Dr. Ana - you mentioned gold as a therapeutic against the nanobots. could it be possible that the reason all the central banks are binge-buying gold is to take it out of circulation for possible medical use?
ya think? I always wondered what the value of gold was...myrrh and frankincense I know well, they are miraculous...now I understand about the gold...I'm thinking of lookiing for gold flakes, and incorporating in a hat and stuff, make myself.
fran leader did a great piece on it - as i remember she didn't even need flakes, just a gold cup - wish i had saved the linkhttps://francesleader.substack.com/archive?sort=new
magnets, too.....but, they tend to draw, as they're doing to get the graphene to go to the bottom of the vials of dental anaesthetics...shall we call them "deadeners"? of pain...
BREAKING! SWITZERLAND STOPS/WITHDRAWS ALL COVID VACCINATION RECOMMENDATIONS.https://metatron.substack.com/p/switzerland-withdraws-all-covid-vaccination?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=579085&post_id=113465152&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email
Comment from badgerbrigante - "SWISS PASCAL NAJADI: Incredible news you bloody wonderful fellow!! Well done and thank you for taking up the charge on this SO IMPORTANT issue. You are an inspiration. Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man! I sincerely hope both of your cases pass to the next stage and the accused are charged - then we will know the justice system is truly willing to engage." Vax-injured Pascal states he has lost 20 years off his lifespan. 50 million dead worldwide. 20% stillborn deaths. 20% infertility rate in men". It took courage and integrity for one man to proceed in the way he did.
Dr. Ana, I can't find any doctors in my area who do IV EDTA. I did find cardiorenewcanada. HAVE YOU MADE ANY OBSERVATIONS ON THE EFFECTS OF ORAL EDTA?
Thank you for your integrity and brilliance.
Hi Ana, I think the below was posted from an admirer of yours on my SubStack in error, so I have reposted it here:
49 min ago
Dear Dr. Ana,
For almost a half a year now I am thinking to contact you in regards to something that is of the greatest importance to me and some other people around the world. First allow me to honestly tell you that I highly respect and appreciate your most brave and selfless work in the loving service of humanity and that I am happily and publicly sharing your work here in Scotland.
As you are such a caring and most spiritual person, I really want to share with you a teaching that is considered to contain the direct messages of the Lord Jesus Christ, given in the XIXth century through inner dictation to His two chosen scribes Jakob Lorber and Gottfried Mayerhofer. This is a huge body of works (around 10,000 pages) that constitute the most suppressed and ignored spiritual teaching I have ever encountered… and I have truly been looking around for spiritual knowledge my entire life. For the last 19 years I lived with the pain of seeing almost all the people I know or communicate with, rejecting this great teaching... so I can say that what we both are seeing and feeling now (as members of the global resistance against this satanic end time tyranny) in matters of suppression, blindness and deceit, is to me just a visible re-enactment of what spiritually has been done both by the religious elites and the common believers to this extraordinary teaching called The New Revelation for the last 180 years. This is truly not an apocryphal message: it is verifiably the 'same Gospel and the same Jesus', but adding to this countless natural and spiritual revelations, fulfilled scientific and social predictions and, particularly, groundbreaking global prophecies that are today, sadly, becoming true, before our eyes. If you have the time, you may want to have a look at this website:www.the-new-revelation.weebly.com
The links to the books are to be found there, everything has been translated from German to English by volunteers and is free to read and download.
This teaching fulfills the Revelation and many other Old Testament prophecies (understood in the unveiled prophetic language) and confirms clearly that we are now indeed living in the End Time, that we will be seeing malicious diseases and epidemics, plagues, wars, high increases in taxes, a horrible and most dangerous misuse of technology, fires, storms and very destructive climatic events, a general collapse of the social contract, the spiritual fall of Christian churches, the global police state, as also a global revolution of the spiritually awakened people, the poor and the believers, which will unfold after the Second Coming in this very decade, less than 2000 years since the Lord's death on the cross... Miracles and healings will occur again, so our Saviour will not leave us as orphans and wherever communities of people will be in the order of God (meaning that of love for God and the fellowman), there will be divine protection. To build such communities is a goal worth living for, because there is hope: a way out for humanity and a wonderful future beyond everything that we could best imagine is promised. Btw, a lot is spoken in the books of the New Revelation about biology, health and natural remedia, the foremost means of healing after the spiritual and magnetic therapies being the therapies using the sun rays (captured by various substances) which can heal the soul first as this is having the same substance as the solar light and I know people who have successfully used them – please seehttps://the-new-revelation.weebly.com/health-and-therapies.html
and The Healing Power of the Sunlighthttps://ia803205.us.archive.org/0/items/BeyondTheThreshold/Healing%20Power%20of%20Sunlight.pdf
In matters of using vaccines, this is what was given by the Lord 180 years ago:
“This kind of treatment (vaccination against smallpox) has never born the fruit of which foolish mankind dreamt. This type of action fostered and determined superstition towards the alleged beneficial success of the vaccine.[...] if someone who has already poison in his body or had poison administered, will he get well through the same poison that already took three-quarters of his life. Then the additional administering of the same poison will be sufficient to take the last quarter of the already poisoned human being, Is it not obvious that with the tool of death you never fight against death, instead you fight at all times only against life?” (1841)
Very few believers dare to speak publicly about this amazing teaching – so there is truly a curtain of silence over these divine works that started at the end of the XIXth century with the Vatican putting them at index, then the German protestant churches calling them 'pious poetry' and then extended to all the other churches, no matter their denomination, which once founding about them, ignored or rejected them completely - although there is truly no greater support and explanation for the known Bible in the entire world literature! Now, honestly, considering the way the churches have bowed down to the agenda in the last couple of years, I am really not so amazed anymore.
There is only a matter of years till the many trials of the Great Judgment will affect the entire humanity, a natural consequence of people’s selfishness and their great misuse of technology (and not God’s punishment). Anyway I know well that now is the time for humanity to find out about these teachings, so to be able to face the many destructive confusions of this End Time and to prepare spiritually to endure what is coming and eventually, through a better understanding of God and our spiritual condition, through repentance and an increase in brotherly love, by God’s grace, to also avoid the worst. For it is written that even before the greatest global calamities, everything depends on the free choice of people and without necessity, no purification through natural (or artificial) means of destruction will be allowed.
Dr. Ana, I am sure that if you tbelieve in a God who is pure, infinite love, mercy and compassion, you will also find Him in this teaching... and also clear answers to the deepest and most important questions you ever had in this life (in all matters, not only in matters of faith) will be given to you. This has definitely been my experience and also that of all other people I know that took the time to read and believed.
God bless you, protect you and guide you and all your dear ones.
With many thanks to you and your fellow colleagues for your wonderful efforts and to our great God first and foremost,
A big hug and much love and blessings,
Simona Panaitescu
PLEASE read the link above. It’s from 1912 and describes the 4th state of blood and it sounds like it could help us. I have morgellons and it’s been killing me for almost ten years now. Need smart free thinkers like you to help sort this craziness out. Thank you.
Hi Ana! I love you. Take a look at this one!
It is now confirmed through the Vigilant Fox. It comes from the military, according to RFK JR.
RFK JR for president! Support him, take office, and save our souls!
Dr Ana I am looking for help. I did not would not get the shot but have been transferred. I hearing beeping like morse code I'm my ear usually right but not in left too. I find it very hard to stay asleep. It's getting worse going on 3 years now. Try Chelation but I think its too big to chelate out. I live in Arizona. Do you know a doctor that can help get this out of me?
Thank you Ana.
It is clear there was much in you that needed to get out. This was a good venue - given the time constraint, I’m glad your speech was fast and forceful rather than relaxed and measured. I will need some time to consider your perspective.
Again, thank you.
Annie - Apr 21, 2023
Pastor JD FARAG has spoken about it for 3 years as well as Mark Henry, Jack Hibbs, and Billy Crone.
nymusicdaily - Apr 22, 2023
Dr. Ana - you mentioned gold as a therapeutic against the nanobots. could it be possible that the reason all the central banks are binge-buying gold is to take it out of circulation for possible medical use?
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 22, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
ya think? I always wondered what the value of gold was...myrrh and frankincense I know well, they are miraculous...now I understand about the gold...I'm thinking of lookiing for gold flakes, and incorporating in a hat and stuff, make myself.
nymusicdaily - Apr 22, 2023
fran leader did a great piece on it - as i remember she didn't even need flakes, just a gold cup - wish i had saved the linkhttps://francesleader.substack.com/archive?sort=new
kitten seeking answers - Apr 22, 2023
”Kitten’s Secret Garden”
think she said that you just boil some water with a gold ring in it (maybe add a few lemon drops for the acidity)
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 22, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
magnets, too.....but, they tend to draw, as they're doing to get the graphene to go to the bottom of the vials of dental anaesthetics...shall we call them "deadeners"? of pain...
nymusicdaily - Apr 22, 2023
graphene in the laughing gas is next i guess
Underwhelmed - Apr 22, 2023
Very interesting thought, nymusicdaily.
Kathleen Devanney. A human. - Apr 21, 2023
Kathleen Devanney's Newsletter
Thank you for the link. Look forward to listening.
Misha - Apr 22, 2023
Misha’s Substack
BREAKING! SWITZERLAND STOPS/WITHDRAWS ALL COVID VACCINATION RECOMMENDATIONS.https://metatron.substack.com/p/switzerland-withdraws-all-covid-vaccination?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=579085&post_id=113465152&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email
Comment from badgerbrigante - "SWISS PASCAL NAJADI: Incredible news you bloody wonderful fellow!! Well done and thank you for taking up the charge on this SO IMPORTANT issue. You are an inspiration. Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man! I sincerely hope both of your cases pass to the next stage and the accused are charged - then we will know the justice system is truly willing to engage." Vax-injured Pascal states he has lost 20 years off his lifespan. 50 million dead worldwide. 20% stillborn deaths. 20% infertility rate in men". It took courage and integrity for one man to proceed in the way he did.
Tara - Apr 22, 2023
Dr. Ana, I can't find any doctors in my area who do IV EDTA. I did find cardiorenewcanada. HAVE YOU MADE ANY OBSERVATIONS ON THE EFFECTS OF ORAL EDTA?
Thank you for your integrity and brilliance.
Bufus Alvarius - Apr 22, 2023
dissolve it as creme with slight heating into coconut oil or something like that, to not bind too many benevolent minerals
Blue Electric Storm - Apr 22, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
Thank you. Sabine Hazan has done excellent research also. Microbiome specialist.
Peter Halligan - Apr 22, 2023
Peter’s Newsletter
Hi Ana, I think the below was posted from an admirer of yours on my SubStack in error, so I have reposted it here:
49 min ago
Dear Dr. Ana,
For almost a half a year now I am thinking to contact you in regards to something that is of the greatest importance to me and some other people around the world. First allow me to honestly tell you that I highly respect and appreciate your most brave and selfless work in the loving service of humanity and that I am happily and publicly sharing your work here in Scotland.
As you are such a caring and most spiritual person, I really want to share with you a teaching that is considered to contain the direct messages of the Lord Jesus Christ, given in the XIXth century through inner dictation to His two chosen scribes Jakob Lorber and Gottfried Mayerhofer. This is a huge body of works (around 10,000 pages) that constitute the most suppressed and ignored spiritual teaching I have ever encountered… and I have truly been looking around for spiritual knowledge my entire life. For the last 19 years I lived with the pain of seeing almost all the people I know or communicate with, rejecting this great teaching... so I can say that what we both are seeing and feeling now (as members of the global resistance against this satanic end time tyranny) in matters of suppression, blindness and deceit, is to me just a visible re-enactment of what spiritually has been done both by the religious elites and the common believers to this extraordinary teaching called The New Revelation for the last 180 years. This is truly not an apocryphal message: it is verifiably the 'same Gospel and the same Jesus', but adding to this countless natural and spiritual revelations, fulfilled scientific and social predictions and, particularly, groundbreaking global prophecies that are today, sadly, becoming true, before our eyes. If you have the time, you may want to have a look at this website:www.the-new-revelation.weebly.com
The links to the books are to be found there, everything has been translated from German to English by volunteers and is free to read and download.
This teaching fulfills the Revelation and many other Old Testament prophecies (understood in the unveiled prophetic language) and confirms clearly that we are now indeed living in the End Time, that we will be seeing malicious diseases and epidemics, plagues, wars, high increases in taxes, a horrible and most dangerous misuse of technology, fires, storms and very destructive climatic events, a general collapse of the social contract, the spiritual fall of Christian churches, the global police state, as also a global revolution of the spiritually awakened people, the poor and the believers, which will unfold after the Second Coming in this very decade, less than 2000 years since the Lord's death on the cross... Miracles and healings will occur again, so our Saviour will not leave us as orphans and wherever communities of people will be in the order of God (meaning that of love for God and the fellowman), there will be divine protection. To build such communities is a goal worth living for, because there is hope: a way out for humanity and a wonderful future beyond everything that we could best imagine is promised. Btw, a lot is spoken in the books of the New Revelation about biology, health and natural remedia, the foremost means of healing after the spiritual and magnetic therapies being the therapies using the sun rays (captured by various substances) which can heal the soul first as this is having the same substance as the solar light and I know people who have successfully used them – please seehttps://the-new-revelation.weebly.com/health-and-therapies.html
and The Healing Power of the Sunlighthttps://ia803205.us.archive.org/0/items/BeyondTheThreshold/Healing%20Power%20of%20Sunlight.pdf
In matters of using vaccines, this is what was given by the Lord 180 years ago:
“This kind of treatment (vaccination against smallpox) has never born the fruit of which foolish mankind dreamt. This type of action fostered and determined superstition towards the alleged beneficial success of the vaccine.[...] if someone who has already poison in his body or had poison administered, will he get well through the same poison that already took three-quarters of his life. Then the additional administering of the same poison will be sufficient to take the last quarter of the already poisoned human being, Is it not obvious that with the tool of death you never fight against death, instead you fight at all times only against life?” (1841)
Very few believers dare to speak publicly about this amazing teaching – so there is truly a curtain of silence over these divine works that started at the end of the XIXth century with the Vatican putting them at index, then the German protestant churches calling them 'pious poetry' and then extended to all the other churches, no matter their denomination, which once founding about them, ignored or rejected them completely - although there is truly no greater support and explanation for the known Bible in the entire world literature! Now, honestly, considering the way the churches have bowed down to the agenda in the last couple of years, I am really not so amazed anymore.
There is only a matter of years till the many trials of the Great Judgment will affect the entire humanity, a natural consequence of people’s selfishness and their great misuse of technology (and not God’s punishment). Anyway I know well that now is the time for humanity to find out about these teachings, so to be able to face the many destructive confusions of this End Time and to prepare spiritually to endure what is coming and eventually, through a better understanding of God and our spiritual condition, through repentance and an increase in brotherly love, by God’s grace, to also avoid the worst. For it is written that even before the greatest global calamities, everything depends on the free choice of people and without necessity, no purification through natural (or artificial) means of destruction will be allowed.
Dr. Ana, I am sure that if you tbelieve in a God who is pure, infinite love, mercy and compassion, you will also find Him in this teaching... and also clear answers to the deepest and most important questions you ever had in this life (in all matters, not only in matters of faith) will be given to you. This has definitely been my experience and also that of all other people I know that took the time to read and believed.
God bless you, protect you and guide you and all your dear ones.
With many thanks to you and your fellow colleagues for your wonderful efforts and to our great God first and foremost,
A big hug and much love and blessings,
Simona Panaitescu
Rosalind McGill - Apr 21, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Looking forward to listening! I’ve followed Caspar off& on for years.
ZK - Apr 28, 2023
PLEASE read the link above. It’s from 1912 and describes the 4th state of blood and it sounds like it could help us. I have morgellons and it’s been killing me for almost ten years now. Need smart free thinkers like you to help sort this craziness out. Thank you.
Gayle Wells - Apr 22, 2023
Gayle Wells
Willing to go where few have the courage to. Thanks Ana.
Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Apr 22, 2023
The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter
Hi Ana! I love you. Take a look at this one!
It is now confirmed through the Vigilant Fox. It comes from the military, according to RFK JR.
RFK JR for president! Support him, take office, and save our souls!
Jodi diamond - Apr 22, 2023
Dr Ana I am looking for help. I did not would not get the shot but have been transferred. I hearing beeping like morse code I'm my ear usually right but not in left too. I find it very hard to stay asleep. It's getting worse going on 3 years now. Try Chelation but I think its too big to chelate out. I live in Arizona. Do you know a doctor that can help get this out of me?
Bufus Alvarius - Apr 22, 2023
Dr. Ana- Neural Lace from Musk is wireless- this has always been his planhttps://rumble.com/v1c4nvz-elon-musks-connection-with-graphene-oxide.html
The Man’s Child - Apr 22, 2023
The Man’s Child
Thank you Ana.
It is clear there was much in you that needed to get out. This was a good venue - given the time constraint, I’m glad your speech was fast and forceful rather than relaxed and measured. I will need some time to consider your perspective.
Again, thank you.
Reply (1) - Apr 21, 2023
Beyond Treason
Comment removed.
Stevanovitch - Apr 22, 2023
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anaunited anacom