Dec 20, 2023

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jeffrey p lubina - Dec 20, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

But still, the media, Trump, Biden and their diehard psychotic supporters continue to attack and gaslight those of us who’ve been reporting these facts for years now.
I demand millions of dollars in compensation, not revenge. We, the targeted victims, will know there is real justice in the world when all of these criminal politicians, corrupt judges, lying investigative reporters, crooked cops who protect them and their delusional supporters are all mentally institutionalized and their assets liquidated. I will never settle for less. NEVER!


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Dr. Geanina made a mistake. Revenue is not payroll, there is overhead and other expenses, propably a factor of 3 or higher would be applicable, so the average pay in the nanotech industry wouod be ca. $150k not half a million.


R. Q. - Dec 22, 2023

R. Q.

That's the problem, friend. That all these you name have been bought. They won't do anything to stop this.


jeffrey p lubina - Dec 22, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

And so We the People must “end them,” R.Q., and stop killing each-other. If you already subscribe, then you know I’m not just using words complaining without realistic solutions.
Think about it: if we can always accept all the costs of the fraud of war, generation after generation, then we can surly conscientiously object, resist and save ourselves for a fraction of the cost of war on everything.
It’s absurd how easy “they” can con us into being so false-pride brave and patriotic for war, meanwhile so very weak and ignorant about our very real power(s) to resist “them” and free ourselves.


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 20, 2023 - Edited


The pride these evil souls express with their evil never ceases to amaze. The ambivalence and joy in causing misery displayed by the Psychopaths will always be a mystery regardless of the number of times evil is confronted.
This was a Rumble with Dr. Robert Seik watched a few months ago which I took notes with...
Concerning some new names rising connected with Nazi Germany. This group of Eugenicists are actually very incestuous as the same names of evil people continue to rise again and again. Appointments with jobs are always interchangable, lateral among each other UNTIL CAUGHT; and they may still continue.
German Nazi brought to the U.S.:
Robert Leiber: Nazi arrived with Operation Paperclip
Worked for RCA, NBC, Harvard,
Developed Satellites for Military
SON, Charles, also work for Harvard
Charles Leiber: Harvard and Wellcome Trust (GlaxoSmithKline) and Gates Foundations/DARPA
Develops NanoBioWeapons
Pioneered CRISPR Tech and NanoBioWeapons overlapping.
Was hired to develop overlap in Bio and Nano Tech to use as ‘A WEAPONS SYSTEM’
Indicted in Boston in 2020 for Fraud and Treason: With CCP/PLA/Wuhan Inst. Tech.
George Webb…Reporter of this Horror Show knows the details.
Books and Articles about technology and
Pharmaceutical Research:
The Application of Micro and Nano-Electro-Mechanical Devices For Drug Delivery”
Published 18 yrs. Ago in 2005
International Journal For Distributed Sensor Networks: Wireless Nano-Sensor Networks,
Published 2015
(Defines purposes Nano can be used for)
Nano-Scale Analysis For Protein and Peptide Absorption
(Hydrogel Technology used to promote Absorption of Proteins which are hundreds of times larger than oral medication)
Hydrogels used for Drug Delivery…Use ‘Frequency and Photon Sensitivity to release ANYTHING in carrier including poisons and DNA Fragments.
Experimentation with Release Mechanisms to create
slower death volume more equally spread across populations…
What mechanism would be used to do this?
FREQUENCY which changes according to programing......
5G FREQUENCY CAN cue Hydrogels to release instructions for body to change Ph Level and kill almost immediately.
5G Frequency is at 60 to 300ghz.
Military and Govt. already using 6G and 7G.
‘Hoskin’s Affect’: (1970’s)To weaken Immune System with vaccines makes people MORE likely to get the disease Than those not taking the vaccine.
Ai/Bioweapon Vaxx is an Antigen creating Antibodies inside body and Nano is designed to mimic Proteins in Humans where the disease goes to a particular area to cause disease like Rheumatoid Arthritis and Reproductive Issues.
“Bioweapon is an excellent Bioweapon as even Professionals in Research can’t identify it."
Dr. Robt Seik.
Professionals are depressed as their ‘Hope’ in humanity is rocked…
Like Stuckelberger’s when discussing those perpetrating this horror onto the whole Globe.
“Situation difficult to grasp. Most people aren’t ‘EVIL FUCKS’ sitting around dreaming of ways to murder and enslave people."
Kissinger is the one demanding the CCP to set ‘One Child Policy’…With Schwab, Harari…All the old Nazi’s.
"EVIL FUCKS have set a ‘Dune’ scenario of
Just Pull the ‘Heart Plug’ as in Dune and the TRUTHTELLER or WHISTLEBLOWER is dead as Rashid Buttar who informed about Hydrogel Delivery using ‘FREQUENCY DELIVERY DEVICE’.
Use 3 -18ghz pulses to release a disease or condition to murder somebody…"


Psyche - Dec 20, 2023 - Edited




BlazeCloude3 - Dec 20, 2023 - Edited


Dr. Ana and her colleagues are right on target.
This may sound STUPID to most sane and normal individuals.
It is a mechanism very effective with murder...
And, it is the weapon we now fight without actual
certainty for treatment.
It's alright to be fascinated by this and utterly repulsed concurrently.


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

As our search for "treatment" is haphazrd and slow, the cabal may have counter-tech quickly deployable e.g. via chemtrails.


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 22, 2023 - Edited


No 'May Have' about the enemy having technology in any way.
They are openly arrogant and no longer hiding...Further, they do not fear or sound concerned for themselves and their families. They certainly have information the public doesn't have.
One person in Substack suspected as 'Controlled Opposition' actually contacted me to ask of the veracity of Dr. Mihalcea's Treatments and sounded very surprised when I reported Disodium EDTA to have been effective with treating the contamination of our family member's blood. THEY MAY NOT HAVE CONSIDERED THAT TREATMENT...I don't really know.
Fairly certain about Chemtrails to have been implemented for years since 'Operation Popeye' in Vietnam and it's a certainty the technology of the Injections to have been released far longer than three years. It's a personal opinion that people weren't dying fast enough and they chose the option of Injectables to escalate their Agenda to depopulate and enslave. 5G is theorized to activate the technology far more effectively than the last 4G tech which also speeds their Agenda's projected goals. Various members of the Black Nobility and their International Death Cult Mafia have stated as much in Public Releases of information in their various gatherings of Techno-Feudal Fascists seeking absolute power and control; theft of all God's creation of Earth and all it contains.


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

I try to maintain scientific inquiry standards. You don't know with certainty, i.e. "they MAY have". Controllled opposition's knowlegde is not equal to the cabal's insight. Suspicion is not certainty, either. I was just smeared "troll' by an ignorant on this forum.
Xenobiochemistry is a well-paid work, a charles lieber MAY have looked into what EDTA and powerful antioxidants would do to his creations and would try harder. We don't know what else will show up under instruments of independents, and if there would be a remedy for useless eaters. Taking methylene blue forever is not an option, because the cabal controls supply..


psychoNWO - Dec 20, 2023 - Edited


Either butt stupid or its just a Jew doing what Jews do,, ie, blaming the Nazi's, the White race, the Russians, The Palestinians, the weather etc - everyone and everything but themselves, for the destruction caused by Jews.
Robert and Charles Leiber... two JEWISH spies...https://www.activistpost.com/2022/01/from-espionage-to-tax-evasion-charles-lieber-found-guilty-on-all-six-counts.html
Operation Paperclip was run by the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which was the Jew run precursor to the CIA. There was a race on at the end of WW2 between the Russians, the Americans and the British to capture as many German scientists as possible because of their extraordinarily high intellectual value. There were several kidnapping operations ongoing at that time. Paperclip was the American one.
The Jews have controlled Vatican money, in the form of perpetual chapter 11 rescue loans, since the 18th century. He who prints the money calls the tune. The Vatican is controlled by Jews. The Paperclip scientist were given two choices; go to America and work for the Jews, or have their testicles crushed at Nuremberg...https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=123500
Hundreds of high ranking Nazi officers of Jewish descent also escaped via Project Paperclip. These were Jews who were offered a new life in America as a reward for having betrayed the Nazi war effort from within the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine etc, just as Jews are now destroying America, Europe and Australia etc... from within. Spying and subterfuge from within is what the Jews do best..
Jewish Harvard Professor Guilty of hiding ties to Chinese nanotechnology programme...https://www.stormfront.org/forum/t1353438/
What the evil Nazi's were trying to stop... The Marxist Murderers...https://odysee.com/@psychoNWO:9/The-Jewish-Marxist-Murderers:9?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD
Hitlers Jewish Soldiers...https://www.bitchute.com/video/ehovv49zRwJL/


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

"the evil Nazi's were trying to stop" -- You sound like a German patriot apologist. Aided by the "Jew" banksters and Zionists, Thirrd Reich FACILITATED expulsion of assimilated German Jews to colonise Palestine over Arab bodies and property, a Rothschilds' project planned years ahead (ref.Jon Bjerknes, Jewish truther).
WW2 was orchestrated around the bankster plan, incl. the Shoah of innocents opposing the colonisation, annihilation of true to God lubavitchers of the then Polish lands under ZionistNazi and Judeosoviet occupation, and naming after them the Chabad Lubavitch, the religious and secular Zionists' "rabbinate" who help banksters control majority of the Judaic sects (more numerous than Christian ones) and govts around the world.
Like the "jew" Ashkenazi fakes, you try to reverse the villain into a victim. You should be locked up for spreading false info and classical antisemitism. You discern the fake "Jew" in Ashke-Nazis, but look at your generalisations to all Jews! Your disnfo is useful to your "bosses" and they locked up my blog, not yourself!
Wasn't it you who cited Ashke-Nazi Goebbel's ministry of truth report: Poles attacked Hitler's cirizens and Reich LOL


psychoNWO - Dec 22, 2023 - Edited


I'm no apologist for the excesses of Hitler but neither can a nation stand idly by when its citizens are being slaughtered by the tens of thousands.
When Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands in 1982 there were no civilian casualties, yet the British sent a flotilla of warships to the South Atlantic to fight a bloody war against the Argentinians that was cheered on from Port Stanley to Scapa Flow.
National Socialist Germany found itself in a similar situation with Poland in 1939, except that 58,000 German men women and children had been brutally murdered. It was later discovered that most of these atrocities were carried out by Jews pretending to be Polish nationals. You think this is funny? The amount of evidence confirming these atrocities was so great as to render it impossible to print the full text of the sworn statements in all cases, many of which were narrated by POLISH eye-witnesses.
All this collection of facts was stored in the Protestant Deaconess Hospital of Posen and in the Municipal Hospital in Bromberg, Poland and was open to independent investigators until removed at the end of the war. Only a selection of the copious photographic material is used in the book linked below. All the documents and proofs used in this collection of material were also filed in the respective central offices in Berlin until 1945.
The statement of the acts of atrocity committed on minority Germans in Poland between 1933 and 1939 is based on the following documentary evidence...
The penal records of the Special Courts of Justice in Bromberg and Posen, Poland. The investigation files of the Special Police Commission of Poland.
The testimony of the medical and legal experts of the Health Inspection Department of the Military High Command. The original records of the Military Commission attached to the Military High Command for the investigation of breaches of International Law.
The sworn statements of German as well as POLISH witnesses were used through the proceedings. These were taken from the records of the Special Courts of Justice up to the Nov. 15, 1939. The various Criminal Investigation Departments' reports, documents, and photographs, were also submitted which were taken from the files of the Special Commissions. Reproductions of statements, photographs and preserved specimens, as well as the collective memoranda representing a report on the result of the autopsy on the victims, were taken from the records of Polish medical and legal experts.
The records have been supplemented by accounts of personal experiences by individuals of the German minority who were ill-treated, and abducted, as well as by photographs of numerous atrocities on minority Germans, as perpetrated by soldiers of the Polish army and by Polish civilians (i. e. murders, mutilations, and arson). The photographs are genuine copies of snap shots taken of the actual victims, either beaten to death, shot dead, or mutilated, and taken on the spots where the victims were found and the crimes committed. Any pictures that could not be considered definitely authentic were rejected and not included in the collection. All photographic evidence of "dead and missing" notices were also used as evidence. These appeared daily for weeks after the murders in the Polish owned Bromberg and Posen newspapers.
There are no fake Jews - there are only real JEWS and the global sayanim network continuously blaming the Nazi's, the White race, the Russians, The Palestinians, the weather etc - everyone and everything but themselves, for the destruction caused by Jews...https://odysee.com/@thisworldworks:1/SIMG4cbL31aNvKQP:b
Its not new... One Thousand Thirty jewish Expulsions Throughout History...http://www.renegadetribune.com/juden-raus-one-thousand-thirty-jewish-expulsions-throughout-history/
Its not just Palestine either. 58,000 German men, women and children murdered...https://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/NHC/NewPDFs/GERMANY/GER.Polish.Atrocities.Against.German.Minority.in.Poland.1940.pdf
The Polish massacres between 1933-1939 were done to goad Germany into invading Poland so that the Jews who controlled the British parliament could use it as an excuse to declare war on Germany - which is exactly what happened. The Jews in Israel are doing the same thing to the Palestinians right now in the hope of inciting the Iranians to attack Israel - thus giving the Jewish neocons who control the US administration an excuse to start WW3.


Webe1 - Dec 31, 2023


Info I have not read before. I believe there should be a distinction between people of the Jewish faith and the Zionist hiding behind said faith.


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

"ambivalence and joy"- aren't typical for psychopaths? something like standard symptoms of an illness, as psychopathy is a mental illness, isn't it?


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 22, 2023 - Edited


There is disagreement about Psychopathy and Sociopathy as one is organic where the structures to develop moral/ethical maturity are lacking or totally undeveloped as a result of genetics.
Sociopathy is CHOSEN and the structures of the brain for moral/ethical maturity are present. Both are considered worse than illness; or the worst of illness contingent upon one's view since both are based in EVIL/GRAVE SIN among Exorcists and Mental Health Physicians/Psychologists of Faith in God.
It isn't necessarily viewed EVIL; but stereotypical NEGATIVITY by Atheistics/Gnostics.
As a person of Faith...I fall in the opinions consistent with Spiritual Maturity and view such beings of the 'EVIL' catagory.
Symptoms for both can be similar and virtually impossible to diagnose outside experienced professionals. It requires testing across a range of Psycometrical Instruments and Medical/Neurological Areas or Neuropsychometry/Psychology.


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

I'm no expert, intuitively discern psychos: anybody lying in the public eye and pushing genocidal agendas. Legion of doctors and medical staff knowingly pushing genocidal "vax" and WHO "guidelines" for mammom reward could be either psycho- or sociopaths?
Can sociopathy transition into psychopathy in a person? Then we would be in trouble, as the system is set to corrupt. New conditions arise by globalist design to reinforce corruption and moral erosion. Polarisation of society and threat of impoverishment -- real or relative in one's social/professional group, has been topical for the last couple of years among Canada's medical professionals and RCMP officers.The system forces them to weigh truth and ethics contra feeding the family and living to collect pension.


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 22, 2023 - Edited


Most Psychopaths don't go to all the trouble Sociopaths do...To carry-out evil. They may do all possible to avoid being caught before perpetrating evil and doing it; but that's the extent of it.
I was just shy of a Ph.D in Psychology...I couldn't finish due to a horrid divorce and had no time to complete my Dissertation though the data was collected and analyzed for the most part.
I did work with many fine Mentors including an Exorcist Priest...


Piotr Bein - Dec 23, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Precious info, Blaze. Pointers for to work on socios to switch to our side. Am surprised that psychos just sit in chairs and watch socios -- useful eaters eliminating useless eaters. Agrees with rothschild 18th centyry plan for NWO: eliminate the useful eaters RIGHT AFTER they liquidate uselss eaters for the masters.


Webe1 - Dec 31, 2023 - Edited


Exorcism raises a question. Where do you suppose the possessed fall into that mix (point of possession is no doubt relevant)?


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 31, 2023 - Edited


It's a question with seemingly no actual agreement among professionals as there's a huge range in variables contributing to any results from research or opinions...As each is both different and similar.
As an intercessor sometimes present while Exorcism was manifested...It sounded as though there was some measure of choice with what is more often refered to as 'demonization' as opposed to 'possession' since the devil does NOT and can NOT possess a soul not his while on Earth. All souls belong to God ultimately while on Earth until the moment of death when the choice of God is removed.
Demonization occurs at different intensities and an Exorcist Priest is the most qualified to speak about it. It is possible for a human to be demonized to such and extent; they no longer have 'free will' to control what is spoken or how they behave and that's where Exorcist Priests enter the treatment. There are several Priests in YouTube addressing their work.
It's a fascinating subject and the experience sending me packing from the secular field of Psychology as the foundation and practice has nothing to do with God and without God, there is no possibility of remotely understanding the most simple matters dealing with human beings or any life on the planet.
Psychosis is not something chosen; it's organic and with something of that nature, it seems logical and feels correct to say there to be a special dispenstion from God for such creatures. But, that's not to say there is. It's wise to never second-guess God and I've not been blessed with any special information about the overall condition. There were many countless times during therapy when I was blessed with special insight about an individual and with training and practice one learns to discern behaviors relevant to contitions.
That's the best I can do with answering your question. When it pertains to each individual soul; only God can judge and that's the only Being capable of doing so.


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

LIEBER not Leiber. "Indicted in Boston in 2020 for Fraud and Treason: With CCP/PLA/Wuhan Inst. Tech." -- DARPA, a bankster USraeli agency colaborated with Wuhan and other labs in the cabal's network around the world (partly "discovered" by Putin in Ukraine).
Lieber was arrested by USreali security agents and released LOL. It was a show to feed into merdia and Trump story of the "enemy" China (who btw supplied backgates to US military systems)..
"5G FREQUENCY CAN cue Hydrogels to release instructions for body to change Ph Level and kill almost immediately [...] 5G Frequency is at 60 to 300ghz." -- Source please, officially it's ca. 20 to 30 GHz, can be added to 4G-LTE. The hihgher one is cited by disinformers who say that a phased array antennas could kill selected people on the street?
Any mass killing (street or not) could start a global rebellion, which the cabal fears. Imho, a combination of mind&body control (as in the in TI "test rabbits") and sterilisation, both with xenonanobiotech would be applied until 500 million cyborgs remain to serve the masters in NWO by ca. 2050. Perhaps some targeted killing of dissidents who in the near years could lead the masses already dumbed out by smartphones.


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 22, 2023 - Edited


There are voluminous Resources and research currently underway to verify the experiments already performed. Only included the first Resource in the Comment; but here are two more and there is more beyond these reporting the same conclusions.
AND, I have Scalar Wave Generators in every building to neutralize 5G Frequencies...AND, we're untaking a 6 mth. experiment of our own. At this time it's possible to report all humans and animals placed in the protected areas are observably better, report much greater energy and appear better rested for greater durations of time. It's necessary to ascertain the frequencies using any one of many different Frequency Analysis Instruments; electronic, laser.... In your area as there are several variables contributing to the setting necessary to neutralize in your area...It's different everywhere; different times of the day and night, weekends. Won't have the results of our own Research until after March 1, 2024...The planned 6th month interval after which we will repeat all physiological/anatomical testing already undertaken 3 months ago.


Unagnu - Dec 24, 2023


Where did you obtain the scalar Wave Generators? I can't make *diddly* squat but would be willing to pay for someone who can to built a small one for my home/cats.


Webe1 - Dec 31, 2023


Did you build the Scalar Wave Generators? I have acquaintances that might be able to build one if they know what’s involved.


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 31, 2023


A simple Scalar Wave Generator is not difficult; especially when there are 'Step by Step' Video Instructions:
Scalar Wave Generator:
I've also included information about exactly what you're avoiding and treating yourself for with this Physicist and then another Link with both she and her husband. Both have information about Scalar Wave/Frequency/Radiation Energy.
Katherine Horton: Targeted Individual Presentation
Katherine Horton and William Binney: Targeted Individual/Frequency Wave Info and Analysis Instruments.
Finally, it's important to inform you about our decision to end the experimentation early made just yesterday. Dr. Ana Mihalcea has determined the technology is activated by any form of energy inclusive of Scalar/Tesla Coil Wave Generation. We are seeking the testing next week, hopefully, to determine how successful this variable has been for our treatment and then will also test the animals...NOT taking any of the supplements we humans are taking. The technology influences all the same; both human and animals. By doing this, we'll be better able to reach a more effective Treatment Plan for the farm and all on it. Will keep you updated if you give me a jingle through Substack.


Webe1 - Jan 4, 2024


Thank you for the detailed response. I shall do my best to keep up with your efforts!


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

You mean reports/conclusions that 5G uses up to 300 GHz?
What is scalar wave?


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 22, 2023 - Edited


Tesla Coil Scalar Generators...Can make any number of Homemade types and they're far more simple than expected. Can also purchase professional models; but they're expensive. Will virtually wipe-out all but a tiny fraction of the energy/Frequency emitted by 5G. Why not look-up the information about 5G Online for yourself. It isn't difficult.


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Repeat Q: You have reports/conclusions that 5G uses up to 300 GHz?
I also asked what is scalar wave, not what is 5G or a gadget name. Pple who mentioned it to me had a foggy idea.
EMFs emit electromagnetic waves and accompanying torsion fields (TFs) that are particles carrying information. They reach several times further than the EMF, but have the prevalent effect on life. Dr. Wojtkowiak discovered TFs 30 yrs ago whule observing EMF eggects on a bio-sample. When she accidentally screened the EMF coming from a coil, the effect still occured. .


kaal - Dec 22, 2023


hi. and good night!


Margie Chism - Dec 20, 2023

Margie Chism

1:45:00 ■ Dr Ardis goes over the century and moneies that diseases have not been cured; he suggest to leave them/stop funding. They/investors make money at keeping the people sick. M


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Stop funding -- how? I have compuslory medical plan in Canada whether I use or not. Gates makes zillions on serving the bankster agenda, and so on. Pettier "investors" don't even understand the evil they invest in.. How would you convince them?


Nostradamus X - Dec 20, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

"Imagine a world where microscopic robots, no larger than a speck of dust, navigate our bloodstream, diagnosing diseases before they manifest and delivering precise treatments to affected cells. This isn’t the plot of a sci-fi movie—it’s the transformative promise of nanobots in medicine. As the nanotechnology market, valued at $10.63 billion in 2022, is projected to soar to $31.40 billion by 2030, the nanobots market growth is undeniable. But why should this matter to you? The United Nations paints a grim picture: by 2030, over five billion people could lack access to essential healthcare services. Nanobots might just be the breakthrough we need, bridging the gap between advanced MedTech and global health needs. "
– Andrew Burak, CEO Relevant
The Promise and Challenges of Using Nanobots in Medicine:


Brent Carlson - Dec 20, 2023

Nostradamus X

Who controls these nano robots (particles). Do they jump into your brain and you are then controlled by the AI computer the nano robots are connected to. What could possibly go wrong? My God people are stupid. God made us in his likeness. To destroy that is satanic


Nostradamus X - Dec 20, 2023

Nostradamus X

The quackcine manufacturers do.
When I started posting about nanoparticles in the quackcines in 2021, many online doctors thought that I was delusional!
Find below the Mac Address of somebody from New Zealand that I got in 2021 after sending him the instructions on how to detect it if he had been quackcinated:
“Pfizer borg 00:00:5e:00:53:af”
You can see from the address that he got injected with a Pfizer bioweapon.


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

..and is a cyborg, almost.


Bee Gee - Dec 20, 2023

Bee Gee

You do know anyone can change the name of the bluetooth on their phone, right?
He was pranking you, the vaxxed MAC IDs do not say pfizer borg.


Brent Carlson - Dec 20, 2023

Bee Gee

How do you test if someone has been vaccinated?


Bee Gee - Dec 20, 2023

Bee Gee

It is not a reliable test unless you are in a remote area or big field hundreds of feet from anyone. Even if no bluetooth devices come up in the app and a car drives by, that will throw off your test.
In the city or suburbs there are almost always normal bluetooth devices as well as vaxxed mac IDs around so its unreliable as a diagnostic test, its more of a novelty in my educated opinion.


Patti - Dec 20, 2023


And just how is that done?


Sandy K - Dec 21, 2023

Sandy K

Check out Dr. Len Ber's substack. He wrote a great article explaining how to do that.https://lenbermd.substack.com/p/how-to-detect-if-you-emit-a-mac-address?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2.


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

It may be a matter of time they could be sprayed or added to drink and food as complete units to do the job A to Z. Xenonanobiotech advances new solutions at mind-boggling pace. Are you saying go get them in the reseach institutes and covert labs? Just look at the pics pf the authors in the expert papers -- people like ourselves.


Webe1 - Dec 31, 2023


A fully automated workforce eliminates a lot of useless eaters prior to removing useful eaters. There’s a glimmer of truth in Follywood’s ( see 👁️‍🗨️ A creation) movies…”Terminator” comes to mind.


Dennis K McGee - Dec 20, 2023

Dennis K McGee

might just be... right. duh. hell. shoot 'em up with it in ignorance. time will tell.


Nostradamus X - Dec 20, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

“Smart Vaccination”
“Powered by nanorobotics, smart vaccination can boost the human immune system. Take, for example, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, which employs iron nanoparticles to transport RNA molecules into our bodies. These nanoparticles target only our white blood cells. Once there, the cells produce proteins mimicking the coronavirus’ spikes, enabling them to recognize and neutralize the virus more effectively.
Thus, nanobot in medicine application equips our immune system to combat virus mutations more effectively, providing a level of protection that traditional vaccines can’t match. Integrating nanotechnology into vaccination protocols could mark a paradigm shift in public health, offering more robust and long-lasting immunity.”
– Andrew Burak, CEO Relevant


Patti - Dec 20, 2023


He’s a psychopath!


Gina Matthews - Dec 20, 2023 - Edited

Gina Matthews

We would not even need this technology if these Kahazar terrorists hadnt destroyed our human DNA especially over the past 5 decades with all the toxic so-called "vaccines" (and their BS virus "germ theory" that vaccines ride off), pharmaceuticals, GMO, toxins in cosmetics and foods, radiation.
Perhaps the removal of these corrupt corporations and hence the removal of the toxins intentionally being released into our environment and food etc., and we would not even need this nano tech. Sounds impressive this "write-up". Their bio-weaponized tech always does. But, our bodies were originally designed to be self healing and I for one would not trust that anything put into my body would be doing what they say it is with their proven track record full of lies, deceit, GMO, toxins, population control, and silencing of those who try expose them. I would rather accept my fate than be poisoned by these bastards with any so called "cures" and die Pure-blooded and as bot-free as possible.
With my Free Spirit intact and not controlled by the soul trapping demons.


Nostradamus X - Dec 20, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

Even talking about "cure" is a lie. Allopathic medicine is not supposed to cure anybody - it's supposed to make the symptoms go away so that you can keep coming back.
If you need "cure", take care of yourself or enlist the help of an ortho molecular MD ( no insurance allowed - you pay cash!!! )....
 JFK - 1963: Unveiled Ruthless Conspiracy


Gina Matthews - Dec 20, 2023 - Edited

Gina Matthews

Im studying herbal remedies just doing my own online researching, and making my own tinctures and oils since herbals help to enhance and boost the bodies natural abilities, not destroy it or rape it like their synthetic poisons that your body struggles to absorb, leaving toxins, hence why there is so much damage done with long term usage. Im enjoying foraging in my garden where Ive let it grow a little wild and learning the properties of what "weeds" come up. Drying and making remedies with them. I make my own saline solution and I have HP and MMS if needed. I will never visit another "doctor" again since the majority believe the bs germ theory that pushes the virus narrative that pushes their "vaccines" which have always been bio-weapons to poison us. Look at MMR alone, thats caused so much autism. Disgusting that big pharma can get away with what they have done for decades all based on pseudo-science to push their poisons. Just watched Baileys End of Virology part 2. X


Nostradamus X - Dec 20, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

If you look back at the discussions between Bechamp and Pasteur, you'll understand the type of corruption the system is built upon. For Bechamp, the environment was the problem, not the invader. Detoxify the environment (your body), reinforce your immune system and no invaders will be able o attack you. As simple as that!
Bechamp was ignored and Pasteur became the hero of the harmaceutical industry.
“Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.”
-- Hippocrates, 400BC


Sandy K - Dec 21, 2023

Sandy K

I am glad you've enjoyed the writings of Bechampe and Pasteur! My 'trained science" brain exploded over ten years ago when I realized how much we've been hoodwinked by the medical cartel. Peter Gotzsche's book was the next eye-opener, although I have never trusted doctors, I did not realize the extent of the criminal activities (https://www.routledge.com/Deadly-Medicines-and-Organised-Crime-How-Big-Pharma-Has-Corrupted-Healthcare/Gotzsche/p/book/9781846198847). I often wonder if Herr Pfauci is Pasteur reincarnated as they are both arrogant, narcissistic, lying cheats, IMHO. Read Kennedy's book on "The Real Anthony Pfauci" to learn the extend of the man's depravity. It wasn't just beagle puppies he tortured.


Gina Matthews - Dec 21, 2023

Gina Matthews

I am aware through reading various truthers' articles that Pasteur was a globalist FRAUD to push their bogus narratives. I will go back and read that discussion, thank you for making me aware of it X


Nostradamus X - Dec 20, 2023

Nostradamus X

"By 2030, Smartphones Will Not Exist, Technology ‘Built Directly Into Our Bodies’"
--- Pekka Lundmark, Nokia CEO, Davos 2022.


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

"equips our immune system" --not his for sure


Brent Carlson - Dec 20, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

What’s the downside? How many people have died or have cancer or heart attack etc from the vaccines? Man is way too stupid to be playing with Gods creation


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Impress it into the psychos, good luck. They believe humans who believe in God other than their "god", are cockroaches unworthy of crashing with their own precious feet, and spraying and jabbing by other useless eaters is in order. The pinnacle of supremacy and chauvinism, and hyperracism in the perverted, extremely prejudice sense they infuse into the term.


Margie Chism - Dec 20, 2023

Margie Chism

Free 5 hours remaining
Episode 2, "...Red Handed..." ■ Trans splicing, the real reason why two shots, what is it and how it works; when it was discovered.
2nd Video (one in the middle)
16:00 time on video


Margie Chism - Dec 20, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Shared eMail
Berkey Customers ■ EPA Stop Order – Why we are out of Stock:
New Millennium Concepts, Ltd. (NMCL) is the manufacturer of the Berkey water filter- a line of gravity-fed water filtration and purification products.
Recently they have been put under a Stop Sale or Removal Order (SSURO) by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) preventing any sales of Berkey water filter system products.
EPA Stop Order PDF
The reason for the stop sale order alleges that “Berkey water filter systems were unregistered, misbranded pesticides,” according to an EPA Inspector. According to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), “a pesticide is any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest, or intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant, or any nitrogen stabilizer.”
Due to claims that Berkey treats living microorganisms like bacteria, a pest, this water filter should be, per FIFRA definition, categorized as a pesticide or pesticide device. If water filter companies make this claim, they should be NSF certified. Water treatment products that are certified as NSF/ANSI standard 53 water filters receive this certification for their ability to reduce or remove harmful contaminants in unfiltered water that are known to cause adverse health effects.
NMCL filed a lawsuit, suing for violations of the Administrative Procedures Act and due process involving Berkey water filters. The case requested an injunction and a restraining order against the EPA. The case was dismissed for “want of subject matter jurisdiction.”
Berkey filed an appeal and is now tied up in the judicial system that might take months or years to settle.
Who we are:
We are Berkey’s largest dealer online, but we are also the largest dealer for British Berkefeld.
Berkefeld Brand owned by Doulton® is proud to have been a pioneer in providing families with access to clean drinking water since 1826. Using 100% natural materials, our ceramic water filters improve the look, odor and taste of tap water by filtering out 99.99% plus of contaminants, filtering out bacteria, cysts and particles while keeping in all of the healthy minerals.
Berkefeld filters are NSF Certified with the guidance of the EPA.
In 1998 Berkey® signed a distribution partnership with a British Berkefeld. The name “Berkey” originated from the Berkefeld brand. Berkefeld filters built Berkey’s foundation and reputation. After a few years of success with British Berkefeld Water filters, Berkey created their own Black Berkey Purification Elements that you know of today.
All Berkey dealers still sell British Berkefeld filters and New Millennium Concepts original site is still up atbritishberkefeld.com.
Current solution until Berkey gets gets a resolution:
NSF Certfied Ultra Sterasyl – Berkey Alternative Filter. These will fit in all Berkey Systems and do not require priming.
Ultra Fluoride - All-in-one filter that will remove fluoride. This filter eliminates the need for PF-2 filters that sit in the bottom chamber.
Contact information for British Berkefeld
Toll Free: (800) 244-9864


Bee Gee - Dec 20, 2023 - Edited

Bee Gee

Berkeys suck anyway, they charge way too much for a crap filter technology from 1930.
Get a Zerowater pitcher, better in every way than a crap berkey except they dont have a crap ceramic filter that doesnt filter your water for 3 years.
Zerowater makes the best water filter for the money Hands Down.


Margie Chism - Dec 20, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

BG - I just heard/read why I would not buy a zero; perhaps it is shopping for what you want or need. ■ I cannot find article, but this is my first search below. Last reply. M
Is Zero Water Healthy? (What You Need to Know in 2023


Sandy K - Dec 21, 2023

Sandy K

Mike Adams did the water filter thing a while back (last year?) Anyway, he claims Zero Water (charcoal filters) eliminates everything harmful. I am pleased with mine.


Margie Chism - Dec 21, 2023

Margie Chism

Sandy - I also remember his review on Berkey. ■ The link above provided the test comparisons on filters. M


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Mike Adam's outfit sells "health" stuff. I'm careful with this combination.


Bee Gee - Dec 20, 2023

Bee Gee

Dont believe clickbait farm articles. They always try to use that 'it takes the good minerals out' line to cover for crap filters that dont actually remove almost everything from the water, like Zerowater does.
There is no better filter for the money, assuming you want a water filter that actually filters water.
You dont need magic added minerals in your water, because you are human and eat food.
If anyone has found a filter that removes more for less money and is more widely available, let me know but I havent found it.


Charlie - Dec 20, 2023

Think about this: Anything that can’t be isolated, seen by the naked eye and thought/perceived is prime for mind control manipulation.
All that is needed is the manifesting the belief real or not and a consensus is formed.
This is the first battle front!
Once overcome, sigh, then the mind can ponder the evidence.
This is a daunting task.
Case in point. I’m in need of invasive dental work. Trying to find a dentist that even wants to hear about nano poison in a
Pain inhibitor blows my mind. No interest.
Like I’m from another bio world.
I am hear to tell we are ultra fringe and even people that might have an interest in the poisonous numbing agent being administered DoNot Give A Fuck about this subject.
Reality is telling me we are in for a wild ride(the big ugly leading to hyper novelty)!!!
Life will be altered.
Officially don’t care as I just plotting my own course to avoid the rampant harm we will observe.
Go ahead and call me whatever you want.
Reality is a new level of being awake these days.
They have already achieved their goal.
Complete ignorance and manifestation of the nano technology in our bodies.
Accept that! Yeah!
Now What? Preach to the chorus of awareness and awaken .000001 percentages. To late folks.
This is our destiny...


Charlie - Dec 20, 2023

Actual investigation of reality is what I’m doing. To anybody that isn’t doing it your opinion is invalid. Just computer screen fantasies of hope and change abounds in the manipulation of truthers to believe as a cult we will prevail when overwhelming evidence suggests otherwise.
Reality does suck.
Acceptance allows an actionable alternative.
Get ahead of the curve is all I can say...


Thomas Lewis - Dec 20, 2023

Useless Liberal

For Sale:
If You Are UnVaxxed It Is Free.
If You Are Chronically Vaccinated …
You Will Pay With Your Life.
- What’s Left Of It.


Margie Chism - Dec 20, 2023

Margie Chism

You can only give what you have ■ and if you do not have you can not give. But those that have and lie, they drop to their death as Ananias and his wife, Sapphira in the Book of Acts Chapter 5. The last chapter in the Book of Revelation 22:15 addresses their judgment. M
■15For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. KJV, blueletterbible


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 20, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

Thank you for posting this. I'll share our safety standards for working with carbon based nanomaterials. The quick summary is a clean room environment, full body suit, facemask and long term objective to have an ion based charge filtration system for + and - just like the N95 masks have (cause small scale particles pass through the facemasks, it is the charge layered + / - that charges a particle and then sticks it that makes the N95 particulate mask work at very small particulate sizes (a fact that should be better marketed by 3M and company). I avoid KN-95, those are made in ChinaCCP.


Bee Gee - Dec 20, 2023

Bee Gee

Can you confirm nanoparticulate sticks to a charge based filter? I am debating charged or ULPA, but I will probably just go with both.
Also if people are going to use gas masks or respirators and filters, get P3 rated filter cartridges like the ones from Mira.
Those (or EU equivalent) are what they use in BSL-3 labs and unless you are going to waste your CBN filters, they are as good as you can get for casual use.


boris - Dec 23, 2023


But, the MAC address keeps changing all the time.


wmfinch - Dec 22, 2023

What's scary is "crisper" it's payload means generations from now people will be born without eyes or something horrible! I never had children and I'm almost 60; thank goodness I found Catherism a long time ago -and that drove me never to have children- there's no sense in it if you're a lover of Mammon and refuse to abide by John 12:25, would you would you still want to have children considering crisper, yikes!?


John - Dec 22, 2023


I am posting here because A Midwestern Doctor requires a subscription to read a full post and comment.
I figure this is as likely a Stack as any to reach his fans.
He keeps pushing V for Vendetta as a must see film illuminating our current situation.
But he makes no mention of the original novel.
The original novel is available on Scribed as a free PDF; the Comic Book series is available as a free download from Internet Archive.
Just thought some of you might like to know about this, in addition to the film.


Anita Söderman - Dec 21, 2023

Anita’s Substack

Enormously valuable report as it contains many a good argument against big pharma, to be found in previous legislation not adhered to. Thanks but what took you so long? There may even be some ground for immediate prosecutions?


johnycomelately - Dec 21, 2023

Can one assume that no nitrogen was found in testing because the mRNA payload was encapsulated? Does the bilayer have to dock to release the mRNA?


Crosby Guy - Dec 21, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Were fighting the infested hive, a global mindset. This is the challenge and it's becoming known. If we have a chance it's that we continue publishing and referring it to others wisely. Provoking an inquiry. Apathy will not last, people find a way out, sometimes it over the top.


Piotr Bein - Dec 22, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

If somehow the "top infestors" could be stopped/restrained first, would a new cabal arise from the worldwide "hive"?



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