Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 24, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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The Hydrogel Conspiracy - Decoding The Link Between Morgellons & Covid-19
I was invited to speak with Sasha Stone. It was like meeting a spiritual brother, and we had my favorite kind of conversation, which is “Truth by Firehose.” In pure, unadulterated unfiltered truth - love abides.
We cover my research on hydrogel, synthetic biology, Morgellons/ CDB, spiritual awakening, operation Paperclip, Nazi Germany and the US government connection, the occult technologies and Alien Agenda.
Don’t miss this enlightening conversation today!
As an update, I connected with Cathy O’Brien. Our conversation from a couple days ago will not be livestreamed. Hence the two of us, who have a very similar spiritual outlook on the current situation and how to overcome it, decided that we need to do our own interview and share our joint message with the world. We will do it next Saturday and I will post the video on my substack. It’s topic is: How “SOUL-UTIONS” and Love overcome Mind Control.
Cathy’s books are of utmost importance to the world now - to understand WHO has perpetrated this genocide and how important mindful and spiritual awakening and healing are to our victory and self preservation. EVERYONE in the world is Mind controlled one way or the other and we all need to deprogram from that trauma. The COVID plandemic has proven that. Cathy is a living example, that the power of our soul and spirit is stronger than the greatest fathomable evil.
If you want to know about who is running our world governments and is responsible for this genocide, read her books. Without the understanding of pedophilia, satanic generational ritual abuse, human trafficking and sacrificial rape and murder of innocent children for harvesting adrenochrome, you don’t get the picture of who could want 8 Billion people dead.
Here is her website:
TRANCE Formation of America is the first documented autobiography of a victim of government mind control. Cathy O’Brien is a healed and vocal survivor of the Central Intelligence Agency’s MK-Ultra Project Monarch operation.
Tracing her path from child pornography and recruitment into the program to serving as a top-level intelligence agent and White House sex slave, TRANCE Formation of America is a definitive eye-witness account of government corruption that implicates some of the most prominent figures in U.S. politics.
ACCESS DENIED For Reasons Of National Security details our journey of survival to become US Government Whistleblowers, and is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and power of love. ACCESS DENIED reveals the healing methods Mark taught me that people all over report applying to themselves to heal from varying levels of trauma, abuse, PTSD, torture and/or control.
You have, within you, the ability to heal from any level of trauma, abuse, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), torture and/or mind control.
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Piki - Jun 24, 2023
Kay and the blue teapot.
I am looking forward to listen to this. Here in Belgium it is so hot one can't go outside. Yesterday there was a million, trillion pollen in the air. Today none. Nothing. I looked at the pollen closely yesterday and suddenly I had this eery feeling that that too isn't what it seems to be...underneath a magnifying glass they look like structures, like tiny little nano stacks built upon each other in a structure. Is this plant based material? When you clean the house and you make balls of these pollen which gather in corners, behind doors etc, they feel cotton-like. Wonder if this is normal and I felt dread again. I might be paranoïd but I do not think it is normal that they appear in millions, trillions and the next day, none.
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Alison H. - Jun 24, 2023
I subscribe to your channel but was prevented from seeing the actual interview, instead later, during the "bonus hour," a woman wearing a very revealing dress came on. and it wasn't very interesting, so I left. I hope we get to see the actual interview.
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