Unvaccinated vs Vaccinated Blood Comparison …

Mar 27, 2023

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Image Courtesy: Unvaccinated Infrared Spectroscopy – history of mild Covid


Richard C. Skidmore - Mar 27, 2023


With all the concern around the jabs “shedding” and this being a nano-bot danger to the un-jabbed, as well as chem trails and graphene and aluminum in the sky and nasty things in food-- the near-universality of those actions means I can only believe these theories/facts if I also believe that the powers-that-be-bad have an antidote for them.
Now that researchers have established to their satisfaction that these horrors are real, isn’t it time to turn to looking for the antidotes? Otherwise all these elaborate machinations internal to us and external to the environment would seem not just genocidal, but suicidal. No?


Tatjana - Mar 27, 2023


Dr. Mihalcea is looking for solutions all the time - she has already mentioned several protocols, you can find them in her previous articles.
The global oligarchy IS suicidal, unfortunately. They are just not aware of that yet, because they are so overwhelmed by thinking they are gods.


Richard C. Skidmore - Mar 27, 2023


I think “their” entire protocol is about protecting and defending themselves— as it has always been. BLOODLINES are a big part of what “they” feel needs protecting. My theory is “they” must have a simple way to keep themselves safe— and we should be looking for an antidote, not treatments. Maybe they bathe themselves in a particular frequency everyday to disrupt the nano incursion…


Cat Arnold - Mar 27, 2023

From the beginning, for me this has been and will always be about frequency... this has to be the solution - to neutralise the frequency of these things inside the vaccine and potentially in all of us. This is the answer. And yes you are correct it's all about protecting their BLOODLINE... So what are they doing? This thought just came to me now... Bill Gates has his breast milk company and also the embryos - perhaps they are creating (privately) the "fake" embryos to create new children under the same blood and using this blood to rehabilitate - I mean let's go far out here since nothing is surprising anymore.


James Trujillo - Aug 9, 2023

Chemtrails. Since 1990. There is no escape.


Cat Arnold - Aug 9, 2023

Sadly I agree


Matt - Mar 29, 2023


How can you find an antidote when you're still trying to find out what the pathogens are?
That said, CDS, EDTA, fasting, glutathione precursors and epigenetics looks like good places to start.


Richard C. Skidmore - Mar 29, 2023


My point/supposition is that the powers-that-be-bad, want it easy for their own folks. I don’t think it likely they are doing a daily hodgepodge of the remediations you mention.


Angela - Apr 9, 2023


Well said. And I add that many of the 'suggested' protocols are providing revenue for suppliers (who are not disclosing the known side effects of 'suggested' solutions) while providing distractions (which helps control the release of info - and delays acquisition of knowledge that will help in the end game).


Sophie Bertrand - May 15

Sophie Bertrand

Oh well, it seems the treatments are good via Intra-V. I'm very happy for the person who has access, specific instructions and $$ to such treatments. So I guess I will make myself a minimal supplement protocol ($) and hope for the best, otherwise my blood will keep nanobotting. Oy wey.


Randall - Apr 15, 2023

Fasting is a universal antidote. I think we should all be using it more often (especially us fat Americans ho ho)


Eric - Jun 27, 2023

Could the controllers be a non human race? We are seeing what seems to be many more UAPs and there are many great hiding places on Earth and they could be trying to eradicate us and take over the lease.


jacquelyn sauriol - Mar 27, 2023 - Edited

I find such a parallel in this to the poisoning of all crops by Monsanto/Bayer poisons; such companies created the situation where NO ONE gets to be free of the bodily damage caused. As an unvaxxed living with a 2x vaxxed, I have been duly transfected, and it looks like it's just as bad for me as them. I am not sure moving away from them would do much good, but I would rather not be around any vaxxed. This is so insideous, so very nasty. But understanding is the first step. Thanks much Dr. Ana.


Ian - Mar 27, 2023

Fighting Words

I was wise enough to refrain from taking these treatments, but unfortunately I didn’t anticipate this shedding stuff & I was around recently vaccinated people. Is there any way to find out if I’m affected? Anywhere to go for any kind of test? This is extremely concerning.


Tatjana - Mar 27, 2023


Avoiding vaccinated people won't help, because we are being exposed to nanoparticles in the environment (we are being sprayed with lipid nanoparticles, and there is also geoingeneering...). Work on strenghtening your immune system with antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin D, zink, magnesium, quercetin, etc.) and probiotics. Work on positive thinking - learn to look on things from bright sight. Learn to be a critical thinker, but do not let things depress you. Look for creative solutions. Nurture your creativity. Read books. Etc. This is what helped me. The worse thing is to live in fear. I simply do not accept fear, I keep analyzing the situation and looking for solutions. Just like dr. Ana. I will be eternaly grateful for dr. Ana's inspiration and her good will!


Eva van Loon - Mar 27, 2023

Eva’s Newsletter

And focus on building back-up systems in your area of expertise, from food production to medical care to fixing machinery . For me it's education, with a radical learning system for literacy, numeracy, and logic, so that people can become autonomous life-long learners. It provides alternatives for home-schoolers and autodidacts and fixes the most common learning "disabilities". The learners' successes cheer me up immensely. My brain says, "Maybe there's hope after all." We may not win this dreadful battle but at least let it not be said that we didn't try our best.


Tatjana - Apr 2, 2023


Yes, exactly! I am also doing that, I am educating reading club moderators - and all those people work on reviving book-discussion culture in their communities. This is very important, because our school system is made that way that it kills one's natural (innate) curiosity and creativity.
Creative, active, solution-seeking approach is 100% effective in building HOPE. There IS hope, as long as we keep working on enhancing the world!
I am so glad you are working on education and self-organizaton too, I keep my fingers crossed for you and your endeavours!
Best wishes from Slovenia!


Luke Anthony Salazar - Jan 24, 2024

Could one of you help me with subject? It has person in my life who terrified of me because I've vaccined. But I only got it because I've go heart condition. Plus the old job i had. everyone was getting Covid or had it three times, where i was around all them didn't even catch it all. But when I got my second shot, they did blood test on me. Found out i have anti bodies; which was crazy to here. I around everyone who had it, and it was getting to me at all. Give me some advise on this. This person is acting scared and I love them some much. I have be doing alkaline diet for period of time as well. This woman I love , not vaccined. Plus when covid was around, a lot ppl with my condition were going down without the vaccine. My heart doctor lose 12 to covid before the it came out. Yes, I'm against vaccines, trust me . My past heart doctor would never let me get vaccines or even flu shot. First time I did get the shot for flu , it cause my body to shut down. Give some advise if you can I have been reading your comments with Eva Van Loon. maybe you both can shine on this.


Eva van Loon - Apr 2, 2023

Eva’s Newsletter

I am delighted to meet you, Tatjana. Your comment has started me thinking on whether my daughter, Katje, and I should start a book club here.


Cat Arnold - Mar 27, 2023

I'm not and I had 5 periods of 5 days each within 45 days! From touching my wellness practice clients - and severe bleeding clotting the works. Now all of a sudden my period has stopped - it's all very scary


Rosalind McGill - Mar 27, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I am not vaccinated and had bleeding in menopause after helping my elderly family member after his injury from the second shot. I got a d dimer test . And reproductive system tests as a baseline.


Ian - Mar 27, 2023

Fighting Words

I got a d-dimer at the end of last summer, which is 12-14 months or so after the vaccinated people around me got their shots. That came back clear thankfully. I should check reproductive.


Rosalind McGill - Mar 27, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Glad it was ok. It’s insulting how we have to keep guessing about what is actually happening. I pray for discernment more than ever.


James Trujillo - Aug 9, 2023

Chemtrails since 1990. It's in all water, all food and all soil. Kinda hard to get away from.


Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - Mar 27, 2023

The Heterodox Cheering Section …

Dr Ana, yer doin' so much ALREADY but is there a way ta quantify further the ill-effects on the unvaxxed? Mebbe you an some other MDs you trust kin share data an' perform the same tests on patients' live blood. Do we know if unjabbed patients that never had "covid" are showin' up with the "same" artifacts in their blood? Do we know if there are regional differences (in the USA) cuz we sure as heck know that the distribution of clot shots / diff. formulas varied includin' regionally--so an unjabbed person in one state with close proximity to an unjabbed individual in another state may have diff. results... What other factors do you see affectin' blood results in the unjabbed? All-organic diet? Grain-free / GF / keto? / carnivore? Would certain healthy gut microbes (per Dr Sabine) be able to "fix" the blood of the unjabbed who've been "shed upon?" I know--so many questions but it'd help ta know what other things we folks kin' do to help "ourselfs" besides the supplments (an' fer those lucky enuf, IVs, etc...). Also--I wonder if at any point the jabbed stopped sheddin'--we have family we've been avoidin' (quietly) due to this "unknown..." THANK YA SO MUCH FOR ALL YA DO !


Cat Arnold - Mar 27, 2023

Norn knows The Truth



Dennis Norn - Mar 27, 2023

Norn knows The Truth

Incredible, because they have worked on this longer than most know it's very hard to say when they introduced the first material into the body and just how much each of us has in our bodies. Add the crap they dump on us from the planes and put in the water it's a wonder they haven't killed us off a long time ago. I pray we can get rid of the insane, immoral, murdering mad men/women so we can get the human race out of stagnation and on to developing the way we were intended to develop before they get complete control. If they get complete control the only thing we can do is stand as a shield between our loved ones and fight to the death. If at that point that is all we can do then do it. Better to die on your feet than to die slowly, painfully being poisoned and as a slave on your knees.


Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - Mar 28, 2023

The Heterodox Cheering Section …

interestin'! (I wear a "so-called" scalar necklace...look forward to readin' further...)


Kyle Young - Mar 28, 2023

the secular heretic

Back when the covid nonsense began, a friend and I made some wearables with copper wire.


Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - Mar 28, 2023

The Heterodox Cheering Section …

Clif High sez ya gotta have copper with yer zinc AND we also know copper is used ta resist emfs AND that copper kills bacteria (hence copper cookware, copper straws, an' the weird habit some folks have've swiping their nostrils with a smooth copper thing-a-mabob to prevent/kill what-so-ever is lurkin' there... Interestin'! (plus copper is purdy!)


SadieJay - May 2, 2023

Nothing To See Here

I take it these unvaxxed blood samples were from those who had covid at some point?


Nobody - Mar 27, 2023

Seeds of the Void

My Parents went to give blood on saturday. Dads had 2 shots and Moms had 3, before they both finally agreed to not get them anymore. Within 15-20 minutes of starting the arm tap, the blood had thickened and clotted preventing blood from being flowing into the collecting parcel. They tried a couple different methods but had to give up trying to draw blood from both. Neither parent has had any additional shots since about the middle of last year. Heres to hoping the issue can be corrected.


Citizen Seer - Mar 28, 2023

Citizen’s Substack

Dr Ana has posted extensively about success with IV EDTA chelation treatments. And she has a protocol to follow with additional information. Sounds like your parents should start taking a blood thinner. Plasminex (containing Nattokinase) is a blood thiining supplement made from fermented soy. If I were you I'd check it out asap.


Nobody - Mar 28, 2023

Seeds of the Void

Yeah they may need to. They both also got the remdesivir monoclonal treatment as that was being called better than the vaccines.
Its interesting, if the injections are causing rouleaux and clotting then it infers the stuff injected is acting like a sort of film that lets the existing mV potentials be shorted or reduced which then, since like to like repels and the charge is reduced, becomes to little to keep the cells apart in the plasma. It seems like a way to increase the cellular mV potential has to be sorted so that increased mV like to like potential will keep the cells apart in the plasma.
Any time charge flows a current between opposite polarity charges, the potential zeroes. If the charge flows a current between two LIKE polarity charges, the higher polarity reduces some and the lower polarity charges up some, till both are at about the same mV potential. So one would have to determine current standing charge in the patients blood versus plasma and then perhaps raise the plasma voltage above the blood so it charges the cells up to the same potential which should then let them act to repel each other and flow instead of clot up.


T. - Mar 27, 2023



Blue Zebra - Apr 2, 2023

Did the not-jabbed get any PCR tests up the nose by any chance?


Eva van Loon - Mar 27, 2023

Eva’s Newsletter

Great work! Thank you. Sorry, but I'm too broke to donate, Tx 2 Scamplandemic. BTW, a typo: Humanity's Blood, not Humanities' Blood (unless you think there are more humanities than one. Hmmm...that might be good news, as the one we know may not be long for this world.)


Gary McCollom - Mar 28, 2023

I have read and reread this Ana and I see no mention of the contacts of the included unvaccinated.
Are they married to a vaccinated person, have they been intimate with a vaccinated person and so on and so forth.
This is exceptionally important in light of the headline.


Dennis Norn - Mar 27, 2023

Norn knows The Truth

We have in the past talked about this and I pray the doctors that lost their jobs are working as fast as they can to fix what the murdering evil have done to the population. It would be great if they could completely reverse the damage done by these criminals. With all the evidence shown to date there should be civil uprising on a world wide scale and as of yet there is still not enough people being informed of the danger they and the rest of the world is in. Because we have in our family jabbed we are worried that we may be in danger as well. We have been able to stop our immediate family from getting more shots but now we have to watch for any changes to their health every time we see them in the hopes that we can act fast enough to save them in the event something happens. Damn the government, medical system, big pharma, big tech and judicial system criminals.


Nobody - Mar 27, 2023

Seeds of the Void

Are you familiar with Teslaphoresis? A similar idea is perhaps at work in the vaccines, where the contents will self assemble with a little mV potential put over the ends and such would then build a conduit of lower resistance increasing the rate of assembly at the outter ends of such a "bridge". The high voltage ac from a tesla coil applied to single walled carbon nanotubes causes the tubes to self align and then Fuse into place within a liquid suspension. What they don't tell you is that other types of tiny particles are also affected in different ways similar to ferro/dia/para magnetism. For example using nickel in a fine powder in the same dish used for the SWCNT assembly results in the nickel powder setting up in Lines that are perpendicular to the applied potential instead of axially aligned directly between such. I did this sort of experiment maybe 4-5 years ago while playing on my garage workbench using a relative potential source of my own design. Some of the videos of that work are on youtube under Coruscantme user.


Josie - Mar 27, 2023 - Edited

Josie’s Substack

The jabs are the problem a depopulation tool period, nothing else. They don't protect you from anything especially the man made C ovid designed to kill as many of us as possible! All people involved with this travesty Dr.'s, nurses and those administering or pushing these jabs are going to be held accountable for all the deaths and injuries! The Nuremberg trials are coming!


James Beck - Mar 27, 2023

Josie’s Substack

Exactly who is going to lead this criminality group ??


Josie - Feb 13, 2024

Josie’s Substack

Actually go to:realrawnews.com. You can look back to previous video and it shows already a lot of Dr.'S and nurses they have already executed. Also the head of FEMA and WHO, many more.


Dan Preece - Mar 27, 2023

Does ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy require expensive equipment ?


John Braby - Apr 3, 2023

John’s Newsletter

I thought La Quinta Columna's Micro-Raman spectroscopy had determined it was graphene.


Cat Arnold - Mar 27, 2023

What about receiving massages or physio? Does human sweat affect us? I was in Thailand trying to avoid massage sadly - I don't know what to share or not share anymore? I


Truth Matters - Mar 27, 2023

Truth’s Substack

I love all your continuing research, evidence, etc!
I know your therapies are helping damaged humanity!
But…ALL these serious Treasonous issues cannot be addressed until The AWAKE People UNITE…
My Favorite Message today…
I am united with others who have brilliant, strategic minds, trying to get The people uniting to end 3 years of devastating Treason, including ALL aspects of the mass genocide…with convictions, prosecution and punishments!
Even President Trump said at his Waco rally…
“Either the deep state destroys America or WE destroy the deep state.” Trump has repeated this a few times!
The next step has to be UNITY of ALL awake persons in a real Freedom Movement with strategic planners who know how to address ALL the Treason! NO other organization has had any wins the past 3 years like the the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER mentioned below.
UNITED, We can do anything we want!
Divided, there is nothing we can do!
Lex Greene, important writer with a serious resume writing unity…
P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. I highly suggest if you want to unite with strategic, brilliant minds actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!



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