I’m no doctor or medical professional, but did autism, SIDS, SADS, etc peanut allergies and so forth exist 150-200 years ago? My question has always been, when did these disorders magically appear? It’s my lay opinion that it’s been a direct result of the vaccines and the horrific side effects that have decimated our lives and health
As the covid whyrusses did not tolerate competition ,they killed off the cold and flu whyrusses ,something all medicines could not accomplish in the last 5000 years .
RFK Jr. has excellent interviews with Dr Robert Malone and Tucker Carlson that give concrete timing for these conditions post pharma non-liability act. See Barbara Lowe Fischer with Jan Jekielek on Epoch Times. Outstanding.
There is no SIDS.
99% of 'SIDS deaths' occur within 14 days of a childhood 'vaccination', but they never ever tell the parents they just murdered your sweet little baby with their own two hands for a $36 'well baby' vaxx-visit fee.
Absolutely! Just as 'Turtles All The Way Down' proves because there never were any proper RCT aka randomized control trials to begin with for any vaccine ever. Even with so called safe polio vaccines in 50s/60s.
allergies you mention relate to older vax contents, happened i believe with gelatin in Japan, maybe sesame elsewhere, so they go with something non-organic hoping one supposes for less anaphylaxis, such as seemed mentioned in the interview re instant reaction death, so re PEG i recall it was reported as happening with that as well before covimania
autism is undoubtedly primarily an e-pollution matter,as eg 1st began in big way in hi tech zones , so many signs point to that, altho' trigger to going over the top with such suffering may be in some cases involving vax reactions
dunno about SIDS but one should look into vax relation and use of eg wireless baby monitors
that and so much more re "diseases of civilization" that began to be noticed from mass electrification in 19th c (have a good read of A Firstenberg's Invisible Rainbow, e.g) - one of the pillars of modernity and its affluence, greatly enabling greatly disabling but attached to as if unassailable by most - senility of affluence
The total death toll worldwide is much higher there was a app that tracked every newspaper obituary worldwide., everytime a obituary said person died suddenly or unexpectedly it was recorded. That number for 2021-2023 was almost a billion. Now add in turbo cancer and its around 1.25 billion worldwide. Dr. Robert Young tracked and reported this
All the sickness and death in the last four years was not on account of the mighty COVID .It was and still is because of the mistreatment or no treatment of flu or cold ,that was always with us during the winters of the past . Ask nurses or doctors fired for not murdering flu patients in hospitals when admitted with a flu . It was and may still be treatment with sedation isolation ,remdesivir ,ventilators and prison like conditions ,that killed patients not the mysterious covid . They murdered my brother in six days ,when he entered a hospital with a cold or flu .
Your right on one point hospitals were getting paid to kill people but the flu only kills on average of 75-85,000 people yearly its mostly over 85 years old. Also there was nobody dying of covid because all covid was is the common cold where Dr. Faucci and Dr. Robert barret of NC University. They added a furen cleavage site and glycol protein 120. Which made it respiratory and more contagious. 90% of all who died were killed by the bioweapon covid shot and graphene oxide that was sprayed airborne and is deadly and also from EMF which is from 5 G to 5g cell phones. In 2025 the deaths in America will be close to 80% the CIA Deagle report says this number the only chance anyone has to to detox I teach Dr.Ana's detox and send it to all that ask. I have over 12,000 hours of research
What good is de doxing if we get it all back from shedding and from the many other ways we got it from in the first place ? De doxing does not make us immune to re infection .Does de toxing last a lifetime ?? I say it lasts a few seconds at the most .
So far I did live 88 years and never dedoxt .I never got injected as an adult ,but of course I'm just as contaminated as every one else . What test can you do that proves you are free of contamination after detoxing and for how long . ??
Start the detox and get a D Dimer test while the blood test wont show the nanoparticles because that requires a darkfield microscopy scope magnifying at 4000 x. But the results of the test should be between 1-50 I had 2 D dimer tests done and was 33 and 31. People not detoxing are well into the triple digits. Thats how you know your good
Sir, it sounds like you are pretty much up to date on this mass genocide. I have been suffering with morgellons for over three years now. I am curious about what you know of Dr Ana's detox info. (EDTA and vitamin c) ? Do you have specific numbers of dosing?
Yes the interview is also onRumble.comunder thepatriotangels all one word and you will see my interview of Dr. Ana detox just add Curcumin 500 mgs. Daily
I am sorry to hear that you have lost a loved one due to this madness. It's heartbreaking to know so many have and will suffer at the hands of miserable examples of human beings. How many have to die before we all say enough? It's troubling
Victor, the incidence of autism in the mid 1970's was 1 in 10,000 learned from grad courses in communication disorders. Today I believe it's 1 in 34 (may be higher).....which is outrageous and lends itself to environmental or external causes...
I know Dr. Ana doesn't have time to read comments. I want her to do what she does, it is valuable beyond measure.
If you want to help stop the genocide, please read my articlehttps://johnbphillips.substack.com/p/if-only-la-quinta-columna-knew-about
It concerns La Quinta Columna's conclusions that the high technology in the Covid injections is alien. My research tends to confirm this finding.
Please, please read this articlehttps://johnbphillips.substack.com/p/if-only-la-quinta-columna-knew-about
Aliens did not come from somewhere out in space ,they evolved right here on earth .All wielding power over us are aliens .Non can ever be our friends or salvation ,since they are only dedicated of exterminating us .The evidence is right before our face .
The literature (such as Dolan) suggests that many different types of aliens arrived after we detonated nuclear bombs.
There is evidence for both benevolent and malevolent aliens. Malevolent aliens would trade technology for permission to abduct, like a contract. It is this malevolent presence that must be responsible for technology transfer
Of course, Occams Razor.
Many unvaxxed people in 2021 found that they were magnetic from whatever the vaxxed/infected are shedding. That 'magnetism' could also attract and hold other things that are not ferrous or even metallic, like plastic or wood. So it is more like some kind of telekenesis perhaps, but it sure the hell isnt 'magnetism' as we previously knew it on planet earth. Which is also impossible under our classical understanding of physics.
Not to mention there is no other substances on earth that give 1500 'side' effects when you take it... not ionizing radiation, not radionuclides, not previously known chemical weapon families, Nothing else can cause 1500 different things.
So is it more likely that they created this magic thing that can do all these things outside our former understanding, or that it is Extraterrestrial or at the very least paranormal. Maybe it came from space or maybe they found it in some 12000-year-old ruins or maybe deep in the ocean, who knows.
But I think the most likely scenario is they found some 'alien' protein that likely killed the host immediately, and crispr-grafted human diseases on it until the host did not immediately die, since SARS-COV2 is obviously not intended to kill large numbers of people... or it would have.
It is also not as highly infectious as they say though, or they would not need to to be actively spreading it in the grocery stores since late 2019, it would spread itself.
Yet no one ever questions anymore how all these supposed 'variants' suddenly pop up in every geographic region at the same time, as though thats just the natural course of viral mutation. Duh, they spread the update.
People dont watch or observe anything anymore though, even when it is happening over and over again, right in front of their face.
Like someone wearing a mask in the meat department of the grocery store picking up packages of meat and putting them down, over and over and over and over again.
And Over and Over and Over... Not inspecting the meat quality, not reading the price or checking the nutrition label, just picking up and putting down, picking up and putting down. Act like you leave and come back an hour later and they will still be doing it.
And then you look around at your fellow shoppers like "Oh Shit, Do You See This?" and "How Can You NOT See This?"
And No... no they do not... just dumb cow faces everywhere.
Sad but true.
My Chinese Amazon microscope arrived and a filled a slide with some blood from a scar on my leg that will not heal properly. It's an odd scar because I have literally taken my hide off a couple xs in life falling off motorcycles. It always grows back but this one is not right so figured I would see what was going on in it.
The results were awesome and a thing of horror!
Seriously I saw it today with my own eyes and took photos using the cellphone stand provided. They looked just the same as everyone else's I have seen online under a cheap POS scope lol...
For anyone questioning this spend $90 and you can see it with you very own eyes.
Many of the blood cells had nice shape to them and good structure in some areas and on other areas of the slide they were stacked and looked deformed. Maybe the way I applied the sample.
Drop/dabbed and smeared some areas.
I saw the light effect like everyone else gets.
Looked like a star filled night on some photos.
When it dried it was very ugly with fiberous root like structures running between the dried dead cells. Looked like they are frayed hemp rope as an example.
I put a very powerful green laser to this slide sample to see if it would change anything.
Nada diff.
I hit the slide under the scope and the healthy cells that didn't emit light turned green and the others had both blue and green light now.
First day so let's see where this goes.
I am happy with the purchase and a true believer of this horror show I have been reading about and watching on my brain sucker.
Wow. Glad you’re waking up. 🙏 Many of us watched in horror as it unfolded beginning in 2020. No words to describe it really, it felt like I was witnessing Satan himself’s deception and pharmakea sourcery spoken of in Revelation. Truly life changing, and extremely disturbing to say the least. Peace and best wishes.
Some say they have a lien against us. However I stand here with unalienable rights.
It’s a mindset. When you grasp one you grasp the other and you can no longer claim ignorance, of the law. Law is not the US Code or ORS. It is Constitutional.
Unalienable rights, granted by God the creator. As mentioned in our unanimous Declaration of the thirteen untied States of America. Defined in, the Constitutionally correct Dictionary, Bouvier 1856, to the sovereign men and women with our progeny on the land and soil of our de jure jurisdiction. Natural rights. Put that in one hand. That is named the Laws of nature and Nature’s God. That is Law and Equity in Article III the only Court where a man or woman can find remedy against the State, Constitutionally. When found in Amendment VII our Civilian common law Court of record. Lawful. De jure, on Oregon.
In the other hand place the creations of man such as: the de facto, Article I Courts in admiralty operated in United States Courts non Article III courts. Their Federal Judges are Article III, the Courts are not. See Mookini 303 for evidence of hiding Article III and using UCC, USC, UCMJ, 501 C3, IRS, Sub chapter S, ORS. That is named legal. De facto illegal or illegitimate.
Please see Black’s Law page 416. De facto read it all the way down to de jure.
They are two different jurisdictions. Switch hands same deal. You may participate in either or other. But, one at a time. A man and woman with their children can expatriate jurisdictions, law forms and venues. You cannot be legally or lawfully forced to agree to any law form other than de jure original jurisdiction.
Unalienable rights are found in the de jure where men, women, and their children have body, mind, spirit, flesh, blood, soul. These come with responsibilities found in ARTICLE I Section 1 Lawful. Oregon’s Constitution c1859. Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —
If you think you need a million people to get this job done. We think you’re wrong. It takes 5 of us. We used 6 so we had an alternate when we formed our social compact on Oregon. We are now a jury pool of peers of several hundred. Further growth is counterproductive now. It is too expensive to grow larger at this time. So, take our Oregon experience as an example. Five (5) times 33 the number of the lawful, several states circa 1859-1860. Then take 5 times 17 for the de facto federal states in color of law since March 1861. They are lawfully territories and must lawfully metamorphous into one of the several states.
For the lawful delegations from the several states to the Congress assembled, made up of the ARTICLE I Section 1 delegates from each state to be seated they need to be: Jural Assemblies the provisional government on their state, with one task, a single goal. Return to a Constitutional republican form of government in de jure and to Assemble in a Continental Congress. An Electoral College assembled to pick up the de jure The United States of America’s Constitution, in original jurisdiction and as the creator the Confederation and perpetual Union a total of 33 states. Oregon was last. Or a quorum. However, all are equal within the Confederation and perpetual Union styled The United States of America. They also gain the Proprietorship of the unincorporated United States of Washington District of Columbia a de jure jurisdiction. Defined as the government service facilitator with an Army, not Constitutional, a U.S. Navy with USMC and ships, forts, ports, and lawful needful buildings such as Armories. The United States of Washington District of Columbia an unincorporated service company with enumerated responsibilities and prohibitions owns what is left of a 10 mile square plot of ground named Washington District of Columbia. See the map... An Article II Congress to operate it. A Specified Article III and Article I and all of the several states to comply with governing law. Not color of law. To make the laws for their jurisdiction and venue. With Article II Section 8 and 9 enumerated with specific responsibilities and come forth in law not color of law in deception. I like Article IV Section 4 among others.
What we have is Oregon the state. with a de jure ARTICLE I Section 1 provisional government aka Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly. Signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed, proof of service published atwww.orsja.org. Then there are32 states in various and several assemblies, alliances, societies all doing something that does not get the work done.
Example: that written above is for my peace safety and happiness. You must do it yourself, no one can do it for you, all of us cannot do it alone. Each State and Territory Must Assemble. We only need a quorum
The Several States can invite the 17 territories to attend Although Alaska and Hawaii are apart with issues to sort out.
Privileges, United States citizens, titles, acts, statutes, ordinances, mandates, orders are of the de facto jurisdiction that is presently known as a subdivision of the United States with bogus Amendments 13 and 14 and so forth since March 1861. The only reason US citizens exists is for the peace, safety and happiness of the de jure. That is me and you. The de facto has failed. We change the de facto on Oregon for de jure November 2022. We are no longer deceived on Oregon.
If you hire an attorney, an Oregon State Bar Attorney, you self declare that you are incompetent and a ward of the court where your attorney is a member of that court. Read the 12 presumptions in law.(video atwww.orsja.org) Then Athens, Tennessee 1946.
If you are an incorporated entity whomever you incorporated with owns you. A 501 C-3 church reverses the authority from God to the De facto state. If people decide to become persons and do interstate commerce then they become de facto in jurisdiction and are governed by titles, acts, statutes, ordinances, mandate, orders and presumptions et al. Until we eliminate de facto completely.
If you are an unincorporated assembly of people ( a church, a farm, a ranch, a tribe, a clan, a club, PMA) you answer to no de facto as in : City of Portland is a subdivision of the County of Multnomah is a subdivision of the State of Oregon a subdivision of the United States Inc. We have the documentation from the GSA. That provides that evidence in the illegal taking of the block on which stands the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Building. That is de facto. In the de jure we have un-incorporated government. Some of us also equate with Private and Public. Trade and Commerce. De facto on Oregon has 114 years under color of law. They failed we are replacing them starting in November 2022 on Oregon.
It is suggested you, we, they, all of us! Read and comprehend The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859. Oregon’s Constitution circa 1859 or facsimiles. Then move on to our articles of/for the Confederation and perpetual Union. And the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. All amendments, treaties and SAL are in need of validation. The SAL of 1858 was written after the Armistice of Grant and Lee.
I, We, You, Us and They need not comply. Make sure your paperwork is correct, your status, standing and jurisdiction are clear. A member of our Grand Jury cannot be under the jurisdiction of the de facto. Excepted be, by direct knowledge of a crime, a wet ink signature from our Court, a Presentment, True Bill or indictment of our Grand Jury or expatriation.
No more plausible deniability. Or prosecutorial preference, you know and cannot un-ring the bell. De facto must return to government that which is rightfully ours. We are ARTICLE I Section 1 the de jure.
People in a society become persons and give their jurisdiction to the de facto that authorized them. Such as the John Birch Society, Society of Jesus or a Jural Society.
Assemblies give authority to governments.
How could this not infuriate everyone on earth? I'm a human being!!! Not a number.
These parasites should be headed into a pit and prosecuted for murder and fraud and anything else they have done.
But no, just oops???
We're all living a lie.
God have mercy on me for taking part in this world. Blown away!!!
Wow, what some of us knew in our gut.
IF its too good to be true, it probably isn't.
After this it made me think about the vaxs.
Facts, IF one looks at generations, food supplies, and health, you can see the obvious difference.
I know that I can in mine.
83s high sugar. BP; least vax, but got the latest. 3x.
60s cancer, burst gallbladder, R/A; 0x but surrounded by vaxxed.
30s gut issues, anxiety; 3x
20 adhd, Nut allergies.3x
I guess You don't know, Anna, that there are quite a few globe deniers coming out nowadays. Mainly because of fake/gay photos of a globe from fake/gay space, like the one you show in this HERE Headings fake/gay Rendered NASA image!
Quite interesting and I want to shout out a big thank you for your dedication and relentless hard work. For bringing this man, Albert Benavides on and interviewing him on his digging up and finding more proof of his findings.Evildoers hiding the REAL numbers, but we all know, the truth comes to light.
Across the board,facts have been manipulated and are being manipulated to the tune of money and power. These crimes against humanity will not go unanswered, and are no match against the spirit of the individuals they affect. The sheer determination and strength of amazing minds,such as Dr.Ana continue to inspire me and have shaped my perseption of what is really going on in the world we live in. I appreciate the drive and ambitions of those who strive to make the world a better place. It is very disturbing to see what the future has in store for multitudes of men, women,and children. Mass genocide, manipulation of the weather, environmental distruction, are insanely at hand. My faith and love are continuously evolving as I walk through this life. It's hard to imagine not having anyone to help me through this chaos and search for the truth. GOD bless you all.
Carl J. Friis-Hansen
I triedpress@substack.combut in order to help me I was supposed to be of the press.
Then I tried for half an hour with common email. Each reply from them came about 500 mSec after i sent my messages.
Instead of doing what I said, swith both for You and my own writingskype@carl-fh.comwithcarl.friis-hansen@protonmail.comthey could help me close my account if I logged in to my account?
You are welcome to have a look:
I stopped speaking to a machine.
Can you help me give 10 month back, I will pay another year using this mail (carl.friis-hansen@protonmail.com).
Yours sincerely
Victor - Aug 1 - Edited
Victor’s Substack
I’m no doctor or medical professional, but did autism, SIDS, SADS, etc peanut allergies and so forth exist 150-200 years ago? My question has always been, when did these disorders magically appear? It’s my lay opinion that it’s been a direct result of the vaccines and the horrific side effects that have decimated our lives and health
joe stuerzl 85 - Aug 1
joe’s Substack
As the covid whyrusses did not tolerate competition ,they killed off the cold and flu whyrusses ,something all medicines could not accomplish in the last 5000 years .
Nakita - Aug 1
I truly believe down deep into my gut that you are onto something because I agree. Just look at the numbers growing and growing with autism.
Susanne - Aug 1
Susanne’s Substack
RFK Jr. has excellent interviews with Dr Robert Malone and Tucker Carlson that give concrete timing for these conditions post pharma non-liability act. See Barbara Lowe Fischer with Jan Jekielek on Epoch Times. Outstanding.
Bee Gee - Aug 2 - Edited
Bee Gee
There is no SIDS.
99% of 'SIDS deaths' occur within 14 days of a childhood 'vaccination', but they never ever tell the parents they just murdered your sweet little baby with their own two hands for a $36 'well baby' vaxx-visit fee.
E.C. - Aug 2
I agree. There is no SIDS. It's the name given to cover up those who die from vax's. Disgusting. At one time I believed them.
Fain Zimmerman - Aug 2
Fain’s Substack
There seems to be NO BENEFIT from any Vax!
joe stuerzl 85 - Aug 3
joe’s Substack
The benefit is to the elites bank account
KT-SunWillShineAgain - Aug 3
Absolutely! Just as 'Turtles All The Way Down' proves because there never were any proper RCT aka randomized control trials to begin with for any vaccine ever. Even with so called safe polio vaccines in 50s/60s.
E.C. - Aug 2
I agree Victor. Shame on all of them. So hard for many to believe especially those who are starting to wake up. Jesus protect us.
dyr - Aug 2
allergies you mention relate to older vax contents, happened i believe with gelatin in Japan, maybe sesame elsewhere, so they go with something non-organic hoping one supposes for less anaphylaxis, such as seemed mentioned in the interview re instant reaction death, so re PEG i recall it was reported as happening with that as well before covimania
autism is undoubtedly primarily an e-pollution matter,as eg 1st began in big way in hi tech zones , so many signs point to that, altho' trigger to going over the top with such suffering may be in some cases involving vax reactions
dunno about SIDS but one should look into vax relation and use of eg wireless baby monitors
that and so much more re "diseases of civilization" that began to be noticed from mass electrification in 19th c (have a good read of A Firstenberg's Invisible Rainbow, e.g) - one of the pillars of modernity and its affluence, greatly enabling greatly disabling but attached to as if unassailable by most - senility of affluence
John - Aug 1
The total death toll worldwide is much higher there was a app that tracked every newspaper obituary worldwide., everytime a obituary said person died suddenly or unexpectedly it was recorded. That number for 2021-2023 was almost a billion. Now add in turbo cancer and its around 1.25 billion worldwide. Dr. Robert Young tracked and reported this
joe stuerzl 85 - Aug 1
joe’s Substack
All the sickness and death in the last four years was not on account of the mighty COVID .It was and still is because of the mistreatment or no treatment of flu or cold ,that was always with us during the winters of the past . Ask nurses or doctors fired for not murdering flu patients in hospitals when admitted with a flu . It was and may still be treatment with sedation isolation ,remdesivir ,ventilators and prison like conditions ,that killed patients not the mysterious covid . They murdered my brother in six days ,when he entered a hospital with a cold or flu .
John - Aug 1
Your right on one point hospitals were getting paid to kill people but the flu only kills on average of 75-85,000 people yearly its mostly over 85 years old. Also there was nobody dying of covid because all covid was is the common cold where Dr. Faucci and Dr. Robert barret of NC University. They added a furen cleavage site and glycol protein 120. Which made it respiratory and more contagious. 90% of all who died were killed by the bioweapon covid shot and graphene oxide that was sprayed airborne and is deadly and also from EMF which is from 5 G to 5g cell phones. In 2025 the deaths in America will be close to 80% the CIA Deagle report says this number the only chance anyone has to to detox I teach Dr.Ana's detox and send it to all that ask. I have over 12,000 hours of research
joe stuerzl 85 - Aug 2
joe’s Substack
What good is de doxing if we get it all back from shedding and from the many other ways we got it from in the first place ? De doxing does not make us immune to re infection .Does de toxing last a lifetime ?? I say it lasts a few seconds at the most .
John - Aug 2
Yes Joe you have to detox everyday I been detoxing for over 2.5 years. If you want to live you need to detox daily
joe stuerzl 85 - Aug 2
joe’s Substack
So far I did live 88 years and never dedoxt .I never got injected as an adult ,but of course I'm just as contaminated as every one else . What test can you do that proves you are free of contamination after detoxing and for how long . ??
John - Aug 2
Start the detox and get a D Dimer test while the blood test wont show the nanoparticles because that requires a darkfield microscopy scope magnifying at 4000 x. But the results of the test should be between 1-50 I had 2 D dimer tests done and was 33 and 31. People not detoxing are well into the triple digits. Thats how you know your good
Robert Childs - Aug 6
Robert’s Substack
Sir, it sounds like you are pretty much up to date on this mass genocide. I have been suffering with morgellons for over three years now. I am curious about what you know of Dr Ana's detox info. (EDTA and vitamin c) ? Do you have specific numbers of dosing?
John - Aug 6
Yes it's all covered in this latest podcast I posted today.https://www.facebook.com/share/v/8Q4YbrVc9aVpzRDP/?mibextid=qi2Omg
KT-SunWillShineAgain - Aug 3
What is the detox protocol?
John - Aug 3
Here's the complete detox just add 500 mgs. Of Curcumin to whats in this interview and it includes preventing cancer.
Eclectricity - Aug 3
Is that content available anywhere other than facebook? Some readers do not use it. Thank you.
John - Aug 3
Yes the interview is also onRumble.comunder thepatriotangels all one word and you will see my interview of Dr. Ana detox just add Curcumin 500 mgs. Daily
Robert Childs - Aug 6
Robert’s Substack
I am sorry to hear that you have lost a loved one due to this madness. It's heartbreaking to know so many have and will suffer at the hands of miserable examples of human beings. How many have to die before we all say enough? It's troubling
John - Aug 6
The sheeple will never say enough only hope is detox, most won't do that either. Very sad
E.C. - Aug 2
John - Aug 6
Hi EC. Watch podcast I did today and share with loved ones that you want to see survive 25.https://www.facebook.com/share/v/8Q4YbrVc9aVpzRDP/?mibextid=qi2Omg
Loraine - Aug 1
Victor, the incidence of autism in the mid 1970's was 1 in 10,000 learned from grad courses in communication disorders. Today I believe it's 1 in 34 (may be higher).....which is outrageous and lends itself to environmental or external causes...
John B. Phillips - Aug 1 - Edited
APOCRA Enterprises
I know Dr. Ana doesn't have time to read comments. I want her to do what she does, it is valuable beyond measure.
If you want to help stop the genocide, please read my articlehttps://johnbphillips.substack.com/p/if-only-la-quinta-columna-knew-about
It concerns La Quinta Columna's conclusions that the high technology in the Covid injections is alien. My research tends to confirm this finding.
Please, please read this articlehttps://johnbphillips.substack.com/p/if-only-la-quinta-columna-knew-about
joe stuerzl 85 - Aug 1
joe’s Substack
Aliens did not come from somewhere out in space ,they evolved right here on earth .All wielding power over us are aliens .Non can ever be our friends or salvation ,since they are only dedicated of exterminating us .The evidence is right before our face .
John B. Phillips - Aug 1
APOCRA Enterprises
The literature (such as Dolan) suggests that many different types of aliens arrived after we detonated nuclear bombs.
There is evidence for both benevolent and malevolent aliens. Malevolent aliens would trade technology for permission to abduct, like a contract. It is this malevolent presence that must be responsible for technology transfer
Bee Gee - Aug 2 - Edited
Bee Gee
Of course, Occams Razor.
Many unvaxxed people in 2021 found that they were magnetic from whatever the vaxxed/infected are shedding. That 'magnetism' could also attract and hold other things that are not ferrous or even metallic, like plastic or wood. So it is more like some kind of telekenesis perhaps, but it sure the hell isnt 'magnetism' as we previously knew it on planet earth. Which is also impossible under our classical understanding of physics.
Not to mention there is no other substances on earth that give 1500 'side' effects when you take it... not ionizing radiation, not radionuclides, not previously known chemical weapon families, Nothing else can cause 1500 different things.
So is it more likely that they created this magic thing that can do all these things outside our former understanding, or that it is Extraterrestrial or at the very least paranormal. Maybe it came from space or maybe they found it in some 12000-year-old ruins or maybe deep in the ocean, who knows.
But I think the most likely scenario is they found some 'alien' protein that likely killed the host immediately, and crispr-grafted human diseases on it until the host did not immediately die, since SARS-COV2 is obviously not intended to kill large numbers of people... or it would have.
It is also not as highly infectious as they say though, or they would not need to to be actively spreading it in the grocery stores since late 2019, it would spread itself.
Yet no one ever questions anymore how all these supposed 'variants' suddenly pop up in every geographic region at the same time, as though thats just the natural course of viral mutation. Duh, they spread the update.
People dont watch or observe anything anymore though, even when it is happening over and over again, right in front of their face.
Like someone wearing a mask in the meat department of the grocery store picking up packages of meat and putting them down, over and over and over and over again.
And Over and Over and Over... Not inspecting the meat quality, not reading the price or checking the nutrition label, just picking up and putting down, picking up and putting down. Act like you leave and come back an hour later and they will still be doing it.
And then you look around at your fellow shoppers like "Oh Shit, Do You See This?" and "How Can You NOT See This?"
And No... no they do not... just dumb cow faces everywhere.
Sad but true.
crapshoot farmer - Aug 1
crapshoot farmer
Old news. Let's move forward Dr. Ana, and show us your results with before and after photos of your treatments.
Something's not right here people.
Gas Axe - Aug 2
Gas’s Substack
My Chinese Amazon microscope arrived and a filled a slide with some blood from a scar on my leg that will not heal properly. It's an odd scar because I have literally taken my hide off a couple xs in life falling off motorcycles. It always grows back but this one is not right so figured I would see what was going on in it.
The results were awesome and a thing of horror!
Seriously I saw it today with my own eyes and took photos using the cellphone stand provided. They looked just the same as everyone else's I have seen online under a cheap POS scope lol...
For anyone questioning this spend $90 and you can see it with you very own eyes.
Many of the blood cells had nice shape to them and good structure in some areas and on other areas of the slide they were stacked and looked deformed. Maybe the way I applied the sample.
Drop/dabbed and smeared some areas.
I saw the light effect like everyone else gets.
Looked like a star filled night on some photos.
When it dried it was very ugly with fiberous root like structures running between the dried dead cells. Looked like they are frayed hemp rope as an example.
I put a very powerful green laser to this slide sample to see if it would change anything.
Nada diff.
I hit the slide under the scope and the healthy cells that didn't emit light turned green and the others had both blue and green light now.
First day so let's see where this goes.
I am happy with the purchase and a true believer of this horror show I have been reading about and watching on my brain sucker.
Robert Childs - Aug 1
Robert’s Substack
I would like to know what you are saying. I wasn't aware of anything like this.
Original Lisa - Aug 1
Wow. Glad you’re waking up. 🙏 Many of us watched in horror as it unfolded beginning in 2020. No words to describe it really, it felt like I was witnessing Satan himself’s deception and pharmakea sourcery spoken of in Revelation. Truly life changing, and extremely disturbing to say the least. Peace and best wishes.
crapshoot farmer - Aug 2
crapshoot farmer
Are you asking me?
Just checkin'.
ron vrooman - Aug 1
Ron’s Newsletter
Some say they have a lien against us. However I stand here with unalienable rights.
It’s a mindset. When you grasp one you grasp the other and you can no longer claim ignorance, of the law. Law is not the US Code or ORS. It is Constitutional.
Unalienable rights, granted by God the creator. As mentioned in our unanimous Declaration of the thirteen untied States of America. Defined in, the Constitutionally correct Dictionary, Bouvier 1856, to the sovereign men and women with our progeny on the land and soil of our de jure jurisdiction. Natural rights. Put that in one hand. That is named the Laws of nature and Nature’s God. That is Law and Equity in Article III the only Court where a man or woman can find remedy against the State, Constitutionally. When found in Amendment VII our Civilian common law Court of record. Lawful. De jure, on Oregon.
In the other hand place the creations of man such as: the de facto, Article I Courts in admiralty operated in United States Courts non Article III courts. Their Federal Judges are Article III, the Courts are not. See Mookini 303 for evidence of hiding Article III and using UCC, USC, UCMJ, 501 C3, IRS, Sub chapter S, ORS. That is named legal. De facto illegal or illegitimate.
Please see Black’s Law page 416. De facto read it all the way down to de jure.
They are two different jurisdictions. Switch hands same deal. You may participate in either or other. But, one at a time. A man and woman with their children can expatriate jurisdictions, law forms and venues. You cannot be legally or lawfully forced to agree to any law form other than de jure original jurisdiction.
Unalienable rights are found in the de jure where men, women, and their children have body, mind, spirit, flesh, blood, soul. These come with responsibilities found in ARTICLE I Section 1 Lawful. Oregon’s Constitution c1859. Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —
If you think you need a million people to get this job done. We think you’re wrong. It takes 5 of us. We used 6 so we had an alternate when we formed our social compact on Oregon. We are now a jury pool of peers of several hundred. Further growth is counterproductive now. It is too expensive to grow larger at this time. So, take our Oregon experience as an example. Five (5) times 33 the number of the lawful, several states circa 1859-1860. Then take 5 times 17 for the de facto federal states in color of law since March 1861. They are lawfully territories and must lawfully metamorphous into one of the several states.
For the lawful delegations from the several states to the Congress assembled, made up of the ARTICLE I Section 1 delegates from each state to be seated they need to be: Jural Assemblies the provisional government on their state, with one task, a single goal. Return to a Constitutional republican form of government in de jure and to Assemble in a Continental Congress. An Electoral College assembled to pick up the de jure The United States of America’s Constitution, in original jurisdiction and as the creator the Confederation and perpetual Union a total of 33 states. Oregon was last. Or a quorum. However, all are equal within the Confederation and perpetual Union styled The United States of America. They also gain the Proprietorship of the unincorporated United States of Washington District of Columbia a de jure jurisdiction. Defined as the government service facilitator with an Army, not Constitutional, a U.S. Navy with USMC and ships, forts, ports, and lawful needful buildings such as Armories. The United States of Washington District of Columbia an unincorporated service company with enumerated responsibilities and prohibitions owns what is left of a 10 mile square plot of ground named Washington District of Columbia. See the map... An Article II Congress to operate it. A Specified Article III and Article I and all of the several states to comply with governing law. Not color of law. To make the laws for their jurisdiction and venue. With Article II Section 8 and 9 enumerated with specific responsibilities and come forth in law not color of law in deception. I like Article IV Section 4 among others.
What we have is Oregon the state. with a de jure ARTICLE I Section 1 provisional government aka Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly. Signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed, proof of service published atwww.orsja.org. Then there are32 states in various and several assemblies, alliances, societies all doing something that does not get the work done.
Example: that written above is for my peace safety and happiness. You must do it yourself, no one can do it for you, all of us cannot do it alone. Each State and Territory Must Assemble. We only need a quorum
The Several States can invite the 17 territories to attend Although Alaska and Hawaii are apart with issues to sort out.
Privileges, United States citizens, titles, acts, statutes, ordinances, mandates, orders are of the de facto jurisdiction that is presently known as a subdivision of the United States with bogus Amendments 13 and 14 and so forth since March 1861. The only reason US citizens exists is for the peace, safety and happiness of the de jure. That is me and you. The de facto has failed. We change the de facto on Oregon for de jure November 2022. We are no longer deceived on Oregon.
If you hire an attorney, an Oregon State Bar Attorney, you self declare that you are incompetent and a ward of the court where your attorney is a member of that court. Read the 12 presumptions in law.(video atwww.orsja.org) Then Athens, Tennessee 1946.
If you are an incorporated entity whomever you incorporated with owns you. A 501 C-3 church reverses the authority from God to the De facto state. If people decide to become persons and do interstate commerce then they become de facto in jurisdiction and are governed by titles, acts, statutes, ordinances, mandate, orders and presumptions et al. Until we eliminate de facto completely.
If you are an unincorporated assembly of people ( a church, a farm, a ranch, a tribe, a clan, a club, PMA) you answer to no de facto as in : City of Portland is a subdivision of the County of Multnomah is a subdivision of the State of Oregon a subdivision of the United States Inc. We have the documentation from the GSA. That provides that evidence in the illegal taking of the block on which stands the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Building. That is de facto. In the de jure we have un-incorporated government. Some of us also equate with Private and Public. Trade and Commerce. De facto on Oregon has 114 years under color of law. They failed we are replacing them starting in November 2022 on Oregon.
It is suggested you, we, they, all of us! Read and comprehend The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859. Oregon’s Constitution circa 1859 or facsimiles. Then move on to our articles of/for the Confederation and perpetual Union. And the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America. All amendments, treaties and SAL are in need of validation. The SAL of 1858 was written after the Armistice of Grant and Lee.
I, We, You, Us and They need not comply. Make sure your paperwork is correct, your status, standing and jurisdiction are clear. A member of our Grand Jury cannot be under the jurisdiction of the de facto. Excepted be, by direct knowledge of a crime, a wet ink signature from our Court, a Presentment, True Bill or indictment of our Grand Jury or expatriation.
No more plausible deniability. Or prosecutorial preference, you know and cannot un-ring the bell. De facto must return to government that which is rightfully ours. We are ARTICLE I Section 1 the de jure.
People in a society become persons and give their jurisdiction to the de facto that authorized them. Such as the John Birch Society, Society of Jesus or a Jural Society.
Assemblies give authority to governments.
Robert Childs - Aug 1
Robert’s Substack
How could this not infuriate everyone on earth? I'm a human being!!! Not a number.
These parasites should be headed into a pit and prosecuted for murder and fraud and anything else they have done.
But no, just oops???
We're all living a lie.
God have mercy on me for taking part in this world. Blown away!!!
VirusMeansToxinInLatin - Aug 1
Jules. - Aug 2
Wow, what some of us knew in our gut.
IF its too good to be true, it probably isn't.
After this it made me think about the vaxs.
Facts, IF one looks at generations, food supplies, and health, you can see the obvious difference.
I know that I can in mine.
83s high sugar. BP; least vax, but got the latest. 3x.
60s cancer, burst gallbladder, R/A; 0x but surrounded by vaxxed.
30s gut issues, anxiety; 3x
20 adhd, Nut allergies.3x
AlmostLastRepublicaninSeattle - Aug 2
You’re going to hate this link. If blood can actually boil, mine did, I swear it did.
Thank you for consistently telling the truth.
Also, are you really not accepting new patients??! I would really like to come see you. I’m an awesome patient. And humble too.
Don’t blame the messenger. JAMA really has imploded. Please tell me that good dr.s don’t read this garbage. 🙈
Bee Gee - Aug 1
Bee Gee
Nice, I was hoping she would interview him, he is doing great work, fwiw.
Merrick - Aug 1
Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…
I guess You don't know, Anna, that there are quite a few globe deniers coming out nowadays. Mainly because of fake/gay photos of a globe from fake/gay space, like the one you show in this HERE Headings fake/gay Rendered NASA image!
Nakita - Aug 1
Quite interesting and I want to shout out a big thank you for your dedication and relentless hard work. For bringing this man, Albert Benavides on and interviewing him on his digging up and finding more proof of his findings.Evildoers hiding the REAL numbers, but we all know, the truth comes to light.
Casandra81 - Sep 6
Everybody înjured by the cov vaxx should follow dr. Peter Mccolough Detox protocol. Itight not completely cure, but at least improve things
Robert Childs - Aug 6
Robert’s Substack
Across the board,facts have been manipulated and are being manipulated to the tune of money and power. These crimes against humanity will not go unanswered, and are no match against the spirit of the individuals they affect. The sheer determination and strength of amazing minds,such as Dr.Ana continue to inspire me and have shaped my perseption of what is really going on in the world we live in. I appreciate the drive and ambitions of those who strive to make the world a better place. It is very disturbing to see what the future has in store for multitudes of men, women,and children. Mass genocide, manipulation of the weather, environmental distruction, are insanely at hand. My faith and love are continuously evolving as I walk through this life. It's hard to imagine not having anyone to help me through this chaos and search for the truth. GOD bless you all.
Carl J. Friis-Hansen - Aug 2 - Edited
Carl’s Substack
Carl J. Friis-Hansen
I triedpress@substack.combut in order to help me I was supposed to be of the press.
Then I tried for half an hour with common email. Each reply from them came about 500 mSec after i sent my messages.
Instead of doing what I said, swith both for You and my own writingskype@carl-fh.comwithcarl.friis-hansen@protonmail.comthey could help me close my account if I logged in to my account?
You are welcome to have a look:
I stopped speaking to a machine.
Can you help me give 10 month back, I will pay another year using this mail (carl.friis-hansen@protonmail.com).
Yours sincerely
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