The Floral Hand Of God - The Quantum Healing…

Nov 3, 2023

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It brings me great joy to present this interview and information of Dr.


The BarefootHealer - Nov 3, 2023

He has done wonderful work, among many others, including Bach. The coherent bioresonance concepts at qu quantum and nanoscale, are why essence therapy, homeopathy, tai chi, yoga, bodywork, breathwork, shrin yoku, chromotherapy and above all-soundtherapy.
All work, at various levels on and within the body. As you said, they are all tools in the toolbox of wellness. Once an individual understands
That we are not just literally light beings (our microtubules within each cell, absorb and reflect light in and around the body, much light the ancient Egyptian light mirrors), but light is purely vibration and vibration is sound.๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ˜‰
So really we are all reflections of the vibration of creation.๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿค—


RALOS - Nov 4, 2023

It's not exactly why we are made of light, but we actually are, but also is every single 3d object you see around you too! It's because every proton at the centre of every atom is a tiny little light hole in the etheric field, or whatever name you like, counterspace, the dielectric field, sub space, zero time, all the same thing over and over.. which terminates 'as magnetism' which is radiation which is the creation of space itself.. Why the atom blinks in and out of existence is because it's 'generated by' and held up by counterspace/ether/heaven/ so it spends 'half it's time there' being spun back around at the larmore frequency and back into space.. in ya face lol.. but it's holographic completely.. but the only real hologram there is.. but not created by 'a God' or some being or entity, it's completely impossible on every level outside of fantasy and sci-fi.
But sound and light are 2 completely different phenomena.. Sound is a set frequency or disturbance in the oxygen and nitrogen.. without this medium, there is no sound.. When you talk your vocal chords set up a vibration OF the medium, nothing is being emitted from your mouth when you speak.. just go up into low earth orbit and try and talk hehe... nothing will happen..
But yeah there is actually nothing quantum about any of this stuff, it's the glitter woo word of the century for the elite, like vaccine for big pharma really.. It literally means to count, quanta, quantity, counting tiny things, what are you counting again? There is nothing to count, everything is fields and fields are not particles.. And light itself is coaxial circuit of rarefactions and compressions of the electric and magnetic along the dielectric, when they intersect you get a dielectric pulse which mainstream science still think is a light bee bee ball called zee photon or the 'light atom' lol.. It's a complete misunderstanding of the nature and architecture of light. There is not a single thing being ejected from a laser or light bulb, not ever. Light itself does not even travel, the delay is called hysteresis and the reason is because of the ether or the after effect of it being radiation creates a 'rate of induction' which causes a slight delay in the circuit of light being illuminated.. Same for sound, the speed of sound is not a speed really it's the rate of induction of the medium only.. Both these also change their rates of induction too, when light hits water, glass and other things it slows down 'speeds back up'.. When there is colder months there is less nitrogen in the air so sound soaks into the medium with less resistance.
What is LIGHT? The eternal mystery:


Sandy K - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited

Sandy K

I can't wait to read this wonderful book by Dr Brent Davis, "The Floral Hand of God". ( Thank you for bringing it to our awareness, Dr Ana! Emerson said the Earth laughs in flowers. We need to feel that Joy!


Margie Chism - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Sandy - Just over 7 years ago, (about) God wanted me to hike a mountain trail in a direction I wanted to approach the opposite/reverse direction. (Starting post was not in a safe stop area, isolated/no lot). โ–  But I did walk the direction he wanted for that day. Being a round trip/possible circuit in Virginia, I noticed that at the evening returning to my start/parking that [h]is direction had all the spring flowers open and in full blown that morning, and when I returned that evening the flowers were all shut for the night. If I had walked my way, I would not had "seen them;" none of them at all. Blue Ridge Mountains/Appalachian Trail. M


Sandy K - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited

Sandy K

Beautiful story, Margie! I have had similar experiences and I love wild flowers.. You are so blessed to have the garden you have; G-d willing, I will be gardening again next year.


Margie Chism - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Sandy - Thank you! โ–  Today, I had a nearly terrible day with the Lord God, he has trained me since 2 years old and I know enough to have a conversation with him that is honest, and yet troubling to him and anyone else if they could hear and witness the statements. I wonder if that is not the development 'in the walk'. The issue is I have had hundreds of acres and more than a hand full of houses, even cabins, cottage, and large farm houses stolen and being stolen from me by family, and my parents are involved in this. They maybe in service and leadership in the Churches, and a big group are the "preacher's kids." My Great Grandparents all four from my father's family left me included in their Wills. I was three years old when the largest of these Virginia Tobacco Farms was given, and about twenty years old and married on the last farm. Yet, God has kept/stay me at my home that I bought when I was 22 years old. There is much not mentioned; yet, I must trust God where he has me. In retreat. M


Sandy K - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited

Sandy K

Margie, listening to Dr Davis' presentation...seems like we all need some of that trauma medicine and I'll be ordering. Gabor Mate wrote an excellent book called "The Myth of Normal"; there are big traumas and little traumas, but we have all been affected so deeply in the past three years, humanity is being traumatized repeatedly. And Bessel van der Kolk's book, "The Body Keeps the Score" stopped me in my tracks when I first saw it in the campus bookstore. Oh my, yes, the body does record everything. So try to give your bodies (physical, spiritual, aural, etc.) something loving and kind every day to put positive back into the world know how healing the Earth and her bounty is! & I know some of us pray every day for all souls! Blessings!


Margie Chism - Nov 4, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Amen โ–  In art a score is a shallow cut that allows folding and shaping on paper board; even for display commercially. My life has been a judgement from God to my father; I am put here as a witness against him. Much not being stated here. It has equipped me for today's [t]rouble. I told God today, perhaps he/God will have to 'give me' the ability/source of genuine praise for him once in the New Jerusalem. I am not a faker, and I believe I will have to be given it, like a skill. Like I said, today I had some "real real" talk to/with the Lord God. M


Margie Chism - Nov 3, 2023

Margie Chism

Cut a path โ–  trail through the flower and tree islands and walking through them is an immersion of sensory. 2020 my Grandson at 3 yrs. wanted to see the sun bed, but he could not; so I started cutting curve natural paths through. Over the next year my 1/2 acre country/suburban yard was compassed with a South, West, North, and East trails. The garden vegtable was permacultured to the nearby trails as stations/locational gardens. A Bald, Meadow, Forage Gated, and Forest Gardens. I hiked 55 years solo before these trails at home, and it was God in 2020 he told me he wanted me "to watch/take care of my trees." I have many trees and some over a hundred years and have added fruit trees since. I love dirt paths, but due to the environment, much care is needed in mulch paths that cover the tree roots. It is much better to walk in my yard and care for it, than to be somewhere other. Since 1985 to now, I still plant; dig, water, prune, and give the birds water with drumming on my metal bucket to procession the wild life, "fresh water!" M


jeffrey p lubina - Nov 3, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

๐Ÿ’ ๐ŸŒบ ๐ŸŒธ ๐ŸŒน No doubt, flowers & flowering plants, especially the grasslands have been the most under appreciated and most devastated plant species on earth, equal to deforestation; 98% of all trees are now gone forever. The companies that produce herbicides and pesticides have killed off countless plant species, and as a result have wiped out over half the insect pollinator species of butterflies ๐Ÿฆ‹ and bees ๐Ÿ, and as a result, over half of the birds ๐Ÿฆ… and amphibian ๐Ÿธ species have also been devastated as well. But instead of the guilty politicians ๐Ÿ‘บ and poison โ˜ ๏ธ manufacturers that put them into office taking the blame, they and their media have brainwash the people of the world into believing it’s humanity’s fault—that overpopulation and global warming is responsible, which is total bull-๐Ÿ’ฉ.
None of this mass-extermination process over the past several decades, this wholesale slaughtering of life, has been humanity’s fault, nor has it been an accident by the few responsible. Global temperature changes and Co2 levels are NOT the great threat we are brainwashed into believing. The United Nations, our government officials and media is in fact ALL life’s greatest threats; the bought world leaders and their kill agents & ChemTrails they’ve been dumping into our atmosphere, land, lakes, rivers and oceans. These few monsters and their lawyers are what’s causing all of these mass extinctions and problems, not humanity.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Nov 4, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

According to traditional research, even spending half an hour a day in a natural setting is therapeutic. Of course, since then, new variables came in, and chemtrails are probably the most important change.


jeffrey p lubina - Nov 4, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

Most definitely. Also going barefoot and grounding yourself I’ve discovered has real, noticeable benefits; not placebo, as I first thought. I hear going barefoot has become a “fad” and has been taking off throughout Australia over the past few months. I’m always indoors, but still go barefoot and use grounding pads on the floor wherever I spend most of my time sitting or standing, and even placed one at the foot of my bed to rest my lower legs on during sleep. For years I haven’t been able to sleep and never remembered dreaming when I did. But since using the grounding pad, I’ve actually started sleeping with very vivid & strange, but peaceful, dreams. I’m not sure yet why.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Nov 4, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

Yes, going barefoot is great. In KY, it's hard to do it because of spiders, fleas, and especially the chiggers. Grounding pads need clean grounding posts, but in heavily-populated areas, lots of currents are moving around in the ground.


jeffrey p lubina - Nov 4, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

No kidding. Went to Army basic training in K.Y., and just like Missouri, lots of biting insects, particularly chiggers & tics. It was the most difficult three month physical & mental challenge I barely survived—up to that point. Recently, I’ve seen shoes & boots with grounding soles on the market, though I’m not familiar with them. I’m sure they must be worn without socks, unless they are also conductive.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Nov 4, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

This is the main reason why it's nearly impossible to move off-grid in Kentucky.
I'll check out those shoes; never heard of them.


Reply (1) - Nov 17, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

Comment removed.


Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Nov 17, 2023

Ray’s Newsletter

I hope, they will do a good job. :)


Reply (1) - Nov 19, 2023

Comment removed.


Margie Chism - Nov 3, 2023

Margie Chism

In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. โ–  Revelation 22:2, KJV, blueletterbible


Deborah R Evans - Nov 3, 2023

Wonderful knowledge.


Grandpa Castorini - Nov 4, 2023

Outstanding! A former medic, i've long had an interest in natural and 'ditch' emergency medicine. Add my sound and energy interests and i'm a weird one. But truly feel those are the best modalities for healing.


Pamela Burns - Nov 4, 2023

Pamela Burns

Thank you Dr. Ana! Me and my girlfriend send photos of the “flower of the day” to each other. It always “Lightens” my day...God’s Glory! May he Bless You & Your Efforts ๐Ÿ™


Pamela Burns - Nov 4, 2023

Pamela Burns

First of all you don’t anything to prevent Covid19 if you’re healthy. Secondly, there are many safe & effective preventions: C, D & Zinc & Ivermectin. There are NO safe Vaccines, read the Books “Turtles All the Way Down”


Blue Electric Storm - Nov 4, 2023

Laughing’s Substack

The oldest, most continuous, most worldwide planetary science has for thousands of years been called "THE SCIENCE OF LIGHT". Astronomy/Astrology, which physicians....before the leech/doctors....were required to be educated in, and to USE. Even during the Inquisitions, a physician who performed a surgery which resulted in the death of the patient would be put to death himself (no women allowed at that time) if it was learned he had not consulted the position of Mars at the time.
THE SCIENCE OF LIGHT. We Eat Light. That is why our skin is so very uncovered, unlike any other mammal. The natural lights, not these artificial ones.


Victoria Ferguson - Nov 4, 2023

Victoria Ferguson's Newsletter

Fabulous interview I want to buy the book but it does not ship to Australia from the website. Also checking with other book sites either no longer available or astronomical price through Amazon, can you ask Dr Davis if they can ship internationally ? Thanks seems to be only way viable.


Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 3, 2023

Agent’s Substack

Plants are humans ANCESTORS., It's no wonder why PLANT BASED MEDICINE like VITAMIN C work so well. watch for yourself as MRI Photos show CBD remove an inoperable brain tumor from a baby... hmmm I wonder what it would do for COVID...???? Zippy de doo daaa!!!!


JoFinn - Nov 3, 2023

Yours was the second message this week pointing me towards flower essences. Thank you. I just purchased from his site.


elcasto - Nov 5, 2023

Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…

YES !!!!!! Mr. Brent knows where to find the right energy sources ! in CREATION !!! i mean intelligently designed SUPREME CREATION !!! Just to watch never resting Butterflies & Bees working around flowers is a healer ! Most already know that GOD's Signature 5 petal's Star can be found on all fruits & veggies . if it's not there then your food has been gmoed . sadly our body rejects that modified frankensfood . GBLSSUALL !!! -elcasto .


kaal - Nov 4, 2023


OUR LADY of FATIMA. The real SISTER LUCY of FATIMA was dissappeared. The imposter was trotted out by Pope paul 6. Imposter proved forensically- see web site sister lucy truth. To do vat 2 and gut the church. See the last interview with thr real cloistered nun sister lucy 1958. READ IT! The martyrs in the 3rd secret are the ORTHODOX christians who defied the state commie bolshevik official church and suffered persecution and martyrdom/ [go to gregory decapolite yt channel on ortho christian martyrs very good channel} John paul 2 said the consecration was not done properly to not give the soviets a miltary advantage. Who is the martyred pope in the 3rd secret? ITS POPE benedict the murdered martyred LAST POPE. Go to revelation of saint pope benedict given to mystic nun from columbia. READ IT. Malachi Martin who saw the 3rd secret said armageddon the instrument of chastisement is RUSSIA. [also check dimitri dudeman and masters voice prophecy blog- we are attacked by Russia. china and others in USA babylon.


kaal - Nov 4, 2023


Fatima has been FULFILLED.


kaal - Nov 4, 2023


Johnathon Kleck shows the VATICAN is a serpent with a crown. The alter is a BUG with angels coming into the serpent system being consumed into dead SHEEP. Its visible. The vatican turned the MOTHER of GOD upside down. She warned in her apparitions of our lady of good success. la salette, akita and FATIMA. In the end HER IMMACULATE HEART will triumph.


kaal - Nov 4, 2023




Sandy K - Nov 4, 2023

Sandy K

& Elena Freeman...for many years.


kaal - Nov 4, 2023


Ive been mentioning Johnathon Kleck on nonvaxer420 on rumble. This is similar-reptilian dna/ hybrids. She should TALK about Johnathon Kleck whose name means God has given/ a bell ringer end times watchman. He recieves intell from GOD. The pharoah headress is snake the beard is canker worm. if i say more i will get censored again.


kaal - Nov 4, 2023


The book of revelation may be the old testament symbolically/ spiritually.


kaal - Nov 4, 2023




kaal - Nov 4, 2023


TECH HI JINX. uuugggh. This is what "THEY" dont want known. Please promote Johnathon Kleck and the TRUTH. Sabrina and nonvaxxer 420 on rumble . You know. ! You have followed the info I have posted there. TECH hi jinx uuughhh


kaal - Nov 4, 2023


The intell from God on the serpent system [we are connected to the worm are reptilian hybrids] given to Johnathon Kleck is quirky and in Gods timing and according to your faith. and ability to see the multi layer revelations. So patience. But the Triune God leads.


kaal - Nov 4, 2023


[offending christians and nonchristians} ha ha the latest is wormholes. so quirky and brilliant. await the revelations in Gods timing.



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