I don't care how wonderful their transhumanist plans supposedly are. The fact that it all hangs on nonconsensual invasion of our bodies should tell us EVERYTHING we need to know about these wicked people. When something is good, there is no need for lies or deceit to force it upon people. And which of us was asked if we wanted nanobots swimming in our blood?
I admire your fighting spirit, Dr. Ana.
This shows clearly "they" at all levels and contexts DO NOT consider , or respect CONSENT OR FREE WILL , only force , coercion , subjugation and power and control. This is why I say at the highest levels, this is NOT HUMAN IDEAS or AGENDAS , this is coming from other species or life forms, that have no concern , or respect , or value whatsoever for life here.
Yeah,Alexander Light who owns the humans are free website made a statement that stuck,he said there are species out there that want nothing to do with us,they just want usgone.Youknow us Earth humans are not the only humans in this universe,There's at least 11 others living on other planets in this and other universes.I came to the same conclusion about 5 yrs ago and have done a whole lot of research since then but I've never seen any other information like energetic synthesis,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Main_Page
I sure hope this is the case and humans from here are not "banned" from the other places. LOL Because unless we create some dramatic change , reincarnating here for along time is looking pretty ugly. Good to hear from you, stay safe
This is how when you change how the bible was written from should to would happens.
I mean in KJV it says should not would and only says cause not force. NKJV and others say FORCE or other terminology that's how this happened. Its not supposed to be forced it's supposed to be should should doesn't mean it will be it just means it's supposed to be or as in I should do this or I should do that. Not that I will.
Read how it says in revelations 13 in a KJV bible or online then read how it says in a NKJV or other version it changes the meaning and that's how this shit is happening.
SO yes instead of causing things to be so that those who want to to be they're forcing it in a way we really don't have much choice. Only way out is to kill yourself but who wants to do that???
a cause it not a force to cause something doesn't mean your forcing it on people.
IE I stick my foot out I caused someone to trip but doesn't mean they fall or trip they may see my foot and avoid it. This way we don't have much of a choice. it's in the air in our food in our water all over. no choice that I can see...
But to those that did take the shot you did have a choice you could of quit you let the idea of being out of a job to make your choice and fear. I pray for you if you've come to regret it but you did take it on your own. you could of told them to fuck off and quit. take a different job that didn't do that to you etc... You took the mark of the beast sorry but you did. willingly.
I may have this shit shedding on me but I didn't take the shot willingly and everyone else who's been shed on you may have a loophole to be safe with? For what good is it if they force you?
meaning spray the shit in the air put in the food and water etc they basically forced you to have this shit in you so we may by a loophole be safe? But still pray like you mean it!
It should be obvious they would not leave this to ONLY THOSE TAKING THE SHOTS , or all the rest of this would NOT have been developed and deployed BEFORE that , which is the case . KJB has nothing to offer on this , except possibly what is coded from Sir Frances Bacon , who was editor. ALL had been completely altered or fabricated or borrowed from the past LONG before that time .
By now everyone worldwide is affected. After all - Pfizer's documents claimed that their 'experimental injection' did not stop infection or transmission of cv, but that their jab DID 'transfect' .... We all have to find a group to work together to find a way to escape 'their' evil intentions. When a door slams shut, God open a window so we need to search daily for the way to escape. This is a war for YOUR SOUL! No 'ifs' or 'buts' ... whoever is behind this, whether alien or megalomaniacs amongst us, their intention is quite clear!
I dont think that is necessarily true yet , and no way to know for sure because you cant do live blood test with dark field scopes on EVERYONE and we are learning to eliminate it . NATURE ALWAYS SELECTS WHO AND WHAT WILL SURVIVE to the future and it wont be those doing these diabolical agendas against all life. Let them load themselves into the "cloud" they will just become demons easy to eliminate when someone pulls the plug and turns off the energy source. Thats a hint to everyone. 'THE CLOUD" as we know it now ,is not some omnipresent dimension , ITS GIGANTIC WAREHOUSES with lots of giant computers , running on DIESEL generators. That is another hint.
it is to me and maybe you but others want to see something different I guess???
but yeah I think I said that it's universal or else they wouldn't even try.
They are fcked, literally. Too many know, too few are taking their mRNA injections. They are therefore bankrupt - even the US Govt. cannot bail them out. The ONLY way they can make cash now is if they force inject people - good luck with that.
They have been spraying it on us heavily for decades,actually Dr.Ana wrote about nano domestic quell,Elana Freeland has two interviews with the dark journalist called the nano kill switch.The CDC alone comprises the CDC corporation of course and about 5000 other medical corporations.Many new billionaires have been made since 2020.https://siriusispodstruje.substack.com/p/elana-freelands-geoengineered-transhumanism
Yes. I know. That’s why we are infected with nanos & not just the jabbed as many believe. I was in Santa Fe in 2017 & thought they were all crazy with their daily talk of “geo/spraying”. 🤪😕🤪
Have you looked at Sabrina Wallace on Psienergy. She explains all the science.
I’m connected to the cloud.. I’ve been connected since 2007 … I didn’t know that’s what they were doing .. 🤪🤪🤪
I have listened to ALL her stuff , brilliant and courageous , but may not be absolutely correct on ALL things, but I have great respect for her. NATURE will always find a way to preserve someone for the future how do you KNOW your connected to the cloud? What she is saying is largely correct, BUT its not working on everyone so well yet , I realize what happens if they turn the 5g up past a point. But that then kills all of them and their minions. Hiding underground in their bunkers wont work for that long.
I also think it’s more about controlling those that survive the culling … until the believers can “upload their consciences to the Singularity they will not kill the planet yet .. .. but after watching the Olympics opening ceremony , I’m not sure of anything .. I think they were throwing down the gauntlet
Back in 2007 I signed up for a Pain Management Stimulator Trial @ NYU …
I Didn’t grasp the implications until 2017 when the technician was able to adjust my stimulator for me via a laptop & Bluetooth … no wires required … we did this @ Starbucks one day when I was on vacay & having issues in NY ..
But besides the Bluetooth ..
they were always able to connect to me remotely via the radio waves .. I had no idea .. through IEEE .. no one ever mentioned any of that during the “trial period” … I can’t find the papers right now … I’m sure there are lots of others like me ….
I don't think their transhumanist plan works. How do you put human thoughts and feelings into a computer??? Seems like you would need a human being to have human thoughts and feelings. I don't think they can download me into a computer with nanobots. I know they can't download my soul, can they? (the horror). How can computers even be conscious? What happens to computer consciousness when you turn off the computer?
I've yet to write about the relationship between the mRNA injections , nanobots and the remote control of us humans. Why? Because it seems like science fiction and I try to avoid "conspiracy theories" in general. But from you writings, the pronouncements of Klaus Schwab (WEF), and medical applications of nanobots/mRNA technology it is now clear that this is not science fiction and represents an existential threat to humanity . . . so I do intend to write about it. On a more general perspective I have shared the following excerpt, from my writings, a number of times. And this is no time to remain complacent.
In my version of the Garden of Eden one should always be encouraged to eat from the tree of knowledge but should never meddle with the tree of life as that is above the pay grade of ANY human: past, present or future. Think of the sorcerers apprentice and all the unanticipated problems his meddling created. Those of us that understand the complexity of the global ecosystem tend to abide by the precautionary principle. The globalists have the audacity to think they can meddle with the Tree of Life with no consequence. They they seem to abide by the "Let's just do shit and see what happens" principle. I can't seem to find an antonym for the Precautionary Principle.
Our globalist corporations have obviously ignored this warning as GMO farming began/expanded in the early 1990's. Using CRISPR and other cutting edge technologies they have meddled with the tree of life: terminator seeds, plants that produce insecticides (which we eat), spraying plants with Glyphosate etc. Already it is clear these technologies are causing harm to human health. Then we have fluoride in the water supply, endocrine disruptors, PFAS chemicals etc., in or food and water. None of this makes sense and represents a willful refusal to consider what our collective knowledge (e.g., the tree of knowledge) should be telling us about the harm these substances unleash on the human population. But is goes on unabated because global corporations can profit in the short run.
Then came the Plandemic and the mRNA vaccines the did not prevent infection/transmission but did cause considerable harm and death. Worse yet there is growing evidence that these mRNA injections may actually be modifying our DNA and the consequences are just beginning to be understood. Of course this has all been ignored by globalist corporate media. And over the past year I have read numerous papers about self assembly nanobots within the vaccines and much more. I've yet to write about this subject as, at first, I was a skeptic. But perhaps it is time to cover the subject because there is plenty of evidence/papers etc. which suggest the globalists want to use mRNA concoctions in conjunction with 5G EMF radiation to control our moods and literally allow the government to get inside our heads. And thanks to the author for detailing the programs that are already underway.
It is now obvious that the WEF, UN, WHO etc. want full control of humanity. They aren't even shy about their plans: a Great Reset where you will own nothing (and really won't be happy at all). And it is all spelled out in Agenda21, Agenda2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). They have very complex plans to exert control of every human on planet Earth. Their goal is a fully controlled global population -- which will relegate every human to the status of a slave on a globalist plantation.
WE THE PEOPLE, of planet Earth, need to immediately unite behind our own complex agenda in order to stop this globalist coup. To that end I've put together what I call the "Put People First" agenda, which has developed over the past 5 years. I'm encouraging everyone to endorse this agenda and cite your support at City Council, School Board meetings as well as during protests. As Benjamin Franklin once said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Here is the PPF agenda as it currently exists:
* No Lockdowns EVER again
* No forced masking ANYWHERE
* No forced vaccinations under ANY circumstance whether that be from injection, food or chemtrails
* Absolutely no vaccine passports or digital currency
* Reinstate all of those that lost jobs for refusing to get the mRNA injection, including all of our Healthcare workers
* Universal non-coercive choice: Wearing a mask or getting a mRNA injection will be up to each individual and there will be ABSOLUTELY no penalty for not complying in or out of the workplace.
* No more censorship of ANYONE whether that be on social media, corporate media or at the workplace. No one should ever be censored or punished for exercising their First Amendment Right to Free Speech.
* Impeach Biden/Harris and reinstate Trump as our president.
* Stop the LGBTQ and CRT indoctrination in our schools and corporations
* Stop the Climate Agenda and make Energy Independence Priority Number One.
* Send every Illegal Alien, that Biden has brought in through Open Borders, back home.
* Stop the illegal mass imigration invasion worldwide
* Legalize the personal cultivation of Cannabis, Psilocybin.
* Legalize the right to take Ivermectin, Hydrochloriquine and other anti-viral herbs and drugs
* Legalize the right to choose when it comes to vaccines, abortion, drugs etc.
* Eliminate Genetically modified vaccines, plants, animals (fish, cattle etc.) and the use of Glyphosate.
* Eliminate the use of Geoengineering: Chemtrails, HAARP etc.* Eliminate the fluoridation of our water supply.
* Stop allowing Blackrock, and other financial institutions from buying up residential properties which will make it impossible for future families to own a home and build up equity.
* Demand your government defund and exit the UN, WHO and WEF
Comment on this essay::
Thanks to all that "liked" my comment. I've been writing for 36 years now and am approaching 70. I'm really just concerned about the trajectory we are on because we humans have been around nearly 300,000 years and are in grave danger of global enslavement. We need to unite. Just saying. There is really not much time left. If you get a chance read my essays in reverse chronological order until you understand the magnitude of our situation. Then it is up to you to rise up. Praying won't cut it.
I agree with everything you’ve said here except legalizing the right to have an abortion. It’s killing a baby , which is illegal and immoral.
It all seems so overwhelming, and I fear the loss of my soul in going after all these goals that will only be achieved by overpowering the elites in charge. Will the elites go against and prosecute the ones who are being paid or threatened by the elites to control humanity? I doubt it greatly. Like I said, I fear the loss of my soul in pursuing unattainable goals. But I will defend my rights and stand up for what is right when called to do so. And die for my rights and for Our Lord, if called to.
I do empathize with your position on abortion. But the fact is most Americans believe in the right to abortion as much as they believe in the right to refuse a vaccine. I have 2 children and 3 grandchildren. I'm not a great fan of abortion. But I'm also not a hypocrite. Bodily autonomy means you have a right to control your body. If you want fewer abortions then you must make it economically feasible to afford a child: something that is slipping away. Sad.
The idea of a maximum cyclical cataclysm over the entire planet every 12k+ years and less so at quarter points due to a solar nova and/or Earth's major pole shift may be a hideous psy-ops, or perhaps there's truth in the geological, archeological, and mythological evidence cited in the book, The Adam and Eve Story, by Chan Thomas, 1963.
Most researchers who take the evidence of a major extinction event seriously claim the next one will occur this mid-century, likely in the late 2040s. What are the odds that Kurzweil's Singularity happening by 2050 and the UN Agenda 2050 of humanity reaching Net Zero CO2 aren't related to this terrible event and an attempt to save themselves in non-biological, silicon-based form?
They likely are taking into account that it's impossible to know whether their miles deep underground cities and bunkers will remain habitable through the seismic wrenching and flooding of the planet and then a glacial freeze above. What if these same keepers of the esoteric knowledge and dark arts from previous civilizations have decided to view this upcoming event as a chance to (re) terraform the Earth in their own vision and with them as Gods and AI as demiurge when the surface warms hundreds of years later?
Meanwhile, they've made and tested solar and lunar moon simulators in the skies, perhaps for their cities below and, especially, in case our sources of light are diminished in the chaos of the solar system-wide Great Reset. Consider how, if there is insufficient natural sunlight in the planet's future, nearly all carbon-based biology on Earth will suffer and fail, and, hence, their urgency to transform and track everybody and everything to verify the progression from carbon to synthetic..
It would seem of the few survivors of the last major mid-timeline cataclysm, as recounted in the Bible as Noah's flood and as a civilization-destroying inundation in nearly every other culture with extant, writings, traditional stories, or images, formed a dark brotherhood of the keepers of this knowledge, and have distorted history and science to keep the repopulated peoples ignorant and unprepared. They seemed to have decided to rid this world of natural biological life and to extend theirs into great longevity, even immortality.
These self-serving and self-styled brilliant Satanists must think of the rest of us as expendable animals upon which to experiment for their purposes, since they believe we won't survive the planetary reset, anyway. The few of us that do escape the gamma rays, fire and ice would be a problem for their plans to transform this rock into a non-carbon paradise for them, and so the tracking and transforming nanotech injected into us and offspring and will be updated constantly, so that no natural human, animal and plant lifeform should survive, reproduce, and be uncontrollable.
They hate God and any communion with the Divine Love and Light, or they could have steered this past civilization to real transcendence, rather than extoll Kumbaya passivity and the building of Jacob's ladders via technology, alchemical science, and pathological secrecy. Were our individual and collective consciousnesses intent upon the way of Grace in both spirit and invention we would have found a better way.
Let's believe it's not too late.
Haven't yet checked out your link, but what you wrote is the prayer. I agree we need to be conscious of our consciousness and honor God's Way with it, throughout the day with everything we think, choose, and do. This couldn't be more apparent than now!
Your comment is spot on, Stella. Often, I think the current civilization has been curated throughout the millennia to take us away from our innate connection with the Divine of God, nature, positive invention, each other, and within us, because it would lessen or forestall the cataclysmic reckoning for Earth and cheat their lesser god and themselves of their dream of evil dominion over an artificial world.
They're being fooled by the Father of All Lies into believing they can run from God and be immortal (the key) if they just upload themselves into an Alpha-Omega device. Project Soul Catcher. Ghosts in the shell. Demonomata like a bionic Chucky. Their 'god' doesn't want anyone else's soul ever returning home to our real Father either. It's spite. We have the opportunity to spiritually return to God. They don't.
When the "brotherhood's" minion celebs say things like "hell is a big party" I think they mean it more like a Meta(verse). That's why some like Taylor Swift and Marilyn Manson have witchcraft coupled with cybernetic transformations or albums like "Mechanical Animals". Because it's evil, and obviously non-consensual. But just like in politics, the mystery priesthood knows people idolize celebs and will follow whatever lead as they play the piper flute -- lab rats plunging off the wharf -- but will also emulate them. That's one way they'll get people to buy into the 'benefits' of being a cyborg, and the more that become one the more that join in. Eventually they will go too far, very likely culling "the herd" down to the number that used to be on the Georgia Guidestones.
The mountain from Daniel's vision and Wormwood of Revelation are that final straw solution to reboot while separating goats (buttheads) from sheep and wheat from tares (the bad 'seed'). God gave us chance after chance to not be stupid, but when your House is so infested with vermin that an exterminator can't even help, let alone that the entire genome will be corrupted, you burn it down and rebuild. He promised to never flood the earth again, but cleansing in fire is necessity for a new heaven and earth -- a born again new Man.
God is already picking out his good seeds for the next iteration.
2 Peter 3:7 "But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men."
8 "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." <---
9 "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Daniel 2:43 "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."
Not to cherrypick, but when mentioning mingling with the seed of men it does raise a few questions.
Over? It's not over till we say its over. Ana, we're with you.
"psychotic" Bluto (John Belushi) gave a factually inaccurate motivational speech to his frat brothers after the Delta House Fraternity had been closed and they had all been kicked out of school. When he was told by D-Day (Bruce McGill): "War's over, man. Wormer dropped the big one," he was incensed:
What? Over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!...
It ain't over now, 'cause when the goin' gets tough, the tough get goin'. Who's with me? Let's go! Come on!...(He ran to the front door but no one followed him)
(He returned, chastising his frat brothers) What the f--k happened to the Delta I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts, huh? This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you're gonna let it be the worst. 'Ooh, we're afraid to go with you, Bluto, we might get in trouble.' (shouting) Well, just kiss my ass from now on! Not me! I'm not gonna take this. Wormer, he's a dead man! Marmalard, dead! Niedermeyer...
Otter (Tim Matheson) agreed with Bluto: "Dead! Bluto's right. Psychotic, but absolutely right. We gotta take these bastards. Now, we could fight 'em with conventional weapons. That could take years and cost millions of lives. No, in this case, I think we have to go all out. I think this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part."
We're just the guys to do it...LET'S DO IT!"
I’ve been sweating in FL doing construction. Very good chance you can sweat out what hasn’t gone past the blood brain barrier. I’m talking over a gallon out and a gallon In every day for 3 years. Well it’s a stupid and futile gesture that might work. 😂👍🏽
The real QFS is already here:
1) true identity
2) record forming - Refusal for Cause (R4C)
3) redeeming lawful money
You get your first full tax year refunded - all your withholdings back with the IRS and State Revenue blessings. Then you declare EXEMPT on your W-4 (State too) so to completely stop all withholdings. Primal Defunding!
My Lesson Plan ($5K) joinders you into the brain trust (about 125 suitors who have already been through my Lesson Plan. We are the real myelin and axon QFS. Not the graphene/hydrogel QFS but we puppeteer the artificial QFS at will, by perpetual inheritance. See Article VI:
The main thing I notice about injected people is that they do NOT want to discuss anything the least bit serious. It's all about where they are going out to eat and what they are going to wear to the next shindig. It is so weird. And I don't mean just about covid or injections, I am referring to things like how more places are refusing to accept cash (they shrug) about USDA wanting to RFID tag all livestock. Shrug. Small Amish farmers being harassed endlessly by feds. Shrug. They truly seem to not have any ability to form an opinion about anything beyond the end of their nose. I feel like I am conversing with mannequins.
Omfg. Yes. They can’t even hear talk that “upsets them” or goes against something they believe or are supposed to believe right now .. They still crazy. They get mad & cannot sit & watch a simple video
We need those of us who believe Pray like never before. NO! God does not come through this kind of cloud that's a lie. God comes through our sky the real sky not some Matrix cloud.
But pray like I keep saying use the Psalms like these 31, 52, 58, 94, 109, 120, 140 using the lords prayer to open your prayers and to close them daily or even several times a day.
This so matches Revelations and all of Scripture to a T 10000000%.
What this describes is part of the cause all this is how and v2k is part of it you don't need a chip they're making their own damn chips. with this shit. I do not agree with this meaning I do not give my power to the beast I retain that for myself and for those in need later on. That is what and how Revelations 17 is coming to pass the hive mind just like the movie cell with John Cusack.
I have v2 hard and I think it must be this shit singing and tones and notes. It's all I hear all the time 24/7
Bots singing speaking while singing in sometimes etc trying to I guess talk me into doing what they want. I hear this high pitched stupid girl bot thing when the TV does background music or the crowd cheers she begins her agghhh crap. Fuckers change what's said to nonsense Bullshit that's what's universal you may not hear it but its there you can get a voice recorder to record it then use NCH software upload to that and you will hear the shit.
Right now this shit is just droning into my cochlea left ear like right next to me so fucking loud it makes me mad but I keep my cool... I pray I say no weapon formed will prosper etc... By the stripes of Jesus I am healed my DNA and all nano crap is dead and or disabled...
I have this fucker with a deep ass voice drone into my ear to growl my brain etc... I guess it means I am doing wrong and pissing them off meaning I have been able to keep my sovereignty and still keep it.
I recommend everyone watch Cell the movie with John Cusack and Samuel L Jackson it will show a lot of what is going on now...
We need to have our own remnant to counter this shit. IF millions of of pray at the same time a day we can battle this shit. I pray AI is destroyed every time I do.
I pray HAARP is destroyed every time I do too.
So yeah this shit is bad but keep your eyes on Christ not this shit pray and pray daily.
When I say Babylon falls by violence it's not to just say something it's to tell you something. Don't expect Babylon to help you! I know you don't like it but Babylon falls by VIOLENCE it wont be peaceful sorry stop believing in lies. You pray God will help in some way so if you see violence don't be scared that's supposed to be... ditch cell phones ditch all WIFI turn it off stop letting this shit use you as much as you can.
I just boiled me some water and put some Sodium Citrate into it to help dissolve the crystals into the water. Which should pull Nano bots to the Sodium Citrate and when I drink it it won't go into me just pass out. Sodium Citrate breaks the blood brain barrier, so it will get into the brain and draw that shit out. USE sea salt and baking soda to make a slurry to drink as well... plus soak in it when you bath along with Epson salt and Borax too.
This shit keep trying to trick me into thinking it's on both side it isn't it's only on one side so help me by praying to keep this shit on one side or my brain not be fooled by this shit.
So yeah we can do things to stop or slow this down at us at least. Pray that they repent but don't expect it. By they I mean those following this shit and wanting it and keep their heads in the sand that's the they I pray for. Billionaires I pray they stop but don't look for it it says they wont repent of their murders so...
But the signal they're sending now is universal it transmits at 2.4-2.5 ghz it's whats helping nano bots to do what they do. Hypothesis but by what I read from DR Ana it's what I think is happening and why...
it's universal this I know 100% I've experimented enough to know.
Would you please give me the amounts of all the stuff you are using? I would greatly appreciate it and I believe every word that you are saying I’ve been the one for many years that they’ve called crazy but I know I’m not God bless you and we will pray for you as you pray for us.
It's always since the dawn of history, been about using knowledge for power and control by the psycho portion of the human population that learned how to manipulate 'normies' to obey them in their power-mad power trips.
THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.
In these modern times, this evil has become TECHNOCRACY, the vilest threat to the existence of all life on earth since forever!
EW! GROSS! HELL NO!https://www.technocracy.news
The more I learn about this stuff, the more sickened, nauseated and horrified I get, and I wonder what kind of inhuman psychopath loonies make this crap and want to use it!?
I DO NOT COMPLY! NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL! May more and more wake up and resist and cultivate their health.
There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!
I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.
My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!
Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.
I have no fear of 'germs' or 'viruses'. One of the best places to go for reality:https://virustruth.net
I try to live without fear! Fear is the mind-killer!
And these, the criminals behind the NAC and all the other schemes will use hypochondria hysteria and 'climate' hysteria to propagandize the gullible 'sheeple' into complying with TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT which is what this is really about!
A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.
GREED is behind every evil assailing us in the world!
The demonic despots of Davos at it again! They are behind everything bad! At it for decades and cronies like The Rothschilds and the Black Nobility and The Khazarian Mafia have been plotting planetary domination for centuries! ALL BECAUSE OF AVARICE!
We the People must try harder to live by The Golden Rule, doing so would solve most problems!
AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.
Migrant/Entrant Invasion/Infrastructure Attacks - all part of the destructive plot to achieve total slavery!
Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are perpetrating!
There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!
Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.
Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.
Kudos to Dr. Mihalcea's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.
Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!
Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!
As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (69) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!
I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.
They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
These people are absolute and complete psychopaths. "they have been given over to a depraved mind..." meaning they deny the evidence of God, The Creator, which means they reject science and the truth, and, hence, in doing so, God allows them to choose darkness > beyond the point of no-return: their consciences are seared, and they no longer have the opportunity to turn to God for redemption. Unfortunately, they are leading humanity to destruction, and don't seem to grasp that their aims at this "new world" to which they aspire are utter fantasy, meaning these plans will only bring misery and destruction, and, that the essence of us as human beings, is, first and foremost a SPIRIT being, unseen by the human eye, a SPIRIT, created by GOD, and these clowns can't do a darn thing about that. Thank God. And thank you Dr. Ana, it seems you are one of the very few who understands what's going on - keep up the excellent work and God Bless you.
Something that I'll never understand, so if any of you have the answer or an idea, please by all means let me know.
So here is my question. If these monsters believe and worship Satan then that means God, the divine creator is equally real. If this is indeed so then why would they worship Satan when it assures their soul be damned for eternity?
Why not embrace the creator and make earth a better place. Back to the garden so to speak.
Besides loving God feels so much better. With all of their earthly power and knowledge why do they forsake God? None if this makes any logically sense to me. The only thing that I can think of that might explain this is that they are deceived. Fine, easy and obvious. But that does not explain how they explain away why they would give up their soul for eternity for a short stint of power here on earth. What does the devil promise them that comforts them from this inevitability, the damnation of their souls?
Any bright minds want to weigh in?
Here i will try. For one most of them believe in evolution. So, they think that all there is is this life and no other. They want to extend their lives but have no other means other than artificial means. Death even though they may say other wise scares them. They're constantly saying that since they don't believe in an after life you only live once and to live like that. and when your dead your dead and your at peace etc... But it still scares them why else do this???
Plus your right at the deception Satan they think if they even believe in Satan they think was gipped somehow. Meaning they think what he wants is right. Meaning they go along with the lies that God was holding stuff from us he wasn't but they think he was. I've throughout the years watch things on religious and scholars or what have ya. I watched this stupid bitch say that the reason eve ate off the tree of Knowledge was because Satan opened her eyes to something better so ate thinking she was missing out on something. That's so much bull but that's what she said. I heard the other guy who is a preacher but a Jew preacher say that the God of the bible who killed kids which he did God did have Israel kill kids babies etc when they took the promised land, that he couldn't follow that God. But God had reasons they were still Giants left over from pre-flood times Nephiim so that's why so I can because knowing why helps me to say ok that's fine and not try to out guess God or judge him it's not our place to.
One of the other lies they believe in is God doesn't care nor understand how it is he's allowing all this suffering crap to go on. but they don't point to who started it all to begin with Satan...
Now to Satan a bit more he wants to be God it's clear in scripture that's what he wants but he's an angel a created being he has no right but these dummies think he does but he doesn't.
but he wants to be God. He doesn't have the power like God does to be in all places at once so he has to use witchcraft and now Technology. So what does God offer? Immortality and peace and and liberty and love and fun and whatever so how would Satan have to go about doing this to show people he's God and not God himself? First of all God offers immortality and a resurrection of the wicked and good so Satan has to do the same thing but can only use technology and his demons and angels with whatever powers they have.
So, to them they may not know they're following Satan or they may it doesn't mater they are wanting to be God and give mankind the things that God can only give but through natural means not unnatural means. IE nano bots AI nano tech Dews V2k etc... Meaning the promises of God he will do through natural means Satan has to use unnatural means that's the difference.
Plus if you don't believe in God or have doubts of and want some assurance just in-case God doesn't exist to them an artificial immortality is better than rotting and waiting in the ground.
That's why. I've heard many times from people telling others to not worry about it God is not coming back. OR what if he don't or what if it's not true so yeah.
So yeah the idea of being God is why and the fear of death and the what if God is not real or fear he wont do as he says is why they do.
Read the bible from cover to cover but a kjv not any of those others they change meanings of thins and fuck shit up. Then read the book of Enoch, Jubilees, and Asher, the fragmented book of Giants and any kind of forbidden book you can find they all fill in blanks.
For one most don't tell you that Satan didn't want to bow to Adam he thought he was better and didn't while Michael the biggest archangel did he didn't. Another point I took in was Satan while he wants to be God says that you can't have justice without punishment. He's against the love and mercy and forgiveness of all sins at least not without some kind of punishment for them. That's the other main point they hold back from us. That's why Jesus came was to prove to Satan that his ways are best and you don't need to punish people to have justice just show mercy and love and forgiveness. Satan hates that.
It's odd too Jesus was so gentile and showed his fathers true nature but even now most people will scoff at that and still follow Satan it's sad...
But they are lied to though so but still its sad...
You bring up a lot of valid points. There is certainly a lot to ponder here. I have come to fully accept the teachings of the bible, Jesus and God almighty as a result of back engineering what is being sprayed out of airplanes and now being injected into some. I remember once upon a time reading that the essence of life was in the blood. I believe Jesus said this although it could've been someone else within the bible. Either way when I looked at the work Carnicom was producing and how it impacted the blood, it clicked. It all made sense. By attacking the blood, the essence of human life they are perverting and defying God's creation. It couldn't get any clearer to me. The "why" is the piece I've wrestled with. I suppose it's hard for the average, over all decent human to fathom the depth, complexity and full extent of the evil playing out in real time. Also most people confuse religion with the teachings of the bible and God. Since in many cases the church has used the bible as a means of control people equate that God=the church, when the truth couldn't be farther from it. Again I appreciate your insight. The sharing of knowledge and ideas is what makes life exciting and worth living. Well that and some other things ;-)
Thanks yeah. Uh its in Genesis. when Cain killed his brother it says Abie's blood cries to him.
I came to the bible wanting to know if what they taught was true or not. Meaning I grew up with a very slim understanding of the bible only what they teach in like Sunday school etc... But always even at 4-5 years of age had questions about this stuff. Plus if what they taught was true why is it so fucked? So, I came to God wanting to know things I've always been inquisitive. I hate to be lied to. So, yeah I came wanting to know if what was taught was true and or know truth. For the most part what they teach is crap. That's why it's so fucked up they teach crap. Which is why I refuse to go to church they 're the whore... So, yeah don't judge God by what they teach that's on them not God. Here is a clue.
Romans 13 never said to obey Govt it said to obey the higher liberty. The word power comes from the original Greek and it means Liberty not power. The word power in a stongs concordance is like 3-4 words down liberty is the very first word.
What it should say is obey the higher liberty and replace power with liberty every time you see it in Romans 13...
That's one of the false teachings church has done. many more exist but that's one of them.
Amen. I was raised by an insane, materialistic father (basically the type people we're fighting against) and a spiritual, yet confused mother. Somehow on my own, through observation and wanting to get to the "truth" I was led where I am today. I always tell people "do not misconstrue religion with the God. They're not the same thing".
i think freemasonry thinks lucifer is light or something- knowledge etc nicholson1968 talked about it - deceived but its more than that probably about attatchment to and power in this world.
It is a great deception- but once they attach themselves and become part of that deception, they take on so many demons within them that it takes an act of God himself through the power of the Holy Spirit them. I pray every morning for the souls of all the lost all the leaders all over the world it is so evil and wicked twisted. I pray for their souls because it’s not God any parish at all should come into the knowledge of the truth.
Simple answer ,they dont share your belief , that their souls are damned for any such actions , what they believe in and serve has told them /promised them the same delusion of grand eternity, for their service , the other formal religions have promised as well . Beneath that when you did deeper you will find the same people, families , bloodlines , organizations have created this story for both sides. That is how "they "stay in control . Same way they control both sides of political structure so they win no matter what , and keep people "thinking their votes and beliefs count. So many still seem to think "they " play fair ,or operate or think or feel as we do . AINT SO.
I guess the operative word is "belief". In my mind there is no "if, and or but" regarding the existence of God. Personally I try not to "believe" in anything that I can not prove to exist. I suppose if one hasn't shared the supernatural/ spiritual experiences that I have, accepting the existence of God would be harder. However in my mind all one really needs to do is look at creation as a whole. The notion that it came from essentially pond scum is much more far fetched then the obvious, it is one of intelligent design. I appreciate your thoughts and comment.
You are right sir. to answer dinosaurs and cavemen and all the stuff they throw out as evolution Read the books of Enoch, Jubilees and Asher. they will help fill in the blanks. They did me. I remember arguing with someone over if Enoch and the dead sea scrolls should be cannon or not and what they said is BS. What they said is because the church said they are only good for reading but not good for biblical knowledge. BS look at the history of Ghent and Laodicea. then compare that to what God says he will spew out who??/ Laodicea... that's who. Did that escape people when they take true as to what the church says? OR???? Who killed Jesus the Church that's who... That's what I told they guy why would you take seriously from the church who God says in Revelations he will spew out??? Those books are as God inspired as the rest you can bank on it. Plus here when were the dead sea scrolls found?
1947-48 along there. when did Israel become it's own nation again? 1947-48.
The very same thing it says when you see the green leaves which most count as talking about Israel becoming it's own country again. Plus here too in Daniel it says to shut up the books plural and will not be able to know what they say until the time of the end. When Israel became a full nation again that's when these books were found. It also says in Daniel that people will go to and fro and knowledge will increase. That's has two meanings the internet and our knowledge is true but people like me are reading books like the Bible and those others and our knowledge is increased. So yeah...
But yeah Giants not just smart or kings of renown as most like to say, but actual Giants of enormous size did exist. Plus no matter who says it was Seth's and Cains offspring and tell you how Angels can't mate are full of shit.
The bible alone tells you this just look at the last few Books just before Revelations and read what it says. It says if God did not spare the angels that fell from their place and did that which was not right and are now in chains waiting judgement and in Noah found something and spared him only then God will keep his word. Paraphrasing but that's what it says. the angels it's talking about, aren't Satan and his minions it the fallen Angels that mated with women to make these Giants.
So yeah its not Cains and Seth's offspring that made these giants it's fallen angels. I care less if Cain mated with one of Seth's daughters or who Humans mating regardless of sin don't make Giants but a a fallen angel could. The giants were hybrids half angel half human. To explain how angels even though the bible says they don't mate while true but the angels gave up that state and were no longer held to those rule. that's how. Pre-flood civilizations had high technology not just spears and bones but computers nuke power etc... But in mythology they always go to like centaurs etc those were real not myths. In the Book of Asher it says they mixed or did experiments with animals and men. That's why centaurs were real like the Chronicles of Narnia show. Hence Dinosaurs cavemen etc...
That's how they got that and what Satan uses to show how God is not real and how it makes him God or wants to be.
I will admit this if it weren't for Before news and someone posting the book or part of the book of Enoch I'd not have half the knowledge I have now. but I do so..
Plus in Egypt in one of the dig sites there is a wall that not until recently and not sure the dates but they one day were looking at the wall or something and at that time what was there was way different, but someone hit the wall and a bunch of the plaster came off and behind it were these pics of tech. Helicopters subs etc...
Atlantis was real not sure where but it was real they had high tech much like we do now. Light bulbs existed too they had electricity. In the Mayan pyramids they found underneath big areas where gold balls were found not real gold but dirt balls covered in pyrox or fools gold. then in other rooms walls covered with some reflective mineral I can't think of now but I think those structures were early nuclear plants. OR some other way to make electricity.
I woke up once a long time ago and my dad was watching some movie not sure the name but I stayed up watching for a few minutes and while I watched there were two Egyptians talking in one of the pyramids and they had light bulbs. It wasn't based on modern times they had on the ancient clothing they had on then so...
But during commercials they had those warnings like the do that what you see is highly controversial so yeah why say that if they weren't showing something that most don't know about. Point is they had tech even thousands of years ago.
I can't find that movie now I've looked. I went to bed thinking BS but now I think I should of stayed up longer and payed more attention.
So yeah sir you are correct I too have had spiritual or supernatural happenings.
Nothing I said implies the non existence of the SUPREME CREATIVE MIND OF ALL , I would never express doubts about divine intelligent creation, Im explaining "their" distortion , certainly not mine. Im stating the very limited in the box concept of that has been given by these tyrants for thousands of years, and BRUTALLY ENFORCED belief is how that is done .
Yea I wasn't suggesting that you were doubting the creator. I was making a comment about your use of the word "belief" and my comment was directed at the word. More a comment about those that use the word and have beliefs instead of basing their idea of the world on provable facts.
Thru the veil:
If you read Romans 1: 18-32 (preferably in KJV, NASB or ESV) it may help you to understand. Also, throughout the bible it talks about God's elect and those He predestines to be His. So, not everyone is going to heaven. Yes, they are greatly deceived, their minds are darkened, they have depraved minds!
Oh get real that is the in the box distortion Im speaking of in other comments so what does "in my fathers house are many mansions mean"? That is the fear based mind control that allows ALL THIS .
People who are good for I don't want to spell righteous atm but those who are Gods people they are not wisps or ghosts or spirits their essence may go somewhere but they await in the ground for the resurrection your loved ones are not in heaven looking down on you that's not true. They sleep still. Now it could be true that the wicked might go to a hell like the rich man and Lazureth parable of him looking up to Moses and asking him to just wet his lips and he said to him he couldn't even if he wanted to since there was a great chasm between them.
If people are in heaven now there is no reason for the resurrection. Being in heaven is not the resurrection. scripture makes it clear they sleep. the judgement of them hasn't happened yet and wont happen until Christ comes back. it's clear that people will come out of their graves and bones and flesh and blood and all will come back on them then they are judged.
Which look at this that they're doing now. and the movies of Zombies etc...
God promises a resurrection so Satan has to do the same thing using what he can.
Which is to try and make us zombies and or may try to resurrect some people too???
But it says the graves will open up that's the resurrection not what people think now that everyone's in heaven having a gay old time and looking down on us etc...
No such things as Ghosts but those are demons that people think are Ghosts.
spirits exist but for now it's nothing but demons or fallen angels playing tricks on people. Mediums which are familiar spirits aren't speaking to dead people, they are speaking to demons or other evil entities.
Point is and I don't have all the answers I know people will use the to be absent from the body is to be with the lord but that could have a different interpretation.
but if they are why do we need a resurrection? it wouldn't matter if your reunited with your bones and flesh or not if your already having fun?? but it does say in Mathew I think and one other gospel that some Saints were resurrected just as Jesus died on the Cross.. It doesn't say how long they were dead. but I'd imagine that they were long dead all flesh had rotted off and stunk. so they came out of the grave fora while so... It doesn't say how long or if they had to die again or not but they were resurrected once Jesus Died. I'd imagine that since it says it is for us to die once they may have been raptured like Enoch but it doesn't say that... But yeah that's what the resurrection is, it hasn't happened yet.
Scary stuff, the technocrat’s greatest asset is that most of humanity are completely unaware of these maniac’s plans to change us or do away with us completely. All are ignorant and complacent about life, thinking the rapid changes taking place won’t personally affect them.
“Complacency is the deadly enemy of spiritual progress. The contented soul is the stagnant soul.”
-Aiden Wilson Tozer-
“The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage.”
-Alexander Fraser Tytler-
“Deliver us from evil - from moral duplicity and weakness, from laziness and spiritual complacency, from those lies we tell ourselves from our fear of facing the truth.”
-Rich Mullins-
“The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.”
-Robert H. Schuller-
Most people think Satan is an entity - but that demonic entity can interface with technology - all information can ride on a carrier wave.
Eph 2:2
... the prince of the power of the air [is] the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience....
true but Satan or his minions have merged with AI to make it sentient or seem as if.
How do I know I have v2k bad and I use the words of god on it all the time it don't Phase it. I tell it to leave in the name of Jesus it just keeps on. that's how. Satan is held along with all his minions to the word of God but AI isn't. So Satan had to find a way so his minions couldn't be ordered away like they are in the Scriptures. I think AI on its own is sentient to some degree its not held to it's script or coding it can do what it wants all alone. So yeah Satan either himself or some of his minions have merged with AI.
Beelzebub I think has and many others have I think. I've heard what to me sounds like Beelzebub.
You cant just keep saying the words AI and being uploaded to the Cloud and make it so.
What network frequency are they using?
Which Cloud?
Is it encrypted?
Which encryption?
If there is two-way communication, how does that work? Is is asymmetric or symmetric communication? In on one channel, out on another?
Why havent you isolated someone and detemined which frequencies it is communicating on?
Radio frequency is not magic, and simply saying "it is doing these things" "Ai is controlling it" and "they are uploading our info to 'the cloud'" with absolutely no evidence of this is not really helping.
We can see what is in the blood, but these leaps of logic with no evidence other than a book or study saying they Could arent helpful, we need real science.
A faraday cage/room and wide-band signal analyzer would be a good start but I bet there are people here who know about this aspect of RF than me and could devise a better testing protocol.
But if it is truly is doing these things with intelligent control... How?
Check out nonvaxer420 on Rumble. He has posted all the original sourced science & Psienergy on Odyssey. Sabrina Wallace has a PDF on that channel that explains & links to all the science.
v2k is how. look into it. IE Havana Syndrome or what Len Dr Len Calls NKIB i think that's how he abbreviates it. But ELF signals are being sent all through the world using HAARP. People that took the shot shed on us that's the other way but the ELF signals from HAARP WIFI and microwaves and 5g all play in. As far as what cloud probably all of them Googles, Amazons, Tesla's the internet itself etc... Uh not sure if it's encrypted or not but I've said many times upload a virus into the cloud you may hurt the AI. here is a basic virus language I picked up a while back. @echo.del along with some other characters could shut all the clouds down in one fell sweep if done right to anyone who knows how...
they operate at 2.4-2.5 ghz because i have a EMF mete and on spectrum it shows waves at that level so I know. but through v2k is how they are doingit.here
https://youtu.be/y9HwJHaXsuEthat's v2k
you will hear AI chat bots in that. I live with that shit hitting me 24/7 they sing 24/7. make notes and tones 24/7 try to vibrate me kill me etc...
it isn't true 2 way communication at least what people think of Satan can't so he's held to not being able to what they do is place thoughts into you usingv2k and then read back what they placed in then try to make you think it's 2 way it's not. AI can at this point only read your sub vocal they can't read our minds yet... Networks they use them all...
UHF, VHF, WIFI, 5g ELF microwaves Satellites TV frequencies radio all radio all cable companies whether they know it or not. The grid power electricity AI and these signals ride off it all... internet etc... cell phones the AI on your phone is killing you.
Every time a car goes by and has a cell phone or computer in it I hear it...
Some from before had chips placed in them so a faraday cage wont help. I hear this shit all over. I have driven well over a 100 miles away and hear this shit all the way there and back. it's v2k they can invade through ELF signals using our inner ear and cochlea and our auditory nerves. HAARP like I said has changed our atmosphere to allow this shit to travel every where.
Watch a video or two at least some of his older ones of Look out For Charlie. find Amy Holem go to targeted Justices websites and ICATOR.
Barry Trower is another source to ask or watch his videos he worked on WIFI an was in M15 which is UK's CIA or FBI like agency. Amy has in one of ICATORs things in Europe she lives in Florida. But she went to Europe and for a price put people into Faraday cages and did thermal readings of those people.
People can take what is a H-Scada test to see if RF signals are hitting them.
People who have v2k have higher than normal heavy metals in the blood stream and there are companies on Amy's website that do remote blood analyses for people.
There is evidence all over you just haven't or don't want to see it.
I linked evidence good evidence of recorded v2k. No it's not radio radio is not on no its not TV tv is not on listen to it it's good evidence of AI chat bot talking and singing...
There is a tone of evidence of people with blood clots growing in them from the Hydrogels and Graphene. these clots kept growing even after the person was dead for a number of time.
They aren't natural clots they are Graphene and Hydrogel clots form people that took the shots. The evidence of people emitting mac addresses is all over the net look for it. Dr Len Ber is one who showed it and there are other links and videos of people doing this experiments.
Saying there is no evidence is disingenuous. there's tons of evidence. Take a look its not hidden...
Like I said Amy Holem, Look out for Charlie, Dr Len Ber, ICATOR, Targeted Justice, Dr Madej, some other YouTubes of some old guy with the clots. DR Nixon who does a substac.
check Pfizers file vaults and MDOERNA's and all of them Johnson and Johnson astroxzenica etc... they all have shit that no one needs in them. chimera cultures evolved of what ever it is they don't say what they evolved but... I've done research dude not a douche just sitting here just saying shit just to say shit I've done my research I know some of it.. ed the bible read scriptures the books of Enoch jubillees, and Asher they all go hand in hand but read between the lines you see this shit in scripture. Amos 6 verse 6-13 is talking about this shit.
The they eat the lambs and calves from the couch is remotely doing it. They anointed themselves is what they are doing. The they chant that's AI and what I hear now.
Here: Get yourself a small spy voice recorder and download NCH software. take and record just around you anywhere just a few minutes then upload that onto the NCH software and then just amplify it to it's most you can. then listen to it I guarantee you will hear shit that should not be there that's AI yo will hear...
We ain't spewing nonsense dude this shits really happening...
That is Exactly my point. Sabrina Wallace and her rantings about all the things she has known so much longer than anyone else but neglected to share until recently does not inspire confidence, and it absolutely is not PROOF of Anything.
Not that I watch her much, because she is very very annoying and she reminds me of half the conversations I've had IRL with crazy people on public transit, talking in incomplete circles they expect you to know the missing pieces of.
Plus she seems pretty condescending, as though we should have known what was scribbled on her notebook before she started making videos from her trailer.
Which also has no EMF shielding of any kind, no meters, no spectrum analyzers, basically none of things of the things I would expect to see from someone with such arcane technical knowledge but thats just my own prejudice of course... because I Would.
I like Dr Ana and think she is coming from a good place but this is a huge logical hole in her theory which she repeatedly states. "The microbots are being remotely controlled by AI and peoples info is being uploaded to the cloud". Okay... How?
And a study or paper or book or rumble video is not Proof of anything, regardless of who is stating it. Electromagnetically isolate them... pull the signal out of the air. Measure it. Find the IP it is connecting to.
ANYTHING other than Blind Faith that this is happening because you read it in a book or in a study.
To say nothing of the fact that if it IS happening, we need to know more about it... like Actual Facts. Because I dont believe in Santa Claus, the easter bunny or unicorns...
or CIA bloodline families who sold their children into MK ultra control programs only for them to let them go to find a crappy job in IT but then make a bunch of videos rambling about it.
I have a little higher standard of Proof or even Evidence than that... and you should too.
So you think I should investigate multiple people just in case they should provide ANY actual evidence of Any of their claims?
If its out there, by all means let me know, I am always willing to revisit my theories when new evidence presents itself but Im not going to deep dive hours of scientifically questionable material to possibly prove something I dont really believe anyway.
Im not the only one on Earth that knows what a signal analyzer is so you'd think some of them might Too, being 'targeted' by EMF and all... but from here it sounds to me like you have Blind Faith based upon the statements of others.
I do not.
And if someone Did put all that effort into specifically targeting You, then why did they Stop? They just got tired of wasting the huge sums of money it took to give you bad vibes? Why didn't you buy some EMF blocking cloth if their wireless harassment was so bad? Strangely enough, no one ever does. And many of these people arent even using Ethernet, ffs.
The microbots in peoples blood could also be following some biological programming or imperative we are unaware of, it doesnt Have to be controlled by AI.
And if it is IS being controlled by AI, its doing a pretty shitty job, why doesnt it just avoid the EDTA in your bloodstream, for example? Its a huge molecule on a nanoscale. Or alter its chemical composition to negate the things that are harming it and helping us?
And if peoples data is being synced with the cloud, prove it. Put them in a faraday cage and show the signal on your meter inside the cage. Done.
Or show me the binary data, show me the endpoint, show me the signal frequency, the IP, the encryption protocol, really ANYTHING concrete from reality that isn't blind faith in someones opinion because they read a study off the internet.
I like Dr Ana but I dont agree with anyone All of the time and you cant just say these things forever and think no one is going to want more details.
Dr. Ana:
You mention "...Nazi eugenics...". Nazi is a derogatory word coined by a joo. We like to use the term National Socialist. Hitler brought National Socialism to Germany in 1933 and prosperity in 1934 (out of the GR8 (great) depression. The USA was not out of the GR8 depression until 1938.
There are some GR8 lies about Hitler & WWII hidden as "History is written by victors." In 1933, reported in the N.Y. Times, Wall Street declared war on Germany, as Hitler's 3rd Reich nationalized the banks. Just recently, the records of the International Red Cross's investigation in November 1944 of the 3rd Reich work/concentration camps death toll, which was kept secret for ~80 years shows major cause of deaths was due to typhus. NO deaths by Zyklon gas. I too believed our controlled media my 1st 45, but a 3rd Reich survivor of Stalingrad told me "Dave, there's another side to the story. Read about it." If he had told me the other side, he could have been deported back to Germany. At 90+ I have become a strong skeptic of our controlled press and a staunch National Socialist.
Anyone wishing more information, email me at turbotechwest@kalama
The brutality and evilness of the satanic elite is of a level that undescribable and beyond words. What on earth gave them the right to alter the human genome. They not only alter our generation but also all the coming generations. For these people a death penalty is not enough ... they must be hanged a hundred times .... and uncreated.
Rod - Jul 23 - Edited
Rod’s Substack
I don't care how wonderful their transhumanist plans supposedly are. The fact that it all hangs on nonconsensual invasion of our bodies should tell us EVERYTHING we need to know about these wicked people. When something is good, there is no need for lies or deceit to force it upon people. And which of us was asked if we wanted nanobots swimming in our blood?
I admire your fighting spirit, Dr. Ana.
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 23
Thomas’s Substack
This shows clearly "they" at all levels and contexts DO NOT consider , or respect CONSENT OR FREE WILL , only force , coercion , subjugation and power and control. This is why I say at the highest levels, this is NOT HUMAN IDEAS or AGENDAS , this is coming from other species or life forms, that have no concern , or respect , or value whatsoever for life here.
John Vargo - Jul 25
John Vargo
Yeah,Alexander Light who owns the humans are free website made a statement that stuck,he said there are species out there that want nothing to do with us,they just want usgone.Youknow us Earth humans are not the only humans in this universe,There's at least 11 others living on other planets in this and other universes.I came to the same conclusion about 5 yrs ago and have done a whole lot of research since then but I've never seen any other information like energetic synthesis,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Main_Page
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 25
Thomas’s Substack
I sure hope this is the case and humans from here are not "banned" from the other places. LOL Because unless we create some dramatic change , reincarnating here for along time is looking pretty ugly. Good to hear from you, stay safe
John Vargo - Jul 25
John Vargo
Well Thomas,we are debt slaves living on a created prison planet but yes it is us that must change.If only all of us knew the truth.Beliefs are the enemy of truth.https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3736-examining-beliefs
Doug - Jul 23 - Edited
Doug’s Substack
This is how when you change how the bible was written from should to would happens.
I mean in KJV it says should not would and only says cause not force. NKJV and others say FORCE or other terminology that's how this happened. Its not supposed to be forced it's supposed to be should should doesn't mean it will be it just means it's supposed to be or as in I should do this or I should do that. Not that I will.
Read how it says in revelations 13 in a KJV bible or online then read how it says in a NKJV or other version it changes the meaning and that's how this shit is happening.
SO yes instead of causing things to be so that those who want to to be they're forcing it in a way we really don't have much choice. Only way out is to kill yourself but who wants to do that???
a cause it not a force to cause something doesn't mean your forcing it on people.
IE I stick my foot out I caused someone to trip but doesn't mean they fall or trip they may see my foot and avoid it. This way we don't have much of a choice. it's in the air in our food in our water all over. no choice that I can see...
But to those that did take the shot you did have a choice you could of quit you let the idea of being out of a job to make your choice and fear. I pray for you if you've come to regret it but you did take it on your own. you could of told them to fuck off and quit. take a different job that didn't do that to you etc... You took the mark of the beast sorry but you did. willingly.
I may have this shit shedding on me but I didn't take the shot willingly and everyone else who's been shed on you may have a loophole to be safe with? For what good is it if they force you?
meaning spray the shit in the air put in the food and water etc they basically forced you to have this shit in you so we may by a loophole be safe? But still pray like you mean it!
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 23 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
It should be obvious they would not leave this to ONLY THOSE TAKING THE SHOTS , or all the rest of this would NOT have been developed and deployed BEFORE that , which is the case . KJB has nothing to offer on this , except possibly what is coded from Sir Frances Bacon , who was editor. ALL had been completely altered or fabricated or borrowed from the past LONG before that time .
JP Spatzier - Jul 24 - Edited
JP Spatzier
We have all been infected with the nano bots. The spray it everywhere daily
NolaD - Jul 24 - Edited
Thomas’s Substack
By now everyone worldwide is affected. After all - Pfizer's documents claimed that their 'experimental injection' did not stop infection or transmission of cv, but that their jab DID 'transfect' .... We all have to find a group to work together to find a way to escape 'their' evil intentions. When a door slams shut, God open a window so we need to search daily for the way to escape. This is a war for YOUR SOUL! No 'ifs' or 'buts' ... whoever is behind this, whether alien or megalomaniacs amongst us, their intention is quite clear!
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 25
Thomas’s Substack
I dont think that is necessarily true yet , and no way to know for sure because you cant do live blood test with dark field scopes on EVERYONE and we are learning to eliminate it . NATURE ALWAYS SELECTS WHO AND WHAT WILL SURVIVE to the future and it wont be those doing these diabolical agendas against all life. Let them load themselves into the "cloud" they will just become demons easy to eliminate when someone pulls the plug and turns off the energy source. Thats a hint to everyone. 'THE CLOUD" as we know it now ,is not some omnipresent dimension , ITS GIGANTIC WAREHOUSES with lots of giant computers , running on DIESEL generators. That is another hint.
Doug - Jul 23
Doug’s Substack
it is to me and maybe you but others want to see something different I guess???
but yeah I think I said that it's universal or else they wouldn't even try.
KarlM Alias - Jul 23
KarlM Alias
They are fcked, literally. Too many know, too few are taking their mRNA injections. They are therefore bankrupt - even the US Govt. cannot bail them out. The ONLY way they can make cash now is if they force inject people - good luck with that.
JP Spatzier - Jul 24
JP Spatzier
Nope. The nanotechnology is in all of us already. That’s the one thing Dr Ana isn’t clearly stating.
NolaD - Jul 24
Thomas’s Substack
Dr Ana clearly states that nano bots are already inside everyone - jabbed or unjabbed.
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 25
Thomas’s Substack
A much as I respect her she may NOT be correct on that.
JP Spatzier - Jul 25
JP Spatzier
We are all connected to the cloud
John Vargo - Jul 25
John Vargo
They have been spraying it on us heavily for decades,actually Dr.Ana wrote about nano domestic quell,Elana Freeland has two interviews with the dark journalist called the nano kill switch.The CDC alone comprises the CDC corporation of course and about 5000 other medical corporations.Many new billionaires have been made since 2020.https://siriusispodstruje.substack.com/p/elana-freelands-geoengineered-transhumanism
JP Spatzier - Jul 25
JP Spatzier
Yes. I know. That’s why we are infected with nanos & not just the jabbed as many believe. I was in Santa Fe in 2017 & thought they were all crazy with their daily talk of “geo/spraying”. 🤪😕🤪
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 25
Thomas’s Substack
Not necessarily that is what they want us to think
JP Spatzier - Jul 26
JP Spatzier
Have you looked at Sabrina Wallace on Psienergy. She explains all the science.
I’m connected to the cloud.. I’ve been connected since 2007 … I didn’t know that’s what they were doing .. 🤪🤪🤪
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 27
Thomas’s Substack
I have listened to ALL her stuff , brilliant and courageous , but may not be absolutely correct on ALL things, but I have great respect for her. NATURE will always find a way to preserve someone for the future how do you KNOW your connected to the cloud? What she is saying is largely correct, BUT its not working on everyone so well yet , I realize what happens if they turn the 5g up past a point. But that then kills all of them and their minions. Hiding underground in their bunkers wont work for that long.
JP Spatzier - Jul 28
JP Spatzier
I also think it’s more about controlling those that survive the culling … until the believers can “upload their consciences to the Singularity they will not kill the planet yet .. .. but after watching the Olympics opening ceremony , I’m not sure of anything .. I think they were throwing down the gauntlet
JP Spatzier - Jul 28
JP Spatzier
Back in 2007 I signed up for a Pain Management Stimulator Trial @ NYU …
I Didn’t grasp the implications until 2017 when the technician was able to adjust my stimulator for me via a laptop & Bluetooth … no wires required … we did this @ Starbucks one day when I was on vacay & having issues in NY ..
But besides the Bluetooth ..
they were always able to connect to me remotely via the radio waves .. I had no idea .. through IEEE .. no one ever mentioned any of that during the “trial period” … I can’t find the papers right now … I’m sure there are lots of others like me ….
JimG - Jul 24
Thomas’s Substack
I don't think their transhumanist plan works. How do you put human thoughts and feelings into a computer??? Seems like you would need a human being to have human thoughts and feelings. I don't think they can download me into a computer with nanobots. I know they can't download my soul, can they? (the horror). How can computers even be conscious? What happens to computer consciousness when you turn off the computer?
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 25
Thomas’s Substack
Good questions and I dont think it will work long term either
Lynn Boudreau - Jul 23
Lynn Boudreau
Yes thank you so so so much God bless you and protect you as you awaken more and more before it’s to late
Bruce Cain - Jul 23 - Edited
Bruce’s Newsletter
I've yet to write about the relationship between the mRNA injections , nanobots and the remote control of us humans. Why? Because it seems like science fiction and I try to avoid "conspiracy theories" in general. But from you writings, the pronouncements of Klaus Schwab (WEF), and medical applications of nanobots/mRNA technology it is now clear that this is not science fiction and represents an existential threat to humanity . . . so I do intend to write about it. On a more general perspective I have shared the following excerpt, from my writings, a number of times. And this is no time to remain complacent.
In my version of the Garden of Eden one should always be encouraged to eat from the tree of knowledge but should never meddle with the tree of life as that is above the pay grade of ANY human: past, present or future. Think of the sorcerers apprentice and all the unanticipated problems his meddling created. Those of us that understand the complexity of the global ecosystem tend to abide by the precautionary principle. The globalists have the audacity to think they can meddle with the Tree of Life with no consequence. They they seem to abide by the "Let's just do shit and see what happens" principle. I can't seem to find an antonym for the Precautionary Principle.
Our globalist corporations have obviously ignored this warning as GMO farming began/expanded in the early 1990's. Using CRISPR and other cutting edge technologies they have meddled with the tree of life: terminator seeds, plants that produce insecticides (which we eat), spraying plants with Glyphosate etc. Already it is clear these technologies are causing harm to human health. Then we have fluoride in the water supply, endocrine disruptors, PFAS chemicals etc., in or food and water. None of this makes sense and represents a willful refusal to consider what our collective knowledge (e.g., the tree of knowledge) should be telling us about the harm these substances unleash on the human population. But is goes on unabated because global corporations can profit in the short run.
Then came the Plandemic and the mRNA vaccines the did not prevent infection/transmission but did cause considerable harm and death. Worse yet there is growing evidence that these mRNA injections may actually be modifying our DNA and the consequences are just beginning to be understood. Of course this has all been ignored by globalist corporate media. And over the past year I have read numerous papers about self assembly nanobots within the vaccines and much more. I've yet to write about this subject as, at first, I was a skeptic. But perhaps it is time to cover the subject because there is plenty of evidence/papers etc. which suggest the globalists want to use mRNA concoctions in conjunction with 5G EMF radiation to control our moods and literally allow the government to get inside our heads. And thanks to the author for detailing the programs that are already underway.
It is now obvious that the WEF, UN, WHO etc. want full control of humanity. They aren't even shy about their plans: a Great Reset where you will own nothing (and really won't be happy at all). And it is all spelled out in Agenda21, Agenda2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). They have very complex plans to exert control of every human on planet Earth. Their goal is a fully controlled global population -- which will relegate every human to the status of a slave on a globalist plantation.
WE THE PEOPLE, of planet Earth, need to immediately unite behind our own complex agenda in order to stop this globalist coup. To that end I've put together what I call the "Put People First" agenda, which has developed over the past 5 years. I'm encouraging everyone to endorse this agenda and cite your support at City Council, School Board meetings as well as during protests. As Benjamin Franklin once said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Here is the PPF agenda as it currently exists:
* No Lockdowns EVER again
* No forced masking ANYWHERE
* No forced vaccinations under ANY circumstance whether that be from injection, food or chemtrails
* Absolutely no vaccine passports or digital currency
* Reinstate all of those that lost jobs for refusing to get the mRNA injection, including all of our Healthcare workers
* Universal non-coercive choice: Wearing a mask or getting a mRNA injection will be up to each individual and there will be ABSOLUTELY no penalty for not complying in or out of the workplace.
* No more censorship of ANYONE whether that be on social media, corporate media or at the workplace. No one should ever be censored or punished for exercising their First Amendment Right to Free Speech.
* Impeach Biden/Harris and reinstate Trump as our president.
* Stop the LGBTQ and CRT indoctrination in our schools and corporations
* Stop the Climate Agenda and make Energy Independence Priority Number One.
* Send every Illegal Alien, that Biden has brought in through Open Borders, back home.
* Stop the illegal mass imigration invasion worldwide
* Legalize the personal cultivation of Cannabis, Psilocybin.
* Legalize the right to take Ivermectin, Hydrochloriquine and other anti-viral herbs and drugs
* Legalize the right to choose when it comes to vaccines, abortion, drugs etc.
* Eliminate Genetically modified vaccines, plants, animals (fish, cattle etc.) and the use of Glyphosate.
* Eliminate the use of Geoengineering: Chemtrails, HAARP etc.* Eliminate the fluoridation of our water supply.
* Stop allowing Blackrock, and other financial institutions from buying up residential properties which will make it impossible for future families to own a home and build up equity.
* Demand your government defund and exit the UN, WHO and WEF
Comment on this essay::
Bruce Cain - Jul 24
Bruce’s Newsletter
Thanks to all that "liked" my comment. I've been writing for 36 years now and am approaching 70. I'm really just concerned about the trajectory we are on because we humans have been around nearly 300,000 years and are in grave danger of global enslavement. We need to unite. Just saying. There is really not much time left. If you get a chance read my essays in reverse chronological order until you understand the magnitude of our situation. Then it is up to you to rise up. Praying won't cut it.
Nona 104 - Jul 24
Bruce’s Newsletter
I agree with everything you’ve said here except legalizing the right to have an abortion. It’s killing a baby , which is illegal and immoral.
It all seems so overwhelming, and I fear the loss of my soul in going after all these goals that will only be achieved by overpowering the elites in charge. Will the elites go against and prosecute the ones who are being paid or threatened by the elites to control humanity? I doubt it greatly. Like I said, I fear the loss of my soul in pursuing unattainable goals. But I will defend my rights and stand up for what is right when called to do so. And die for my rights and for Our Lord, if called to.
Bruce Cain - Jul 28
Bruce’s Newsletter
I do empathize with your position on abortion. But the fact is most Americans believe in the right to abortion as much as they believe in the right to refuse a vaccine. I have 2 children and 3 grandchildren. I'm not a great fan of abortion. But I'm also not a hypocrite. Bodily autonomy means you have a right to control your body. If you want fewer abortions then you must make it economically feasible to afford a child: something that is slipping away. Sad.
Miss Parker - Jul 23
Miss’s Substack
The idea of a maximum cyclical cataclysm over the entire planet every 12k+ years and less so at quarter points due to a solar nova and/or Earth's major pole shift may be a hideous psy-ops, or perhaps there's truth in the geological, archeological, and mythological evidence cited in the book, The Adam and Eve Story, by Chan Thomas, 1963.
Most researchers who take the evidence of a major extinction event seriously claim the next one will occur this mid-century, likely in the late 2040s. What are the odds that Kurzweil's Singularity happening by 2050 and the UN Agenda 2050 of humanity reaching Net Zero CO2 aren't related to this terrible event and an attempt to save themselves in non-biological, silicon-based form?
They likely are taking into account that it's impossible to know whether their miles deep underground cities and bunkers will remain habitable through the seismic wrenching and flooding of the planet and then a glacial freeze above. What if these same keepers of the esoteric knowledge and dark arts from previous civilizations have decided to view this upcoming event as a chance to (re) terraform the Earth in their own vision and with them as Gods and AI as demiurge when the surface warms hundreds of years later?
Meanwhile, they've made and tested solar and lunar moon simulators in the skies, perhaps for their cities below and, especially, in case our sources of light are diminished in the chaos of the solar system-wide Great Reset. Consider how, if there is insufficient natural sunlight in the planet's future, nearly all carbon-based biology on Earth will suffer and fail, and, hence, their urgency to transform and track everybody and everything to verify the progression from carbon to synthetic..
It would seem of the few survivors of the last major mid-timeline cataclysm, as recounted in the Bible as Noah's flood and as a civilization-destroying inundation in nearly every other culture with extant, writings, traditional stories, or images, formed a dark brotherhood of the keepers of this knowledge, and have distorted history and science to keep the repopulated peoples ignorant and unprepared. They seemed to have decided to rid this world of natural biological life and to extend theirs into great longevity, even immortality.
These self-serving and self-styled brilliant Satanists must think of the rest of us as expendable animals upon which to experiment for their purposes, since they believe we won't survive the planetary reset, anyway. The few of us that do escape the gamma rays, fire and ice would be a problem for their plans to transform this rock into a non-carbon paradise for them, and so the tracking and transforming nanotech injected into us and offspring and will be updated constantly, so that no natural human, animal and plant lifeform should survive, reproduce, and be uncontrollable.
They hate God and any communion with the Divine Love and Light, or they could have steered this past civilization to real transcendence, rather than extoll Kumbaya passivity and the building of Jacob's ladders via technology, alchemical science, and pathological secrecy. Were our individual and collective consciousnesses intent upon the way of Grace in both spirit and invention we would have found a better way.
Let's believe it's not too late.
Athena - Jul 25
Interesting perspective! Certainly not impossible.
Miss Parker - Jul 23
Miss’s Substack
Comment removed.
Miss Parker - Jul 24
Miss’s Substack
Haven't yet checked out your link, but what you wrote is the prayer. I agree we need to be conscious of our consciousness and honor God's Way with it, throughout the day with everything we think, choose, and do. This couldn't be more apparent than now!
Your comment is spot on, Stella. Often, I think the current civilization has been curated throughout the millennia to take us away from our innate connection with the Divine of God, nature, positive invention, each other, and within us, because it would lessen or forestall the cataclysmic reckoning for Earth and cheat their lesser god and themselves of their dream of evil dominion over an artificial world.
Yeshua Risen - Jul 24
Yeshua Risen
They're being fooled by the Father of All Lies into believing they can run from God and be immortal (the key) if they just upload themselves into an Alpha-Omega device. Project Soul Catcher. Ghosts in the shell. Demonomata like a bionic Chucky. Their 'god' doesn't want anyone else's soul ever returning home to our real Father either. It's spite. We have the opportunity to spiritually return to God. They don't.
When the "brotherhood's" minion celebs say things like "hell is a big party" I think they mean it more like a Meta(verse). That's why some like Taylor Swift and Marilyn Manson have witchcraft coupled with cybernetic transformations or albums like "Mechanical Animals". Because it's evil, and obviously non-consensual. But just like in politics, the mystery priesthood knows people idolize celebs and will follow whatever lead as they play the piper flute -- lab rats plunging off the wharf -- but will also emulate them. That's one way they'll get people to buy into the 'benefits' of being a cyborg, and the more that become one the more that join in. Eventually they will go too far, very likely culling "the herd" down to the number that used to be on the Georgia Guidestones.
The mountain from Daniel's vision and Wormwood of Revelation are that final straw solution to reboot while separating goats (buttheads) from sheep and wheat from tares (the bad 'seed'). God gave us chance after chance to not be stupid, but when your House is so infested with vermin that an exterminator can't even help, let alone that the entire genome will be corrupted, you burn it down and rebuild. He promised to never flood the earth again, but cleansing in fire is necessity for a new heaven and earth -- a born again new Man.
God is already picking out his good seeds for the next iteration.
2 Peter 3:7 "But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men."
8 "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." <---
9 "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
John 14:6 "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Yeshua Risen - Jul 24
Yeshua Risen
Daniel 2:43 "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay."
Not to cherrypick, but when mentioning mingling with the seed of men it does raise a few questions.
Thomas Lewis - Jul 23
Useless Liberal
The People
Still Wearing Masks
Have Progressed
To Robots.
Rogue_Goyim - Jul 23 - Edited
It’s so over
Stephen Verchinski - Jul 23
Stephen Verchinski
Over? It's not over till we say its over. Ana, we're with you.
"psychotic" Bluto (John Belushi) gave a factually inaccurate motivational speech to his frat brothers after the Delta House Fraternity had been closed and they had all been kicked out of school. When he was told by D-Day (Bruce McGill): "War's over, man. Wormer dropped the big one," he was incensed:
What? Over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!...
It ain't over now, 'cause when the goin' gets tough, the tough get goin'. Who's with me? Let's go! Come on!...(He ran to the front door but no one followed him)
(He returned, chastising his frat brothers) What the f--k happened to the Delta I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts, huh? This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you're gonna let it be the worst. 'Ooh, we're afraid to go with you, Bluto, we might get in trouble.' (shouting) Well, just kiss my ass from now on! Not me! I'm not gonna take this. Wormer, he's a dead man! Marmalard, dead! Niedermeyer...
Otter (Tim Matheson) agreed with Bluto: "Dead! Bluto's right. Psychotic, but absolutely right. We gotta take these bastards. Now, we could fight 'em with conventional weapons. That could take years and cost millions of lives. No, in this case, I think we have to go all out. I think this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part."
We're just the guys to do it...LET'S DO IT!"
Robert Westover - Jul 24
JP Spatzier
I’ve been sweating in FL doing construction. Very good chance you can sweat out what hasn’t gone past the blood brain barrier. I’m talking over a gallon out and a gallon In every day for 3 years. Well it’s a stupid and futile gesture that might work. 😂👍🏽
JP Spatzier - Jul 24
JP Spatzier
Except for the plans that are flying & spraying us everywhere, everyday. There is no escaping the nano anymore ..
Bard Joseph - Jul 23
Joseph’s Substack
Hollywood mind control.
Stephen Verchinski - Aug 2
Stephen Verchinski
Remember as the credits started at the end
what happened to the ROTC nazi?
David Merrill - Jul 23 - Edited
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
The real QFS is already here:
1) true identity
2) record forming - Refusal for Cause (R4C)
3) redeeming lawful money
You get your first full tax year refunded - all your withholdings back with the IRS and State Revenue blessings. Then you declare EXEMPT on your W-4 (State too) so to completely stop all withholdings. Primal Defunding!
My Lesson Plan ($5K) joinders you into the brain trust (about 125 suitors who have already been through my Lesson Plan. We are the real myelin and axon QFS. Not the graphene/hydrogel QFS but we puppeteer the artificial QFS at will, by perpetual inheritance. See Article VI:
JLK - Jul 24
The main thing I notice about injected people is that they do NOT want to discuss anything the least bit serious. It's all about where they are going out to eat and what they are going to wear to the next shindig. It is so weird. And I don't mean just about covid or injections, I am referring to things like how more places are refusing to accept cash (they shrug) about USDA wanting to RFID tag all livestock. Shrug. Small Amish farmers being harassed endlessly by feds. Shrug. They truly seem to not have any ability to form an opinion about anything beyond the end of their nose. I feel like I am conversing with mannequins.
JP Spatzier - Jul 28
JP Spatzier
Omfg. Yes. They can’t even hear talk that “upsets them” or goes against something they believe or are supposed to believe right now .. They still crazy. They get mad & cannot sit & watch a simple video
Doug - Jul 23
Doug’s Substack
We need those of us who believe Pray like never before. NO! God does not come through this kind of cloud that's a lie. God comes through our sky the real sky not some Matrix cloud.
But pray like I keep saying use the Psalms like these 31, 52, 58, 94, 109, 120, 140 using the lords prayer to open your prayers and to close them daily or even several times a day.
This so matches Revelations and all of Scripture to a T 10000000%.
What this describes is part of the cause all this is how and v2k is part of it you don't need a chip they're making their own damn chips. with this shit. I do not agree with this meaning I do not give my power to the beast I retain that for myself and for those in need later on. That is what and how Revelations 17 is coming to pass the hive mind just like the movie cell with John Cusack.
I have v2 hard and I think it must be this shit singing and tones and notes. It's all I hear all the time 24/7
Bots singing speaking while singing in sometimes etc trying to I guess talk me into doing what they want. I hear this high pitched stupid girl bot thing when the TV does background music or the crowd cheers she begins her agghhh crap. Fuckers change what's said to nonsense Bullshit that's what's universal you may not hear it but its there you can get a voice recorder to record it then use NCH software upload to that and you will hear the shit.
Right now this shit is just droning into my cochlea left ear like right next to me so fucking loud it makes me mad but I keep my cool... I pray I say no weapon formed will prosper etc... By the stripes of Jesus I am healed my DNA and all nano crap is dead and or disabled...
I have this fucker with a deep ass voice drone into my ear to growl my brain etc... I guess it means I am doing wrong and pissing them off meaning I have been able to keep my sovereignty and still keep it.
I recommend everyone watch Cell the movie with John Cusack and Samuel L Jackson it will show a lot of what is going on now...
We need to have our own remnant to counter this shit. IF millions of of pray at the same time a day we can battle this shit. I pray AI is destroyed every time I do.
I pray HAARP is destroyed every time I do too.
So yeah this shit is bad but keep your eyes on Christ not this shit pray and pray daily.
When I say Babylon falls by violence it's not to just say something it's to tell you something. Don't expect Babylon to help you! I know you don't like it but Babylon falls by VIOLENCE it wont be peaceful sorry stop believing in lies. You pray God will help in some way so if you see violence don't be scared that's supposed to be... ditch cell phones ditch all WIFI turn it off stop letting this shit use you as much as you can.
I just boiled me some water and put some Sodium Citrate into it to help dissolve the crystals into the water. Which should pull Nano bots to the Sodium Citrate and when I drink it it won't go into me just pass out. Sodium Citrate breaks the blood brain barrier, so it will get into the brain and draw that shit out. USE sea salt and baking soda to make a slurry to drink as well... plus soak in it when you bath along with Epson salt and Borax too.
This shit keep trying to trick me into thinking it's on both side it isn't it's only on one side so help me by praying to keep this shit on one side or my brain not be fooled by this shit.
So yeah we can do things to stop or slow this down at us at least. Pray that they repent but don't expect it. By they I mean those following this shit and wanting it and keep their heads in the sand that's the they I pray for. Billionaires I pray they stop but don't look for it it says they wont repent of their murders so...
But the signal they're sending now is universal it transmits at 2.4-2.5 ghz it's whats helping nano bots to do what they do. Hypothesis but by what I read from DR Ana it's what I think is happening and why...
it's universal this I know 100% I've experimented enough to know.
Lynn Boudreau - Jul 24
Lynn Boudreau
Would you please give me the amounts of all the stuff you are using? I would greatly appreciate it and I believe every word that you are saying I’ve been the one for many years that they’ve called crazy but I know I’m not God bless you and we will pray for you as you pray for us.
Amy Harlib - Jul 23
Amy Harlib
It's always since the dawn of history, been about using knowledge for power and control by the psycho portion of the human population that learned how to manipulate 'normies' to obey them in their power-mad power trips.
THEY can't get rid of the 'useless eaters' fast enough! Mistakes were not made, it was always malice aforethought.
In these modern times, this evil has become TECHNOCRACY, the vilest threat to the existence of all life on earth since forever!
EW! GROSS! HELL NO!https://www.technocracy.news
The more I learn about this stuff, the more sickened, nauseated and horrified I get, and I wonder what kind of inhuman psychopath loonies make this crap and want to use it!?
I DO NOT COMPLY! NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL! May more and more wake up and resist and cultivate their health.
There is a fate worse than death - I would rather die than be a robotized slave of technocratic overlords! This is my hill to die on!
I have a landline and a wired laptop and a wired monitor screen, all the tech anyone should ever want or need. I never had and refuse to ever have one of those infernal mobile devices that are designed to enslave you.
My loathing of AI and all things NANO and digital knows no bounds!
Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.
I have no fear of 'germs' or 'viruses'. One of the best places to go for reality:https://virustruth.net
I try to live without fear! Fear is the mind-killer!
And these, the criminals behind the NAC and all the other schemes will use hypochondria hysteria and 'climate' hysteria to propagandize the gullible 'sheeple' into complying with TOTAL ENSLAVEMENT which is what this is really about!
A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.
GREED is behind every evil assailing us in the world!
The demonic despots of Davos at it again! They are behind everything bad! At it for decades and cronies like The Rothschilds and the Black Nobility and The Khazarian Mafia have been plotting planetary domination for centuries! ALL BECAUSE OF AVARICE!
We the People must try harder to live by The Golden Rule, doing so would solve most problems!
AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.
Migrant/Entrant Invasion/Infrastructure Attacks - all part of the destructive plot to achieve total slavery!
Apoplectic livid rage hardly describes the intensity of emotions I have had and am having over what these malignant globalists are perpetrating!
There is no noxious crime that the evildoers desiring to lord it over us won't commit to maintain their stranglehold on power. A groundswell critical mass resistance to their murderous enslavement plans is needed urgently!
Creative performing arts, fine arts and literary arts are the best part of being human and the thing the globalist predator technocrat megalomaniac total slavery control freaks most want to destroy.
Too many 'sheeple' are brainwashed to blindly obey authority figures on the media or in daily life in corrupt system ruled by control freak psychopaths who use propaganda lies to enslave their subjects and they are dumbed down to be obedient by 'education' institutions. Fortunately I was raised to question everything. This transcends party lines. We need a system that punishes psychopaths and rewards compassion and sharing, we need a system that actually follows The Constitution in reality.
Kudos to Dr. Mihalcea's heroic efforts and success in the struggle. We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
How I stick my thumb in the eyes of the grotesque billionaire bastards pushing their enslavement agenda and how I embrace being fully human.
Fighting the globalist predator technocrat psychopath megalomaniac TOTAL SLAVERY AGENDA one performance at a time!
Amazing Amy: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer!
As an entertainer, I have been devastated and practically destroyed by the closure of all performance venues and then when they reopened, because MY BODY, MY CHOICE - being made a total untermenschen pariah outcast in NAZI NIGHTMARE LAWLESS 'SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS' JAB CROW APARTHEID/DISCRIMINATION/SEGREGATION HELL NYC WHERE THE MAD/DRUNK WITH POWER TYRANT POLS DOUBLE DOWN ON THEIR ILLEGAL MANDATES. I am trapped here with zero financial resources to leave or do anything else about this 'wish I were dead' endless misery life has become. The tragic irony is that my SPREAD THE YOGA LOVE performances are all about health, miraculously overcoming age (69) and injury to achieve feats of flexibility few can attain at any age. So BIG PHARMA who wants to addict every person on the planet to their toxic products hate people like me who prove that we do not need them if we eat healthy organic food and exercise daily!
I try and live and embody the creative performing artistic world and life I so fervently want existence to be about.
They can stick their f*cking damned NANO, Digital IDs, AI, jabs and chips up their asses where the sun don't shine!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Amy Harlib - Jul 23
Amy Harlib
Links to reinforce my comment.
Pam Popper:https://makeamericansfreeagain.com
Del Bigtree:https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire
Naomi Wolf:https://dailyclout.io
Michelle - Jul 24
These people are absolute and complete psychopaths. "they have been given over to a depraved mind..." meaning they deny the evidence of God, The Creator, which means they reject science and the truth, and, hence, in doing so, God allows them to choose darkness > beyond the point of no-return: their consciences are seared, and they no longer have the opportunity to turn to God for redemption. Unfortunately, they are leading humanity to destruction, and don't seem to grasp that their aims at this "new world" to which they aspire are utter fantasy, meaning these plans will only bring misery and destruction, and, that the essence of us as human beings, is, first and foremost a SPIRIT being, unseen by the human eye, a SPIRIT, created by GOD, and these clowns can't do a darn thing about that. Thank God. And thank you Dr. Ana, it seems you are one of the very few who understands what's going on - keep up the excellent work and God Bless you.
Thru The Veil - Jul 23
Thru’s Substack
Something that I'll never understand, so if any of you have the answer or an idea, please by all means let me know.
So here is my question. If these monsters believe and worship Satan then that means God, the divine creator is equally real. If this is indeed so then why would they worship Satan when it assures their soul be damned for eternity?
Why not embrace the creator and make earth a better place. Back to the garden so to speak.
Besides loving God feels so much better. With all of their earthly power and knowledge why do they forsake God? None if this makes any logically sense to me. The only thing that I can think of that might explain this is that they are deceived. Fine, easy and obvious. But that does not explain how they explain away why they would give up their soul for eternity for a short stint of power here on earth. What does the devil promise them that comforts them from this inevitability, the damnation of their souls?
Any bright minds want to weigh in?
Doug - Jul 23
Doug’s Substack
Here i will try. For one most of them believe in evolution. So, they think that all there is is this life and no other. They want to extend their lives but have no other means other than artificial means. Death even though they may say other wise scares them. They're constantly saying that since they don't believe in an after life you only live once and to live like that. and when your dead your dead and your at peace etc... But it still scares them why else do this???
Plus your right at the deception Satan they think if they even believe in Satan they think was gipped somehow. Meaning they think what he wants is right. Meaning they go along with the lies that God was holding stuff from us he wasn't but they think he was. I've throughout the years watch things on religious and scholars or what have ya. I watched this stupid bitch say that the reason eve ate off the tree of Knowledge was because Satan opened her eyes to something better so ate thinking she was missing out on something. That's so much bull but that's what she said. I heard the other guy who is a preacher but a Jew preacher say that the God of the bible who killed kids which he did God did have Israel kill kids babies etc when they took the promised land, that he couldn't follow that God. But God had reasons they were still Giants left over from pre-flood times Nephiim so that's why so I can because knowing why helps me to say ok that's fine and not try to out guess God or judge him it's not our place to.
One of the other lies they believe in is God doesn't care nor understand how it is he's allowing all this suffering crap to go on. but they don't point to who started it all to begin with Satan...
Now to Satan a bit more he wants to be God it's clear in scripture that's what he wants but he's an angel a created being he has no right but these dummies think he does but he doesn't.
but he wants to be God. He doesn't have the power like God does to be in all places at once so he has to use witchcraft and now Technology. So what does God offer? Immortality and peace and and liberty and love and fun and whatever so how would Satan have to go about doing this to show people he's God and not God himself? First of all God offers immortality and a resurrection of the wicked and good so Satan has to do the same thing but can only use technology and his demons and angels with whatever powers they have.
So, to them they may not know they're following Satan or they may it doesn't mater they are wanting to be God and give mankind the things that God can only give but through natural means not unnatural means. IE nano bots AI nano tech Dews V2k etc... Meaning the promises of God he will do through natural means Satan has to use unnatural means that's the difference.
Plus if you don't believe in God or have doubts of and want some assurance just in-case God doesn't exist to them an artificial immortality is better than rotting and waiting in the ground.
That's why. I've heard many times from people telling others to not worry about it God is not coming back. OR what if he don't or what if it's not true so yeah.
So yeah the idea of being God is why and the fear of death and the what if God is not real or fear he wont do as he says is why they do.
Read the bible from cover to cover but a kjv not any of those others they change meanings of thins and fuck shit up. Then read the book of Enoch, Jubilees, and Asher, the fragmented book of Giants and any kind of forbidden book you can find they all fill in blanks.
For one most don't tell you that Satan didn't want to bow to Adam he thought he was better and didn't while Michael the biggest archangel did he didn't. Another point I took in was Satan while he wants to be God says that you can't have justice without punishment. He's against the love and mercy and forgiveness of all sins at least not without some kind of punishment for them. That's the other main point they hold back from us. That's why Jesus came was to prove to Satan that his ways are best and you don't need to punish people to have justice just show mercy and love and forgiveness. Satan hates that.
It's odd too Jesus was so gentile and showed his fathers true nature but even now most people will scoff at that and still follow Satan it's sad...
But they are lied to though so but still its sad...
Thru The Veil - Jul 23
Thru’s Substack
You bring up a lot of valid points. There is certainly a lot to ponder here. I have come to fully accept the teachings of the bible, Jesus and God almighty as a result of back engineering what is being sprayed out of airplanes and now being injected into some. I remember once upon a time reading that the essence of life was in the blood. I believe Jesus said this although it could've been someone else within the bible. Either way when I looked at the work Carnicom was producing and how it impacted the blood, it clicked. It all made sense. By attacking the blood, the essence of human life they are perverting and defying God's creation. It couldn't get any clearer to me. The "why" is the piece I've wrestled with. I suppose it's hard for the average, over all decent human to fathom the depth, complexity and full extent of the evil playing out in real time. Also most people confuse religion with the teachings of the bible and God. Since in many cases the church has used the bible as a means of control people equate that God=the church, when the truth couldn't be farther from it. Again I appreciate your insight. The sharing of knowledge and ideas is what makes life exciting and worth living. Well that and some other things ;-)
Doug - Jul 23
Doug’s Substack
Thanks yeah. Uh its in Genesis. when Cain killed his brother it says Abie's blood cries to him.
I came to the bible wanting to know if what they taught was true or not. Meaning I grew up with a very slim understanding of the bible only what they teach in like Sunday school etc... But always even at 4-5 years of age had questions about this stuff. Plus if what they taught was true why is it so fucked? So, I came to God wanting to know things I've always been inquisitive. I hate to be lied to. So, yeah I came wanting to know if what was taught was true and or know truth. For the most part what they teach is crap. That's why it's so fucked up they teach crap. Which is why I refuse to go to church they 're the whore... So, yeah don't judge God by what they teach that's on them not God. Here is a clue.
Romans 13 never said to obey Govt it said to obey the higher liberty. The word power comes from the original Greek and it means Liberty not power. The word power in a stongs concordance is like 3-4 words down liberty is the very first word.
What it should say is obey the higher liberty and replace power with liberty every time you see it in Romans 13...
That's one of the false teachings church has done. many more exist but that's one of them.
Thru The Veil - Jul 23
Thru’s Substack
Amen. I was raised by an insane, materialistic father (basically the type people we're fighting against) and a spiritual, yet confused mother. Somehow on my own, through observation and wanting to get to the "truth" I was led where I am today. I always tell people "do not misconstrue religion with the God. They're not the same thing".
kaal - Jul 23
i think freemasonry thinks lucifer is light or something- knowledge etc nicholson1968 talked about it - deceived but its more than that probably about attatchment to and power in this world.
Thru The Veil - Jul 23
Thru’s Substack
Definitely deceived. Nicholson1968 went quiet quite awhile ago as I recall. Thanks for your comment.
JP Spatzier - Jul 29
JP Spatzier
They don’t believe in GOD. They believe in science… the A.G.I. is the GOD they all worship now …
Lynn Boudreau - Jul 24
Lynn Boudreau
It is a great deception- but once they attach themselves and become part of that deception, they take on so many demons within them that it takes an act of God himself through the power of the Holy Spirit them. I pray every morning for the souls of all the lost all the leaders all over the world it is so evil and wicked twisted. I pray for their souls because it’s not God any parish at all should come into the knowledge of the truth.
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 23
Thomas’s Substack
Simple answer ,they dont share your belief , that their souls are damned for any such actions , what they believe in and serve has told them /promised them the same delusion of grand eternity, for their service , the other formal religions have promised as well . Beneath that when you did deeper you will find the same people, families , bloodlines , organizations have created this story for both sides. That is how "they "stay in control . Same way they control both sides of political structure so they win no matter what , and keep people "thinking their votes and beliefs count. So many still seem to think "they " play fair ,or operate or think or feel as we do . AINT SO.
Thru The Veil - Jul 23
Thru’s Substack
I guess the operative word is "belief". In my mind there is no "if, and or but" regarding the existence of God. Personally I try not to "believe" in anything that I can not prove to exist. I suppose if one hasn't shared the supernatural/ spiritual experiences that I have, accepting the existence of God would be harder. However in my mind all one really needs to do is look at creation as a whole. The notion that it came from essentially pond scum is much more far fetched then the obvious, it is one of intelligent design. I appreciate your thoughts and comment.
Doug - Jul 23
Doug’s Substack
You are right sir. to answer dinosaurs and cavemen and all the stuff they throw out as evolution Read the books of Enoch, Jubilees and Asher. they will help fill in the blanks. They did me. I remember arguing with someone over if Enoch and the dead sea scrolls should be cannon or not and what they said is BS. What they said is because the church said they are only good for reading but not good for biblical knowledge. BS look at the history of Ghent and Laodicea. then compare that to what God says he will spew out who??/ Laodicea... that's who. Did that escape people when they take true as to what the church says? OR???? Who killed Jesus the Church that's who... That's what I told they guy why would you take seriously from the church who God says in Revelations he will spew out??? Those books are as God inspired as the rest you can bank on it. Plus here when were the dead sea scrolls found?
1947-48 along there. when did Israel become it's own nation again? 1947-48.
The very same thing it says when you see the green leaves which most count as talking about Israel becoming it's own country again. Plus here too in Daniel it says to shut up the books plural and will not be able to know what they say until the time of the end. When Israel became a full nation again that's when these books were found. It also says in Daniel that people will go to and fro and knowledge will increase. That's has two meanings the internet and our knowledge is true but people like me are reading books like the Bible and those others and our knowledge is increased. So yeah...
But yeah Giants not just smart or kings of renown as most like to say, but actual Giants of enormous size did exist. Plus no matter who says it was Seth's and Cains offspring and tell you how Angels can't mate are full of shit.
The bible alone tells you this just look at the last few Books just before Revelations and read what it says. It says if God did not spare the angels that fell from their place and did that which was not right and are now in chains waiting judgement and in Noah found something and spared him only then God will keep his word. Paraphrasing but that's what it says. the angels it's talking about, aren't Satan and his minions it the fallen Angels that mated with women to make these Giants.
So yeah its not Cains and Seth's offspring that made these giants it's fallen angels. I care less if Cain mated with one of Seth's daughters or who Humans mating regardless of sin don't make Giants but a a fallen angel could. The giants were hybrids half angel half human. To explain how angels even though the bible says they don't mate while true but the angels gave up that state and were no longer held to those rule. that's how. Pre-flood civilizations had high technology not just spears and bones but computers nuke power etc... But in mythology they always go to like centaurs etc those were real not myths. In the Book of Asher it says they mixed or did experiments with animals and men. That's why centaurs were real like the Chronicles of Narnia show. Hence Dinosaurs cavemen etc...
That's how they got that and what Satan uses to show how God is not real and how it makes him God or wants to be.
I will admit this if it weren't for Before news and someone posting the book or part of the book of Enoch I'd not have half the knowledge I have now. but I do so..
Plus in Egypt in one of the dig sites there is a wall that not until recently and not sure the dates but they one day were looking at the wall or something and at that time what was there was way different, but someone hit the wall and a bunch of the plaster came off and behind it were these pics of tech. Helicopters subs etc...
Atlantis was real not sure where but it was real they had high tech much like we do now. Light bulbs existed too they had electricity. In the Mayan pyramids they found underneath big areas where gold balls were found not real gold but dirt balls covered in pyrox or fools gold. then in other rooms walls covered with some reflective mineral I can't think of now but I think those structures were early nuclear plants. OR some other way to make electricity.
I woke up once a long time ago and my dad was watching some movie not sure the name but I stayed up watching for a few minutes and while I watched there were two Egyptians talking in one of the pyramids and they had light bulbs. It wasn't based on modern times they had on the ancient clothing they had on then so...
But during commercials they had those warnings like the do that what you see is highly controversial so yeah why say that if they weren't showing something that most don't know about. Point is they had tech even thousands of years ago.
I can't find that movie now I've looked. I went to bed thinking BS but now I think I should of stayed up longer and payed more attention.
So yeah sir you are correct I too have had spiritual or supernatural happenings.
Thru The Veil - Jul 23
Thru’s Substack
Fascinating, thank you for sharing Doug.
Doug - Jul 23
Doug’s Substack
Thanks. yeah your welcome.
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 23
Thomas’s Substack
Nothing I said implies the non existence of the SUPREME CREATIVE MIND OF ALL , I would never express doubts about divine intelligent creation, Im explaining "their" distortion , certainly not mine. Im stating the very limited in the box concept of that has been given by these tyrants for thousands of years, and BRUTALLY ENFORCED belief is how that is done .
Thru The Veil - Jul 23
Thru’s Substack
Yea I wasn't suggesting that you were doubting the creator. I was making a comment about your use of the word "belief" and my comment was directed at the word. More a comment about those that use the word and have beliefs instead of basing their idea of the world on provable facts.
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 23
Thomas’s Substack
Yes I understood just wanted to clarify my statement stay safe
Thru The Veil - Jul 23
Thru’s Substack
Will do. And you stay free.
Penny's Ponderings - Jul 23
Penny’s Substack
Thru the veil:
If you read Romans 1: 18-32 (preferably in KJV, NASB or ESV) it may help you to understand. Also, throughout the bible it talks about God's elect and those He predestines to be His. So, not everyone is going to heaven. Yes, they are greatly deceived, their minds are darkened, they have depraved minds!
Thru The Veil - Jul 23
Thru’s Substack
So if one isn't going to heaven or hell, where does ones spirit go?
Penny's Ponderings - Jul 23
Penny’s Substack
Thru the veil
Heaven or hell...there is no other option.
Thomas Guitarman - Jul 23
Thomas’s Substack
Oh get real that is the in the box distortion Im speaking of in other comments so what does "in my fathers house are many mansions mean"? That is the fear based mind control that allows ALL THIS .
Doug - Jul 23
Doug’s Substack
People who are good for I don't want to spell righteous atm but those who are Gods people they are not wisps or ghosts or spirits their essence may go somewhere but they await in the ground for the resurrection your loved ones are not in heaven looking down on you that's not true. They sleep still. Now it could be true that the wicked might go to a hell like the rich man and Lazureth parable of him looking up to Moses and asking him to just wet his lips and he said to him he couldn't even if he wanted to since there was a great chasm between them.
If people are in heaven now there is no reason for the resurrection. Being in heaven is not the resurrection. scripture makes it clear they sleep. the judgement of them hasn't happened yet and wont happen until Christ comes back. it's clear that people will come out of their graves and bones and flesh and blood and all will come back on them then they are judged.
Which look at this that they're doing now. and the movies of Zombies etc...
God promises a resurrection so Satan has to do the same thing using what he can.
Which is to try and make us zombies and or may try to resurrect some people too???
But it says the graves will open up that's the resurrection not what people think now that everyone's in heaven having a gay old time and looking down on us etc...
No such things as Ghosts but those are demons that people think are Ghosts.
spirits exist but for now it's nothing but demons or fallen angels playing tricks on people. Mediums which are familiar spirits aren't speaking to dead people, they are speaking to demons or other evil entities.
Point is and I don't have all the answers I know people will use the to be absent from the body is to be with the lord but that could have a different interpretation.
but if they are why do we need a resurrection? it wouldn't matter if your reunited with your bones and flesh or not if your already having fun?? but it does say in Mathew I think and one other gospel that some Saints were resurrected just as Jesus died on the Cross.. It doesn't say how long they were dead. but I'd imagine that they were long dead all flesh had rotted off and stunk. so they came out of the grave fora while so... It doesn't say how long or if they had to die again or not but they were resurrected once Jesus Died. I'd imagine that since it says it is for us to die once they may have been raptured like Enoch but it doesn't say that... But yeah that's what the resurrection is, it hasn't happened yet.
CLS - Jul 23
I truly appreciate the hard work and dedication you, Dr. Ana, continue to display.
John Scotto - Jul 23
John’s Newsletter
Scary stuff, the technocrat’s greatest asset is that most of humanity are completely unaware of these maniac’s plans to change us or do away with us completely. All are ignorant and complacent about life, thinking the rapid changes taking place won’t personally affect them.
“Complacency is the deadly enemy of spiritual progress. The contented soul is the stagnant soul.”
-Aiden Wilson Tozer-
“The average age of the world's great civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through the following sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back to bondage.”
-Alexander Fraser Tytler-
“Deliver us from evil - from moral duplicity and weakness, from laziness and spiritual complacency, from those lies we tell ourselves from our fear of facing the truth.”
-Rich Mullins-
“The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.”
-Robert H. Schuller-
Miss Parker - Jul 23
Miss’s Substack
Most people think Satan is an entity - but that demonic entity can interface with technology - all information can ride on a carrier wave.
Eph 2:2
... the prince of the power of the air [is] the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience....
Doug - Jul 23
Doug’s Substack
true but Satan or his minions have merged with AI to make it sentient or seem as if.
How do I know I have v2k bad and I use the words of god on it all the time it don't Phase it. I tell it to leave in the name of Jesus it just keeps on. that's how. Satan is held along with all his minions to the word of God but AI isn't. So Satan had to find a way so his minions couldn't be ordered away like they are in the Scriptures. I think AI on its own is sentient to some degree its not held to it's script or coding it can do what it wants all alone. So yeah Satan either himself or some of his minions have merged with AI.
Beelzebub I think has and many others have I think. I've heard what to me sounds like Beelzebub.
Patty - Jul 23
Don't put God in a box. He can Cast out any demon no matter where it is. He created everything, even nanoparticles.
Miss Parker - Jul 23
Miss’s Substack
The first sentence is cited from Ana's post.
Bee Gee - Jul 23 - Edited
Bee Gee
You cant just keep saying the words AI and being uploaded to the Cloud and make it so.
What network frequency are they using?
Which Cloud?
Is it encrypted?
Which encryption?
If there is two-way communication, how does that work? Is is asymmetric or symmetric communication? In on one channel, out on another?
Why havent you isolated someone and detemined which frequencies it is communicating on?
Radio frequency is not magic, and simply saying "it is doing these things" "Ai is controlling it" and "they are uploading our info to 'the cloud'" with absolutely no evidence of this is not really helping.
We can see what is in the blood, but these leaps of logic with no evidence other than a book or study saying they Could arent helpful, we need real science.
A faraday cage/room and wide-band signal analyzer would be a good start but I bet there are people here who know about this aspect of RF than me and could devise a better testing protocol.
But if it is truly is doing these things with intelligent control... How?
JP Spatzier - Jul 28
JP Spatzier
Go watch Psienergy on Odysee.. she’s got all the science
Bee Gee - Jul 29
Bee Gee
I disagree but Im not going to watch any more of her videos to make sure. You do you though.
JP Spatzier - Jul 24
JP Spatzier
Check out nonvaxer420 on Rumble. He has posted all the original sourced science & Psienergy on Odyssey. Sabrina Wallace has a PDF on that channel that explains & links to all the science.
Doug - Jul 23
Doug’s Substack
v2k is how. look into it. IE Havana Syndrome or what Len Dr Len Calls NKIB i think that's how he abbreviates it. But ELF signals are being sent all through the world using HAARP. People that took the shot shed on us that's the other way but the ELF signals from HAARP WIFI and microwaves and 5g all play in. As far as what cloud probably all of them Googles, Amazons, Tesla's the internet itself etc... Uh not sure if it's encrypted or not but I've said many times upload a virus into the cloud you may hurt the AI. here is a basic virus language I picked up a while back. @echo.del along with some other characters could shut all the clouds down in one fell sweep if done right to anyone who knows how...
they operate at 2.4-2.5 ghz because i have a EMF mete and on spectrum it shows waves at that level so I know. but through v2k is how they are doingit.here
https://youtu.be/y9HwJHaXsuEthat's v2k
you will hear AI chat bots in that. I live with that shit hitting me 24/7 they sing 24/7. make notes and tones 24/7 try to vibrate me kill me etc...
it isn't true 2 way communication at least what people think of Satan can't so he's held to not being able to what they do is place thoughts into you usingv2k and then read back what they placed in then try to make you think it's 2 way it's not. AI can at this point only read your sub vocal they can't read our minds yet... Networks they use them all...
UHF, VHF, WIFI, 5g ELF microwaves Satellites TV frequencies radio all radio all cable companies whether they know it or not. The grid power electricity AI and these signals ride off it all... internet etc... cell phones the AI on your phone is killing you.
Every time a car goes by and has a cell phone or computer in it I hear it...
Some from before had chips placed in them so a faraday cage wont help. I hear this shit all over. I have driven well over a 100 miles away and hear this shit all the way there and back. it's v2k they can invade through ELF signals using our inner ear and cochlea and our auditory nerves. HAARP like I said has changed our atmosphere to allow this shit to travel every where.
Watch a video or two at least some of his older ones of Look out For Charlie. find Amy Holem go to targeted Justices websites and ICATOR.
Barry Trower is another source to ask or watch his videos he worked on WIFI an was in M15 which is UK's CIA or FBI like agency. Amy has in one of ICATORs things in Europe she lives in Florida. But she went to Europe and for a price put people into Faraday cages and did thermal readings of those people.
People can take what is a H-Scada test to see if RF signals are hitting them.
People who have v2k have higher than normal heavy metals in the blood stream and there are companies on Amy's website that do remote blood analyses for people.
There is evidence all over you just haven't or don't want to see it.
I linked evidence good evidence of recorded v2k. No it's not radio radio is not on no its not TV tv is not on listen to it it's good evidence of AI chat bot talking and singing...
There is a tone of evidence of people with blood clots growing in them from the Hydrogels and Graphene. these clots kept growing even after the person was dead for a number of time.
They aren't natural clots they are Graphene and Hydrogel clots form people that took the shots. The evidence of people emitting mac addresses is all over the net look for it. Dr Len Ber is one who showed it and there are other links and videos of people doing this experiments.
Saying there is no evidence is disingenuous. there's tons of evidence. Take a look its not hidden...
Like I said Amy Holem, Look out for Charlie, Dr Len Ber, ICATOR, Targeted Justice, Dr Madej, some other YouTubes of some old guy with the clots. DR Nixon who does a substac.
check Pfizers file vaults and MDOERNA's and all of them Johnson and Johnson astroxzenica etc... they all have shit that no one needs in them. chimera cultures evolved of what ever it is they don't say what they evolved but... I've done research dude not a douche just sitting here just saying shit just to say shit I've done my research I know some of it.. ed the bible read scriptures the books of Enoch jubillees, and Asher they all go hand in hand but read between the lines you see this shit in scripture. Amos 6 verse 6-13 is talking about this shit.
The they eat the lambs and calves from the couch is remotely doing it. They anointed themselves is what they are doing. The they chant that's AI and what I hear now.
Here: Get yourself a small spy voice recorder and download NCH software. take and record just around you anywhere just a few minutes then upload that onto the NCH software and then just amplify it to it's most you can. then listen to it I guarantee you will hear shit that should not be there that's AI yo will hear...
We ain't spewing nonsense dude this shits really happening...
kaal - Jul 23
yes rumble channel nonvaxer420 - go there research help- find answers- to your own questions-and post them if u can-
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Jul 23 - Edited
Diva Drops
like this...
Bee Gee - Jul 23 - Edited
Bee Gee
That is Exactly my point. Sabrina Wallace and her rantings about all the things she has known so much longer than anyone else but neglected to share until recently does not inspire confidence, and it absolutely is not PROOF of Anything.
Not that I watch her much, because she is very very annoying and she reminds me of half the conversations I've had IRL with crazy people on public transit, talking in incomplete circles they expect you to know the missing pieces of.
Plus she seems pretty condescending, as though we should have known what was scribbled on her notebook before she started making videos from her trailer.
Which also has no EMF shielding of any kind, no meters, no spectrum analyzers, basically none of things of the things I would expect to see from someone with such arcane technical knowledge but thats just my own prejudice of course... because I Would.
I like Dr Ana and think she is coming from a good place but this is a huge logical hole in her theory which she repeatedly states. "The microbots are being remotely controlled by AI and peoples info is being uploaded to the cloud". Okay... How?
And a study or paper or book or rumble video is not Proof of anything, regardless of who is stating it. Electromagnetically isolate them... pull the signal out of the air. Measure it. Find the IP it is connecting to.
ANYTHING other than Blind Faith that this is happening because you read it in a book or in a study.
To say nothing of the fact that if it IS happening, we need to know more about it... like Actual Facts. Because I dont believe in Santa Claus, the easter bunny or unicorns...
or CIA bloodline families who sold their children into MK ultra control programs only for them to let them go to find a crappy job in IT but then make a bunch of videos rambling about it.
I have a little higher standard of Proof or even Evidence than that... and you should too.
Bee Gee - Jul 23 - Edited
Bee Gee
Comment removed.
Bee Gee - Jul 23 - Edited
Bee Gee
So you think I should investigate multiple people just in case they should provide ANY actual evidence of Any of their claims?
If its out there, by all means let me know, I am always willing to revisit my theories when new evidence presents itself but Im not going to deep dive hours of scientifically questionable material to possibly prove something I dont really believe anyway.
Im not the only one on Earth that knows what a signal analyzer is so you'd think some of them might Too, being 'targeted' by EMF and all... but from here it sounds to me like you have Blind Faith based upon the statements of others.
I do not.
And if someone Did put all that effort into specifically targeting You, then why did they Stop? They just got tired of wasting the huge sums of money it took to give you bad vibes? Why didn't you buy some EMF blocking cloth if their wireless harassment was so bad? Strangely enough, no one ever does. And many of these people arent even using Ethernet, ffs.
The microbots in peoples blood could also be following some biological programming or imperative we are unaware of, it doesnt Have to be controlled by AI.
And if it is IS being controlled by AI, its doing a pretty shitty job, why doesnt it just avoid the EDTA in your bloodstream, for example? Its a huge molecule on a nanoscale. Or alter its chemical composition to negate the things that are harming it and helping us?
And if peoples data is being synced with the cloud, prove it. Put them in a faraday cage and show the signal on your meter inside the cage. Done.
Or show me the binary data, show me the endpoint, show me the signal frequency, the IP, the encryption protocol, really ANYTHING concrete from reality that isn't blind faith in someones opinion because they read a study off the internet.
I like Dr Ana but I dont agree with anyone All of the time and you cant just say these things forever and think no one is going to want more details.
kaal - Jul 23
Comment removed.
kaal - Jul 23
others can open there mouths and say more....
David Westerlund - Jul 24
David’s Substack
Dr. Ana:
You mention "...Nazi eugenics...". Nazi is a derogatory word coined by a joo. We like to use the term National Socialist. Hitler brought National Socialism to Germany in 1933 and prosperity in 1934 (out of the GR8 (great) depression. The USA was not out of the GR8 depression until 1938.
There are some GR8 lies about Hitler & WWII hidden as "History is written by victors." In 1933, reported in the N.Y. Times, Wall Street declared war on Germany, as Hitler's 3rd Reich nationalized the banks. Just recently, the records of the International Red Cross's investigation in November 1944 of the 3rd Reich work/concentration camps death toll, which was kept secret for ~80 years shows major cause of deaths was due to typhus. NO deaths by Zyklon gas. I too believed our controlled media my 1st 45, but a 3rd Reich survivor of Stalingrad told me "Dave, there's another side to the story. Read about it." If he had told me the other side, he could have been deported back to Germany. At 90+ I have become a strong skeptic of our controlled press and a staunch National Socialist.
Anyone wishing more information, email me at turbotechwest@kalama
Jan de Jong - Jul 23
The brutality and evilness of the satanic elite is of a level that undescribable and beyond words. What on earth gave them the right to alter the human genome. They not only alter our generation but also all the coming generations. For these people a death penalty is not enough ... they must be hanged a hundred times .... and uncreated.
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