Today We Stop The Shots

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 10, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Today We Stop The Shots

Thank you so much to James Rugowski to add my video to the #Stop The Shots campaign:

We live in unprecedented times. The largest global experimentation upon humanity with gene altering shots has been going on under the guise of the Covid 19 pandemic – and as it appears will be continued with the supposed monkeypox emergence - for which the next wave of injections is already being deployed. In the United States and around the world this collective atrocity will be remembered as the largest genocide ever seen in human history.

While it clearly is the responsibility of those who have planned this event for a long time for depopulation purposes - this was implemented by physicians and healthcare providers who became the facilitators of those who wanted a shot in every arm.

Many others have spoken about the evidence of this devastating event. Today I was part of a meeting with Dr. Meryl Nass who presented data on the new smallpox Jynneos vaccine, which is being rolled out for monkeypox. This shot was linked to myocarditis risk. It had an 18.4% incidence of Troponin elevation which is a marker for heart muscle injury. This would mean between 1 in 90 people up to 1 in 6 would have heart muscle injury. The actual incidence of myocarditis was 1 in 175, but many cases of myocarditis are subclinical, meaning people do not get diagnosed because they do not know they have a heart problem.

Please see more information on Dr. Nass documentation and situation about the Monkeypox shots:

U.S. orders 2.5 million more Monkeypox Vaccine doses

We have seen sudden cardiac death syndrome caused by “everything but the vaccines” according to mainstream media. We have seen athletes die of sudden cardiac death. Troops died in their bunkbeds. People on social media posting that they know several friends in their youth or middle age who have passed away.

I asked Dr. Nass what would happen if you injected this monkeypox vaccine in someone who already had several Covid vaccines. I just wanted to make sure I had heard her right in her presentation. The comparison of risk made me feel sick to my stomach.

The supposed incidence of myocarditis after Covid vaccine is ballpark 20-30 in 1 million.

What? 20-30 in 1 million compared to possibly 1 in 90?

 What happens if there is a rollout of a shot that has an incidence of heart muscle injury potentially by a factor thousands of times higher then the C19 shots ever were?

Now more than ever, we must appeal to the physicians and healthcare workers who continue to give these jabs without proper informed consent. The government will continue to roll out these depopulation injections. The only hope is if healthcare providers take a stand and say no. Remember the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm. Remember the Nuremberg Code that requires informed consent for medical experimentation.

The only way the injury of innocent people is stopped, is if people start saying no to the jabs and if healthcare providers remember their oath and obligation. Many are afraid to lose their license, jobs, and livelihood. But that is not an excuse to contribute to genocide.

No doctor started medical school with the intent to harm and kill people. There was a love there for an ideal that meant to heal people, to ease suffering, to be part of a noble cause. Regardless of who we have become and what we have done, we can still stop at any moment, reflect, contemplate, and make a different choice. Even if we are afraid to face the threats of speaking up, remaining silent becomes no longer acceptable.

It does not matter who listens to you, who agrees with you, if they curse you or love you. The only matter is that you, fellow doctor, and healthcare provider, carry a responsibility that no other without this education has. In our hands lie the lives of others. That is a divine privilege and honor.

If you are afraid, look into your patients’ eyes, and find the love you had when you started on this path. It is stronger than all rejection and bigger than the careless disregard for life. That love cannot be bought. It belongs only to you, and it kept you going through gruesome education and self-sacrifice for others.   If you are afraid for your life and your family’s survival, look at the hundreds or maybe thousands of people who may lose a loved one because one doctor did not remember their oath.

Together, we can end this tragedy.

We are One Humanity, One Family. Together we can do this. Today, we stop the shots.

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Leeaison - Aug 11, 2022

I applaud your stand for humanity and truth honor your profession and your tireless effort is a testament for all others within the practice of medicine how important it is that we stop this horror and look deep within ourselves for judgement is approaching mankind if we do not stop, repent and make restitution!...God bless your efforts!

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