Nov 22, 2022
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The Expose has done a magnificent job reporting on the worldwide findings on self assembly nanotechnology that researchers around the world have documented.
Sandy K - Nov 22, 2022
Sandy K
I have your book, Dr Ana! It is excellent science (I'm a biologist) and excellent spiritual work as well. You rock.
Sandy K - Nov 22, 2022
Sandy K
The Word Herder - Nov 22, 2022
Just watched this today... Very well done, I'd say.
They've left out all the EMF issues, but still, it's a very good doc.
Sandy K - Nov 22, 2022
Sandy K
Dr Ana, Have you looked at the Pfizer docs for this most recent release? ( Now everything is released as an .xpt file, which I cannot open. I could open all of the previous releases (pdf) until this month (Nov 1), but now ALL of the files were changed to this extension. Thankfully, I saved all the prior PDFs...
Thanks in advance for searching and wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving (in whatever way you celebrate what freedom we still have!)
Cindy Weidner - Nov 22, 2022
Dear Dr. Ana - Thank You for your excellence and courage.
We all have to share this work urgently.
The mainstream news media sloughed off this case as basically a nothing.
We cannot let that stand.
I have urgently shared this highly detailed article with my circle of contacts.
All of us who see this must share it urgently.
I applaud you Dr. Ana because not only are you tracking these facts, as hideous as they are, but you concurrently post effective detox strategies to this evil.
We must alert everyone we know.
And there is NO reason to let these materials stay in any innocent person’s body - we have to share all we know the about the detox protocols.
We cannot let people stay in fear and be immobilized.
That in and of itself fulfills the demoralization goals of the enemy.
We are better than that.
Please everyone help everyone you know with this knowledge. Yes this is horrible what Lieber has done - BUT HE HAS BEEN CAUGHT.
Let us all help those who need medical attention as a result of having been forced into this bioweapon injection.
And GOD BLESS YOU DR. ANA - Godspeed
The Word Herder - Nov 22, 2022
Bill Gates was caught, too...
How do we stop this kind of thing, I'm asking because it's so overwhelming...
Cindy Weidner - Nov 23, 2022
I believe it is beginning to stop itself - force of nature - the deaths, the staggering deaths, excess mortality and excessive life insurance payouts, climbing disability claims and the costs to the taxpayers - this cannot be covered up.
All of us know someone who had “an event” post injection - tragically a friend I work with was injected then 48 hours later she developed a blood clot which traveled to her heart.
She has valiantly fought through procedure after procedure, physical therapy, occupational therapy and although she comes back to visit all of us at work, she is unable to work. She may never be able to work again.
Two co-workers I know had young healthy relatives drop dead suddenly out of nowhere. They are numb. My list is extensive and could go on and on.
There will never be denial of these facts.
I gently keep resource material to share when appropriate - good links to start them on their journey such as to the Front Line Critical Covid Care FLCCC doctors like Dr. Pierre Kory who went to state legislatures early on to fight for the use of Ivermectin. FLCCC site is loaded with factual witness to the indisputable subversion of the medical system.
I say gently - there are many who early on believed immediately they ought get injected to protect their loved ones, ought get injected to keep their livelihoods to sustain their loved ones, only later to find they were be betrayed by a corrupted medical system and some sort of diabolical global scheme we are just now beginning to unravel thanks to the good work of the forefront researchers like Dr. Ana on the cutting edge of discovery.
We cannot go forth without these truths - and God bless Dr. Ana for her proactive presentation of detoxification methods to accompany the devastating facts she and others are uncovering.
As I say, nothing can hide what is happening.
It is all around us. Ours is not to let people suffer in fear of what is happening. Ours is to share - first and foremost detoxification and recovery protocols. Then once the questions begin, we share the real truth that the perpetrators so carefully are trying to hide. This knowledge is power and its out of the box now. The perpetrators have nowhere to hide. They know it. Attorney Thomas Renz and others are coming for them. I say, just keep gentle links on hand like the FLCCC website with its resources and weekly webinars. We must help those in need. When people have reached the level they can accept what the FLCCC has gone through and is doing, I find it is then easier to bring them on board with the Top Gun researchers like Dr. Ana. This is a step-wise process. It works. We will win.
The Word Herder - Nov 23, 2022
Yes, I understand how it works, and the effects of mandates, and the rest of this. What I meant was, how to stop this from happening AGAIN. Because ALL the wars are done for the benefit of rich men. The culling in WWII was like a practice run for "Covid."
There is a lot more to this than just kill shots.
I'm concerned about nanotechnology, surveillance, 5G, fluoridation, toxic food, toxins everywhere, chem trails...
How do we STOP the pathological treatment of the masses?
Stop using money?
De-centralize govt?
Psychopath tests?
There's SO MUCH that needs to change... But stopping genocide, which is really only become highly visible with Covid, has been going on for thousands of years, is critical, in my opinion. It's complex. I should have stated my question a bit better.
Cindy Weidner - Nov 23, 2022
I’m π― with you.
My instinct is, and the Died Suddenly video is getting record breaking views, that this plandemic is “the last straw.”
In the US there is a plan, not well known thanks to the complicity of the main stream media with the globalists, called Schedule F which will a require a complete upheaval of the bloated bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. The authoring of Schedule F was done by Donald Trump and will no doubt be a centerpiece of cleaning out of Washington DC when Trump returns to the presidency, which after people see what the real agenda of the Dems has been, will no doubt happen.
To encourage you that we can actually get at these deep roots, and that there are plans afoot, I refer you to the work of Just Human. He’s got a Substack plus a 3 day per week broadcast running on Rumble. He is studious and a follower
There are many great digs being accomplished by Just Human and the other citizen journalists. You can also try Badlands Media on Substack as well as their Rumble channel.
I believe engaging in these materials will lighten your heart. There is a team out there very aware of the decades of this global lawlessness. I find their digs to be fascinating. The main stream media of course will have none of this. They are surely on the feed bag of any number of globalist interests. But we are not.
I would also alert you to the new book by Gen Michael Flynn. It is called 5GW. Flynn has written a handbook describing 5th Generation Warfare and it is going to be π₯π₯π₯ when it hits the shelves.
Flynn did an interview with Badlands Media yesterday in which he expanded upon all the above mentioned concerns you have. I would say this - Flynn is in this to win back our freedoms. He explains how and for how far back this has gone. And in this cognitive war we are in where lack of knowledge has literally put us in the hands of the enemy - Flynn has shown the way forward.
So my friend there is true hope. Without a doubt the US government is headed toward a structure which will be lean and accountable. This, as a guide, will help other countries help their good people revamp and downsize by example.
I’m going to get the Rumble interview link from 11/22/22 with Gen Flynn on Badlands Media for you.
It really states the problems and points to the solutions. I feel you will take heart from it.
The Word Herder - Nov 23, 2022
I'm not a Trump fan, and while I think he did do some things that were good, he certainly wasn't what I would consider "what we need now." I don't hate him, but I just don't think he's the guy. Maybe Dr. David E. Martin, I'd vote for him anytime. I will check out Gen. Flynn.
But I think the scope of what needs to change is HUGE, and I don't think there's going to be a quick fix, or that all that is wrong is the govt., or that one or two people are going to be able to make these changes, or that it's going to be a simple matter of voting for someone...
The Establishment is huge, stunningly corrupt, and the levels of it and how it affects this country and the world is complex and vastly interwoven into our everything, from the HUGE problem of fiat currency and the coming serious Depression like we've never seen, to the entire agricultural miasma of hell, to the legal system, the education (indoctrination) system, and let's not forget the Medical Mafia, or the War Machine/hegemony problems.
It's going to take MANY YEARS to sort all this out.
My main concerns in the short term have to do with the health and well-being of the People and the land... We desperately need to END the chem trails, the synthetic medicines, the synthetic pesticides and food toxins (organic, regenerative farming is the way), how we care for the poor, the elderly, and the very young... whomever is still alive after we wrest back control, and how people are going to be able to survive this upcoming period, which will be years. But those responsible for this genocide and those who were/are complicit, must be punished.
There's a LOT to do. And we still have to turn this around.
I think we should focus NOW on ending chem trails, ending 5G, and maybe 4G as well, and ending the Pharma Industry. If we can just do those things, we'll be a LOT better off.
Cindy Weidner - Nov 23, 2022
I concur with your concerns about getting big Pharma reigned in, discovering exactly WHO is spraying these chemicals and compel them to reveal the exact contents in order that we assess correct detoxification procedures for the innocent, I am deeply concerned about the glyphosate contamination of our food supply and sadly the synergy of this toxic pesticide in the bodies of the vaxxed as Dr.Stephanie Seneff has warned. I am sick to think of the nightmare nanotechnology injected into the innocent - along with Dr. Ana I also follow Dr. Lee Merritt (“the medical rebel”) who also expands upon this. I have lost sleep worrying about loved ones injected. I follow the medical and biochemical studies not because it is easy on my nerves but because I am determined to absorb the information, as horrific as it is, and support the great minds at the forefront. I applaud their heroism and their courage to engage a vicious corrupt scientific community hell bent on discrediting them. I pray for them.
I have found that as more information goes “main stream” my job, our jobs get easier.
The first luck I actually had was with the Joe Rogan interview of Dr. Robert Malone. I was gobsmacked by the people at work who came to me after that interview and engaged in text chats with further developed information. I was so happy and I continue to feed my network what I believe they can bear. As I indicated above, a great first step has been introducing people to the FLCCC. They stood in the storm while others were forced to deny use of Ivermectin, they produced medical evidence of its efficacy and safety and went to bat at state legislatures so it could be used. Once a curious observer starts to read the FLCCC testimonies and watch their documentaries that person gets an awakening - I mean why were highly qualified successful innocent decent doctors all of a sudden vilified and persecuted, they actually jailed Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD for giving a talk on Ivermectin. The newbies have to engage with these facts and let them sink in. And they are.
And so, we have been the targets of an actual color revolution - its as you say, very deep damage. That is why at this moment in time they have us “out psyched” - according to data I have unearthed, they’ve planned this non-kinetic infiltration and acquisition of our country for decades.
To that end, I have an interview from September 2021 to share with you - it’s a young man, Jon Herold, who also goes uses Patel Patriot” in his social media. Jon Herold is the man interviewing Gen Flynn in the above posted Badlands Media Rumble link if you have interest.
So, this was THE interview that opened my eyes to the color revolution. It’s like watching it, it originally in September of 2021 on the X22 report, opened my eyes completely.
I’m going to post the link here for your interest.
Some of the issues, like the attempted disassembling of Trump, are addressed as well as the evil dynamics of the color revolution.
As one of the citizen journalists I follow is wont to quote:
“A problem well-defined is a problem half solved.”
-John Dewey
Once we get a handle in this - and the concept of the color revolution is critical - the unraveling will be precision. This can be undone.
οΏΌOK I’ve located the X22 link on Rumble which features Patel Patriot on pt 12 of his Devolution, Color Revolution on US soil. I correct myself - this interview originally ran October 15, 2021.
So - I have found freedom studying this analysis of the Color Revolution playbook used on the United States.
Once we break free from the cognitive subjugation of this Color Revolution, the recovery will move very quickly. There are many many many more of us than there are of the approx 2,000 individuals pulling strings on this.
There is hope. Knowledge is freedom.
Personally, in recent times I’ve had to divert some of my energies from the study of the dynamics of the Color Revolution in order to turn my energy to vaccine injury and recovery awareness. I am eternally grateful for the laser sharp work of Dr. Ana and the other fine minds in this valiant battle. I have loved ones who were forced to get injections and I am terribly upset. I, myself, was able after 8 1/2 months of struggle and uncertainty, to obtain a religious exemption to the vaccine mandates. My loved ones were not so fortunate. I am fortunate in that I have my health plus my undergraduate degree in Biology which helps me to help my loved ones. I also feel fortunate that I was able to sustain my health and avoid any injections because of 120 workers on my team, I was 1 of only 3 on my team who was granted exemption.
Deborah Richardson Evans - Nov 22, 2022
Deborah’s Newsletter
Thank you, all the world will someday give you recognition.
Cindy Weidner - Nov 23, 2022
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Nov 23, 2022
Ray’s Newsletter
The picture is becoming complete now:
The Watchman - Nov 23, 2022
The Watchman's Substack
Ethan Huff from Natural News had an article about Lieber, that I just happened to link today @
Grasshopper Kaplan - Nov 22, 2022
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
Have you ever seen the hands of a squirrel or a rat?
Reply (1) - Nov 22, 2022
Zombies & Aliens AT THE SAME Ti…
Comment removed.
Grasshopper Kaplan - Nov 22, 2022
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
They look a whole lot like our hands...
And yes so cuddly
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