The Fight of our Soul – Tyranny in Medicine and the Battle for Honor, Integrity, and Love Or what "Let Doctors be Doctors" really means

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 28, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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The recent attacks by the American Board of Internal Medicine against Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Ryan Cole, and others, as well as the conviction of Dr. Simone Gold to jail, has made a deep impact in the realization of how the medical system has become corrupted beyond salvation. Full on war has been declared on excellent physicians with the goal to silence them and worse, take their right away to honorably serve their patients and advocate for medical freedom, informed consent, and safe healthcare options.

From the beginning of the Covid19 pandemic, the Federation of State Medical Boards send out its announcement to all licensing boards, that spreading Covid19 “misinformation” may put a doctor’s medical license at risk.

This was a diabolical warning, the loss of our constitutional rights of free speech, the intrusion of a private organizations in the most sacred physician – patient relationship.

This meant, that investigating any narrative that suppressed early treatments, questioned effectiveness of masks, the safety of Covid vaccines, the effectiveness of lockdowns - was forbidden. The medieval witch-hunts were resurrected in modern times. Punishment was not to be burned at the stake, but take your ability to provide a livelihood for your family away, and more importantly, your right to care for your patients. This suppressive strategy caused countless deaths.

Doctors were supposed to throw their scientifically trained mind out the window, and forget to analyze complex data, ask questions to come to conclusions that would help serve and protect patients and of course - DO NO HARM. And without doubt, many did exactly that and became willing accomplices in this narrative. But not all doctors did.

It makes you wonder what took the Boards so long to launch this attack, after these freedom fighting doctors have been endlessly speaking against the current narrative to provide an alternative view and treatment of Covid and the shots for a couple years. Collectively these and other doctors have provided early treatment for acute Covid and saved thousands of lives. They have accurately brought into question the safety of inadequately tested mRNA shots, a completely novel technology with DNA altering effects, vast adverse events and deaths that far outweigh their benefits. Right now, the narrative is crumbling, and it is becoming clear just how devastating the guidelines, collaboration and decisions of the CDC, FDA, NIH, medical journals and medical boards have been - and even the most hypnotized people are waking up, as indicated by waning booster shot adherence.

In Science and Medicine, you are not supposed to openly speak about Love. Yes, we have the Hippocratic Oath. And yes, there are the guidelines of Nuremberg, which most people have forgotten. But what really happens to our Soul when we betray the sacred right to care for our patients with Love and Integrity? This Integrity of the role of not just being a steward to the health of the body of the patient, but the spiritual obligation to rise to the honor of caring for another divine human being. Humans are not machines. Humans were made in the image of God. To serve humanity is to serve and love God.  To sell your ideals for a paycheck and a corrupt system is to sell your soul.

When we stand up and support these doctors we stand up for an Ideal. The archetype of the doctor you can trust, for they will righteously help and serve their patients, with great love and devotion.

These above-named doctors knew, they could be burned at a stake erected by the pharma owned medical cartel and they stood up anyways - not just for their particular patients, but for the whole of humanity.

Right here and now, is a critical moment in history. We cannot let these heroes be harmed. We must stand for they represent the last medical health resistance. The medical deep state wants to get to your children. They want to silence scientific questions. They want a needle in every arm. They want depopulation. They want sick customers for Big Pharma.

Don’t let them succeed. Please support these doctors and write to your politicians, the Medical Boards, and all possible elected officials and make them break their complicit silence on this assault on constitutional freedom – “Let Doctors be Doctors” in the highest sense of the words.

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Ernie Rockwell - May 15, 2023

Ernie Rockwell

Organized crime syndicates. That's all they are at this point. All articles about "carrot and stick" are important, thanks. Do we have evidence of any government payouts for imposing vaccine mandates?

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