Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 21, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence, Human Evolution and Timelines
Dr. Ana’s Science of Light Radio Show –
Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence, Human Evolution and Timelines
In this interview, I speak with international award-winning filmmaker Frank Jacob. We discuss Transhumanism, Artificial Intelligence and the extinction threat to humanity, timelines of humanities future, evolution of consciousness, near death experiences and the need to actively create an unlimited future for the human species and fight for it. Frank has been an outspoken activist and has written in German about the C19 injections and the implications on humanities future.
Here is one of his articles in German: (Timelines, Transhumanism and the Last Battle of Purebloods)
Zeitlinien, Transhumanismus und das letzte Gefecht der Reinblütigen
Frank Jacob is an international award-winning filmmaker, presenter, popular talk-show guest, visual artist, musician and composer. Having teamed up with US motion picture production company Screen Addiction, his recent films explore the frontiers of consciousness-raising subjects in the films 'Solar (R)evolution', ‘The Klaus Dona Chronicles', and 'Packing For Mars’. In 2019 Frank directed and co-produced the series ‘Timeless’, a first of its kind German format exploring the world of the paranormal for US Online Network GAIA.
In March 2022, Frank broke a story about a mysterious group called the Guardians of the Looking Glass, who claimed to be a breakaway faction of the controversial Project Looking Glass having re-surfaced to help humanity avert upcoming disasters, which exploded onto the internet. This time-technology makes it possible to peer into timelines, future probabilities and more, and appears to be used by rogue elements in government, as well as the Elite, to bring about a technocratic dictatorship. The story blew up all over the blogosphere and talk-show circuit. He followed up with ‘A Tale of Two Timelines’, a webinar that dives deep into the history and main protagonists of that story, which connects consciousness, ETs, CERN, A.I., time-travel, inter-dimensional messages, the meaning of timelines, and an upcoming Cosmic Event with the power to propel mankind into a quantum evolutionary leap long predicted by indigenous peoples around the world.
As a presenter, Frank’s multimedia presentations take his audiences deep down the rabbit hole into hidden history, transhumanism, artificial intelligence, secret technology, human evolution, timelines and parallel worlds.
To find more about Frank’s films:
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Bodhimom - Dec 21, 2022
Hey guys, look at this pic of Drs. Cole and Malone both wearing Covid-19 Spike Protein ties and smiling. They need to tell us before hand what they are doing.
So creepy.
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Paula Starshifter - Dec 21, 2022
Paula Starshifter
If you are in Minnesota, join us in the rotunda of the State Capitol on 1/5 at 1:30, to make our stand against pending legislation for mandatory quackcines. No mandates!
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