There Is No Nanotechnology In The…

Mar 20, 2023

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Steve - Mar 20, 2023


"Science allows all viewpoints and observations, that is how it evolves" exactly, who is anyone to silence anyone else, especially in this cause we all find ourselves in, with our own diverse backgrounds, and differing viewpoints and research? No one... I listen to every single viewpoint, whether I agree or not... My viewpoints continue to evolve as new information comes to light... Supressing people's right to speak at a conference, and offer an alternative that may differ from your own, is not what this freedom movement is about, in fact that's the very thing we are fighting against.


Green Fields - Mar 20, 2023

Butternut’s Substack

Steve, I am with you 100%.
Yet once things become clearly against the currenty held favoured opinion/understanding so many remain stuck in the dogma they avow, perhaps for fear of being called out as 'wrong' for having held that position. People do not like to dmit they are 'wrong' and the more firmly a position is held the harder it is to allow an alternative. The divide this blindness and closed minded approach creates is destructive and, to me, very sad.


Butternut Saskatoon - Mar 20, 2023

Butternut’s Substack

Ignorant tenacity concomitant with bulldog malocclusion. I meant to warn you about that 😂


Blue Electric Storm - Mar 20, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

What does freedom have to do with money? "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."


Chris Merkling - Mar 23, 2023

Chris’s Substack

Agree. There is no such thing as "THE Science." Docs have always argued back and forth all of the time re: the best choice of care. It is never this way or else you lose your job, license.
I have posted this video many times since the beginning of the pandemic. In my opinion, Vinay Prasad, MD, makes the most sense of what the expression, "Follow The Science," means, i.e. alone, it is insufficient for policy making.
In summary:
Science is a valuable tools, it helps articulate the trade offs, if you did this or that, what are the pros and cons, but it can't answer the question of what you "ought to do." That is only answerable by the general public, by the people who themselves can ascribe value to different things. Science can help dileneate tradeoffs, but it cant tell you which tradeoffs are worth accepting or not worth accepting. Throughout this pandemic we have forgotten that. Follow the Science has been hijacked to mean, "Follow the Science," means, follow the policy preferences of the elite professors at universities who themselves can live lives on zoom.The job of scientists was to articulate tradeoffs, like lockdowns, etc. which of these strategies slows the spread, is sustainable, does it matter, the culture of how it was shaped ( big box stores OK- Ma and Pop not OK.) Thete is no single answer. Masking? Can we tolerate some risk? Science is used to articulate choices, not set policy. Policy does not come from science, it comes from everybody. It ought to be used to better dileneate and characterize tradeoffs. The less you articulate your tradeoffs, the more you can use your bluster to justify your policy conclusion, handwave that your policy will have immense result and articulate your policy without dileneating the tradeoffs. Follow the Science," has been used to give false confidence of fragmented and inconclusive science to bolster the preferred arguments and also assumes that in the natural world, that we can make modest adjustments (wearing masks ) that impact the outcome. Wow!
Policymakers should commit to giving people more information and recognize that you are not the single arbitor of policy. Policy is science + values.


Steve - Mar 24, 2023


That was great, nailed it... Well chosen words.


Universal Healing Solutions - Mar 20, 2023

Chris’s Substack

ALPHA LIPOIC CELATES HEAVY METALS: Interview: Burton Burkson wt Patrick Timpone —“Dr. Burton M. Berkson, M.D., M.S., Ph.D. practices integrative medicine in Las Cruces, New Mexico, and is an adjunct professor at New Mexico State University (Mycology) and Oklahoma State University College of Medicine. He is the expert consultant on alpha-lipoic acid (thioctic acid) and acute hepatic necrosis and mushroom poisoning at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) and is the medical mycology consultant at the Poison Control Center at the University of New Mexico (USA). He has worked as a researcher and professor at several institutions, including: the Max Planck Institute (Heidelberg, Germany), University of Illinois (Urbana), New Mexico State University, Oklahoma State University College of Medicine, Chicago State University, and Rutgers University; in addition, he has served as a member of the National Institutes of Health endocrinology research group.
In the spring of 2007, Dr. Berkson was invited to speak at the National Cancer Institute to give a presentation on his successful experience in treating various forms of cancer and autoimmune disease with Low Dose Naltrexone and Alpha-Lipoic Acid; in 2012 he was invited to return to the NCI to present new information on his studies. In the spring of 2009, Dr. Berkson was invited to speak on LDN at the University of Glasgow, and in 2010 he presented two invitational lectures on alpha lipoic acid in Tokyo. In addition to his medical training (PhD to MD Program, Autonomous University System, Mexico and the Cleveland Clinic Hospitals) and post-graduate training in Internal Medicine and Pathology at Case Western Reserve Affiliated Hospitals, Dr. Berkson earned an MS and a PhD in biological sciences from the University of Illinois, Urbana.
Dr. Berkson is an active writer, researcher, and speaker with published works in several scientific, medical, and popular journals and is a manuscript reviewer for Virus, Global Advances in Health and Medicine, and the International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research. His three books are —*The Alpha-Lipoic Acid Breakthrough (Random House, 1998),— All About the B Vitamins (Avery, 1998) and Syndrome X (John Wiley, 2001, with co-authors Jack Challem and Melissa Diane Smith). He also wrote chapters in Honest Medicine (2010).”


Chris Merkling - Mar 23, 2023

Chris’s Substack

I was waiting for you to conclude that this doc has been discredited and his license revoked...


Universal Healing Solutions - Mar 24, 2023

Listen to the interview: Dr B Burkson is alive and well, in practice with his son Author. Although they tried… , he is still in private practice. All the Best


Dan Preece - Mar 20, 2023

Neuromorphic computing on phosholipid membranes? Mechanotransduction?
Ferromagnetic or paramagnetic, diaMagnetic?
My doctors head spins when I start asking questions.


BlazeCloude3 - Mar 20, 2023 - Edited


At the Lakaruppropel Conference in Stockholm about a mth. ago, Dr. Ryan Cole RUDELY jumped from the front row of the venue where the Directors of the Resistance were located to interject himself into Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger's Panel Discussion when she raised the issue of Graphene Oxide with 'Flow Charts' and Factual Data about Nanotechnology FOUND in the serums. He said to her, "You aren't doing our interests any good by raising that issue." This can be found on Rumble.
Dr. Stuckelberger was provided a platform with Dr. Jane Ruby to finish her presentation. She was visibly in a mild state of cognitive dissonance in reaching the realization of her colleagues of many years to be outright EVIL. Felt so bad for her...As that is a hard pill to swallow about past connections once respected.
The illustrious Dr. Ryan and MANY of the Resistance most certainly KNOW WHAT'S IN THE 'Bio/Ai Nanotechweapons' and it's now certain many now viewed 'Media Darlings' are 'Controlled Opposition' and OWNED BY THE eugenicist Feudal Fascist Death Cult out of The Town of London, Basel/Davos, D.C., NYC, and Beijing. BOUGHT AND PAID FOR. Don't listen to many in that group of TREASONOUS/SEDITIOUS TROTSKYITES ALLOWING THE PREMEDITATED GENOCIDE AND POISONOUS ATTACKS TO ALL OF LIFE ON THE PLANET.
What credibility do those who squeal and screech about 'Climate Change' and purchase houses along the Ocean Shore while planning to IMPRISON the population in 'Concentration Camps' re-imagined 'Smart/15 Minute Cities have? Why listen to anybody squawking and harping on about 'Carbon Footprints' while flying all over the world eating fancy food and drinking fancy drink while supporting the Criminals Against Humanity seeking to feed the world Graphene laced insects and lab-grown Tumors enhanced by Murdered in the Womb babies any longer? There's so much more and all is entirely repugnant and disgusting. There's only one way to handle this kind of evil the world must fight and that is to pursue it, indict, try and eradicate with Capital Punishment only after removing all wealth from the whole family.
Keep doing the great work you're doing in reaching the people. Some out here are actually good people making a difference and you seem to be one. 👀🙋🏻‍♀️🙏🏻


Chris Merkling - Mar 23, 2023

Chris’s Substack

I guess I have been.out of the loop on this and was under the impression that Dr. Cole was making great strides in.showing increased cancer rates s/p MRNA injections. Is that true? Is it the nanotech you are referring to vs his conclusions on increased cancer rates? Serious question.


BlazeCloude3 - Mar 23, 2023


When I saw the above encounter at the International conference and his statement made to demean his colleague known and respected for many years...He lost complete credibility. By stating relevant information to not help their cause...Whatever their defined secret cause me be, he painted himself an enemy and owned by those perpetrating this current Plandemic as a deliberate, premeditated Crime Against Humanity of Mass Murder/Genocide as are several others of the Frontline Doctors. Go ahead and look the events up in Rumble for yourself.
Feel pretty bad for Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger...She was floored and so surprised she didn't know how to respond and admitted to Dr. Jan Ruby of having problems accepting the inherent evil now controlling so many of her past colleagues known for years both professionally and personally.


Reply (2) - Mar 20, 2023


Comment removed.


Blue Electric Storm - Mar 20, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

Lennon, or Lenin?


BlazeCloude3 - Mar 20, 2023




Dr Kay - Mar 20, 2023 - Edited

Dr. Kay’s Newsletter

There has been zero logic in any of the bullshite that has been peddled from day one, it's a morass of conflicting, confusing information and "expert" opinions. Confusion is good. Fear is good. Both of them open what we hypnotists know as a magical door to the subconscious mind, so that suggestions can get downloaded without peoples' knowledge. It's the same mechanism that causes phobias. A great example of this is the insistence that the bioweapon shot called "the vaccine" provides superior protection, and natural immunity does not apply......which is opposite of the previously well-established absolute fact that natural immunity always provides superior protection to anything. Cognitive Dissonance. Confusion. Door opens.....bam. The hypnosis is complete.
- Now is the time that we must begin actively deprogramming the cult controls and break people out of the spell that they're under. Polarizing arguments used relentlessly back and forth, do often have the effect of providing a holistic release of imbedded beliefs through the shaking and rattling. Keep them coming, Dr. Ana!


Catherine☦️ - Mar 20, 2023 - Edited

Laughing’s Substack

I learned hypnosis after I was fired from my X-ray job for refusing masks.
You must know about the TV experiment.
Test subjects were connected to TV monitors with EEGs.
They were tasked with keeping the TV on as long as possible.
TVs were set to turn off as soon as the subject fell into a light hypnotic state (alpha waves).
No one was able to keep the TV on longer than 10 minutes.
I'd like to destroy every single TV.
They are weapons for mind control.


Brent Carlson - Mar 20, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

Screens are what the jailers will use to keep us “happy” when they have taken ownership from the public. Screens and the internet are a facade of freedom


Blue Electric Storm - Mar 20, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

They are all "scrimming mirrors". Magical portals to two dimensional images from......?


Blue Electric Storm - Mar 20, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

Read Gerry Mander's "Four Reasons For The Elimination of Television. " I got to see someone stick their three year old in front of the boob tube "shildren's program" a few years back, and I saw how every time the child's attention wandered...about every six seconds...the damned cursed machine would make a loud sound to draw them back. So evil.
I also met a woman in Thailand who had worked in childrens's tv in the US. She said she and others quit because the entire program was about going faster, and faster, and faster.
I would never have one in the home. Raised six, mostly alone. You can only imagine how far far "out to lunch" I am compared to just about everyone else.


Catherine☦️ - Mar 20, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

We haven't had a TV in the house for about 15 years.
It's so peaceful.
One slowly becomes deprogrammed, layer by layer.
I avert my eyes from screens playing in public.
I don't trust anything about TVs.
I had to learn a lot of physics for my job in radiology technology. It quickly became apparent that HDTV is a two-way device, broadcasting and recording.
In California, the government offered free HDTVs to the poor when the transition from analog to HDTV happened.
The government loves us and wants to keep us entertained 😉


Blue Electric Storm - Mar 21, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

In stage tech, I learned that all microphones are two way.
perhaps the reality of communication will someday dawn over folks' marbleheads....


Catherine☦️ - Mar 21, 2023

I saw something recently about a Zoomba taking pics of the owner on the toilet and uploading them to Facebook.
Manufacturer made some lame excuse.
Makes sense about the mics.


jacquelyn sauriol - Mar 20, 2023

Dr. Kay’s Newsletter

This alpha wave state happens under many circumstances, and can be a good thing, if the human is the one guiding it. This chart describes.
The alpha waves aren't the problem, but yes go and break tv's all you want. Wear a mask.


Dr Kay - Mar 21, 2023

Dr. Kay’s Newsletter

Sachin is my wonderful brother from India! He teaches and practices his own particular version of Quantum Healing and has helped a lot of people.


Brent Carlson - Mar 20, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

How do we measure brainwaves frequency and amplitude?


Blue Electric Storm - Mar 20, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

Hang out with a very young infant. They'll be the barometer for you. Very sensitive.


Dr Kay - Mar 20, 2023

Dr. Kay’s Newsletter

That's the mechanism that's being used to deliver the hypnotic suggestions and subliminal mind control messages. Definitely, hands down number one delivery system. Radio is number two.


Reply (1) - Mar 20, 2023


Comment removed.


Blue Electric Storm - Mar 20, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

I was once again today deciding that is the root of those for whom everything is a personality cult, always looking for a hero and villain, and just all high gear for finding dirty laundry.
It's all so pathetic soap opera. Right up until the moment the 5G gets turned up good and we "all will fry together when we fry". It's truly an idiocracy.


Chris Merkling - Mar 23, 2023

Chris’s Substack

Yes, truth is the answer, but as an RN of 45 years who has followed this from Day 1, I am very confused by the attacks on Dr. Cole. I thought he was one of the good guys. Are we talking minutiae here that most cannot understand, i.e. nanotechnology vs none, but are his conclusions re: increased cancer rates still valid?
I am equally confused by attacks on Malone by Breggin and now George Webb.
This infighting makes it very difficult to keep up and hard to know who to believe or defend. Yes, do your own research, which I believe I am doing and have all along, but are some of the conflicts splitting hairs, are the conclusions they make still valid???
Do we risk losing the main argument w public attacks like one I just read in the comments section re: Dr. Cole?
BTW, great analogy re: natural immunity


Dr Kay - Mar 24, 2023

Dr. Kay’s Newsletter

My opinion is that it's been a multi-tiered, all-out assault that has combined all the different experimentation and torture techniques simultaneously. Controlled release of toxins in targeted areas to create "outbreaks", EMF ramp up to continually assault everyone with varying levels of "dirty" microwave poison, relentless subliminal programming using every possible form of media, and a ten-course meal called "the" vaccine with it's different ingredients being separated and sent off to different locations all across the world. Some of the courses have mRNA, some have PEG, some have parasites, some have graphene, some have nano....(et al) - It's MK Ultra, Operation Sea-Spray, SHAD, Havana Syndrome, Milgrim & Stanford Experiments all happening at the same time in different places.
- The perpetrators sit back and watch how human egos which all need to be right argue with each other, and everyone focuses attention on picking sides....who has correctly identified "it", who is right? It's impossible to define.....because EVERYONE IS RIGHT. It's all of the above. But it's so big, so all-incompassing, that nobody realizes it.
We really all just need to come together. Stop with the "either/or" bullshite. That's great polarization, and it keeps the infighting going. It's all manufactured. There IS a common enemy, but if Ryan Cole, Bryan Ardis, Robert Malone, Peter Breggin, Judy Mikovits, Mike Adams, Robert Young, Pierre Kory and all the rest of the outspoken ones spend all their time arguing about who is right, the energy is diffused and recirculates back through a never-ending feedback loop instead of breaking the frequency fence that is keeping the control grid in place!


Truth Matters - Mar 20, 2023

Truth’s Substack

I work with Gideon’s Army of 300 men who kept telling me that you CANNOT understand these countermeasure shots unless you understand what nanotechnology is…
I decided to post your substack in several areas with this message…
I was going to post something else first today until I read the OUTSTANDING substack of Dr. Ana Mihalcea today, also highly recommended by Karen Kingston titled…
Ana has hit the ball out of the park on this one!
P.S. Am done with any flawed anything as Americans are NOT standing tall yet IN UNITY to do anything that matters! Aren’t ALL our enemies, a small number compared to The People unified on every Treasonous front against us? Gloves should have been off long ago!


Chris Merkling - Mar 23, 2023

Chris’s Substack

My question again is for those not totally invested in the fine details, are docs like Dr Cole who I thought one of the good guys, wrong in their conclusions re: increased cancer rates s/p MRNA injection?


Reply (2) - Mar 20, 2023


Comment removed.


Monica M - Mar 21, 2023

Neo, ?? as in...please elaborate. I want to know, whether it makes me happy or not. I just want truth.


Blue Electric Storm - Mar 20, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

Ah, Karen Kingston in this mix too. Well, now that makes sense....hissy fit Karen.


Monica M - Mar 21, 2023

Blue Electric Storm, ?? Please do say why you say that.


michael burgwin - Mar 20, 2023

I was disappointed in Cole's assertion on Highwire for no other reason that he was obviously assuming that all of the vaxx batches were/are identical. Pretty obvious that that level of quality control was not built into the official pandemic response (which it should have been if the likes of Fauci et al were real de-politicized "science". With reports in from around the world - Japan comes to mind -- of polluted vials, how can Cole make such a claim? He totally undermined his credibility as a neutral, independent researcher, not because he may have been "bought" but because he did such a superficial job of analyzing reality. Thanks for this teach-in, Dr Ana.


Only One Truth - Mar 20, 2023

Only One Truth

Elaborate COVID-19 mRNA Lipid Nanotechnology has been around for decades. It is often referred to as “technology”. Pfizer stated, “Without these lipid nanoparticles there could be no Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine.” This cationic lipid is a nanoparticle technology that can carry a positive electrical charge, therefore making it a device instead of a “vaccine”. I=Out of the mouth of the manufacturer- you would have to dismiss plenty of documentation including the testimony of the manufacturer to believe that nanotechnology is not there:


KW NORTON - Mar 20, 2023

KW Norton Borders

Great post - and thanks so much!
There does not seem to be much about these vaccines that are logical except from the demented minds of serial killers.


Art - Mar 21, 2023


Isn't it telling that Matt Hancock's leaked whatsapp messages of Jan 2021 talk about the chips and the 26 international researchers were actually reporting these strange findings with the microscope starting around July 2021.
The timeline on this is important, you don't joke about something that isn't known by both parties in the conversation.


Chris Merkling - Mar 23, 2023

Chris’s Substack

Oh, thanks for sending me down n another "rabbit hole," guaranteeing I get nothing else done today;)
From journalist who Hancock's messages...


Tom Childs - Mar 20, 2023

Dr Ryan Cole automatically dismisses nanotechnology as being found in the injections because that would mean that much of the mechanisms taking place are way out of his purview or competency.
But, I might add that there’re likely many dissimilar injectable concoctions comprising the totality of this grand experiment, or array of experiments. Hence, not every injection would necessarily contain self assembling nano particles, or mRNA


Catherine☦️ - Mar 20, 2023

I hope you're right.
My relatives have taken these injections.


Tom Childs - Mar 20, 2023

Yes, most of my family took them also. Bot brothers now have atrial fibrillation and my sister has had the long blood clotting from her ankle to her groin. I pray your family missed the hot batches.


George - Mar 20, 2023


For goodness sake, tell everybody that Vaxxed people are emitting MAC addresses at 2.4 GHz, in the Bluetooth protocol, detectable up to 100 feet or so. They are already part computer. Get the low energy bluetooth app for your cell phone and prove this for yourself!


Cheryl - Mar 20, 2023

I’m not tech savvy at all so this will be a dumb question. If I get the app what do I look for in order to see if my family members, who have all taken at least two shots emit Bluetooth signals? What will it show specifically for me to know it’s them and not something else? I just have no idea what to look for even if I got the app. If you can’t explain it simply for me don’t worry about it because after all there’s nothing I can do to change it. If you do answer I thank you:)


George - Mar 20, 2023

The MAC address from vaxxed people show up as "unknown" and appear to be random. Can you post a PDF on this forum? -- I can send a one pager that explains all about this phenomena.


George - Mar 20, 2023


Covid Vaxx Wireless Nano Network
GFH 7/4/22
This is the most frightening thing going on in the world today. Below is my attempt to explain it.
When jabbed with the fake Covid vaccine, the first thing it does is to install a wireless nano network throughout your body, including in your heart and brain. The fact that this exists is easy to prove, as it emits MAC addresses using the bluetooth protocol that can be picked up to about a hundred feet away. (More on this later)
I am calling it a "nano network" because the nodes that make up the network are nano size, which is around 10E-9 meters, or .0000000039 inches. That is smaller than the average human cell. At this size, the network is obviously using some kind of quantum technology. It appears that the fake Covid vaccine uses synthetic DNA and graphene to self-assemble the nano node network.
"Node" is a general term for the various elements of computer networks. They could be sensors, routers, wireless access points, or computing devices. It appears that the Vaxx network has all of the above. It has sensors that monitor your organs, including your brain, wireless access points that emit (and maybe receive) the bluetooth signal, routers to tie it all together, and enough computing logic to compile the MAC address.
A Media Access Control (MAC) address is a globally unique identifier for devices that connect to a network. This code consists of six blocks of two hexadecimal characters. The first three correspond to the device manufacturer. The MAC addresses emitted by vaxxed people, unlike those of a normal device, have no known device manufacturer identifier and show up as "Unknown Name."
I am pretty checked out on wireless transmission technology and global networking and I have always poo-poo'd the idea that the "vaccine" would be able to track everyone in the world. The signal levels would be so weak that a satellite or even a nearby cell tower would never be able to see them.
But no, the Evil that currently run things in our world are smarter than that. All you have to do is walk by anyone with a cell phone. It reads your ID, zips it up to the nearest cell tower where it hops on the Internet and within seconds lands in a CIA computer in Utah.
Worse than that, maybe a signal could be sent to your heart to start a fatal fibrillation or to your brain to make you think you are happy!
If you think I'm making this up, get the "Bluetooth Low Energy" app for your iPhone and be prepared to be scared out of your wits!


Nathan - Mar 20, 2023

Yep, I do this scan on my phone all the time and find loads of these "unknown" bluetooth MACs in busy areas. I use an xiaomi mi9t and it has the option "show bluetooth devices without a name"
I have used this phone for 4 years, and until mid 2021 never saw these MAC codes at all.


Reply (1) - Mar 20, 2023


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Blue Electric Storm - Mar 20, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

La Quinta Columna can show you how to activate and see it in dental anesthetics. It's being put in everything. so stupid


Nathan - Mar 20, 2023

Oh bollocks I had a dental anesthetic last month!
Better take myself to a remote area and check ffs


Nathan - Mar 20, 2023

Im saying "bollocks" as in fuck it I am angry about having the anesthetic!
I totally believe it could be in that injection I had


The Green Hornet - Mar 20, 2023

The Green Hornet

Facilitating the tranhuman agenda.


nymusicdaily - Mar 20, 2023


malone has also conspicuously dismissed those pesky "cholesterol crystals"


NurseAmy - Mar 20, 2023


Thank you for breaking this down on a much more understandable level Dr. Ana Maria


TmdogAg - Mar 20, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

Half ass gas-lighting.. The 'Spiked Protein" was described and re-searchable in March 2020 when the sequence was done by scientist in India.. The viris had been manipulated was the conclusion, by crisper technology. BIOWEAPON by about all legal definitions. The 'ClotShots' using the same type of technology and the same Spiked Protein are also under the same definition.. Changing a definition after a patent is making a law under 'colour'.. So if you took the shots, you did not look this up on the 'web'.. It was 'in your face'. I don't really feel sorry for you as you chose a path, but now you have to deal with it.
Chards of graphene not explained in this article.. Why? Because this is a 'nothing burger'. 'Controlled opposition'. Some-one that can not fathom what was really done.. Testing In Ukraine, where there is a war zone that is destroying everything.. Cover-up for the west.. I figure you've got 3 to 10 years, depending on how soon you sneak treatment.. I doubt you can get 15 although, as your body is producing this toxin.. [THE SPIKED PROTEIN]


Blue Electric Storm - Mar 20, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

Look at the real paperwork on the shots. Graphene oxide is actually part of the components, they use it as a mesh to cover certain molecules. The papers on that are available . I won't say where, tho, as this is an explosive site.


Reply (1) - Mar 20, 2023


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Blue Electric Storm - Mar 20, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

It's the white coat.....


Reply (1) - Mar 20, 2023


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Blue Electric Storm - Mar 20, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

Don;t need Stanford to tell me why I gave up a Six Year Med scholarship in 1970. Not what I experienced since. Look up the etymology of "doctor". It is the succeedent term to "leech". And aren't they just so obsessed with bloods? Oh, yeah, blood. They hunt the warm warm mammalian bloods. Those herd oriented ones.
I once saw humanity moving as a herd, heads down, unaware of their direction. Some of us stand at the edges, and keep them away from the sacred places. We can hear one another in the distances, through our song. Spider Woman told the People ...which was the designation of all tribes, "the people"...that we were put here to sing the praises of creation. Not to work jobs, to "earn" "a living", to "make money", to "get laid", to "have status", to hold "power".
To sing the praises of the creation. Like, you know, taking down the Walls of Jericho.
We better get busy singing, dancing, stomping and clapping, cause we got plenty of Mordor Towers to take down, sooner rather than too late.
They're just a bunch of junk. Like cars. Not a big deal. Get rid of all the junk. Boob tubes and all that feeds them first.
How many folks will willingly give up the umpteen machines in their big ole houses, rather than betray every one of their "relations", i. e. humans?
I'm so pissed off today. Ripped out of sleep again before dawn, by this crap microwave boys' toys agenda that whips us up and down and up and down for hours, forbidding us our dreaming, forcing all to get "woke" and get to fucking work and keep the money mills grinding.
I'll be wielding a good old fashioned about one made of nanotech, huh?...when those fuckers who" made and got laid" putting those death towers up take them down...for free, and starknaked.Nofood or booze until every damned microwave and electrical piece of crap on the planet is destroyed, No sex, no money. Nothing, nada. Chemical city water only to drink.


Reply (1) - Mar 20, 2023


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Blue Electric Storm - Mar 21, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

There's one "universal whore". Editor of the NEJM also quit with the same observations a few years back.
So, we have to work on "the inner" thing I know...they can't touch me...cause I won't lie,no matter what...ain't got nobody, that I can depend on...but I got angels galore...if only they knew. "They" know, so they keep their distance. But "they" don't. Just as well.
Get crazy. That's what it's gonna take. Watch the Chicago Eight Conspiracy Trial for inspiration.



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