US Goverment Admits That Anomalous Health Incidents Could Be Caused By Directed Energy Weapons

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 13, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Statement from NSC Spokesperson Sean Savett on Anomalous Health Incidents

There have been some very interesting news recently regarding directed energy weapons and targeting of humans. We recently had a CIA officer whistleblower come forward and explain how her life and health has been ruined by these attacks.

CIA Whistleblower Reveals Biden Admin Covered Up Attacks on Officers Injured by Direct Energy Weapons

Two days ago the White House posted this statement. It explains that anomalous health indicents reported by “our colleagues” cannot be explained by environmental or medical conditions BUT CAN BE EXPLAINED BY PULSED ELECTROMAGNETIC AND ACOUSTIC WEAPONS.

I so look forward to the day that the Civilian Targeting Program will also be acknowledged and the many thousands of innocent civilians that are being tortured by these weapons daily. In my interview with my colleague Dr. Len Ber, I explained what happened when I myself was targeted with such weaponry.

Since then I have seen in my clinic so many people who are being tortured, others who have been implanted with verified microchips without consent. Most of these people cannot get help because any traditionally trained physician does not understand “Havana syndrome”, V2K, electronic harassment or gangstalking. Unfortunately, I cannot stop the targeting, only help the poor body cope with it.

There are many more symptoms than just the loss of balance, ear pain in the arsenal of targeting. The symptoms can be debilitating. I remember when it was happening to me, I was not able to stand up on my own as I would just feel like I would walk into walls or fall over, slurring my speech and unable to find words, not being able to think, horrific ringing in the ears while having excruciating pain deep in the left ear canal just to name a few. In those cases all I could do is just stare at the wall, unable to cognitively do anything meaningful.

Dr Ber wrote an article to help lift the extreme ignorance of clinicians to this now very common occurrence, that is being misdiagnosed chronically.

Helping Physicians to Understand "Havana Syndrome" and a Novel Method of Managing AHIs

As my readers know, it is my view that the Targeted population was the testing ground for the Artificial Intelligence world control grid. You do not need implants or nanotechnology in your blood to be targeted by Directed Energy Weapons. The Satellite surveillance system can find anyone anywhere in the world.

The Executive Summary linked below was declassified by the Director of National Intelligence in 2022. I do not believe the narrative of a potential foreign actor causing these incidences. It is our own Intelligence and Military that is using these weapons on civilians and government officials alike. They often target their own people and I have seen that with my own eyes and from listening to first hand experiences. If you see my above linked post, I refer to CIA/ DARPA whistleblower Dr Robert Duncan who developed some of the technology. In my assessment the chemical and biological agents do also include the nanotechnology that is in the blood. I have been able to treat some of the severity of the symptoms very successfully with EDTA/ Vitamin C and Methylene Blue intravenously, both agents are known to help treat neurotoxicity. Activated charcoal also helps and high doses of antioxidants. This is my experience and how I treated myself and it worked. As I have explained before, the way I found what worked for the blood contamination was by treating myself when I was targeted to save my own life. In my case, the more technology I had in my blood the worse the symptoms. The medical treatment does not help the attacks, but it does help the TI feel better physically. I have had many treated TI’s note that the volume of V2K is lessened, sleep and cognition improves.

I wrote about some of the attacks here and ultimately getting help from a former intelligence officer - these measures have allowed me to get back to being fully functional. I am sharing this again since it might help people who are being attacked now to assess all the weapons systems in their environment. Your brain can recover with help if the attacks stop. And maybe by me sharing this, some people who are affected can know that there are things that can help them that regular allopathic doctors are clueless about.

Lessons In Cybersecurity And Electromagnetic Radiation Mitigation - Or How We Are Surrounded By Weapons Systems

Here is some of the Executive Summary:

Here is the White House statement:

Upon taking office, the Biden-Harris Administration spearheaded a dedicated effort to address anomalous health incidents reported by our colleagues. We convened departments and agencies across the U.S. Government to develop new policies to expand access to and improve medical care for affected personnel, ensure incidents could be reported freely and without stigma, and provide benefits to eligible employees under statutes passed by Congress, including the HAVANA Act which President Biden signed into law. We also tasked the Intelligence Community to examine the causes or causes of these incidents and directed intensive research by our leading laboratories, informed by experts in and outside of government.

Our focus on these priorities remains unwavering and must continue. Today’s updated Intelligence Community Assessment, which is the product of ongoing analytic efforts and includes a shift in key judgements by some intelligence components, only reinforces why it is vital that the U.S. Government continue critical research, investigate credible incidents, and strengthen efforts to provide timely care and long-term clinical follow-up.

We will be briefing the incoming Administration on the full scope of ongoing work that should continue, as well as additional areas of focus recommended by the Intelligence Community experts panel , which found that a subset of anomalous health incidents cannot be easily explained by known environmental or medical conditions and that pulsed electromagnetic or acoustic energy remains a plausible explanation in certain cases. As with other health challenges faced by U.S. personnel that took years to diagnose, sustained clinical, research, and investigative work is necessary to clarify what caused the symptoms our colleagues have reported, develop effective medical interventions, and prevent future incidents. Our brave colleagues and their families, who suffered real and sometimes serious injuries, deserve no less.

It is my hope that more and more officials will come forward - and ultimately address the targeting of CIVILIANS!!!

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Stephen Simac - Jan 13

Stephen’s Newsletter

If they admit this and provide medical compensation for their own targeted personnel after fifteen years, when will they admit harm from their targeted inoculations?

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Bronc Buster Self-Healing - Jan 13

Bronc Buster Self-Healing

Ana, I love you.

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