Updated Info on Opt Out 5G Symposium Friday 29th, 2023

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 27, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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NEWS RELEASE: Sept. 27, 2023

October 4 FEMA emergency alert test is ‘criminal battery,’ experts say

On September 29, a livestream symposium of attorneys, physicians and other experts will discuss the dangers of FEMA’s October 4 emergency alert and other issues related to 5G.

“We will present overwhelming evidence that signals from cell phone towers are not only capable of causing grievous bodily harm, but are designed to do so,” said attorney Todd Callender, a symposium speaker. “For example, these signals could create a viral hemorrhagic fever outbreak designed to force Americans into quarantine centers and into compulsory experimental ‘vaccines.’”

Callender explained that the Constitutional rights of Americans have been suspended since 2020, when a Marburg pandemic was declared.

Other speakers include:

·       Ann Vandersteel, journalist and medical freedom advocate, who will open the symposium with Todd Callender.

·       Sean from SGTreport.com, “the corporate propaganda antidote.”

·       Attorney Warner Mendenhall, who sued Pfizer for up to 3.3 trillion dollars in damages.

·       Deborah Tavares, an outspoken activist opposing directed-energy weapons, weather warfare, UN Agenda 2030 and other offenses.

·       Lee Vliet, MD, President of the Truth for Health Foundation.

·       Dr. Bill Lionberger, DC, law enforcement officer and founder of Guardians of Humanity’s Children.

·       Theresa Long, MD, Lieutenant Colonel, and an expert on the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED).

·       Dr. Pete Chambers, DO and former Green Beret, who was forced into retirement after refusing an order to stop giving his patients informed consent.

·       Attorney David Meiswinkle, president of the National American Renaissance Movement.

·       Joseph Sansone, PhD, National ARM board member and “Ban the Jabs Resolution” founder.

·       Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD, nanotechnology and synthetic biology researcher, and National ARM board member.

·       Jeffrey Prather, retired special operations soldier, former DIA intelligence collector, and ex-DEA special agent.

Friday’s symposium will be livestreamed from 12 noon to 5:30 p.m. EST on American Media Periscope

National American Renaissance Movement is organized exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes, to create, research and develop new ideas that would improve existing organizations and/or create ideas for new organizations that would improve social, cultural and economic well-being for the public consistent with 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Vaxxchoice is a hub of resources for support aimed to promote the right to make individual health choices, refuse unwanted intrusions on our freedoms, and provide news you need to know.

Truth For Health Foundation ’s mission is to provide truthful, balanced, medically sound, research-based information and cutting edge updates on prevention and treatment of common medical conditions, including COVID-19 and other infectious diseases that affect health, quality of life and longevity.

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dina lopez - Sep 27, 2023

dina lopez

I can tell you from experience, I am ELECTROMAGNETIC sensitive, and I know the horrific damage EMF does to the human body, it destroyed my life, and like me, millions of damaged individuals all over the world, the criminal wireless industry is 100% exempt of all the harm it does to humanity.

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Debbie Petersilge - Sep 27, 2023

Debbie’s Newsletter

Ana Maria, please share link of how to access this live stream symposium ?

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