"Transhumanistic Warfare"Truth, Science And…

Feb 23, 2024

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Elana Freeland is a writer, ghostwriter, lecturer, storyteller, and teacher who researches and writes on Deep State issues, including the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA, ritual abuse, and invasive electromagnetic weapons.


Tracey - Feb 23, 2024

Maybe this new injection that they will give babies in the soon future you talk about, will allow evil spirits to enter the babies body without permission. Satan and his evil angels are always finding ways to get mankind away from God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I don't think we have a great deal of time left on this earth before Jesus comes. It does say As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the son of man comes. Before the flood they were genetically changing the DNA of beasts and mankind. These heart attacks, blood clots and turbo cancers are very disturbing in those that have received the shot. I'm just not sure how far God will allow this DNA changing to go with mankind, even though they have been tricked into it. Be prepared for the false Jesus to come and know the state of the dead: Ecclesiastes Chapter 9:5,6 or false Christ Satan will trick you. Jesus will not step one foot on this earth but raise all His loved ones to Him when He comes. In the twinkling of an eye at the last trump the dead in Christ shall rise first, and then the living will be caught up together with the Lord in the air and so shall they ever be with the Lord.


scout - Feb 23, 2024

Read Zech 14: 4, Mt Olives, then read that entire chapter, go back to 13, read that chapter. you're close. :)


Tracey - Feb 23, 2024

Thank you, I will.


Tracey - Feb 23, 2024

The book of Enoch talks about the giants that lived on this earth.


Roman S Shapoval - Feb 23, 2024

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Everything changed after WWII, especially as radar was rolled out, heart attacks became a leading killer via increased global loads of radiofrequency (RF-EMF):


Yolanda Pritam Hari - Feb 24, 2024

Quiet Mind & Brain Healing

PS: i am grieved to see all of you commenters battling over what is valid spirituality! STOP THAT.
we on the good side are working together, remember?!!!!!!


Kyle BMaxHawaii - Feb 24, 2024

Kyle BMaxHawaii

Mahalo/Thank You Yolanda...!


Stella - Feb 24, 2024

“STOP THAT”, sounds harsh. So far there has been freedom to express and exchange beliefs, ideas and opinions here; with respect as ideal.


Alina - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited

Alexandra’s Substack

Christians should stay away from this kind (New Age) info.


Alexandra - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited

Alexandra’s Substack

Please help me understand why "Christians should stay away from this kind (new age) info.".
Thank you.


Alina - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited


Because Christianity and New Age are two totally different self-exclusionary religions. However, if you do not know this, it’s probably not important to you or doesn’t concern you. In order to understand differences, you would need to study both religions in depth. I hope I helped you understand…


Jim McGilbrith - Feb 23, 2024


"New Age" Spirituality is based on mysticism and the experience of God in Enlightenment. You get this in Wisdom Christianity which would include the Book of Holy Wisdom and Proverbs in which Sophia gives Enlightenment, or Wisdom, or Communion with God. And in fact this beauty is the Being in whom we have Communion. This perspective on Christianity started for me with Yogananda who decoded Christianity from the perspective of Yoga. And Sophia is the same Sophy who Philosophers love (philos = to Love + Sophy = Philosophy). Sophia, the Holy Spirit of Wisdom, the "Breath of God" who was so popular that Emperor Constantine had to eliminate Her (sound familiar). But She remains the Word of God that incarnated as Jesus Christ. What is Jesus Soul? The Holy Spirit of God. Anyway, you think there is a difference between Christianity and everyone else because of Constantine's mistake of defining the political structure as a Security State. As far as morality goes, be honest with yourself.


Alina - Feb 23, 2024


Post like yours is a classic example why Christians should stay away from these things. You mix Christianity with paganism with great ease producing classical New Age. You attribute Sophia God’s characteristics, and even worse elevate her above God the creator. You sound somewhat “Christianese”, but very far from Christian truth. Baby Christian believers may stray reading, listening, watching and believing such stuff. Sorry… That’s precisely what I mean.


Jim McGilbrith - Feb 24, 2024


Sorry, Sophia is in the Bible, the same Sophia the philosopher's love (philos=to love + Sophia), and it was Emperor Constantine who took her out to create the Security State everyone is mad at, but there isn't much wrong with the New Testament. Your just judging others and their morality because you think they judge you. There is nothing wrong with believing in a human soul and a loving God.


Alina - Feb 24, 2024

Sophia as a “goddess” and wisdom as a trait = huge difference. There isn’t much wrong with New Testament? How dare you! Can you stop judging Christians, Christianity and the bible by your personal criteria? Just stop! You do not seem to understand when to stop. Take care of your religion, its purity, followers and books. Leave alone that you know NOTHING about. Fair? This is my last post, but I see you want to continue. Go ahead! I am out of this insane conversation with a person who wants nothing but to insult others. “I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.“ And you…don’t….


gusman - Feb 26, 2024

gusman’s Newsletter

mysticism is the oldestrreligion orgiin. of alll religigions


Stella - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited

To some not of your religious beliefs Alina, it sounds as if you quote and believe from a Book. And hopefully, you have your own personal real experiences with Spirit, too. We all have that opportunity and ability, not just those of one religious belief. God is with and available to ALL of us. God has no religion.
It's not 'new age' that there are many ways to reach and connect with Spirit, with God. We each can have our own very direct Spiritual experiences. No one walks in anyone else's shoes who may be having different experiences than they are, and view life, Spirit, God very directly for themselves.


Alina - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited

💯, but from what you describe, your beliefs are totally opposite of the bible. That's what I meant by my post. I don’t judge anyone. I just warn biblical Christians that this is not even close to what the bible teaches. The ones who are not biblical Christians, understandably, believe differently, and that’s not my biz.


Stella - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited

True, I don’t believe in Hell/damnation forever. Christ consciousness, yes. Striving always to learn Love, forgiveness, goodness, purity, yes. I believe there are many planes/worlds, not one heaven. Soul unfolds into next levels of consciousness, eventually reaching Spiritual Liberation.
There are a few teachings around the world that teach this, such as Eckankar, some Indian religions/teachings, Radhasomi, etc. There are and have always been inner as well as outer teachers and guides, some might even call them guardian angels, this is not new age. Jesus was a great teacher, too.


Alina - Feb 23, 2024

That’s fine. What’s misleading to Christians is terms such as “Christ consciousness”, “inner guide” etc. This is not the very exclusive Christ of the bible. If you add anything or anyone to Christ of the bible, it’s not Christianity. It’s just that simple. Christ plus no one. Bible plus no other book. You add anything, and the bible calls it accursed teaching - not for biblical Christians.


Stella - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited

Doubt I’ll say much more, to each their own, as you said.


scout - Feb 23, 2024

Christ reality, not a religion. Satan, same. However, I understand exactly your point: you're correct, I just tweaked it a bit. :)


Adrian - Feb 23, 2024


Christians are failures for failing to do this one thing first, "BE YE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD". This stillness takes deep discipline, and provides direct experience, this practice answers questions, and removes doubt experientially about spirituality, mind and physical. Not everything in the bible is true, revelation included, but without direct first hand deep experience of "the peace that passeth understanding" via "Be still and know..." most Christians dont know what is true and what is false.


scout - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited

idk know if both are of Christ, at this point. But there is np for those of Christ to view this topic if off the milk level. :)


Alina - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited

Agree, but how many are off the milk level? 💁🤣 Not that many, sadly….


rohjo - Feb 23, 2024

At the FDA, human genome editing is in the works:
FDA Hosts Human Genome Editing Public Zoom Webinar, February 29


Ankit - Feb 23, 2024

Ankit’s Substack

Very interesting conversation. Control the planet the star the solar system and the galaxy.... They are on a mad quest to be rulers of the galaxy. The chemical warfare and the dna mind control stuff goes unchecked. They are making us chatel to feed their power games.
We need to buckle up and keep up the resistance and build solutions.


Doug - Feb 23, 2024

Doug’s Substack

When she was talking about full earth dominance, solar system dominance and all the other, this is what came to mind.
Isaiah 14:14
“I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”
We not all but we as a collective are the Antichrist


Michael Schliter jr - Feb 23, 2024

Aluminum,barium, strontium, graphene,polymers,biologicals,ect,ect, is some of the geoengineering-- ingredients (#Geoengineeringwatch.org).
Morgellons-->transhuminism war on humanity.crimes against humanity.Occums Razer


Yolanda Pritam Hari - Feb 24, 2024

Quiet Mind & Brain Healing

couldn't be more excited seeing the two of you together Dr Ana. You and Elana have been featured in about 8 of my substack articles so far, and i always ALWAYS learn so much from listening to either one of you!


SEPT - Feb 24, 2024

Getting the Soul out of religion would be a great start. Todays news of (Christian souls) sitting by and remaining calm . Sending billions and bullets to a 90% secular state is testament to that concept.


Doug - Feb 23, 2024

Doug’s Substack

We have become a Democratic Socialist Republic.
We're supposed to be a Republic where we look out for the rights of the minority vs the Majority. That's why they input a Bill of rights. We didn't need the other amendments the first ten covered it all.
Our Second amendment was absolute. Whoever said different, have no knowledge of what the founders wanted. As absolute that's how you protect the minority from Majority rule. All this majority rules crap is false. If so then that's how they get to be kings as in We are the majority we get to rule crap. Which means you get the socialists in power they rule and our Constitution changes with the majority and that's not true.
Once you leave prison you get your rights back you don't have to petition the court your supposed to get them back. No license no nothing just buy a Gun and own it as you would a chair. No laws that say you can't use it or buy here. ETC...
Our rights are absolute not Privileges. Anything less is a privilege.


Michael Schliter jr - Feb 23, 2024

Lighted’s Substack

I've gotten into a WiFi box and discovered that it was putting out-->5G,2.4G, and seen 6G signals being broadcast out of it.i a day later gave all equipment back.this is very wrong.our earth and our bodies operate on same frequency that mind control and worse can be done easily nowadays.walki talki, channel 39-- key up and hold and very loud noise comes out of it when placed near( heart and frontal lobe), when experiencing d.e.w I feel in 2015.for 3+ months straight till relocated asap


Lighted - Feb 23, 2024

Lighted’s Substack

I don’t understand what you are saying about walkie talkies. Are they no good either?


Michael Schliter jr - Feb 24, 2024

There are great to have especially in these days and to come


Michael Schliter jr - Feb 23, 2024

Watch-->(The Dimming)


Tracey - Feb 23, 2024

Satan and his evil angels know that they are going to die and they are trying to take as many earthly mankind with them, because if you are not for Christ Jesus you are against Him. Jesus loves you and wants to take you to Paradise for 1000 years where the books will be opened of every soul why they did not make it, and then we are going to return to earth with the city Jesus has made and he is going to wake up the dead and Satan and his evil angels will arouse the one that did not make it that they can overtake the city and as they come to take over the city, fire will rain down from heaven on them.


scout - Feb 23, 2024

Thank you Ana and Elena. Freqs used by MKULTRA answered my unasked question of updating procedures as just went thru all of O'Brien's works and Susan Ford's, which were very informative concerning the actual depth of depravity that CFR Truman's National Security Act brought to us in '47, that Ike ignored, but warning and JFK also warned but ran out of time.
Elena, Geoengineering, I know you hinted an apology about no index, BUT INDEX A MUST in all your material as concepts are huge in number while table of contents not enough to send me to the exact page. 26 pages of index needed? I'll take that! I have all your non fiction and worth their weight in gold, easily. :)
Bottom line, spiritually: Satanic forces pretend to simply obstruct just one of Christ's chosen prior to sealing, as if that is even possible. Once Christ returns in body, Mt. Olives, viewing the Satanic devastation-infection of our reality, then we note why Christ will fold this entire universe in fire then recreate.
Elena, Steiner certainly had a solid take on vaccines worked by evil very early, and before aluminum was mass produced and included within vaccines to hand us autistic of lost souls, exactly part of the anti Christ transhuman program.
Thanks again!


Harold Saive - Feb 23, 2024

News Paradigm

Geoengineering has a deliberate warming effect on surface temps regardless of what Matt Anderson claims. Why is Elana buying into the Anderson statement if it's so obviously false?


scout - Feb 23, 2024

Elena knows that HARP ionsphere play is warming poles; her point was that what the military does has nothing to do with whatever civilians think.



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