Vera Sharav - 75th Anniversary of Nuremberg Code

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 22, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Many have shared this important talk and I think it needs to be shared over and over and be seen by every human being on this planet.

I have heard Vera speak at Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics, and her profound wisdom and experience is an important voice in this fight. I am sharing her speech at Nuremberg, because her message is one of the most important historic reminders of how close we are today to Nazi Germany.

I grew up in Germany and in high school studied Nazi history over and over again. It was drilled into us, as a warning that could never repeat itself. I have visited Dachau, the concentration camp and it’s haunting halls made me nauseous even from afar.

I have no doubt that the C19 shots are our modern holocaust, which will cost more human lives than WW2. The implementation of Agenda 2030 is rapidly accelerating. Many people stand on the sidelines and do nothing. They just say - “wake me up when this is over”. Their inaction contributes to the rapid, insidious progression of the globalist agenda. The globalists are not apathic, but highly motivated by their ambition for world dominance, just like the Nazi’s were then. Many Nazi’s were brought to the United States and infiltrated all levels of the military industrial complex, and their agenda is alive and well today.

This is our planet earth. What can you do today to prevent a holocaust and total enslavement of the human race? Together we can make a difference and create a new future.

Vera Sharav, holocaust survivor and founder of Alliance for Human Research Protection,, spoke in person at a large rally in Nuremberg Germany on the 75th Anniversary of the signing of the Nuremberg Code. She talked about parallels between the Jews and those who refused to take the C-19 so-called vaccine, eugenics, Nazi violation of the 1931 German Ministry of the Interior Guidelines for Human Experimentation, which were in effect throughout Hitler's reign, which stated "Unambiguous informed consent is mandatory". She also talked about world government, transhumanism, total surveillance society, cashless society, and massive population reduction - genocide.

Please watch her wonderful speech here:

Vera Sharav

This is a great reminder - its time for all of us to fight.

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Bronc Buster Self-Healing - Nov 11 - Edited

Bronc Buster Self-Healing

I am a Nazi Baby Laboratory Rat Holocaust and an American Teenage Slave Survivor.

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