Vaccine Micromachines? Live Blood Analysis, Nanotech & EDTA Chelation - My interview with Dr. Syed Haider

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 28, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Vaccine Micromachines Dr Ana Mihalcea on Live Blood Analysis, Nanotech & EDTA Chelation

I was asked to interview with Dr. Syed Haider, a Covid frontline doctor.

When he asked me for the interview, he up front said that he is rather skeptic about my findings, but that he wants to learn.

I think we both did very well. I honor him, for even engaging the questions and respectfully allowing me to explain my findings. His openness to learn about this topic is commendable.

If more doctors would have the courage to have a conversation, we could have the hope of change and the possibility of finding solutions together.

He did not make it easy for me, on the other hand he was kind when he saw me become impatient with his scepticism.

I consider this interview an important milestone to possible positive change and am thankful to Dr Haider for the opportunity to speak with him. Due to his respectful standing in the medical community, maybe his openness will allow others to at least explore, rather than ignore, the blood contamination question.

I really hope he will get a microscope and take a look for himself - seeing is believing!

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Lioness3* - Nov 29, 2023


Dr. Haider is my online doc and I've been proud of him for some time now. So glad to see him stretching his intellectual wings. We need more people that are open to the possibilities facing us all.

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Seeking Truth - Nov 29, 2023

Seeking Truth

I had lyme way before 5G & EMFs were so prevalent . It’s only 1 piece of the puzzle.

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