The End Of Covid Launches Today

Jul 11, 2023

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Dcr8888 - Jul 11, 2023

Like Nancy Reagan famously said, “just say no”.


Joy Lucette Garner - Jul 11, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

Now for their next move. Of course it will require more jabs;-)


Michael - Jul 11, 2023

Michael’s Substack

“All Aboard!” Next stop is the town of Climate Change! John Kerry mayor Al Gore cfo. Have a wonderful stay


Mike - Jul 11, 2023

I haven't seen you mention Dr David Martin. He recently revealed the origins of coronavirus trace back to the mid 60's. He also documented the origins of the bioweapons years ago. It seems he would be someone you would be talking to.

REPLY - Jul 11, 2023 - Edited

Yes, the Covid show may be over, but an even scarier show is about to happen, made very likely possible by corrupt politicians who want to empower organizations like the UN/WHO to take action well beyond their authority. Now is the moment to show the red card to political criminals around the world.
What Reiner Fuellmich didn't say is, that there is actually no virus at all. I don't trust this guy.
A double inadequacy to the new realities: a false alternative and a sterile legalism -
How to overcome the paradigmatic deadlock -


Marius - Jul 11, 2023

Marius’s Newsletter

The first link doesn't work.. is it incomplete, or was it removed?

REPLY - Jul 11, 2023



Kathleen Janoski - Jul 11, 2023

Kathleen Janoski

Fauci and Gates cooking up a new batch.


James Mangano - Jul 11, 2023

Common Sense Thinking / Thought…

Everyone should watch "The end of Covid" for the purpose of being better informed now, and also to be prepared for the next round of Tranny that is planned for Humanity. United we will Stand!


Nostradamus X - Jul 11, 2023

Nostradamus X

• You Won't Get COVID if You're Vaccinated...
"You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," and "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die."
-- Joe Biden, July 2021 CNN town hall.


Marty - Jul 12, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

For each of these affirmations, the exact opposite happened to so many. It's rarely wise to believe a senile puppet criminal on matters of life and death ...


Nostradamus X - Jul 12, 2023

Nostradamus X

I was told this morning that one of the managers in my department who was quackcinated is on disability leave. She got seizure while walking 30+ days ago. Biden's mandates are killing and maiming millions and all is swept under the rug. I am know aware of 2 deaths in the same department after the mandates.


Dr. Gregory Pernoud - Jul 11, 2023

Dr. Gregory Pernoud

It’s the end of Covid, the flu really, but not the end of excessive deaths that are still happening 8% to 20% higher than a normal year prior to the vaccine. It tells you what really happened.


Georgia Ward - Jul 11, 2023

Nursing homes say they have Covid. My sister is in one for therapy. She has Covid. I think they need to change their PCR test.


croydon kemp - Jul 11, 2023

croydon’s Substack
Watch Dr. David Martins presentation to the EU on origin of Covid 19.
Facts Matter.


Seth G - Jul 12, 2023

Seth G

So we think it ends, it now Begins


Pamela Burns - Jul 12, 2023

Pamela Burns

God Bless You & All the Patriots who worked & continue to work in this Fight of Evil versus Team Humanity 🙏


PEGGY NICHOLSON - Jul 11, 2023

"the Covid show may be over, but an even scarier show is about to happen...'" is exactly what i was going to start with. i'm glad i'm not the only one. all of these brand new, just for covid, heavy-duty influencers that all surfaced at the same time with amazing information or promises of retribution etc
are fully connected to the un - the aegis under which the most demonic creatures on the face of the earth have gathered for the last act. ngos - and there is no such thing as a good ngo - morph into other ngos and branch off into hundreds of groups that sometimes claim no connection to the un.
it's reasonably safe for them to do that because they do not expect to be found out. it is very time consuming to make the connections but it can, and must, be done. these people are well-trained
imposter 'white hats' that are looking forward to the great reset and the enslavement of humanity.
also know as controlled opposition. please check out the academy of divine knowledge. they have
changed their website, removed the masonic symbols, but they are findable. check out their associates, curriculum vitae, funders esp dr david martin and dolores cahill. another is architects of the new paradigm. some are in both groups. after a while one can quickly spot a un website no matter name it's using. be circumspect re where you flow your power. your time, energy, money. a subtle power shift toward the dark side occurs when people fund/promote controlled opposition. it is literally feeding the machine that is crushing us. just as they planned it. cheers and godspeed.
a few links. if you don't like the website/presenter find one elsewhere but this is a start with links etc.


Marius - Jul 11, 2023

Marius’s Newsletter

You definitely want to watch this series. It will be a life changer, for many


Karenvusa - Jul 11, 2023


Thank you! Will watch when I can. Sending all those working out front God's Blessings, Guidance and Protection. 💪🛡️⚔️🙏🙏🙏



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