Understanding And Dissolving Building Blocks…

Dec 4, 2023

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After reviewing the recent article published in the ACS Journal "Detection of Various Microplastics in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery", we now have a better understanding and confirmation as to what building blocks of hydrogel advanced nanomaterial plastics we need to address and disolve.


420MedicineMan - Dec 4, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

Alright I have gross ex Super soldier story to tell. 2015 I started to chelate naturopathically, I did a anti parastical cleanse as well. I found freshly crushed organic black walnut husk to be very effective. I put it down to the organic oregano oil that healed the stomach ulcers.
I use to dilute 2 to 3 drops into 600ml of water. Then I'd chug it down as fast as I could. Ugh. It worked though.
After about 2 weeks on the anti parasticals, I vomitted up what I though was a huge white parasite. With what I know now it was most likely a hydrogel actuator, the one that resides in the intestines.
I vomitted it up outside, it was 40 to 50cm long, 5 to 8cm in diameter. I couldn't believe something so big came out of my guts. I went and got a stick to pick it up 15 seconds later, the white mass lost its shape and turned into goop.
When I see the diagram of a so called super soldier, and see the actuator in the intestines, I always think about that sick up.
Gross huh ...


AncientLoveLover - Feb 5, 2024

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

Wow. This happened to me when I started taking Diatomaceous earth almost identical experience.


Hidee - Dec 7, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

What’s an actuator?


420MedicineMan - Dec 8, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

You know those white rubber clots found mainly in veins, some in arteries, it's like them. Hydrogel, programmable matter, used as antennae, battery, bio sensors, communications, drug delivery allsorts of unnatural stuff. Except one of the ones I had was in my intestines.


JulesUSA - May 2

Thank you


Hidee - Dec 8, 2023

Thank you!


Webe1 - Dec 4, 2023


You mixed the crushed husk with 2-3 drops of organic oregano oil into 600 ml water daily for two weeks or once?


420MedicineMan - Dec 5, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

No, sorry I should be more specific, the Organic crushed black walnut husk was in caps, taken separately.
Always check with a reparable Dr first... :-P


Webe1 - Dec 5, 2023


What about the oregano oil? Taken once or daily for two weeks?


420MedicineMan - Dec 5, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

The Oregano oil I started off once a day, after about a week I built up to twice a day, being I was diluting 2 to 3 drops in 600ml of water, it's ruff to gulp down, you can feel the warmth, as it does its work. Mixing oregano oil with juice makes it easier, at the time my fructose malabsorption was too much for that, so water it was for me. You know better absorption and reach mixed with water though, depends on the persons tolerance as well. A person with less tolerance caps would be better for them.
I puked up the hydrogel actuator after two weeks, I was also taking maybe 3 caps twice a day of the crushed black walnut husks. I was on that anti parasitical regime for 6 weeks in total. I felt so much better afterwards.
After that I took Serrapeptase for a month or so, was really good for getting rid of the scar tissue in my small intestine, I'd take it on an empty stomach and could feel it tingling away doing good work.


Webe1 - Dec 6, 2023


Thank you for the detail!


JulesUSA - May 2

Thank you


Webe1 - Dec 7, 2023


Comment removed.


Webe1 - Dec 7, 2023


Dr Lee Merritt covered the need to kill both the adult parasites (thus releasing a chemical that allows the eggs to hatch) and then kill the hatchlings.


JulesUSA - May 2


Did she say how?


Webe1 - May 2


Check out her websitethemedicalrebel.comfor her protocol.


Canadian Apple Pie - Dec 4, 2023

Canadian Apple Pie

Thank you! Your share of your experience is valuable to me and I thank you deeply for it.


420MedicineMan - Dec 5, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

Thank you for the kind reply. :)


Clarence Wilhelm Spangle - Dec 4, 2023

Nordic Pagan Soldier

In the shadow of war: Ukraine as the great reset laboratory of the global tech elite . . .


John J Slattery - Dec 4, 2023 - Edited

Bioregional Herbalism, Vitalism…

So, before you get excited about using essential oils to remove microplastic nanoparticles in the human body, please understand that essential oils are caustic to human tissue as well. When you see undiluted ("neat") application of essential oils burning through polystyrene cups, imagine what it can do to the gut mucosa, or an impaired gut mucosa. Because you're going to need to get the substance into the body to work their magic on the nanoparticles, and that's mostly likely through the gut.
And upon leaving the gut, they won't be quite the same dilution that they were on the polystyrene cup, will they? And the chemical composition may change, too.
Although I recognize the nanoparticles are a relevant issue, I don't think this is a good demonstration of how plants may be able to help. Essential oils *may* be able to help but taking them undiluted internally is also risky business.


psychoNWO - Dec 5, 2023


I did an essential oils detox using suppositories and experienced no issues.
So far, lol.


Joe - Dec 7, 2023

Joe’s Substack

U take it in water or capsule ? If capsule where do u get it


psychoNWO - Dec 7, 2023


I dissolved a few drops in coconut oil from Aldi, approx 20:1, using this method...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdYpjDAEZYw
These oils...https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/364160479464?var=633596535688
...and I used these a few weeks later... EDTA detox cal 1000mg (buy two boxes get one free). You get them on Ebay as well.


Joe - Dec 8, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Thanks…for the edta I rather use the cream personally


JulesUSA - May 2

Joe’s Substack

I got the cream! Do you think it works?


Joe - May 2

Joe’s Substack

not sure but take vitamin c with it and it should work ofcourse


AncientLoveLover - Dec 8, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

Probably not nearly as risky as consuming mad scientist alien technology every day in our food unawares for decades. lol. I’ll be the Guinea pig and let y’all know if I’m still alive from taking a couple drops of oil from edible plants. Risky. I know. Don’t call me a hero.


Georgia Lynn Justice - May 2

Solutions for the Targeted Comm…

Do u ever try the essential oils. So is this food grade or the real deal essential oils.


JulesUSA - May 2

My question too.


John J Slattery - Dec 8, 2023

Bioregional Herbalism, Vitalism…

All I'll say is that essential oil toxicity is not well documented in the scientific literature from what I can find, whereas whole plant preparation (what we have been using for thousands of years) is overemphasized in the media and literature. There's a game going on here. That which is safe is too often vilified, and that which is injurious is promoted or given a pass. Look for patterns.


Kelly - Dec 4, 2023

I agree. Also, all the talk of "hidden" plastics, makes me wonder about the veggie caps themselves. Seems like the plastics are everywhere.


JulesUSA - May 2

They're made of gelatin.


kaal - Dec 4, 2023 - Edited


My elderly relative has morgs before i knew what it was and i suggested she put oil of oregano on her skin with a carrier oil. {because it burns} she used it straight on her skin with no carrier oil. she now just uses a bit in ears nose sometimes lips and has few or no more symptoms. she is 96. {as long as there is no adverse or allergic rx seems ok}


kaal - Dec 4, 2023


bag of herbs for tea, soup with lots of boiled water is all i can afford or care to do. and once i kept getting hives on my skin w no remedy i sprayed cvs lavender oil containing geranium oil on my skin- viola cure. l looked up geranium oil it cures shingles. great for skin!


Hidee - Dec 7, 2023 - Edited


It’s been recommended to also use Thieves oil for morgellons. I actually use Thieves oil internally. 5-6 drops in a small amount of juice. I don’t have morgellons, but I use Thieves oil for my immunity -especially if I feel like I am coming down with something.


CK87 - Dec 22, 2023


Thieves oil?


Hidee - Dec 22, 2023



Deidre - May 4

Deidre Madsen's Lightworkers Co…

This is the way I intend to use the oils too. I just purchased food grade lemon, grapefruit and two diff kinds of cinnamon bark. Will be adding a drop of ea to my morning juice. Down the hatch!


AncientLoveLover - Feb 5, 2024

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

I always get a kick out of the essential oil fearmongers, (you will find them any time an essential oil is mentioned for internal therapeutics) who portray proponents for the use of essential oils as some half crazed person chugging a glass of oregano oil. Like come on, we are inhaling neurotoxins at 20 million nano particles per breath. But what you really gotta worry about is a couple drops of oil. It’s dangerous. lol 😂


Stella - Jan 2, 2024

I do them topically, seems okay, though much care to be taken with Oregano Essential Oil, only a few drops in a carrier oil such as coconut oil, and only periodically. I once had a bump that felt like a small marble, was there long time and wouldn't go away. I put Frankincense Essential Oil on it topically daily and it quickly went away and didn't come back...just my experience.


John J Slattery - Dec 8, 2023

Bioregional Herbalism, Vitalism…

An important point here is the dilution. I realize that the polystyrene cup experiment is for illustration purposes, and that it's a correlative material, presumably, but you will NOT be able to apply pure essential oils directly onto such material if it is circulating/lodged/attached somewhere within the human body. By the time the essential oils make it to said material, they will either be broken down or highly diluted. Hence, not the same thing as dropping them directly onto a foam coffee cup.
This is NOT to say that plants can't do amazing things. I will be the first to admit that they do, but how they respond to our illness/disease/imbalance is often counter-rational in that they do so/behave/relate within the context of a fluid reality - not the static world which our rational minds have created. Yes, we can achieve a great deal and exact a tremendous amount of leverage UPON the natural world due to our concise rational concepts, but this does not mean that this is all that there is.
Once we begin to tune into plants and their individual natures, their sentience, we can begin to perceive things that defy our rational concepts just as they teach us about ourselves and the nature of the world around us. Think George Washington Carver, for example, or Luther Burbank. These men *listened* to plants, they didn't just *think* about them. Our reductivist methods have certain limitations and can cause erroneous thinking, as if I need to point that out to everyone.


Joe - Dec 8, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Well I take it with water so it is diluted, what about vitamin C I take 10k a day


Joe - Dec 6, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Yeah but if you add a few drops in water and drink it then the guy should be fine as long to dilute the oil in liquid or milk preferred


Erica - Dec 6, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

Oil and most liquids are not soluble. The point is to dilute essential oils so they are not in their most concentrated, original form. Some oils are hard to swallow at all as they 'burn', (peppermint, oregano, etc.). By diluting them in a vegetable capsule, you bypass that possibility and get them to your stomach where it dissolves with natural acids. You might burp the flavor but you bypass the full-on concentration and taste.


AncientLoveLover - Dec 22, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

I mix it in a carrier oil. 2x per day I place one drop of fennel and one drop of juniper essential oil in teaspoon of warm organic coconut oil then I let it sit in my mouth for awhile under my tongue to absorb in the mucous membranes. There is no burning or unpleasantness at all. I am also using Karl C’s suggestion of Sodium Citrate which addresses PH and chelation binding and eliminating the nanotech through the urinary tract which has had a great effect so far all around. Doing this I have been able to reduce the frequency of cleanses with gum spirits of turpentine (which I had before almost required daily use to function). I still plan to cleanse with gum spirits once a month, so far I am pleasantly surprised by the effects I have been getting from both.


Joe - Dec 7, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Oh that’s awesome, so when they say it’s best to take the thieves essential oil they mean dilute it..how many times per day can u do it 6? One drop in one cup of 8oz of water


Joe - Dec 7, 2023

Joe’s Substack

I don’t have capsules


Erica - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited


Essential oils should ALWAYS be diluted with a carrier oil whether they are used topically or internally; they are concentrated and very potent. Our family uses several oils internally, 3 drops in the larger half of a veggie cap then topped off with fractionated coconut oil. Young Living essential oils are the ONLY brand I would dare to ingest. I gladly pay more for their reputation.


Vinnie - Dec 8, 2023


If your used to young life, that is good. I questioned a distributor regarding processing, discovered they are not organically sourced! however, at this point in time... if they are working, then continue on!


Linda - Dec 9, 2023


Have you found a better source for organic therapeutic grade essential oils?


Joe - Dec 6, 2023 - Edited

Joe’s Substack

Wait r u saying u swallow the drops with a spoon full of coconut oil?


Hidee - Dec 8, 2023

You can put a small amount of coconut oil in some juice and a few drops of oil. I don’t use oil. But I put 5-6 drops of Thieves oil in some smoothie or juice. I’ve been doing it a while. The straight drops never hurt me. I just would use juice because the taste of Thieves oil is strong!


Erica - Dec 6, 2023 - Edited

I only ingest essential oils in vegetable capsules which you can purchase empty. I use the 00 size. Use 1-3 drops of essential oil per capsule topped off with fractionated coconut oil. I prefill them in small batches in small glass jars and refrigerate them. I personally don't care for the 'spoonful' method because of the taste and feeling of swallowing oil, any oil! 😝


SEPT - Dec 13, 2023

if you don't mind me asking - what is your weight n at what time of day before > meals do you ingest? tnx


JulesUSA - May 2

What about DoTerra oils?


michael janket - Dec 4, 2023

michael janket

Dosage makes the poison.....


John J Slattery - Dec 8, 2023

Bioregional Herbalism, Vitalism…

that is relatively true. however, most would not be able to manage an undiluted dosage of Datura, Aconite, Gelsimium, water hemlock, poison hemlock seeds, for example. An important point to understand is that the dosage is also relative to the potency of the preparation which is what my initial comment was addressing. Essential oils are more toxic than the plants they derive from, largely, so require special attention. Above all, do no harm. The relative toxicity of a substance is always relative to the inherent vitality of the individual.


JulesUSA - May 2

Doterra oils are taken internally.


Pablo - Dec 8, 2023

This is consistent with what I have learned. Taking essential oils internally can lead to serious health issues. I would consult other sources and subject matter experts before taking orally.


Charlie - Dec 4, 2023


Lemon, fresh squeezed in structured water!
Grapefruit in morning with cinnamon on silver hills sprouted bread.
How could that be a problem?
Of course the source of food determines the outcome.
John, are you the same bot influencer creating doubt. If so, as in x, go fuck your self. So tired of Karen’s, doubting Thomas and the ilk. Let me guess, your highly degreed. . .


kaal - Dec 4, 2023




Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 4, 2023 - Edited

Patti’s Substack

Actually I just read about the Doc in Chapel Hill who developed the technology for China also developed a cure. It was listed as non THC CBD Sativa derived. These are highly purified oils. Does it work I don't know but I have always believed that the solution would be found in nature.


Piotr Bein - Dec 4, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

What is "non THC CBD"?


Irunthis1 - Dec 4, 2023 - Edited


CBD is cannabidiol and sans THC means none of the “Active” component of marijuana is in the CBD which I’d derived from cannabis. You’re welcome


Piotr Bein - Dec 4, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Thx! For THS CBU, what does it means "Saliva drived" ?
I read in auto-follow your frustration with that cancer quackdoc. The ultimate test of allegiance to rockefellerianism. Mammon rules.
Sorry you got disappointed with her, I got disappointed with ca.95% medical professionals (incl. my kids) in the scamdemic.
Death of Hypocrates Oath, Common Sense and Soul... the NewNormal to stay?


Irunthis1 - Dec 8, 2023


Never mind I just read --you meant sativa derived --it just refers to the type of plant (hemp and sativa are two types of mj plants that cbd can be obtained from --sativa plants contain both cbd and thc (and the cbd in sativa is thought to be more bio active) which is why it requires the removal or separation of the thc. Hemp of course does not have THC (or such minuscule amounts as to be none) but I believe it does have CBD --just not the “preferred” type.


Irunthis1 - Dec 8, 2023


Eek saliva derived? Sounds disgusting! 🤣. I’ve not a clue -- what exactly is in context to? Could you elaborate maybe the entire sentence?
And yeah Dr Huber was a huge disappointment for me as I actually had several meaningful conversations with her as well as sourced some information regarding vaccine exemptions from some of her documentation for my own exemption (which I successfully obtained) so to have her shut me down like that --- actually hurt. Anger ensued. Especially as a medical professional myself I was not expecting such an unprofessional response from a fellow health care provider (not that ANYONE deserves this treatment it just hit me completely out of left field). So.


Irunthis1 - Dec 4, 2023 - Edited


Sigh. I miss the edit button. 🙄


Bruce Hartnett - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited

Bruce Hartnett

I wonder "why" Substack took that away? I hadn't noticed until you said something.
I was able to use it on another Substack, just this morning?


Irunthis1 - Dec 8, 2023


Right? I mostly use the app on either my iPhone or iPad and they took away the edit button a long time ago. It is possibly still available on the interwebs web page. I literally deleted the above and retyped it without my typo only to miss another typo (I’d should be is). Sigh. First world problems I guess.


Irunthis1 - Dec 4, 2023


Just throwing this out here again but I started taking an EDTA product called Chelex by Xymogen about three months ago and found almost immediately that I mentally felt like my “old” self (from at least 12-15 years ago) again. I was in a good mood all day (or night as I work nights) and still had energy and good spirits at the end of my shift instead of being crabby, in pain and exhausted. When I would forget to take it that day I *knew* I’d forgotten just based on my mood and energy. Fast forward to Thanksgiving I gave my mom my new bottle I now auto order (so I don’t run out) because she is still experiencing vaccine injury a year after it occurred from her booster last November (‘22). I thought it would probably help. I ordered another bottle but ended up running out. Day three of being out (which means I’m better but have a LONG way to go) and I was irritated, depressed, experiencing tingling in my feet and legs, brain fog, fatigue and bilateral foot pain. I felt like I was walking thru mud. I came straight home and thank god my bottle had arrived as I didn’t think I could make it thru another shift. 8 hrs after taking I was already feeling 1000% better. All I kept thinking was oh my god how the hell have I been doing this for the last ten damn years? I know it is the Chelex and since I’m sure they aren’t putting pharmaceutical grade cocaine + a narcotic to speedball me thru my day (mostly because there’s no dopamine rush or hangover haha) it has to be making a huge difference in my body. Here are the stated ingredients: Himalayan shilajit extract, Calcium sodium EDTA, chlorella, alpha lipoid acid, N-Acetyl-L Cysteine, Allicin (from garlic extract). Plus excipients as cellulose, stearic acid, magnesium stearate and silica. I’ve been taking NAC and ALA for some time so it isn’t that. I’ve been doing other things for some time like grounding, fasting and many many supplements over the years and this is the first one that ever made me stop and say OH THANK GOD! This is what I’ve been trying to feel like for all this time. My sense of humor and constant smile are BACK. I never want to run out again and I definitely want to share this feeling with others because it is wonderful to feel like I finally have my life back. Last time I posted about this product a naysayer or two complained it was made by a big company so probably had all kinds of nasty in it (like nano particles etc) but I have long believed in how something directly affects me and this worked far above any expectations I may have had (actually I had none---I’ve tried many things tbh-some I kept doing but most I did not). I keep taking Vitamin D because I don’t get sick anymore. I keep taking JuiceFestiv because my labs all miraculously improved after six months on them (A1C lower, insulin resistance gone, inflammation decreased--lab wise anyway). I take nattokinase because I have Afib and hate aspirin and the toxins they sell as blood thinners. And I will be taking Chelex for as long as I can. Seriously thinking of adding some methylene blue too though so will be trying to source that today. Thanks Dr Ana! You’re the reason I started the EDTA treatment and I can’t thank you enough!


Bonnie - May 5


With EDTA I worry about chelating all the good minerals we need, especially if you take ETDA on a daily basis. Can you address this? Thanks!


Irunthis1 - May 5


Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid binds primarily calcium (highest affinity), lead, zinc, cadmium, mercury and iron. I supplement Fe (every other day) and Zn (every day) about 12 hours away from the oral EDTA , which btw is minimally absorbed orally and thus is an inefficient method to chelate large quantities of toxins. If you have large surplus you need IV or IM chelation. As the Chelex uses calcium disodium edta it will not scavenge calcium as this formulation is specifically made to exchange calcium for other +ions. Also if you have high lead you shouldn’t use oral EDTA —although absorption is low you don’t want high levels of lead exchanged and then excreted via your gut which is your second brain.
I think the benefits I get are from the free radical binding not only by the edta but the other ingredients providing a marked (for me) anti inflammatory effect.


matt. j.a.o.b - Dec 4, 2023

matt’s microscopy

I like the research, but question anyone trade marking a product that was around hundreds of years ago and always commonly known as Thieves oil.
Thieves oil is good and no one has the right to trade mark that name today- least of all that particular multi level marketing company that charges outrageous prices for an average product and has had some great exposure for their unethical business dealings in third world countries, like with frankincense or myrrh (Ethiopia maybe?) Serious corruption is exposed in a great documentary about it.
Dr Hildergard was a legendary figure for many. Her exit from the scene was unusual to say the least.


Irene-Marie - May 3


Thank you for mentioning this. It is even worse. An MLM which has been unethical in Ecuador as well, and in other countries, and their whole PR is based on lies since the beginning. The founders should be in jail for they did in the US as well in their so called "private clinic" where some patients came out feet first after receiving "essential oils intensive treatments" done by people without any medical degree and without any essential oils proper training. I knew the family.
I will stop there.


Webe1 - Dec 4, 2023


Thanks, Matt. They were names unfamiliar to me. It’s hard to find EOs that are quality w/o breaking the bank.


kaal - Dec 4, 2023


It does not seem like they are expensive. less than 15 dollars.


Piotr Bein - Dec 4, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

What quality/purity, though?
Cottage extraction of EOs in quantity and quality calls for investment in equipment ca. $10k and more. Could be done group- or crowd-wise. Truly organic quality of feedstock could be a problem.


kaal - Dec 4, 2023


I can afford the 15 dollars.


Lisa - Dec 4, 2023


Dr. Ana -- just saw this research paper on nanoplastics' direct link to Parkinson's and dementia.https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adi8716
What they are doing must be stopped.


Health-Seeker - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited

Health-Seeker’s Substack

https://drhildy.proboards.com/thread/13/inner-solution-dr-hildy- Found an archive of Inner Solutions info from Dr. Hildegard Staninger. Infrared Sauna article is archived as well.https://drhildy.proboards.com/board/1/infrared-radiant-remediation-unique-diseases
Oils listed in her blend:
Inner Solutions; Juniper, Fennel, Mugwort, Germanium, Lavender, Orange, Peppermint, Capsicum extract, Jojoba, and Cinnamon.
Thieves; Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus radiata, and Rosemary.
Perhaps tea tree oil.
Thank you Dr. Ana. I am so grateful for your research. Hopeful natural solutions to add to our arsenal on the war on Humans. I look forward to any findings on rubber clots and blood. We are certainly on the shoulders of giant trailblazers. I thank God for those front runner truth-tellers. You may want to add Sweet Wormwood, Artemisinin Annua (annual, not perennial) as there are articles showing it stops replication of covid SarsCov2 - whatever that is -https://www.wpi.edu/news/early-research-finds-extracts-sweet-wormwood-plant-can-inhibit-covid-19-virus- and it works on parasites, including malaria, maybe not surprisingly.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7928734/It can be found in an Essential Oil or herbal caps, but the oil is harder located. I am looking into it's worth on Hydrogel... inexpensive, natural, maybe viable for an experiment. I found an organic EO of Sweet Annie (Sweet Wormwood) on Amazon, but I am thinking of buying a distiller and growing some, especially if it cleans out the tech junk buildup.https://www.wpi.edu/news/wpi-led-team-uncovers-new-details-sars-cov-2-structure- I am grateful for your work Dr. Milhalcea.https://www.wpi.edu/news/tea-infusions-wormwood-plant-cured-tropical-parasitic-infection-schistosomiasis-faster-commonly


Margie Chism - Dec 4, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Lemons ■ I would test lemons first; BILLGATES111 wants/ed all lemon trees to be killed/removed from the earth so reported a year or so ago. When I enjoy organic fruit that peels can be edible, I will score the washed peel and remove the fruit 'meat'. Then thinly slice the peel, plate and place on top of my refrigerator. After a week of turning over peels for air rotation, I bowl up for my table. After using peels if later I may jar up, then even later I may mylar bag. M


kaal - Dec 4, 2023 - Edited


I used to put lemons pieces incl with peel on in water. If it sat it would sometimes get bitter but would still drink. perhaps not healthy but whatever its what i did or felt. Since the gates apeel thing ive wondered how to test if they have that coating? You say remove the peels expose to air? gave up on lemons since the apeel thing.


Margie Chism - Dec 4, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

kaal - My husband buys organic if the places he shops have organic. ■ We do discuss the unbalanced realities of what is organic. I will [n]ot eat any Apeel labled fruit. Yes, I slice thin and air dry on plates like glass or stoneware. I have a small dining room table, my daughter asked for our families' table and she uses it everyday, so my small table has a sampling of flower petals, seeds, herbs, dried peels, and fruits. The Grandsons love going to the table and picking out what they want. One son loves pink salt, so he has his own salt dish, my husband cannot stand hands throughout the day in my husband's pink salt cup; Grandson has his own spice bowl. My husband currently (so he takes no statin for tri's) adds a tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of pink salt twice a day, with a "yuck" moan. M


Piotr Bein - Dec 4, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

"picking out what they want"
I believe humans (at least some) retain the instinct of eating what their body needs. How else would our cave ancestors know what's good and which is poison?
You are a wise woman, Margie, you would be called a "Witch" in we know which times.
Would you know what is in pomegranate outer skin and in the white meat inbetween juicy morsels?
As a substitute for unavailable ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine in the begiining of the scamdemic, a natyral prescription was circulating: white skin of grapefruit and lemon, some grapefruit meat for taste. We never got "covid" symptoms, so the jar stood in the fridge until w consumed it weeks later. Delicious!
Since childhood I eat skin-type fruit whole, e.g apples with the core and seeds, only the tail is left out. The plandemic drew my attention to the white peel-type fruitbenefits.
My wife is a "Witch", too. An Aquarius, she just knows intuitively, e.g. freezes fresh, empty "organic" (quasi-organic is available to us) lemon shells and sometimes the whole citrus if bought in quantity on sale. We use then to make "whole" lemon drink or add to other drinks.


Margie Chism - Dec 4, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Pio - I am a Believer; not a witch. Had the four houses surrounding me having the practice of sorcery; all have failed, and the the last one left is pitifully a failure. ■ Book of Genesis starts off what God made and gave for eatting. I had Great Grandparents in the business of Agriculture. There have been generations of knowledgeable and experimental practices, some to complete failure like using DDT and 'No Grow" practices. But basic rotation and natural workings does provide for the laborer. I have most peels in hot teas, and Grandson oldest likes to forge rose for me. I do have pomegranate peels in a bowl, and I use a lot of papaya seeds ground for meal prep. As a hiker I brought my food, but learned there is not much out in the forest; so learning "if I can eat it" has applied what is bought and what is collected at my home. As far as having supplies and being from generations of settlers, I understand pantry. In Virginia apothecary may not be my goal, but using what God has provided is my practice. My gardening is hard pressed now to forge, because the wild is still striving. I know my calling and never confess it/tell it, that makes the best for him/God and others. But if there were to be a correct statement generated for whatever I say or do, just nuts/crazy would be biblically correct. It's the plumb line of truth. M


Piotr Bein - Dec 4, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

"Wiedźma" in Polish from "ma wiedzę" = "possesses the knowledge" .Witch was a wise woman with intuition, often paranormal abiilities. They could cure disease, practiced Slavic old tribal rituals, all people were equal in status, no palaces nor temples found in their burgh ruins. Slavic culture lasted as long as ca. 17th century on Polish lands, until the Vatican and Western "powers" finished destroying the last Slavic strongholds.The demise definitely caarrived from the West and the Vatican that supported and used the monarchs agaisnt "pagans" who had better developed language and wrting than the West.
You can see that my "Witch" is a big complement, Margie.


Margie Chism - Dec 4, 2023

Margie Chism

Pio - I choose no witch. ■ As a practicing Believer in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus I do not entertain witches nor their practices; I have had a lifetime of witness in their personhood and spirit/s; I pass. However, I do hold on to YHVH and what he has made and promised, his only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. My mind goes to Moses and Aaron with the Pharaoh; the magicians had walking sticks that once cast on the floor, they became snakes; yet when Moses and Aaron did as the LORD instructed, it was that Arron's rod ate up the magicians snakes. Yes, there are powers, but one is the strongest; that is the one I follow. This is my last reply to you. M
Exodus Chapter 7, KJV, blueletterbible
Will Stretch Out My Hand"
■And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.
2Thou shalt speak all that I command thee: and Aaron thy brother shall speak unto Pharaoh, that he send the children of Israel out of his land.
3And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my signs and my wonders in the land of Egypt.
4But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that I may lay my hand upon Egypt, and bring forth mine armies, and my people the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments.
5And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I stretch forth mine hand upon Egypt, and bring out the children of Israel from among them.
6¶And Moses and Aaron did as the LORD commanded them, so did they.
7And Moses was fourscore years old, and Aaron fourscore and three years old, when they spake unto Pharaoh.
Aaron's Rod Becomes a Serpent
(Ex. 4:1–5 )
8¶And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying,
9When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, Shew a miracle for you: then thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent.
10And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent.
11¶Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments.
12For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents: but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods.
13And he hardened Pharaoh's heart, that he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had said.
Water Is Turned to Blood
14¶And the LORD said unto Moses, Pharaoh's heart is hardened, he refuseth to let the people go.
15Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning; lo, he goeth out unto the water; and thou shalt stand by the river's brink against he come; and the rod which was turned to a serpent shalt thou take in thine hand.
16And thou shalt say unto him, The LORD God of the Hebrews hath sent me unto thee, saying, Let my people go, that they may serve me in the wilderness: and, behold, hitherto thou wouldest not hear.
17Thus saith the LORD, In this thou shalt know that I am the LORD: behold, I will smite with the rod that is in mine hand upon the waters which are in the river, and they shall be turned to blood.
18And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink; and the Egyptians shall lothe to drink of the water of the river.
19¶And the LORD spake unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and stretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, upon their rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon all their pools of water, that they may become blood; and that there may be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood, and in vessels of stone.
20And Moses and Aaron did so, as the LORD commanded; and he lifted up the rod, and smote the waters that were in the river, in the sight of Pharaoh, and in the sight of his servants; and all the waters that were in the river were turned to blood.
21And the fish that was in the river died; and the river stank, and the Egyptians could not drink of the water of the river; and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt.
22¶And the magicians of Egypt did so with their enchantments: and Pharaoh's heart was hardened, neither did he hearken unto them; as the LORD had said.
23And Pharaoh turned and went into his house, neither did he set his heart to this also.
24And all the Egyptians digged round about the river for water to drink; for they could not drink of the water of the river.
25And seven days were fulfilled, after that the LORD had smitten the river.


Hidee - Dec 8, 2023

There is supplement I use called D Limonene which is oil from the rinds of citrus fruits. I think this is useful as well for detoxification. And it come in a gel cap.


kaal - Dec 4, 2023


As a young girl in the 60's/ 70's I refused the cake at birthday parties and was told at least eat the frosting its the best- Id turn away thinking yuck its the worst. out to dinner when asked about dessert Id say soup- get laughed at. Ate the parsley off the wooden stick being told its decoration. At street bazzars would ask for the empty pickle bottle and drink the juice. But in my childhome of trauma I ate very little. Ran to friends house hid there and was usually hungry. Never believed the world but grew up to some point where thought I should. although probably did not. till covid wake up.


Piotr Bein - Dec 4, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

I am with you, Kaal. The scamdemic was cold shower for many who hoped for decency and wisdom in most people.
As a boy in 1960s Poland I loved to help with baking. My clever Mom knew what I did best and tasked me with cleanup of baking utensiles and vessels. I licked them clean. Ingredients were not organic but way cleaner than "certified organic" nowadays. Eating the produce decorations at parties is my specialty now, although the parsley is far off the then Polish one. Probiotic sauerkraut and cukes were home-made in oak barrels, if not bought ar your corner grocer's. The same stuff now is sold in supermarkets over there, packaged in plastic. but with the juice. Ca. 10 yrs ago, supermarkets still sold them out of barrels, not any more.
I make my truly organic light-pickled cukes in Canada; own garden cukes sauered submersed for ca. 3 days in 1 flat tablespoon salt per 1 litre water, horseraddish leaves and root, garlic, dill flower/seed crown, leaves of berries added and what have you. Use ceramic/clay bowls and pots only, no metal. What's left over goes into canning jars, topped with the juice and boiled for 3 minutes. I just had a couple from 2 liter jar, don't crave more probiotics today.
One of the best recipes:https://aniagotuje.pl/przepis/domowe-ogorki-malosolne
Sauerkraut we make in large jars from bought cabbage white or red. Also try to pickle kale and other cabbage family:https://aniagotuje.pl/przepis/kapusta-kiszona
Smacznego! i.e. Bon apeti! Rockefellerian "pickles" in vinegar is a fraud like all their "nutrition" for useless eaters. Did you know that at the time Poland was joining EU, Brussels tried to outlaw our pickles? My nation almost rebelled :)


Canadian Apple Pie - Dec 4, 2023

Canadian Apple Pie

My little one likes the pink salt too. I call it his salt lick and that he reminds me of a little horse❣️😊


Margie Chism - Dec 4, 2023

Margie Chism

CAP - Precious! ■ M


Diane G. - Dec 4, 2023

Diane G.

My organic lemons from the store have a “waxy coating” but not called Apeel. I just squeeze the juice now instead of putting the entire slice into my water


JulesUSA - May 2

Wants lemon trees to be killed/removed from the earth???


AncientLoveLover - Dec 8, 2023

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

I have had great success using gum Spirits of Turpentine. I do have a bit of thieves oil. I’ll have to give it a try also. There is more than one way to defeat the mad scientists.


Bonnie - May 5


Where can I get info on Spirits of Turpentine cleanse? Thanks!


AncientLoveLover - May 5

AncientLoveLover’s Substack



Hidee - Dec 7, 2023

Glad to hear about this. I take about 5-6 drops of thieves oil in a small amount of juice. The juice is to mask the strong taste. I don’t have morgellons, but I learned that thieves oil was the best at killing the morgellons bugs. I also use oregano oil, 1-2 capsules ( the Gaia brand is very good) a day off and on. I recently came in contact with someone who I suspect had that respiratory condition 🤔
( more nanotech?) that is going around. I started to develope a sore throat so I got on my Thieves regimen right away. I was fine within 3 days. I truly believe essential oils are a godsend for healing against all this stuff!


Chris Gfeller - Dec 6, 2023

Excellent read. Thank you. This site on this link offers regular papers and stories on updates which are great to read and see where the MEMS and Nanotechnology is at. Some clues to what we may be dealing with. Perusing these articles and papers sheds light on how far MEMS and Nanotech have come the last 2 decades and then one must extrapolate 5-20 years ahead of what we are reading and that is what CIA DoD DARPA etc are really up to.https://www.nanowerk.com/nanotechnology-news2/newsid=64190.phpTHANK YOU for all the work you do bringing things to light.


Health-Seeker - Dec 5, 2023

Health-Seeker’s Substack

https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12551-019-00602-6-Structures, functions, and mechanisms of filament forming enzymes: a renaissance of enzyme filamentation - in this review, we attempt to comprehensively collate studies of enzymes found to either form large assemblies in cells (with unknown molecular structures) as well as those with filamentous structures known in atomic or near-atomic detail. - Can't decipher the science, but looked to be part of the ribbon or filaments and it is a recent collective review. Hope it can help someone that can dissect it better than me. I can get the gist, but over my current ability to interpret, but it seemed relevant.


Bev S. - Dec 5, 2023

Dear Dr. Ana Mihalcea, thank you once again for another brilliant article.
I do have a question and would appreciate your answer on the following:
I quote: "There are people taking silica supposedly to treat the nanobots. Based on below information, I would recommend against that."
Does this apply to the silica found in Diatomaceous Earth, or the silica found in Zeolite Clinoptilolite which I am taking personally for nutritional and detox purposes?


Katie Walker - Dec 4, 2023 - Edited

John Lawton

I’m not understanding why silica is not advised to take? Fiji water has been heralded as an effective way to eliminate heavy metals from the body due to its high silica content.


John Lawton - Dec 8, 2023 - Edited

John Lawton

Fuji water contains silicic acid, useful to remove Aluminium, see Dr Christopher Exley's book:https://www.skyhorsepublishing.com/9781510762534/imagine-you-are-an-aluminum-atom/


Katie Walker - Dec 8, 2023

John Lawton

Yes, and Im wondering why it doesn’t help remove nanotech which seems to have a metal component.


John Lawton - Dec 8, 2023

John Lawton

Neuro-toxic Aluminium is present in the environment (think prepared foods) and as an adjuvant in childhood vaccines and probably many other sources is just another problem we face, on top of the nano-tech issue.


Katie Walker - Dec 8, 2023

John Lawton

Yes, thank you, Im aware of that. But it doesn’t answer my question. Why isn’t silica recommended to remove nanotech per Dr Ana?


John Lawton - Dec 9, 2023

John Lawton

Possibly because it doesn't work. What evidence do you have that it does?


Margie Chism - Dec 4, 2023

Margie Chism

Excellent article! Thank you! ■ From creation, to anointing oil, the warnings of the ten virgins, even to the New Jerusalem the presence of light and oil is a factor for life. M
Genesis Chapter 1, KJV, blueletterbible
The Creation
(Gen. 2:4–9; Job 38:4–11; John 1:1–5 )
■In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3¶And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
6¶And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
9¶And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
10And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
11¶And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.
12And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
13And the evening and the morning were the third day.
14¶And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
16And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
17And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
18And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
19And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
20¶And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
21And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
22And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
23And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
24¶And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
25And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
26¶And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
29¶And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
30And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.
31And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.


Canadian Apple Pie - Dec 4, 2023

Canadian Apple Pie

Thank you for sharing Scripture, I love it❣️🌳


Margie Chism - Dec 4, 2023

Margie Chism

CAP - Thank you! ■ M



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