These are not God Ordained conceptions and births. When a life is conceived, I believe there is a spark, a spark from God/Source which anchors the light of the incarnating soul. When these artificial life forms are created by man, will they be able to hold the light of God? If they cannot hold the light of God because they are artificial, they will likely malfunction. These are anti-God agendas, the creation of Robots with no divine plan to spite God.
Scripture confirms your statement -- but know that man's sinful state causes us to be dead spiritually to Yah (God) until we believe Yeshua is the Son of God, -- our Redeemer -- repent (confess our sins & turn to Yah's ways), & are born again (John 3) by the Spirit of Yah. It's that "pilot light" that gets re-lit by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
John 1:6-13 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the TRUE LIGHT, WHICH LIGHTETH EVERY MAN that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
The Word is astounding -- alive & outside of time. I spent almost 40 years of my life without it & wow, how lost I was! By the grace of Yah, I'll never let it (Him ... Yeshua IS The Word) go!
If these people are very similar to IVF? Then it seems God's spirit and the light of Christ will be inside them, because God is within all things, including the sperm and egg. The spirit is likely alongside or enters on conception, and this will likely be no different for people who are born in non-organic ways, I am not pro it, but I feel duty bound to defend all human beings, even those created in strange ways, for nefarious means. Remember Christ himself was born with immaculate conception, which I think means the light of Christ enters all things that are sentient, A.I complicates matters, but if there is a reliance on biological genetics one must assume the spirit of Christ is in them. The last of your line could be interpreted as supporting this point.
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
One need only believe on the name of God.
--- Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. --
This line almost seems to preempt what we are looking at, people who are: not born by willed parents, of the flesh, nor the will of man -- people who are born in Labs --
God created all genes, you can't get him out of the equation, you can try and delete and over-ride him, but that's when he comes down hard and the A.I beast system collapses.
As Christ says, how we measure others, we will be measured in turn, viewing artificial humans as worth saving and living in Christ bodes well for us, we are bound to love our neighbour. We don't pick and choose our neighbour.
With all things done by this cheese-holed globalists they destroy everything that could serve a great good, a state-of-the-art IVF center is not a bad thing, destroying human fertility, in order to make such centers monopolize the creation of the human species -- a very poor decision.
Thank you for your thoughtful & respectful comments. We're ALL working through the dividing of truth from lies. I want The Word to be my plumb line -- no matter what my personal thoughts are. I spent too much of my life being deceived.
I have a professional background in Reproductive Endocrinology. In fact, I became pregnant through IVF. However, I didn't hold the pregnancy &, sadly, we lost our baby. I was a brand new "Believer" at the time (not reborn, however) & knew very little Word. Our gametes(sperm/eggs) were used.
At that time I had no real moral issue w/using donor eggs/sperm. But as my relationship w/Yeshua grew, so did my knowledge/understanding/wisdom. Because of my background, Holy Spirit began drawing my attention to take a closer look at the whole immensely growing field of IVF. Where did all of the infertility come from? Why wasn't that a focus?
We're easily deceived man by satan couching his "dark deeds" in beneficent endeavors. And we're also notorious for NOT seeking Yah's will re. our problems -- & it gets us into awful messes. Resorting to IVF, I believe, was outside of Yah's will. Yah is sovereign. He's aware & alone determines what to allow, i.e., life, death, genetic defect, infertile womb, etc. Nothing is done outside of Him allowing it. Scripture is clear on this. That's hard for many to accept but His ways are higher than ours -- as Job so well learned &, hopefully ... prayerfully, by His grace ... do we.
I can believe Yah's mercy would cover a child born via IVF from it's own parent's gametes but I believe it's going too far to expect Yah to look past tampering with genetics or even the use of donor gametes. (Although scripture does reveal that in order to continue family lines Yah allowed the brother of a deceased husband to provide his "seed" -- the only way it could be done back then -- using that example as a defense of donor gametes wouldn't work if the debate re. it played out.)
What Holy Spirit was pointing me to back in the early 2000s was to "watch" for what's now swiftly manifesting. IVF clinics have been nothing less than one of satan's pathways for normalizing transhumanism. Would it be any more of a wonder to discover "dark deeds" done in IVF clinics than what's been done in abortion centers? They have a huge supply of gametes. I understand legally that shouldn't happen but it seems the law (Yah's, as well as civil law) has been in short supply for some time now. It took several years for a key leader in the state assoc. that supported IVF to admit to me that her daughter (born from a donor egg) was born w/o a uterus/ovaries. The weight of the significance of that particular abnormality hasn't hit me until now. But even back then, the parents were comforted by knowing their daughter could later visit an IVF clinic herself.
Mankind is playing God -- in it's hubris as it understand sooooo little about our divine design. It has to stop.
Hi Ana,
Thank you for posting it. I dug a little yesterday, and I think that this particular "company" is a fictional company created: as a promo for an art product launch. All roads seem to lead to one particular film maker who partners with a bunch of "tech" organizations. Which is not to say that this concept (the pun is intended) is not in the air, and that is it an abomination.
Hi Tessa, you may be correct, but predictive programming certainly can be also an interesting aspect of this. Kind of like the Catastrophic Contagion is fiction until it isn't. One things is clear to me, its a seriously messed up reality. Thanks much.
Does anyone doubt that they have the technology to grow gmo babies in artificial wombs? We are always the last to know what they have been planning/creating for years.
Absolutely, predictive programming is being used all the time, and I 100% agree with you that we should watch out for that. I think it's important to also identify what exactly is happening as there are so many horrible things happening now that are completely real that we can save ourselves some nervous cells by separating real initiatives and predictive programming (the latter being treacherous none the less). Thanks for all you do! xoxo
Am I mistaken or have I recently read that children who are conceived via IVF are 30% more likely to have cancer in their lifetime?
Who would condemn a child to this, much less the abject evil described in the above article?
I am really not ok with this. People are messing with things they shouldn’t be. In the comments section of the YouTube clip someone’s mother told them “What comes easily can be easily left”. I agree I think there are lots of ethical issues here and there is just too much potential for malfeasance/corruption/abuse. For the first time I had a thought that maybe we deserve to be wiped out as a species. People are getting out of hand. What a horrible thought I had. Oh dear. It was just a fleeting thought- I don’t believe that. I believe people are good and kind and beautiful and worth fighting for. How are we going to handle this???
God will not be mocked.
For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. (Romans 1:21, ESV)
And no one knows what a woman is? There's a war on women's very existence. Notice it? How are they defined? By a trans persons identification of them. Otherwise known as having your biological organs inside. Whether they work in not. By the time Progressive leftist women catch on, they will have defined their daughters out of existence.
Real women will in fact be competition for these montrosities. This abhorrent technology is evil it must be outlawed.
This is perverse. Many of the obstacles to parents’ ability to get pregnant are do to our society and lifestyles. We should take a step back and correct the way we’ve destroyed our bodies and our environment.
It used to be if parents couldn’t have children, well they would adopt.
Our entire species is not this sick. It is another species ushering these technologies onto our Earth. Humans have been foolish enough to accept them. It is time to say NO MORE, and that includes all wireless technologies.
Sandy K - Dec 11, 2022
Sandy K
This is not just scary, it is literally further attempt to remove human care, touch, soul. These 'people' are evil.
Bodhimom - Dec 11, 2022
Jeanice Barcelo's Substack
These are not God Ordained conceptions and births. When a life is conceived, I believe there is a spark, a spark from God/Source which anchors the light of the incarnating soul. When these artificial life forms are created by man, will they be able to hold the light of God? If they cannot hold the light of God because they are artificial, they will likely malfunction. These are anti-God agendas, the creation of Robots with no divine plan to spite God.
jeanice barcelo - Dec 11, 2022
Jeanice Barcelo's Substack
Exactly. It is a Luciferian agenda from start to finish.
jsand - Dec 11, 2022
Moss’s Newsletter
Scripture confirms your statement -- but know that man's sinful state causes us to be dead spiritually to Yah (God) until we believe Yeshua is the Son of God, -- our Redeemer -- repent (confess our sins & turn to Yah's ways), & are born again (John 3) by the Spirit of Yah. It's that "pilot light" that gets re-lit by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
John 1:6-13 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the TRUE LIGHT, WHICH LIGHTETH EVERY MAN that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
The Word is astounding -- alive & outside of time. I spent almost 40 years of my life without it & wow, how lost I was! By the grace of Yah, I'll never let it (Him ... Yeshua IS The Word) go!
Moss M Bioletti - Dec 12, 2022
Moss’s Newsletter
If these people are very similar to IVF? Then it seems God's spirit and the light of Christ will be inside them, because God is within all things, including the sperm and egg. The spirit is likely alongside or enters on conception, and this will likely be no different for people who are born in non-organic ways, I am not pro it, but I feel duty bound to defend all human beings, even those created in strange ways, for nefarious means. Remember Christ himself was born with immaculate conception, which I think means the light of Christ enters all things that are sentient, A.I complicates matters, but if there is a reliance on biological genetics one must assume the spirit of Christ is in them. The last of your line could be interpreted as supporting this point.
But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
One need only believe on the name of God.
--- Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. --
This line almost seems to preempt what we are looking at, people who are: not born by willed parents, of the flesh, nor the will of man -- people who are born in Labs --
God created all genes, you can't get him out of the equation, you can try and delete and over-ride him, but that's when he comes down hard and the A.I beast system collapses.
As Christ says, how we measure others, we will be measured in turn, viewing artificial humans as worth saving and living in Christ bodes well for us, we are bound to love our neighbour. We don't pick and choose our neighbour.
With all things done by this cheese-holed globalists they destroy everything that could serve a great good, a state-of-the-art IVF center is not a bad thing, destroying human fertility, in order to make such centers monopolize the creation of the human species -- a very poor decision.
jsand - Dec 13, 2022
Thank you for your thoughtful & respectful comments. We're ALL working through the dividing of truth from lies. I want The Word to be my plumb line -- no matter what my personal thoughts are. I spent too much of my life being deceived.
I have a professional background in Reproductive Endocrinology. In fact, I became pregnant through IVF. However, I didn't hold the pregnancy &, sadly, we lost our baby. I was a brand new "Believer" at the time (not reborn, however) & knew very little Word. Our gametes(sperm/eggs) were used.
At that time I had no real moral issue w/using donor eggs/sperm. But as my relationship w/Yeshua grew, so did my knowledge/understanding/wisdom. Because of my background, Holy Spirit began drawing my attention to take a closer look at the whole immensely growing field of IVF. Where did all of the infertility come from? Why wasn't that a focus?
We're easily deceived man by satan couching his "dark deeds" in beneficent endeavors. And we're also notorious for NOT seeking Yah's will re. our problems -- & it gets us into awful messes. Resorting to IVF, I believe, was outside of Yah's will. Yah is sovereign. He's aware & alone determines what to allow, i.e., life, death, genetic defect, infertile womb, etc. Nothing is done outside of Him allowing it. Scripture is clear on this. That's hard for many to accept but His ways are higher than ours -- as Job so well learned &, hopefully ... prayerfully, by His grace ... do we.
I can believe Yah's mercy would cover a child born via IVF from it's own parent's gametes but I believe it's going too far to expect Yah to look past tampering with genetics or even the use of donor gametes. (Although scripture does reveal that in order to continue family lines Yah allowed the brother of a deceased husband to provide his "seed" -- the only way it could be done back then -- using that example as a defense of donor gametes wouldn't work if the debate re. it played out.)
What Holy Spirit was pointing me to back in the early 2000s was to "watch" for what's now swiftly manifesting. IVF clinics have been nothing less than one of satan's pathways for normalizing transhumanism. Would it be any more of a wonder to discover "dark deeds" done in IVF clinics than what's been done in abortion centers? They have a huge supply of gametes. I understand legally that shouldn't happen but it seems the law (Yah's, as well as civil law) has been in short supply for some time now. It took several years for a key leader in the state assoc. that supported IVF to admit to me that her daughter (born from a donor egg) was born w/o a uterus/ovaries. The weight of the significance of that particular abnormality hasn't hit me until now. But even back then, the parents were comforted by knowing their daughter could later visit an IVF clinic herself.
Mankind is playing God -- in it's hubris as it understand sooooo little about our divine design. It has to stop.
Tessa Lena - Dec 11, 2022
Tessa Fights Robots
Hi Ana,
Thank you for posting it. I dug a little yesterday, and I think that this particular "company" is a fictional company created: as a promo for an art product launch. All roads seem to lead to one particular film maker who partners with a bunch of "tech" organizations. Which is not to say that this concept (the pun is intended) is not in the air, and that is it an abomination.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 11, 2022
Marjory’s Substack
Hi Tessa, you may be correct, but predictive programming certainly can be also an interesting aspect of this. Kind of like the Catastrophic Contagion is fiction until it isn't. One things is clear to me, its a seriously messed up reality. Thanks much.
Marjory Morningstar - Dec 12, 2022
Marjory’s Substack
Does anyone doubt that they have the technology to grow gmo babies in artificial wombs? We are always the last to know what they have been planning/creating for years.
Tessa Lena - Dec 11, 2022
Tessa Fights Robots
Absolutely, predictive programming is being used all the time, and I 100% agree with you that we should watch out for that. I think it's important to also identify what exactly is happening as there are so many horrible things happening now that are completely real that we can save ourselves some nervous cells by separating real initiatives and predictive programming (the latter being treacherous none the less). Thanks for all you do! xoxo
Cindy Weidner - Dec 11, 2022
Am I mistaken or have I recently read that children who are conceived via IVF are 30% more likely to have cancer in their lifetime?
Who would condemn a child to this, much less the abject evil described in the above article?
Ann K. - Dec 11, 2022
People who think in terms of “much faster/easier/cheaper/more accessible,” that’s who. 😡
Elizabeth Faraone - Dec 11, 2022
Jeanice Barcelo's Substack
I am really not ok with this. People are messing with things they shouldn’t be. In the comments section of the YouTube clip someone’s mother told them “What comes easily can be easily left”. I agree I think there are lots of ethical issues here and there is just too much potential for malfeasance/corruption/abuse. For the first time I had a thought that maybe we deserve to be wiped out as a species. People are getting out of hand. What a horrible thought I had. Oh dear. It was just a fleeting thought- I don’t believe that. I believe people are good and kind and beautiful and worth fighting for. How are we going to handle this???
jeanice barcelo - Dec 11, 2022
Jeanice Barcelo's Substack
The creatures responsible for these abominations are not human. Don't blame humanity for this. These technologies are coming from the dark side.
Nancy - Dec 11, 2022
God will not be mocked.
For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. (Romans 1:21, ESV)
LawyerLisa - Dec 11, 2022
LawyerLisa’s Substack
And no one knows what a woman is? There's a war on women's very existence. Notice it? How are they defined? By a trans persons identification of them. Otherwise known as having your biological organs inside. Whether they work in not. By the time Progressive leftist women catch on, they will have defined their daughters out of existence.
Real women will in fact be competition for these montrosities. This abhorrent technology is evil it must be outlawed.
SoCalGal - Dec 11, 2022
The destruction of humanity continues. 🤬
Deb Benedict - Dec 11, 2022
Deb Benedict
Isn’t this full on eugenics?
Tess - Dec 11, 2022
This is perverse. Many of the obstacles to parents’ ability to get pregnant are do to our society and lifestyles. We should take a step back and correct the way we’ve destroyed our bodies and our environment.
It used to be if parents couldn’t have children, well they would adopt.
Lioness3* - Dec 11, 2022
Jesus fucking Christ.
Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Dec 11, 2022
Jeanice Barcelo's Substack
Huxley let us in on where they wanted to take things...
dana ciancimino - Dec 11, 2022
Jeanice Barcelo's Substack
And as a teen, I thought Orwell and Huxley were ridiculous.
I never could have realized our entire species was so sick, not until 2020 anyway
jeanice barcelo - Dec 11, 2022
Jeanice Barcelo's Substack
Our entire species is not this sick. It is another species ushering these technologies onto our Earth. Humans have been foolish enough to accept them. It is time to say NO MORE, and that includes all wireless technologies.
Monica M - Dec 12, 2022
I read an article a while back, & they were experimenting with this in it’s real. & gross, I think.
Elizabeth Faraone - Dec 12, 2022
Noted with thanks
Tonya McKinney - Dec 12, 2022
Tonya’s Newsletter
I can’t say this sounds all bad. If I didn’t have a uterus I would want to have a baby this way.
michelle beaudin - Dec 12, 2022
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