OMG! Please read my account of the experiments that were being done in the Covid-19 ward of the hospital I was stuck in for four long weeks. They were using drugs and the health monitors. It was some sort of electronic mind manipulation being done. Please read because it relates directly to this article. Someone needs to investigate: The Hospital -
Thanks Julie, I will. I know there are similar stories. In mine, all of the other patients remained asleep and did not remember a thing when they woke up. Even that is strange. How does a room full of patients contain only one who wakes? I know they were aware of something. I watched in the morning how they would wake and just sit up and look disturbed.
I think it is hard for people to understand the extent to which our bodies are infiltrated and accessible, literally farmed for energy, already. Like with DEW weapons, it's hard for a decent person to grok that 'humans' would do this to other humans.
See the work of and read his 2022 book 'A New Science Of Heaven' - It will change how you think, feel and act about everything, especially yourself :)
The short answer is...yes...cell phones, cell towers, satelites and smart meters can and are being used for mind control. I was an avid meditator and fasted for great lengths (52 days was the longest) i attained stillness in silence, nemerous out of body experiences. I am spiritually aware, i can feel the energy of people as if their bodies are my own. I can also feel the frequencies from devices. Since i attained inner peace i can tell what thoughts are mine and what comes from satelites above. The satelites and cell towers do indeed send messages. Weak minded people whom do not have deep experience with silent meditation or self awareness can not distinguish the difference between their thoughts or frequentially sent messages. Hence the irate behavior we see happening. The plan to launch one million satelites in low orbit and a billion cell towers on land and ocean will chime all life to artificial frequencies. We must do everything in our power to stop and reverse the over-electrification of Earth. This task must take priority one, as all life will certainly perish over time.
Ana is absolutely correct. The brain is totally tunable, not only to cell phones but even other people's minds, per Dr. Sheldrake. The brain is loaded with magnetite crystals, indicating that it is not only tunable but also transmits. See the work of Kirschvink et al. The magnetite in our brains may be at least a partial explanation for Sheldrake's work.
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger lays out the horrifying SECRET AGENDA of the UN and WHO - Total enslavement of humanity through a global health dictatorship ■ Health Ranger Report
Re-Vitalize Your Brain: 7 Tools to Protect Your Aging Brain Parkinson’s Disease Edition by Kenneth Sharlin, MD. Free download book. ■ This game-changing guide uncovers seven practical strategies to protect your aging brain from cognitive decline. It takes a multifaceted approach to revitalizing your brain so you can stay sharp in your later years.
This Summit is online and FREE from November 14th - 20th, 2023
Electrical Fences/wire ■ just touch one, and the invisible power will be recognized. There in my studies, I have seen the commentary/interlinear that the word sorcery is/can be defined as electric power. M
Electromagnetic fields are overstated, emphasized by the ruling cabal who control science and R&D to hide knowledhe of other fields that influence mind and body to the same or even larger degree, ,e.g. torsion fields.
My comment is just based off the title... But you all won't "take a stand." Thousands of kids have have been injured since the vaccine. Millions have been injured from harmful frequencies. What have you all done? Nothing. You all complain, but you don't do anything else.
A year ago I shouted in a mall to warn parents marching their kids to the slaughter house aka "vaccination centre". People in the mall, the slaughterhouse and mall security guards , and the bus office I was waiting at for urgent transport to my home town for CAT scan after near fatal accident, they all turned violently against me.
From the beginning my two blogs debunked the c19&vax scamdemic lies, a blog was closed (with irrepairable damage) in 2021 as a result, a new one was bulldozed recently.
In 2009 I stood with my blogs and in actidism with others against swine flu plandemic. I always share crucial info with email groups.
In c19 plandemic I served gozen notices of liability, incl. the govt and federal police figures. I refused to wear the face diaper, got into conflicts with the police. In a singleing out, targeting, entrapping and terrosing by federal police, got a ticket to pay a fine, appealed and won in court
In all cases I wrote articles, joined resistance groups and regularly demonstrated,incl.onev-border xing in Canada.
Some victory in Poland 2009: Polish health minister initiated stopping the jab program at EU level.
Pls tell me, Chew, what are you doing so I can learn, improve and be more affective.
I always get individual crusaders getting upset when I bring up this topic. I get it. My question is why has your heroic deeds not work? At an individual level it might of helped someone. Which I applaud. But why has it not worked in whole?
To answer your question, talking to you and hopefully help solve this issue where most people become more active...
"you all"
"What have you all done? Nothing. You all complain, but you don't do anything else."
"I always get individual crusaders getting upset"
"talking to you and hopefully help solve this issue"
"why has it not worked in whole?" -- read your own words above, Chew
Perhaps disappointed and sad on this side, if you asked me instead of talking down, but far from upset.
Your agressive, aloof, angry and generalising mode is not conducive to group action that I hope would result from a forum like this one. I found the same flaw in groups I tried to join in "crusading", which btw I don't consider at all "heroic" as you call it. Just normal behaviour , expected of a human under the circumstances. This is one answer to your question.
Another is obvious from the start of the plandemic: rational voices drown in the perpetrators' intended propaganda noise. Humanity failed and there is little that individuals alone or in groups can do to break through the mega-manipulation. When we can't convince family members and neighbours to see the plandemic fraud and genocide, how can we influence the masses?
I love your post. I am not angry. I am just stating what is happening at the moment. When you go against the masses it takes extreme heroism. Not many can do it.
There are two ways to fight tyranny. 1) have specialize people like the green berets going into the situation, and doing what they do best. 2) everyone comes together and says no. Leaders can't lead unless they have followers. I like 2 the best, even though it is the hardest to implement. Why because you have to try and wake people up. Then you have to guide them once they are awake.
There are multiple ways to do this. Most people that I know awake through trauma. That is not feasible with most people. So, the next best thing is to organize everyone and create a physical organization or movement.
~ Pasheen Stonebrook
{Sharer & Experiencer}
"There are more things,
Than are dreamt of,
In your philosophies."
~ William Shakespeare
Rare Footage:
Noble & Honest...
GS-15 CIA Officer (Ret.), John Ramirez
~ Chase Brandon {Crypto Conundrum}
It is often said, "A picture is worth a thousand words"...I encourage all to put a healthy plant infront of a smart meter or put a jug of water infront of a smartmeter then water a healthy plant with that water. Take before and after pictures, share and post the pics where you can. Why? Bc, the current unhindered plan is to put one million low orbiting 5g satelites in our sky and one billion land and ocean 5g cell towers. The pictures will tell the truth about 5g safety. And the truth is, as evidenced by the plants, to saturate the world with millions of non-ionizing microwave generators is genocide.
A question in harmful mass tech deployment arises: how does the cabal protect themselves from it?
Some areas are possibly excluded from the range if ground and satellite antennas for the cabal and their dear to live.
When working years ago against uranium weapons, a research grant announcement was posted on our forum: Develop a substance that protects human body against ionising radiation.
I remember a mention of a method for undoing harm done to human body by mRNA tech. I can't cite after destruction of my blog. Don't recall if it was a method in existence or a search for one.
I tend to agree with Doc Anna as the mind is an electrically powered processor of immense complexity to the point of developing personality, and can no doubt be played with through various types of electrical signaling. This is more the realm of neuropsychology than pure psychoanalysis which Doc Sansone is a student/practitioner of. It was/are neuro specialists that did the original and on going research of the likes of MK Ultra. How much of this type of research and knowledge is being kept secret is anyone's guess. It's like those champions that are protecting humankind have to continually reinvent the wheel to call out the all ready known science being used to destroy the 'troublesome' mass of humanity.
I know a gal, child prodigy, who went into neuropsychology. She later found her research was going towards MK Ultra type knowledge. She quit when this came to her attention. She is still very active within the medical community trying to raise the alarm within the profession. I'm making a guess here but Doc Trozzi may have been one of her contacts made? Hell of a woman as is "our' Doc Anna.
Put together your words:
"the mind is an electrically powered processor..."
"much of this type of research and knowledge is being kept secret..."
and be kindly informed that e.g. torsion fields are more responsible for biological responses in all nature and in humans than the EMFs and el-currents are, mindlessly regirgutated in popular and "expert" mantra.
Consider that when a scientist screened the EMF field in a test of its effect on a bio-sample, the effect occured nevertheless.
Today,the scientist has been purged from her university position and deprived of the lab, for taking a stance for us, the people, in:
- telecom and 5G,
- c19 jabs
- exposing graphene in c19 vax, infusion liquids, medications
- sterilising chemicals in potassium iodite pills (for nuclear emergencies) distributed a;over Poland for kids.
A super-AI accessing a person's mentality via 50G or other similar electromagnetic avenue will be irresistible. That's why I believe the End (in the traditional Biblical apocalyptic sense) is very near.
Provided AI is not a fake to scare sheeple into earlier submission. According to offcicial info from leading AI developers, e.g. on wiki, this tech is like nuclear fusion: 15 years away for tears,and never closer, while the challenges discovered look insurmountable with tools officially applied so far. But torsion field sciece potentially offers much for finding solutions.
So unless the cabal has secretly harnessed this science, their talk of AI coming soon is bs.
Look at the hype around electric cars.
- expensive, only for the rich
- you ride (and charge) with powerful EMF wrapped around you and family
- environmental destruction to dig out rare minerals exceeds that due to oil, gas, and coal mining combined
- explosion and fire hazard, car banned from underground parking in some jurisdicitions
- impossible to extinguish even if submerged
- low efficiency in winter, Switzerland banned el-cars last winter to conserve el-energy
- to satisfy forced demand, el-generation capacity and transmission infrastructure must be doubled; the cabal would then impose "small, safe" nuclear plants in every city all over the globe
Congrats, Elon Musk, sheeple and suckers, incl. idiots called politicians.
Renee Michel - Nov 14, 2023
Renee Michel on Substack
OMG! Please read my account of the experiments that were being done in the Covid-19 ward of the hospital I was stuck in for four long weeks. They were using drugs and the health monitors. It was some sort of electronic mind manipulation being done. Please read because it relates directly to this article. Someone needs to investigate: The Hospital -
Kyle Young - Nov 15, 2023
the secular heretic
I believe you. Here is my recent hospital tale.
Renee Michel - Nov 15, 2023
Renee Michel on Substack
Yes, that was a very incredible account!
JP Spatzier - Nov 14, 2023
JP Spatzier
Read @Shawn Paul Melville on substack and check out Nonvaxer420 on Rumble... they will believe you ..
Renee Michel - Nov 15, 2023
Renee Michel on Substack
Thanks Julie, I will. I know there are similar stories. In mine, all of the other patients remained asleep and did not remember a thing when they woke up. Even that is strange. How does a room full of patients contain only one who wakes? I know they were aware of something. I watched in the morning how they would wake and just sit up and look disturbed.
Kyle Young - Nov 15, 2023
the secular heretic
Was that in Mexico or Costa Rica?
jacquelyn sauriol - Nov 14, 2023
I think it is hard for people to understand the extent to which our bodies are infiltrated and accessible, literally farmed for energy, already. Like with DEW weapons, it's hard for a decent person to grok that 'humans' would do this to other humans.
Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023
Margie Chism
"These people are going to be prosecuted and found guilty... ." Dr. Joseph Sansone ■ I agree, Amen. M
alan chapman - Nov 14, 2023
infinite universes
See the work of and read his 2022 book 'A New Science Of Heaven' - It will change how you think, feel and act about everything, especially yourself :)
Karen Koshgarian - Nov 14, 2023
Thank you for that link Alan. I’m going down that rabbit hole!
Adrian - Nov 15, 2023
The short answer is...yes...cell phones, cell towers, satelites and smart meters can and are being used for mind control. I was an avid meditator and fasted for great lengths (52 days was the longest) i attained stillness in silence, nemerous out of body experiences. I am spiritually aware, i can feel the energy of people as if their bodies are my own. I can also feel the frequencies from devices. Since i attained inner peace i can tell what thoughts are mine and what comes from satelites above. The satelites and cell towers do indeed send messages. Weak minded people whom do not have deep experience with silent meditation or self awareness can not distinguish the difference between their thoughts or frequentially sent messages. Hence the irate behavior we see happening. The plan to launch one million satelites in low orbit and a billion cell towers on land and ocean will chime all life to artificial frequencies. We must do everything in our power to stop and reverse the over-electrification of Earth. This task must take priority one, as all life will certainly perish over time.
William Pawluk, MD, MSc - Nov 14, 2023
Dr.’s Substack
Ana is absolutely correct. The brain is totally tunable, not only to cell phones but even other people's minds, per Dr. Sheldrake. The brain is loaded with magnetite crystals, indicating that it is not only tunable but also transmits. See the work of Kirschvink et al. The magnetite in our brains may be at least a partial explanation for Sheldrake's work.
Dr. Deborah - Nov 14, 2023
Dr.’s Substack
Sheldrake and Kirschvink . Good research.
Margie Chism - Nov 15, 2023
Margie Chism
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger lays out the horrifying SECRET AGENDA of the UN and WHO - Total enslavement of humanity through a global health dictatorship ■ Health Ranger Report
Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023
Margie Chism
Re-Vitalize Your Brain: 7 Tools to Protect Your Aging Brain Parkinson’s Disease Edition by Kenneth Sharlin, MD. Free download book. ■ This game-changing guide uncovers seven practical strategies to protect your aging brain from cognitive decline. It takes a multifaceted approach to revitalizing your brain so you can stay sharp in your later years.
This Summit is online and FREE from November 14th - 20th, 2023
Margie Chism - Nov 14, 2023
Margie Chism
Electrical Fences/wire ■ just touch one, and the invisible power will be recognized. There in my studies, I have seen the commentary/interlinear that the word sorcery is/can be defined as electric power. M
Piotr Bein - Nov 15, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Electromagnetic fields are overstated, emphasized by the ruling cabal who control science and R&D to hide knowledhe of other fields that influence mind and body to the same or even larger degree, ,e.g. torsion fields.
Chew - Nov 14, 2023 - Edited
My comment is just based off the title... But you all won't "take a stand." Thousands of kids have have been injured since the vaccine. Millions have been injured from harmful frequencies. What have you all done? Nothing. You all complain, but you don't do anything else.
Piotr Bein - Nov 15, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
A year ago I shouted in a mall to warn parents marching their kids to the slaughter house aka "vaccination centre". People in the mall, the slaughterhouse and mall security guards , and the bus office I was waiting at for urgent transport to my home town for CAT scan after near fatal accident, they all turned violently against me.
From the beginning my two blogs debunked the c19&vax scamdemic lies, a blog was closed (with irrepairable damage) in 2021 as a result, a new one was bulldozed recently.
In 2009 I stood with my blogs and in actidism with others against swine flu plandemic. I always share crucial info with email groups.
In c19 plandemic I served gozen notices of liability, incl. the govt and federal police figures. I refused to wear the face diaper, got into conflicts with the police. In a singleing out, targeting, entrapping and terrosing by federal police, got a ticket to pay a fine, appealed and won in court
In all cases I wrote articles, joined resistance groups and regularly demonstrated,incl.onev-border xing in Canada.
Some victory in Poland 2009: Polish health minister initiated stopping the jab program at EU level.
Pls tell me, Chew, what are you doing so I can learn, improve and be more affective.
Chew - Nov 16, 2023 - Edited
I always get individual crusaders getting upset when I bring up this topic. I get it. My question is why has your heroic deeds not work? At an individual level it might of helped someone. Which I applaud. But why has it not worked in whole?
To answer your question, talking to you and hopefully help solve this issue where most people become more active...
Piotr Bein - Nov 16, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
"you all"
"What have you all done? Nothing. You all complain, but you don't do anything else."
"I always get individual crusaders getting upset"
"talking to you and hopefully help solve this issue"
"why has it not worked in whole?" -- read your own words above, Chew
Chew - Nov 17, 2023
Kids are still dying. You can defend yourself and others all you want. But until results are shown then it is mute.
Piotr Bein - Nov 17, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Perhaps disappointed and sad on this side, if you asked me instead of talking down, but far from upset.
Your agressive, aloof, angry and generalising mode is not conducive to group action that I hope would result from a forum like this one. I found the same flaw in groups I tried to join in "crusading", which btw I don't consider at all "heroic" as you call it. Just normal behaviour , expected of a human under the circumstances. This is one answer to your question.
Another is obvious from the start of the plandemic: rational voices drown in the perpetrators' intended propaganda noise. Humanity failed and there is little that individuals alone or in groups can do to break through the mega-manipulation. When we can't convince family members and neighbours to see the plandemic fraud and genocide, how can we influence the masses?
Chew - Nov 17, 2023
I love your post. I am not angry. I am just stating what is happening at the moment. When you go against the masses it takes extreme heroism. Not many can do it.
There are two ways to fight tyranny. 1) have specialize people like the green berets going into the situation, and doing what they do best. 2) everyone comes together and says no. Leaders can't lead unless they have followers. I like 2 the best, even though it is the hardest to implement. Why because you have to try and wake people up. Then you have to guide them once they are awake.
There are multiple ways to do this. Most people that I know awake through trauma. That is not feasible with most people. So, the next best thing is to organize everyone and create a physical organization or movement.
B Dollen - Nov 16, 2023
-- N O W ! H E A R T H I S !! NOW -
H E A R T H I S 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️
Paul - Nov 15, 2023
~ Pasheen Stonebrook
{Sharer & Experiencer}
"There are more things,
Than are dreamt of,
In your philosophies."
~ William Shakespeare
Rare Footage:
Noble & Honest...
GS-15 CIA Officer (Ret.), John Ramirez
~ Chase Brandon {Crypto Conundrum}
Paul - Nov 15, 2023
In Heaven & Earth...
Adrian - Nov 15, 2023
It is often said, "A picture is worth a thousand words"...I encourage all to put a healthy plant infront of a smart meter or put a jug of water infront of a smartmeter then water a healthy plant with that water. Take before and after pictures, share and post the pics where you can. Why? Bc, the current unhindered plan is to put one million low orbiting 5g satelites in our sky and one billion land and ocean 5g cell towers. The pictures will tell the truth about 5g safety. And the truth is, as evidenced by the plants, to saturate the world with millions of non-ionizing microwave generators is genocide.
Piotr Bein - Nov 15, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
A question in harmful mass tech deployment arises: how does the cabal protect themselves from it?
Some areas are possibly excluded from the range if ground and satellite antennas for the cabal and their dear to live.
When working years ago against uranium weapons, a research grant announcement was posted on our forum: Develop a substance that protects human body against ionising radiation.
Piotr Bein - Nov 25, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
I remember a mention of a method for undoing harm done to human body by mRNA tech. I can't cite after destruction of my blog. Don't recall if it was a method in existence or a search for one.
ICFUBAR - Nov 14, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
I tend to agree with Doc Anna as the mind is an electrically powered processor of immense complexity to the point of developing personality, and can no doubt be played with through various types of electrical signaling. This is more the realm of neuropsychology than pure psychoanalysis which Doc Sansone is a student/practitioner of. It was/are neuro specialists that did the original and on going research of the likes of MK Ultra. How much of this type of research and knowledge is being kept secret is anyone's guess. It's like those champions that are protecting humankind have to continually reinvent the wheel to call out the all ready known science being used to destroy the 'troublesome' mass of humanity.
I know a gal, child prodigy, who went into neuropsychology. She later found her research was going towards MK Ultra type knowledge. She quit when this came to her attention. She is still very active within the medical community trying to raise the alarm within the profession. I'm making a guess here but Doc Trozzi may have been one of her contacts made? Hell of a woman as is "our' Doc Anna.
Piotr Bein - Nov 15, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Put together your words:
"the mind is an electrically powered processor..."
"much of this type of research and knowledge is being kept secret..."
and be kindly informed that e.g. torsion fields are more responsible for biological responses in all nature and in humans than the EMFs and el-currents are, mindlessly regirgutated in popular and "expert" mantra.
Consider that when a scientist screened the EMF field in a test of its effect on a bio-sample, the effect occured nevertheless.
Today,the scientist has been purged from her university position and deprived of the lab, for taking a stance for us, the people, in:
- telecom and 5G,
- c19 jabs
- exposing graphene in c19 vax, infusion liquids, medications
- sterilising chemicals in potassium iodite pills (for nuclear emergencies) distributed a;over Poland for kids.
John Reed - Nov 14, 2023
John’s Newsletter
A super-AI accessing a person's mentality via 50G or other similar electromagnetic avenue will be irresistible. That's why I believe the End (in the traditional Biblical apocalyptic sense) is very near.
Piotr Bein - Nov 15, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Provided AI is not a fake to scare sheeple into earlier submission. According to offcicial info from leading AI developers, e.g. on wiki, this tech is like nuclear fusion: 15 years away for tears,and never closer, while the challenges discovered look insurmountable with tools officially applied so far. But torsion field sciece potentially offers much for finding solutions.
So unless the cabal has secretly harnessed this science, their talk of AI coming soon is bs.
Piotr Bein - Nov 15, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Look at the hype around electric cars.
- expensive, only for the rich
- you ride (and charge) with powerful EMF wrapped around you and family
- environmental destruction to dig out rare minerals exceeds that due to oil, gas, and coal mining combined
- explosion and fire hazard, car banned from underground parking in some jurisdicitions
- impossible to extinguish even if submerged
- low efficiency in winter, Switzerland banned el-cars last winter to conserve el-energy
- to satisfy forced demand, el-generation capacity and transmission infrastructure must be doubled; the cabal would then impose "small, safe" nuclear plants in every city all over the globe
Congrats, Elon Musk, sheeple and suckers, incl. idiots called politicians.
Anita Söderman - Nov 14, 2023
Anita’s Substack
Good, we are all for measuring the phenomena without preset attitudes or goals, so please keep up the good work and let us know!
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