Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 05, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Patrick Wood sent me his excellent new 4 minute video. It raises the alarm about technocracy, synthetic biology, the COVID19 bioweapons as the modality of changing humanity towards the post human world. Please download the video and share on your platforms everywhere - we must raise awareness! You can find the video here: Toward a Post-human World
You can find my interview with Patrick Wood here and I highly recommend ALL OF HIS BOOKS. I have read them all. You can find his substack here: Patrick Wood Substack
Another freedom warrior and one of my Substack subscribers - musician David Ralle - sent me this music video he made of our current human situation - he kindly said I inspired his work. I am grateful that he brings attention to Geoengineering and how the human blood is being affected. Please support David and share his video:
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Red Hawk - Jan 5
Very sad, but poisoning the entire planet, air, food, water, leads to no life, which is the goal. The ones in charge who think they are so smart ( evil actually) do not see the whole picture.But we must continue fighting for life & helping those around us. ♥️
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Adrian - Jan 5
The remedy for a "Post human world" is a "POST CORPORATE WORLD" articulated in the original Pre-corporate Constitution. There are three ways to accomplish a post corporate world...1. Right now as per KY Rep Thomas Massie HB8421 BILL TO ABOLISH THE FED RES needs massive public support to see it thru to Trumps signature. 2. The 14th Amendment was never ratified, the significance and congressional correction puts an end to all three letter agencies. 3. Each American must perform a birth certificate status correction from a Corporate Citizen to a American of the Republic. A POST CORPORATE WORLD IS THE ANSWER.
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