Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 12, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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The future of health and the survival of the human species
In this interview, I discuss with Tammy Cuthberg Garcia my research. I have said all along, that the technology we are seeing is far advanced to current public knowledge, and I have extensively posted about its military background. In a silent but insidious way, the human species and the survival of our biosphere is encountering an extinction level event. Doing what we can to detoxify is important.
At some point, we, “the deplorable many” might get tired of a handful of self appointed satanic pedophile technocrats poisening our air, food, water and medications to depopulate billions of us.
Hopefully that day comes soon.
Here is the link to Tammy’s substack.
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Thomas Lewis - Apr 12
Useless Liberal
Medicine Is Not A Science.
It’s A Business.
Your Only Job
Is To Make It Too Costly
For Them. To Kill You.
Either Get That.
Or They Get You.
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Daniel - Apr 13
L'EDTA n'est que très faiblement biodégradable. Seulement environ 20 %sont éliminés par les reins et se retrouvent dans le circuit de l'eau, puisque les stations d'épuration sont incapables de les traiter. Ce qui veut dire que 80 % restent dans le corps.....
Or les NPL sont utilisées depuis 1995 avec le DOXIL.
Ce n'est pas seulement les injections arn qui sont toxiques, mais il s'agit d'un lent empoisonnement de l'humanité...
Voir ici
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