Oct 29, 2022
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In this interview, Maria Zeee and I dive deep into the science of nanotechnology, how the carbon nanotubes mimic the microtubules in the brain which hold the thermodynamic information contained in our DNA.
HWG - Oct 29, 2022
Joe’s Substack
Brilliant interview Dr. Ana. Extremely complex and esoteric scientific topics were explained in simple ways that non-scientists can understand. The ability to communicate in this way is a gift and many thousands of eyes will be opened from listening to this interview. I pray the hearts and minds of those physicians, politicians and decision makers who until now have closed their minds to these terrible truths will be opened as well. Thank you. Be safe.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 1, 2022
Joe’s Substack
Comment removed.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 1, 2022
Joe’s Substack
I ordered your book but the strange entities is out of print... where can I get it?
Joe - Jun 17, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Hi Dr Ana..if u can only afford the cream will that do the job after 2months?
OUTRAGED HUMAN - Oct 29, 2022
OUTRAGED’s Newsletter
!!! You are the best
And for those nanobots that Dr. David Nixon speeded up the 3-hour footage of Pfizer's product:https://rumble.com/v1prv94-world-first-robotic-arms-assembling.html? utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email , here is this technology:https://omniprex.com/en/cancer-fighting-nanorobots-programmed-to-seek-and-destroy-tumors/orhttps://www.silist.com/what-if-we-could-use-nanobots-to-fight-disease/
Rosalind McGill - Oct 29, 2022
Rosalind McGill
Thanks for links. I’m still in a daze from watching the rumble video yesterday...
Steve - Oct 29, 2022 - Edited
An EMP can destroy electronics when a wire connected to electronics acts like an antenna and passes high energy from the EMP to attached electronics so destroying it by over-voltage.
I am wondering whether a high energy electrical field might destroy these things by creating an "too much energy to handle" situation at a nano level? 5G will apply some energy via RF, but it may be also possible to "over drive" these components by applying a high energy tightly coupled RF field, and basically burn them where they stand, by forcing them to try and absorb too much RF energy. Not sure what affect that might have on someones internal organs though. Or am I approaching it the wrong way? I have an engineering background.
Dr Ana, can you please ask your engineer friend to apply a high energy EMP-like pulse to a drop of vaccine on a microscope slide ( while its near a wifi router ) and see how it reacts? You said someone being put in an MRI machine can make the chips grow, my hope is we can basically "nuke" these chips via and EMP-like event , hopefully a "mini-EMP" will destroy these chips as they are growing.....Thank you.
PS - it would be interesting to see if people wearing RFID-blocking mesh fitted to clothing ( a personal faraday cage ) would improve health of the vaxxed? And whether people with high cell phone use or sit too close to a wifi router, get sicker faster? I think analysis of the exposure to RF of those who get sick could be important, especially in high elektrosmog environments. If wifi and cell phones exposure creates illness by making these chips grow, then minimizing exposure to RF ( wifi, cell phone, wifi enabled laptops ) will be important. Many people have wifi routers close to them, moving wifi router to the back of your house or even wrapping it in some aluminium foil to block some of the wifi signal could be helpful? If you wrap a cell phone of wifi router fully in aluminium foil ( e.g. aluminium foil used for cooking ) then the foil it will block most wifi and cell phone signals and stop the cell phone and wifi router from working, even though they are turned on.
Robert Westover - Nov 14, 2023
My 2 cents from a Havana Syndrome targeted individual regarding your RF blocking. I obtained Faraday mesh and while under high level attack I wrapped material over my head pretty tightly (could barely breathe) and it made no difference after about 2 hrs of trying to get relief. I’m pretty sure DOD found a new type of digital pulse signal that penetrates even 1/2 mile underground. Satellite based probably. HS attacked for almost 6 years. My question , several aboveboard cases with CIA and diplomats have been investigated. Why in the heck hasn’t the government come up with testing equipment for people that claim these symptoms? Answer: this is the power that dictator dreams are made of.
Lee Muller - Oct 29, 2022 - Edited
Lee Muller’s In Plainsight is 2…
Thank you for your work and research. Might we also consider that this is testing out part of the technology without the ability to fully carry out the complete plan? It is what I would like to hope. The toxins and assembling part are bad enough as it is. A biocomputing class I took more than a decade ago discussed creating nanobots for performing cell repair.
2FollowHim - Oct 29, 2022
2FollowHim related topics
'The Windmills of your mind'. I fell in love with Yehoshua many years ago now.
I took all sciences so I could understand some things, but know what?
I don't WANT to understand what I call 'darkness', but ONLY what God or
Yehoshua (iesous in Greek) made. Jesus is a contrived word, only 400 years
ago. I'm profoundly grateful you are tracking them, tracking this.
Yuval must be prayed for, as iesous commanded. Thank you!!
Belle on the Lake - Nov 1, 2022 - Edited
Belle’s Substack
Amazing yet again......................
Definitely agreeing with the recommendation to be overly cautious. Also seeing the need for transformation.
Brainstorming how:
* Be of Sound Body -maximize our immune response - nutrition, exercise, supplements, a healthy gut biome, sunshine
* detox - sauna, supplements -EDTA chelation, Vit C, D, K2, NAC, Glutathione, no sugar
* reduce environmental toxins to prevent re-tox - avoid plastics, eat organic, grow/preserve your own food, drink pure water {filtered well water}
* Be of Sound Mind - Live close to nature, practice Yoga, Focus your Will, pursue hidden knowledge - Explore the great mysteries, reduce EMF exposures - eliminate or reduce 4G 5G cell phone use, unplug the wifi router and use good ol' ethernet connections, use Faraday cages
* Become self reliant, learn, learn, learn
***** Be of Sound Spirit - Accept the challenge, one change at a time, prioritize and make a plan, execute with discipline, make The Choice and watch how the invisible will align with and help you. Your reality will transform in exact proportion to how YOU transform. Even the slightest effort will make a difference. And, know that you are NOT alone, the power of all the unseen is at your disposal. Yes, you will at times be afraid, it does not mean you are failing. It means you are addressing exactly what needs to be addressed. Remain determined. Blessings
Chris Jack - Oct 29, 2022
For as the Father raises the dead and gives life to them, even so the Son gives life to whom He will. - John 5:21
Jan de Jong - Nov 12, 2023
I had a dream ..... that a non profit organisation in the Netherlands had developed a nano bot that spreads via the air that automatically detects and selects evil satanic sick people and make them unable to continue to do harm to society one more day. Once infected those people that tend to be very rich from parasitic and very harmful practices are overrun by very strong empatic feelings and consciousness forcing them to free themselves from their wealth and doing well to others as the only way to stop the unbearable pain which is turning back to them as a karma realising that a satanic life is no life ....
alexxxxxxxx - Nov 12, 2023
tens machines [ trans cutanious nerve stimulation ] change human body pain signals to some other sensory signals ie ich or heat or numb or cold etc... maybe the 5g signal may be changed by similar aparatus... feed backwelcomed
Joe - Jun 17, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Dr Ana.. I cannot afford edta chelation but can afford the cream…will the cream work at resolving it all or mostly?
Leeaison - Oct 31, 2022
Dr Anna,
Did you happen to see or listen to “Quantum Block or Upgrade”podcast/video on Sarah Westall’s telegram page? I would love to hear your opinion concerning this technology being offered in response addressing the frequency’s and wavelengths on the quantum level within our cell structures below the level of subatomic chaos..wow that’s a mouthful..:) it’s a service, membership which utilizes your location through your devices to engage somehow withIn you cells to create good frequencies to prevent the harmful frequencies from harming you..?
I would greatly appreciate you weighIng in on this group..do you think this is to be trusted?..thank you🙏
Alizees Booty - Oct 30, 2022
Alizees’s Newsletter
What you are talking about does not touch the core of the problem. You use concepts, but you don't describe how they work in practice. It's like licking the glass of an Institute you are not allowed to enter. While we've been testing it for 55 years, you are just starting out like children in the fog on the square at the front of the Wailing Wall.
soylent_goy - Oct 30, 2022
has anyone here been listening/following Anthony Patch ? i assume a few of you hav , hes been covering this in detail for many years and highly recommend the more educated interested types to seek him out
Deb - Oct 29, 2022
At 7 minutes you were I terupted. Can you continue your thoughts from there please.
mariam - Oct 29, 2022
Steve - Oct 29, 2022 - Edited
Dr Ana, can you please explain how the nano tubes and hydrogel influences the brain? Does it coat the brain or does it actually get inside individual brain cells and then control each brain cell? Could wearing a head faraday cage ( the infamous tin foil hat ) stop control via 5G of the brain by stopping signals from cell towers hitting the persons brain?
Can other organs be influenced as well? My concern is that if this stuff can coat or infiltrate individual organs, then each injected human may have a nano tech "kill switch" for each organ/brain?
I still dont fully understand quantum - sounds a bit like the hyperspace concept?
Thank you.
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