RFK Jrs Childrens Health Defense site recently had a video w/Jonathan J Couey, Phd where among other things he mentions how the transfection agents (aka: vaccines) get past the barrier membranes and have had notable effects on the brains of laboratory animals.
Wow- not surprising, especially when you consider that EMFs can cause our blood brain barrier to leak, letting in previously sequestered toxins:
I never knew RFK Jr was running the Children's Health Defense site, so no wonder I was insanely banned as soon as I mentioned that Israel is behind the COVID bioweapon.
One only has to see RFK Jr standing under a painting of the late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson with leading Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, after RFK Jr declared his 100 % support of Israel and Judaism to leading Rabbi, when of course, the Chabad Lubavitcher late leader and many rabbis before him have always stated that Gentiles are an eternally inferior species to Jews in both physical and spiritual terms from three lower satanic hellish spheres of creation, it is really the Jews themselves who are the race who REALLY intend to take over the world and to totally exterminate all others after enslaving them for many years to acquire the full means to do just that.
Their Zohar states that all Gentiles in the world will be exterminated and sent to hell by their 'lord', mind you, the Jews hold in their written scriptures that every Jew on Earth is literally god walking upon the Earth.
RFK Jr is a cold-blooded traitor to humanity ultimately, he has stated his commitment to protect and support the most lethal parasite ever to attack this entire planet, Judaism and Israel, when Judaism states all Christians must be killed, and that all members of all other faiths must be killed under the Noahide Laws which are already officially fully approved to be fully implemented physically by the US and the UN when the NWO one world government (Stalinist genocidal criminal terrorist dictatorship) comes into being via the efforts of the Israeli front organization WEF combined with the UN/WHO/NATO armed forces for the alleged crime of idolatry.
See for proof;
'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi?' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch
Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts
From Acharya S
Anyone who thinks they are safe with RFK Jr is under deep hypnosis to willingly go to their deaths, the same applies about Trump and of course Biden and his legions from hell.
Dr Zelenko looked ever so sincere to many duped people as a leading member of the truther movement till it was fully revealed that he himself is a member of the genocidally lethal Chabad Lubavitcher satanic blood sacrifice death cult, who openly states in this video that he fully supports the Noahide Laws, so when these are enacted to kill everyone, everyone except the Jews will be slaughtered anyway like Soviet Russia on steroids, so the Judaic scriptural command never to save the life of any Gentile whose life is in danger of being lost will effectively have been obeyed despite his pretense as a representative of the Jews with the purpose of making out that Jews are actually saving Gentiles, so as to prevent suspicion being directed towards the Jews over COVID, that was his real purpose. Think of all the Jewish names behind all the so-called COVID vaccines who are really dual nationality Israeli military uperatives making bioweapons genetically primed to attack non-Jews.
Here are the deadly allies of the fully demonic Trump, Biden, and RFK Jr.;
Some Jewish vaxxx history deleted onrense.comupdated
I thought the over reaching organisation he was in, the Tenpenny woman too and a bunch of the others. Can't remember the name of the org they are all involved in. But it's traceable back to the same sources.
Something Tenpenny said early on in her videos has me wondering if she was the real deal
So it came as no real surprise when this organisation they're all involved in was linked back.
Something about the RFK guy has given me the creeps from the start. Dunno, I just found I didn't want to put any faith in him.
Keep in mind, once an organization gets in full swing, there will be those lonely rejected geeks who will jump on, leaping to the siren’s song. Heck, I fell for Jordan Peterson for a while myself!
@mothman777 If Israel hates Gentiles so much why is a free trip to Israel (Honeymoon Israel) being offered to mixed marriage couples - Jews married to Christians? HMI is geared toward couples with at least one Jewish partner, between the ages of 25 and 40, and who are within the first five years of marriage or early in their lifelong committed partnership.
Mothman 777,you opened a big can there but you are right.I have a christian friend who believes all Gods chosen absurdity.Congress passed noahide law in the US under the first Bush in 1991.Rumors of guillotines in the what 800 to a thousand fema camps.Scofield Bible financed by the anti-human Rothschilds and published by their Oxfordpress.Itjust goes on and on,Rothschilds using the UN to create the country of Israel,800,000 Palestinian families being displaced and all of them living under Israeli military occupation in the largest open air prison.The brainwashing and the programming of humanity is incredible.The zionist and the neocons are like joined at the hip.Illegal in about a dozen european countries to even question theholocaust.It's all exploitation and control of millions sitting on their ass waiting for the rapture.I tell him the only rapture is into a fema camp.Could be a alien ship,anything is possible though.This is a interesting video and probably more truth than the scofield bible,speaking of off world,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdjFoKwOjHk
What’s strange about RFK is that he travels and has friends in the very circles that put their boots on our faces yet professes to be different. An “old school” democrat from which he derives mileage from his last name. It seems contrived. He’s saying “some” things that are very appealing to me, and many others who wouldn’t otherwise give the guy a second look. But, one look at who his friends are and I’m immediately untrusting.
Yep, he will be all for 'save the whale', or whatever current save the planet thing is most popular at the time, he will always be there before election, but only to dupe people by appearing the good guy to get what is really most important to him, power, absolute power for power's sake alone, and he is teamed up with the greatest lethal threat ever against all life on this entire planet, the Jews. and Israel.
The Samson Option is really a thing, and the cobalt dirty nukes that the Jew inventor Leo Szilard patented in the US in 1950 (that Russia now has also, and Israel too at Dimona no doubt whatsoever) said can permanently exerminate all forms of life on the entire planet if 400 of the size available decades ago are detonated, now they would need to use far fewer of course.
And then we can look at their Israeli biowarfare labs being the second largest in the entire world or possibly even the largest, and their electronic surveillance system being the most powerful in the enire world, more powerful than that of Russia, Britain, America, China etc. ombined, their Pegasus and Talpiot systems can access any data storage or communications device on the planet, the NSA stated they had to politely request Israel to agree not to access their computers. Of course, the Israelis would take notice of that, Ha! (Especially with all the dual nationality Israeli military occupation government officials surrounding Biden pulling his strings and those of his equally demented and criminally perverse rubber mask-wearing doubles).
American and British Jews like Natty Rothschild financed and directed those who created communist Russia, his group was also behind WWI. American Jews essentially created communist China, especially by preventing arms reaching anti-communist opposition leader General Chiang Kai Shek stopping him fighting Tung's forces (whose Chinese son had been in the German SS, I have a photo of him in full SS uniform), and by installing American Jews in the Chinese communist government itself.
There are only wars and cold wars when the Jews say there are to be, and continued 'war' gives the excuse for more and more terrible weapons to be developed that are in truth only ever intended by TPTB to be used to bring one world government into being and then to maintain absolute power without the slightest possibility of any realistic challenge.
The US/UK Jews and Russian Jews created Israel, all these nations are governed only to serve only Israel and are entirely controlled and occupied by it's military occupation governmrnt officials.
Russian and American influence was the main driving force behind the creation of the UN, and they were the principal driving influence within the UN dictating the authorization for the creation of Israel, and the UN is now it's servant whilst acting as a paper tiger occasionally making out it is actually criticizing Israel for instances like shelling UN peace-keeping observers to death after a UN post had already told Israel 5 times that same day to stop shelling their UN position and then having the UN cease all investigations into such incidents of murder by Israel, and then the UN officially approves the Noahide Laws that will authorize the physical execution of all memners of all non-Jewish faiths in the world for supposed idolatry. For just that one law alone, 6 billion will die, and the other Noahide laws covering other offences will 'authorize' the deaths of another 1.5 billion or so, entirely in line with the WEF-intended 7.5 billion 'population reduction' 'to save the world'.
SWS, The Sentient World Simulation is the invasion of the body snatchers, the satanic takeover of My holy Temple which is you that I warned you about ahead of time at Second Thessalonians, the most corrupted Scripture π§Ύ of the Qain Gain of Satan Caine Hillary the Devil and his angels (demons); the evangelizing gospel makes it clear that you missed a critical end times sign, that took place on CNN Live TV beginning May 2016, when that son of perdition, called Donald Trump, who became the opposition and the pretender against the called, the chosen, and the faithful, and came to sit in the temple of Allaha and show himself as if he were Allaha, REVEALED that man of sin six hundred and sixty six stating that "The Pope is a pawn, Hillary is the Devil πΏ π, and ALL government and media is the man of sin six hundred and sixty six." Loose quote, stated more properly to the biblical end times events that took place. π That Satan has been condemned to hellfire by Moses in the great Day of Judgement as the killer of mankind from the beginning, the serpent π from the Paradise of Eden. ALL killers of mankind were condemned to hellfire in the great Day of Judgement by Moses, as promised, REVEALED and RECORDED in the evangelizing gospel, The Gospel of Youkhanna, John Chapter Four. The killers of mankind are RUNNING from the Truth, Me the Advocate Spirit of Truth ππ Thanks for the well informed comments! βΊοΈππ» I will read it when I can and reply to the content better. There's a video that I shared with you on My Testimony which is on My channel off-site linked here below πβ¬οΈ that you should watch for healing from above πππ€β€οΈ. Repent in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! Amen. ππ Much love and blessings. π Moses' righteous works and good deeds condemning the evil one and his angels is mostly covered by My Testimony and are mainly images, with a few videos. He used the Fibonacci Scale βοΈ and three points biometrics matching for infallible confirmation of the Judgement.
Link came up for me but couldn't stand watching it anyways.Did see he did a interview with Maria Zeee.First time seeing her off.Noahide law is unconstitutional but it sits on the books waiting for martial law.There's no provision for martial law in the constitution either.Watching Zelenco endorse noahide law to Maria was nauseating.https://odinia.org/article/noahide-laws/
Sign the Health Freedom Bill of Rights β https://childrenshealthdefense.org/community-forum/health-freedom-bill-of-rights/
1Right to no medical mandates: It should be unlawful to mandate any medical protocol, experimental drug, medical procedure, medication, device, biological agent, toxin, radioactive exposure or medical treatment on anyone under any circumstances.
2Right to no discrimination: It should be unlawful to discriminate against anyone based on their medical or healthcare decisions.
3Right to informed consent without interference: Doctors violate informed consent the moment they withhold information from a patient that would allow the patient to make an informed decision concerning treatment. Doctors should abide by the age-old adage to “first do no harm.” Hospitals and doctors should be prohibited from using coercion, fear tactics, or various means of compensation to entice a patient into any medical treatment. Violating informed consent should subject doctors and their hospitals, institutions and companies to criminal and civil liability.
4Right to personalized care: Hospitals should be prohibited from unreasonably denying the use of legal treatments.
5Right to exclude third-party interference: We should protect our healthcare rights against any mandates from the World Health Organization or any other international body.
6Right to access medical care: No pharmaceutical company or medical institution should mandate a person’s vaccine or health history status as a precondition to admittance, treatment, or right to intervention/therapy.
7Right of free movement: Health/vaccine passports should be prohibited. People’s ability to travel should not be restricted based on medical status.
8Right to a medical advocate: Patients should have the right to choose a medical advocate and the right to receive visits from advocates, family members, and their personal doctor if and when admitted to a hospital. A minor, elderly or incapacitated patient or any patient with special needs should have the right to be accompanied by a parent/guardian for the duration of their stay. If a patient wants to leave the hospital against medical advice (AMA), or their advocate or healthcare proxy makes such a request, the hospital should immediately release or transfer the patient, according to the patient’s request.
9Right to protections from unlawful quarantine: It is unlawful to force any citizen to quarantine without due process.
Petitionβ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/community-forum/health-freedom-bill-of-rights/
"It should be unlawful to mandate any medical protocol, experimental drug, medical procedure, medication, device, biological agent, toxin, radioactive exposure or medical treatment on anyone under any circumstances."
It is unlawful and has been for the many decades of my life. The law is being ignored. I would rather enforce the laws we already have instead of piling new laws on top of laws. Its called taking a stand, and its the only way out of this.
Amen β I have retreated since September 2020; I absorb my business cost without using any expense deductions and my filings since are zero, no lost no gain. I can not work and support this evil. If the employees of these businesses realized it is them that makes the business successful, they could quit their employment and start their own successful business. Then the owners of the old businesses could work their operation 'just as they like' on their [o]wn abilities. M
Your rights are Allaha given to humanity, you alienate yourselves through sin. The wages of sin is death. The Day of Judgement has passed. Those who are without the Seal of the Kingdom of Heaven are without an inheritance. ALL blasphemers and workers of abomination are being removed from the earth forever.- One Enoch. The seed that the enemy has planted is being harvested. Then the saints will shine like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. - The Testament of Matthew, the evangelizing gospel. Faith without works is dead faith. Show Me your works without faith because I have been showing you My works of faith as the Lifegiver of the universe for over a million years now. Better get off your behind and produce fruit for the Kingdom of Heaven to be spared from the harvest. It has been the commandment for five years now since My trumpet πΊ sounded shaking the entire earth deafening every ear and none of you are doing what is mandatory for your continued existence. Repent in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! Work for Allaha performing the righteous works and the good deeds giving glory to Allaha. And worship the one Who created the heaven and the earth and the sea and the water springs. You cannot serve two masters. Amen. ππ
Neurorights in Chile. Maybe more countries need legislation like this. That is, if it's enforceable.
The magnetite (iron) in our brains is regulated by magnetic fields - why it's so important to not have too much, or too little iron or other heavy metals, and shut off the electricity at night as EMFs magnetize to our home wiring. Even blenders can set us off:
More importantly, it can inflict a chemical non compos mentis on the unsuspecting that will see them incarcerated in a mental hospital like the Soviets used to "control" their politically incorrect.
Any product or service that has the word “Smart” as its prefix is specifically designed to make the user a slave.
Whenever you encounter such things try to get in the habit of automatically changing “smart” to “outsmart.”
Because that’s what all smart products are designed to do to. Outsmart us.
Had contact tracing gone anywhere the phone I’m currently typing on was destined for the bottom of a lake after I smashed it with a hammer.
I suppose that’s why they want to implant an outsmart capsule in the web of our hands.
That was one of my first thoughts too. Cut the main breaker. I also refused a smart meter but who knows how long it will be before they threaten to cut my electricity off if I don't take one. Right now i'm cool, officially opted out of a smart meter, but I bet that won't last.
There is something like a FARADAY cage that you can make to cover it if it goes that far. Try YouTube videos first and then www.naturalnews.coms BRIGHTEON videos. I get a free newsletter from them every day.
They aren't meant to need any chemical maintenance of compliance of the residents of their overgrown versions of "the Village." Most of "the prisoner(s)" would be happy to have their every need and desire within a 15 minute walk of their home. For the most part, "Gunsmoke"s Dodge City was the television version of what they seek the metastasis of into their smart cities. Madison didn't have anything remotely similar to Matt Dillon in mind when he armed the well regulated militia.
I loved that show Gunsmoke when I was a kid growing up. Couldn’t wait to see the next show to find out what happened next.
Miss Kitty, my favorite character.
Funny how the people that lived with what they brand as inefficient, non-productive, climate damaging space between them and their neighbors stayed much healthier during their biochemical attack on humanity aka: The Scamdemic. Covid didn’t exactly sell the concept of being packed in like sardines now did it?
I don’t remember them selling the jabs. Unless coercion, fear mongering and extortion is your idea of retail. The concept of the 15 minute city, as you damn well know, is, like masking, is being marketed as a virtuous way to live. What I’ve pointed out is it’s inherent unhealthiness which was ironically proven by the scamdemic. Which you also knew. So stop being a smart ass.
It depends on what you regard as them, your having not been very specific in that matter.
You get one more ad hominem attack before I ignore your speciousness.
Saw a woman being interviewed on the SG REPORT which is on RUMBLE called Deborah Tavares and she had very interesting stuff to say on Smart Cities. Her site is wwwstopthecrime.comor org . She also said there is no shortage of water that you can find lots under the ground.
Yes, it worked just now but before, the link took me to ‘About: blank’, even when I tried to refresh it then closed the window and tried again! Thanks for your response!
Does the US gov’t possess secret technology that tortures human brains? β A U.S. government listing from 2004 clearly says that such technology to be used to torture human brains (without describing it as torture) was achieved many years ago, and it was suggested that such technology be used by 'law enforcement.'
β https://www.lifesitenews.com/analysis/does-the-us-govt-possess-secret-technology-that-tortures-human-brains/
This Interview is no longer available! Did you take it down or did a provider remove/block it?
SEP 26, 2023…
“The Vax Doesn't Just Atteck The Body, It Can Control The Mind! My Interview With Dave Hodges On The Common Sense Show”
GLK - Sep 26, 2023 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
RFK Jrs Childrens Health Defense site recently had a video w/Jonathan J Couey, Phd where among other things he mentions how the transfection agents (aka: vaccines) get past the barrier membranes and have had notable effects on the brains of laboratory animals.
Roman S Shapoval - Sep 26, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Wow- not surprising, especially when you consider that EMFs can cause our blood brain barrier to leak, letting in previously sequestered toxins:
mothman777 - Sep 26, 2023 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
I never knew RFK Jr was running the Children's Health Defense site, so no wonder I was insanely banned as soon as I mentioned that Israel is behind the COVID bioweapon.
One only has to see RFK Jr standing under a painting of the late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson with leading Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, after RFK Jr declared his 100 % support of Israel and Judaism to leading Rabbi, when of course, the Chabad Lubavitcher late leader and many rabbis before him have always stated that Gentiles are an eternally inferior species to Jews in both physical and spiritual terms from three lower satanic hellish spheres of creation, it is really the Jews themselves who are the race who REALLY intend to take over the world and to totally exterminate all others after enslaving them for many years to acquire the full means to do just that.
Their Zohar states that all Gentiles in the world will be exterminated and sent to hell by their 'lord', mind you, the Jews hold in their written scriptures that every Jew on Earth is literally god walking upon the Earth.
RFK Jr is a cold-blooded traitor to humanity ultimately, he has stated his commitment to protect and support the most lethal parasite ever to attack this entire planet, Judaism and Israel, when Judaism states all Christians must be killed, and that all members of all other faiths must be killed under the Noahide Laws which are already officially fully approved to be fully implemented physically by the US and the UN when the NWO one world government (Stalinist genocidal criminal terrorist dictatorship) comes into being via the efforts of the Israeli front organization WEF combined with the UN/WHO/NATO armed forces for the alleged crime of idolatry.
See for proof;
'Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi?' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch
Jewish Talmudic Quotes - Facts Are Facts
From Acharya S
Anyone who thinks they are safe with RFK Jr is under deep hypnosis to willingly go to their deaths, the same applies about Trump and of course Biden and his legions from hell.
Dr Zelenko looked ever so sincere to many duped people as a leading member of the truther movement till it was fully revealed that he himself is a member of the genocidally lethal Chabad Lubavitcher satanic blood sacrifice death cult, who openly states in this video that he fully supports the Noahide Laws, so when these are enacted to kill everyone, everyone except the Jews will be slaughtered anyway like Soviet Russia on steroids, so the Judaic scriptural command never to save the life of any Gentile whose life is in danger of being lost will effectively have been obeyed despite his pretense as a representative of the Jews with the purpose of making out that Jews are actually saving Gentiles, so as to prevent suspicion being directed towards the Jews over COVID, that was his real purpose. Think of all the Jewish names behind all the so-called COVID vaccines who are really dual nationality Israeli military uperatives making bioweapons genetically primed to attack non-Jews.
Here are the deadly allies of the fully demonic Trump, Biden, and RFK Jr.;
Some Jewish vaxxx history deleted onrense.comupdated
Fibro Vision - Sep 27, 2023
FibroVision by Jessica
I thought the over reaching organisation he was in, the Tenpenny woman too and a bunch of the others. Can't remember the name of the org they are all involved in. But it's traceable back to the same sources.
Something Tenpenny said early on in her videos has me wondering if she was the real deal
So it came as no real surprise when this organisation they're all involved in was linked back.
Something about the RFK guy has given me the creeps from the start. Dunno, I just found I didn't want to put any faith in him.
gr8H8er - Sep 27, 2023
Keep in mind, once an organization gets in full swing, there will be those lonely rejected geeks who will jump on, leaping to the siren’s song. Heck, I fell for Jordan Peterson for a while myself!
Linda - Sep 27, 2023
@mothman777 If Israel hates Gentiles so much why is a free trip to Israel (Honeymoon Israel) being offered to mixed marriage couples - Jews married to Christians? HMI is geared toward couples with at least one Jewish partner, between the ages of 25 and 40, and who are within the first five years of marriage or early in their lifelong committed partnership.
mothman777 - Sep 28, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
It is forbidden by law for any Israeli Jew to marry any non-Jew in Israel, tell me about that.
John Vargo - Sep 27, 2023
John Vargo
Mothman 777,you opened a big can there but you are right.I have a christian friend who believes all Gods chosen absurdity.Congress passed noahide law in the US under the first Bush in 1991.Rumors of guillotines in the what 800 to a thousand fema camps.Scofield Bible financed by the anti-human Rothschilds and published by their Oxfordpress.Itjust goes on and on,Rothschilds using the UN to create the country of Israel,800,000 Palestinian families being displaced and all of them living under Israeli military occupation in the largest open air prison.The brainwashing and the programming of humanity is incredible.The zionist and the neocons are like joined at the hip.Illegal in about a dozen european countries to even question theholocaust.It's all exploitation and control of millions sitting on their ass waiting for the rapture.I tell him the only rapture is into a fema camp.Could be a alien ship,anything is possible though.This is a interesting video and probably more truth than the scofield bible,speaking of off world,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdjFoKwOjHk
GLK - Sep 27, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
What’s strange about RFK is that he travels and has friends in the very circles that put their boots on our faces yet professes to be different. An “old school” democrat from which he derives mileage from his last name. It seems contrived. He’s saying “some” things that are very appealing to me, and many others who wouldn’t otherwise give the guy a second look. But, one look at who his friends are and I’m immediately untrusting.
mothman777 - Sep 28, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
Yep, he will be all for 'save the whale', or whatever current save the planet thing is most popular at the time, he will always be there before election, but only to dupe people by appearing the good guy to get what is really most important to him, power, absolute power for power's sake alone, and he is teamed up with the greatest lethal threat ever against all life on this entire planet, the Jews. and Israel.
The Samson Option is really a thing, and the cobalt dirty nukes that the Jew inventor Leo Szilard patented in the US in 1950 (that Russia now has also, and Israel too at Dimona no doubt whatsoever) said can permanently exerminate all forms of life on the entire planet if 400 of the size available decades ago are detonated, now they would need to use far fewer of course.
And then we can look at their Israeli biowarfare labs being the second largest in the entire world or possibly even the largest, and their electronic surveillance system being the most powerful in the enire world, more powerful than that of Russia, Britain, America, China etc. ombined, their Pegasus and Talpiot systems can access any data storage or communications device on the planet, the NSA stated they had to politely request Israel to agree not to access their computers. Of course, the Israelis would take notice of that, Ha! (Especially with all the dual nationality Israeli military occupation government officials surrounding Biden pulling his strings and those of his equally demented and criminally perverse rubber mask-wearing doubles).
mothman777 - Sep 28, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
American and British Jews like Natty Rothschild financed and directed those who created communist Russia, his group was also behind WWI. American Jews essentially created communist China, especially by preventing arms reaching anti-communist opposition leader General Chiang Kai Shek stopping him fighting Tung's forces (whose Chinese son had been in the German SS, I have a photo of him in full SS uniform), and by installing American Jews in the Chinese communist government itself.
There are only wars and cold wars when the Jews say there are to be, and continued 'war' gives the excuse for more and more terrible weapons to be developed that are in truth only ever intended by TPTB to be used to bring one world government into being and then to maintain absolute power without the slightest possibility of any realistic challenge.
The US/UK Jews and Russian Jews created Israel, all these nations are governed only to serve only Israel and are entirely controlled and occupied by it's military occupation governmrnt officials.
Russian and American influence was the main driving force behind the creation of the UN, and they were the principal driving influence within the UN dictating the authorization for the creation of Israel, and the UN is now it's servant whilst acting as a paper tiger occasionally making out it is actually criticizing Israel for instances like shelling UN peace-keeping observers to death after a UN post had already told Israel 5 times that same day to stop shelling their UN position and then having the UN cease all investigations into such incidents of murder by Israel, and then the UN officially approves the Noahide Laws that will authorize the physical execution of all memners of all non-Jewish faiths in the world for supposed idolatry. For just that one law alone, 6 billion will die, and the other Noahide laws covering other offences will 'authorize' the deaths of another 1.5 billion or so, entirely in line with the WEF-intended 7.5 billion 'population reduction' 'to save the world'.
Sarrah the Most High - Oct 1, 2023
SWS, The Sentient World Simulation is the invasion of the body snatchers, the satanic takeover of My holy Temple which is you that I warned you about ahead of time at Second Thessalonians, the most corrupted Scripture π§Ύ of the Qain Gain of Satan Caine Hillary the Devil and his angels (demons); the evangelizing gospel makes it clear that you missed a critical end times sign, that took place on CNN Live TV beginning May 2016, when that son of perdition, called Donald Trump, who became the opposition and the pretender against the called, the chosen, and the faithful, and came to sit in the temple of Allaha and show himself as if he were Allaha, REVEALED that man of sin six hundred and sixty six stating that "The Pope is a pawn, Hillary is the Devil πΏ π, and ALL government and media is the man of sin six hundred and sixty six." Loose quote, stated more properly to the biblical end times events that took place. π That Satan has been condemned to hellfire by Moses in the great Day of Judgement as the killer of mankind from the beginning, the serpent π from the Paradise of Eden. ALL killers of mankind were condemned to hellfire in the great Day of Judgement by Moses, as promised, REVEALED and RECORDED in the evangelizing gospel, The Gospel of Youkhanna, John Chapter Four. The killers of mankind are RUNNING from the Truth, Me the Advocate Spirit of Truth ππ Thanks for the well informed comments! βΊοΈππ» I will read it when I can and reply to the content better. There's a video that I shared with you on My Testimony which is on My channel off-site linked here below πβ¬οΈ that you should watch for healing from above πππ€β€οΈ. Repent in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! Amen. ππ Much love and blessings. π Moses' righteous works and good deeds condemning the evil one and his angels is mostly covered by My Testimony and are mainly images, with a few videos. He used the Fibonacci Scale βοΈ and three points biometrics matching for infallible confirmation of the Judgement.
Sarrah the Most High - Oct 1, 2023
Become Healthy WITHOUT Poison, cut, burn β€οΈπ₯
hurom - Sep 27, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
elizabeth glass link is blocked due to holocaust denial :D
mothman777 - Sep 28, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
Try using VPN or VPN with a different browser, you can access the video with a US address.
John Vargo - Sep 27, 2023
John Vargo
John Vargo - Sep 27, 2023
John Vargo
Link came up for me but couldn't stand watching it anyways.Did see he did a interview with Maria Zeee.First time seeing her off.Noahide law is unconstitutional but it sits on the books waiting for martial law.There's no provision for martial law in the constitution either.Watching Zelenco endorse noahide law to Maria was nauseating.https://odinia.org/article/noahide-laws/
John Vargo - Sep 27, 2023
John Vargo
Lets try this one,if you want to know who rules over you then look at who you're not allowed to criticize,http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/08/12/satanist-scofield-bible-erasing-christ-from-christianity/
John Vargo - Sep 27, 2023
John Vargo
Lets try again,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MlYNuNNYOw#t=451
Chad Wilkins - Sep 26, 2023
On rumble a guy named nonvaxer420 has many videos to correlate 100% what Ana is saying as well. It falls under IEEE 802.15 and all chapters in it.
Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Sep 26, 2023
The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter
"Bombshell ! Nanoparticles can induce Stroke Epidemic : Georgetown Scientist"
gr8H8er - Sep 27, 2023
Margie Chism - Sep 26, 2023
Margie Chism
Sign the Health Freedom Bill of Rights β https://childrenshealthdefense.org/community-forum/health-freedom-bill-of-rights/
1Right to no medical mandates: It should be unlawful to mandate any medical protocol, experimental drug, medical procedure, medication, device, biological agent, toxin, radioactive exposure or medical treatment on anyone under any circumstances.
2Right to no discrimination: It should be unlawful to discriminate against anyone based on their medical or healthcare decisions.
3Right to informed consent without interference: Doctors violate informed consent the moment they withhold information from a patient that would allow the patient to make an informed decision concerning treatment. Doctors should abide by the age-old adage to “first do no harm.” Hospitals and doctors should be prohibited from using coercion, fear tactics, or various means of compensation to entice a patient into any medical treatment. Violating informed consent should subject doctors and their hospitals, institutions and companies to criminal and civil liability.
4Right to personalized care: Hospitals should be prohibited from unreasonably denying the use of legal treatments.
5Right to exclude third-party interference: We should protect our healthcare rights against any mandates from the World Health Organization or any other international body.
6Right to access medical care: No pharmaceutical company or medical institution should mandate a person’s vaccine or health history status as a precondition to admittance, treatment, or right to intervention/therapy.
7Right of free movement: Health/vaccine passports should be prohibited. People’s ability to travel should not be restricted based on medical status.
8Right to a medical advocate: Patients should have the right to choose a medical advocate and the right to receive visits from advocates, family members, and their personal doctor if and when admitted to a hospital. A minor, elderly or incapacitated patient or any patient with special needs should have the right to be accompanied by a parent/guardian for the duration of their stay. If a patient wants to leave the hospital against medical advice (AMA), or their advocate or healthcare proxy makes such a request, the hospital should immediately release or transfer the patient, according to the patient’s request.
9Right to protections from unlawful quarantine: It is unlawful to force any citizen to quarantine without due process.
Petitionβ https://childrenshealthdefense.org/community-forum/health-freedom-bill-of-rights/
Mike H - Sep 26, 2023
ShortOnTime Newsletter
"It should be unlawful to mandate any medical protocol, experimental drug, medical procedure, medication, device, biological agent, toxin, radioactive exposure or medical treatment on anyone under any circumstances."
It is unlawful and has been for the many decades of my life. The law is being ignored. I would rather enforce the laws we already have instead of piling new laws on top of laws. Its called taking a stand, and its the only way out of this.
Margie Chism - Sep 26, 2023
Margie Chism
Law and mandate are two different words β mandates are not law. M
Mike H - Sep 27, 2023
ShortOnTime Newsletter
I wish everybody else realized that. It would go a long way to stopping some of this bullying we have been subjected to.
Margie Chism - Sep 27, 2023
Margie Chism
Amen β I have retreated since September 2020; I absorb my business cost without using any expense deductions and my filings since are zero, no lost no gain. I can not work and support this evil. If the employees of these businesses realized it is them that makes the business successful, they could quit their employment and start their own successful business. Then the owners of the old businesses could work their operation 'just as they like' on their [o]wn abilities. M
Sarrah the Most High - Oct 1, 2023
Your rights are Allaha given to humanity, you alienate yourselves through sin. The wages of sin is death. The Day of Judgement has passed. Those who are without the Seal of the Kingdom of Heaven are without an inheritance. ALL blasphemers and workers of abomination are being removed from the earth forever.- One Enoch. The seed that the enemy has planted is being harvested. Then the saints will shine like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. - The Testament of Matthew, the evangelizing gospel. Faith without works is dead faith. Show Me your works without faith because I have been showing you My works of faith as the Lifegiver of the universe for over a million years now. Better get off your behind and produce fruit for the Kingdom of Heaven to be spared from the harvest. It has been the commandment for five years now since My trumpet πΊ sounded shaking the entire earth deafening every ear and none of you are doing what is mandatory for your continued existence. Repent in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! Work for Allaha performing the righteous works and the good deeds giving glory to Allaha. And worship the one Who created the heaven and the earth and the sea and the water springs. You cannot serve two masters. Amen. ππ
Chad Wilkins - Sep 26, 2023 - Edited
Ana you are 100% correct. I have seen all this technology and have video of it. See profile picture.
Cathy Suter - Sep 26, 2023
Neurorights in Chile. Maybe more countries need legislation like this. That is, if it's enforceable.
Morpheus - Sep 26, 2023
I never thought that an MD would do more research on the Deep State than I would....
Roman S Shapoval - Sep 26, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
The magnetite (iron) in our brains is regulated by magnetic fields - why it's so important to not have too much, or too little iron or other heavy metals, and shut off the electricity at night as EMFs magnetize to our home wiring. Even blenders can set us off:
Vonu - Sep 26, 2023 - Edited
More importantly, it can inflict a chemical non compos mentis on the unsuspecting that will see them incarcerated in a mental hospital like the Soviets used to "control" their politically incorrect.
Rosalind McGill - Sep 26, 2023 - Edited
Rosalind McGill
I think that’s what smart cities are for.
GLK - Sep 26, 2023 - Edited
Rosalind McGill
Any product or service that has the word “Smart” as its prefix is specifically designed to make the user a slave.
Whenever you encounter such things try to get in the habit of automatically changing “smart” to “outsmart.”
Because that’s what all smart products are designed to do to. Outsmart us.
Had contact tracing gone anywhere the phone I’m currently typing on was destined for the bottom of a lake after I smashed it with a hammer.
I suppose that’s why they want to implant an outsmart capsule in the web of our hands.
Rosalind McGill - Sep 26, 2023 - Edited
Rosalind McGill
I noticed with the paradise California fires all the smart houses disintegrated first.
GLK - Sep 26, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Meanwhile in Hawaii the safest way to escape the fire was to climb a tree. Who knew?
Rosalind McGill - Sep 26, 2023
Rosalind McGill
I think they’re gaslighting us about the epic banyan tree. Saw a story that said it had new growth. A miracle of course.
Margie Chism - Sep 26, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
My plan is 'cut off' the electricity at the main box β if any fire is seen/smelt or seen/smelt near. M
Mike H - Sep 26, 2023 - Edited
ShortOnTime Newsletter
That was one of my first thoughts too. Cut the main breaker. I also refused a smart meter but who knows how long it will be before they threaten to cut my electricity off if I don't take one. Right now i'm cool, officially opted out of a smart meter, but I bet that won't last.
Margie Chism - Sep 26, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Faraday the outdoor electric meter β I also put 24K gold stickers on devices as well, even on an underground water smart. M
Lynette Devries - Sep 26, 2023
There is something like a FARADAY cage that you can make to cover it if it goes that far. Try YouTube videos first and then www.naturalnews.coms BRIGHTEON videos. I get a free newsletter from them every day.
Vonu - Sep 26, 2023
They aren't meant to need any chemical maintenance of compliance of the residents of their overgrown versions of "the Village." Most of "the prisoner(s)" would be happy to have their every need and desire within a 15 minute walk of their home. For the most part, "Gunsmoke"s Dodge City was the television version of what they seek the metastasis of into their smart cities. Madison didn't have anything remotely similar to Matt Dillon in mind when he armed the well regulated militia.
Rosalind McGill - Sep 26, 2023
Rosalind McGill
That’s still on me tv .
John Roberts - Sep 26, 2023
John Roberts
I loved that show Gunsmoke when I was a kid growing up. Couldn’t wait to see the next show to find out what happened next.
Miss Kitty, my favorite character.
Vonu - Sep 26, 2023
It can be on anyone's computer screen via Youtube, etc.
GLK - Sep 26, 2023
Funny how the people that lived with what they brand as inefficient, non-productive, climate damaging space between them and their neighbors stayed much healthier during their biochemical attack on humanity aka: The Scamdemic. Covid didn’t exactly sell the concept of being packed in like sardines now did it?
Vonu - Sep 26, 2023
I don't remember it selling anything but get the jab or die.
GLK - Sep 26, 2023
I don’t remember them selling the jabs. Unless coercion, fear mongering and extortion is your idea of retail. The concept of the 15 minute city, as you damn well know, is, like masking, is being marketed as a virtuous way to live. What I’ve pointed out is it’s inherent unhealthiness which was ironically proven by the scamdemic. Which you also knew. So stop being a smart ass.
Vonu - Sep 26, 2023
It depends on what you regard as them, your having not been very specific in that matter.
You get one more ad hominem attack before I ignore your speciousness.
Lynette Devries - Sep 26, 2023
Saw a woman being interviewed on the SG REPORT which is on RUMBLE called Deborah Tavares and she had very interesting stuff to say on Smart Cities. Her site is wwwstopthecrime.comor org . She also said there is no shortage of water that you can find lots under the ground.
zeb11 - Sep 27, 2023
Rosalind McGill - Sep 26, 2023
Rosalind McGill
Thanks. Deborah is great!
Zumi Tayler - Sep 27, 2023
The link to the MP3 no longer works. Can someone send the new link so I can share the info?
FollowsTheWay - Sep 27, 2023
Zumi Tayler - Sep 27, 2023
Thank you..with much gratitude.
gr8H8er - Sep 27, 2023
Did it work for you? I’m actually a little spooked. It seems it is being corrupted as quickly as it is posted!
Zumi Tayler - Sep 27, 2023
It did work. Did you try?
gr8H8er - Sep 28, 2023
Yes, it worked just now but before, the link took me to ‘About: blank’, even when I tried to refresh it then closed the window and tried again! Thanks for your response!
Zumi Tayler - Sep 28, 2023
Yeah, that same thing happened to me, but then it worked. Glad we both got it to work. Blessings to you, sister.
Margie Chism - Oct 3, 2023
Margie Chism
Does the US gov’t possess secret technology that tortures human brains? β A U.S. government listing from 2004 clearly says that such technology to be used to torture human brains (without describing it as torture) was achieved many years ago, and it was suggested that such technology be used by 'law enforcement.'
β https://www.lifesitenews.com/analysis/does-the-us-govt-possess-secret-technology-that-tortures-human-brains/
TheTide - Sep 27, 2023 - Edited
This Interview is no longer available! Did you take it down or did a provider remove/block it?
SEP 26, 2023…
“The Vax Doesn't Just Atteck The Body, It Can Control The Mind! My Interview With Dave Hodges On The Common Sense Show”
FollowsTheWay - Sep 27, 2023
TheTide - Sep 27, 2023
Thank you π
daverkb - Sep 28, 2023
You are welcomed.
Nina McDonald - Sep 27, 2023
Btw the link to the MP3 is broken... Can you fix it please?
FollowsTheWay - Sep 27, 2023
Juliane - Sep 27, 2023
This link does not seem to work. I keep getting an error message. Do you have another link? Thanks.
FollowsTheWay - Sep 27, 2023
Juliane - Sep 27, 2023
Many thanks!!! It works great!
Katie Walker - Sep 27, 2023
The audio interview is no longer available. Can you share a new link please?
FollowsTheWay - Sep 27, 2023
Katie Walker - Sep 27, 2023
The audio is no longer available. Can you please share a new link so I can share it?
FollowsTheWay - Sep 27, 2023
Katie Walker - Sep 28, 2023
Thank you!
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