The Multi-National Corporatists, Bankers and Monarchs of EU used Switzerland as their Opium/Silk Highway through EU in the 20th Century and painted it NEUTRAL into the current day. Many have discerned Switzerland an ENEMY TERRITORY equal or worse than Germany or Italy of WWII.
We're wiser now and know when War occurs and any Nation in the middle of chaos, crises and utter violence is at peace and safe...IT'S BY DESIGN.
Switzerland is the home of the Nazi's Descendents; those of Britain where their philosophy and ideology began. It's the place they went to hide if they weren't shipped to North America or Russia to be allowed support and funding for further BARBARIC EXPERIMENTATION AND RESEARCH the current threat to the globe originated with.
WWII never really ended; just went on hiatus for evil to regroup and continue on it's bloody path.
The Jews have been expelled from more than 1,000 countries. The most notable expulsion was from England in 1291 by Edward Longshanks. What else happened in 1291? Switzerland was formed.
Almost all of these expelled Jews moved to Switzerland in 1291 because there was nowhere else for them to go. Indeed, Switzerland is still at the heart of Jewish financial slavery to this day - they keep all their dirty cash there in secret Swiss bank accounts and swindle the world via institutions such as the Bank for International Settlements, which is the central bank for all the other Jewish central banks.
Not surprising at all since Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is experimenting with ‘Brain on a Chip’ with biochemical and directed energy warfare. Why aren’t the college students up in arms at Georgetown University with neuroscientist- Janes Giordano- creating protocols for neuroweapons? Look at his article- ‘Brain-Bench To Battlefield.’’. We are losing our democracy and humanity as we know it because most doctors and scientists have been bought off and are committing crimes against humanity to save their own hide- f… the planet.and God.
Quoted from the article: "If the enslaved mini-brains do what they are supposed to do, they are rewarded with lots of pleasure. --- If the enslaved mini-brains do not do what they are supposed to do, they are hit with lots of “irregular electrical activity”. --- In other words, these miniature human brains are tortured until they learn to obey."
If you happen to be completely deluded, you might think this only relates to a secluded laboratory experiment. The problem is *You* are the experiment, and your mind is being murdered via electromagnetic broadcast. How's that cell phone "service" working for you?
IMO, you are correct in your observations -- until the last phrase beginning with "f...". Instead, IMO, you should be fighting for "the planet.and God." -- Otherwise, who do you foresee running our future? James Giordano? FINAL SPARK? AI?
Seriously, I don’t know about you but I am way past sick and tired of hearing about the flood-tide of madness out there. I mean, stem cell mini brains — what utterly perverse devilish insanity! With this level of unprecedented evil and depravity bombarding the human psyche and threatening our peaceful existence on the planet, I am eternally thankful to know that Almighty God has a plan to cut these days short, for as Jesus said, “…unless these days WERE cut short, no one would survive.” (Matthew 24:22) I am also beyond thankful for the priceless peace the Lord gives, a peace the world CANNOT give. (John 14:27) So…as the powers of darkness rage on as never before against the Light and against all that is pure, good, honourable, just, and righteous, (obviously Satan knows his time is soon running out and has pulled out all the stops to show us just how evil EVIL can get…), I would like to share some heaven-sent advice to help you rise above and to live each day in peace and victory:
1/ Keep your eyes on Jesus
2/ Stay focused on God’s amazing grace and faithful promises established in His unshakable, timeless, Spirit-powered Word, and
3/ Fix your minds on whatsoever things are good and lovely, and of good report…(Philippians 4:8) Always, ALWAYS remember, as it is written, “…the Light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it…” (John 1:5)
This is definitely a battle of good against evil and I respect people that stand up and fight for justice sand speak the truth rather than those that hide behind the curtain and use God as an excuse to do nothing about it. Targeted Justice meet up in Colorado Springs August 28th-30th the 30th- be there or be square.
How do they know the brains are not conscious? They don't know.
The fact that these keep dying is an indicator in part, of consciousness, and in part of a simplistic conception of what is required to keep a brain alive.
I think they may have crossed the line into murder. And they can't refute that, because they clearly don't know why a brain might die which may include a will to die.
Judgment is for Jesus. Criminal justice is for mankind -- some of whom clearly can't control their violence, because they don't think "what they are doing" is violence. They have no concept of the soul or spirit. Everybody (except themselves), is matter/objects only. Sociopathy.
Perhaps a religion. The motto of Satanists is "Do what you will.", which does "open the door" to every criminal and/or immoral act.
Ref: "Deliver Us From Evil" , film on true life ex-NY Detective Ralph Sarchie and his encounters with possessed persons who then commit crimes. Rated X for scary content.
Well... The "elite" have a few holes in their grandiose AI plans. >>> Artificial Intelligence And The Billionaires >>> August 19, 2022 >>>
Run through the video at least twice. Let it sink in. > What good would FBI, CIA, Mossad, and MI6 employees be to an AI dominated cyborg? People (especially "chosen one's) really need to consider the vast holes in the entire dialog...
So evil and appalling. Switzerland just had a huge flood, I trust in our Savior to cripple all the evil actions by these scientists and everyone else involved. Thanks Dr for such an eye-opening post. People need to wake up
That's what Bill Gates wants to do with his brain so that he cheats death - was me, I'd do it for him, then encase his brain in a big block of concrete under a new building designed to stay there for ever, then Bill can live there for ever too.
The human is the next energy source. There are 8 billion on the planet. It is not depopulation only personally. It is that you are the energy source. The human is the 22nd century oil and gas.
I read that the human body can be used as a battery, i forget the technology, but a robot could have its power source in the human body which accompanies it, which would be ideal in battle conditions where the robot is the control base for the weaponry it controls and the human is its backup electricity source, which might be what happens to those who survive the vaccines unharmed, ideal for Super Soldier conversions.
Yes it can. We will see this happening more and more in the next five years. The masses of people do not know and it would to much like a movie for them to digest. Things are very fluid on this. Cheers
Bill is not worried ,he has many spare brains in storage .Humans can also be modified to have two brains ,one in front and one in the back . One male and one female .
Dr Ana, There are no words adequate for a comment on this horrific situation...but here's more inadequate ones. Maybe, "Resistance is Futile" or, "There but for the Grace of God, Go I". Here is my plan for using my Dark Side to help. Copywrite and publishing niceties aside, I will slip your comments and references everywhere no matter how many AI bots need to confirm I am a human, OK. I encourage other readers to do the same. As for the divine spark in all of God's creations, His midlevel management must be cranked up to get these Cyborg species traitors off to the foot of the Cross. Final Spark should be Final for their "Spark.". I wish us all well. Thanks, Keanu, and the Washouski siblings. Let's plagairize Jupiter Ascending also. -Dr Tom
Remindsme of the STAR TREK episode SPOCK'S BRAIN. Critics panned it as unbelieveable -- but NOW it is already a mini-version of REALITY. And what if it becomes REALITY?
Been a trekkie just about all my life and just hit 69,star trek is a lot more facts than fiction.I don't know,supposedly there's a great awakening globally.I don't see it judged by the "reaction" of people when I post this website.Laura Eisenhower wrote her newest book,awakening the truth frequency based on the energetic synthesis website as she and lisa Renee became friends.Just about every time I post it I reread it again.The mind once expanded can never return to it's original dimensions,
No. It is not our future.
Thoughts exist.
We have free will.
There is a creator, and we were made in the creator's image. That makes us co- creators.
In the beginning was the word.
What is our/your word?
I say this distortion of life has no future.
If this version of the future does not fit with your spiritual version of the future -- or even of what's happening now --- the challenge is to change it to a holier future. Otherwise "the bad guys" win.
That reminds me: I wonder what the brains of JFK (which nobody seems to know where it is) and of Albert Einstein (which was removed and studied after his death) are thinking now. ( -; ) Same thing about AB NORMAL. ("YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN"). ;-)
"Stem cells that are derived from Human Skin Tissue are used to create the 16 spherical brain “organoids” that the system depends upon." From Whom were these stem cells derived? Are they not in the most immediate danger re Sheldrake's Morphogenic Field? And Quantum Entanglement?
My thoughts exactly, do the source people feel the dopamine and torture? Unless these are the kidnapped/trafficked and they are locked up below ground on some alien/CIA bases and the handlers don't care. Quantum entanglement/Rife tech is real. Just look at organ recipients where they suddenly feel new urges, tastes, and fears.
This is the real future that is set up for humanity by certain elements on the planet. This is quite clear now. As the wrestler Ric Flair use to say whether you like it or not....... This is something all of humans must realize that your future is as a energy source if this diabolical scientific future is allowed to play. It is all be funded now right in front of us. The Crumbs are all there. Crumbs being patents
Fake brains keep dying for they have no heart, nor soul, like the tin man or the scarecrow. I trust brains least of all over heart and soul, and spirit. Are all brains fake?
Yes, and still it was in the cards all the time, referring to that movie I believe called The Matrix. It is disgusting and too evil for comprehension, must be part of planetary fighting, since human brains by themselves could not possibly invent such a thing. Thank you.
Stomach just fell to the floor while reading this.
The humans believing themselves superior as the Establishment continue to display there to be no bottom to their level they're willing to drop to in stealing the Earth and all creation from God.
Laur - Jun 26 - Edited
Since it is created in Switzerland you know who else is in Switzerland? WEF !! any relations?!
Grasshopper Kaplan - Jun 26
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
And fake peace conference s that bring bigger wars
jen - Jul 2
''Humanity is about to be
Rod - Jun 26
Rod’s Substack
Switzerland, also home to BIS, CERN, and a tunnel whose opening included a Satanic ceremony. Coincidence?
BlazeCloude3 - Jun 26 - Edited
The Multi-National Corporatists, Bankers and Monarchs of EU used Switzerland as their Opium/Silk Highway through EU in the 20th Century and painted it NEUTRAL into the current day. Many have discerned Switzerland an ENEMY TERRITORY equal or worse than Germany or Italy of WWII.
We're wiser now and know when War occurs and any Nation in the middle of chaos, crises and utter violence is at peace and safe...IT'S BY DESIGN.
Switzerland is the home of the Nazi's Descendents; those of Britain where their philosophy and ideology began. It's the place they went to hide if they weren't shipped to North America or Russia to be allowed support and funding for further BARBARIC EXPERIMENTATION AND RESEARCH the current threat to the globe originated with.
WWII never really ended; just went on hiatus for evil to regroup and continue on it's bloody path.
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 27
Paul Vonharnish
Heh, heh... The plebs equate peace with a cease fire command. They've been well trained.
Ban Neuroweapons - Jun 26
Ban Neuroweapons
Great point!
psychoNWO - Jun 27
The Jews have been expelled from more than 1,000 countries. The most notable expulsion was from England in 1291 by Edward Longshanks. What else happened in 1291? Switzerland was formed.
Almost all of these expelled Jews moved to Switzerland in 1291 because there was nowhere else for them to go. Indeed, Switzerland is still at the heart of Jewish financial slavery to this day - they keep all their dirty cash there in secret Swiss bank accounts and swindle the world via institutions such as the Bank for International Settlements, which is the central bank for all the other Jewish central banks.
joe stuerzl 85 - Jun 26
joe’s Substack
The Swiss love money uber alles ,and the top crime organisations unload tons of it there for using Switzerland as their sanctuary .
Ban Neuroweapons - Jun 26
Ban Neuroweapons
Not surprising at all since Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is experimenting with ‘Brain on a Chip’ with biochemical and directed energy warfare. Why aren’t the college students up in arms at Georgetown University with neuroscientist- Janes Giordano- creating protocols for neuroweapons? Look at his article- ‘Brain-Bench To Battlefield.’’. We are losing our democracy and humanity as we know it because most doctors and scientists have been bought off and are committing crimes against humanity to save their own hide- f… the planet.and God.
AKcidentalwriter - Jun 26
Cultural Philosophical Fireworks
This is amazing information many thanks to learn about it here from you.
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 27
Paul Vonharnish
Quoted from the article: "If the enslaved mini-brains do what they are supposed to do, they are rewarded with lots of pleasure. --- If the enslaved mini-brains do not do what they are supposed to do, they are hit with lots of “irregular electrical activity”. --- In other words, these miniature human brains are tortured until they learn to obey."
If you happen to be completely deluded, you might think this only relates to a secluded laboratory experiment. The problem is *You* are the experiment, and your mind is being murdered via electromagnetic broadcast. How's that cell phone "service" working for you?
Ban Neuroweapons
IMO, you are correct in your observations -- until the last phrase beginning with "f...". Instead, IMO, you should be fighting for "the planet.and God." -- Otherwise, who do you foresee running our future? James Giordano? FINAL SPARK? AI?
Ban Neuroweapons - Jun 30
Ban Neuroweapons
I am a believer in God and f… James Giordano and look at my name and get a clue.
ThinkOnTheseThings - Jun 26
Seriously, I don’t know about you but I am way past sick and tired of hearing about the flood-tide of madness out there. I mean, stem cell mini brains — what utterly perverse devilish insanity! With this level of unprecedented evil and depravity bombarding the human psyche and threatening our peaceful existence on the planet, I am eternally thankful to know that Almighty God has a plan to cut these days short, for as Jesus said, “…unless these days WERE cut short, no one would survive.” (Matthew 24:22) I am also beyond thankful for the priceless peace the Lord gives, a peace the world CANNOT give. (John 14:27) So…as the powers of darkness rage on as never before against the Light and against all that is pure, good, honourable, just, and righteous, (obviously Satan knows his time is soon running out and has pulled out all the stops to show us just how evil EVIL can get…), I would like to share some heaven-sent advice to help you rise above and to live each day in peace and victory:
1/ Keep your eyes on Jesus
2/ Stay focused on God’s amazing grace and faithful promises established in His unshakable, timeless, Spirit-powered Word, and
3/ Fix your minds on whatsoever things are good and lovely, and of good report…(Philippians 4:8) Always, ALWAYS remember, as it is written, “…the Light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never extinguish it…” (John 1:5)
Ban Neuroweapons - Jun 30
Ban Neuroweapons
This is definitely a battle of good against evil and I respect people that stand up and fight for justice sand speak the truth rather than those that hide behind the curtain and use God as an excuse to do nothing about it. Targeted Justice meet up in Colorado Springs August 28th-30th the 30th- be there or be square.
thomas mac./john a. - Jun 27
thomas’s Substack
“Peaceful existence on the planet” is one Horrifying Concept out of possibly slightly less than 6 Billion others ..\
Susan Liang - Jun 26 - Edited
Susan Liang
How do they know the brains are not conscious? They don't know.
The fact that these keep dying is an indicator in part, of consciousness, and in part of a simplistic conception of what is required to keep a brain alive.
I think they may have crossed the line into murder. And they can't refute that, because they clearly don't know why a brain might die which may include a will to die.
Judgment is for Jesus. Criminal justice is for mankind -- some of whom clearly can't control their violence, because they don't think "what they are doing" is violence. They have no concept of the soul or spirit. Everybody (except themselves), is matter/objects only. Sociopathy.
MarshaGail - Jun 26
demons actually.
thomas mac./john a. - Jun 27
thomas’s Substack
Get Outta there
Susan Liang - Jun 26
Susan Liang
Perhaps a religion. The motto of Satanists is "Do what you will.", which does "open the door" to every criminal and/or immoral act.
Ref: "Deliver Us From Evil" , film on true life ex-NY Detective Ralph Sarchie and his encounters with possessed persons who then commit crimes. Rated X for scary content.
thomas mac./john a. - Jun 27
thomas’s Substack
We possess know’ability ! OR We would Not . . Now think again
BH - Jun 26 - Edited
BH’s Substack
Susan Liang - Jun 26 - Edited
Susan Liang
A possibility for some transhumanists. Ray Kurzweil? Heard indirectly. he believes he is a god.
Yolanda Pritam Hari - Jun 27
Quiet Mind & Brain Healing
wait til he finds out he is not
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 27
Paul Vonharnish
Well... The "elite" have a few holes in their grandiose AI plans. >>> Artificial Intelligence And The Billionaires >>> August 19, 2022 >>>
Run through the video at least twice. Let it sink in. > What good would FBI, CIA, Mossad, and MI6 employees be to an AI dominated cyborg? People (especially "chosen one's) really need to consider the vast holes in the entire dialog...
Dale Valiukas - Jun 26
So evil and appalling. Switzerland just had a huge flood, I trust in our Savior to cripple all the evil actions by these scientists and everyone else involved. Thanks Dr for such an eye-opening post. People need to wake up
Christine - Jun 26
Christine’s Newsletter
That's what Bill Gates wants to do with his brain so that he cheats death - was me, I'd do it for him, then encase his brain in a big block of concrete under a new building designed to stay there for ever, then Bill can live there for ever too.
AKcidentalwriter - Jun 26
Cultural Philosophical Fireworks
The human is the next energy source. There are 8 billion on the planet. It is not depopulation only personally. It is that you are the energy source. The human is the 22nd century oil and gas.
Christine - Jun 26
Christine’s Newsletter
I read that the human body can be used as a battery, i forget the technology, but a robot could have its power source in the human body which accompanies it, which would be ideal in battle conditions where the robot is the control base for the weaponry it controls and the human is its backup electricity source, which might be what happens to those who survive the vaccines unharmed, ideal for Super Soldier conversions.
AKcidentalwriter - Jun 27
Cultural Philosophical Fireworks
Yes it can. We will see this happening more and more in the next five years. The masses of people do not know and it would to much like a movie for them to digest. Things are very fluid on this. Cheers
Cultural Philosophical Fireworks
"They" see us as products to do what "They"-- "in their infinite wisdom" -- decide that we should do.
AKcidentalwriter - Jun 27
Cultural Philosophical Fireworks
thank you!!!
MarshaGail - Jun 26
AKcidentalwriter - Jun 26
Cultural Philosophical Fireworks
we got to keep our head on this as we have so much to distract. Cheers
Jason Edge - Jun 27
Jason’s Substack
We are already an energy source....loosh
AKcidentalwriter - Jun 27
Cultural Philosophical Fireworks
Can you explain more on this thought if you wish! Cheers
AKcidentalwriter - Jun 27
Cultural Philosophical Fireworks
yes we are. But it will be much more obvious soon. Cheers
joe stuerzl 85 - Jun 26
joe’s Substack
Bill is not worried ,he has many spare brains in storage .Humans can also be modified to have two brains ,one in front and one in the back . One male and one female .
Elsa - Jun 26
Elsa - Thought Creativity Passi…
Skupe - Jun 26
Ew, yuck!
Dr. Thomas S. Lee - Jun 26
Dr. Tom's Substack
Dr Ana, There are no words adequate for a comment on this horrific situation...but here's more inadequate ones. Maybe, "Resistance is Futile" or, "There but for the Grace of God, Go I". Here is my plan for using my Dark Side to help. Copywrite and publishing niceties aside, I will slip your comments and references everywhere no matter how many AI bots need to confirm I am a human, OK. I encourage other readers to do the same. As for the divine spark in all of God's creations, His midlevel management must be cranked up to get these Cyborg species traitors off to the foot of the Cross. Final Spark should be Final for their "Spark.". I wish us all well. Thanks, Keanu, and the Washouski siblings. Let's plagairize Jupiter Ascending also. -Dr Tom
PROTONIUS - Jun 26 - Edited
Jason’s Substack
Remindsme of the STAR TREK episode SPOCK'S BRAIN. Critics panned it as unbelieveable -- but NOW it is already a mini-version of REALITY. And what if it becomes REALITY?
Jason Edge - Jun 27 - Edited
Jason’s Substack
Star trek was always predictive programming.
PROTONIUS - Jun 27 - Edited
John Vargo
I'll raise you: 300 QWATLOOS!
John Vargo - Jun 28 - Edited
John Vargo
Haha,the ferengi.I think the truth is most advanced species don't use money.
PROTONIUS - Jun 28 - Edited
PROTONIUS1’s Substack
Maybe "THEY" use CBDC'S in conjunction with AI?
John Vargo - Jun 29
John Vargo
Barter and trade,money is an enslavement tool,
John Vargo - Jun 29
John Vargo
Money is the root of all evil.
Even the ST pilot -- "THE CAGE" -- was an allegory of slavery and of the challenge of fighting to be free of overbearing "thought-control" odds.
John Vargo - Jun 29
John Vargo
Been a trekkie just about all my life and just hit 69,star trek is a lot more facts than fiction.I don't know,supposedly there's a great awakening globally.I don't see it judged by the "reaction" of people when I post this website.Laura Eisenhower wrote her newest book,awakening the truth frequency based on the energetic synthesis website as she and lisa Renee became friends.Just about every time I post it I reread it again.The mind once expanded can never return to it's original dimensions,
AKcidentalwriter - Jun 26 - Edited
Cultural Philosophical Fireworks
That is our future.
Citizen Seer - Jun 27 - Edited
Citizen’s Substack
No. It is not our future.
Thoughts exist.
We have free will.
There is a creator, and we were made in the creator's image. That makes us co- creators.
In the beginning was the word.
What is our/your word?
I say this distortion of life has no future.
PROTONIUS - Jun 27 - Edited
If this version of the future does not fit with your spiritual version of the future -- or even of what's happening now --- the challenge is to change it to a holier future. Otherwise "the bad guys" win.
Yeshua Risen - Jun 27
Yeshua Risen
Futurama features the brains in jars a lot, by Matt Groening's Simpsons studio. They've been accused of seeing the future many times over. Unholywood.
That reminds me: I wonder what the brains of JFK (which nobody seems to know where it is) and of Albert Einstein (which was removed and studied after his death) are thinking now. ( -; ) Same thing about AB NORMAL. ("YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN"). ;-)
m cameron - Jun 26
m cameron
There are no regulations around this type of technology apparently.
bats3697 - Jun 26
disgustingly evil !
PROTONIUS - Jun 26 - Edited
Sun Drink Shadows
And where do they get the BRAINS to extract from? What is the STARTING-SOURCE?
Constance Cantwell - Jun 26 - Edited
Sun Drink Shadows
"Stem cells that are derived from Human Skin Tissue are used to create the 16 spherical brain “organoids” that the system depends upon." From Whom were these stem cells derived? Are they not in the most immediate danger re Sheldrake's Morphogenic Field? And Quantum Entanglement?
Mark Luersen - Jun 27
Sun Drink Shadows
My thoughts exactly, do the source people feel the dopamine and torture? Unless these are the kidnapped/trafficked and they are locked up below ground on some alien/CIA bases and the handlers don't care. Quantum entanglement/Rife tech is real. Just look at organ recipients where they suddenly feel new urges, tastes, and fears.
AKcidentalwriter - Jun 26
Cultural Philosophical Fireworks
This is the real future that is set up for humanity by certain elements on the planet. This is quite clear now. As the wrestler Ric Flair use to say whether you like it or not....... This is something all of humans must realize that your future is as a energy source if this diabolical scientific future is allowed to play. It is all be funded now right in front of us. The Crumbs are all there. Crumbs being patents
Grasshopper Kaplan - Jun 26
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
Fake brains keep dying for they have no heart, nor soul, like the tin man or the scarecrow. I trust brains least of all over heart and soul, and spirit. Are all brains fake?
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
You say "Fake brains keep dying for they have no heart, nor soul". HOW DO YOU KNOW?
Grasshopper Kaplan - Jun 26
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
Yes, I have thought about it. Ha ha.
Tis because no one loves them they die
Damien Buckley - Jun 26
This could be one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever read.
Babel - Jun 26
Let us hope they go no further.
Anita Söderman - Jun 27
Anita’s Substack
Yes, and still it was in the cards all the time, referring to that movie I believe called The Matrix. It is disgusting and too evil for comprehension, must be part of planetary fighting, since human brains by themselves could not possibly invent such a thing. Thank you.
BlazeCloude3 - Jun 26 - Edited
Stomach just fell to the floor while reading this.
The humans believing themselves superior as the Establishment continue to display there to be no bottom to their level they're willing to drop to in stealing the Earth and all creation from God.
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