Mar 19, 2023
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Image Courtesy Carnicom Institute: Human Blood Sample Subjected to AC Voltammetry Electrochemistry CDB Presence & Filament Formation is Evident Magnification ~ 1500x.
Pamela - Mar 19, 2023 - Edited
Alli’s Substack
Dr Ana, why are non-injected people seeing you, do they not feel well or are they just getting ahead of things by having this blood analyzed? This is truly alarming, as I am sure many reading here are proactive in safe guarding their health with various protocols, and have been thru out the last three years. Are we also ticking time bombs?
Louis - Mar 20, 2023
Hey I just put a comment out and saw your comment. I recommend you watch the show on ZEEE media with Karen Kingston.
Gary McCollom - Mar 20, 2023
Perhaps that explains the many videos we have seen of people turning around in circles and then dying. Those poor people were the few chosen first to try what they are trying to do.
Louis - Mar 20, 2023
I have seen where people are giving off IP addresses without having their phone on them. It makes sense if there is metal that can react to 5G. They are basically trying to manipulate the person into doing something that person innately knows they should not do. Or it just overloads their system.
This is insane what they are doing. I only started figuring out what I knew about this when I saw Karen Kingston, then Dr. Ana, and they got me looking for things way over my head but I get lucky a lot. I think it's about key words or phrases that helps me search.
If you can find my other comments you will see what I mean. I am about to start publishing what I have just to get it out there.
WildernessofZin - Mar 28, 2023
I think that every person biology is a little different . Some more easily susceptible to the EMF and what ever is in the air and jabs . That’s why some spin out and pass . I’m sure that all of us can be in that category with the right (wrong) amounts of toxicity .
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
Alli’s Substack
Yes, we are all ticking time bombs waiting to keel over. Thank Trump and his lil keebler Elf looking MF Fauci. Biden and Gates as well. The entire world is contaminated and infected. Detox for life!
Alli - Oct 13
Alli’s Substack
There is no red/blue, left/right, blah blah blah. They’re two wings of the same sick, self serving, evil bird. They’re all corrupt, every single person with any power, all of them. If it wasn’t Trump it would have been someone else, no matter what team they’re on they all have the same agenda and it’s not for our benefit
James Trujillo - Aug 8, 2023
Seriously? Had to get that last bit of prideful idiots in there. Couldn't resist. Hate is hate. If trump's the devil, he wants you to hate him. Live him instead and take his power. Sheesh.
James Trujillo - Aug 8, 2023
Comment removed.
James Trujillo - Aug 9, 2023
You're the reason we are going extinct. Karma is real. Thanks for the proof.
James Trujillo - Aug 9, 2023
Comment removed.
James Trujillo - Aug 9, 2023
Apparently you have me mistaken for someone else. The world I live in isn't viewed through the lens of politics. Political ideologies were carefully crafted with the assistance of Edward Bernays to do exactly what they are doing to America. To cause division. You've been duped.
Michael Baird - Mar 19, 2023 - Edited
Michael Baird
What I am wondering if the elite understand the phenomenon of no person left behind or do they have an antidote? See if you can do an analysis of billy gates’ blood if he has any
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 19, 2023
They want to be transhuman. Change every living cell and organism into synthetic biology and upload themselves to AI supercomputer cloud and in their deluded satanic views they think they become greater than God by destroying all life. Has been their plan for many decades. They despise humanity.
dana ciancimino - Mar 19, 2023
Couldn't they all just jump into a volcano? They certainly wouldn't be human anymore.
I don't think they qualify as human right now anyway.
Bandit - Mar 19, 2023
And we despise them equally.
WildernessofZin - Mar 28, 2023
PITA Contrarian
I don’t despise them . I love them πThe only way out of this is with heart . Don’t get me wrong . I’ll fight til I can no longer if that may be the path . But ... to overcome this , we need love in our collective hearts , not anger and especially not fear !
PITA Contrarian - Mar 28, 2023
PITA Contrarian
You love who? ... the globalists?
WildernessofZin - Mar 28, 2023
Love everyone ! As we can only defeat evil at a high vibration . To operate at the same low frequency is to be as they are .
Marion Seath - Apr 9, 2023
I agree
PITA Contrarian - Mar 28, 2023
PITA Contrarian
Rarely do I reply twice to the same comment ...
Let me get this right ... we're going to defeat the great reset with the collective love in our hearts? ... what an incredibly naive comment ... please tell me, what exactly will a love-based assault on evil actually look like? ...
Eagerly awaiting your reply!
PITA Contrarian - Mar 26, 2023
PITA Contrarian
Yeah, we also despise them for what it's worth, but so what! ...
Eventually the globalists have their way with us ... just watch what happens in France ... those massive protests will eventually die out and Macron will then have it his way ...
PITA Contrarian - Mar 26, 2023
PITA Contrarian
I became a bit frustrated in reading about the how these structures tend to grow in the blood of unvaxxed when electrical currents are present ... electrical currents in what form? ... are you saying that for example, the reading lamp on my desk actually acts as a catalyst by providing the electrical current needed to trigger the growth of these structures? ... WTF does "electrical current" mean in the context of this article?
Bandit - Mar 26, 2023
EMFs. It comes from anything electrical. Most people talk about it from cell phones, lap tops, cell towers, smart meters, etc.
Louis - Mar 26, 2023
EMF can also come from anything electrical. Any time a current runs through a wire it creates an electric field around the wire.
This also happens in the natural world. It us the same basis Tesla used to say he could get free power from the earth.
The magnetic fields around the earth that are protecting us from the cosmic a the sun's rays are essentially EMF's. They don't just go from pole to pole. There are small less powerful ones that are essentially everywhere on the planet.
Depending on the makeup of the ground they don't even have to be aligned North and South, because they are weaker.
Bottom line you cannot get away from them. They are in nature as much as they are man made. Some are just stronger than others.
I didn't even consider all the cell phone towers shooting signals 360 degrees, mostly, from every tower you see. And on top and inside buildings and stadiums, malls, etc.
I know, as my career was in electrical engineering and wireless industry for 30 plus years.
Bandit - Mar 26, 2023
Huh. I thought I covered that with, "It comes from anything electrical." Since there are more artificial generators of electricity everywhere, until they are gone I won't worry about the electrical lay lines on the Earth.
Louis - Mar 26, 2023
Excuse me for elaborating. And until some sort of cataclysmic event takes out all electrical grids ,have fun with your thoughts on that.
Debra - May 17, 2023
Like the potato experiment we all did at school to power a light bulb or clock.
Louis - Mar 20, 2023
Michael Baird
It has been going on for 100's of years. They may no have had the technology but the same peavey been trying to run the world for many centuries. Long before Europe was even close to what it is today.
Ask yourself why is Ukraine so damn important. Then do some history.
Louis - Mar 20, 2023
Michael Baird
Lol, people not peavey. Hahaha.
ConcernedGrammy - Mar 20, 2023
Michael Baird
FYI - you can edit your comment. Click the 3 dots under your comment. π
Michael Baird - Mar 23, 2023
Michael Baird
All I see is share, hide or delete no edit
Marion Seath - Apr 9, 2023
Peavey is probably a good word for them π
ConcernedGrammy - Mar 24, 2023
Ah, you must be using the Substack app. (It doesn't work well for me. It creates several scrolling pages over and over if I like a comment.π€·♀οΈ) The "edit" option is available if you open substack in a browser.
Joey - Apr 25, 2023
Joey’s Substack
Yes, Dr. Ana I agree! I have to consider the altering of our blood will ultimately be used in the mark of the beast. The technology already exists to assimilate a a chip in the head that allows the mind to interact with computers. I also consider they’d use it for controlling us. Pray God’s children are protected from this vile evil! I believe He will! The “lukewarm” believers are susceptible. He says in the Word that even His elect will be deceived. Pray for continued discernment! Thank you for exposing the truth! And please watch your back! Truth tellers are targeted! I am praying for you and the others to be protected!
RS - Apr 28, 2023
The Bible says "If it were possible."
2FollowHim - May 3, 2023
2FollowHim related topics
Well said. Biden, Trudeau, and I'm sure others all hate humans.
So, they will become part of 'the beast'.
The worst thing is? I don't say this lightly 'We ain't seen nothing yet.'
I believe that is true. Maybe not linear.
I trust you, trust this, trust who you trust at this point.
Rare for me to do this.
Yes, the roots of this today go way back.
Aside: long ago I studied 'tares' in the New Testament.
Researched, I got 'darnel' which is a soporific, inducing
Thus, some of the lethargy, not getting involved is darnel effects.
If you believe, 'Watch and pray'.
I hope to do more of this.
Debra - May 17, 2023
I wonder if those linked to the WEF in anyway have already been contaminated with a variant to make them more compliant.
They all seem to be quoting the same words and their annual attendance is the only one publicised. If there are other local meetings throughout the year what is happening to these decision makers?
If these contaminants are susceptible to electrical waves do these contaminants allow other forms of say orders to be received?
Do they work as parasites in the brain?
futurehumanity - Mar 27, 2023
yes, they want to be transhuman but these substances would damage them too in the same way they can damage us....their plans for transhumanism don't include them having blood clots and inflammation from microcurrents....they must have a way to get their bodies to automatically destroy these filaments and stuff just what? not edta too taxing in the long run but something else
Navyo Ericsen - Mar 20, 2023
Fear or Love
Ana, I couldn't have said it better.
PITA Contrarian - Mar 26, 2023
PITA Contrarian
Yes, she actually could have said it better - she never explained the specific nature and role of electrical currents in facilitating the growth of these structures ... what you don't know will in this case hurt you ... but not to worry, I'm the only person in this hemisphere who notices such things!
dar - Mar 19, 2023 - Edited
pas possible, MB...
'Remember when adrenochrome was a "conspiracy theory?" Now it's conspiracy FACT in the form of "youth transplants" Ethan Huff 6/12/2022
( For years, it was called a wild conspiracy theory. But the idea that “elitists” are siphoning the blood and life essence of young people in an effort to live forever has now been vindicated....“‘
Youth transplants’ is a euphemism for sucking out the vital fluids of baby / child ‘donors’ and injecting them into aging recipients,” writes Ben Bartee for The Daily Bell...Bartee explains that in 2019, a United States-based startup called Ambrosia – a name that is creepy in and of itself, considering the focus of its business – started selling teenage blood plasma to Silicon Valley billionaires for $8,000 a liter...'
Bridget - Mar 19, 2023
We’ve allowed this. Why is anyone surprised?
63 million plus legally sacrificed in the US alone since ‘73.
Maybe we’re getting what we deserve. When you look the other way from a Genocide, don’t be shocked when you’re invited to the party next.
Larry Druhall - Mar 20, 2023
Solution Seeking
Some of us are trying to figure out HOW we might be able to stop our enemy from harming humanity. It is never too late to do one's best to try to stop these bastards.
Nod - Mar 20, 2023
Fear or Love
30,000 children die every day preventable hunger and disease while we watch the rich hoard the resources. Flouride, vaccines pesticides,,
they have poisoned us for over half a century. Guess it wasnt going quick enough.
Soon they will have authority to force inject us. One has the admit, the planning and execution has been extraordinarily excellent on the part of the globalist fascists. They been busy these last few decades.
Navyo Ericsen - Mar 20, 2023
Fear or Love
Evil at work. I don't believe these people are human.
Nod - Mar 21, 2023
A lifetime of greed and envious makes people inhumane. Only those will well developed empathy can beat it.
Niclas Henschen - Mar 19, 2023
Niclas Henschen
Ms Bliss - Mar 19, 2023
The Journal of Lingering Sanity
Both Anthony Keidis and the drummer from Guns N Roses wrote about blood transfusions to regenerate cells damaged from years of drug abuse in their autobiographies.
Stegiel - Mar 20, 2023
The Journal of Lingering Sanity
Keith Richards and Eric Clapton to get off heroin had whole blood transfusions.
Navyo Ericsen - Mar 20, 2023
Fear or Love
Keef had three. He's going to outlast the elite by a long shot.
mary-lou - Mar 20, 2023
three long shots then ;-))
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
Anthony was on pedo island several times. Just another son of satan.
2FollowHim - Mar 19, 2023
2FollowHim related topics
Fix it. USE others, ESPECIALLY 'fit young people '...would you agree they're 'at risk'? Just MAYBE? What if they just 'seem to die',
recover, then blood is drained, THEN they die? Possible? Or not?
Debra - May 17, 2023
You mean the body goes into stasis so that doctors can’t tell the difference?
Seems likely too.
There is concern in the U.K. that hospitals are bypassing the mortuary and sending babies either still born or early deaths direct to be ‘buried’ by cremation. Who knows what’s in those boxes ….
Parents too distraught to view or not allowed.
2FollowHim - Mar 19, 2023
2FollowHim related topics
And how do they get (enough) of that??
ConcernedGrammy - Mar 20, 2023
Joey’s Substack
800k kids "go missing" every year in the US. 58k in the UK.
Joey - Apr 25, 2023
Joey’s Substack
Black market and surrogacy would prove to be a source as well. It makes me want to vomit. πͺ There’s an epidemic of surrogacy through prostitutes in Kenya. I’m quite sure many others such as India. Many times they’re promised money they’d never make in a lifetime, never to receive it, or die giving birth. It is evil at depth.
Debra - May 17, 2023
Also in Ukraine which is why it’s so protected.
Babies to order is not about babies and toddlers for the infertile parents but for the blood, adrenochrome and pedophiles .
There were even posts in the early parts of the ‘war’ showing surrogacy farms not being able to send the offspring due to the war.
Christine the Strawberry Girl - Mar 20, 2023
Christine the Strawberry Girl
Even Stanford studies it.
sg:sakavicius(c) - Mar 19, 2023 - Edited
The day soon cometh when the servants of the father of all lies will know that it is they who are the ultimate "useful idiots." Those who seek power for their own benefit, are ultimately left helpless, an empty shell, vassals for the legions of Satan; the first to desire power via absolute control.
I can not help but wonder - if the pawns of evil could glimpse their awful final state, if the could (for a moment) glimpse past the fog and fantasy of the devils lies - would they then change their heart? Or harden it more; convince themselves (once again), that the lies are not lies? In the end, All Things shall be known.
Joey - Apr 25, 2023
Joey’s Substack
Indeed they’ve been deceived by the enemies lies. To believe they’d ascend over our Creator is the greatest deception of all! Yes, I believe in rejection of Him they’re hearts have been hardened beyond the point of redemption, even if a glimpse.
Larry Druhall - Mar 19, 2023
Solution Seeking
With the many trillions of money the [d]elites have stolen from us, they probably understand exactly what they are doing, but are very clever with what they share with us, they like to keep us guessing, and diverted from figuring out how to turn the tide. This whole thing appears to have been carefully planned for decades. They are always expanding the many ways they harm humanity. Their ability to harm humanity must be stopped.
Debra - May 17, 2023
Solution Seeking
I agree.
The diversions I call ‘squirrels’ as they throw out political and celebrity shock articles to distract people whilst those awake are also chasing reasons and proof.
We should focus on solutions.
The past will be dealt with once we can ensure a future for those still alive.
Larry Druhall - May 17, 2023
Solution Seeking
Solution Seeking Substack is an attempt at an online think tank to seek, innovate, discuss, rate, and critique all known solutions, while attempting to come up with new solutions. We are a group of equal participants. You may be interested in taking a look.
The Addendum in the following article is an attempt to classify and rate all known classes of solutions. It is in need of a rewrite. It contains two downloadable spreadsheets allowing you to easily rate your own classes of solutions.
Here is one of many attempts at creating a simple, universally applicable, solution that can be used with almost anybody. The simple strategy might be adaptable to the majority of people, and fitted into almost any conversation. Person by person, face to face, is often better than online.
Several different approaches were tried. The results are being evaluated sy several online and offline. Sometimes this is best discussed offline, with all cell phones and electronics off, with trusted friends of like mind. Our enemy has weaponized language and succeeded in conditioning all of us. Nothing Einstein ever did or attempted was more important or challenging than this. We could use all the help we can get, along with creative insights, constructive criticisms, feedback, discussion, etc.
Frances Lynch - Jul 27, 2023
Frances Lynch
No bioweapons program IMO would ever come up with a weapon they didn't have the cure for. For it too easily, and too soon might come into the hands of the enemy. So I suspect they have a cure for their products. I also suspect they are fairly simple cures, for as they can't trust each other they would keep it simple. Could be wrong.
Joanna Gear - Mar 19, 2023 - Edited
Joanna’s Newsletter
Dr. Ana: don’t you suspect the daily aerial spraying that all of us are subjected to— vaxced and unvaxced alike — is forcing all of us to breathe in not just heavy metals but graphene oxide and god-knows-what-all whenever we go outside? Every time it snows here I think “poison snow”. Two years in a row I have made snowballs of my garden snow, carried them to the sink and tried to melt them with a lighter. No melting, it just scorches black and stinks of burning plastic.
Patricia Wagner - Mar 19, 2023
2FollowHim related topics
My god, I hadn't thought of trying to burn it. We bring the poison snow in, too, and observe that it can take hours on end for it to melt when placed in a glass lidded jar on the counter. We'll try your method next time. And as JustANobody mentions, we'll try once melted, as well. I'm in Prescott AZ, btw, and we've had a winter of Dane Wigington's "nucleated chemical ice" displays that have been unimaginable.
Ms Bliss - Mar 19, 2023
The flammable tap water in Ohio looks like fun π³ππ¦πΊ
2FollowHim - Mar 19, 2023
2FollowHim related topics
Just it possible?? That USA is targeted by various groups, likely including China? Have you got others living say further, in remote areas to do this? Have you sent findings to 'Mike Adams', 'the Health Ranger'? I think he WOULD pursue this?
Then, I wonder about Stu Peters? Very concerned?
You're definitely on to something.
So then, likely breathing it?
Christine the Strawberry Girl - Mar 20, 2023
Christine the Strawberry Girl
Targeted by our own Department of Defense!
Stegiel - Mar 20, 2023
The Journal of Lingering Sanity
No the grave error is that Washington is a nation unto itself and an Empire across the globe which after Union victory in the Civil War was inevitable. We are subjects of a Raj. 50 colonies administered for private gain of corporations by an OVERMENT not government. The concern of the Anti-Federalists was that freedom rested in the life of the people in their several states. Tyranny rested in a governance structure OVER the several states. Federalism won. History proved the Anti-Federalist correct.
2FollowHim - Mar 20, 2023
2FollowHim related topics
First, NOT a condemnation, ok? But MILLIONS of US citizens LET them do this.
And I thought there was SUPPOSED to be opposition, paid to help.
Some as Canada. To me, they let it happen.
It is about power. Citizens have 'none', unless rioting and then the military comes in.
But opposition has some. Pelosi was the WORST. How she won, didn't get thrown out.
Stegiel - Mar 20, 2023
The Journal of Lingering Sanity
You presume too much of the ordinary soul who exists by pleasing for paycheck. The obese American is not the only American content to obey the ad.
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
Joanna Gear - Mar 20, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
You bet!
Joanna Gear - Mar 20, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
Two years ago when I had a phase of watching TikTok, I saw half a dozen little videos of people all over trying to melt snowballs with lighters — all the same! I’m sure Mike Adams knows.
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
No, it's the entire world. Bill Gates and his demons spray the entire world with their evil concoction.
Joanna Gear - Mar 20, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
Hundro correct. They have the grid of Gods Flat earth and control the weather and spraying. There really is NO safe space or place. The evil within them is diabolic
2FollowHim - Mar 20, 2023
2FollowHim related topics
How do you FEEL physically? Not mentally, physically?
Have you been damaged? You're going to have indicators.
Those FOUR, (not a lot), went to the doctor. For reasons.
Good to have known REASONS? Their reasons.
If you're OK, I think you neither need to run nor hide.
Joanna Gear - Mar 21, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
Oh, I am much damaged neurologically! I cluelessly in 2011 bought a Russian-made Wi-Fi “booster” to tune in to a “hotspot”nearby. Apparently an early 5G device! It killed 2 of my 20-yr-old cats with seizures and cancer and injured me with a form of MS that has continued to progress (downhill). Eyesight is damaged so that as I drive past cell towers and any shit-brown 5G masts my vision blurs and I go cross-eyed. I have nightly spasms and little seizures. Difficulty in walking, muscle pains. The kitten I acquired when old cats died is now about 12 and suffers as much as I from EMF sensitivity.
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
Dane is the man! You know what's up
JustANobody - Mar 19, 2023
Same here in CT. Black burnt snow! Also let it melt and test it. It is through the roof. Even after running through filters! There are no words left to describe all this.
Michael Baird - Mar 20, 2023
Michael Baird
What are you testing for and through the roof I guess means concentrated something
JustANobody - Mar 20, 2023
Chemicals in the water.
Marty - Mar 23, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Ana covered this topic not long ago, if i remember correctly at the time she was saying that abnormal structures we're now seeing in unvaxxed blood could be from previous chemtrail contamination.
2FollowHim - Mar 23, 2023
2FollowHim related topics
Are they spraying crops? Or the toxin from aircraft itself?
In either case, they'd definitely want to blame something else.
What happens if a group of people write their senator(is the head of state in USA called 'senator'? I'm in Canada π¨π¦ π, very iffy place also.
What can people DO? Themselves?
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
Can do nothing! All government agencies are corrupt beyond repair. Satan's evil demons minion puppets are doing their finest to kill us all. Basically all we can do is detox and pray
Patricia Wagner - Mar 23, 2023
Yes, I recall that, Marty. BTW, I'm not a subscriber to this substack account, and wonder if this is why Dr. Ana didn't reply. Perhaps she doesn't see visitor comments? At any rate, I recall the topic you mention now. What my husband and I are getting at, however, is the autonomic disruption we experience directly after a night of heavy chemtrail activity. We are wondering if HAARP and/or 5G co-mingling with the chemtrail particulate matter is causing a breakdown of the human CNS system. Based on the thumbs up my post received, it appears that those who are paying attention are noticing the symptoms I described whether or not they know that this is dysautonomia. As apart from the chips in our blood which may be doing different things. Thanks..
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
Anna really doesn't have time to read these or apply to any of us. Her work is far more important than any of our little comments. Same guys with a lot of people who run podcast subcast newsletter substacks. You'll never see a comment from Maria zeee either
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
Yeah, we breath the shit here night and day. The evil bastards have it down to a science. Central Ohio.
Marion Seath - Apr 10, 2023 - Edited
I've never heard of snowballs not melting. I believe what you say and I think it's an incredibly good example to show the local neighbourhood to support information that we are wanting to share. I'm going to check out any snowballs if it snows here.
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
It's all the same. And don't eat breyers ice cream. It does not melt
ConcernedGrammy - Mar 20, 2023
Watch Dr Ana's talk with Elana Freeland. She's studied this stuff for years.
2FollowHim - Mar 19, 2023
2FollowHim related topics
That's amazing.
Michael Baird - Mar 19, 2023
Michael Baird
Where do you live?
Patricia Wagner - Mar 19, 2023
2FollowHim related topics
Dr. Ana, we are under so very many assaults, may I ask you a question that is beyond Carnicom's blood studies, to the general topic of geo-engineering & HAARP poisoning? Both my husband and I find that we've got Vagus nerve or CNS autonomic disruptions, like irregular or skipped heartbeats, or weak and faint feelings with temperature and blood pressure changes. This is worse at night. Often, we wake to all silver skies or a mix of silver with wide swaths of HAARPed trails and know "they" have been busy while we sleep. We are wondering if your research has revealed that not just thoughts/impulses but physical changes like I've described can be conveyed to us now? We understand that we are energetic beings, with the physical body simply being the most dense of our bodies, but until now hadn't considered that ALL of these bodies could be intentionally impaired or altered. (to be clear, we are unvaccinated and focus on keeping our bodies and minds as safe as possible from all outside assaults.) Your thoughts? Thank you.
Reply (2) - Mar 19, 2023
2FollowHim related topics
Comment removed.
2FollowHim - Mar 19, 2023
2FollowHim related topics
How does graphene dioxide nanotechnology particles get in unvaxed blood in the first place?
Light4Ima - Mar 20, 2023
Fear or Love
Saliva and bodily fluid exchange with vaxed and injected food (meat in particular)
Navyo Ericsen - Mar 20, 2023
Fear or Love
Touch and breath also, according to Pfizer's own literature.
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
Food, water , supplements, hygiene products in chemtrails
ConcernedGrammy - Mar 20, 2023
From the sky, too.
Debra - May 17, 2023
Focus on getting your frequencies higher.
Norcalrain - Mar 19, 2023
Where and how do we get the edta chelation treatment?
What a whole freaking terrible nightmare.
I’m also really concerned because there were strange findings in corpses as far as very high body temps after death.
I’m sure many more findings then we even know or that have been disclosed or discovered.
They’ve destroyed mankind, they have turned us all into computerized beings giving off blue tooth signals even after death
I can’t fathom to think what they have done to us, and all the animals , and all of nature
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
Yep, they got us contaminated but those who live with Christ Holy Spirit shall live without fear and eternally in God's heaven
Norcalrain - Jul 10, 2023
BlazeCloude3 - Mar 19, 2023 - Edited
I believe Kingston to be INCORRECT...The 'Bio/AI Nanotechweapon' is DARPA Designed and OWNED by the DOD and the whole SCAM was/is a 'FALSE FLAG MILITARY OPERATION/ATTACK' onto the U.S. Population. DOD/Govt. USED PHARMA...Many Pharma Companies for their name as the CHARADE making the WEAPONS APPEAR benign and positive to provide marketing for an accepting, PARANOID, TERRIFIED population...
Other than that fact...SHE'S π―π―.
Katherine Watt's Substack, 'Bailliwick News', outlines the FAUX LAWS, Regulations, and Codes seeking to make PREMEDITATED AND DELIBERATE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY; MASS MURDER/GENOCIDE LEGAL over an extended duration of time beginning over 120 years ago and escalating since 1983...Or, 1986. The Oval Office has been corrupted since Nov. 1963 when Johnson was installed following Kennedy's assassination and the enemies of the people of the world began to expose themselves with Ford/Rockefeller being placed in the Office of VP and establishing the Trilateral Commission in 1973 in the Carter Administration.
Not only are the 'Bio/AI Nanotechweapons' defined 'Prototype'. They also are designated by the DOD as 'Countermeasures' (Medical Countermeasures actually), which is the designation assigned to refer to 'WEAPON' in the DOD terminoloy; as well as 'DEMONSTRATIONS' when referred to in Pharma Contracts, according to both Katherine Witt in her Substack and Sasha Latypova's Substack titled 'Due Diligence and Art."
The U.S. population MUST awaken to remember ourselves as the only ARMED POPULATION IN THE WORLD and our weapons are NOT Teddy Bears and Blankies to provide warm/fuzzies providing SECURITY. THERE is a reason the Founding Population...INCLUDING WOMEN AND MINORITIES ALSO FIGHTING IN THE REVOLUTON included the second amendment and it is to MAINTAIN OUR CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC AS OUR RESPONSIBILITY.
2FollowHim - Mar 19, 2023
2FollowHim related topics
Especially since 'the globe' is an utter lie. So many reasons, 'proofs',
the mockery of FE proving the reality. FE COULD mock globe, never does, different kind of people.
Leland CURTIS Roth - Mar 20, 2023
Another flatππππ€£
"..delighted, and maybe frightened hundreds if not thousands of people on March 13, 1997.
Shining above the sky were bright lights in a V-shape – maybe a massive ship that was miles wide – right over Phoenix.
Fast forward 24 years, and we still don’t know what the Phoenix Lights were, but now a lot more people are taking them – and UFOs – seriously." Actually 10k people saw it, but lies is what mass media does best imoπ½πΈ
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
Man they got your mind! Project Blue beam and demons
Leland CURTIS Roth - Jul 10, 2023
Obviously u haven't read "Military Encounters with Extraterrestrials" by Frank Joseph yet to rid your little self of 'demons'πΈ
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
When they control the narrative in your mind you are a slave to satan's lies. So you still believe we live on a flying spinning ball that holds curved water huh.
Leland CURTIS Roth - Jul 10, 2023
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
Almost impossible to wake the sleeping. Doesn't matter how much evidence and proof you show a glober, it will never register in their weak warped minion puppet minds. None of it matters but our beliefs. It's all about our souls. They either send to the heavens or descend to the lake of fire with gnashing of teeth. Psalm 19.1 the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork. When we know we live in a SEALED system, we know everything they say is beyond God's Firmament is a LIE! Why? To corrupt the mind and send their souls to hell. Other than that, none of it even matters π
MB - Mar 19, 2023 - Edited
Clifford Carnicom has worked w/author and researcher Elana Freeland, who in turn has worked w/Canadian herbalist Tony Pantalleresco. Tony has developed a protocol for treating the hydrogel/nano particles. Part of this treatment consists of using anti-nano devices that he developed which emit EMPs. These devices are stronger than something like a TENS machine or the like (which make things worse). Those who are uninjected can use these. For both injected and uninjected people, he recommends a hydrogen peroxide and vinegar solution (the details can be found on Podbean - "The independz's Podcast").
I think initially using IV EDTA as per Dr Ana, is advisable as it will dissolve the hydrogel and remove heavy metals. After that I think Tony's treatment, plus EDTA cream (which Dr Ana recommends), is the way to go for maintenance.
BAB - Mar 19, 2023
Hello, please give us a link to the Hydrogen peroxide/ vinegar info on Podbeam. Thank you!
MB - Mar 19, 2023
Here is a link to the most recent show:
I had to go back several weeks to to find the formula:
Formula ---what I made to simulate ---use the ratio of peroxide and vinegar ( acetic acid) 1:1 –example 2 oz of each---that will give you a 4 oz solution then add 4 oz of distilled or RO water and then add 30 grams MSM or 2 tablespoons OR 6 tsp and mix this together till dissolved then add 10 -20 drops of this in water and utilize—do before bed as well and throughout the day---if dealing nano removal use this before using devices to remove the integration and replication of the nano ---if injected with bioweaopnary use the solution will alleviate some of the symptoms of the operating systems running from your dna DO NOT USE any anti nano devices due to the unpredicatabilty of their tech(injection) and its genetic and nano operating systems
BAB - Mar 20, 2023
MD, thank you! So this link takes me to a Feb. 22nd podcast. Is this the one where you got the peroxide/ vinegar solution info? It's almost 2 hours long, so I wanted to make sure before trying to listen to it on the wrong podcast. Thanks so much!
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
I'd roll with the Chlorine Dioxide and Jim Hubble protocol
Marion Seath - Apr 10, 2023
Very useful information. Thank you.
Mémé Juliette - Mar 19, 2023
Hi from Australia,
I am very interest in what is suggested about using hydrogen peroxide and vinegar solution. I have a tab opened to find this in Podbean. Which title link should I look for please ?
MB - Mar 19, 2023
Here is a link to the most recent show:
I had to go back several weeks to to find the formula:
"Formula ---what I made to simulate ---use the ratio of peroxide and vinegar ( acetic acid) 1:1 –example 2 oz of each---that will give you a 4 oz solution then add 4 oz of distilled or RO water and then add 30 grams MSM or 2 tablespoons OR 6 tsp and mix this together till dissolved then add 10 -20 drops of this in water and utilize—do before bed as well and throughout the day---if dealing nano removal use this before using devices to remove the integration and replication of the nano ---if injected with bioweaopnary use the solution will alleviate some of the symptoms of the operating systems running from your dna DO NOT USE any anti nano devices due to the unpredicatabilty of their tech(injection) and its genetic and nano operating systems"
Morris M Watson - Mar 20, 2023
Morris’s Substack
Having intensly microscopicly studied my blood for more than four months, taken over eight hundred pictures and having found as many as 46 carbon based ribbons in a drop of blood, I have drawn a few conclusions that I think need to be considered. First let me say that I am 86 years old and have been around the block more than once. I am unjabbed! I strongly believe that the truth of all this needs to be accurately presented to all who will listen and no room left for the naysayers to mock or rebuff what we are saying. With that said, let me address the issue of ‘live blood analysis’! I have come to call it ‘stagnant blood analysis’! The blood in our arteries and capillaries are constantly turbulently moving and stacking and clumping cannot happen! This can be easily demonstrated by tapping or lightly pressing the cover slide over the blood sample and you immediately see turbulence in which the stacks break up and flow freely. I can think of an exception to this. That is the case of varicose veins where pooling happens (stagnant blood) which often result in blood clots. (personal experience) The point I am making is that the idea that stacked blood limits the transfer of oxygen and nutrients is not based on good logic or science and could easily be discredited by the naysayers! Morrie
Marion Seath - Apr 10, 2023
Morris’s Substack
I agree. The evidence is troubling enough. We do need to make sure the info presented is clear and validated.
I watched Dr Ana's interview with Maria Zeee and Karen Kingston. Incredibly useful info presented. I now am searching for local blood analysis.
Would love to do my own.
Do you use a normal microscope to see the structures?
Morris M Watson - Apr 10, 2023
Morris’s Substack
Hi Marion, Yes I do use a normal microscope that I bought 5 years ago for about $220. I can improvise darkfield to some extent but bright field is good enough for what I do. If you are looking for local blood analysis, I live in South Bend, IN. Morrie
Marion Seath - Apr 10, 2023
Morris’s Substack
Thank you Marie. I'm in Australia so I might track down the guy that's doing the work referred to in the paper. I saw a microscope yesterday $450 with slides eccetera an old one but it goes up to $750 magnification so I think I'll get that to begin with .I'm also thinking about doing a live blood analysis course. The blood cells are still alive so I guess we could still call it live. Might just need to move it round abit for the photos. (Stagnant isn't so appealing π)
Could you tell me how you do the photography of the slides and how you improvise with the darkfield, as mentioned?
Morris M Watson - Apr 11, 2023
Morris’s Substack
Marion, For photography, be sure to get a camera with a computer program, with any microscope that you buy. I bought my microscope from AmScope, which included the camera. It is easy taking pictures with that. Before you spend a lot of money on a microscope and on a live blood analysis course, I recommend you google 'Microbe Hunter'. He will give you great advice on microscopy and also he shares some of his concerns regarding problems with 'live blood analysis' , some of which I also share. He also explains how to convert a bright field microscope into a dark field one. Morrie
Stephan - Jul 10, 2023
No of it matters. We are all infected and contaminated. Detox and pray. If you actually know and see what's in your own body you might just freak out
Marion Seath - Apr 10, 2023
Morris’s Substack
Morrie apologies typo
Morris M Watson - Apr 11, 2023
Morris’s Substack
Marion, For photography, be sure to get a camera that fits right into the microscope, with a computer program, with any microscope that you buy. I bought my microscope from AmScope, which included the camera. It is easy taking pictures with that. Before you spend a lot of money on a microscope and on a live blood analysis course, I recommend you you- tube 'Microbe Hunter'. He will give you great advice on microscopy and also he shares some of his concerns regarding problems with 'live blood analysis', some of which I also share. He also explains how to convert a bright field microscope into a dark field one. Morrie
Marion Seath - Apr 12, 2023
I had a look at that video by the microbehunter and it was really worthwhile watching. Thank you. From what you've seen from David Nixon and Dr Anna how much do you feel about the hydrogel and the microchips?
Marion Seath - Apr 11, 2023
Thank you Morrie. That is very helpful. I will follow up the recommendation. Blessing and appreciation.
Dee's meow - Mar 19, 2023
Dee’s Meow
Thank you for your amazing work and for getting this info out!
Kyle Young - Mar 19, 2023
the secular heretic
I was going to mention Elana Freeland, then I saw her mentioned in the last paragraph. I'm looking forward to seeing that video.
I've been dealing with a minor case of Morgellen's for several years. I did some research and found a guy talking about it being a fungus. Elana told me no, it was those three classes. She also got that from CC.
It first showed up some months after I began writing on Substack in late 2020. It only appears in the top of my legs where they are exposed to emf/s from the laptop on the pullout board of my desk - in spite of the fact that I have shungite next to the laptop.
I noticed that right around that time I also developed a need to drink a lot more water. I now typically drink about 2 to 2.25 gallons of water a day - from my pristine well. I find as long as I drink at least that much I have no symptoms.
The Morgellen's has diminished to the point of being nearly nonexistent, by my water requirements have not gone down.
Is there any correlation between Morgellens and rouleaux formation in the blood?
Do you think those who are suffering from rouleaux blood formation may benefit from drinking more water? Preferably structured water? My guess is that, when I'm symptomatic (light headed, dizzy, throbbing in the head) my blood may be in rouleaux formation. I notice a tendency to be more symptomatic after a long day on the computer vs working outside on the farm for much of the day.
Getting plenty of sunshine seems to help. Would that have anything to do with the formation of the hormone D in the skin?
Any thoughts?
Christine the Strawberry Girl - Mar 20, 2023
Christine the Strawberry Girl
Sounds like your water isn’t properly hydrating you or maybe you should check your blood glucose. Drinking that much water is not normal.
Kyle Young - Mar 20, 2023
the secular heretic
Had those thoughts myself. I've tried several different types of water and the result is the same with all of them. I've had glucose tested numerous times, always well within normal.
Laiah9 - Mar 20, 2023
Drinking that much water is Normal per GODS plan for a healthy body!!! Himalayan mountain farmers drink this much. 1980's natural health Drs did recommend this much. In US the 'norm' is less! BUT 2 gallons of H+ O²- helps clear the body for all basic detoxing!!! Americans do not drink enough distilled or RO water!!!
Louis - Mar 20, 2023
I know why the professional athletes are dropping on the field. I was in the wireless industry for 22 years. We put what we called small cell in stadiums all over the US. And I am positive they we put in all over the world.
Combine that with everyone on there phones using Hotspot, whether they knew it was on or not, were adding to the signal.
I have screen shots and in some cases actual PDF copies of scientific research papers saying what is in these injections.
One is actually called the " Devil's Elixir " I am not kidding. It refers to the metal part of what Dr. Ana is speaking of. Even people who don't understand scientific lingo, can just look at the diagrams and see what is going on.
This is the main mechanism that makes everything work. I found all of this in the last 24 hours on nature web site. Please let me know how I can get this material to you. It will save you a bunch of time and effort.
Navyo Ericsen - Mar 20, 2023
Fear or Love
Mindblowing. I've been tracking the contents of the vials ever since word came out. But this is the first time I'm seeing Hydrogel polymers vs Graphene Oxide. And to have this analysis of Morgellons is so affirming to all those afflicted. Strangely, Joni Mitchell was/is a Morgellons victim yet she used her position to advocate for masks and vaccines. The mind-control psyop has been devastating. I can only say this is truly evil at work to destroy not just humanity but all life on earth into a transhumanist nightmare. Ultimately, I believe their endgame is a post-human world.
Theara - Mar 20, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
Thank you.
this is the Phase 3 discovereries now, for humanity.
its not only graphene but also bio synthetic life forms that invade the blood of the vaccinated (and we hope not , the unvaccinated.)
the new video of Kelly Bacher is a must watch , i think everyone in research has to see this
we dont know if it is growing from the Hydrogel, but its not graphene ribbons now, that are appaearing, even if GO is absolutely present , by quantum dots as KK says
the technology is so advanced and sooooo . complex that we, poor humans , are just more and more amazed and also, terrified § if you are not angry and scared by this, you are not human
the only way to get a sort of peace is to know WHAT it is , and what works to kill these things without killing the host, the Person.
to know if the unvaccinated are at risk of seeing these creatures in their blood or not ( i think NOT )
even Sci FI movies did'nt get that far. in scenarios.
remember Karen Kingston said in the Zee Video with you Dr Ana, that there was not only metals and Qdots and graphene but also bio synthetic worms , sea worms, genetically ingineered ( i coul 'nt catch the name of the worm )
Celeste Solum also says that the fake ' vaccines 'include not only Q dots and GO and metals, but include modified ' life forms ' , synthetic life forms from 3 domains , parasitic inginneered entities in the so called vaccines, from = plant , worms, Insects..
please watch Dr Ana and transfer to all your contacts doing research on these injections
Thank you'est-ce-qu'il-y-a-dans-le-sang-des-inject%C3%A9s---avec-Kelly-Bacher,-analyste-biom%C3%A9dicale:9'est-ce-qu'il-y-a-dans-le-sang-des-inject%C3%A9s---avec-Kelly-Bacher,-analyste-biom%C3%A9dicale:9
Holgramheal - Mar 19, 2023
Wireless system can Power and Command
DARPA /James Giordano 2018 They told us what they would do
Andrew Chapman - Mar 19, 2023
Undertakers and embalmers repor…
Where did Clifford Carnicorn show that the ribbon structures are composed of polyvinyl alcohol, please? I have searched all six parts of the Blood Alteration series that you linked to. Thanks a lot.
Jenny Costin - Mar 20, 2023
Dr. Ana-
I just recently invested in all the components of the Bob Beck Protocol- which includes using a pulsar on the wrist which sends an electrical current into the blood to neutralize all pathogens, viruses, bacteria, fungus, molds, etc. and has worked for decades to help people "cure" auto-immune diseases, cancers, hepatitis, etc. Is this now not safe do you think bc of this self spreading garbage?? I finally had hope of healing, I hope this is not the case!!
Gary McCollom - Mar 21, 2023
Very interesting stuff ty for this.
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