I am sorry to complain but this should have been free to the public.. It isn't right to capitalize on this. This information is incredibly important and it's heart breaking to see such successful individuals say they can't "afford" to give the information for free. Some of us can't afford the $18, that doesn't make us cockroaches and not valuable. I wanted to join and watch.. Oh well..
Agree wholeheartedly. I have a problem with those who claim to do God's work but then insist that man should fund it. Providing more and more visual evidence of similar damage and then insisting on one primary solution (namely EDTA chelation) that most people either can't afford or can't access, but which the researcher happens to be proficient in}, is also of concern. Now that the harm begin done has been established by many researchers, it would be more helpful to see live blood analysis being used to compare the effectiveness of other prospective treatment solutions that are freely offered by other medical professionals, (eg.,https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-09-21-remove-graphene-oxide-dangerous-covid-vaccine-ingredients.html/https://www.drzandrebotha.com/copy-of-treatments/https://pennybutler.com/bioweapon-protocol-notes//https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/how-to-treat-vaccine-injuries-dr-elizabeth-lee-vliet-4702267etc) that the average person can afford and make use of., but instead, we continue to be told that EDTA chelation is best. How can that claim be justified when the necessary comparisons have either not been done, or if so, have not published, which would be even more troubling.
Interesting. There are also a number of other causes of red blood cell roulette formation, including dehydration, infections and liver disease. I have not seen any suggestion that patients are being pre-screened for these issues, which despite the videos, brings into question whether it is the jabs causing the roulette effect. That said, lights blinking back at you from the samples and apparent nanocircuitry therein is something else altogether!
Blue712: Not sure if your saw my response. Posted in wrong place sorry. I agree with your conclusions about risks and best practise. I used DMSA and later, oral EDTA years ago as a means of reducing my own heavy metal load that accumulated from ignorantly having too many dental amalgams for far too long. Since then and based on years of use, I now consider that CDS might also have been able to oxidize and help eliminate heavy metals just as successfully (as well as many other toxins). It also reduces the rouleaux formation. There are lots of unknowns (including the fact that we are still in the dark about what may be in the shots at any given time) so we just have to run with the best of what we think we know right now. As to mineral supplementation, Dr. Joel Wallach’s products seem to be a good option.http://www.american-nutrition.com/vem.html. At lower cost, coral calcium sourced from deposits above sea level should be considered, (you might like to start researching herehttps://www.coralcalcium-watchdog.com/bobs-best-coral-calcium.html), especially if used in combo with Himalayan Salt taken in the form of Sole Water. If filtering your drinking/cooking water, the lost minerals also need to be replaced therein. Hope that helps.
Ana, interesting. I was researching EDTA years ago and never quite got started on it. I still have it at my house. The idea of EDTA also wiping away essential minerals in my body sort of spooked me. At the time, I tried researching a good source of minerals to replenish but felt uneasy about how pure the sources were. My feeling is that these evil people have their fingers in every pie. So why wouldn't they also have their fingers in the health industry, trying to taint the very products that people are attempting to take to escape their grasp? Why is no one talking about this very real possibility? How do I KNOW that the EDTA I buy is truly pure and not tainted by the pharmaceutical companies? Can the trendy health brands that sell it actually ENSURE that whoever they bought it from isn't corrupt?
These are the questions that kept me up last night. My thinking is that EDTA orally may be less traumatizing on the body than through an IV. It's a slower process, and maybe that's for the best. Slower is normally healthier than quick fast results. Too fast, and the body could sort of react harshly I would think. I read that an entire month of ORAL EDTA is equivalent to perhaps one session of the IV EDTA.
A year back when I was researching heavily into this, I found zero negative reviews of EDTA. Just hundreds of people who felt that it had given them more energy and they felt healthier than ever. Then again, these were the people who chose to buy it orally and not do it through an IV.
If anyone out there has any recommendations on a truly pure source of minerals to take during the replenishing process, or a very pure source of EDTA, please share.
Blue712: I agree with your conclusions about risks and best practise. I used DMSA and later, oral EDTA years ago as a means of reducing my own heavy metal load that accumulated from ignorantly having too many dental amalgams for far too long. Since then and based on years of use, I now consider that CDS might also have been able to oxidize and help eliminate heavy metals just as successfully (as well as many other toxins). It also reduces the rouleaux formation. There are lots of unknowns (including the fact that we are still in the dark about what may be in the shots at any given time) so we just have to run with the best of what we think we know right now. As to mineral supplementation, Dr. Joel Wallach’s products seem to be a good option.http://www.american-nutrition.com/vem.htmlAt lower cost, coral calcium sourced from deposits above sea level should be considered, (you might like to start researching herehttps://www.coralcalcium-watchdog.com/bobs-best-coral-calcium.html), especially if used in combo with Himalayan Salt taken in the form of Sole Water. If filtering your drinking/cooking water, the lost minerals also need to be replaced therein. Hope that helps.
Considering what we're facing - the absolute EVIL that this all represents - this is not a time to be charging people for LIFE SAVING information that every human on earth needs to know, even the homeless person. We need to get in touch with true charity. True charity is recognizing the EQUALITY amongst all humans and not judging their worthiness off of the coin in their pocket. Release the river of heart and never hold back what you know over finances.
There is a reward β God will owe nobody; therefore, your labor will be paid, while those that have charged may be warranted in their fees, but it is clear, God will owe no one anything. I believe it is better to receive from him, than the token from others. M
God would never ask you to place a gold coin in a bucket for information. That is the hypocrisy the bible consistently warns us about but Christians/Catholics love to ignore those passages of the bible.
Blue - Blue is my favorite color. Since the Father trained me at about 2, I could not read nor understand most words. Songs were a repeated verse that I could repeat during the days, and I found he heard me. β I would go into the forest and watch his arrival/awareness manifested in signs and wonders and still today. I ask him questions. When it come to giving him a gift, I ask him; he has precise direction. He weaned me at school age and wanted me to learn to trust him. I find miracles require trust, especially if they are a request. Thank you for warning me about the token. M
I listen to the Mother as well as the Father. We have been trained to forget her by the men of our past. To not believe in her existence... Blue is very important to me as well as I have a very cosmic recollection of it being the color of God itself... It is the God frequency. I only just realized that Ana Maria is using Blue Therapy for her patients.. I could never afford her 20k "blue beds", but that's okay. It emits to us from the cosmos even if we cannot see it (or afford it)... Thanks for your kind and awakened reply.
There is no father, there is no married god couple, there is only a Mother Creator God, aka Mother Nature.
For 70,000 years, humans prayed to HER, then something happened. People like Erich von Daniken and the Gnostics claim aliens/ demons landed, introduced the male god, patriarchy and the suppression of the female. They wrote the bible and persuaded or forced humans to pray to their god, the Demiurg.
But that's taboo to talk about it. All those so-called "awakened" suddenly stop analysing, questioning or thinking when it comes to the bible, instead they blindly believe.
And what makes me super-suspicious is the fact that many of those bible-thumpers, eg on YouTube, seem to be bots.
Now we know who programs and sends out those bots. It's intended to brainwash the masses.
Ana, I'm in 100% agreement with you... You essentially just mirrored what I talk about every day of my life. Every word of it I could have written myself but I didn't want to scare Magie off. It took me some time to realize that you have to use "their" language to try to connect to them if they're going to talk to you at all. Otherwise, such people get offended too quickly and no progress is made in influencing others for the truth. You must give them a spoonful at at time, not an entire cup. I grew up witnessing my mother viciously bash religious people left and right. I don't think this is the answer. They have some of the picture, but surely not all of it. It takes people like you and I to wake them up through our kindness and encouragement to widen their perspectives...
I do believe (and know with all of my own cosmic recollection) that the Mother had many sons in a more macro cosmic history, and that the "sons" throughout our cosmic history have mis-created in their own image for much too long. It's an abomination and our earth, whom I see as a Daughter of the great larger macro-cosmic mother; this earth who has a SOUL at the very heart of this planet, is not ignorant of what is going on the surface of her, contrary to popular belief. Not in the slightest. She knows.. I have glimpsed her activation through remote viewing many times and have felt her all-seeing consciousness. I believe she's going to react soon to all of this. The "elite" who are doing these things will be grossly unprepared, even with all of their multi-billion dollar built underground fortresses. Many of those will fail.
So glad to see you here Ana. We're sisters on the same path to true cosmic recall, I am sure of it.
Pretty much my thinking. Far too many people trusted in man and science, both of whom lie and manipulate whereas I chose to trust in God and His amazing immune system.
Now this same man is heavily involved in putting words to paper in regards to the good books, need I remind you that man and woman, lie and manipulate.
Obviously I am not sure of the true story but in due time God will show me.
You got that right and with even a little research ANYONE CAN FIND OUT ITS ALL A FABRICATED, forged , exaggerated story based on much older stories , traditions and achievements. All this has openly been admitted through the ages and yet hidden by churchianity, while they continue to murder , molest , and steal. All formal religion is is man made control psyops. I dont mean this as an attack on anyone , but if we dont get this worked out now , now that it has moved to its final solution of destroying all humanity or converting us to cyborg slaves , that is what will happen.
Very possible, but do we have any proof of it. Yes indeed , I have many doubts so that’s why I don’t belong to any organized RELIGION.
Beside all this, there is so much stuff (opinions) out there , that indeed makes your head spin faster than our planet. I don’t know what to believe anymore. We need a lot of goodwill to save humanity. Why being surprised , of all the indoctrination propaganda and manipulation over the centuries. Did anybody questioned authority as this madness all begun ! ? I believe that we have lost our ways. Our culture has been sucked in by people we should have never trusted in the first place. Let’s start with living an unconventional life and educate the children with out interference of government and use LOVE as a main ingredients.
The Mahabharata is a good piece of literature to read. Peace!
Dr Ana: Your link is not bringing up anything to sign up for. I’m also reading comments that show we must pay? If this is the case you’re not going to do much for Humanity like you thought you would.
While I might fork over the $18 to view your research, I don't currently have the funds to do so. I wonder if you're going to record the Zoom presentation so we can view it another time in the future.
Good work!!
How do we take control of these Nanobot and Nano tech? IE: Russian hackers have already hacked into these Nanobots broadcasting a MAC address... if we can find the nano assembly instructions, then we can actually hijack these NanoBots and upload our own code for for our benefit - AND ALSO include a firewall to keep Klause anal Shwab out!
When he says that/or others refer, that is if he has said that β I think of his family jewels as the reptile bugs, and as an artist and a woman/married, I pass. M
I can’t wait to meet you Ana and drink a toast. Someday the peace that cannot be described will be shared by many and we will smile till it hurts. βοΈπ
I signed up then, paid $18.00 when I realized it wasn't free, and never received the email with the link. I paid for a year's subscription prior to this event. Very disappointed.
Ana Maria, have you or anyone else doing this thought of finding out whether the creatures that have recently consumed human blood - fleas, lice, ticks, mosquitos, bedbugs, even leeches - now have these microbots inside their bodies? And could it be established that these microbots were NOT there before the scamdemic? It should be easy to do with leeches used for medical surgery purposes, right?
Thank you Blue β I have seen at the throne at times, and even my dogs. One on each side. When I want something delievered to one that is at rest, I ask the Father to have that message given to that person. However, I find that when the Father and I are talking, I can seek a confirmation from Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit. They may repeat the same word or give a supporting word. This helps me get more discernment on the topic. As for Mary, I go by what she told others concerning her son, "Do as he says." My Grandsons are learning, and I explained that if their father took in some children that were about to be harmed, that his dad would want the children to love him and his son/s, to accept them and receive them in order to be welcomed and be adopted to share and own the family's wealth. Happy Sabbath! M
Every living Animal and Being (not sure of the Cold Blooded types, Snakes,Lizards and others). Infected with Nano Technologies via the Chemtrails, now Foods, Medications and other means?
Beth, Dr Ana noted that the Zoom link will be sent, I believe to the emails provided 2 hours before the event begins. I believe it is in this post, back in Dr Ana's text.
Blue712 - Oct 6, 2023 - Edited
DIETER’s Substack
I am sorry to complain but this should have been free to the public.. It isn't right to capitalize on this. This information is incredibly important and it's heart breaking to see such successful individuals say they can't "afford" to give the information for free. Some of us can't afford the $18, that doesn't make us cockroaches and not valuable. I wanted to join and watch.. Oh well..
Ron - Oct 6, 2023 - Edited
DIETER’s Substack
Agree wholeheartedly. I have a problem with those who claim to do God's work but then insist that man should fund it. Providing more and more visual evidence of similar damage and then insisting on one primary solution (namely EDTA chelation) that most people either can't afford or can't access, but which the researcher happens to be proficient in}, is also of concern. Now that the harm begin done has been established by many researchers, it would be more helpful to see live blood analysis being used to compare the effectiveness of other prospective treatment solutions that are freely offered by other medical professionals, (eg.,https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-09-21-remove-graphene-oxide-dangerous-covid-vaccine-ingredients.html/https://www.drzandrebotha.com/copy-of-treatments/https://pennybutler.com/bioweapon-protocol-notes//https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/how-to-treat-vaccine-injuries-dr-elizabeth-lee-vliet-4702267etc) that the average person can afford and make use of., but instead, we continue to be told that EDTA chelation is best. How can that claim be justified when the necessary comparisons have either not been done, or if so, have not published, which would be even more troubling.
Gary McCollom - Oct 8, 2023
Lots of links throughout this post Ron, many lead to even more information.
Ron - Oct 9, 2023
Important contribution. Thanks Gary.
DIETER’s Substack
Well said. Peace π
Ron - Oct 8, 2023
Thank you.
AnaD - Oct 7, 2023 - Edited
Funnily when I looked for 'blood clots and EDTA' I found that EDTA can CAUSE blood clots. It's a well-known risk of chelation therapy
Ron - Oct 7, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Interesting. There are also a number of other causes of red blood cell roulette formation, including dehydration, infections and liver disease. I have not seen any suggestion that patients are being pre-screened for these issues, which despite the videos, brings into question whether it is the jabs causing the roulette effect. That said, lights blinking back at you from the samples and apparent nanocircuitry therein is something else altogether!
Blue712 - Oct 7, 2023
Ron, see my reply to AnaD about my thoughts on EDTA.. Would like to hear your thoughts.
Ron - Oct 9, 2023
Blue712: Not sure if your saw my response. Posted in wrong place sorry. I agree with your conclusions about risks and best practise. I used DMSA and later, oral EDTA years ago as a means of reducing my own heavy metal load that accumulated from ignorantly having too many dental amalgams for far too long. Since then and based on years of use, I now consider that CDS might also have been able to oxidize and help eliminate heavy metals just as successfully (as well as many other toxins). It also reduces the rouleaux formation. There are lots of unknowns (including the fact that we are still in the dark about what may be in the shots at any given time) so we just have to run with the best of what we think we know right now. As to mineral supplementation, Dr. Joel Wallach’s products seem to be a good option.http://www.american-nutrition.com/vem.html. At lower cost, coral calcium sourced from deposits above sea level should be considered, (you might like to start researching herehttps://www.coralcalcium-watchdog.com/bobs-best-coral-calcium.html), especially if used in combo with Himalayan Salt taken in the form of Sole Water. If filtering your drinking/cooking water, the lost minerals also need to be replaced therein. Hope that helps.
Christian - Oct 7, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Rouleaux, not roulette...
Ron - Oct 7, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Thanks for that. Roulette has more to do with what's in the shots..... LOL.
Christian - Oct 7, 2023
Ar’s Substack
oui !!! roulette russe !
Blue712 - Oct 7, 2023 - Edited
Ana, interesting. I was researching EDTA years ago and never quite got started on it. I still have it at my house. The idea of EDTA also wiping away essential minerals in my body sort of spooked me. At the time, I tried researching a good source of minerals to replenish but felt uneasy about how pure the sources were. My feeling is that these evil people have their fingers in every pie. So why wouldn't they also have their fingers in the health industry, trying to taint the very products that people are attempting to take to escape their grasp? Why is no one talking about this very real possibility? How do I KNOW that the EDTA I buy is truly pure and not tainted by the pharmaceutical companies? Can the trendy health brands that sell it actually ENSURE that whoever they bought it from isn't corrupt?
These are the questions that kept me up last night. My thinking is that EDTA orally may be less traumatizing on the body than through an IV. It's a slower process, and maybe that's for the best. Slower is normally healthier than quick fast results. Too fast, and the body could sort of react harshly I would think. I read that an entire month of ORAL EDTA is equivalent to perhaps one session of the IV EDTA.
A year back when I was researching heavily into this, I found zero negative reviews of EDTA. Just hundreds of people who felt that it had given them more energy and they felt healthier than ever. Then again, these were the people who chose to buy it orally and not do it through an IV.
If anyone out there has any recommendations on a truly pure source of minerals to take during the replenishing process, or a very pure source of EDTA, please share.
Ron - Oct 8, 2023
Blue712: I agree with your conclusions about risks and best practise. I used DMSA and later, oral EDTA years ago as a means of reducing my own heavy metal load that accumulated from ignorantly having too many dental amalgams for far too long. Since then and based on years of use, I now consider that CDS might also have been able to oxidize and help eliminate heavy metals just as successfully (as well as many other toxins). It also reduces the rouleaux formation. There are lots of unknowns (including the fact that we are still in the dark about what may be in the shots at any given time) so we just have to run with the best of what we think we know right now. As to mineral supplementation, Dr. Joel Wallach’s products seem to be a good option.http://www.american-nutrition.com/vem.htmlAt lower cost, coral calcium sourced from deposits above sea level should be considered, (you might like to start researching herehttps://www.coralcalcium-watchdog.com/bobs-best-coral-calcium.html), especially if used in combo with Himalayan Salt taken in the form of Sole Water. If filtering your drinking/cooking water, the lost minerals also need to be replaced therein. Hope that helps.
Unagnu - Oct 9, 2023
what is CDS?
Ron - Oct 9, 2023
It's an abbreviation for Chlorine Dioxide solution. Seehttps://rumble.com/v28u3wc-documentary-the-universal-antidote-chlorine-dioxide-could-save-your-life.htmlandhttps://www.brighteon.com/56bb5bf4-347a-471c-9db8-40ec3cdfdee1.
Tiptriptrap - Oct 6, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Free might get more people involved. People on the fence or new to learning what’s happening probably aren’t going to tune in due to the$$.
Blue712 - Oct 6, 2023
DIETER’s Substack
Considering what we're facing - the absolute EVIL that this all represents - this is not a time to be charging people for LIFE SAVING information that every human on earth needs to know, even the homeless person. We need to get in touch with true charity. True charity is recognizing the EQUALITY amongst all humans and not judging their worthiness off of the coin in their pocket. Release the river of heart and never hold back what you know over finances.
DIETER’s Substack
100% can’t agree more π peace!
Stephanie - Oct 6, 2023
Stephanie’s Substack
Margie Chism - Oct 6, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
There is a reward β God will owe nobody; therefore, your labor will be paid, while those that have charged may be warranted in their fees, but it is clear, God will owe no one anything. I believe it is better to receive from him, than the token from others. M
Blue712 - Oct 6, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
God would never ask you to place a gold coin in a bucket for information. That is the hypocrisy the bible consistently warns us about but Christians/Catholics love to ignore those passages of the bible.
Margie Chism - Oct 6, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Blue - Blue is my favorite color. Since the Father trained me at about 2, I could not read nor understand most words. Songs were a repeated verse that I could repeat during the days, and I found he heard me. β I would go into the forest and watch his arrival/awareness manifested in signs and wonders and still today. I ask him questions. When it come to giving him a gift, I ask him; he has precise direction. He weaned me at school age and wanted me to learn to trust him. I find miracles require trust, especially if they are a request. Thank you for warning me about the token. M
Blue712 - Oct 6, 2023 - Edited
I listen to the Mother as well as the Father. We have been trained to forget her by the men of our past. To not believe in her existence... Blue is very important to me as well as I have a very cosmic recollection of it being the color of God itself... It is the God frequency. I only just realized that Ana Maria is using Blue Therapy for her patients.. I could never afford her 20k "blue beds", but that's okay. It emits to us from the cosmos even if we cannot see it (or afford it)... Thanks for your kind and awakened reply.
AnaD - Oct 7, 2023 - Edited
There is no father, there is no married god couple, there is only a Mother Creator God, aka Mother Nature.
For 70,000 years, humans prayed to HER, then something happened. People like Erich von Daniken and the Gnostics claim aliens/ demons landed, introduced the male god, patriarchy and the suppression of the female. They wrote the bible and persuaded or forced humans to pray to their god, the Demiurg.
But that's taboo to talk about it. All those so-called "awakened" suddenly stop analysing, questioning or thinking when it comes to the bible, instead they blindly believe.
And what makes me super-suspicious is the fact that many of those bible-thumpers, eg on YouTube, seem to be bots.
Now we know who programs and sends out those bots. It's intended to brainwash the masses.
Blue712 - Oct 7, 2023 - Edited
Ana, I'm in 100% agreement with you... You essentially just mirrored what I talk about every day of my life. Every word of it I could have written myself but I didn't want to scare Magie off. It took me some time to realize that you have to use "their" language to try to connect to them if they're going to talk to you at all. Otherwise, such people get offended too quickly and no progress is made in influencing others for the truth. You must give them a spoonful at at time, not an entire cup. I grew up witnessing my mother viciously bash religious people left and right. I don't think this is the answer. They have some of the picture, but surely not all of it. It takes people like you and I to wake them up through our kindness and encouragement to widen their perspectives...
I do believe (and know with all of my own cosmic recollection) that the Mother had many sons in a more macro cosmic history, and that the "sons" throughout our cosmic history have mis-created in their own image for much too long. It's an abomination and our earth, whom I see as a Daughter of the great larger macro-cosmic mother; this earth who has a SOUL at the very heart of this planet, is not ignorant of what is going on the surface of her, contrary to popular belief. Not in the slightest. She knows.. I have glimpsed her activation through remote viewing many times and have felt her all-seeing consciousness. I believe she's going to react soon to all of this. The "elite" who are doing these things will be grossly unprepared, even with all of their multi-billion dollar built underground fortresses. Many of those will fail.
So glad to see you here Ana. We're sisters on the same path to true cosmic recall, I am sure of it.
Gary McCollom - Oct 8, 2023
Pretty much my thinking. Far too many people trusted in man and science, both of whom lie and manipulate whereas I chose to trust in God and His amazing immune system.
Now this same man is heavily involved in putting words to paper in regards to the good books, need I remind you that man and woman, lie and manipulate.
Obviously I am not sure of the true story but in due time God will show me.
MsheArt2 - Oct 11, 2023
MsheArt2’s Newsletter
A father and a mother are needed in my opinion which is also both parts of us.
Thomas Guitarman - Oct 7, 2023 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
You got that right and with even a little research ANYONE CAN FIND OUT ITS ALL A FABRICATED, forged , exaggerated story based on much older stories , traditions and achievements. All this has openly been admitted through the ages and yet hidden by churchianity, while they continue to murder , molest , and steal. All formal religion is is man made control psyops. I dont mean this as an attack on anyone , but if we dont get this worked out now , now that it has moved to its final solution of destroying all humanity or converting us to cyborg slaves , that is what will happen.
DIETER’s Substack
Very possible, but do we have any proof of it. Yes indeed , I have many doubts so that’s why I don’t belong to any organized RELIGION.
Beside all this, there is so much stuff (opinions) out there , that indeed makes your head spin faster than our planet. I don’t know what to believe anymore. We need a lot of goodwill to save humanity. Why being surprised , of all the indoctrination propaganda and manipulation over the centuries. Did anybody questioned authority as this madness all begun ! ? I believe that we have lost our ways. Our culture has been sucked in by people we should have never trusted in the first place. Let’s start with living an unconventional life and educate the children with out interference of government and use LOVE as a main ingredients.
The Mahabharata is a good piece of literature to read. Peace!
DIETER’s Substack
Agree, yes indeed. Peace π
Blue712 - Oct 6, 2023
Doug’s Substack
Comment removed.
Blue712 - Oct 6, 2023
One can only hope.
Doug - Oct 6, 2023
Doug’s Substack
IT will most likely be recorded on Rumble or YouTube so we can watch it later...
Lynn Ferguson - Oct 6, 2023
Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson
Or make scholarships available in lieu of cash payment...
Stephanie - Oct 6, 2023
Stephanie’s Substack
Agree. If it’s to save humanity- 100%
Go toVaxxchoice.comfor a free webinar!
DIETER’s Substack
Gary McCollom - Oct 8, 2023
She is not on our side friend. Start here and follow the many links. I don't know nor do I care who Ana answers to, but its not my God she is working for.
B Dollen - Oct 6, 2023
Michael’s Newsletter
Michael A. Stilinovich - Oct 6, 2023
Michael’s Newsletter
Well, and your mother.
Christian - Oct 7, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Le blablabla chrétien...
Margie Chism - Oct 6, 2023
Margie Chism
Preach β Amen
going2cabo - Oct 6, 2023
This presentation sounds fantastic, but I have a previous engagement for that time. Hopefully you will post it on the Sub-stack afterwards.
DIETER’s Substack
I hope so indeed. Peace π
Michael A. Stilinovich - Oct 6, 2023
Michael’s Newsletter
What is CDB ?
Tiptriptrap - Oct 6, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Cross Domain Bacteria. Sir
Michael A. Stilinovich - Oct 6, 2023
Michael’s Newsletter
Thank you, I really appreciate it.
Have a nice weekend frien.
Denise Western - Oct 7, 2023
Dr Ana: Your link is not bringing up anything to sign up for. I’m also reading comments that show we must pay? If this is the case you’re not going to do much for Humanity like you thought you would.
Lynn Ferguson - Oct 6, 2023
Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson
While I might fork over the $18 to view your research, I don't currently have the funds to do so. I wonder if you're going to record the Zoom presentation so we can view it another time in the future.
DIETER’s Substack
I do hope so. Peace π
David - Oct 6, 2023
Margie Chism
Good work!!
How do we take control of these Nanobot and Nano tech? IE: Russian hackers have already hacked into these Nanobots broadcasting a MAC address... if we can find the nano assembly instructions, then we can actually hijack these NanoBots and upload our own code for for our benefit - AND ALSO include a firewall to keep Klause anal Shwab out!
Margie Chism - Oct 6, 2023
Margie Chism
When he says that/or others refer, that is if he has said that β I think of his family jewels as the reptile bugs, and as an artist and a woman/married, I pass. M
David - Oct 6, 2023
Speaking of AI Bots... lol!
AnaD - Oct 7, 2023
How did they hack into it?
Where can I find information about this ?
Robert Westover - Oct 7, 2023
* years from now. In Jesus name. Praise the Lord.
Robert Westover - Oct 7, 2023
I can’t wait to meet you Ana and drink a toast. Someday the peace that cannot be described will be shared by many and we will smile till it hurts. βοΈπ
Jeanny RN, MS - Oct 6, 2023
I signed up then, paid $18.00 when I realized it wasn't free, and never received the email with the link. I paid for a year's subscription prior to this event. Very disappointed.
Rosalind McGill - Oct 6, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Sorry I missed it!
Aliss Terpstra - Oct 6, 2023
Aliss Terpstra
Ana Maria, have you or anyone else doing this thought of finding out whether the creatures that have recently consumed human blood - fleas, lice, ticks, mosquitos, bedbugs, even leeches - now have these microbots inside their bodies? And could it be established that these microbots were NOT there before the scamdemic? It should be easy to do with leeches used for medical surgery purposes, right?
Margie Chism - Oct 6, 2023
Margie Chism
Thank you Blue β I have seen at the throne at times, and even my dogs. One on each side. When I want something delievered to one that is at rest, I ask the Father to have that message given to that person. However, I find that when the Father and I are talking, I can seek a confirmation from Jesus and/or the Holy Spirit. They may repeat the same word or give a supporting word. This helps me get more discernment on the topic. As for Mary, I go by what she told others concerning her son, "Do as he says." My Grandsons are learning, and I explained that if their father took in some children that were about to be harmed, that his dad would want the children to love him and his son/s, to accept them and receive them in order to be welcomed and be adopted to share and own the family's wealth. Happy Sabbath! M
Michael Folks - Oct 6, 2023
Michael’s Substack
Every living Animal and Being (not sure of the Cold Blooded types, Snakes,Lizards and others). Infected with Nano Technologies via the Chemtrails, now Foods, Medications and other means?
Canadian Apple Pie - Oct 6, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
Looking forward to itβ£οΈπ
Beth Kilby - Oct 6, 2023
I haven't received my link yet. I paid the $18
Steven Lasher - Oct 6, 2023
Beth, Dr Ana noted that the Zoom link will be sent, I believe to the emails provided 2 hours before the event begins. I believe it is in this post, back in Dr Ana's text.
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