Excellent. Thank you for this important foray into things that ‘matter’. The French Mandelbrot of The Mandelbrot Set and the concept of fractals, seems to foretell and represent what you describe. With this understanding in mind, it is beyond belief that any wise human would attempt to interfere in these infinite systems of great beauty..
Dear Leanne, we first have to get to the acknowledgment of consciousness in our physical and scientific model. Most scientists and doctors pretend we are machines, and have a very reductionist view of a human being. It likens more the view of robots that globalists want to turn us into. However we are a spark of the divine, and one who has the eyes to see knows that all things come from the Light of God and carry that mysterious essence we call spirit in it. This is in fact why it is a spiritual war. To make divine life robotic is indeed a fall into darkness we must prevent. Awakening happens on many levels - everything is alive and conscious and we are one with all of creation and one with each other.
Thank you for your thought provoking article. There is hope that this kind of understanding and technology will revolutionize the field of medicine making radiant health possible for all who would avail themselves of it in the future. These principals definitely generate answers to what is happening in some of the rapid "shedding" responses of the unvaxxed who have been exposed to the vaccinated. The question remains for explaining how unvaxxed Shimon Yanowitz got those odd square square shaped physical structures in his bloodstream. One wonders whether that was due to a type of shedding or from some other vector? The sooner we know that, the better we can protect ourselves.
Not sure I get it all. However Homeopathy
Works on the energetic principle. Also
Modern medicine fails to accept we are
Spirits in bodies …. Will have to reread
When more time allows. Thank you!!!
Thank you Ana for another excellent article. I like very much your open-mindedness and willingness to investigate in all directions and your depths in doing so. This really is inspiring to me.
As a biodynamic craniosacral practionner I can certainly relate with my mind and hands to the statement that water in humans carry information.
Jean Claude Perez and Luc Montagnier :
"Here are the two main facts which contribute to our hypothesis of a partially synthetic genome: A contiguous region representing 2.49% of the whole COVID-19 genome of which 40.99% is made up of 12 diverse fragments originating from various strains of HIV SIV retroviruses."
Do yourself a favor and download that paper!
----> If Dr. Luc Montagnier had evidence there was no virus, or anything close to that, he would have said so. His research is quite the opposite from what Dr. Anna Mihalcea is trying to insinuate...or postulate in this Substack post.
Sars-Cov-2 is M. avium (accompanied by passenger mycoplasma). Dr. Lawrence Broxmeyer did isolate M. avium in patients with Covid-19 in 2020. In 2003, Chinese researchers found a new form of Chlamydia pneumoniae, which they thought caused the Sars pathogenic agent. Omicron is M. influenzae (aka Mers-Cov-2, since Mers-Cov is also a mycobacterium). HIV is also a bacteria. By the way, the correct name for "Beardom" or "Beardon" is Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden. Montagnier had rediscovered the research which had been carried out in the 1930s by Kurt Blome: Blome had found out that bacteria communicate through radio waves, he invented the HeLa cell technology which was later imported in the US in the late 40s and early 50s. Dr. Vlail Kaznacheyev's research was concerned with the field (aura) of the biophotons, which could be copied electromagnetically. The original research was done by Wilhelm Reich, who called the spike proteins, T-bacilli.
Omicron does not have its prion domain activated yet (as was the case with Delta). Since Uracil has been replaced 100% with Pseudouridine (a chiral isomer) in the cmRNA vaccines (they are not mRNA), we now have TWO PANDEMICS running in parallel: spike proteins coded with Uracil (Sars-Cov-2) and isomeric spike proteins coded with Pseudouridine (the isomeric version of Sars-Cov-2 in the cmRNA vaccines). As of yet, we do not have an isomeric pathogenic agent (an isomeric version of Sars-Cov-2), which would activate the isomeric antibodies which have been produced by the immune system.
Leanne C - Aug 19, 2022
Sandy K
Excellent. Thank you for this important foray into things that ‘matter’. The French Mandelbrot of The Mandelbrot Set and the concept of fractals, seems to foretell and represent what you describe. With this understanding in mind, it is beyond belief that any wise human would attempt to interfere in these infinite systems of great beauty..
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 20, 2022
Dear Leanne, we first have to get to the acknowledgment of consciousness in our physical and scientific model. Most scientists and doctors pretend we are machines, and have a very reductionist view of a human being. It likens more the view of robots that globalists want to turn us into. However we are a spark of the divine, and one who has the eyes to see knows that all things come from the Light of God and carry that mysterious essence we call spirit in it. This is in fact why it is a spiritual war. To make divine life robotic is indeed a fall into darkness we must prevent. Awakening happens on many levels - everything is alive and conscious and we are one with all of creation and one with each other.
Sandy K - Aug 29, 2022
Sandy K
Thank you for that link!!
HWG - Aug 20, 2022
Thank you for your thought provoking article. There is hope that this kind of understanding and technology will revolutionize the field of medicine making radiant health possible for all who would avail themselves of it in the future. These principals definitely generate answers to what is happening in some of the rapid "shedding" responses of the unvaxxed who have been exposed to the vaccinated. The question remains for explaining how unvaxxed Shimon Yanowitz got those odd square square shaped physical structures in his bloodstream. One wonders whether that was due to a type of shedding or from some other vector? The sooner we know that, the better we can protect ourselves.
JamesDuff - Aug 19, 2022
JamesDuff’s Newsletter
Not sure I get it all. However Homeopathy
Works on the energetic principle. Also
Modern medicine fails to accept we are
Spirits in bodies …. Will have to reread
When more time allows. Thank you!!!
Simone - Aug 24, 2022
Thank you Ana for another excellent article. I like very much your open-mindedness and willingness to investigate in all directions and your depths in doing so. This really is inspiring to me.
As a biodynamic craniosacral practionner I can certainly relate with my mind and hands to the statement that water in humans carry information.
trisvonbis - Aug 20, 2022
Finally, medicine makes sense. Thank you.
TZVI - Feb 18, 2024
Jean Claude Perez and Luc Montagnier :
"Here are the two main facts which contribute to our hypothesis of a partially synthetic genome: A contiguous region representing 2.49% of the whole COVID-19 genome of which 40.99% is made up of 12 diverse fragments originating from various strains of HIV SIV retroviruses."
Do yourself a favor and download that paper!
----> If Dr. Luc Montagnier had evidence there was no virus, or anything close to that, he would have said so. His research is quite the opposite from what Dr. Anna Mihalcea is trying to insinuate...or postulate in this Substack post.
Shawn Loomis - Feb 18, 2024
Shawn’s Substack
Great minds think alike. I had written a very similar article that I sold back in 2022. People thought I was crazy. Glad to see I'm not the only one.
Trial N. Error - Nov 6, 2022
Why you should move out ..RF and EMF red alert levels
Sandokhan - Aug 20, 2022 - Edited
Sars-Cov-2 is M. avium (accompanied by passenger mycoplasma). Dr. Lawrence Broxmeyer did isolate M. avium in patients with Covid-19 in 2020. In 2003, Chinese researchers found a new form of Chlamydia pneumoniae, which they thought caused the Sars pathogenic agent. Omicron is M. influenzae (aka Mers-Cov-2, since Mers-Cov is also a mycobacterium). HIV is also a bacteria. By the way, the correct name for "Beardom" or "Beardon" is Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden. Montagnier had rediscovered the research which had been carried out in the 1930s by Kurt Blome: Blome had found out that bacteria communicate through radio waves, he invented the HeLa cell technology which was later imported in the US in the late 40s and early 50s. Dr. Vlail Kaznacheyev's research was concerned with the field (aura) of the biophotons, which could be copied electromagnetically. The original research was done by Wilhelm Reich, who called the spike proteins, T-bacilli.
Omicron does not have its prion domain activated yet (as was the case with Delta). Since Uracil has been replaced 100% with Pseudouridine (a chiral isomer) in the cmRNA vaccines (they are not mRNA), we now have TWO PANDEMICS running in parallel: spike proteins coded with Uracil (Sars-Cov-2) and isomeric spike proteins coded with Pseudouridine (the isomeric version of Sars-Cov-2 in the cmRNA vaccines). As of yet, we do not have an isomeric pathogenic agent (an isomeric version of Sars-Cov-2), which would activate the isomeric antibodies which have been produced by the immune system.
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