You're on the pulse / over the target Ana. Please know that there are those of us out there who recognize the accuracy of your findings and posits. I appreciate the work of you and your team very much. Two thumbs up on this post.
I’ve tried to explain the basics regarding these shots to half of my family that got them. They cannot handle it. The expression on their faces tells me they can’t deal with it emotionally. They made their kids get them too. Only one of them had an adverse reaction, so far, that’s heart issues. He said he’s done with the shots after getting 3. All I can do is watch and pray.
It's unavoidable, we're talking about the entire food chain........70% of people.
What we human 1.0 need to do is create our own parallel system from the ground up. Zero authority to vaxbrains. I want to start ASAP.
Terry is right. And they all look horrible whether they're wearing masks or not but the majority of the vaxxed wear the masks. They look so ridiculous, and there is an odor as well. I had breakfast with a co-worker this morning and the odor was bad. During our conversation, she mentioned that she is "vaccinated."
Hi Kathleen, I am so healthy with zero medical issues and even I have been shedded on a few times. The feeling is like having a bad hangover and one time, it lasted until the next day from being at the nail salon.
I realized that all of them are jabbed three and four times and the one who does my nails looks horrible for 41 years old. She was much prettier and looked healthier even the early part of the year.
Just take enough D3, Zinc, NAC and Vitamin C and I think you will be fine. Lately, I have not had issues thank God.
Thanks so much for the reassurance and the recommendations for supplements.
Earlier this month, I had an eight hour flight from Germany to DC and had the worst case of jet lag in my life. Normally, coming back to the States is the easy flight for me. I felt like I got hit by a bus. Suffered for days with extreme fatigue and somewhat foggy brain.
Normally I can avoid the jabbed except for grocery shopping and any doctor's appt. at the VA. Gonna ramp up the Vitamin D even more because of the little winter sun in the Northeast.
Thanks again.
Just thinking out loud here, but I would think that any shedding would only consist of viral particles, but not anything inorganic.
Blood transfusions are clearly a no then.
Hey Kahleen ... so you're worried about shedding, right?
Wanna know what I'm worried about? ... I'm worried about dying suddenly during a violent confrontation at my front door over my vax status ...
So this terrifying. I am unvaxxed and now I have to worry that these things can still hurt me even though I refused them. I have an ultrasound scheduled Tuesday and am now thinking I should cancel.
I did not get my imaging done because simply going to my Dr and having an exam made me very, very ill from his shedding.
20+ minutes spent with a vxxd US tech in a tiny room would have killed me.
I decided to just go ahead and treat myself for gallstones and kidney stones. I either have one or both according to my symptoms.
I bought a book called the Amazing Gallbladder and Liver flush.
The treatment is all natural.
There is an herbal concoction I drink for the kidney flush, in addition to drinking the juice of 1 lemon squeezed in a glass of water every day.
I'm getting better!
Can you just start treating whatever you think it is that you have?
And skip your imaging altogether like I did?
I have some experience with treating myself, When I had cancer I usedgerson.orgplus the methods I discuss in the video below.
You can heal yourself.
Black cherry concentrate from Dr. Bernard Jensen mixed in fruit juice was standard protocol for these stones decades ago. It should still be available. Use only natural food sources of calcium and avoid carbonated beverages.
This substack was very interesting.. Also I've read drinking lemon water apple cider vinegar, and baking soda helps dissolve kidney stones (maybe gallstones) too.
EDTA is an acid used in "chelation" therapy. There are many "chelants", but generally chelation therapy is dilute EDTA in a saline solution taken intravenously (by IV). It's been around for decades. Is safe and effective ( wait, where have I heard that before?). It removes heavy metals from tissues and can reverse the effects of atherosclerosis or "hardening of the arteries" reducing your risk of heart attack and stroke. Apparently it dissolves and removes the hydrogel AI self assembly structures, and graphene oxide. This is new information. There are chelation clinics around the US. IMO, everyone should find one and go. Whatever it takes.
No doubt soon we'll be hearing how dangerous EDTA is, from the criminally predictable medical/pharmaceutical hierarchy of evil. WHO, CDC, AMA and the clueless and/or cowardly doctors out there.
Ps. I am not a doctor. Just a guy who reads.
Kristen, I'm not from NC, but I did a quick search for chelation clinics, or chelation therapy in NC, and a number of results came up. In particular several naturopaths offered chelation. Happy researching!
"...started with Morgellons in the 1990."
Ahhh...THAT rather mysterious disease, way back when.
"It is frequency responsive, meaning 5G Wi-Fi makes it grow faster. It is an Artificial Intelligence weapon that is called “programmable matter.”
" because the Hydrogel grows in magnetic and certain frequency fields."
I wonder...
Dentists use light (EM) spectrum frequencies (e.g. UV), to harden dental "filler" composites, which are applied as a malleable, gel-like substance, that then hardens to enamel-strength, with applied frequencies.
I think via industrial production, certain glues may be applied, which remain viscous-fluid during "set-up," allowing set-up-time to put together multiple pieces of manufactured product. Then product "goes into an oven-like chamber," and EM energies are applied, & glue rapidly hardens/sets.
I believe lower-speed & lower-energy sound waves are also used, in certain applications.
Thank you.
Good morning Dr. Mihalcea,
I am the Chief Science Officer for the SAFIRE Project and Founder of Aureon Energy. I am not an MD. I have been doing research into these mRNA ‘vaccines’ since mid 2020 when I first got information from Dr. Michael Yeadon and reviewed the tests Pfizer was conducting. Specifically the research they were doing on shedding and the effects on those who had not got the jab. The early Salk report was revealing in their findings.
I knew then we are in big trouble. I did not know at the time about the clotting but knew the clotting was characteristic of the Astra Zeneca jab. I was troubled because I knew there was GFNs and this is the area that I and my team do a lot of research into self-organizing plasmas. The excitation frequency range for graphene falls nicely within the microwave range…
I tried telling my family, friends and colleagues, but quite a number of them including MD’s thought I was nuts. One, MD who is a close friend, told me he thought I was deluded. Then a number of months ago, he called and apologized.
Well, as they say the “horse is out of the gate” and it’s a wild horse and it is too late to put this Ginie back in the bottle.
Once Mike Adam had completed his ICP-MS analysis I knew then we’re in even deeper trouble than before since the clots are not blood clots. The FLCCC recommend ivermectin and blood thinners and I knew this is not likely going to be an effective therapy.
Trying to dissolve these clots, in my opinion must be done gradually with some kind of intravenous – likely combination saline solution maybe with the EDTA in a very controlled protocol. But again – I am not an MD.
The reason I’m saying gradually is because my concern is that if it is too aggressive an approach the clot might break up and cause a heart attack, or stroke, or kidney failure etc.
I’m probably not the person to gather doctors together to get a discussion going. But It may be an idea to get groups like the FLCCC’s attention.
I would love to talk with you if you have time.
Kind regards,
Montgomery Childs | President | Program / Project Management, Engineering, Design, Physics, SRED, Product / Business Development
Hi Monty,
I have followed your work on the SAFIRE project and the Electric Universe stuff since at least 2014. I appreciate your remarks here, and agree whole-heartedly. Something else that could well help ameliorate these shots is Chlorine Dioxide. Andreas Kalcker has done a lot of work with this mineral solution. Check out his book "Forbidden Health". It can be purchased here:
I have learned how to make it and have used it extensively. I have been around many vaccinated individuals, have not gotten any of the shots, and have remained in good health. I am 76 years old.
I am familiar with Andreas Kalcker's work and have used Chlorine Dioxide and need to do more research in the context of it being a useful ongoing prophylactic against these graphene hydro-gels which appear to be what is being shed from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated. EDTA Chelation therapy has been shown to be quite effective in detoxification of heavy metals and is used in heart therapy to clear the heart of calcification. Furthermore, with Ana's work and analysis it appears to be (no blind studies done yet - but as she points out would be a very important to do) quite effective as a detox of post infection of these self assembling hydro gels. I suspect this is likely due to the fact the Mike Adams analysis shows them to be a kind of poly-metallic composition.
What is quite alarming is them being highly infectious, the rate at which these can grow, and the factors associated with accelerated growth!
It appears ivermectin is an effective prophylactic along with vitamin and nutrient protocols. I think using ClO2 (chlorine dioxide) or ivermectin on an ongoing basis is likely a difficult protocol for most people and like many medical protocols, people will grow tired and not use them continually. I'm also concerned about the long term health effects of these protocols - i.e. liver, kidney damage. I am not aware of any studies on long term use.
How would one know if they have been initially infected before the onset of symptoms, and what would be the initial symptoms of infection. I think it is likely that many symptoms might be mistaken for infection when in fact it is just because the person ate too much organic pizza the night before... It would be very easy for us to become paranoid with the state of affairs we are facing. On the other hand, if precautions are not taken the we also run the same risk as those who have been vaccinated...
I have two friends, both have young kids - one family is home schooled and the other family attends public school. The home schooled kids are not getting sick, but the other family the kids are often getting sick. Both have very healthy diets and both are quite physically active - outside.
So the question is this - once the onset of respiratory distress is noted (and let's say they have been infected by the GNL's) what would be the best treatment? Sending everybody to get EDTA Chelation therapy is not likely realistic. On the other hand does the use of ClO2 or Ivermectin at the onset of symptoms an effective treatment and how might somebody know these therapies in fact work unless blood tests are done.
Many people who are infected do not even know until they "Die Suddenly"...
The rate at which these things grow within the body vary dramatically from one person to another.
Thank you for this article and your work, Dr. Ana.
One problem with Mike Adams’ analysis is he compared post-vax “clot” material to human whole blood, saying he thinks ordinary blood clots (thrombi) are made of blood. They are not. They’re mainly fibrin.
Adams should repeat his analysis by comparing the postvax intravascular material to human blood clots, not to whole blood.
Blood clots contain red blood cells, platelets and fibrin. The intravascular casts being extracted by morticians are rubbery, resistant to being pulled apart and where they are grossly white/grey, they do not contain red blood cells. Sometimes, the distal end of the long cast has an attached type-ordinaire thrombus that is red and presumably contains rbc's, platelets and fibrin. I would like to see Mike Adams compare a standard thrombus with an intravascular cast extracted from a vein or artery after death from the same individual if one can be obtained.
At a gross anatomic level, the thing that is so unusual about the intravascular "casts" (for lack of a better word since "blood clot" is clearly not applicable), is that they are rubbery and extremely resistant to being pulled-apart as compared to type-ordinaire blood clots which are very gelatinous and easy to disrupt. These intravascular casts, after extraction, clearly mirror the vein or artery from which they were taken, hence the term "cast." They can like a thrombus, reduce blood flow and eventually totally obstruct the flow of blood within the vessel in which they are found. In that sense they behave in a similar fashion to intravascular thrombus but there are many other peculiarities such as the bizarre elemental composition which blood clots do not have.
There is excess fibrin in the blood to address the injury to tissue, thus presenting a monumental problem. There are healthy solutions to this dilemma.
Hello Dr Ana. Love your work.
As for "Died Suddenly", I think it is an importamt documentary. I am concerned, however, that it will alienate too many because of the visuals of the clots in the vessels. Too much shock factor for some. Thus the message may miss those it seeks to target.
My preferred, yet equally real, documentary is the British "Safe & Effective: A Second Opinion". Link below for those who wish to view it (00:55:23 long).
I think for the non-medical and frightened, "Safe & Effective: A Second Opinion" will be an easier pill to swallow and, hence, a more effective tool at awakening those who remain asleep. Although there will always be those who are too scared to face the horror. Particularly if THEY are responsible for coercing family members and loved ones to do so.
Just my $0.02 worth. 😊
Peace, love and prayers to all.
I'm with you Ana! I never believed in calling a jab a "placebo" just because you feel fine 6mns or a 1yr later. It hasn't past my 3rd testicle theory. If you don't grow a 3rd testicle in 10-20yrs then maybe I will call it a placebo. It's a depop shot straight from hell, plain and simple. All vaccines are garbage in my opinion. God Bless.
Can you explain what you mean by “contagious“. You did not go back to this point in the article, and I can only assume that you mean that unvaccinated persons could also be affected by these hydrogels. However, if they are so ubiquitous and also contagious, how with the perpetrators of the crime, possibly expect to escape the effects of these hydrogels? Am I missing something? Thank you.
Same question as Dr. G. What exactly could be transmitted? The hydrogel itself? I have contemplated whether it was more of a parasite transmission issue (h. vulgaris found in vials). Perhaps why ivermectin helps?
Also - is zeolite comparable to EDTA? In terms of removing other toxic metals it is! Worth investigating effects under microscope post-zeolite.
Thank-you for what you’re doing.
Dr Ana, Is it possible to allow for this evidence of nano technology, graphene and hydrogel ALONG WITH making room for the evidence that's been compiled over two years about spike proteins? It's like the fight about whether or not viruses exist. From the point of view of the Great Reset it doesn't matter whether viruses exist or not. Similarly, I happen to believe the climate crisis is real and refuse to continue having futile arguments with those who say it's a hoax. Because for Klaus Schwab et al the climate crisis can be folded into their evil agenda whether or not it's real. WE HAVE TO STOP BATTLING EACH OTHER! Divide and conquer is a central part of what we are up against
Extremely powerful ground based microwave transmission facilities are being used in conjunction with the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying operations to completely manipulate Earth’s climate systems. The planet’s former weather equilibrium has long since been completely derailed, natural weather is no more.
The globalists are controlling the weather for their own agenda. They pulled moisture from the west to cause the droughts - which killed crops and caused wildfires. They can create and manipulate hurricanes - Ian destroyed a major fertilizer plant and Nicole paved way for a harsh winter. They create harsh winters, like they did with Texas and what they’re doing this year to create desperation. Desperation for help from the government is what they want. They want people to have no other option. Hence why they’re trying to eliminate any independent power sources people can have. That’s why they’re causing the fuel shortages and initiating this “green energy” crap during an energy shortage.
This is all coordinated and everything is used for total global control. Digital IDs, CBDC, complete surveillance down to the cells in your body.
What you're referring to is real but the idea the climate crisis is not real is magical thinking. What Big Oil has been doing since the '70s while knowing they were doing it and denying the facts on the ground precedes digital IDs and CBDC and social credit systems and total surveillance. Those threats are real, yes, but they are the product of deranged, greedy super capitalists who will murder and steal to make colossal fortunes. In that sense Klaus Schwab and the rest are exactly like what preceded them -- Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, Industrial Agriculture, the list goes on stretching back to the murder of millions First Nations people in the US to make the US safe for white men to make their fortunes regardless of the damage done. This history of murderous colonialism goes back centures. The only difference between the King of Belgium in the 19th century and his wholesale murders in the Congo, or the British Empire, is one thing -- 21st century technology. And that too is the product of deranged, militaristic men who will do anything for a buck
The climate crisis IS because of climate engineering. This has been going on for 75+ years. There are government documents and patents that prove it. It’s called geoengineering or climate engineering. They’re using big oil as the cover-up. I’m sorry, but you’re the one that has been fooled.
Here we go again with this dead end echo chamber of people citing chapter and verse from bought and sold Big Oil "scientists" to "prove" climate change is a hoax. It is not a hoax. The petroleum industry knows it's been ruining the planet and people's health for decades. They suppressed the actual data since the '70s. For starters, check out videos of what's happening in the Arctic, in Siberia, in Iceland. That's for real. If you want to find a hoax under every rock that's your problem.
If you want to believe in the ‘green energy’ scam and ‘climate change’ that is your prerogative.
When was the last time you were up above the Artic Circle in the Northern part of Norway, and/or visiting Svalbard (Jan Mayen)?
Been working up there for the past plus 30 years and the climate change are no where to be seen, except for now with 5G-towers protruding from everywhere that emits a lot of electromagnetic fields. What that will do to nature I have no idea of.
Pre winter is here just as beautiful as always and the *mørketid* is upon us.
Aurora Borealis are seen and amazing at every time spotted.
Calling something a scam is what's derogatory, you probably meant another word. But though I personally haven't been to the Arctic, I know plenty of people who have. Read Dahr Jamail, for example. And look at the methane holes appearing in the permafrost that's melting in Siberia, growing from inches across to football field wide in a year or two. There's plenty of evidence for what's happening. If you haven't felt the effects of it in Norway, just wait. Meanwhile, though, there are also many who think it's real but brought on by nefarious actors for the last 75 years + DARPA + the US military and so on, effecting the weather to the point that BOTH floods and droughts are caused. BUT THE POINT I KEEP MAKING is this -- Klaus Schwab and the rest will proceed with their plans whether or not the climate crisis is "real." The fear generated is all they need. So better focus on the 5G you say is surrounding you above the Arctic Circle instead of sticking to your narrative about the climate. That 5G is what's gonna do you in if you persist for convenience sake in using smartphones
Sticking to my narrative? We all have different ways on looking upon things, I just never bought into the climate change. Never bought into anything that comes out of the propaganda machine.
Yes, I am aware about the FEAR factor and what it does to people.
Why don’t you look into the ozone holes that was going to do us all in before?
What do you know about my convenience limitations?
Here you live close to nature and see animals in the wild on a daily basis. It is good for your well-being.
Yes pollution is real but done by perpetrators that has forgotten to align with the Earth and only calculate profit.
The issue is very complicated. There are psyops on every side to confuse the situation. Assuming environmental damage is occurring, why aren't authorities who claim to be interested in stopping it addressing geoengineering which obviously contributes to it?
Because they are creating the climate change narrative by destroying the planet and ecosystem and using weather warfare for population and behavior control. The Ionization of the Atmosphere is needed to create the 5G space fence for upload to Internet of Things. geoengineering that has happened for decades, the Great Reset cannot happen. But now they have worked decades and put everything in place. The shots are the final phase of Human 2.0 transformation. This is the last generation of the human species as Yuval Harrari proclaimed. as Archbishop Vigano said: "Humanity is in mortal danger. "
Why aren't "they" stopping it? One word -- capitalism. Or to say it straight, global corporate capitalism. But it comes down to what's been plaguing the world for untold generations since the first Empires. Only the technology has changed. If you think your life wasn't in mortal danger if you were in the wrong tribe or village or spiritual tradition, you're dreaming. Same impulse to do damage, murder, rape, no matter what just so long as great fortunes could be made. So what am I saying? I am saying knowing what the malefactors are doing is not enough. We ourselves have to step up and abandon this civilization which has commercialized everything, set us against one another in unending competition, spread toxicity across the globe. That's our responsibility to change who we are and how we live, starting with the smartphones and toxic urbanization divorced from nature. We can't keep laying it on DARPA or the US military, they're worse than what came before because of the very technology that was born out of the (actual) Industrial Revolution. Divorce yourself from nature and pay the price...
Could not agree more ... the globalists are brilliant ...
They have done a masterful job of using independent media to divide us ...
Give somebody a YouTube channel and eventually they'll sacrifice their higher moral callings, pledge their allegiance to the "algo-gods" and pray at the altar of SUBs, LIKEs and SHAREs ...
I use the defender faraday pouch for my cell I turn Wifi off as much as possible. I wear a faraday hat because I am super sensitive and it helps prevent headaches. I work offline as much as possible. None is safe. The stuff grows at 4 G and 2.4 G too. See the interviews with David Nixon/ Matt Taylor.
Yes, no landline, old technology they say. Now the former landline goes through the modem, when the internet is down, no phone; when the power is off, no phone. Also, in a black spot for mobile/cell phone service, so in an emergency, we are all stuffed!
Yep. Pure evil here. One can get a handset phone connected to their WiFi through the router, but it's basically the same as WiFi mobile phone. When I had this, so many calls were spam I just gave up.
I miss the old land line phones. Much more stable, private and reliable.
4G flip phones can be shielded by being wrapped in aluminum foil. It is the cheapest Faraday cage you can buy. I don't know if smart phones can be shielded that way however.
Correct. I also have a small metal box to carry my flip phone.
Had to transition over to 4G because Verizon will discontinue 3G at the end of this year.
Same thing happened to me. I didn't want 4G but could no longer get a 3G phone. I suspect the 4G option will be phased out as well. At that point, jig is up as 5G is a bridge too far.
I would carry the cellphone in a Faraday cage...just so I couldn't be tracked.
The jackbooted thugs at the FBI can do geofencing to scoop up all cellphone users in a certain area.
I actually use an metal box to put the phone in.
Kind of clunky but it works.
You can purchase a more refined Faraday cage online that is more like a pouch.
So help me God! That prayer that fully recognizing what it is we are being attacked with
As injections still continue and chem trails still fall. When there are no more cocaine skies I will know this war on us is over.
May God Bless all 5 billion people vaxxed
And all the rest of us by Grace
Death March is on
Game on
Life on
Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Nov 26, 2022
You're on the pulse / over the target Ana. Please know that there are those of us out there who recognize the accuracy of your findings and posits. I appreciate the work of you and your team very much. Two thumbs up on this post.
Lisa - Nov 28, 2022
SoCalGal - Nov 26, 2022
I’ve tried to explain the basics regarding these shots to half of my family that got them. They cannot handle it. The expression on their faces tells me they can’t deal with it emotionally. They made their kids get them too. Only one of them had an adverse reaction, so far, that’s heart issues. He said he’s done with the shots after getting 3. All I can do is watch and pray.
Kathleen Janoski - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited
Kathleen Janoski
I won't be getting any sleep from reading scares the crap out of me.
PITA Contrarian - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited
PITA Contrarian
Hey Kathleen ... before long, you'll realize it is better to know than not!
Kathleen Janoski - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited
Kathleen Janoski
Unjabbed here...and super worried about shedding from those who took the covid death shots.
Terry - Nov 26, 2022
It's unavoidable, we're talking about the entire food chain........70% of people.
What we human 1.0 need to do is create our own parallel system from the ground up. Zero authority to vaxbrains. I want to start ASAP.
Sammy - Nov 26, 2022
Terry is right. And they all look horrible whether they're wearing masks or not but the majority of the vaxxed wear the masks. They look so ridiculous, and there is an odor as well. I had breakfast with a co-worker this morning and the odor was bad. During our conversation, she mentioned that she is "vaccinated."
Sammy - Nov 26, 2022
Hi Kathleen, I am so healthy with zero medical issues and even I have been shedded on a few times. The feeling is like having a bad hangover and one time, it lasted until the next day from being at the nail salon.
I realized that all of them are jabbed three and four times and the one who does my nails looks horrible for 41 years old. She was much prettier and looked healthier even the early part of the year.
Just take enough D3, Zinc, NAC and Vitamin C and I think you will be fine. Lately, I have not had issues thank God.
Kathleen Janoski - Nov 26, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
Thanks so much for the reassurance and the recommendations for supplements.
Earlier this month, I had an eight hour flight from Germany to DC and had the worst case of jet lag in my life. Normally, coming back to the States is the easy flight for me. I felt like I got hit by a bus. Suffered for days with extreme fatigue and somewhat foggy brain.
Normally I can avoid the jabbed except for grocery shopping and any doctor's appt. at the VA. Gonna ramp up the Vitamin D even more because of the little winter sun in the Northeast.
Thanks again.
Sammy - Nov 26, 2022
You are very welcome. And I am from the DC area, from Alexandria, VA. It's beautiful this time of year.
PITA Contrarian - Nov 26, 2022
PITA Contrarian
Count your blessings my friend ...
You may have dodged a real bullet by lucking into a saline placebo ...
Evil Harry - Nov 26, 2022
Just thinking out loud here, but I would think that any shedding would only consist of viral particles, but not anything inorganic.
Blood transfusions are clearly a no then.
PITA Contrarian - Nov 26, 2022
PITA Contrarian
good point ...
PITA Contrarian - Dec 5, 2022 - Edited
PITA Contrarian
Hey Kahleen ... so you're worried about shedding, right?
Wanna know what I'm worried about? ... I'm worried about dying suddenly during a violent confrontation at my front door over my vax status ...
Kathleen Janoski - Dec 5, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
And, we should all be worried about that...
Especially after Pedo Joe signs the WHO Pandemic Treaty.
ATrain45 - Nov 26, 2022
One aspect of validity is that YouTube took it down... that speaks volumes for the validation of truth these days
MHS - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited
Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson
So this terrifying. I am unvaxxed and now I have to worry that these things can still hurt me even though I refused them. I have an ultrasound scheduled Tuesday and am now thinking I should cancel.
Catherine☦️ - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited
Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson
I did not get my imaging done because simply going to my Dr and having an exam made me very, very ill from his shedding.
20+ minutes spent with a vxxd US tech in a tiny room would have killed me.
I decided to just go ahead and treat myself for gallstones and kidney stones. I either have one or both according to my symptoms.
I bought a book called the Amazing Gallbladder and Liver flush.
The treatment is all natural.
There is an herbal concoction I drink for the kidney flush, in addition to drinking the juice of 1 lemon squeezed in a glass of water every day.
I'm getting better!
Can you just start treating whatever you think it is that you have?
And skip your imaging altogether like I did?
I have some experience with treating myself, When I had cancer I usedgerson.orgplus the methods I discuss in the video below.
You can heal yourself.
Lynn Ferguson - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited
Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson
Black cherry concentrate from Dr. Bernard Jensen mixed in fruit juice was standard protocol for these stones decades ago. It should still be available. Use only natural food sources of calcium and avoid carbonated beverages.
TMartini67 - Nov 30, 2022
This substack was very interesting.. Also I've read drinking lemon water apple cider vinegar, and baking soda helps dissolve kidney stones (maybe gallstones) too.
Staring back into the abyss - Nov 26, 2022
Staring back at the abyss
You don’t really go into EDTA in this. Can you elaborate ?
Citizen Seer - Nov 27, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
EDTA is an acid used in "chelation" therapy. There are many "chelants", but generally chelation therapy is dilute EDTA in a saline solution taken intravenously (by IV). It's been around for decades. Is safe and effective ( wait, where have I heard that before?). It removes heavy metals from tissues and can reverse the effects of atherosclerosis or "hardening of the arteries" reducing your risk of heart attack and stroke. Apparently it dissolves and removes the hydrogel AI self assembly structures, and graphene oxide. This is new information. There are chelation clinics around the US. IMO, everyone should find one and go. Whatever it takes.
No doubt soon we'll be hearing how dangerous EDTA is, from the criminally predictable medical/pharmaceutical hierarchy of evil. WHO, CDC, AMA and the clueless and/or cowardly doctors out there.
Ps. I am not a doctor. Just a guy who reads.
Kristen Stocking - Nov 27, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
Thank you and God bless you for your homework, Citizen. Any idea where I can find a location for a clinic in my area of the US (North Carolina)? 🙏😘
Citizen Seer - Nov 27, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
Kristen, I'm not from NC, but I did a quick search for chelation clinics, or chelation therapy in NC, and a number of results came up. In particular several naturopaths offered chelation. Happy researching!
TheonC - Nov 27, 2022
Ana latest vid is with Dr Micheal Roth, who has developed a gentler action EDTA cream, for skin application. EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel
Kristen Stocking - Nov 26, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
Yes, I am trying to learn the same thing. What does EDTA stand for, and where can we find out more? Thank you and shod bless us all.🙏
Reply (1) - Nov 26, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
Comment removed.
Citizen Seer - Nov 27, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
Cool, but more effective taken intravenously
Paul - Dec 2, 2022
"...started with Morgellons in the 1990."
Ahhh...THAT rather mysterious disease, way back when.
"It is frequency responsive, meaning 5G Wi-Fi makes it grow faster. It is an Artificial Intelligence weapon that is called “programmable matter.”
" because the Hydrogel grows in magnetic and certain frequency fields."
I wonder...
Dentists use light (EM) spectrum frequencies (e.g. UV), to harden dental "filler" composites, which are applied as a malleable, gel-like substance, that then hardens to enamel-strength, with applied frequencies.
I think via industrial production, certain glues may be applied, which remain viscous-fluid during "set-up," allowing set-up-time to put together multiple pieces of manufactured product. Then product "goes into an oven-like chamber," and EM energies are applied, & glue rapidly hardens/sets.
I believe lower-speed & lower-energy sound waves are also used, in certain applications.
Thank you.
The Fisherman - Nov 26, 2022
Good morning Dr. Mihalcea,
I am the Chief Science Officer for the SAFIRE Project and Founder of Aureon Energy. I am not an MD. I have been doing research into these mRNA ‘vaccines’ since mid 2020 when I first got information from Dr. Michael Yeadon and reviewed the tests Pfizer was conducting. Specifically the research they were doing on shedding and the effects on those who had not got the jab. The early Salk report was revealing in their findings.
I knew then we are in big trouble. I did not know at the time about the clotting but knew the clotting was characteristic of the Astra Zeneca jab. I was troubled because I knew there was GFNs and this is the area that I and my team do a lot of research into self-organizing plasmas. The excitation frequency range for graphene falls nicely within the microwave range…
I tried telling my family, friends and colleagues, but quite a number of them including MD’s thought I was nuts. One, MD who is a close friend, told me he thought I was deluded. Then a number of months ago, he called and apologized.
Well, as they say the “horse is out of the gate” and it’s a wild horse and it is too late to put this Ginie back in the bottle.
Once Mike Adam had completed his ICP-MS analysis I knew then we’re in even deeper trouble than before since the clots are not blood clots. The FLCCC recommend ivermectin and blood thinners and I knew this is not likely going to be an effective therapy.
Trying to dissolve these clots, in my opinion must be done gradually with some kind of intravenous – likely combination saline solution maybe with the EDTA in a very controlled protocol. But again – I am not an MD.
The reason I’m saying gradually is because my concern is that if it is too aggressive an approach the clot might break up and cause a heart attack, or stroke, or kidney failure etc.
I’m probably not the person to gather doctors together to get a discussion going. But It may be an idea to get groups like the FLCCC’s attention.
I would love to talk with you if you have time.
Kind regards,
Montgomery Childs | President | Program / Project Management, Engineering, Design, Physics, SRED, Product / Business Development
Ray - Nov 27, 2022
Hi Monty,
I have followed your work on the SAFIRE project and the Electric Universe stuff since at least 2014. I appreciate your remarks here, and agree whole-heartedly. Something else that could well help ameliorate these shots is Chlorine Dioxide. Andreas Kalcker has done a lot of work with this mineral solution. Check out his book "Forbidden Health". It can be purchased here:
I have learned how to make it and have used it extensively. I have been around many vaccinated individuals, have not gotten any of the shots, and have remained in good health. I am 76 years old.
The Fisherman - Nov 27, 2022
I am familiar with Andreas Kalcker's work and have used Chlorine Dioxide and need to do more research in the context of it being a useful ongoing prophylactic against these graphene hydro-gels which appear to be what is being shed from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated. EDTA Chelation therapy has been shown to be quite effective in detoxification of heavy metals and is used in heart therapy to clear the heart of calcification. Furthermore, with Ana's work and analysis it appears to be (no blind studies done yet - but as she points out would be a very important to do) quite effective as a detox of post infection of these self assembling hydro gels. I suspect this is likely due to the fact the Mike Adams analysis shows them to be a kind of poly-metallic composition.
What is quite alarming is them being highly infectious, the rate at which these can grow, and the factors associated with accelerated growth!
It appears ivermectin is an effective prophylactic along with vitamin and nutrient protocols. I think using ClO2 (chlorine dioxide) or ivermectin on an ongoing basis is likely a difficult protocol for most people and like many medical protocols, people will grow tired and not use them continually. I'm also concerned about the long term health effects of these protocols - i.e. liver, kidney damage. I am not aware of any studies on long term use.
How would one know if they have been initially infected before the onset of symptoms, and what would be the initial symptoms of infection. I think it is likely that many symptoms might be mistaken for infection when in fact it is just because the person ate too much organic pizza the night before... It would be very easy for us to become paranoid with the state of affairs we are facing. On the other hand, if precautions are not taken the we also run the same risk as those who have been vaccinated...
I have two friends, both have young kids - one family is home schooled and the other family attends public school. The home schooled kids are not getting sick, but the other family the kids are often getting sick. Both have very healthy diets and both are quite physically active - outside.
So the question is this - once the onset of respiratory distress is noted (and let's say they have been infected by the GNL's) what would be the best treatment? Sending everybody to get EDTA Chelation therapy is not likely realistic. On the other hand does the use of ClO2 or Ivermectin at the onset of symptoms an effective treatment and how might somebody know these therapies in fact work unless blood tests are done.
Many people who are infected do not even know until they "Die Suddenly"...
The rate at which these things grow within the body vary dramatically from one person to another.
Kristen Stocking - Nov 26, 2022
Please, Monty, what does EDTA stand for? Thank you!
Truth Seeker - Nov 27, 2022
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. Easily found in a browser. Hope this helps.
James Hill, MD - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited
James Hill MD’s Newsletter
Thank you for this article and your work, Dr. Ana.
One problem with Mike Adams’ analysis is he compared post-vax “clot” material to human whole blood, saying he thinks ordinary blood clots (thrombi) are made of blood. They are not. They’re mainly fibrin.
Adams should repeat his analysis by comparing the postvax intravascular material to human blood clots, not to whole blood.
John H. - Nov 26, 2022
John H.
Blood clots contain red blood cells, platelets and fibrin. The intravascular casts being extracted by morticians are rubbery, resistant to being pulled apart and where they are grossly white/grey, they do not contain red blood cells. Sometimes, the distal end of the long cast has an attached type-ordinaire thrombus that is red and presumably contains rbc's, platelets and fibrin. I would like to see Mike Adams compare a standard thrombus with an intravascular cast extracted from a vein or artery after death from the same individual if one can be obtained.
John H. - Nov 26, 2022
John H.
At a gross anatomic level, the thing that is so unusual about the intravascular "casts" (for lack of a better word since "blood clot" is clearly not applicable), is that they are rubbery and extremely resistant to being pulled-apart as compared to type-ordinaire blood clots which are very gelatinous and easy to disrupt. These intravascular casts, after extraction, clearly mirror the vein or artery from which they were taken, hence the term "cast." They can like a thrombus, reduce blood flow and eventually totally obstruct the flow of blood within the vessel in which they are found. In that sense they behave in a similar fashion to intravascular thrombus but there are many other peculiarities such as the bizarre elemental composition which blood clots do not have.
Lynn Ferguson - Nov 26, 2022
Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson
There is excess fibrin in the blood to address the injury to tissue, thus presenting a monumental problem. There are healthy solutions to this dilemma.
Truth Seeker - Nov 26, 2022
Hello Dr Ana. Love your work.
As for "Died Suddenly", I think it is an importamt documentary. I am concerned, however, that it will alienate too many because of the visuals of the clots in the vessels. Too much shock factor for some. Thus the message may miss those it seeks to target.
My preferred, yet equally real, documentary is the British "Safe & Effective: A Second Opinion". Link below for those who wish to view it (00:55:23 long).
I think for the non-medical and frightened, "Safe & Effective: A Second Opinion" will be an easier pill to swallow and, hence, a more effective tool at awakening those who remain asleep. Although there will always be those who are too scared to face the horror. Particularly if THEY are responsible for coercing family members and loved ones to do so.
Just my $0.02 worth. 😊
Peace, love and prayers to all.
Closed VAERS - Nov 26, 2022
WelcomeTheEagle’s Substack
I'm with you Ana! I never believed in calling a jab a "placebo" just because you feel fine 6mns or a 1yr later. It hasn't past my 3rd testicle theory. If you don't grow a 3rd testicle in 10-20yrs then maybe I will call it a placebo. It's a depop shot straight from hell, plain and simple. All vaccines are garbage in my opinion. God Bless.
Dr. G - Nov 26, 2022
Dr. G
Can you explain what you mean by “contagious“. You did not go back to this point in the article, and I can only assume that you mean that unvaccinated persons could also be affected by these hydrogels. However, if they are so ubiquitous and also contagious, how with the perpetrators of the crime, possibly expect to escape the effects of these hydrogels? Am I missing something? Thank you.
Linda - Nov 26, 2022
Same question as Dr. G. What exactly could be transmitted? The hydrogel itself? I have contemplated whether it was more of a parasite transmission issue (h. vulgaris found in vials). Perhaps why ivermectin helps?
Also - is zeolite comparable to EDTA? In terms of removing other toxic metals it is! Worth investigating effects under microscope post-zeolite.
Thank-you for what you’re doing.
Catherine☦️ - Nov 26, 2022
I believe the criminals always create an antidote for themselves and their families. It just seems logical.
Michael Brownstein - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited
Paul Black
Dr Ana, Is it possible to allow for this evidence of nano technology, graphene and hydrogel ALONG WITH making room for the evidence that's been compiled over two years about spike proteins? It's like the fight about whether or not viruses exist. From the point of view of the Great Reset it doesn't matter whether viruses exist or not. Similarly, I happen to believe the climate crisis is real and refuse to continue having futile arguments with those who say it's a hoax. Because for Klaus Schwab et al the climate crisis can be folded into their evil agenda whether or not it's real. WE HAVE TO STOP BATTLING EACH OTHER! Divide and conquer is a central part of what we are up against
Paul Black - Nov 26, 2022
Paul Black
It is not "real". Artificial. Pollution and environmental destruction is, but CO2 is not the culprit. Conflation
Lena - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited
Extremely powerful ground based microwave transmission facilities are being used in conjunction with the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying operations to completely manipulate Earth’s climate systems. The planet’s former weather equilibrium has long since been completely derailed, natural weather is no more.
The globalists are controlling the weather for their own agenda. They pulled moisture from the west to cause the droughts - which killed crops and caused wildfires. They can create and manipulate hurricanes - Ian destroyed a major fertilizer plant and Nicole paved way for a harsh winter. They create harsh winters, like they did with Texas and what they’re doing this year to create desperation. Desperation for help from the government is what they want. They want people to have no other option. Hence why they’re trying to eliminate any independent power sources people can have. That’s why they’re causing the fuel shortages and initiating this “green energy” crap during an energy shortage.
This is all coordinated and everything is used for total global control. Digital IDs, CBDC, complete surveillance down to the cells in your body.
Michael Brownstein - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited
What you're referring to is real but the idea the climate crisis is not real is magical thinking. What Big Oil has been doing since the '70s while knowing they were doing it and denying the facts on the ground precedes digital IDs and CBDC and social credit systems and total surveillance. Those threats are real, yes, but they are the product of deranged, greedy super capitalists who will murder and steal to make colossal fortunes. In that sense Klaus Schwab and the rest are exactly like what preceded them -- Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, Industrial Agriculture, the list goes on stretching back to the murder of millions First Nations people in the US to make the US safe for white men to make their fortunes regardless of the damage done. This history of murderous colonialism goes back centures. The only difference between the King of Belgium in the 19th century and his wholesale murders in the Congo, or the British Empire, is one thing -- 21st century technology. And that too is the product of deranged, militaristic men who will do anything for a buck
Lena - Nov 26, 2022
The climate crisis IS because of climate engineering. This has been going on for 75+ years. There are government documents and patents that prove it. It’s called geoengineering or climate engineering. They’re using big oil as the cover-up. I’m sorry, but you’re the one that has been fooled.
brightsAngel - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited
Kathy Clarke, MD Substack
Five top lies of climate change presented to you from UK.
Michael Brownstein - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited
Kathy Clarke, MD Substack
Here we go again with this dead end echo chamber of people citing chapter and verse from bought and sold Big Oil "scientists" to "prove" climate change is a hoax. It is not a hoax. The petroleum industry knows it's been ruining the planet and people's health for decades. They suppressed the actual data since the '70s. For starters, check out videos of what's happening in the Arctic, in Siberia, in Iceland. That's for real. If you want to find a hoax under every rock that's your problem.
brightsAngel - Nov 27, 2022 - Edited
If you want to believe in the ‘green energy’ scam and ‘climate change’ that is your prerogative.
When was the last time you were up above the Artic Circle in the Northern part of Norway, and/or visiting Svalbard (Jan Mayen)?
Been working up there for the past plus 30 years and the climate change are no where to be seen, except for now with 5G-towers protruding from everywhere that emits a lot of electromagnetic fields. What that will do to nature I have no idea of.
Pre winter is here just as beautiful as always and the *mørketid* is upon us.
Aurora Borealis are seen and amazing at every time spotted.
Michael Brownstein - Nov 27, 2022
Calling something a scam is what's derogatory, you probably meant another word. But though I personally haven't been to the Arctic, I know plenty of people who have. Read Dahr Jamail, for example. And look at the methane holes appearing in the permafrost that's melting in Siberia, growing from inches across to football field wide in a year or two. There's plenty of evidence for what's happening. If you haven't felt the effects of it in Norway, just wait. Meanwhile, though, there are also many who think it's real but brought on by nefarious actors for the last 75 years + DARPA + the US military and so on, effecting the weather to the point that BOTH floods and droughts are caused. BUT THE POINT I KEEP MAKING is this -- Klaus Schwab and the rest will proceed with their plans whether or not the climate crisis is "real." The fear generated is all they need. So better focus on the 5G you say is surrounding you above the Arctic Circle instead of sticking to your narrative about the climate. That 5G is what's gonna do you in if you persist for convenience sake in using smartphones
brightsAngel - Nov 29, 2022
Sticking to my narrative? We all have different ways on looking upon things, I just never bought into the climate change. Never bought into anything that comes out of the propaganda machine.
Yes, I am aware about the FEAR factor and what it does to people.
Why don’t you look into the ozone holes that was going to do us all in before?
What do you know about my convenience limitations?
brightsAngel - Nov 27, 2022
Here you live close to nature and see animals in the wild on a daily basis. It is good for your well-being.
Yes pollution is real but done by perpetrators that has forgotten to align with the Earth and only calculate profit.
Kathy Clarke - Nov 26, 2022
Kathy Clarke, MD Substack
The issue is very complicated. There are psyops on every side to confuse the situation. Assuming environmental damage is occurring, why aren't authorities who claim to be interested in stopping it addressing geoengineering which obviously contributes to it?
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 26, 2022
Because they are creating the climate change narrative by destroying the planet and ecosystem and using weather warfare for population and behavior control. The Ionization of the Atmosphere is needed to create the 5G space fence for upload to Internet of Things. geoengineering that has happened for decades, the Great Reset cannot happen. But now they have worked decades and put everything in place. The shots are the final phase of Human 2.0 transformation. This is the last generation of the human species as Yuval Harrari proclaimed. as Archbishop Vigano said: "Humanity is in mortal danger. "
Michael Brownstein - Nov 27, 2022
Kathy Clarke, MD Substack
Why aren't "they" stopping it? One word -- capitalism. Or to say it straight, global corporate capitalism. But it comes down to what's been plaguing the world for untold generations since the first Empires. Only the technology has changed. If you think your life wasn't in mortal danger if you were in the wrong tribe or village or spiritual tradition, you're dreaming. Same impulse to do damage, murder, rape, no matter what just so long as great fortunes could be made. So what am I saying? I am saying knowing what the malefactors are doing is not enough. We ourselves have to step up and abandon this civilization which has commercialized everything, set us against one another in unending competition, spread toxicity across the globe. That's our responsibility to change who we are and how we live, starting with the smartphones and toxic urbanization divorced from nature. We can't keep laying it on DARPA or the US military, they're worse than what came before because of the very technology that was born out of the (actual) Industrial Revolution. Divorce yourself from nature and pay the price...
Kathy Clarke - Nov 27, 2022
Kathy Clarke, MD Substack
I don't disagree with you. It started when they lied and said Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden.
PITA Contrarian - Nov 26, 2022 - Edited
PITA Contrarian
Could not agree more ... the globalists are brilliant ...
They have done a masterful job of using independent media to divide us ...
Give somebody a YouTube channel and eventually they'll sacrifice their higher moral callings, pledge their allegiance to the "algo-gods" and pray at the altar of SUBs, LIKEs and SHAREs ...
Joel W. Hay, PhD - Nov 26, 2022
Joel’s Newsletter
I understand the 5G self-assembly thing, but what level of 5G is safe? Do you carry your cellphone in a lead pouch?
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 26, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
I use the defender faraday pouch for my cell I turn Wifi off as much as possible. I wear a faraday hat because I am super sensitive and it helps prevent headaches. I work offline as much as possible. None is safe. The stuff grows at 4 G and 2.4 G too. See the interviews with David Nixon/ Matt Taylor.
Lena - Nov 27, 2022
I honestly wonder how it would feel to completely shield yourself in a faraday cage.
Kathleen Janoski - Nov 26, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
Thank you.
Lynn Ferguson - Nov 26, 2022
Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson
No level is "safe". Ditch your cell phone for a land line.
Truth Seeker - Nov 27, 2022
When NBN rolled out in Australia they stopped all land lines.😔
Frances - Nov 27, 2022
Yes, no landline, old technology they say. Now the former landline goes through the modem, when the internet is down, no phone; when the power is off, no phone. Also, in a black spot for mobile/cell phone service, so in an emergency, we are all stuffed!
Truth Seeker - Dec 3, 2022
Yes. Highly inconvenient.
Kathleen Janoski - Nov 27, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
Thanks for the info. I had no idea.
So, you are forced to use a smartphone. How convenient. Gov't keeping track of everything you do.
Truth Seeker - Nov 28, 2022
Yep. Pure evil here. One can get a handset phone connected to their WiFi through the router, but it's basically the same as WiFi mobile phone. When I had this, so many calls were spam I just gave up.
I miss the old land line phones. Much more stable, private and reliable.
Truth Seeker - Dec 3, 2022
They do indeed. 100% planned, I'm sure.
Kathleen Janoski - Nov 26, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
I still have a landline. Also, a dumb phone (flip phone) only for emergencies if I break down.
John H. - Nov 26, 2022
John H.
4G flip phones can be shielded by being wrapped in aluminum foil. It is the cheapest Faraday cage you can buy. I don't know if smart phones can be shielded that way however.
Kathleen Janoski - Nov 26, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
Correct. I also have a small metal box to carry my flip phone.
Had to transition over to 4G because Verizon will discontinue 3G at the end of this year.
John H. - Nov 26, 2022
John H.
Same thing happened to me. I didn't want 4G but could no longer get a 3G phone. I suspect the 4G option will be phased out as well. At that point, jig is up as 5G is a bridge too far.
Kathleen Janoski - Nov 26, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
Kathleen Janoski - Nov 26, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
I would carry the cellphone in a Faraday cage...just so I couldn't be tracked.
The jackbooted thugs at the FBI can do geofencing to scoop up all cellphone users in a certain area.
End tyranny - Nov 26, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
Where did you get yours?
Kathleen Janoski - Nov 26, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
You can also make your own Faraday cage.
Kathleen Janoski - Nov 26, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
I actually use an metal box to put the phone in.
Kind of clunky but it works.
You can purchase a more refined Faraday cage online that is more like a pouch.
Kathleen Janoski - Nov 30, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
Here is a link to an article on how the FBI used geofencing for the J6.
Daria Schooler - Nov 26, 2022
The composition of these intravascular casts has been a challenge to determine. Can they be broken down by enzymes like Nattokinase and lumbrokinase?
JamesDuff - Nov 26, 2022
JamesDuff’s Newsletter
So help me God! That prayer that fully recognizing what it is we are being attacked with
As injections still continue and chem trails still fall. When there are no more cocaine skies I will know this war on us is over.
May God Bless all 5 billion people vaxxed
And all the rest of us by Grace
Death March is on
Game on
Life on
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