"The Subversion Process" by Former KGB Staff…

Aug 13, 2024

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THE SUBVERSION PROCESS Yuri Bezmenov (KGB Staff) Model What to look for before the 2020 Elections


M Henry - Aug 13 - Edited

M Henry

EXACTLY Dr Ana ! You're hitting the nail right on the head.
Last night while I was perusing through Dr John Coleman's about the Committee of 300 ( the real global puppet masters ) I was struck by what was predicted near the end of the last century to control the masses and bring in the Great Reset aka NWO.
It was recommended that in general, good mainstream jobs should begin to go away around '91.
They did just this with manufacturing and in the electronic and chemical engineering sectors and there was even a cutback with Pharma Reps in favor of younger sexier gals.
Also predicted was the recommendation of opioids in order to numb these workers minds when the breadwinners found they could not replace their incomes. Remember how the Fed advised we "reinvent" ourselves?
For women, of whom 25% in this country are on ssris, the point was made to numb their anxieties also.
The new millennium stepped in with 9/11 , with a concocted WMD war and the recognition of PTSD .
Enter Pharma to fix us again.
Opioid addiction became a topic and eventually and doctors were forbidden to prescribe ,the only exceptions were for short term use so many of the pharma addicted hit the streets for the fentanyl laced alternatives others went on ssri s while children were turned into meth addicts when diagnosed with ADD and ADHD.
Now the nation has been treated to a drug made from patented Gila Monster saliva. A drug they will have to inject themselves with for life to maintain their weight loss while eating and drinking the same processed poisons that caused them to gain weight in the first place.
Having formed the first home school support group in NJ , I can say quite a bit about the education system also. I watched that morph into a Marxist indoctrination tool here , just as it did when my grand parents escaped from the Bolshevics at the turn of the last century.
By the end of the nineteen eighties, I observed classic books in the child reading rooms , being replaced by books such as those about having two mommies, which the Librarians stood on end on the top of the lower shelves to attract children.
Yes ,everything has been going along as planned !


Giulia filippelli loewy - Aug 14 - Edited

Giulia filippelli loewy

All correct !
I was astonished bro see priests closing their churches 😱
Nevertheless, there are some fighters even in that field … Monsignor Viganò (now excommunicated by the present satanic pope) has been battling and writing since 2020 about the fight between good and evil and the fight for humanity
it is worth reading his letters - he writes in perfect English - regardless of your own religion: it is about humanity and our souls


M Henry - Aug 14 - Edited

M Henry

Years ago a friend was invited to a dinner at the Apostoliic; Nunciature when Archbish Vigano was stationed in DC . He invited a wonderful orthodox priest to speak there.
This was Fr Trenham's speech.
I believe ArchBish Vigano thought it would inspire other catholic priests to speak out.
Sadly very few have done so.Mainly because after Bella Dodd ,who joined the communist party at Hunter Teacher's College, in NY , and rose through the ranks in the thirties, She testified four or five of her bosses ( who were already Cardinals in the Vatican at the time) ,
ordered her to plant communist members in the seminaries . After her conversion she traveled the nation giving seminars and testifying before Congress, The widowed wife of the Theologian von Hildebrand, sent out notarized copies of a couple in Texas who went to one of Dodd's seminars and were shocked. I received a copy with a sticky note attached. It read "Alice wants you to know that ONLY homosexual men belonging to CPUSA accepted the assignment." Toby Westermen also received a copy.
So by the time ArchBish Vigano tried to alert others here, CPUSA clerics had already risen to the Bishopric and have cancelled good men in the priesthood who try to speak out.
Very well planned , eh?


Isobel - Aug 13

Thank you, Dr. Mihalcea, and may God keep you strong.


Robert Childs - Aug 13

Robert’s Substack

For some reason, I have been aware of this manipulation since my early childhood. My father did teach me to do what is right,what your gut tells you to do,not what everyone else thinks you should do. Although, sometimes it might be required to play the fool, to fool the fool trying to fool you. Sadly enough,the world has been shaped in this manner. Be strong my friends, I am with you all. God be with you


Roman S Shapoval - Aug 13

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Don't let your children be raised by the TV (e.g. cell phones)


Marshall Swing - Aug 13

Marshall Swing

@Dr Mihalcea - Bezmenov & Sun Tzu give broad brush strokes in how these things are done and are being done, correct. But WHAT YOU DO NOT KNOW, is what was done in Christianity (and elsewhere), to falsify bible translations and the affects those simple, clever falsifications have on all of 2.7 billion people in Christianity, particularly in America. These falsifications started the waterfall into every institution known to man, long, long ago, as a setup to the Democide we see going on right now.
In effect, everyone that reads a bible translation is quite captively neutered, preemptively, because of these falsifications that do not represent the original Greek/Hebrew, so society's response to the CV19 JABS, nano tech etc etc etc is a predetermined passive outcome.
I have been following your work for years now and I remember fairly early where you said you were told by a prominent person in the "freedom" movement that they could not work with you because of their "Christianity" beliefs and what they termed your non-Christianity or new age spiritualism beliefs, roughly. Their thinking is endemic in Christianity for the very reason I mention above.
Then along came Robert Malone and his mass psychology theory and the various people rebutting him. BUT, to this very day any significant progress against the JABS/Injections and the whole nanotech that threatens us has been slow as mud with the best example being Dr Sansone's filing in Florida and the resistance he has met, rather than a Governor and Attorney General ready and willing to do anything to stop the murder and debilitation of their subjects/people.
Every person leading the "freedom" movement factions are typically somewhere in Christianity's multitude of denominations, and totally baffled with all the evidence amassed and, constantly ask themselves, WHY, 2-4 years ago these horrible things were not stopped dead in their tracks.
Likewise, all the people in the know, at your level or just ordinary people, in the movement, are baffled as to WHY we do not and did not see the leaders of Christianity at the forefront of repelling this Democide. Why have the multitude of Christianity lawmakers at Federal and State levels all but checked out of this war? Why has the Judiciary all but checked out of this war? How was this Democide plan able to take over the DOD? Etc, etc, etc...
I can show you, very precisely, WHY and HOW, if you are determined to know the root of these things.


kitty - Aug 14

One of the most damaging lies or mistranslations is, "submit yourself to every human institution". The majority 'goes along to get along', which is essentially compliance with tyrants.


Michael Wachocki - Aug 13

Michael Wachocki

Marxism is Satanical.


Outrageddd - Aug 13

Thank-you! The link is broken for Bezmenov's letter. It broke their community policies, which just enforces the entire article and his entire letter. Here is one that works.https://ia902207.us.archive.org/3/items/love-letter-america/love-letter-america.pdf


John Roberts - Aug 13

John Roberts

They have been warning us about this method of take over for a long time.
Unfortunately no one in our government took heed as they are doing the taking over.


Robert Westover - Aug 13

In this country, taking over the healthcare industry, was a huge step in control. To restrict/inflict.


BlazeCloude3 - Aug 13 - Edited


Thank-you for your concientiousness in providing this foundational information most people are totally unaware of. Perhaps, it will plant some seeds in fertile soil some are willing to water and feed to promote positive Mental Health through growth.
More than almost anybody in Substack; you're a true revolutionary and educator of reality all have been inhabiting unknowingly. You're exposing the METHOD of ATTACK in this WWIII beginning in 1954 as documented in the Bilderberg Papers found in the used copying machine in 1989. The OLDER people older than 40 must rise as those younger are GONE AND HAVE NO MENTAL CAPACITY TO THINK LOGICALLY ENOUGH TO IDENTIFY THEIR ENEMY.
Those beyond 40 are NOT the strongest physically; yet they do still continue to have the capacity to think and remain somewhat informed and knowledgeable about the essence of the United States and are not so easily taken in with the propaganda.


Vonu - Aug 13


Where can we find the PDF of the Schuman writing?


Mickeyd - Aug 15

Mickeyd’s Substack

Keep up your work. So important as some in humanity raises their conscioucness..


kitty - Aug 14

Great article. Yuri did an excellent job of explaining exactly how a nation is dissolved. I tend to feel that our nation is not being destroyed so much as being handed over to dark forces due to our straying away from law and righteous judgment. The majority of people gladly accept lies in all aspects of their lives. Most do not love truth but instead love the lies that make us all feel comfortable and accepted. How many would reject the lies of Christmas? How many uphold the 10 basic laws of life in high regard and refuse to disobey those laws? Very very few. There are a plethora of excuses why the law isn't necessary and for this reason our former blessings are taken away and replaced with curses and lies.


Smacko9 - Aug 13


"The most powerful weapon in the hands of the
oppressor is the mind of the oppressed..."
-Steven Biko
'Afraid of our own shadow'
Trying to Avoid Pain,
Americans Have Only Delayed the Inevitable and Allowed the Cancer to Spread
The Collusion Confusion racket is killing USA
911 impotence led to Virus Scam subservience


AKcidentalwriter - Aug 13

Cultural Philosophical Fireworks

this is priceless and timeless. Everyone has to be aware of this. Everyone has to be open to this reality which is being executed.


SassafrasLemontree - Aug 25 - Edited

Russians are working VERY Hard on us. They are all over the D.C. region since 2016 & heavily celebrate the Rise (& Return?) of Trump!-I know Russian Nationals who were spouting everything to support the January 6th crisis as if they had written it themselves (even if they are NOT qualified to Vote)?!!.. Eerie!!The constant theme is that everything in the USA is bad & "corrupt." And they'll regularly tell you that the U.S. Constitution is a joke!!-😡?! (just like in this Russian subversion game plan described here!!)~
I tried not to make presumptions to see the best in them, & be polite, but finally had to cut ties!!~😠
Be Discerning!!~ (an understatement)!~



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