smartphones Will Not Exist, Technology ‘Built Directly Into Our Bodies’".
-- Pekka Lundmark, Nokia CEO, Davos 2022.


Alina - Jan 27

Jae’s Substack

Yet, Sasha Latypova laughs at the mention of nano in blood b/c of vax.


Jae Bee - Jan 27

Jae’s Substack

She sure does. I asked her about it in the dental anesthetics. She put me down laughed at me. Told me to go inject myself with nanobots and immediately blocked me. She is one hateful individual.


Areugnat - Jan 27


Yes, she is not a nice person, acerbic and hateful.


jsinton - Jan 27


Yeah, that's really weird. Makes me wonder.


Thru The Veil - Jan 28

Thru’s Substack

Sasha made a post awhile back saying that there's no such thing as nanotech in the human body/ blood. I posted a link to Carnicom's site and she tried to mock it. I told her that in order to refute something she had to show proof that she had conducted the exact same experiments and to show her results. She responded saying that she's isn't obligated to prove anything to anyone or something to that effect. Controlled opposition she is.


Chris Buchanan - Jan 27

I wonder if this is why Sirius XM seems so aggressive in their marketing to try to get you to have their satellite to your car…


Taiwo Adeshina - Jan 27


Please I regret I took the jab due to working in healthcare. Please I’m having tightness in my throat to my chest for over 6 months now. From head to toe my veins are in pains. I do pray this not rubber clotting. Is there a way to detox from this please I don’t want to die young. I’m only 28 years old. Help me


KT-SunWillShineAgain - Jan 27


If you read earlier posts in Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea's substack, she has found that edta iv chelation works best, not taking edta capsules with food though she still recommends edta capsules/liquid. Fyi


Taiwo Adeshina - Jan 27

Free Human

I just ordered the capsules EDTA. Waiting to get it soon


Jeb - Jan 27

Free Human

Must take a high dose of Vitamin C with the EDTA. Do not eat within two hours before or after taking both supplements.


Jennifer Collins Brever - Jan 27

Free Human

What is considered a high dose of Vit C in this context?


Free Human - Jan 27

Free Human

I don't know the 'official' answer to that - but from personal experience, I have found that if I take more than about 2.5-3 grams of powdered Vitamin C in liquid (usually herbal tea) it will send me running to the bathroom. If you're taking pill form, the 1000mg pills = 1 gram. That unpleasant effect is what they call "bowel tolerance". And everyone's is different. I'd experiment with that separately first (on an empty stomach) to find out where your own threshold is before wasting any of that expensive EDTA....


Maui Carrie - Jan 27

Maui Carrie

Bryan Ardis claims that a 7mg patch of nicotine binds to the nicotinic receptors and blocks spike protein. Using them for 6 days in a row really helps people with long covid symptoms and many other symptoms like heart issues. He claims nicotine is NOT addictive (yet another lie given to us). Just look him up on Rumble. He claims he chews 2mg gum a day for preventive care and spike protein shedding. I can absolutely vouch for the fact that my husband was a smoker and never got covid or sick til about 2 months after he quit smoking in 2021. I can't remember which brands he recommends, but it's up to you to do your own research and if something doesn't work for you, try something else. Like I said, his recommend was a 6 day regime.


Key of David - Jan 28

Key’s Substack

Here's an amazing prayer that will help you it's helped me a lot I wasn't shot but you can't help but have these bots in you.


Adrian - Jan 26


The IOB is a declaration of war, the invasion of the body snatchers...THE TERRORIST WATCH LIST is awaiting all of us guinea pigs to ADD NAMES FOR THE RECORD. ADD KS, BG, AF and all them whom have poisoned our bodies, land and air with BIOWEAPONS...go to the TERRORIST WATCH LIST NOW TO ADD NAMES FOR THE RECORD.


Roman S Shapoval - Jan 26

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

The screens and blue light are the vector of addiction, and if we can make these more human, it's a good shot at getting off the "gray alien timeline" with red light:


Chris French - Jan 27

Americans overwhelmingly voted for Trump, thanks to the sanity of Bobby Kennedy. What part of the will of the people includes a $500 billion collusion with Stargate, AI and more mRNA? Did I miss a memo somewhere ?


John - Jan 27

NJ Election Advisor

Dr. Anna, have you seen the video on Instagram about the use of red rice yeast to dissolve nanotechnology in dental anesthetics?


John - Jan 27

I am in Alabama and have been following Dr. Anna and her research for a long time now. I have just recently obtained the liquid EDTA from Global Healing and started taking it. I am not sure exactly how. I did read from Brandon Iglesias and his research to take it after a ;period of fasting. Until I had the EDTA I have been detoxing with Cilantro and Chlorella to the best of my ability. I have no way to have my blood examined via microscopy so I have no idea what my status is. I did have dental work done back in 2022 and had injections and I had cardiac stress tests with injections back in 2020 and 2021 as well as a cardiac catheterization. I am very excited about this new information about the red rice yeast. I want to know more. I have been reluctant to get needed dental work done due to Dr. Anna and her findings of the presence of nanotechnology in the injections. We have a challenge for us all with this transhuman agenda. How do we help ourselves and help others? I do my best to inform family and other people. Until we can in vast numbers get this out to the people there will be no hope. Dr. Anna and others are doing just that and I appreciate her and those others very much.


NJ Election Advisor - Jan 27

NJ Election Advisor

Is that taken before end or after injection?


John - Jan 27

I do not know yet if there is a regimen. I just noticed the video on Instagram. I want to know more., its_intheblood
On Instragram lhas posted videos showing dentists using magnets to remove graphene before injections of dental anesthetics.


Sandra --- - Jan 27

Sandra ---

good to see someone awake in NJ


E.C. - Jan 27

Thank you for continually telling us what is going on. We appreciate your work. How do you do it all? Really.


Adrian - Jan 26


LIPIDS are affected with GREEN LAZER...such as thehttps://www.emeraldlaser.comtargets lipids. The mrna is lipid. Shine green lazer on house, over land, at clouds (not planes) to neutralize it. And IVGREEN LAZER. ALSO spray antifungul fog outside (CLO2, CEDARCIDE, HAVEN CITRUS FOG, H202, HYDRONIUM) to counter the chemical fog. Take Actions.


Rochelle - Jan 27

Yeah but the question is, what could potentially be released from inside the lipid nanoparticles once you get rid of the 'lipid'/fatty coating?


Linda Wattonville - Jan 26

Nostradamus X

Thank you for sharing this info. Unfortunately when I click on some of the links included towards the end on EDTA and Vit C, it tells me I need to log in (even though I'm already logged in.) It keeps asking for email and a security code but it goes back to email before code can be entered. Very confusing.


Nostradamus X - Jan 26

Nostradamus X

Just close your browser and restart or use a different browser.
It's a Substack bug!


E.C. - Jan 27

Thank you.


Monique - Jan 27

Vit C :https://globalhealing.com/products/vitamin-c


Monique - Jan 27

EDTA :https://globalhealing.com/products/calcium-disodium-edta


Irma - Jan 27

Irma’s Substack

Happening to me too but not on all Substacs


Doug Hoover - Jan 26

You are my number one !
I take EDTA,activated charcoal,
Cilantro Drop. Sauerkraut juice.



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