Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 02, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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This Tuesday we had an extraordinary and historic meeting of our group Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics. We heard from Attorney Todd Callendar, and for the first time the whistleblower testimony of FAA senior executive Bruce McGray about the impact of C19 shots on the airline industry. This is followed by several other speakers and military physicians like Flight Surgeon Dr. Pete Chambers, Dr. Theresa Long who are involved in key lawsuits against the DOD. Lt General Thomas McInerney addressed the group with a great overview of the current warfare situation. Members of freedom media also joined us, like Ann Vandersteel from the Zelenko report, SGT report and others. The meeting was joined by two other Generals and many whistleblowers, freedom fighting doctors and lawyers around the world. You do not want to miss these important addresses. If you have any doubt that we, the resistance are here, we are - and we are well organized, interconnected and collaborative.
To watch the video please click on this link here.
Todd Callender, FAA Whistelblower: US Freedom Flyers
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Rick (from Texas) - Sep 2, 2022
What Could Go Wrong?
Wow, what a line up!
If people still have their eyes closed now there isn’t much hope for them.
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jumping irving - Sep 2, 2022
Wonderful, it was great very informing. Let me know when there is another one Thanks hoss.
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