I've been tracking chemtrails primarily using the GOES 18 satellite, but others as well. My last 4 posts have been about this topic. The PNW is far and away the most heavily chemtrailed region of the US. I would not want to be living there.
My latest post detais how the chemtrials are laid down, who is doing it, who is making the stuff and what the stuff is.
Hello Kyle Young: Thank you for your efforts at educating the public toward what the public *chooses* to ignore... As you know, weather control and geoengineering programs have been ongoing for over 70 years. The public continues to swill down cola products and genetically altered phoods. I wonder why people are debilitated and falling over? Gee!
There are a number of American States attempting to *ban* weather control (geoengineering) activities. Several European countries are also discussing partial or complete bans on the poisoning of Earth’s atmosphere. The discussions are about 70 years too late. >>>
Americans For A Clean Atmosphere >>>https://americans4acleanatmosphere.com/
I live in the Southern West Coast of Canada, just above PNW of the U.S. I have been increasingly suspicious of the constant planes overhead in the last year. This is far in excess of what used to be typical. I am NOT on a flight route. Multiple times per day I hear planes overhead, including through the night. Why!? Chemtrails is what I am suspecting.
oh goody! Ugh! I did make a point of watching for chemtrails today and couldn't see any. Perhaps it was already too overcast to see them? Our weather has been extremely cool and overcast. We haven't got over 20 C yet (68 F).
It seems like nano-technology is everywhere - in our food, in our hair care products, in our commonly injected pharmaceuticals, and in our air. Is all nano-technology evil nanobots, or are there any beneficial applications of nano-technology. Should nano-tech be banned?
I have been using the Med Five tabs twice daily for about 4 weeks. Initially I was very sleepy for about a week as the toxic substances in my body were releasing. Then I felt very healthy and "light" in my body internally, like a "load" was gone. I feel happier and lighter and will continue to take this formula. Thank you Dr Ana for making this available to us, so grateful!! xo
Per Anna's Med 5 Life System (https://medfive.com/order-medfive-system-anamariamihalceamdphd-patients.html)
"Because oral EDTA is poorly absorbed (only 2 – 4 % of an ingested dose getting into the blood stream) we wanted our tablet to be “targeted” to dissolve in the small intestine...Our patented enteric coated tablet accomplished this...."
Make that every living creature on the earth, as well as plants, which absorb them from the soil. So we are ingesting these nano-demons even in our fresh garden foods 😥... God help us
Yes, but how would one ascertain that the soils you were putting in that greenhouse were clean? Plus a greenhouse must be ventilated in hot weather, so there you go - you're pulling in outside air loaded with geoengineering junk. Gotta say, I don't see any solution, until someone invents a way to test soils for all these many, many contaminants (I also don't believe there's any such thing as uncontaminated soil any more) - or comes up with a way to deactivate everything, and/or a way to filter nano particles from the air.
Yes, I think that's the best we can do for now. And homegrown is always far better than storebought anyway, regardless of the issues at hand. Best of luck to you!
To your question, mode of ingestion would be both aerosols and food sources (plant/insect/animal), which are all contaminated from decades of geoengineering.
I also respectfully offer that 'malicious stupidity', although both real and common, is not the issue with these psychopaths. Quite the opposite, they are criminally insane AND highly intelligent. They understand the human psyche better than we do, and could never have been more effective at using it against us. There is nothing accidental or genetic about their maliciousness, it has all been meticulously planned for decades. We "normal" humans are taking up space and resources, and our God-given rights are getting in the way of their one-world control fettish. So, for the most part, we must be eliminated - and the remnant converted to cyborgs.
"Bambi" needs to be rewritten to make toxic geoengineering the shameful culling culprit, instead of the off-the-grid homesteading hunter. His mother dies from man-caused poisoned leaves, but Bambi manages to find an herbal remedy in the forest for the nanometal and synthetic biological toxicity in animals' food and drink to save the rest of his deer friends.
The salvo was likely a combo of dandelion, nettle, and the bark of the EDTA. tree.
Of course, this is no joke. They're toxifying Bambi and his mother, all of the animals and their offspring, and our children and us. The source of many of our remedies, plants, are also being compromised to the point of death.
And Med5 will save us? All things considered (food, water, air contaminated) I have my doubts. And the cost is kinda high.
$90 per month for one person (sale price!), so double that for spouse. Average income people (or retired) are at a bit of a disadvantage, no?
Sorry, don't know what you're on about. The deer weren't endorsing any products, just trying to cope with what they thought helped.
I made it all up. This existential situation we find ourselves in is beyond absurd, but try to keep your cool. We can't help each other, or can we?
I take nothing to detox., because I can't even trust commercial products. So, maybe I'm doomed, but good luck to you and Bambi and kin.
I was responding to Melissa Frost's post about taking Med5. I think I wasn't signed in at the time and had to leave the page to do so.
Anyways, my apologies to you as it wasn't intended for your post. Regards!
No problem, just didn't want anyone to think I was endorsing products.
Over the last several years I did buy a lot of supplements to have in reserve, but am increasingly concerned that most of them have the new offending technology in them.
A wonderful business or organization model would be for either the strict monitoring or manufacture of specific remedial products for the growing numbers of us wanting to protect our health and home from bio-weapon geo-engineering and injections/pills, spiked food and water.
As to expense, am not sure how costs could be kept down, maybe via a non-profit membership set-up. Also, trust is always a sticking point. We'd need another group to monitor the monitors... to be sure they actually human and not lizards...
I have thrown out a lot of supplements in the past year mainly because of ingredients like silica, titanium dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate. I now buy from Bulk Supplements on eBay as they are additive free.
But, buying less and with fingers crossed!
Yes, the additives in supplements!
But what else might be hidden and not explicitly put on labels, such as nanotech and polymer-laden processing water and other ingredients?
I realize we can seek more purity and goodness in our products than within ourselves, and that this is where the real reckoning lies for our individual and collective health. But still, shouldn't truth be scalable, both granular and big?
I truly believe this stuff is why Jesus said that if these days weren't cut short there'd be no one left alive or no one to save! Matthew 24:22 Eventually it will kill off all of God's creation.
So they haven't injected them yet😤? I stopped eating pork and my favorite yummy bacon about a year ago. I ain't gonna ever start eating these fuckin' luciferian talmudic jews bugs! Never!
Alexandra - Jun 25
Alexandra’s Substack
Thank you Dr. Ana for not giving up on us. xo
Kyle Young - Jun 25 - Edited
the secular heretic
I've been tracking chemtrails primarily using the GOES 18 satellite, but others as well. My last 4 posts have been about this topic. The PNW is far and away the most heavily chemtrailed region of the US. I would not want to be living there.
My latest post detais how the chemtrials are laid down, who is doing it, who is making the stuff and what the stuff is.
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 25
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Kyle Young: Thank you for your efforts at educating the public toward what the public *chooses* to ignore... As you know, weather control and geoengineering programs have been ongoing for over 70 years. The public continues to swill down cola products and genetically altered phoods. I wonder why people are debilitated and falling over? Gee!
There are a number of American States attempting to *ban* weather control (geoengineering) activities. Several European countries are also discussing partial or complete bans on the poisoning of Earth’s atmosphere. The discussions are about 70 years too late. >>>
Americans For A Clean Atmosphere >>>https://americans4acleanatmosphere.com/
Kyle Young - Jun 25
the secular heretic
Thanks. Just perused the site. Is amercans4acleanatmospere the same as zero geoengineering?
I just sent a query via the contact.
Helen - Jun 25 - Edited
I live in the Southern West Coast of Canada, just above PNW of the U.S. I have been increasingly suspicious of the constant planes overhead in the last year. This is far in excess of what used to be typical. I am NOT on a flight route. Multiple times per day I hear planes overhead, including through the night. Why!? Chemtrails is what I am suspecting.
Kyle Young - Jun 25 - Edited
the secular heretic
According to the satellite images I study, I suspect you are right.
Helen - Jun 26 - Edited
oh goody! Ugh! I did make a point of watching for chemtrails today and couldn't see any. Perhaps it was already too overcast to see them? Our weather has been extremely cool and overcast. We haven't got over 20 C yet (68 F).
Kyle Young - Jun 26
the secular heretic
Yes, they are often laid down within clouds to obscure them.
JimG - Jun 25
the secular heretic
It seems like nano-technology is everywhere - in our food, in our hair care products, in our commonly injected pharmaceuticals, and in our air. Is all nano-technology evil nanobots, or are there any beneficial applications of nano-technology. Should nano-tech be banned?
Kyle Young - Jun 25
the secular heretic
To add insult to injury, as of right now, most of it is unregulated.
YES! It should be banned!
JimG - Jun 25
the secular heretic
Kyle Young - Jun 25
the secular heretic
We can add all vaxx's to that list, EMF's (including weaponized ones), as well as all of the 3 letter agencies responsible for their existence.
Helen - Jun 26
Yes to banning, particularly because most of it is completely without individual consent. It is an assault on humanity!
Kyle Young - Jun 25 - Edited
the secular heretic
Comment removed.
Kyle Young - Jun 25
the secular heretic
Sadly, that's an excellent distillation of the problem.
Melissa Frost - Jun 25
I have been using the Med Five tabs twice daily for about 4 weeks. Initially I was very sleepy for about a week as the toxic substances in my body were releasing. Then I felt very healthy and "light" in my body internally, like a "load" was gone. I feel happier and lighter and will continue to take this formula. Thank you Dr Ana for making this available to us, so grateful!! xo
JulesUSA - Jun 25
Thank you for sharing that!
FreeLilBird - Jun 25
Thank you, Dr. Ana, for the indescribably important work you are doing, that is so desperately needed. God bless you 🙏❤.
E.C. - Jun 25
This is heartbreaking, disgusting AND MORE!!! We live in the Pacific Northwest and are hunters. This has affected ALL of God's creation. 😢
Rob - Jun 25
Is EDTA orally administered as effective?
Bellheezy - Jun 25
Per Anna's Med 5 Life System (https://medfive.com/order-medfive-system-anamariamihalceamdphd-patients.html)
"Because oral EDTA is poorly absorbed (only 2 – 4 % of an ingested dose getting into the blood stream) we wanted our tablet to be “targeted” to dissolve in the small intestine...Our patented enteric coated tablet accomplished this...."
JulesUSA - Jun 25
There is also a cream...
Rob - Jun 25
Tastes terrible
Lisa Rene - Jun 25
Lisa Rene
This is going to be a HUGE issue, if Montana's Hunters find out.
I intend to make them start noticing.
Rosalind McGill - Jun 25
Rosalind McGill
Thanks Dr Ana. I’ve had morgellons, now I’m sensitive to shedding.
Don’t despair, people. God knows we did not consent to this (I did not!)
rehari - Jun 25
Blessings and love Dr Anna.
E.C. - Jun 25
As always, thank you Dr A.M.🌹
Susan Hojdik - Jun 25 - Edited
Susan Hojdik
Yes, Anna. They most likely have infected all the game animals
FreeLilBird - Jun 25
Make that every living creature on the earth, as well as plants, which absorb them from the soil. So we are ingesting these nano-demons even in our fresh garden foods 😥... God help us
JulesUSA - Jun 25
FreeLilBird - Jun 27
Yes, but how would one ascertain that the soils you were putting in that greenhouse were clean? Plus a greenhouse must be ventilated in hot weather, so there you go - you're pulling in outside air loaded with geoengineering junk. Gotta say, I don't see any solution, until someone invents a way to test soils for all these many, many contaminants (I also don't believe there's any such thing as uncontaminated soil any more) - or comes up with a way to deactivate everything, and/or a way to filter nano particles from the air.
JulesUSA - Jul 2
I think I'm still going to go with greenhouse grown, when possible. You do have good points though.
FreeLilBird - Jul 2
Yes, I think that's the best we can do for now. And homegrown is always far better than storebought anyway, regardless of the issues at hand. Best of luck to you!
FreeLilBird - Jun 25 - Edited
Comment removed.
FreeLilBird - Jun 27 - Edited
To your question, mode of ingestion would be both aerosols and food sources (plant/insect/animal), which are all contaminated from decades of geoengineering.
I also respectfully offer that 'malicious stupidity', although both real and common, is not the issue with these psychopaths. Quite the opposite, they are criminally insane AND highly intelligent. They understand the human psyche better than we do, and could never have been more effective at using it against us. There is nothing accidental or genetic about their maliciousness, it has all been meticulously planned for decades. We "normal" humans are taking up space and resources, and our God-given rights are getting in the way of their one-world control fettish. So, for the most part, we must be eliminated - and the remnant converted to cyborgs.
Miss Parker - Jun 25
Miss’s Substack
"Bambi" needs to be rewritten to make toxic geoengineering the shameful culling culprit, instead of the off-the-grid homesteading hunter. His mother dies from man-caused poisoned leaves, but Bambi manages to find an herbal remedy in the forest for the nanometal and synthetic biological toxicity in animals' food and drink to save the rest of his deer friends.
The salvo was likely a combo of dandelion, nettle, and the bark of the EDTA. tree.
Of course, this is no joke. They're toxifying Bambi and his mother, all of the animals and their offspring, and our children and us. The source of many of our remedies, plants, are also being compromised to the point of death.
crapshoot farmer - Jun 25
crapshoot farmer
And Med5 will save us? All things considered (food, water, air contaminated) I have my doubts. And the cost is kinda high.
$90 per month for one person (sale price!), so double that for spouse. Average income people (or retired) are at a bit of a disadvantage, no?
Miss Parker - Jun 25
Miss’s Substack
Sorry, don't know what you're on about. The deer weren't endorsing any products, just trying to cope with what they thought helped.
I made it all up. This existential situation we find ourselves in is beyond absurd, but try to keep your cool. We can't help each other, or can we?
I take nothing to detox., because I can't even trust commercial products. So, maybe I'm doomed, but good luck to you and Bambi and kin.
crapshoot farmer - Jun 25
crapshoot farmer
I was responding to Melissa Frost's post about taking Med5. I think I wasn't signed in at the time and had to leave the page to do so.
Anyways, my apologies to you as it wasn't intended for your post. Regards!
Miss Parker - Jun 25
Miss’s Substack
No problem, just didn't want anyone to think I was endorsing products.
Over the last several years I did buy a lot of supplements to have in reserve, but am increasingly concerned that most of them have the new offending technology in them.
A wonderful business or organization model would be for either the strict monitoring or manufacture of specific remedial products for the growing numbers of us wanting to protect our health and home from bio-weapon geo-engineering and injections/pills, spiked food and water.
As to expense, am not sure how costs could be kept down, maybe via a non-profit membership set-up. Also, trust is always a sticking point. We'd need another group to monitor the monitors... to be sure they actually human and not lizards...
crapshoot farmer - Jun 25
crapshoot farmer
I have thrown out a lot of supplements in the past year mainly because of ingredients like silica, titanium dioxide, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate. I now buy from Bulk Supplements on eBay as they are additive free.
But, buying less and with fingers crossed!
Miss Parker - Jun 25
Miss’s Substack
Yes, the additives in supplements!
But what else might be hidden and not explicitly put on labels, such as nanotech and polymer-laden processing water and other ingredients?
I realize we can seek more purity and goodness in our products than within ourselves, and that this is where the real reckoning lies for our individual and collective health. But still, shouldn't truth be scalable, both granular and big?
E.C. - Jun 25
This is heartbreaking, disgusting AND MORE!!! We live in the Pacific Northwest and are hunters. This has affected ALL of God's creation. 😢
Johnny Storm - Jun 25
Johnny’s Substack
I truly believe this stuff is why Jesus said that if these days weren't cut short there'd be no one left alive or no one to save! Matthew 24:22 Eventually it will kill off all of God's creation.
John Roberts - Jun 25
John Roberts
I have been thinking exactly the same thing.
I believe we are truly in the last days. The signs are everywhere.
JulesUSA - Jun 25
And yet people say they're "contrails".
Merrick - Jun 25 - Edited
Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…
So they haven't injected them yet😤? I stopped eating pork and my favorite yummy bacon about a year ago. I ain't gonna ever start eating these fuckin' luciferian talmudic jews bugs! Never!
Claudia - Jun 25
Thank you for continuing to keep us informed … with certifiable proofs.
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