TransHuman - The Real COVID19 Agenda Vol 1 and TransHuman - Overcoming The Global Depopulation Agenda Vol 2 Available Now!

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 21, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Link To buy Transhuman Books Now

Link To buy Transhuman Books Now


Dear all,

my books are now available. I had to split them into two books because there was too much material for one. At some point, I had to stop writing, otherwise there would have been Volume 3 and 4.

Detailed with many Darkfield microscopy images, I cover topics like my research with Clifford Carnicom, effects of geoengineering in the human blood, COVID19 bioweapon research, Darkfield microscopy medication and vaccines analysis, rubbery clots, mesogens, fluorescent phenomena and my treatment case studies and protocols. The books have amazing forwards and brilliant commentary by colleagues from around the world, including Toxicologist Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Dr. Pedro Chavez from COMUSAV, Karen Kingston, Attorney Ana Toledo Esq from Targeted Justice, Dr. Ed Group and others.

I want to thank all of you with all of my heart for your support of my substack and research. Thank you very much to my paid subcribers who helped pay for the cost of this project. 💙💙💙

Dr. Ana

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Mary Dunn - Oct 21

Mary Dunn

We are all proud of you Dr Ana
and your diligent careful work,
Your interviews, incites, questions and now new books!!!!♥️🐘👍🏋️

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Robert Childs - Oct 21

Robert’s Substack

I love you Ana!

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