The Hydrogel Conspiracy - Decoding The Link…

Jun 22, 2023

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The Hydrogel Conspiracy - Decoding The Link Between Morgellons & Covid-19


Philip Edwards - Jun 22, 2023

Philip Edwards

May God bless you and protect you.
Matthew Chapter 6 (NIV)
31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


Noren O Drisc - Jun 22, 2023

Philip Edwards

Starving people die of starvation in their millions due to the psyc hopaths runni g ( ruinin g) the planet. You must realise that of course peopleneed to worry where their next meal might come from & not about reading the Bible that day probably.


Philip Edwards - Jun 22, 2023

Philip Edwards

Luke chapter 12 (NIV)
22Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. 23For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. 24Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds! 25Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life b ? 26Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?
Seek first his kingdom and his righteous means to pursue a relationship with God, the Creator, and that will give you abundant life.
Matthew 4:4 (NIV)
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”


Charlotte Z - Jun 22, 2023

Charlotte Z

Exactly!! Thanks for sharing these faith filling scriptures!


Noren O Drisc - Jun 24, 2023

I didnt bother reading your long Bible quotr Try some original tbought of your own pethaps


John Vargo - Jun 24, 2023

John Vargo

Poor nutrition and hunger is responsible for the death of 3.1 million children a year. That's nearly half of all deaths in children under the age of 5. The children die because their bodies lack basic nutrients. Globally, 822 million people suffer from undernourishment. Big Money in all those churches and the 4300 organized religions.Just another example of how humanity has been programmed and exploited.They starve not because there's not enough food but because they don't have the money to buyit.Asgood old Creflo Dollar says,I'm not going to heaven broke,haha.Vatican has enough money to end that all by themselves.


Noren O Drisc - Jun 24, 2023

John Vargo

I had a look at the throne (made of gold?) While they tell people to pray & read the Bible these "holy' men live like kings it seems


John Vargo - Jun 24, 2023

John Vargo

That's "Holy throne) Noren)You are now not allowed to question it's authority


Noren O Drisc - Jun 24, 2023

Good point


Cairn - mutual eye-rolling - Jun 22, 2023

Cairn - mutual eye-rolling

Speaking for myself I never call them "elites".
That term sounds like underlings have given it to superior ones.
I do see how many aspire to be elites, and mimic their manners and even get themselves clotshotted in thinking that's what *elites* do.
Poor wannabe elites.
Not walking so spritely lately, and wearing beanies and huddled against the fresh air. Club membership has a high cost.


Noren O Drisc - Jun 22, 2023

I dint think the 'elites' got injected because they are in on the and part of the global genocide by injectable and other Bioweapons killing billions. Those injected were conned into ruining, ending their own lives. Some compassion ideally although some of the injected were not kind to uninjected; it was mind conrol and still is using MSM & more


Frances Leader - Jun 22, 2023 - Edited


Oh I might have known that the Black Nob descendent, Sacha Stone, would be sniffing around Dr Ana sooner or later.


Jeb - Jun 22, 2023


I wonder about him. Is he honest?!!


Frances Leader - Jun 22, 2023


He is honest all the way to his bank account.....


Frances Leader - Jun 22, 2023 - Edited


Comment removed.


Frances Leader - Jun 22, 2023


He is actually a lesser member of the Orsini, Black Nobility family from Venice. This family is often referred to as the pinnacle of aristocratic power, certainly in Italy but they (like all Black Nobs) have family all over the world.
Sacha Stone is a con-man and a spy.


Frances Leader - Jun 22, 2023


Comment removed.


Frances Leader - Jun 22, 2023


I hope Dr Ana has not given him her personal phone number or any clues to her location. I think contact with Sacha Stone is very dangerous.


Frances Leader - Jun 22, 2023


Comment removed.


Frances Leader - Jun 23, 2023


You credit them with too much humanity.


Lisa’s Alternate Reality - Jun 22, 2023

Lee’s Newsletter

Hi Dr. Ana! This is Lee, from Alternate Reality! Nice to meet you! I was thinking, the vid has same symptoms as someone who has a fungal disease in their lungs/body. Difference if you catch it soon enough, it can be controlled. Could someone please address as a doctor, and why did we use anti parasitic medicine, in the beginning of vid…and still are in some places and it is curing people 100%. Could we address this concern that all the doctors seem to been skipping over. Also Dr. Harai, WEF, wants us chipped not only for control, but to follow the pathogens in our bodies. Sounds like if we have something they will shut us off. I am doing a piece in free will and mind control, mkultra. It might sound dystopian, but could you please message me about this. Morgellans, is also a relatable disease…


Jeb - Jun 22, 2023

Cause it's anti-viral/anti-bug synthetic and biological. It works, its safe, and it's cheaper.


Noren O Drisc - Jun 22, 2023

Do u mean Ivermectin?


Jeb - Jun 22, 2023



Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Jun 23, 2023 - Edited

Ray’s Newsletter

Strangely, the mechanism in the vials containing artificial life-forms has been being deployed for 25-30 years, and a long-time observer who has been studying the microscopic images documents the similarities here:
I guess, Morgellons were the dry run for the general poisoning that culminated in the “covid” injections.
For a comprehensive summary, check out


Karen Bracken - Jun 22, 2023

Karen Bracken

I read Cathy's Trance Formation and was not surprised by most of the names except for Lamar Alexander from my home state of TN. He was Governor, US Secretary of Education and then a long time US Senator and an obvious perverted scum.


Marcelo Araujo - Jun 22, 2023

Marcelo Araujo

Sasha Stone is a bad dude.
Someone should instruct Dr. Ana to stay away from him and explain why.
I watched a video on Bitchute by one of former team members that quit for disagreeing with policy and what he revealed was disturbing.
I just don't recall the name of his former colleague or where the video can be found!


Stella - Jun 22, 2023 - Edited


Dr. Ana, you suggested a must read of Karen Kingston’s newest, most of us can’t read it since it’s behind a paywall. I used to subscribe to her substack, but dropped it since most of hers there (used to be when I paid for it) too hard to understand for me since it (used to be) mostly scientific lingo I didn’t quite get. Maybe she changed that now; her public interviews are always quite understandable.


Frances Leader - Jun 22, 2023 - Edited


I won't pay for access to her articles either.


Marcelo Araujo - Jun 22, 2023 - Edited

Marcelo Araujo

But why?
She is certainly exposing the truth exactly as it is. She is not leading us astray or in the wrong direction like Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Malone or Mikki Willis.
The only thing that disturbs me about her is her apparent discomfort with Katherine Watt's and Sasha Latypova's perspective on what's going on.
I think their viewpoints and arguments are mutually inclusive and reinforcing, certainly not in opposition.
Thank you Frances for sharing your email exchanges with the UK health authorities a few years ago.
They were shocking.


Marcelo Araujo - Jun 23, 2023 - Edited

Marcelo Araujo

Comment removed.


Marcelo Araujo - Jun 23, 2023 - Edited

Marcelo Araujo

Dr. Jane Ruby said that she has received a call from Willis who was directed by Dr. Robert Malone to do so.
As you may be aware Dr. Malone filed a defamation lawsuit against Dr. Jane Ruby and the Breggins.
Anyone who runs errands for CIA operative and mega traitor Dr. Malone is not on the side of Humanity.
Also, Willis still propagates the nonsense about the pandemic, lab leak, spike protein, contagion crap. He won´t even go near exposing the graphene and the nanotech!
He´s a psyop.
He´s leading people in the wrong direction


Marcelo Araujo - Jun 24, 2023 - Edited

Marcelo Araujo

Comment removed.


Marcelo Araujo - Jun 24, 2023 - Edited

Marcelo Araujo

Of course people can disagree and should disagree. And, just because we don´t agree with someone´s opinion generally shouldn´t keep us from getting along and being a friend (unless, using an extreme example, that someone is of the opinion that child pornography is a good thing).
I had no idea that you had read Breggins book. Congratlations! I wish I had more time and was more committed to reading. I used to read a lot, but then the Internet came along and well, you know...
I must admit that you probably have a point and I may have been too judgmental by labeling Willis a "psyop". It is probably a bit harsh. After all, he did an amazing job researching and exposing Bill Gates of Hell "philanthropic" vaccination campaigns in India and Africa and so much more, including exposing Fauci and the CDC.
So, of course he deserves tremendous credit for the enormous and positive impact he has had in shedding some light on everything that has been going on in our crazy world over the past 3 or 4 years. And, of course, everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt.
Having said that, I´m very wary and suspicious of things that sound fishy in these particularly crazy and insane times we are living. Anyone mandated by Dr. Robert Malone (this sleazy, deceptively evil CIA operative I give no benefit of the doubt) to act as a "go between" with Dr.Jane Ruby cannot be above suspicion. And, very clearly, Willis does not touch the "third rails" of this so-called "vaccine" (which is not a vaccine) debate - the nanotech, electromagnetic nano devices, 5G, EMF, graphene oxide, Bluetooth MAC addresses, and especially transhumanism, etc.
He and others continue to give credence to viruses, contagion theory, spike proteins, lab leak, gain of function crap. Maybe he isn´t aware that there may be another dimension to this reality or maybe he is aware and strongly suspects that there may be other alternative roads to explore, but just doesn´t want to go there. Who knows? We can only wonder. And the same is also true of Del Bigtree.
I used to watch and follow Del Bigtree and Willis, but not anymore. Their takes on the matter are sterile and based on false or unproven propositions and premises. You won´t understand what is really going on or get a deeper look into the evil intentions of the demons that rule this world by following many of those in the so-called "Truth movement".
I´m not focused on the side show, but on the main course as you say - the ones exposing the hard hitting TRUTH. For this you have Kingston, Latypova, Katherine Watt. Mihalcea, David Nixon, especially La Quinta Columna (my neighbours - I live in Portugal), COMUSAV, Dr. Robert Young, Ariyana Love, Cowan, Kaufman, the Baileys, the many funeral directors and embalmers, Laura Lynn Thompson, etc, etc.
Thank you for engaging.
All the best and God bless.


John Vargo - Jun 24, 2023

John Vargo

Why Not?


Frances Leader - Jun 24, 2023


Because, if I were to pay to view one, I would need to pay to view many others who I hold in greater esteem. I cannot afford to fund over 100 substack writers, even if I wanted to. I would have thought that logic was obvious.


John Vargo - Jun 24, 2023

John Vargo

Oh,yet you posted a debunking video.Nice to know that's theres people out there that care if we believe a lie when that word pretty much entails everything we have been taught.There is a lot of controlled(paid) opposition for sure,think I'll watch the video and use my own discernment.Guess if you can't afford a hundred then you might want to narrow your choices.I would have thought that logic was obvious.She offers free subscriptions,I'm one of them.


Frances Leader - Jun 24, 2023


?? What debunking video??


John Vargo - Jun 24, 2023

John Vargo


Justin Coy - Jul 29, 2023

Justin Coy

The shots MUTATE YOUR BODY. My wife is growing 4 extra pupils in her eyes now, after 2 Murderna shots that she was coerced by employer to get and I was away on a trip when she did it. I didn't get any shots but I had sex with my wife and now my face is starting to glow orange. My wife's face and forehead glows bright orange. This CANNOT BE SEEN without a UV light. After a hot shower, we also have little orange and green worms that come out of our bodies. They aren't real worms; they're like a glowing plastic thing and sometimes they move.


Justin Coy - Jun 25, 2023

Justin Coy

I MISSED THE SHOW! Both my wife and I were busy trying to get OUT OF Babylon and 3:30 flew by. I am very disappointed. I hope this will be posted for those of us who missed it :(


John Vargo - Jun 25, 2023

John Vargo

Thank you Dr.Ana,the Archon demons are in our blood now.They'll go after anyone who exposes them too.I saw nothing that points to Sacha as being controlled opposition. Will be watching his interview with SarahAdams.HereAlfred Lamont Webre interviews Robert Taylor who made that press conference.I vaguely remember that.Laura Eisenhower speaks about the Archons,It's going to be tough convincing people they exist and are the real power behind all this,


Justin Coy - Jun 24, 2023

Justin Coy

DR. MIHALCEA, I have Morgellans samples if you think it would be useful to look at them. Finding out what they are could mean the difference in whether or not we can destroy them.


dyr - Jun 23, 2023

Just had a look at one of the substacks followed by our host here, a Xochi, whose naming of the injections includes scurrilous, repulsive ethnic slur. Will Dr Ana disown this?


Noren O Drisc - Jun 23, 2023

Your comment aboit me needing love in my heart is nice Jeb & I have love just not for those carryong outv the Genocide of the human race; do ypu love them? I have Long Covid for a year in a serious form but improving. My only child chose to get injected 3 times & shows some personality change since; 26 years old. But she is alive etc when billions are not. Your faith is nice & the book you trust has some good but has been mistranslated, edited for power with huge srctions banned by Roman Emporor Constantine..It was written by humans remember whether some is divine or not. Love is important but we Christians are tsught that an all loving all powerful God is in charge of us. How do you expect people to believe that with what happens on earth
for so long? I resoect your choice to believe totally & mine to question


No One Knows - Jun 23, 2023

No’s Substack

IT DOESASEEM people are under a spell


Phillips - Jun 22, 2023

Catherine’s Substack

Hello we see all the valid information concerning this topic that Dr.Ana along with others (guests) that you all are providing but how do you detox from these health hazards...
Solution:What do we need to detox our whole bodies from the brain to the feet?
Please respond and thanks


Jeb - Jun 22, 2023

Catherine’s Substack

EDTA, Borax, NAC, Vit. C, Vit. D, Quercetin, Zinc. Works pretty good for me as far as how I feel for being 61 years old. Won't test my blood as I'll go when the Lord calls me!!!!!


Catherine - Jun 23, 2023

Catherine’s Substack

How much Borax per day? Is it just a pinch? Are you doing IV EDTA?


Jeb - Jun 23, 2023

I weigh 215 lbs. and take one eighth teaspoon in 16 oz. of water. Drink a third in the am, a third in the afternoon, and a third before bed. It's all weight dependent. I could go up to one quarter teaspoon a day max but going light at first. If I were you I'd consume 3 small pinches a day with the same regime. For 100 lbs. one eighth teaspoon a day max.



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